2020-05-29 07:50:55 +00:00
2023-02-16 10:50:55 +00:00
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019-2023 The PyPSA-Eur Authors
2020-05-29 07:50:55 +00:00
SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0
2023-03-06 11:44:44 +00:00
PyPSA-Eur: A Sector-Coupled Open Optimisation Model of the European Energy System
2019-06-07 08:34:36 +00:00
2019-10-28 17:11:19 +00:00
.. image :: https://img.shields.io/github/v/release/pypsa/pypsa-eur?include_prereleases
:alt: GitHub release (latest by date including pre-releases)
2020-12-03 18:50:53 +00:00
2021-06-22 09:01:33 +00:00
.. image :: https://github.com/pypsa/pypsa-eur/actions/workflows/ci.yaml/badge.svg
:target: https://github.com/PyPSA/pypsa-eur/actions
2019-08-10 12:25:19 +00:00
.. image :: https://readthedocs.org/projects/pypsa-eur/badge/?version=latest
:target: https://pypsa-eur.readthedocs.io/en/latest/?badge=latest
2023-03-06 11:51:29 +00:00
:alt: Documentation
2019-08-10 12:25:19 +00:00
.. image :: https://img.shields.io/github/repo-size/pypsa/pypsa-eur
:alt: GitHub repo size
2020-12-07 08:43:17 +00:00
.. image :: https://zenodo.org/badge/DOI/10.5281/zenodo.3520874.svg
:target: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3520874
2019-08-10 12:25:19 +00:00
2020-05-28 18:36:45 +00:00
.. image :: https://img.shields.io/badge/snakemake-≥5.0.0-brightgreen.svg?style=flat
:target: https://snakemake.readthedocs.io
:alt: Snakemake
2020-05-29 07:50:55 +00:00
.. image :: https://api.reuse.software/badge/github.com/pypsa/pypsa-eur
:target: https://api.reuse.software/info/github.com/pypsa/pypsa-eur
2023-03-06 11:51:29 +00:00
:alt: REUSE
2020-05-29 07:50:55 +00:00
2023-03-06 11:44:44 +00:00
PyPSA-Eur is an open model dataset of the European energy system at the
2019-08-06 14:53:32 +00:00
transmission network level that covers the full ENTSO-E area.
2023-03-06 11:44:44 +00:00
It contains alternating current lines at and above 220 kV voltage level and all
high voltage direct current lines, substations, an open database of conventional
power plants, time series for electrical demand and variable renewable generator
availability, and geographic potentials for the expansion of wind and solar
A sector-coupled extension (previously known as PyPSA-Eur-Sec) adds demand and
supply for the following sectors: transport, space and water heating, biomass,
energy consumption in the agriculture, industry and industrial feedstocks,
carbon management, carbon capture and usage/sequestration. This completes the
energy system and includes all greenhouse gas emitters except waste management,
agriculture, forestry and land use.
2019-08-06 14:53:32 +00:00
2023-03-06 11:44:44 +00:00
The model is suitable both for operational studies and generation and
transmission expansion planning studies. The continental scope and highly
resolved spatial scale enables a proper description of the long-range smoothing
effects for renewable power generation and their varying resource availability.
2019-08-06 14:53:32 +00:00
2022-09-20 16:33:21 +00:00
.. image :: img/elec.png
2020-12-05 16:54:50 +00:00
:width: 50%
:align: center
2019-08-12 17:01:53 +00:00
2023-03-06 11:44:44 +00:00
The restriction to freely available and open data encourages the open exchange
of model data developments and eases the comparison of model results. It
provides a full, automated software pipeline to assemble the load-flow-ready
model from the original datasets, which enables easy replacement and improvement
of the individual parts.
2019-08-06 14:53:32 +00:00
2023-03-06 11:44:44 +00:00
PyPSA-Eur is designed to be imported into the open toolbox `PyPSA
<https://www.pypsa.org> `_ for which `documentation <https://pypsa.org/doc> `_ is
available as well.
2019-08-06 14:53:32 +00:00
2021-09-20 09:43:04 +00:00
This project is currently maintained by the `Department of Digital
2021-11-09 14:56:59 +00:00
Transformation in Energy Systems <https:/www.ensys.tu-berlin.de>`_ at the
2021-09-20 09:43:04 +00:00
`Technische Universität Berlin <https://www.tu.berlin> `_ . Previous versions were
2023-03-06 11:44:44 +00:00
developed within the `IAI <http://www.iai.kit.edu> `_ at the `Karlsruhe Institute
of Technology (KIT) <http://www.kit.edu/english/index.php>`_ which was funded by
the `Helmholtz Association <https://www.helmholtz.de/en/> `_ , and by the
`Renewable Energy Group
<https://fias.uni-frankfurt.de/physics/schramm/renewable-energy-system-and-network-analysis/> `_
at `FIAS <https://fias.uni-frankfurt.de/> `_ to carry out simulations for the
`CoNDyNet project <http://condynet.de/> `_ , financed by the `German Federal
Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) <https://www.bmbf.de/en/index.html>`_
as part of the `Stromnetze Research Initiative
<http://forschung-stromnetze.info/projekte/grundlagen-und-konzepte-fuer-effiziente-dezentrale-stromnetze/> `_.
2022-06-03 10:33:33 +00:00
2023-03-06 11:44:44 +00:00
**WARNING** : PyPSA-Eur is under active development and has several
`limitations <https://pypsa-eur.readthedocs.io/en/latest/limitations.html> `_ which
2022-06-03 10:33:33 +00:00
you should understand before using the model. The github repository
2023-03-06 11:44:44 +00:00
`issues <https://github.com/PyPSA/pypsa-eur/issues> `_ collect known
2022-07-18 18:40:21 +00:00
topics we are working on (please feel free to help or make suggestions).
2022-06-03 10:33:33 +00:00
2021-10-28 07:58:45 +00:00
.. note ::
2023-03-06 08:27:45 +00:00
You can find showcases of the model's capabilities in the Supplementary Materials of the
2022-07-18 18:40:21 +00:00
preprint `Benefits of a Hydrogen Network in Europe
2022-08-19 07:20:55 +00:00
<https://arxiv.org/abs/2207.05816>`_, the Supplementary Materials of the ` paper in Joule with a
2022-07-18 18:40:21 +00:00
description of the industry sector
<https://arxiv.org/abs/2109.09563>`_, or in ` a 2021 presentation
at EMP-E <https://nworbmot.org/energy/brown-empe.pdf>`_.
2021-10-28 07:58:45 +00:00
2020-07-08 16:37:12 +00:00
This diagram gives an overview of the sectors and the links between
.. image :: ../graphics/multisector_figure.png
2023-03-06 11:44:44 +00:00
The sector-coupled extension of PyPSA-Eur (previously PyPSA-Eur-Sec) was
initially described in the paper `Synergies of sector coupling and transmission
reinforcement in a cost-optimised, highly renewable European energy system
<https://arxiv.org/abs/1801.05290> `_ (2018) but it differs by being based on the
higher resolution electricity transmission model `PyPSA-Eur
<https://github.com/PyPSA/pypsa-eur> `_ rather than a one-node-per-country model,
and by including biomass, industry, industrial feedstocks, aviation, shipping,
better carbon management, carbon capture and usage/sequestration, and gas
2021-10-28 07:58:45 +00:00
2019-08-06 14:53:32 +00:00
2023-02-16 20:27:25 +00:00
Workflow Outline
.. image :: ../graphics/workflow.png
.. note ::
The graph above was generated using
`` snakemake --rulegraph -F | sed -n "/digraph/,/}/p" | dot -Tpng -o workflow.png ``
2020-03-15 12:28:06 +00:00
2019-06-07 08:34:36 +00:00
**Getting Started**
* :doc: `introduction`
* :doc: `installation`
2019-10-03 14:13:44 +00:00
* :doc: `tutorial`
2019-06-07 08:34:36 +00:00
.. toctree ::
:maxdepth: 1
:caption: Getting Started
2019-10-03 14:13:44 +00:00
2019-08-11 11:17:12 +00:00
* :doc: `wildcards`
* :doc: `configuration`
2019-10-02 12:56:04 +00:00
* :doc: `costs`
2023-03-06 11:44:44 +00:00
.. toctree ::
:maxdepth: 1
:caption: Configuration
2020-07-08 16:37:12 +00:00
2020-12-07 15:23:25 +00:00
**Implementation details**
* :doc: `spatial_resolution`
* :doc: `supply_demand`
2022-08-19 11:49:25 +00:00
* :doc: `technology_assumptions`
2019-08-11 11:17:12 +00:00
.. toctree ::
:maxdepth: 1
2023-03-06 11:44:44 +00:00
:caption: Implementation details
2019-08-11 11:17:12 +00:00
2023-03-06 11:44:44 +00:00
2019-06-07 08:34:36 +00:00
2019-06-19 11:12:02 +00:00
**Rules Overview**
2019-06-07 08:34:36 +00:00
2019-06-19 11:12:02 +00:00
* :doc: `preparation`
* :doc: `simplification`
* :doc: `solving`
* :doc: `plotting`
2020-12-07 15:23:25 +00:00
2023-03-06 11:44:44 +00:00
.. toctree ::
:maxdepth: 1
:caption: Rules Overview
2020-12-07 15:23:25 +00:00
2020-08-20 16:00:27 +00:00
**Foresight options**
2020-08-14 10:18:18 +00:00
2020-08-20 16:00:27 +00:00
* :doc: `overnight`
2020-08-14 10:18:18 +00:00
* :doc: `myopic`
2022-08-19 09:46:28 +00:00
* :doc: `perfect`
2019-06-07 08:34:36 +00:00
.. toctree ::
:maxdepth: 1
2020-08-20 16:00:27 +00:00
:caption: Foresight options
2020-08-14 10:18:18 +00:00
2020-08-20 16:00:27 +00:00
2020-08-14 10:18:18 +00:00
2022-08-19 11:49:25 +00:00
2020-12-03 18:50:53 +00:00
2019-06-07 08:34:36 +00:00
2020-12-03 18:50:53 +00:00
2019-06-07 08:34:36 +00:00
* :doc: `release_notes`
2019-08-14 08:34:59 +00:00
* :doc: `limitations`
2019-06-07 08:34:36 +00:00
* :doc: `contributing`
.. toctree ::
:maxdepth: 1
:caption: References
2019-08-14 08:34:59 +00:00
2019-06-07 08:34:36 +00:00
2023-03-06 11:44:44 +00:00
2020-03-15 12:28:06 +00:00
Please read the `limitations <https://pypsa-eur.readthedocs.io/en/latest/limitations.html> `_ section of the
documentation and paper carefully before using the model. We do not
recommend to use the full resolution network model for simulations. At
high granularity the assignment of loads and generators to the nearest
network node may not be a correct assumption, depending on the topology of the underlying distribution grid,
and local grid
bottlenecks may cause unrealistic load-shedding or generator
curtailment. We recommend to cluster the network to a couple of
hundred nodes to remove these local inconsistencies.
2019-08-14 08:34:59 +00:00
Learning Energy System Modelling
If you are (relatively) new to energy system modelling and optimisation
and plan to use PyPSA-Eur, the following resources are *one way* to get started
in addition to reading this documentation.
2021-08-27 10:30:29 +00:00
- Documentation of `PyPSA <https://pypsa.readthedocs.io> `__ , the package for
2019-08-14 08:34:59 +00:00
simulating and optimising modern power systems which PyPSA-Eur uses under the hood.
2023-02-16 10:50:55 +00:00
- Course on `Energy Systems <https://nworbmot.org/courses/es-22/> `_ ,
Technical University of Berlin (TUB), `Prof. Dr. Tom Brown <https://nworbmot.org> `_
- Course on `Data Science for Energy System Modelling <https://fneum.github.io/data-science-for-esm/intro.html> `_ ,
Technical University of Berlin (TUB), `Dr. Fabian Neumann <https://neumann.fyi> `_
2019-06-07 08:34:36 +00:00
2019-08-06 14:53:32 +00:00
Citing PyPSA-Eur
If you use PyPSA-Eur for your research, we would appreciate it if you would cite the following paper:
2019-08-12 21:48:16 +00:00
- Jonas Hörsch, Fabian Hofmann, David Schlachtberger, and Tom Brown. `PyPSA-Eur: An open optimisation model of the European transmission system <https://arxiv.org/abs/1806.01613> `_ . Energy Strategy Reviews, 22:207-215, 2018. `arXiv:1806.01613 <https://arxiv.org/abs/1806.01613> `_ , `doi:10.1016/j.esr.2018.08.012 <https://doi.org/10.1016/j.esr.2018.08.012> `_ .
2019-08-06 14:53:32 +00:00
Please use the following BibTeX: ::
2019-08-10 12:25:19 +00:00
author = "Jonas Hoersch and Fabian Hofmann and David Schlachtberger and Tom Brown",
2019-08-06 14:53:32 +00:00
title = "PyPSA-Eur: An open optimisation model of the European transmission system",
journal = "Energy Strategy Reviews",
volume = "22",
pages = "207 - 215",
year = "2018",
issn = "2211-467X",
doi = "10.1016/j.esr.2018.08.012",
eprint = "1806.01613"
If you want to cite a specific PyPSA-Eur version, each release of PyPSA-Eur is stored on Zenodo with a release-specific DOI.
This can be found linked from the overall PyPSA-Eur Zenodo DOI:
2020-12-07 08:43:17 +00:00
.. image :: https://zenodo.org/badge/DOI/10.5281/zenodo.3520874.svg
:target: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3520874
2019-08-06 14:53:32 +00:00
2020-01-09 13:09:28 +00:00
Pre-Built Networks as a Dataset
There are pre-built networks available as a dataset on Zenodo as well for every release of PyPSA-Eur.
2020-12-07 08:43:17 +00:00
.. image :: https://zenodo.org/badge/DOI/10.5281/zenodo.3601881.svg
:target: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3601881
2020-01-09 13:09:28 +00:00
The included `` .nc `` files are PyPSA network files which can be imported with PyPSA via:
.. code :: python
2020-12-03 18:50:53 +00:00
2020-01-09 13:09:28 +00:00
import pypsa
2022-09-16 13:04:04 +00:00
filename = "elec_s_1024_ec.nc" # example
2020-01-09 13:09:28 +00:00
n = pypsa.Network(filename)
2019-08-11 11:17:12 +00:00
2019-06-07 08:34:36 +00:00
2020-05-29 07:50:55 +00:00
PyPSA-Eur work is released under multiple licenses:
2021-09-14 14:37:41 +00:00
* All original source code is licensed as free software under `MIT <LICENSES/MIT.txt> `_ .
2020-05-29 07:50:55 +00:00
* The documentation is licensed under `CC-BY-4.0 <LICENSES/CC-BY-4.0.txt> `_ .
* Configuration files are mostly licensed under `CC0-1.0 <LICENSES/CC0-1.0.txt> `_ .
* Data files are licensed under `CC-BY-4.0 <LICENSES/CC-BY-4.0.txt> `_ .
See the individual files and the `dep5 <.reuse/dep5> `_ file for license details.
Additionally, different licenses and terms of use also apply to the various input data, which are summarised below.
2020-12-03 18:50:53 +00:00
More details are included in
2019-10-24 13:54:12 +00:00
`the description of the data bundles on zenodo <https://zenodo.org/record/3517935#.XbGeXvzRZGo> `_ .
.. csv-table ::
:header-rows: 1
:file: configtables/licenses.csv
2023-03-06 11:56:32 +00:00
* BY: Attribute Source
* NC: Non-Commercial Use Only
* SA: Share Alike