# This file should work for both amd64 and arm64 builds. Because segway did not release some source code we must copy some binaries for the specific architectures.
# That is why we must use some conditional statements to copy over the correct files during build process.
# Variable TARGETPLATFORM should be auomatically created during build process by docker.
# Base Image for Bot Mini Control #
FROM ros:${ROS_DISTRO} as base
# Create Colcon workspace with external dependencies
RUN mkdir -p /rmp_ws/src
WORKDIR /rmp_ws/src
COPY dependencies.arm64.repos .
COPY dependencies.amd64.repos .
# Choose correct sources for architecture:
# Copy platform-specific files
# Use if condition to copy different files for different platforms
echo"Copying files for linux/amd64";\
mv dependencies.amd64.repos dependencies.repos;\
echo"Copying files for linux/arm64";\
mv dependencies.arm64.repos dependencies.repos;\
RUN vcs import < dependencies.repos
# Build the base Colcon workspace, installing dependencies first.