2022-09-06 10:37:03 +02:00

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Raw Blame History

1technologyyearparametervalueunitsourcefurther description
2Ammonia cracker2020FOM4.3%/yearIshimoto et al. (2020): 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2020.09.017 , table 7.
3Ammonia cracker2020investment1062107.74EUR/MW_H2Ishimoto et al. (2020): 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2020.09.017 , table 6.
4Ammonia cracker2020lifetime25.0yearsIshimoto et al. (2020): 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2020.09.017 , table 7.
5BioSNG2020C in fuel0.32per unitStoichiometric calculation
6BioSNG2020C stored0.68per unitStoichiometric calculation
7BioSNG2020CO2 stored0.25tCO2/MWh_thStoichiometric calculation
8BioSNG2020FOM1.61%/yearDanish Energy Agency, data_sheets_for_renewable_fuels.xlsx84 Gasif. CFB, Bio-SNG: Fixed O&M
9BioSNG2020VOM2.7EUR/MWh_thDanish Energy Agency, data_sheets_for_renewable_fuels.xlsx84 Gasif. CFB, Bio-SNG: Variable O&M
10BioSNG2020capture rate0.98per unitAssumption based on doi:10.1016/j.biombioe.2015.01.006
11BioSNG2020efficiency0.6per unitDanish Energy Agency, data_sheets_for_renewable_fuels.xlsx84 Gasif. CFB, Bio-SNG: Bio SNG
12BioSNG2020investment2500.0EUR/kW_thDanish Energy Agency, data_sheets_for_renewable_fuels.xlsx84 Gasif. CFB, Bio-SNG: Specific investment
13BioSNG2020lifetime25.0yearsTODO84 Gasif. CFB, Bio-SNG: Technical lifetime
14BtL2020C in fuel0.32per unitStoichiometric calculation
15BtL2020C stored0.68per unitStoichiometric calculation
16BtL2020CO2 stored0.25tCO2/MWh_thStoichiometric calculation
17BtL2020FOM2.4%/yearDanish Energy Agency, data_sheets_for_renewable_fuels.xlsx85 Gasif. Ent. Flow FT, liq fu : Fixed O&M
18BtL2020VOM1.06EUR/MWh_FTDanish Energy Agency, data_sheets_for_renewable_fuels.xlsx85 Gasif. Ent. Flow FT, liq fu : Variable O&M
19BtL2020capture rate0.98per unitAssumption based on doi:10.1016/j.biombioe.2015.01.006
20BtL2020efficiency0.45per unitdoi:10.1016/j.enpol.2017.05.013
21BtL2020investment2000.0EUR/kW_thdoi:10.1016/j.enpol.2017.05.01385 Gasif. Ent. Flow FT, liq fu : Specific investment
22BtL2020lifetime25.0yearsDanish Energy Agency, data_sheets_for_renewable_fuels.xlsx85 Gasif. Ent. Flow FT, liq fu : Technical lifetime
23CCGT2020FOM3.33%/yearDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx05 Gas turb. CC, steam extract.: Fixed O&M
24CCGT2020VOM4.4EUR/MWhDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx05 Gas turb. CC, steam extract.: Variable O&M
25CCGT2020c_b1.850oC/100oCDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx05 Gas turb. CC, steam extract.: Cb coefficient
26CCGT2020c_v0.1550oC/100oCDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx05 Gas turb. CC, steam extract.: Cv coefficient
27CCGT2020efficiency0.56per unitDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx05 Gas turb. CC, steam extract.: Electricity efficiency, annual average
28CCGT2020investment880.0EUR/kWDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx05 Gas turb. CC, steam extract.: Nominal investment
29CCGT2020lifetime25.0yearsDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx05 Gas turb. CC, steam extract.: Technical lifetime
30CH4 (g) fill compressor station2020FOM1.7%/yearAssume same as for H2 (g) fill compressor station.
31CH4 (g) fill compressor station2020investment1498.95EUR/MW_CH4Guesstimate, based on H2 (g) pipeline and fill compressor station cost.
32CH4 (g) fill compressor station2020lifetime20.0yearsAssume same as for H2 (g) fill compressor station.
33CH4 (g) pipeline2020FOM1.5%/yearAssume same as for H2 (g) pipeline in 2050 (CH4 pipeline as mature technology).
34CH4 (g) pipeline2020investment79.0EUR/MW/kmGuesstimate.
35CH4 (g) pipeline2020lifetime50.0yearsAssume same as for H2 (g) pipeline in 2050 (CH4 pipeline as mature technology).
36CH4 (g) submarine pipeline2020FOM3.0%/yeardAmore-Domenech et al (2021): 10.1016/j.apenergy.2021.116625 , supplementary material.
37CH4 (g) submarine pipeline2020investment114.89EUR/MW/kmKaiser (2017): 10.1016/j.marpol.2017.05.003 .
38CH4 (g) submarine pipeline2020lifetime30.0yearsdAmore-Domenech et al (2021): 10.1016/j.apenergy.2021.116625 , supplementary material.
39CH4 (l) transport ship2020FOM3.5%/yearFasihi et al 2017, table 1,
40CH4 (l) transport ship2020capacity58300.0t_CH4Calculated, based on Fasihi et al 2017, table 1,
41CH4 (l) transport ship2020investment151000000.0EURFasihi et al 2017, table 1,
42CH4 (l) transport ship2020lifetime25.0yearsFasihi et al 2017, table 1,
43CH4 evaporation2020FOM3.5%/yearLochner and Bothe (2009): and Fasihi et al 2017, table 1,
44CH4 evaporation2020investment87.6EUR/kW_CH4Calculated, based on Lochner and Bothe (2009): and Fasihi et al 2017, table 1,
45CH4 evaporation2020lifetime30.0yearsFasihi et al 2017, table 1,
46CH4 liquefaction2020FOM3.5%/yearFasihi et al 2017, table 1,
47CH4 liquefaction2020investment232.13EUR/kW_CH4Calculated, based on Lochner and Bothe (2009): and Fasihi et al 2017, table 1,
48CH4 liquefaction2020lifetime25.0yearsFasihi et al 2017, table 1,
49CO2 liquefaction2020FOM5.0%/yearMitsubish Heavy Industries Ltd. and IEA (2004): .
50CO2 liquefaction2020investment16.03EUR/t_CO2/hMitsubish Heavy Industries Ltd. and IEA (2004): .
51CO2 liquefaction2020lifetime25.0yearsGuesstimate, based on CH4 liquefaction.
52CO2 pipeline2020FOM0.9%/yearDanish Energy Agency, Technology Data for Energy Transport (March 2021), Excel datasheet: 121 co2 pipeline.
53CO2 pipeline2020investment2000.0EUR/(tCO2/h)/kmDanish Energy Agency, Technology Data for Energy Transport (March 2021), Excel datasheet: 121 co2 pipeline.
54CO2 pipeline2020lifetime50.0yearsDanish Energy Agency, Technology Data for Energy Transport (March 2021), Excel datasheet: 121 co2 pipeline.
55CO2 storage tank2020FOM1.0%/yearLauri et al. 2014: doi: 10.1016/j.egypro.2014.11.297, pg. 2746 .
56CO2 storage tank2020investment2528.17EUR/t_CO2Lauri et al. 2014: doi: 10.1016/j.egypro.2014.11.297, Table 3.
57CO2 storage tank2020lifetime25.0yearsLauri et al. 2014: doi: 10.1016/j.egypro.2014.11.297, pg. 2746 .
58CO2 submarine pipeline2020FOM0.5%/yearDanish Energy Agency, Technology Data for Energy Transport (March 2021), Excel datasheet: 121 co2 pipeline.
59CO2 submarine pipeline2020investment4000.0EUR/(tCO2/h)/kmDanish Energy Agency, Technology Data for Energy Transport (March 2021), Excel datasheet: 121 co2 pipeline.
60FT fuel transport ship2020FOM5.0%/yearAssume comparable tanker as for LOHC transport above, c.f. Runge et al 2020, Table 10, .
61FT fuel transport ship2020capacity75000.0t_FTfuelAssume comparable tanker as for LOHC transport above, c.f. Runge et al 2020, Table 10, .
62FT fuel transport ship2020investment31700578.34EURAssume comparable tanker as for LOHC transport above, c.f. Runge et al 2020, Table 10, .
63FT fuel transport ship2020lifetime15.0yearsAssume comparable tanker as for LOHC transport above, c.f. Runge et al 2020, Table 10, .
64Fischer-Tropsch2020FOM3.0%/yearAgora Energiewende (2018): The Future Cost of Electricity-Based Synthetic Fuels (, section
65Fischer-Tropsch2020capture rate0.98per unitAssumption based on doi:10.1016/j.biombioe.2015.01.006
66Fischer-Tropsch2020efficiency0.8per unitAgora Energiewende (2018): The Future Cost of Electricity-Based Synthetic Fuels (, section
67Fischer-Tropsch2020investment757401.0EUR/MW_FTAgora Energiewende (2018): The Future Cost of Electricity-Based Synthetic Fuels (, table 8: “Reference scenario”.
68Fischer-Tropsch2020lifetime20.0yearsDanish Energy Agency, Technology Data for Renewable Fuels (04/2022), Data sheet “Methanol to Power”.
69Gasnetz2020FOM2.5%WEGE ZU EINEM KLIMANEUTRALEN ENERGIESYSEM, Anhang zur Studie, Fraunhofer-Institut für Solare Energiesysteme ISE, FreiburgGasnetz
70Gasnetz2020investment28.0EUR/kWGasWEGE ZU EINEM KLIMANEUTRALEN ENERGIESYSEM, Anhang zur Studie, Fraunhofer-Institut für Solare Energiesysteme ISE, FreiburgGasnetz
71Gasnetz2020lifetime30.0yearsWEGE ZU EINEM KLIMANEUTRALEN ENERGIESYSEM, Anhang zur Studie, Fraunhofer-Institut für Solare Energiesysteme ISE, FreiburgGasnetz
72General liquid hydrocarbon storage (crude)2020FOM6.25%/yearStelter and Nishida 2013: , figure 7 and pg. 12 .
73General liquid hydrocarbon storage (crude)2020investment135.83EUR/m^3Stelter and Nishida 2013: , pg. 8F .
74General liquid hydrocarbon storage (crude)2020lifetime30.0yearsStelter and Nishida 2013: , pg. 11.
75General liquid hydrocarbon storage (product)2020FOM6.25%/yearStelter and Nishida 2013: , figure 7 and pg. 12 .
76General liquid hydrocarbon storage (product)2020investment169.79EUR/m^3Stelter and Nishida 2013: , pg. 8F .
77General liquid hydrocarbon storage (product)2020lifetime30.0yearsStelter and Nishida 2013: , pg. 11.
78H2 (g) fill compressor station2020FOM1.7%/yearGuidehouse 2020: European Hydrogen Backbone report, (table 3, table 5)
79H2 (g) fill compressor station2020investment4478.0EUR/MW_H2Danish Energy Agency, Technology Data for Energy Transport (2021), pg. 164, Figure 14 (Fill compressor).
80H2 (g) fill compressor station2020lifetime20.0yearsDanish Energy Agency, Technology Data for Energy Transport (2021), pg. 168, Figure 24 (Fill compressor).
81H2 (g) pipeline2020FOM4.0%/yearDanish Energy Agency, Technology Data for Energy Transport (2021), Excel datasheet: H2 140.
82H2 (g) pipeline2020investment226.47EUR/MW/kmEuropean Hydrogen Backbone Report (June 2021):
83H2 (g) pipeline2020lifetime50.0yearsDanish Energy Agency, Technology Data for Energy Transport (2021), Excel datasheet: H2 140.
84H2 (g) pipeline repurposed2020FOM4.0%/yearDanish Energy Agency, Technology Data for Energy Transport (2021), Excel datasheet: H2 140.
85H2 (g) pipeline repurposed2020investment105.88EUR/MW/kmEuropean Hydrogen Backbone Report (June 2021):
86H2 (g) pipeline repurposed2020lifetime50.0yearsDanish Energy Agency, Technology Data for Energy Transport (2021), Excel datasheet: H2 140.
87H2 (g) submarine pipeline2020FOM3.0%/yearAssume same as for CH4 (g) submarine pipeline.
88H2 (g) submarine pipeline2020investment329.37EUR/MW/kmAssume similar cost as for CH4 (g) submarine pipeline but with the same factor as between onland CH4 (g) pipeline and H2 (g) pipeline (2.86). This estimate is comparable to a 36in diameter pipeline calaculated based on dAmore-Domenech et al (2021): 10.1016/j.apenergy.2021.116625 , supplementary material (=251 EUR/MW/km).
89H2 (g) submarine pipeline2020lifetime30.0yearsAssume same as for CH4 (g) submarine pipeline.
90H2 (l) storage tank2020FOM2.0%/yearReuß et al 2017, , Table 6.
91H2 (l) storage tank2020investment750.08EUR/MWh_H2Reuß et al 2017, , Table 6.
92H2 (l) storage tank2020lifetime20.0yearsReuß et al 2017, , Table 6.
93H2 (l) transport ship2020FOM4.0%/yearCihlar et al 2020: , Table 3-B, based on IEA 2019.
94H2 (l) transport ship2020capacity11000.0t_H2Cihlar et al 2020: , Table 3-B, based on IEA 2019.
95H2 (l) transport ship2020investment361223561.58EURCihlar et al 2020: , Table 3-B, based on IEA 2019.
96H2 (l) transport ship2020lifetime20.0yearsCihlar et al 2020: , Table 3-B, based on IEA 2019.
97H2 evaporation2020FOM2.5%/yearDNV GL (2020): Study on the Import of Liquid Renewable Energy: Technology Cost Assessment, .
98H2 evaporation2020investment143.64EUR/kW_H2IRENA (2022): Global Hydrogen Trade to Meet the 1.5° Climate Goal: Technology Review of Hydrogen Carriers, , pg. 62f.
99H2 evaporation2020lifetime20.0yearsGuesstimate.
100H2 liquefaction2020FOM2.5%/yearDNV GL (2020): Study on the Import of Liquid Renewable Energy: Technology Cost Assessment, .
101H2 liquefaction2020investment870.56EUR/kW_H2IRENA (2022): Global Hydrogen Trade to Meet the 1.5° Climate Goal: Technology Review of Hydrogen Carriers, , pg. 62f.
102H2 liquefaction2020lifetime20.0yearsReuß et al 2017, , Table 9.
103H2 pipeline2020FOM3.0%/yearTODO from old pypsa cost assumptions
104H2 pipeline2020investment267.0EUR/MW/kmWelder et al from old pypsa cost assumptions
105H2 pipeline2020lifetime40.0yearsTODO from old pypsa cost assumptions
106HVAC overhead2020FOM2.0%/yearHagspiel et al. (2014): doi:10.1016/ , table A.2 .
107HVAC overhead2020investment432.97EUR/MW/kmHagspiel et al. (2014): doi:10.1016/ , table A.2 .
108HVAC overhead2020lifetime40.0yearsHagspiel et al. (2014): doi:10.1016/ , table A.2 .
109HVDC inverter pair2020FOM2.0%/yearHagspiel et al. (2014): doi:10.1016/ , table A.2 .
110HVDC inverter pair2020investment162364.82EUR/MWHagspiel et al. (2014): doi:10.1016/ , table A.2 .
111HVDC inverter pair2020lifetime40.0yearsHagspiel et al. (2014): doi:10.1016/ , table A.2 .
112HVDC overhead2020FOM2.0%/yearHagspiel et al. (2014): doi:10.1016/ , table A.2 .
113HVDC overhead2020investment432.97EUR/MW/kmHagspiel et al. (2014): doi:10.1016/ , table A.2 .
114HVDC overhead2020lifetime40.0yearsHagspiel et al. (2014): doi:10.1016/ , table A.2 .
115HVDC submarine2020FOM0.35%/yearPurvins et al. (2018): .
116HVDC submarine2020investment471.16EUR/MW/kmPurvins et al. (2018): .
117HVDC submarine2020lifetime40.0yearsPurvins et al. (2018): .
118Haber-Bosch2020FOM3.0%/yearDanish Energy Agency, data_sheets_for_renewable_fuels.xlsx103 Hydrogen to Ammonia: Fixed O&M
119Haber-Bosch2020VOM0.02EUR/MWh_NH3Danish Energy Agency, data_sheets_for_renewable_fuels.xlsx103 Hydrogen to Ammonia: Variable O&M
120Haber-Bosch2020investment1586.29EUR/kW_NH3Danish Energy Agency, data_sheets_for_renewable_fuels.xlsx103 Hydrogen to Ammonia: Specific investment
121Haber-Bosch2020lifetime30.0yearsDanish Energy Agency, data_sheets_for_renewable_fuels.xlsx103 Hydrogen to Ammonia: Technical lifetime
122LNG storage tank2020FOM2.0%/yearGuesstimate, based on H2 (l) storage tank with comparable requirements.
123LNG storage tank2020investment611.59EUR/m^3Hurskainen 2019, pg. 46 (59).
124LNG storage tank2020lifetime20.0yearsGuesstimate, based on H2 (l) storage tank with comparable requirements.
125LOHC chemical2020investment2264.33EUR/tRunge et al 2020, pg.7,
126LOHC chemical2020lifetime20.0yearsRunge et al 2020, pg.7,
127LOHC dehydrogenation2020FOM3.0%/yearReuß et al 2017, , Table 9.
128LOHC dehydrogenation2020investment50728.03EUR/MW_H2Reuß et al 2017, , Table 9.
129LOHC dehydrogenation2020lifetime20.0yearsReuß et al 2017, , Table 9.
130LOHC dehydrogenation (small scale)2020FOM3.0%/yearRunge et al 2020, pg.8,
131LOHC dehydrogenation (small scale)2020investment759908.15EUR/MW_H2Runge et al 2020, pg.8,
132LOHC dehydrogenation (small scale)2020lifetime20.0yearsRunge et al 2020, pg.8,
133LOHC hydrogenation2020FOM3.0%/yearReuß et al 2017, , Table 9.
134LOHC hydrogenation2020investment51259.54EUR/MW_H2Reuß et al 2017, , Table 9.
135LOHC hydrogenation2020lifetime20.0yearsReuß et al 2017, , Table 9.
136LOHC loaded DBT storage2020FOM6.25%/year
137LOHC loaded DBT storage2020investment149.27EUR/tDensity via Wissenschaftliche Dienste des Deutschen Bundestages 2020, , pg. 11.
138LOHC loaded DBT storage2020lifetime30.0years
139LOHC transport ship2020FOM5.0%/yearRunge et al 2020, Table 10,
140LOHC transport ship2020capacity75000.0t_LOHCRunge et al 2020, Table 10,
141LOHC transport ship2020investment31700578.34EURRunge et al 2020, Table 10,
142LOHC transport ship2020lifetime15.0yearsRunge et al 2020, Table 10,
143LOHC unloaded DBT storage2020FOM6.25%/year
144LOHC unloaded DBT storage2020investment132.26EUR/tDensity via Wissenschaftliche Dienste des Deutschen Bundestages 2020, , pg. 11.
145LOHC unloaded DBT storage2020lifetime30.0years
146MeOH transport ship2020FOM5.0%/yearAssume comparable tanker as for LOHC transport above, c.f. Runge et al 2020, Table 10, .
147MeOH transport ship2020capacity75000.0t_MeOHAssume comparable tanker as for LOHC transport above, c.f. Runge et al 2020, Table 10, .
148MeOH transport ship2020investment31700578.34EURAssume comparable tanker as for LOHC transport above, c.f. Runge et al 2020, Table 10, .
149MeOH transport ship2020lifetime15.0yearsAssume comparable tanker as for LOHC transport above, c.f. Runge et al 2020, Table 10, .
150Methanol steam reforming2020FOM4.0%/yearNiermann et al (2021): 10.1016/j.rser.2020.110171 , table 4.
151Methanol steam reforming2020investment16318.43EUR/MW_H2Niermann et al (2021): 10.1016/j.rser.2020.110171 , table 4.
152Methanol steam reforming2020lifetime20.0yearsNiermann et al (2021): 10.1016/j.rser.2020.110171 , table 4.
153NH3 (l) storage tank incl. liquefaction2020FOM2.0%/yearGuesstimate, based on H2 (l) storage tank.
154NH3 (l) storage tank incl. liquefaction2020investment161.93EUR/MWh_NH3Calculated based on Morgan E. 2013: doi:10.7275/11KT-3F59 , Fig. 55, Fig 58.
155NH3 (l) storage tank incl. liquefaction2020lifetime20.0yearsMorgan E. 2013: doi:10.7275/11KT-3F59 , pg. 290
156NH3 (l) transport ship2020FOM4.0%/yearCihlar et al 2020 based on IEA 2019, Table 3-B
157NH3 (l) transport ship2020capacity53000.0t_NH3Cihlar et al 2020 based on IEA 2019, Table 3-B
158NH3 (l) transport ship2020investment74461941.34EURCihlar et al 2020 based on IEA 2019, Table 3-B
159NH3 (l) transport ship2020lifetime20.0yearsGuess estimated based on H2 (l) tanker, but more mature technology
160OCGT2020FOM1.78%/yearDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx52 OCGT - Natural gas: Fixed O&M
161OCGT2020VOM4.5EUR/MWhDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx52 OCGT - Natural gas: Variable O&M
162OCGT2020efficiency0.4per unitDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx52 OCGT - Natural gas: Electricity efficiency, annual average
163OCGT2020investment453.96EUR/kWDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx52 OCGT - Natural gas: Specific investment
164OCGT2020lifetime25.0yearsDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx52 OCGT - Natural gas: Technical lifetime
165PHS2020FOM1.0%/yearDIW DataDoc from old pypsa cost assumptions
166PHS2020efficiency0.75per unitDIW DataDoc from old pypsa cost assumptions
167PHS2020investment2208.16EUR/kWelDIW DataDoc from old pypsa cost assumptions
168PHS2020lifetime80.0yearsIEA2010 from old pypsa cost assumptions
169SMR2020FOM5.0%/yearDanish Energy AgencyTechnology data for renewable fuels, in pdf on table 3 p.311
170SMR2020efficiency0.76per unit (in LHV)IEA Global average levelised cost of hydrogen production by energy source and technology, 2019 and 2050 (2020),
171SMR2020investment493470.4EUR/MW_CH4Danish Energy AgencyTechnology data for renewable fuels, in pdf on table 3 p.311
172SMR2020lifetime30.0yearsIEA Global average levelised cost of hydrogen production by energy source and technology, 2019 and 2050 (2020),
173SMR CC2020FOM5.0%/yearDanish Energy AgencyTechnology data for renewable fuels, in pdf on table 3 p.311
174SMR CC2020capture_rate0.9EUR/MW_CH4IEA Global average levelised cost of hydrogen production by energy source and technology, 2019 and 2050 (2020), range: capture rates betwen 54%-90%
175SMR CC2020efficiency0.69per unit (in LHV)IEA Global average levelised cost of hydrogen production by energy source and technology, 2019 and 2050 (2020),
176SMR CC2020investment572425.66EUR/MW_CH4Danish Energy AgencyTechnology data for renewable fuels, in pdf on table 3 p.311
177SMR CC2020lifetime30.0yearsIEA Global average levelised cost of hydrogen production by energy source and technology, 2019 and 2050 (2020),
178Steam methane reforming2020FOM3.0%/yearInternational Energy Agency (2015): Technology Roadmap Hydrogen and Fuel Cells , table 15.
179Steam methane reforming2020investment470085.47EUR/MW_H2International Energy Agency (2015): Technology Roadmap Hydrogen and Fuel Cells , table 15.
180Steam methane reforming2020lifetime30.0yearsInternational Energy Agency (2015): Technology Roadmap Hydrogen and Fuel Cells , table 15.
181air separation unit2020FOM3.0%/yearDanish Energy Agency, data_sheets_for_renewable_fuels.xlsx103 Hydrogen to Ammonia: Fixed O&M
182air separation unit2020investment891679.11EUR/t_N2/hDanish Energy Agency, data_sheets_for_renewable_fuels.xlsx103 Hydrogen to Ammonia: Specific investment
183air separation unit2020lifetime30.0yearsDanish Energy Agency, data_sheets_for_renewable_fuels.xlsx103 Hydrogen to Ammonia: Technical lifetime
184battery inverter2020FOM0.2%/yearDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_catalogue_for_energy_storage.xlsx: Fixed O&M
185battery inverter2020efficiency0.95per unitDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_catalogue_for_energy_storage.xlsx: Round trip efficiency DC
186battery inverter2020investment270.0EUR/kWDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_catalogue_for_energy_storage.xlsx: Output capacity expansion cost investment
187battery inverter2020lifetime10.0yearsDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_catalogue_for_energy_storage.xlsx, Note K.: Technical lifetime
188battery storage2020investment232.0EUR/kWhDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_catalogue_for_energy_storage.xlsx: Energy storage expansion cost investment
189battery storage2020lifetime20.0yearsDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_catalogue_for_energy_storage.xlsx: Technical lifetime
190biogas2020CO2 stored0.09tCO2/MWh_thStoichiometric calculation
191biogas2020FOM11.38%/yearDanish Energy Agency, data_sheets_for_renewable_fuels.xlsx81 Biogas Plant, Basic conf.: Total O&M
192biogas2020capture rate0.98per unitAssumption based on doi:10.1016/j.biombioe.2015.01.006
193biogas2020efficiency1.0per unitAssuming input biomass is already given in biogas output
194biogas2020fuel59.0EUR/MWhthJRC and Zappa from old pypsa cost assumptions
195biogas2020investment1710.69EUR/kWDanish Energy Agency, data_sheets_for_renewable_fuels.xlsx81 Biogas Plant, Basic conf.: Specific investment
196biogas2020lifetime20.0yearsDanish Energy Agency, data_sheets_for_renewable_fuels.xlsx81 Biogas Plant, Basic conf.: Technical lifetime
197biogas plus hydrogen2020FOM4.0%/yearDanish Energy Agency, data_sheets_for_renewable_fuels.xlsx99 SNG from methan. of biogas: Fixed O&M
198biogas plus hydrogen2020investment907.2EUR/kW_CH4Danish Energy Agency, data_sheets_for_renewable_fuels.xlsx99 SNG from methan. of biogas: Specific investment
199biogas plus hydrogen2020lifetime25.0yearsDanish Energy Agency, data_sheets_for_renewable_fuels.xlsx99 SNG from methan. of biogas: Technical lifetime
200biogas upgrading2020FOM2.51%/yearDanish Energy Agency, data_sheets_for_renewable_fuels.xlsx82 Biogas, upgrading: Fixed O&M
201biogas upgrading2020VOM3.69EUR/MWh inputDanish Energy Agency, data_sheets_for_renewable_fuels.xlsx82 Biogas, upgrading: Variable O&M
202biogas upgrading2020investment423.0EUR/kW inputDanish Energy Agency, data_sheets_for_renewable_fuels.xlsx82 Biogas, upgrading: investment (upgrading, methane redution and grid injection)
203biogas upgrading2020lifetime15.0yearsDanish Energy Agency, data_sheets_for_renewable_fuels.xlsx82 Biogas, upgrading: Technical lifetime
204biomass2020FOM4.53%/yearDIW DataDoc from old pypsa cost assumptions
205biomass2020efficiency0.47per unitDIW DataDoc from old pypsa cost assumptions
206biomass2020fuel7.0EUR/MWhthIEA2011b from old pypsa cost assumptions
207biomass2020investment2209.0EUR/kWelDIW DataDoc from old pypsa cost assumptions
208biomass2020lifetime30.0yearsECF2010 in DIW DataDoc from old pypsa cost assumptions
209biomass CHP2020FOM3.61%/yearDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx09c Straw, Large, 40 degree: Fixed O&M
210biomass CHP2020VOM2.11EUR/MWh_eDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx09c Straw, Large, 40 degree: Variable O&M
211biomass CHP2020c_b0.4540°C/80°CDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx09c Straw, Large, 40 degree: Cb coefficient
212biomass CHP2020c_v1.040°C/80°CDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx09c Straw, Large, 40 degree: Cv coefficient
213biomass CHP2020efficiency0.3per unitDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx09c Straw, Large, 40 degree: Electricity efficiency, net, annual average
214biomass CHP2020efficiency-heat0.71per unitDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx09c Straw, Large, 40 degree: Heat efficiency, net, annual average
215biomass CHP2020investment3381.27EUR/kW_eDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx09c Straw, Large, 40 degree: Nominal investment
216biomass CHP2020lifetime25.0yearsDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx09c Straw, Large, 40 degree: Technical lifetime
217biomass CHP capture2020FOM3.0%/yearDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_carbon_capture_transport_storage.xlsx401.a Post comb - small CHP
218biomass CHP capture2020capture_rate0.9per unitDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_carbon_capture_transport_storage.xlsx401.a Post comb - small CHP
219biomass CHP capture2020compression-electricity-input0.1MWh/tCO2Danish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_carbon_capture_transport_storage.xlsx401.a Post comb - small CHP
220biomass CHP capture2020compression-heat-output0.16MWh/tCO2Danish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_carbon_capture_transport_storage.xlsx401.a Post comb - small CHP
221biomass CHP capture2020electricity-input0.03MWh/tCO2Danish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_carbon_capture_transport_storage.xlsx401.a Post comb - small CHP
222biomass CHP capture2020heat-input0.83MWh/tCO2Danish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_carbon_capture_transport_storage.xlsx401.a Post comb - small CHP
223biomass CHP capture2020heat-output0.83MWh/tCO2Danish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_carbon_capture_transport_storage.xlsx401.a Post comb - small CHP
224biomass CHP capture2020investment3300000.0EUR/(tCO2/h)Danish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_carbon_capture_transport_storage.xlsx401.a Post comb - small CHP
225biomass CHP capture2020lifetime25.0yearsDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_carbon_capture_transport_storage.xlsx401.a Post comb - small CHP
226biomass EOP2020FOM3.61%/yearDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx09c Straw, Large, 40 degree: Fixed O&M
227biomass EOP2020VOM2.11EUR/MWh_eDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx09c Straw, Large, 40 degree: Variable O&M
228biomass EOP2020c_b0.4540°C/80°CDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx09c Straw, Large, 40 degree: Cb coefficient
229biomass EOP2020c_v1.040°C/80°CDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx09c Straw, Large, 40 degree: Cv coefficient
230biomass EOP2020efficiency0.3per unitDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx09c Straw, Large, 40 degree: Electricity efficiency, net, annual average
231biomass EOP2020efficiency-heat0.71per unitDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx09c Straw, Large, 40 degree: Heat efficiency, net, annual average
232biomass EOP2020investment3381.27EUR/kW_eDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx09c Straw, Large, 40 degree: Nominal investment
233biomass EOP2020lifetime25.0yearsDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx09c Straw, Large, 40 degree: Technical lifetime
234biomass HOP2020FOM5.8%/yearDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx09c Straw HOP: Fixed O&M, heat output
235biomass HOP2020VOM2.11EUR/MWhDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx09c Straw HOP: Variable O&M heat output
236biomass HOP2020efficiency1.03per unitDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx09c Straw HOP: Total efficiency , net, annual average
237biomass HOP2020investment875.42EUR/kW_th - heat outputDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx09c Straw HOP: Nominal investment
238biomass HOP2020lifetime25.0yearsDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx09c Straw HOP: Technical lifetime
239biomass boiler2020FOM7.39%/yearDanish Energy Agency, technologydatafor_heating_installations_marts_2018.xlsx204 Biomass boiler, automatic: Fixed O&M
240biomass boiler2020efficiency0.82per unitDanish Energy Agency, technologydatafor_heating_installations_marts_2018.xlsx204 Biomass boiler, automatic: Heat efficiency, annual average, net
241biomass boiler2020investment682.67EUR/kW_thDanish Energy Agency, technologydatafor_heating_installations_marts_2018.xlsx204 Biomass boiler, automatic: Specific investment
242biomass boiler2020lifetime20.0yearsDanish Energy Agency, technologydatafor_heating_installations_marts_2018.xlsx204 Biomass boiler, automatic: Technical lifetime
243cement capture2020FOM3.0%/yearDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_carbon_capture_transport_storage.xlsx401.c Post comb - Cement kiln
244cement capture2020capture_rate0.9per unitDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_carbon_capture_transport_storage.xlsx401.c Post comb - Cement kiln
245cement capture2020compression-electricity-input0.1MWh/tCO2Danish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_carbon_capture_transport_storage.xlsx401.c Post comb - Cement kiln
246cement capture2020compression-heat-output0.16MWh/tCO2Danish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_carbon_capture_transport_storage.xlsx401.c Post comb - Cement kiln
247cement capture2020electricity-input0.02MWh/tCO2Danish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_carbon_capture_transport_storage.xlsx401.c Post comb - Cement kiln
248cement capture2020heat-input0.83MWh/tCO2Danish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_carbon_capture_transport_storage.xlsx401.c Post comb - Cement kiln
249cement capture2020heat-output1.65MWh/tCO2Danish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_carbon_capture_transport_storage.xlsx401.c Post comb - Cement kiln
250cement capture2020investment3000000.0EUR/(tCO2/h)Danish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_carbon_capture_transport_storage.xlsx401.c Post comb - Cement kiln
251cement capture2020lifetime25.0yearsDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_carbon_capture_transport_storage.xlsx401.c Post comb - Cement kiln
252central air-sourced heat pump2020FOM0.21%/yearDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx40 Comp. hp, airsource 3 MW: Fixed O&M
253central air-sourced heat pump2020VOM2.19EUR/MWh_thDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx40 Comp. hp, airsource 3 MW: Variable O&M
254central air-sourced heat pump2020efficiency3.4per unitDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx40 Comp. hp, airsource 3 MW: Total efficiency , net, annual average
255central air-sourced heat pump2020investment951.39EUR/kW_thDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx40 Comp. hp, airsource 3 MW: Specific investment
256central air-sourced heat pump2020lifetime25.0yearsDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx40 Comp. hp, airsource 3 MW: Technical lifetime
257central coal CHP2020FOM1.63%/yearDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx01 Coal CHP: Fixed O&M
258central coal CHP2020VOM2.9EUR/MWhDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx01 Coal CHP: Variable O&M
259central coal CHP2020c_b0.8450oC/100oCDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx01 Coal CHP: Cb coefficient
260central coal CHP2020c_v0.1550oC/100oCDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx01 Coal CHP: Cv coefficient
261central coal CHP2020efficiency0.48per unitDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx01 Coal CHP: Electricity efficiency, condensation mode, net
262central coal CHP2020investment1900.0EUR/kWDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx01 Coal CHP: Nominal investment
263central coal CHP2020lifetime25.0yearsDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx01 Coal CHP: Technical lifetime
264central gas CHP2020FOM3.31%/yearDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx04 Gas turb. simple cycle, L: Fixed O&M
265central gas CHP2020VOM4.4EUR/MWhDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx04 Gas turb. simple cycle, L: Variable O&M
266central gas CHP2020c_b0.9650oC/100oCDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx04 Gas turb. simple cycle, L: Cb coefficient
267central gas CHP2020c_v0.17per unitDEA (loss of fuel for additional heat) from old pypsa cost assumptions
268central gas CHP2020efficiency0.4per unitDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx04 Gas turb. simple cycle, L: Electricity efficiency, annual average
269central gas CHP2020investment590.0EUR/kWDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx04 Gas turb. simple cycle, L: Nominal investment
270central gas CHP2020lifetime25.0yearsDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx04 Gas turb. simple cycle, L: Technical lifetime
271central gas CHP2020p_nom_ratio1.0per unit from old pypsa cost assumptions
272central gas boiler2020FOM3.25%/yearDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx44 Natural Gas DH Only: Fixed O&M
273central gas boiler2020VOM1.1EUR/MWh_thDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx44 Natural Gas DH Only: Variable O&M
274central gas boiler2020efficiency1.03per unitDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx44 Natural Gas DH Only: Total efficiency , net, annual average
275central gas boiler2020investment60.0EUR/kW_thDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx44 Natural Gas DH Only: Nominal investment
276central gas boiler2020lifetime25.0yearsDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx44 Natural Gas DH Only: Technical lifetime
277central ground-sourced heat pump2020FOM0.35%/yearDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx40 Absorption heat pump, DH: Fixed O&M
278central ground-sourced heat pump2020VOM0.98EUR/MWh_thDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx40 Absorption heat pump, DH: Variable O&M
279central ground-sourced heat pump2020efficiency1.71per unitDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx40 Absorption heat pump, DH: Total efficiency , net, annual average
280central ground-sourced heat pump2020investment564.0EUR/kW_th excluding drive energyDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx40 Absorption heat pump, DH: Nominal investment
281central ground-sourced heat pump2020lifetime25.0yearsDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx40 Absorption heat pump, DH: Technical lifetime
282central resistive heater2020FOM1.53%/yearDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx41 Electric Boilers: Fixed O&M
283central resistive heater2020VOM0.9EUR/MWh_thDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx41 Electric Boilers: Variable O&M
284central resistive heater2020efficiency0.99per unitDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx41 Electric Boilers: Total efficiency , net, annual average
285central resistive heater2020investment70.0EUR/kW_thDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx41 Electric Boilers: Nominal investment; 10/15 kV; >10 MW
286central resistive heater2020lifetime20.0yearsDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx41 Electric Boilers: Technical lifetime
287central solar thermal2020FOM1.4%/yearHP from old pypsa cost assumptions
288central solar thermal2020investment140000.0EUR/1000m2HP from old pypsa cost assumptions
289central solar thermal2020lifetime20.0yearsHP from old pypsa cost assumptions
290central solid biomass CHP2020FOM2.89%/yearDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx09a Wood Chips, Large 50 degree: Fixed O&M
291central solid biomass CHP2020VOM4.6EUR/MWh_eDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx09a Wood Chips, Large 50 degree: Variable O&M
292central solid biomass CHP2020c_b0.3550°C/100°CDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx09a Wood Chips, Large 50 degree: Cb coefficient
293central solid biomass CHP2020c_v1.050°C/100°CDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx09a Wood Chips, Large 50 degree: Cv coefficient
294central solid biomass CHP2020efficiency0.27per unitDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx09a Wood Chips, Large 50 degree: Electricity efficiency, net, annual average
295central solid biomass CHP2020efficiency-heat0.83per unitDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx09a Wood Chips, Large 50 degree: Heat efficiency, net, annual average
296central solid biomass CHP2020investment3534.65EUR/kW_eDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx09a Wood Chips, Large 50 degree: Nominal investment
297central solid biomass CHP2020lifetime25.0yearsDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx09a Wood Chips, Large 50 degree: Technical lifetime
298central solid biomass CHP2020p_nom_ratio1.0per unit from old pypsa cost assumptions
299central water tank storage2020FOM0.52%/yearDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_catalogue_for_energy_storage.xlsx140 PTES seasonal: Fixed O&M
300central water tank storage2020investment0.58EUR/kWhCapacityDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_catalogue_for_energy_storage.xlsx140 PTES seasonal: Specific investment
301central water tank storage2020lifetime20.0yearsDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_catalogue_for_energy_storage.xlsx140 PTES seasonal: Technical lifetime
302clean water tank storage2020FOM2.0%/yearCaldera et al 2016: Local cost of seawater RO desalination based on solar PV and windenergy: A global estimate. (, Table 1.
303clean water tank storage2020investment67.63EUR/m^3-H2OCaldera et al 2016: Local cost of seawater RO desalination based on solar PV and windenergy: A global estimate. (, Table 1.
304clean water tank storage2020lifetime30.0yearsCaldera et al 2016: Local cost of seawater RO desalination based on solar PV and windenergy: A global estimate. (, Table 1.
305coal2020CO2 intensity0.34tCO2/MWh_thEntwicklung der spezifischen Kohlendioxid-Emissionen des deutschen Strommix in den Jahren 1990 - 2018
306coal2020FOM1.6%/yearLazard s Levelized Cost of Energy Analysis - Version 13.0
307coal2020VOM3.5EUR/MWh_eLazard s Levelized Cost of Energy Analysis - Version 13.0
308coal2020efficiency0.33per unitLazard s Levelized Cost of Energy Analysis - Version 13.0
309coal2020fuel8.15EUR/MWh_thBP 2019
310coal2020investment3845.51EUR/kW_eLazard s Levelized Cost of Energy Analysis - Version 13.0
311coal2020lifetime40.0yearsLazard s Levelized Cost of Energy Analysis - Version 13.0
312csp-tower2020FOM1.0%/yearATB CSP data (
313csp-tower2020investment144.88EUR/kW_th,dpATB CSP data ( and NREL SAM v2021.12.2 (
314csp-tower2020lifetime30.0yearsATB CSP data (
315csp-tower TES2020FOM1.0%/yearsee solar-tower.
316csp-tower TES2020investment19.41EUR/kWh_thATB CSP data ( and NREL SAM v2021.12.2 (
317csp-tower TES2020lifetime30.0yearssee solar-tower.
318csp-tower power block2020FOM1.0%/yearsee solar-tower.
319csp-tower power block2020investment1014.93EUR/kW_eATB CSP data ( and NREL SAM v2021.12.2 (
320csp-tower power block2020lifetime30.0yearssee solar-tower.
321decentral CHP2020FOM3.0%/yearHP from old pypsa cost assumptions
322decentral CHP2020discount rate0.04per unitPalzer thesis from old pypsa cost assumptions
323decentral CHP2020investment1400.0EUR/kWelHP from old pypsa cost assumptions
324decentral CHP2020lifetime25.0yearsHP from old pypsa cost assumptions
325decentral air-sourced heat pump2020FOM2.96%/yearDanish Energy Agency, technologydatafor_heating_installations_marts_2018.xlsx207.3 Air to water existing: Fixed O&M
326decentral air-sourced heat pump2020discount rate0.04per unitPalzer thesis from old pypsa cost assumptions
327decentral air-sourced heat pump2020efficiency3.4per unitDanish Energy Agency, technologydatafor_heating_installations_marts_2018.xlsx207.3 Air to water existing: Heat efficiency, annual average, net, radiators, existing one family house
328decentral air-sourced heat pump2020investment940.0EUR/kW_thDanish Energy Agency, technologydatafor_heating_installations_marts_2018.xlsx207.3 Air to water existing: Specific investment
329decentral air-sourced heat pump2020lifetime18.0yearsDanish Energy Agency, technologydatafor_heating_installations_marts_2018.xlsx207.3 Air to water existing: Technical lifetime
330decentral gas boiler2020FOM6.56%/yearDanish Energy Agency, technologydatafor_heating_installations_marts_2018.xlsx202 Natural gas boiler: Fixed O&M
331decentral gas boiler2020discount rate0.04per unitPalzer thesis from old pypsa cost assumptions
332decentral gas boiler2020efficiency0.97per unitDanish Energy Agency, technologydatafor_heating_installations_marts_2018.xlsx202 Natural gas boiler: Total efficiency, annual average, net
333decentral gas boiler2020investment312.08EUR/kW_thDanish Energy Agency, technologydatafor_heating_installations_marts_2018.xlsx202 Natural gas boiler: Specific investment
334decentral gas boiler2020lifetime20.0yearsDanish Energy Agency, technologydatafor_heating_installations_marts_2018.xlsx202 Natural gas boiler: Technical lifetime
335decentral gas boiler connection2020investment195.05EUR/kW_thDanish Energy Agency, technologydatafor_heating_installations_marts_2018.xlsx: Possible additional specific investment
336decentral gas boiler connection2020lifetime50.0yearsDanish Energy Agency, technologydatafor_heating_installations_marts_2018.xlsx: Technical lifetime
337decentral ground-sourced heat pump2020FOM1.85%/yearDanish Energy Agency, technologydatafor_heating_installations_marts_2018.xlsx207.7 Ground source existing: Fixed O&M
338decentral ground-sourced heat pump2020discount rate0.04per unitPalzer thesis from old pypsa cost assumptions
339decentral ground-sourced heat pump2020efficiency3.8per unitDanish Energy Agency, technologydatafor_heating_installations_marts_2018.xlsx207.7 Ground source existing: Heat efficiency, annual average, net, radiators, existing one family house
340decentral ground-sourced heat pump2020investment1500.0EUR/kW_thDanish Energy Agency, technologydatafor_heating_installations_marts_2018.xlsx207.7 Ground source existing: Specific investment
341decentral ground-sourced heat pump2020lifetime20.0yearsDanish Energy Agency, technologydatafor_heating_installations_marts_2018.xlsx207.7 Ground source existing: Technical lifetime
342decentral oil boiler2020FOM2.0%/yearPalzer thesis ( from old pypsa cost assumptions
343decentral oil boiler2020efficiency0.9per unitPalzer thesis ( from old pypsa cost assumptions
344decentral oil boiler2020investment156.01EUR/kWthPalzer thesis ( (+eigene Berechnung) from old pypsa cost assumptions
345decentral oil boiler2020lifetime20.0yearsPalzer thesis ( from old pypsa cost assumptions
346decentral resistive heater2020FOM2.0%/yearSchaber thesis from old pypsa cost assumptions
347decentral resistive heater2020discount rate0.04per unitPalzer thesis from old pypsa cost assumptions
348decentral resistive heater2020efficiency0.9per unitSchaber thesis from old pypsa cost assumptions
349decentral resistive heater2020investment100.0EUR/kWhthSchaber thesis from old pypsa cost assumptions
350decentral resistive heater2020lifetime20.0yearsSchaber thesis from old pypsa cost assumptions
351decentral solar thermal2020FOM1.3%/yearHP from old pypsa cost assumptions
352decentral solar thermal2020discount rate0.04per unitPalzer thesis from old pypsa cost assumptions
353decentral solar thermal2020investment270000.0EUR/1000m2HP from old pypsa cost assumptions
354decentral solar thermal2020lifetime20.0yearsHP from old pypsa cost assumptions
355decentral water tank storage2020FOM1.0%/yearHP from old pypsa cost assumptions
356decentral water tank storage2020discount rate0.04per unitPalzer thesis from old pypsa cost assumptions
357decentral water tank storage2020investment18.38EUR/kWhIWES Interaktion from old pypsa cost assumptions
358decentral water tank storage2020lifetime20.0yearsHP from old pypsa cost assumptions
359digestible biomass2020fuel15.0EUR/MWh_thJRC ENSPRESO ca avg for MINBIOAGRW1, ENS_Ref for 2040
360digestible biomass to hydrogen2020FOM4.25%/yearZech DBFZ Report Nr. 19. Hy-NOW - Evaluierung der Verfahren und Technologien für die Bereitstellung von Wasserstoff auf Basis von Biomasse, DBFZ, 2014
361digestible biomass to hydrogen2020capture rate0.98per unitAssumption based on doi:10.1016/j.biombioe.2015.01.006
362digestible biomass to hydrogen2020efficiency0.39per unitZech DBFZ Report Nr. 19. Hy-NOW - Evaluierung der Verfahren und Technologien für die Bereitstellung von Wasserstoff auf Basis von Biomasse, DBFZ, 2014
363digestible biomass to hydrogen2020investment2500.0EUR/kW_thZech DBFZ Report Nr. 19. Hy-NOW - Evaluierung der Verfahren und Technologien für die Bereitstellung von Wasserstoff auf Basis von Biomasse, DBFZ, 2014
364direct air capture2020FOM4.95%/yearDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_carbon_capture_transport_storage.xlsx403.a Direct air capture
365direct air capture2020compression-electricity-input0.15MWh/tCO2Danish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_carbon_capture_transport_storage.xlsx403.a Direct air capture
366direct air capture2020compression-heat-output0.2MWh/tCO2Danish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_carbon_capture_transport_storage.xlsx403.a Direct air capture
367direct air capture2020electricity-input0.35MWh/tCO2Danish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_carbon_capture_transport_storage.xlsx403.a Direct air capture
368direct air capture2020heat-input2.5MWh/tCO2Danish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_carbon_capture_transport_storage.xlsx403.a Direct air capture
369direct air capture2020heat-output1.25MWh/tCO2Danish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_carbon_capture_transport_storage.xlsx403.a Direct air capture
370direct air capture2020investment7000000.0EUR/(tCO2/h)Danish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_carbon_capture_transport_storage.xlsx403.a Direct air capture
371direct air capture2020lifetime20.0yearsDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_carbon_capture_transport_storage.xlsx403.a Direct air capture
372electric boiler steam2020FOM1.34%/yearDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_industrial_process_heat.xlsx310.1 Electric boiler steam : Fixed O&M
373electric boiler steam2020VOM0.86EUR/MWhDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_industrial_process_heat.xlsx310.1 Electric boiler steam : Variable O&M
374electric boiler steam2020efficiency0.99per unitDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_industrial_process_heat.xlsx310.1 Electric boiler steam : Total efficiency, net, annual average
375electric boiler steam2020investment80.0EUR/kWDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_industrial_process_heat.xlsx310.1 Electric boiler steam : Nominal investment
376electric boiler steam2020lifetime25.0yearsDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_industrial_process_heat.xlsx310.1 Electric boiler steam : Technical lifetime
377electricity distribution grid2020FOM2.0%/yearTODO from old pypsa cost assumptions
378electricity distribution grid2020investment500.0EUR/kWTODO from old pypsa cost assumptions
379electricity distribution grid2020lifetime40.0yearsTODO from old pypsa cost assumptions
380electricity grid connection2020FOM2.0%/yearTODO from old pypsa cost assumptions
381electricity grid connection2020investment140.0EUR/kWDEA from old pypsa cost assumptions
382electricity grid connection2020lifetime40.0yearsTODO from old pypsa cost assumptions
383electrolysis2020FOM2.0%/yearDanish Energy Agency, data_sheets_for_renewable_fuels.xlsx86 AEC 100MW: Fixed O&M
384electrolysis2020efficiency0.66per unitDanish Energy Agency, data_sheets_for_renewable_fuels.xlsx86 AEC 100MW: Hydrogen
385electrolysis2020investment650.0EUR/kW_eDanish Energy Agency, data_sheets_for_renewable_fuels.xlsx86 AEC 100MW: Specific investment
386electrolysis2020lifetime25.0yearsDanish Energy Agency, data_sheets_for_renewable_fuels.xlsx86 AEC 100MW: Technical lifetime
387fuel cell2020FOM5.0%/yearDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx12 LT-PEMFC CHP: Fixed O&M
388fuel cell2020c_b1.2550oC/100oCDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx12 LT-PEMFC CHP: Cb coefficient
389fuel cell2020efficiency0.5per unitDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx12 LT-PEMFC CHP: Electricity efficiency, annual average
390fuel cell2020investment1300.0EUR/kW_eDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx12 LT-PEMFC CHP: Nominal investment
391fuel cell2020lifetime10.0yearsDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx12 LT-PEMFC CHP: Technical lifetime
392gas2020CO2 intensity0.2tCO2/MWh_thStoichiometric calculation with 50 GJ/t CH4
393gas2020fuel20.1EUR/MWh_thBP 2019
394gas boiler steam2020FOM3.67%/yearDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_industrial_process_heat.xlsx311.1c Steam boiler Gas: Fixed O&M
395gas boiler steam2020VOM1.1EUR/MWhDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_industrial_process_heat.xlsx311.1c Steam boiler Gas: Variable O&M
396gas boiler steam2020efficiency0.92per unitDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_industrial_process_heat.xlsx311.1c Steam boiler Gas: Total efficiency, net, annual average
397gas boiler steam2020investment54.55EUR/kWDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_industrial_process_heat.xlsx311.1c Steam boiler Gas: Nominal investment
398gas boiler steam2020lifetime25.0yearsDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_industrial_process_heat.xlsx311.1c Steam boiler Gas: Technical lifetime
399gas storage2020FOM3.59%Danish Energy Agency150 Underground Storage of Gas, Operation and Maintenace, salt cavern (units converted)
400gas storage2020investment0.03EUR/kWhDanish Energy Agency150 Underground Storage of Gas, Establishment of one cavern (units converted)
401gas storage2020lifetime100.0yearsTODO no sourceestimation: most underground storage are already build, they do have a long lifetime
402gas storage charger2020investment14.34EUR/kWDanish Energy Agency150 Underground Storage of Gas, Process equipment (units converted)
403gas storage discharger2020investment4.78EUR/kWDanish Energy Agency150 Underground Storage of Gas, Process equipment (units converted)
404geothermal2020CO2 intensity0.03tCO2/MWhth from old pypsa cost assumptions
405geothermal2020FOM2.36%/yearDIW DataDoc from old pypsa cost assumptions
406geothermal2020efficiency0.24per unitDIW DataDoc from old pypsa cost assumptions
407geothermal2020investment3392.0EUR/kWelDIW DataDoc from old pypsa cost assumptions
408geothermal2020lifetime40.0yearsIEA2010 from old pypsa cost assumptions
409helmeth2020FOM3.0%/yearno source from old pypsa cost assumptions
410helmeth2020efficiency0.8per unitHELMETH press release from old pypsa cost assumptions
411helmeth2020investment2000.0EUR/kWno source from old pypsa cost assumptions
412helmeth2020lifetime25.0yearsno source from old pypsa cost assumptions
413home battery inverter2020FOM0.2%/yearGlobal Energy System based on 100% Renewable Energy, Energywatchgroup/LTU University, 2019, Danish Energy Agency, technology_data_catalogue_for_energy_storage.xlsx: Fixed O&M
414home battery inverter2020efficiency0.95per unitGlobal Energy System based on 100% Renewable Energy, Energywatchgroup/LTU University, 2019, Danish Energy Agency, technology_data_catalogue_for_energy_storage.xlsx: Round trip efficiency DC
415home battery inverter2020investment377.0EUR/kWGlobal Energy System based on 100% Renewable Energy, Energywatchgroup/LTU University, 2019, Danish Energy Agency, technology_data_catalogue_for_energy_storage.xlsx: Output capacity expansion cost investment
416home battery inverter2020lifetime10.0yearsGlobal Energy System based on 100% Renewable Energy, Energywatchgroup/LTU University, 2019, Danish Energy Agency, technology_data_catalogue_for_energy_storage.xlsx, Note K.: Technical lifetime
417home battery storage2020investment323.53EUR/kWhGlobal Energy System based on 100% Renewable Energy, Energywatchgroup/LTU University, 2019, Danish Energy Agency, technology_data_catalogue_for_energy_storage.xlsx: Energy storage expansion cost investment
418home battery storage2020lifetime20.0yearsGlobal Energy System based on 100% Renewable Energy, Energywatchgroup/LTU University, 2019, Danish Energy Agency, technology_data_catalogue_for_energy_storage.xlsx: Technical lifetime
419hydro2020FOM1.0%/yearDIW DataDoc from old pypsa cost assumptions
420hydro2020efficiency0.9per unitDIW DataDoc from old pypsa cost assumptions
421hydro2020investment2208.16EUR/kWelDIW DataDoc from old pypsa cost assumptions
422hydro2020lifetime80.0yearsIEA2010 from old pypsa cost assumptions
423hydrogen storage tank2020investment11.2USD/kWhbudischak2013 from old pypsa cost assumptions
424hydrogen storage tank2020lifetime20.0yearsbudischak2013 from old pypsa cost assumptions
425hydrogen storage tank incl. compressor2020FOM1.05%/yearDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_catalogue_for_energy_storage.xlsx151a Hydrogen Storage - Tanks: Fixed O&M
426hydrogen storage tank incl. compressor2020investment57.0EUR/kWhDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_catalogue_for_energy_storage.xlsx151a Hydrogen Storage - Tanks: Specific investment
427hydrogen storage tank incl. compressor2020lifetime25.0yearsDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_catalogue_for_energy_storage.xlsx151a Hydrogen Storage - Tanks: Technical lifetime
428hydrogen storage underground2020FOM0.0%/yearDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_catalogue_for_energy_storage.xlsx151c Hydrogen Storage - Caverns: Fixed O&M
429hydrogen storage underground2020VOM0.0EUR/MWhDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_catalogue_for_energy_storage.xlsx151c Hydrogen Storage - Caverns: Variable O&M
430hydrogen storage underground2020investment3.0EUR/kWhDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_catalogue_for_energy_storage.xlsx151c Hydrogen Storage - Caverns: Specific investment
431hydrogen storage underground2020lifetime100.0yearsDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_catalogue_for_energy_storage.xlsx151c Hydrogen Storage - Caverns: Technical lifetime
432industrial heat pump high temperature2020FOM0.09%/yearDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_industrial_process_heat.xlsx302.b High temp. hp Up to 150: Fixed O&M
433industrial heat pump high temperature2020VOM3.26EUR/MWhDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_industrial_process_heat.xlsx302.b High temp. hp Up to 150: Variable O&M
434industrial heat pump high temperature2020efficiency2.95per unitDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_industrial_process_heat.xlsx302.b High temp. hp Up to 150: Total efficiency, net, annual average
435industrial heat pump high temperature2020investment1045.44EUR/kWDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_industrial_process_heat.xlsx302.b High temp. hp Up to 150: Nominal investment
436industrial heat pump high temperature2020lifetime20.0yearsDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_industrial_process_heat.xlsx302.b High temp. hp Up to 150: Technical lifetime
437industrial heat pump medium temperature2020FOM0.11%/yearDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_industrial_process_heat.xlsx302.a High temp. hp Up to 125 C: Fixed O&M
438industrial heat pump medium temperature2020VOM3.26EUR/MWhDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_industrial_process_heat.xlsx302.a High temp. hp Up to 125 C: Variable O&M
439industrial heat pump medium temperature2020efficiency2.55per unitDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_industrial_process_heat.xlsx302.a High temp. hp Up to 125 C: Total efficiency, net, annual average
440industrial heat pump medium temperature2020investment871.2EUR/kWDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_industrial_process_heat.xlsx302.a High temp. hp Up to 125 C: Nominal investment
441industrial heat pump medium temperature2020lifetime20.0yearsDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_industrial_process_heat.xlsx302.a High temp. hp Up to 125 C: Technical lifetime
442lignite2020CO2 intensity0.41tCO2/MWh_thEntwicklung der spezifischen Kohlendioxid-Emissionen des deutschen Strommix in den Jahren 1990 - 2018
443lignite2020FOM1.6%/yearLazard s Levelized Cost of Energy Analysis - Version 13.0
444lignite2020VOM3.5EUR/MWh_eLazard s Levelized Cost of Energy Analysis - Version 13.0
445lignite2020efficiency0.33per unitLazard s Levelized Cost of Energy Analysis - Version 13.0
447lignite2020investment3845.51EUR/kW_eLazard s Levelized Cost of Energy Analysis - Version 13.0
448lignite2020lifetime40.0yearsLazard s Levelized Cost of Energy Analysis - Version 13.0
449methanation2020FOM3.0%/yearAgora Energiewende (2018): The Future Cost of Electricity-Based Synthetic Fuels (, section
450methanation2020capture rate0.98per unitAssumption based on doi:10.1016/j.biombioe.2015.01.006
451methanation2020efficiency0.8per unitAgora Energiewende (2018): The Future Cost of Electricity-Based Synthetic Fuels (, section
452methanation2020investment718.95EUR/MW_CH4; and EUR/kW_CH4Agora Energiewende (2018): The Future Cost of Electricity-Based Synthetic Fuels (, table 6: “Reference scenario”.
454methane storage tank incl. compressor2020FOM1.9%/yearGuesstimate, based on hydrogen storage tank by DEA.
455methane storage tank incl. compressor2020investment8629.2EUR/m^3Storage costs per l: (2021-02-10).
456methane storage tank incl. compressor2020lifetime30.0yearsGuesstimate, based on hydrogen storage tank by DEA.
457methanolisation2020FOM3.0%/yearAgora Energiewende (2018): The Future Cost of Electricity-Based Synthetic Fuels (, section
458methanolisation2020investment757401.0EUR/MW_MeOHAgora Energiewende (2018): The Future Cost of Electricity-Based Synthetic Fuels (, table 8: “Reference scenario”.
459methanolisation2020lifetime20.0yearsDanish Energy Agency, Technology Data for Renewable Fuels (04/2022), Data sheet “Methanol to Power”.
460micro CHP2020FOM6.67%/yearDanish Energy Agency, technologydatafor_heating_installations_marts_2018.xlsx219 LT-PEMFC mCHP - natural gas: Fixed O&M
461micro CHP2020efficiency0.35per unitDanish Energy Agency, technologydatafor_heating_installations_marts_2018.xlsx219 LT-PEMFC mCHP - natural gas: Electric efficiency, annual average, net
462micro CHP2020efficiency-heat0.6per unitDanish Energy Agency, technologydatafor_heating_installations_marts_2018.xlsx219 LT-PEMFC mCHP - natural gas: Heat efficiency, annual average, net
463micro CHP2020investment10045.31EUR/kW_thDanish Energy Agency, technologydatafor_heating_installations_marts_2018.xlsx219 LT-PEMFC mCHP - natural gas: Specific investment
464micro CHP2020lifetime20.0yearsDanish Energy Agency, technologydatafor_heating_installations_marts_2018.xlsx219 LT-PEMFC mCHP - natural gas: Technical lifetime
465nuclear2020FOM1.4%/yearLazard s Levelized Cost of Energy Analysis - Version 13.0
466nuclear2020VOM3.5EUR/MWh_eLazard s Levelized Cost of Energy Analysis - Version 13.0
467nuclear2020efficiency0.33per unitLazard s Levelized Cost of Energy Analysis - Version 13.0
468nuclear2020fuel2.6EUR/MWh_thLazard s Levelized Cost of Energy Analysis - Version 13.0
469nuclear2020investment7940.45EUR/kW_eLazard s Levelized Cost of Energy Analysis - Version 13.0
470nuclear2020lifetime40.0yearsLazard s Levelized Cost of Energy Analysis - Version 13.0
471offwind2020FOM2.51%/yearDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx21 Offshore turbines: Fixed O&M [EUR/MW_e/y, 2020]
472offwind2020VOM0.02EUR/MWhelRES costs made up to fix curtailment order from old pypsa cost assumptions
473offwind2020investment1804.77EUR/kW_e, 2020Danish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx21 Offshore turbines: Nominal investment [MEUR/MW_e, 2020] grid connection costs substracted from investment costs
474offwind2020lifetime27.0yearsDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx21 Offshore turbines: Technical lifetime [years]
475offwind-ac-connection-submarine2020investment2685.0EUR/MW/kmDEA from old pypsa cost assumptions
476offwind-ac-connection-underground2020investment1342.0EUR/MW/kmDEA from old pypsa cost assumptions
477offwind-ac-station2020investment250.0EUR/kWelDEA from old pypsa cost assumptions
478offwind-dc-connection-submarine2020investment2000.0EUR/MW/kmDTU report based on Fig 34 of from old pypsa cost assumptions
479offwind-dc-connection-underground2020investment1000.0EUR/MW/kmHaertel 2017; average + 13% learning reduction from old pypsa cost assumptions
480offwind-dc-station2020investment400.0EUR/kWelHaertel 2017; assuming one onshore and one offshore node + 13% learning reduction from old pypsa cost assumptions
481oil2020CO2 intensity0.26tCO2/MWh_thStoichiometric calculation with 44 GJ/t diesel and -CH2- approximation of diesel
482oil2020FOM2.57%/yearDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx50 Diesel engine farm: Fixed O&M
483oil2020VOM6.0EUR/MWhDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx50 Diesel engine farm: Variable O&M
484oil2020efficiency0.35per unitDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx50 Diesel engine farm: Electricity efficiency, annual average
485oil2020fuel50.0EUR/MWhthIEA WEM2017 97USD/boe = from old pypsa cost assumptions
486oil2020investment343.0EUR/kWDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx50 Diesel engine farm: Specific investment
487oil2020lifetime25.0yearsDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx50 Diesel engine farm: Technical lifetime
488onwind2020FOM1.25%/yearDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx20 Onshore turbines: Fixed O&M
489onwind2020VOM1.5EUR/MWhDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx20 Onshore turbines: Variable O&M
490onwind2020investment1118.77EUR/kWDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx20 Onshore turbines: Nominal investment
491onwind2020lifetime27.0yearsDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx20 Onshore turbines: Technical lifetime
492ror2020FOM2.0%/yearDIW DataDoc from old pypsa cost assumptions
493ror2020efficiency0.9per unitDIW DataDoc from old pypsa cost assumptions
494ror2020investment3312.24EUR/kWelDIW DataDoc from old pypsa cost assumptions
495ror2020lifetime80.0yearsIEA2010 from old pypsa cost assumptions
496seawater desalination2020FOM4.0%/yearCaldera et al 2016: Local cost of seawater RO desalination based on solar PV and windenergy: A global estimate. (, Table 1.
497seawater desalination2020electricity-input3.03kWh/m^3-H2OCaldera et al 2016: Local cost of seawater RO desalination based on solar PV and windenergy: A global estimate. (, Fig. 4.
498seawater desalination2020investment40219.78EUR/(m^3-H2O/h)Caldera et al 2017: Learning Curve for Seawater Reverse Osmosis Desalination Plants: Capital Cost Trend of the Past, Present, and Future (, Table 4.
499seawater desalination2020lifetime30.0yearsCaldera et al 2016: Local cost of seawater RO desalination based on solar PV and windenergy: A global estimate. (, Table 1.
500solar2020FOM1.58%/yearDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx22 Rooftop PV residential: Fixed O&M [2020-EUR/MW_e/y]
501solar2020VOM0.01EUR/MWhelRES costs made up to fix curtailment order from old pypsa cost assumptions
502solar2020investment733.47EUR/kW_eDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx22 Rooftop PV residential: Nominal investment [2020-MEUR/MW_e]
503solar2020lifetime35.0yearsDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx22 Rooftop PV residential: Technical lifetime [years]
504solar-rooftop2020FOM1.15%/yearDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx22 Rooftop PV residential: Fixed O&M [2020-EUR/MW_e/y]
505solar-rooftop2020discount rate0.04per unitstandard for decentral from old pypsa cost assumptions
506solar-rooftop2020investment957.47EUR/kW_eDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx22 Rooftop PV residential: Nominal investment [2020-MEUR/MW_e]
507solar-rooftop2020lifetime35.0yearsDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx22 Rooftop PV residential: Technical lifetime [years]
508solar-rooftop commercial2020FOM1.22%/yearDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx22 Rooftop PV commercial: Fixed O&M [2020-EUR/MW_e/y]
509solar-rooftop commercial2020investment790.08EUR/kW_eDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx22 Rooftop PV commercial: Nominal investment [2020-MEUR/MW_e]
510solar-rooftop commercial2020lifetime35.0yearsDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx22 Rooftop PV commercial: Technical lifetime [years]
511solar-rooftop residential2020FOM1.08%/yearDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx22 Rooftop PV residential: Fixed O&M [2020-EUR/MW_e/y]
512solar-rooftop residential2020investment1124.86EUR/kW_eDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx22 Rooftop PV residential: Nominal investment [2020-MEUR/MW_e]
513solar-rooftop residential2020lifetime35.0yearsDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx22 Rooftop PV residential: Technical lifetime [years]
514solar-utility2020FOM2.01%/yearDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx22 Utility-scale PV: Fixed O&M [2020-EUR/MW_e/y]
515solar-utility2020investment509.47EUR/kW_eDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx22 Utility-scale PV: Nominal investment [2020-MEUR/MW_e]
516solar-utility2020lifetime35.0yearsDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx22 Utility-scale PV: Technical lifetime [years]
517solid biomass2020CO2 intensity0.37tCO2/MWh_thStoichiometric calculation with 18 GJ/t_DM LHV and 50% C-content for solid biomass
518solid biomass2020fuel12.0EUR/MWh_thJRC ENSPRESO ca avg for MINBIOWOOW1 (secondary forest residue wood chips), ENS_Ref for 2040
519solid biomass boiler steam2020FOM5.45%/yearDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_industrial_process_heat.xlsx311.1e Steam boiler Wood: Fixed O&M
520solid biomass boiler steam2020VOM2.78EUR/MWhDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_industrial_process_heat.xlsx311.1e Steam boiler Wood: Variable O&M
521solid biomass boiler steam2020efficiency0.89per unitDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_industrial_process_heat.xlsx311.1e Steam boiler Wood: Total efficiency, net, annual average
522solid biomass boiler steam2020investment618.18EUR/kWDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_industrial_process_heat.xlsx311.1e Steam boiler Wood: Nominal investment
523solid biomass boiler steam2020lifetime25.0yearsDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_industrial_process_heat.xlsx311.1e Steam boiler Wood: Technical lifetime
524solid biomass to hydrogen2020FOM4.25%/yearZech DBFZ Report Nr. 19. Hy-NOW - Evaluierung der Verfahren und Technologien für die Bereitstellung von Wasserstoff auf Basis von Biomasse, DBFZ, 2014
525solid biomass to hydrogen2020capture rate0.98per unitAssumption based on doi:10.1016/j.biombioe.2015.01.006
526solid biomass to hydrogen2020efficiency0.56per unitZech DBFZ Report Nr. 19. Hy-NOW - Evaluierung der Verfahren und Technologien für die Bereitstellung von Wasserstoff auf Basis von Biomasse, DBFZ, 2014
527solid biomass to hydrogen2020investment2500.0EUR/kW_thZech DBFZ Report Nr. 19. Hy-NOW - Evaluierung der Verfahren und Technologien für die Bereitstellung von Wasserstoff auf Basis von Biomasse, DBFZ, 2014
528uranium2020fuel2.6EUR/MWh_thLazard s Levelized Cost of Energy Analysis - Version 13.0
529water tank charger2020efficiency0.84per unitDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_catalogue_for_energy_storage.xlsx: efficiency from sqr(Round trip efficiency)
530water tank discharger2020efficiency0.84per unitDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_catalogue_for_energy_storage.xlsx: efficiency from sqr(Round trip efficiency)
531Ammonia cracker2030FOM4.3%/yearIshimoto et al. (2020): 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2020.09.017 , table 7.
532Ammonia cracker2030investment1062107.74EUR/MW_H2Ishimoto et al. (2020): 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2020.09.017 , table 6.
533Ammonia cracker2030lifetime25.0yearsIshimoto et al. (2020): 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2020.09.017 , table 7.
534BioSNG2030C in fuel0.34per unitStoichiometric calculation
535BioSNG2030C stored0.66per unitStoichiometric calculation
536BioSNG2030CO2 stored0.24tCO2/MWh_thStoichiometric calculation
537BioSNG2030FOM1.64%/yearDanish Energy Agency, data_sheets_for_renewable_fuels.xlsx84 Gasif. CFB, Bio-SNG: Fixed O&M
538BioSNG2030VOM1.7EUR/MWh_thDanish Energy Agency, data_sheets_for_renewable_fuels.xlsx84 Gasif. CFB, Bio-SNG: Variable O&M
539BioSNG2030capture rate0.98per unitAssumption based on doi:10.1016/j.biombioe.2015.01.006
540BioSNG2030efficiency0.63per unitDanish Energy Agency, data_sheets_for_renewable_fuels.xlsx84 Gasif. CFB, Bio-SNG: Bio SNG
541BioSNG2030investment1600.0EUR/kW_thDanish Energy Agency, data_sheets_for_renewable_fuels.xlsx84 Gasif. CFB, Bio-SNG: Specific investment
542BioSNG2030lifetime25.0yearsTODO84 Gasif. CFB, Bio-SNG: Technical lifetime
543BtL2030C in fuel0.32per unitStoichiometric calculation
544BtL2030C stored0.68per unitStoichiometric calculation
545BtL2030CO2 stored0.25tCO2/MWh_thStoichiometric calculation
546BtL2030FOM2.67%/yearDanish Energy Agency, data_sheets_for_renewable_fuels.xlsx85 Gasif. Ent. Flow FT, liq fu : Fixed O&M
547BtL2030VOM1.06EUR/MWh_FTDanish Energy Agency, data_sheets_for_renewable_fuels.xlsx85 Gasif. Ent. Flow FT, liq fu : Variable O&M
548BtL2030capture rate0.98per unitAssumption based on doi:10.1016/j.biombioe.2015.01.006
549BtL2030efficiency0.45per unitdoi:10.1016/j.enpol.2017.05.013
550BtL2030investment2000.0EUR/kW_thdoi:10.1016/j.enpol.2017.05.01385 Gasif. Ent. Flow FT, liq fu : Specific investment
551BtL2030lifetime25.0yearsDanish Energy Agency, data_sheets_for_renewable_fuels.xlsx85 Gasif. Ent. Flow FT, liq fu : Technical lifetime
552CCGT2030FOM3.35%/yearDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx05 Gas turb. CC, steam extract.: Fixed O&M
553CCGT2030VOM4.2EUR/MWhDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx05 Gas turb. CC, steam extract.: Variable O&M
554CCGT2030c_b2.050oC/100oCDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx05 Gas turb. CC, steam extract.: Cb coefficient
555CCGT2030c_v0.1550oC/100oCDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx05 Gas turb. CC, steam extract.: Cv coefficient
556CCGT2030efficiency0.58per unitDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx05 Gas turb. CC, steam extract.: Electricity efficiency, annual average
557CCGT2030investment830.0EUR/kWDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx05 Gas turb. CC, steam extract.: Nominal investment
558CCGT2030lifetime25.0yearsDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx05 Gas turb. CC, steam extract.: Technical lifetime
559CH4 (g) fill compressor station2030FOM1.7%/yearAssume same as for H2 (g) fill compressor station.
560CH4 (g) fill compressor station2030investment1498.95EUR/MW_CH4Guesstimate, based on H2 (g) pipeline and fill compressor station cost.
561CH4 (g) fill compressor station2030lifetime20.0yearsAssume same as for H2 (g) fill compressor station.
562CH4 (g) pipeline2030FOM1.5%/yearAssume same as for H2 (g) pipeline in 2050 (CH4 pipeline as mature technology).
563CH4 (g) pipeline2030investment79.0EUR/MW/kmGuesstimate.
564CH4 (g) pipeline2030lifetime50.0yearsAssume same as for H2 (g) pipeline in 2050 (CH4 pipeline as mature technology).
565CH4 (g) submarine pipeline2030FOM3.0%/yeardAmore-Domenech et al (2021): 10.1016/j.apenergy.2021.116625 , supplementary material.
566CH4 (g) submarine pipeline2030investment114.89EUR/MW/kmKaiser (2017): 10.1016/j.marpol.2017.05.003 .
567CH4 (g) submarine pipeline2030lifetime30.0yearsdAmore-Domenech et al (2021): 10.1016/j.apenergy.2021.116625 , supplementary material.
568CH4 (l) transport ship2030FOM3.5%/yearFasihi et al 2017, table 1,
569CH4 (l) transport ship2030capacity58300.0t_CH4Calculated, based on Fasihi et al 2017, table 1,
570CH4 (l) transport ship2030investment151000000.0EURFasihi et al 2017, table 1,
571CH4 (l) transport ship2030lifetime25.0yearsFasihi et al 2017, table 1,
572CH4 evaporation2030FOM3.5%/yearLochner and Bothe (2009): and Fasihi et al 2017, table 1,
573CH4 evaporation2030investment87.6EUR/kW_CH4Calculated, based on Lochner and Bothe (2009): and Fasihi et al 2017, table 1,
574CH4 evaporation2030lifetime30.0yearsFasihi et al 2017, table 1,
575CH4 liquefaction2030FOM3.5%/yearFasihi et al 2017, table 1,
576CH4 liquefaction2030investment232.13EUR/kW_CH4Calculated, based on Lochner and Bothe (2009): and Fasihi et al 2017, table 1,
577CH4 liquefaction2030lifetime25.0yearsFasihi et al 2017, table 1,
578CO2 liquefaction2030FOM5.0%/yearMitsubish Heavy Industries Ltd. and IEA (2004): .
579CO2 liquefaction2030investment16.03EUR/t_CO2/hMitsubish Heavy Industries Ltd. and IEA (2004): .
580CO2 liquefaction2030lifetime25.0yearsGuesstimate, based on CH4 liquefaction.
581CO2 pipeline2030FOM0.9%/yearDanish Energy Agency, Technology Data for Energy Transport (March 2021), Excel datasheet: 121 co2 pipeline.
582CO2 pipeline2030investment2000.0EUR/(tCO2/h)/kmDanish Energy Agency, Technology Data for Energy Transport (March 2021), Excel datasheet: 121 co2 pipeline.
583CO2 pipeline2030lifetime50.0yearsDanish Energy Agency, Technology Data for Energy Transport (March 2021), Excel datasheet: 121 co2 pipeline.
584CO2 storage tank2030FOM1.0%/yearLauri et al. 2014: doi: 10.1016/j.egypro.2014.11.297, pg. 2746 .
585CO2 storage tank2030investment2528.17EUR/t_CO2Lauri et al. 2014: doi: 10.1016/j.egypro.2014.11.297, Table 3.
586CO2 storage tank2030lifetime25.0yearsLauri et al. 2014: doi: 10.1016/j.egypro.2014.11.297, pg. 2746 .
587CO2 submarine pipeline2030FOM0.5%/yearDanish Energy Agency, Technology Data for Energy Transport (March 2021), Excel datasheet: 121 co2 pipeline.
588CO2 submarine pipeline2030investment4000.0EUR/(tCO2/h)/kmDanish Energy Agency, Technology Data for Energy Transport (March 2021), Excel datasheet: 121 co2 pipeline.
589FT fuel transport ship2030FOM5.0%/yearAssume comparable tanker as for LOHC transport above, c.f. Runge et al 2020, Table 10, .
590FT fuel transport ship2030capacity75000.0t_FTfuelAssume comparable tanker as for LOHC transport above, c.f. Runge et al 2020, Table 10, .
591FT fuel transport ship2030investment31700578.34EURAssume comparable tanker as for LOHC transport above, c.f. Runge et al 2020, Table 10, .
592FT fuel transport ship2030lifetime15.0yearsAssume comparable tanker as for LOHC transport above, c.f. Runge et al 2020, Table 10, .
593Fischer-Tropsch2030FOM3.0%/yearAgora Energiewende (2018): The Future Cost of Electricity-Based Synthetic Fuels (, section
594Fischer-Tropsch2030capture rate0.98per unitAssumption based on doi:10.1016/j.biombioe.2015.01.006
595Fischer-Tropsch2030efficiency0.8per unitAgora Energiewende (2018): The Future Cost of Electricity-Based Synthetic Fuels (, section
596Fischer-Tropsch2030investment650711.26EUR/MW_FTAgora Energiewende (2018): The Future Cost of Electricity-Based Synthetic Fuels (, table 8: “Reference scenario”.
597Fischer-Tropsch2030lifetime20.0yearsDanish Energy Agency, Technology Data for Renewable Fuels (04/2022), Data sheet “Methanol to Power”.
598Gasnetz2030FOM2.5%WEGE ZU EINEM KLIMANEUTRALEN ENERGIESYSEM, Anhang zur Studie, Fraunhofer-Institut für Solare Energiesysteme ISE, FreiburgGasnetz
599Gasnetz2030investment28.0EUR/kWGasWEGE ZU EINEM KLIMANEUTRALEN ENERGIESYSEM, Anhang zur Studie, Fraunhofer-Institut für Solare Energiesysteme ISE, FreiburgGasnetz
600Gasnetz2030lifetime30.0yearsWEGE ZU EINEM KLIMANEUTRALEN ENERGIESYSEM, Anhang zur Studie, Fraunhofer-Institut für Solare Energiesysteme ISE, FreiburgGasnetz
601General liquid hydrocarbon storage (crude)2030FOM6.25%/yearStelter and Nishida 2013: , figure 7 and pg. 12 .
602General liquid hydrocarbon storage (crude)2030investment135.83EUR/m^3Stelter and Nishida 2013: , pg. 8F .
603General liquid hydrocarbon storage (crude)2030lifetime30.0yearsStelter and Nishida 2013: , pg. 11.
604General liquid hydrocarbon storage (product)2030FOM6.25%/yearStelter and Nishida 2013: , figure 7 and pg. 12 .
605General liquid hydrocarbon storage (product)2030investment169.79EUR/m^3Stelter and Nishida 2013: , pg. 8F .
606General liquid hydrocarbon storage (product)2030lifetime30.0yearsStelter and Nishida 2013: , pg. 11.
607H2 (g) fill compressor station2030FOM1.7%/yearGuidehouse 2020: European Hydrogen Backbone report, (table 3, table 5)
608H2 (g) fill compressor station2030investment4478.0EUR/MW_H2Danish Energy Agency, Technology Data for Energy Transport (2021), pg. 164, Figure 14 (Fill compressor).
609H2 (g) fill compressor station2030lifetime20.0yearsDanish Energy Agency, Technology Data for Energy Transport (2021), pg. 168, Figure 24 (Fill compressor).
610H2 (g) pipeline2030FOM3.17%/yearDanish Energy Agency, Technology Data for Energy Transport (2021), Excel datasheet: H2 140.
611H2 (g) pipeline2030investment226.47EUR/MW/kmEuropean Hydrogen Backbone Report (June 2021):
612H2 (g) pipeline2030lifetime50.0yearsDanish Energy Agency, Technology Data for Energy Transport (2021), Excel datasheet: H2 140.
613H2 (g) pipeline repurposed2030FOM3.17%/yearDanish Energy Agency, Technology Data for Energy Transport (2021), Excel datasheet: H2 140.
614H2 (g) pipeline repurposed2030investment105.88EUR/MW/kmEuropean Hydrogen Backbone Report (June 2021):
615H2 (g) pipeline repurposed2030lifetime50.0yearsDanish Energy Agency, Technology Data for Energy Transport (2021), Excel datasheet: H2 140.
616H2 (g) submarine pipeline2030FOM3.0%/yearAssume same as for CH4 (g) submarine pipeline.
617H2 (g) submarine pipeline2030investment329.37EUR/MW/kmAssume similar cost as for CH4 (g) submarine pipeline but with the same factor as between onland CH4 (g) pipeline and H2 (g) pipeline (2.86). This estimate is comparable to a 36in diameter pipeline calaculated based on dAmore-Domenech et al (2021): 10.1016/j.apenergy.2021.116625 , supplementary material (=251 EUR/MW/km).
618H2 (g) submarine pipeline2030lifetime30.0yearsAssume same as for CH4 (g) submarine pipeline.
619H2 (l) storage tank2030FOM2.0%/yearReuß et al 2017, , Table 6.
620H2 (l) storage tank2030investment750.08EUR/MWh_H2Reuß et al 2017, , Table 6.
621H2 (l) storage tank2030lifetime20.0yearsReuß et al 2017, , Table 6.
622H2 (l) transport ship2030FOM4.0%/yearCihlar et al 2020: , Table 3-B, based on IEA 2019.
623H2 (l) transport ship2030capacity11000.0t_H2Cihlar et al 2020: , Table 3-B, based on IEA 2019.
624H2 (l) transport ship2030investment361223561.58EURCihlar et al 2020: , Table 3-B, based on IEA 2019.
625H2 (l) transport ship2030lifetime20.0yearsCihlar et al 2020: , Table 3-B, based on IEA 2019.
626H2 evaporation2030FOM2.5%/yearDNV GL (2020): Study on the Import of Liquid Renewable Energy: Technology Cost Assessment, .
627H2 evaporation2030investment143.64EUR/kW_H2IRENA (2022): Global Hydrogen Trade to Meet the 1.5° Climate Goal: Technology Review of Hydrogen Carriers, , pg. 62f.
628H2 evaporation2030lifetime20.0yearsGuesstimate.
629H2 liquefaction2030FOM2.5%/yearDNV GL (2020): Study on the Import of Liquid Renewable Energy: Technology Cost Assessment, .
630H2 liquefaction2030investment870.56EUR/kW_H2IRENA (2022): Global Hydrogen Trade to Meet the 1.5° Climate Goal: Technology Review of Hydrogen Carriers, , pg. 62f.
631H2 liquefaction2030lifetime20.0yearsReuß et al 2017, , Table 9.
632H2 pipeline2030FOM3.0%/yearTODO from old pypsa cost assumptions
633H2 pipeline2030investment267.0EUR/MW/kmWelder et al from old pypsa cost assumptions
634H2 pipeline2030lifetime40.0yearsTODO from old pypsa cost assumptions
635HVAC overhead2030FOM2.0%/yearHagspiel et al. (2014): doi:10.1016/ , table A.2 .
636HVAC overhead2030investment432.97EUR/MW/kmHagspiel et al. (2014): doi:10.1016/ , table A.2 .
637HVAC overhead2030lifetime40.0yearsHagspiel et al. (2014): doi:10.1016/ , table A.2 .
638HVDC inverter pair2030FOM2.0%/yearHagspiel et al. (2014): doi:10.1016/ , table A.2 .
639HVDC inverter pair2030investment162364.82EUR/MWHagspiel et al. (2014): doi:10.1016/ , table A.2 .
640HVDC inverter pair2030lifetime40.0yearsHagspiel et al. (2014): doi:10.1016/ , table A.2 .
641HVDC overhead2030FOM2.0%/yearHagspiel et al. (2014): doi:10.1016/ , table A.2 .
642HVDC overhead2030investment432.97EUR/MW/kmHagspiel et al. (2014): doi:10.1016/ , table A.2 .
643HVDC overhead2030lifetime40.0yearsHagspiel et al. (2014): doi:10.1016/ , table A.2 .
644HVDC submarine2030FOM0.35%/yearPurvins et al. (2018): .
645HVDC submarine2030investment471.16EUR/MW/kmPurvins et al. (2018): .
646HVDC submarine2030lifetime40.0yearsPurvins et al. (2018): .
647Haber-Bosch2030FOM3.0%/yearDanish Energy Agency, data_sheets_for_renewable_fuels.xlsx103 Hydrogen to Ammonia: Fixed O&M
648Haber-Bosch2030VOM0.02EUR/MWh_NH3Danish Energy Agency, data_sheets_for_renewable_fuels.xlsx103 Hydrogen to Ammonia: Variable O&M
649Haber-Bosch2030investment1297.43EUR/kW_NH3Danish Energy Agency, data_sheets_for_renewable_fuels.xlsx103 Hydrogen to Ammonia: Specific investment
650Haber-Bosch2030lifetime30.0yearsDanish Energy Agency, data_sheets_for_renewable_fuels.xlsx103 Hydrogen to Ammonia: Technical lifetime
651LNG storage tank2030FOM2.0%/yearGuesstimate, based on H2 (l) storage tank with comparable requirements.
652LNG storage tank2030investment611.59EUR/m^3Hurskainen 2019, pg. 46 (59).
653LNG storage tank2030lifetime20.0yearsGuesstimate, based on H2 (l) storage tank with comparable requirements.
654LOHC chemical2030investment2264.33EUR/tRunge et al 2020, pg.7,
655LOHC chemical2030lifetime20.0yearsRunge et al 2020, pg.7,
656LOHC dehydrogenation2030FOM3.0%/yearReuß et al 2017, , Table 9.
657LOHC dehydrogenation2030investment50728.03EUR/MW_H2Reuß et al 2017, , Table 9.
658LOHC dehydrogenation2030lifetime20.0yearsReuß et al 2017, , Table 9.
659LOHC dehydrogenation (small scale)2030FOM3.0%/yearRunge et al 2020, pg.8,
660LOHC dehydrogenation (small scale)2030investment759908.15EUR/MW_H2Runge et al 2020, pg.8,
661LOHC dehydrogenation (small scale)2030lifetime20.0yearsRunge et al 2020, pg.8,
662LOHC hydrogenation2030FOM3.0%/yearReuß et al 2017, , Table 9.
663LOHC hydrogenation2030investment51259.54EUR/MW_H2Reuß et al 2017, , Table 9.
664LOHC hydrogenation2030lifetime20.0yearsReuß et al 2017, , Table 9.
665LOHC loaded DBT storage2030FOM6.25%/year
666LOHC loaded DBT storage2030investment149.27EUR/tDensity via Wissenschaftliche Dienste des Deutschen Bundestages 2020, , pg. 11.
667LOHC loaded DBT storage2030lifetime30.0years
668LOHC transport ship2030FOM5.0%/yearRunge et al 2020, Table 10,
669LOHC transport ship2030capacity75000.0t_LOHCRunge et al 2020, Table 10,
670LOHC transport ship2030investment31700578.34EURRunge et al 2020, Table 10,
671LOHC transport ship2030lifetime15.0yearsRunge et al 2020, Table 10,
672LOHC unloaded DBT storage2030FOM6.25%/year
673LOHC unloaded DBT storage2030investment132.26EUR/tDensity via Wissenschaftliche Dienste des Deutschen Bundestages 2020, , pg. 11.
674LOHC unloaded DBT storage2030lifetime30.0years
675MeOH transport ship2030FOM5.0%/yearAssume comparable tanker as for LOHC transport above, c.f. Runge et al 2020, Table 10, .
676MeOH transport ship2030capacity75000.0t_MeOHAssume comparable tanker as for LOHC transport above, c.f. Runge et al 2020, Table 10, .
677MeOH transport ship2030investment31700578.34EURAssume comparable tanker as for LOHC transport above, c.f. Runge et al 2020, Table 10, .
678MeOH transport ship2030lifetime15.0yearsAssume comparable tanker as for LOHC transport above, c.f. Runge et al 2020, Table 10, .
679Methanol steam reforming2030FOM4.0%/yearNiermann et al (2021): 10.1016/j.rser.2020.110171 , table 4.
680Methanol steam reforming2030investment16318.43EUR/MW_H2Niermann et al (2021): 10.1016/j.rser.2020.110171 , table 4.
681Methanol steam reforming2030lifetime20.0yearsNiermann et al (2021): 10.1016/j.rser.2020.110171 , table 4.
682NH3 (l) storage tank incl. liquefaction2030FOM2.0%/yearGuesstimate, based on H2 (l) storage tank.
683NH3 (l) storage tank incl. liquefaction2030investment161.93EUR/MWh_NH3Calculated based on Morgan E. 2013: doi:10.7275/11KT-3F59 , Fig. 55, Fig 58.
684NH3 (l) storage tank incl. liquefaction2030lifetime20.0yearsMorgan E. 2013: doi:10.7275/11KT-3F59 , pg. 290
685NH3 (l) transport ship2030FOM4.0%/yearCihlar et al 2020 based on IEA 2019, Table 3-B
686NH3 (l) transport ship2030capacity53000.0t_NH3Cihlar et al 2020 based on IEA 2019, Table 3-B
687NH3 (l) transport ship2030investment74461941.34EURCihlar et al 2020 based on IEA 2019, Table 3-B
688NH3 (l) transport ship2030lifetime20.0yearsGuess estimated based on H2 (l) tanker, but more mature technology
689OCGT2030FOM1.78%/yearDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx52 OCGT - Natural gas: Fixed O&M
690OCGT2030VOM4.5EUR/MWhDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx52 OCGT - Natural gas: Variable O&M
691OCGT2030efficiency0.41per unitDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx52 OCGT - Natural gas: Electricity efficiency, annual average
692OCGT2030investment435.24EUR/kWDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx52 OCGT - Natural gas: Specific investment
693OCGT2030lifetime25.0yearsDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx52 OCGT - Natural gas: Technical lifetime
694PHS2030FOM1.0%/yearDIW DataDoc from old pypsa cost assumptions
695PHS2030efficiency0.75per unitDIW DataDoc from old pypsa cost assumptions
696PHS2030investment2208.16EUR/kWelDIW DataDoc from old pypsa cost assumptions
697PHS2030lifetime80.0yearsIEA2010 from old pypsa cost assumptions
698SMR2030FOM5.0%/yearDanish Energy AgencyTechnology data for renewable fuels, in pdf on table 3 p.311
699SMR2030efficiency0.76per unit (in LHV)IEA Global average levelised cost of hydrogen production by energy source and technology, 2019 and 2050 (2020),
700SMR2030investment493470.4EUR/MW_CH4Danish Energy AgencyTechnology data for renewable fuels, in pdf on table 3 p.311
701SMR2030lifetime30.0yearsIEA Global average levelised cost of hydrogen production by energy source and technology, 2019 and 2050 (2020),
702SMR CC2030FOM5.0%/yearDanish Energy AgencyTechnology data for renewable fuels, in pdf on table 3 p.311
703SMR CC2030capture_rate0.9EUR/MW_CH4IEA Global average levelised cost of hydrogen production by energy source and technology, 2019 and 2050 (2020), range: capture rates betwen 54%-90%
704SMR CC2030efficiency0.69per unit (in LHV)IEA Global average levelised cost of hydrogen production by energy source and technology, 2019 and 2050 (2020),
705SMR CC2030investment572425.66EUR/MW_CH4Danish Energy AgencyTechnology data for renewable fuels, in pdf on table 3 p.311
706SMR CC2030lifetime30.0yearsIEA Global average levelised cost of hydrogen production by energy source and technology, 2019 and 2050 (2020),
707Steam methane reforming2030FOM3.0%/yearInternational Energy Agency (2015): Technology Roadmap Hydrogen and Fuel Cells , table 15.
708Steam methane reforming2030investment470085.47EUR/MW_H2International Energy Agency (2015): Technology Roadmap Hydrogen and Fuel Cells , table 15.
709Steam methane reforming2030lifetime30.0yearsInternational Energy Agency (2015): Technology Roadmap Hydrogen and Fuel Cells , table 15.
710air separation unit2030FOM3.0%/yearDanish Energy Agency, data_sheets_for_renewable_fuels.xlsx103 Hydrogen to Ammonia: Fixed O&M
711air separation unit2030investment729306.18EUR/t_N2/hDanish Energy Agency, data_sheets_for_renewable_fuels.xlsx103 Hydrogen to Ammonia: Specific investment
712air separation unit2030lifetime30.0yearsDanish Energy Agency, data_sheets_for_renewable_fuels.xlsx103 Hydrogen to Ammonia: Technical lifetime
713battery inverter2030FOM0.34%/yearDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_catalogue_for_energy_storage.xlsx: Fixed O&M
714battery inverter2030efficiency0.96per unitDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_catalogue_for_energy_storage.xlsx: Round trip efficiency DC
715battery inverter2030investment160.0EUR/kWDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_catalogue_for_energy_storage.xlsx: Output capacity expansion cost investment
716battery inverter2030lifetime10.0yearsDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_catalogue_for_energy_storage.xlsx, Note K.: Technical lifetime
717battery storage2030investment142.0EUR/kWhDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_catalogue_for_energy_storage.xlsx: Energy storage expansion cost investment
718battery storage2030lifetime25.0yearsDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_catalogue_for_energy_storage.xlsx: Technical lifetime
719biogas2030CO2 stored0.09tCO2/MWh_thStoichiometric calculation
720biogas2030FOM12.84%/yearDanish Energy Agency, data_sheets_for_renewable_fuels.xlsx81 Biogas Plant, Basic conf.: Total O&M
721biogas2030capture rate0.98per unitAssumption based on doi:10.1016/j.biombioe.2015.01.006
722biogas2030efficiency1.0per unitAssuming input biomass is already given in biogas output
723biogas2030fuel59.0EUR/MWhthJRC and Zappa from old pypsa cost assumptions
724biogas2030investment1539.62EUR/kWDanish Energy Agency, data_sheets_for_renewable_fuels.xlsx81 Biogas Plant, Basic conf.: Specific investment
725biogas2030lifetime20.0yearsDanish Energy Agency, data_sheets_for_renewable_fuels.xlsx81 Biogas Plant, Basic conf.: Technical lifetime
726biogas plus hydrogen2030FOM4.0%/yearDanish Energy Agency, data_sheets_for_renewable_fuels.xlsx99 SNG from methan. of biogas: Fixed O&M
727biogas plus hydrogen2030investment756.0EUR/kW_CH4Danish Energy Agency, data_sheets_for_renewable_fuels.xlsx99 SNG from methan. of biogas: Specific investment
728biogas plus hydrogen2030lifetime25.0yearsDanish Energy Agency, data_sheets_for_renewable_fuels.xlsx99 SNG from methan. of biogas: Technical lifetime
729biogas upgrading2030FOM2.49%/yearDanish Energy Agency, data_sheets_for_renewable_fuels.xlsx82 Biogas, upgrading: Fixed O&M
730biogas upgrading2030VOM3.18EUR/MWh inputDanish Energy Agency, data_sheets_for_renewable_fuels.xlsx82 Biogas, upgrading: Variable O&M
731biogas upgrading2030investment381.0EUR/kW inputDanish Energy Agency, data_sheets_for_renewable_fuels.xlsx82 Biogas, upgrading: investment (upgrading, methane redution and grid injection)
732biogas upgrading2030lifetime15.0yearsDanish Energy Agency, data_sheets_for_renewable_fuels.xlsx82 Biogas, upgrading: Technical lifetime
733biomass2030FOM4.53%/yearDIW DataDoc from old pypsa cost assumptions
734biomass2030efficiency0.47per unitDIW DataDoc from old pypsa cost assumptions
735biomass2030fuel7.0EUR/MWhthIEA2011b from old pypsa cost assumptions
736biomass2030investment2209.0EUR/kWelDIW DataDoc from old pypsa cost assumptions
737biomass2030lifetime30.0yearsECF2010 in DIW DataDoc from old pypsa cost assumptions
738biomass CHP2030FOM3.58%/yearDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx09c Straw, Large, 40 degree: Fixed O&M
739biomass CHP2030VOM2.1EUR/MWh_eDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx09c Straw, Large, 40 degree: Variable O&M
740biomass CHP2030c_b0.4640°C/80°CDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx09c Straw, Large, 40 degree: Cb coefficient
741biomass CHP2030c_v1.040°C/80°CDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx09c Straw, Large, 40 degree: Cv coefficient
742biomass CHP2030efficiency0.3per unitDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx09c Straw, Large, 40 degree: Electricity efficiency, net, annual average
743biomass CHP2030efficiency-heat0.71per unitDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx09c Straw, Large, 40 degree: Heat efficiency, net, annual average
744biomass CHP2030investment3210.28EUR/kW_eDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx09c Straw, Large, 40 degree: Nominal investment
745biomass CHP2030lifetime25.0yearsDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx09c Straw, Large, 40 degree: Technical lifetime
746biomass CHP capture2030FOM3.0%/yearDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_carbon_capture_transport_storage.xlsx401.a Post comb - small CHP
747biomass CHP capture2030capture_rate0.9per unitDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_carbon_capture_transport_storage.xlsx401.a Post comb - small CHP
748biomass CHP capture2030compression-electricity-input0.08MWh/tCO2Danish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_carbon_capture_transport_storage.xlsx401.a Post comb - small CHP
749biomass CHP capture2030compression-heat-output0.14MWh/tCO2Danish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_carbon_capture_transport_storage.xlsx401.a Post comb - small CHP
750biomass CHP capture2030electricity-input0.02MWh/tCO2Danish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_carbon_capture_transport_storage.xlsx401.a Post comb - small CHP
751biomass CHP capture2030heat-input0.72MWh/tCO2Danish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_carbon_capture_transport_storage.xlsx401.a Post comb - small CHP
752biomass CHP capture2030heat-output0.72MWh/tCO2Danish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_carbon_capture_transport_storage.xlsx401.a Post comb - small CHP
753biomass CHP capture2030investment2700000.0EUR/(tCO2/h)Danish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_carbon_capture_transport_storage.xlsx401.a Post comb - small CHP
754biomass CHP capture2030lifetime25.0yearsDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_carbon_capture_transport_storage.xlsx401.a Post comb - small CHP
755biomass EOP2030FOM3.58%/yearDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx09c Straw, Large, 40 degree: Fixed O&M
756biomass EOP2030VOM2.1EUR/MWh_eDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx09c Straw, Large, 40 degree: Variable O&M
757biomass EOP2030c_b0.4640°C/80°CDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx09c Straw, Large, 40 degree: Cb coefficient
758biomass EOP2030c_v1.040°C/80°CDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx09c Straw, Large, 40 degree: Cv coefficient
759biomass EOP2030efficiency0.3per unitDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx09c Straw, Large, 40 degree: Electricity efficiency, net, annual average
760biomass EOP2030efficiency-heat0.71per unitDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx09c Straw, Large, 40 degree: Heat efficiency, net, annual average
761biomass EOP2030investment3210.28EUR/kW_eDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx09c Straw, Large, 40 degree: Nominal investment
762biomass EOP2030lifetime25.0yearsDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx09c Straw, Large, 40 degree: Technical lifetime
763biomass HOP2030FOM5.75%/yearDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx09c Straw HOP: Fixed O&M, heat output
764biomass HOP2030VOM2.78EUR/MWhDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx09c Straw HOP: Variable O&M heat output
765biomass HOP2030efficiency1.03per unitDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx09c Straw HOP: Total efficiency , net, annual average
766biomass HOP2030investment832.63EUR/kW_th - heat outputDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx09c Straw HOP: Nominal investment
767biomass HOP2030lifetime25.0yearsDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx09c Straw HOP: Technical lifetime
768biomass boiler2030FOM7.49%/yearDanish Energy Agency, technologydatafor_heating_installations_marts_2018.xlsx204 Biomass boiler, automatic: Fixed O&M
769biomass boiler2030efficiency0.86per unitDanish Energy Agency, technologydatafor_heating_installations_marts_2018.xlsx204 Biomass boiler, automatic: Heat efficiency, annual average, net
770biomass boiler2030investment649.3EUR/kW_thDanish Energy Agency, technologydatafor_heating_installations_marts_2018.xlsx204 Biomass boiler, automatic: Specific investment
771biomass boiler2030lifetime20.0yearsDanish Energy Agency, technologydatafor_heating_installations_marts_2018.xlsx204 Biomass boiler, automatic: Technical lifetime
772cement capture2030FOM3.0%/yearDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_carbon_capture_transport_storage.xlsx401.c Post comb - Cement kiln
773cement capture2030capture_rate0.9per unitDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_carbon_capture_transport_storage.xlsx401.c Post comb - Cement kiln
774cement capture2030compression-electricity-input0.08MWh/tCO2Danish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_carbon_capture_transport_storage.xlsx401.c Post comb - Cement kiln
775cement capture2030compression-heat-output0.14MWh/tCO2Danish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_carbon_capture_transport_storage.xlsx401.c Post comb - Cement kiln
776cement capture2030electricity-input0.02MWh/tCO2Danish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_carbon_capture_transport_storage.xlsx401.c Post comb - Cement kiln
777cement capture2030heat-input0.72MWh/tCO2Danish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_carbon_capture_transport_storage.xlsx401.c Post comb - Cement kiln
778cement capture2030heat-output1.54MWh/tCO2Danish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_carbon_capture_transport_storage.xlsx401.c Post comb - Cement kiln
779cement capture2030investment2600000.0EUR/(tCO2/h)Danish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_carbon_capture_transport_storage.xlsx401.c Post comb - Cement kiln
780cement capture2030lifetime25.0yearsDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_carbon_capture_transport_storage.xlsx401.c Post comb - Cement kiln
781central air-sourced heat pump2030FOM0.23%/yearDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx40 Comp. hp, airsource 3 MW: Fixed O&M
782central air-sourced heat pump2030VOM2.51EUR/MWh_thDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx40 Comp. hp, airsource 3 MW: Variable O&M
783central air-sourced heat pump2030efficiency3.6per unitDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx40 Comp. hp, airsource 3 MW: Total efficiency , net, annual average
784central air-sourced heat pump2030investment856.25EUR/kW_thDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx40 Comp. hp, airsource 3 MW: Specific investment
785central air-sourced heat pump2030lifetime25.0yearsDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx40 Comp. hp, airsource 3 MW: Technical lifetime
786central coal CHP2030FOM1.63%/yearDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx01 Coal CHP: Fixed O&M
787central coal CHP2030VOM2.84EUR/MWhDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx01 Coal CHP: Variable O&M
788central coal CHP2030c_b1.0150oC/100oCDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx01 Coal CHP: Cb coefficient
789central coal CHP2030c_v0.1550oC/100oCDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx01 Coal CHP: Cv coefficient
790central coal CHP2030efficiency0.52per unitDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx01 Coal CHP: Electricity efficiency, condensation mode, net
791central coal CHP2030investment1860.47EUR/kWDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx01 Coal CHP: Nominal investment
792central coal CHP2030lifetime25.0yearsDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx01 Coal CHP: Technical lifetime
793central gas CHP2030FOM3.32%/yearDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx04 Gas turb. simple cycle, L: Fixed O&M
794central gas CHP2030VOM4.2EUR/MWhDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx04 Gas turb. simple cycle, L: Variable O&M
795central gas CHP2030c_b1.050oC/100oCDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx04 Gas turb. simple cycle, L: Cb coefficient
796central gas CHP2030c_v0.17per unitDEA (loss of fuel for additional heat) from old pypsa cost assumptions
797central gas CHP2030efficiency0.41per unitDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx04 Gas turb. simple cycle, L: Electricity efficiency, annual average
798central gas CHP2030investment560.0EUR/kWDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx04 Gas turb. simple cycle, L: Nominal investment
799central gas CHP2030lifetime25.0yearsDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx04 Gas turb. simple cycle, L: Technical lifetime
800central gas CHP2030p_nom_ratio1.0per unit from old pypsa cost assumptions
801central gas boiler2030FOM3.8%/yearDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx44 Natural Gas DH Only: Fixed O&M
802central gas boiler2030VOM1.0EUR/MWh_thDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx44 Natural Gas DH Only: Variable O&M
803central gas boiler2030efficiency1.04per unitDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx44 Natural Gas DH Only: Total efficiency , net, annual average
804central gas boiler2030investment50.0EUR/kW_thDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx44 Natural Gas DH Only: Nominal investment
805central gas boiler2030lifetime25.0yearsDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx44 Natural Gas DH Only: Technical lifetime
806central ground-sourced heat pump2030FOM0.39%/yearDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx40 Absorption heat pump, DH: Fixed O&M
807central ground-sourced heat pump2030VOM1.25EUR/MWh_thDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx40 Absorption heat pump, DH: Variable O&M
808central ground-sourced heat pump2030efficiency1.73per unitDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx40 Absorption heat pump, DH: Total efficiency , net, annual average
809central ground-sourced heat pump2030investment507.6EUR/kW_th excluding drive energyDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx40 Absorption heat pump, DH: Nominal investment
810central ground-sourced heat pump2030lifetime25.0yearsDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx40 Absorption heat pump, DH: Technical lifetime
811central resistive heater2030FOM1.7%/yearDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx41 Electric Boilers: Fixed O&M
812central resistive heater2030VOM1.0EUR/MWh_thDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx41 Electric Boilers: Variable O&M
813central resistive heater2030efficiency0.99per unitDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx41 Electric Boilers: Total efficiency , net, annual average
814central resistive heater2030investment60.0EUR/kW_thDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx41 Electric Boilers: Nominal investment; 10/15 kV; >10 MW
815central resistive heater2030lifetime20.0yearsDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx41 Electric Boilers: Technical lifetime
816central solar thermal2030FOM1.4%/yearHP from old pypsa cost assumptions
817central solar thermal2030investment140000.0EUR/1000m2HP from old pypsa cost assumptions
818central solar thermal2030lifetime20.0yearsHP from old pypsa cost assumptions
819central solid biomass CHP2030FOM2.87%/yearDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx09a Wood Chips, Large 50 degree: Fixed O&M
820central solid biomass CHP2030VOM4.58EUR/MWh_eDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx09a Wood Chips, Large 50 degree: Variable O&M
821central solid biomass CHP2030c_b0.3550°C/100°CDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx09a Wood Chips, Large 50 degree: Cb coefficient
822central solid biomass CHP2030c_v1.050°C/100°CDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx09a Wood Chips, Large 50 degree: Cv coefficient
823central solid biomass CHP2030efficiency0.27per unitDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx09a Wood Chips, Large 50 degree: Electricity efficiency, net, annual average
824central solid biomass CHP2030efficiency-heat0.82per unitDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx09a Wood Chips, Large 50 degree: Heat efficiency, net, annual average
825central solid biomass CHP2030investment3349.49EUR/kW_eDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx09a Wood Chips, Large 50 degree: Nominal investment
826central solid biomass CHP2030lifetime25.0yearsDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx09a Wood Chips, Large 50 degree: Technical lifetime
827central solid biomass CHP2030p_nom_ratio1.0per unit from old pypsa cost assumptions
828central water tank storage2030FOM0.55%/yearDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_catalogue_for_energy_storage.xlsx140 PTES seasonal: Fixed O&M
829central water tank storage2030investment0.54EUR/kWhCapacityDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_catalogue_for_energy_storage.xlsx140 PTES seasonal: Specific investment
830central water tank storage2030lifetime25.0yearsDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_catalogue_for_energy_storage.xlsx140 PTES seasonal: Technical lifetime
831clean water tank storage2030FOM2.0%/yearCaldera et al 2016: Local cost of seawater RO desalination based on solar PV and windenergy: A global estimate. (, Table 1.
832clean water tank storage2030investment67.63EUR/m^3-H2OCaldera et al 2016: Local cost of seawater RO desalination based on solar PV and windenergy: A global estimate. (, Table 1.
833clean water tank storage2030lifetime30.0yearsCaldera et al 2016: Local cost of seawater RO desalination based on solar PV and windenergy: A global estimate. (, Table 1.
834coal2030CO2 intensity0.34tCO2/MWh_thEntwicklung der spezifischen Kohlendioxid-Emissionen des deutschen Strommix in den Jahren 1990 - 2018
835coal2030FOM1.6%/yearLazard s Levelized Cost of Energy Analysis - Version 13.0
836coal2030VOM3.5EUR/MWh_eLazard s Levelized Cost of Energy Analysis - Version 13.0
837coal2030efficiency0.33per unitLazard s Levelized Cost of Energy Analysis - Version 13.0
838coal2030fuel8.15EUR/MWh_thBP 2019
839coal2030investment3845.51EUR/kW_eLazard s Levelized Cost of Energy Analysis - Version 13.0
840coal2030lifetime40.0yearsLazard s Levelized Cost of Energy Analysis - Version 13.0
841csp-tower2030FOM1.1%/yearATB CSP data (
842csp-tower2030investment98.15EUR/kW_th,dpATB CSP data ( and NREL SAM v2021.12.2 (
843csp-tower2030lifetime30.0yearsATB CSP data (
844csp-tower TES2030FOM1.1%/yearsee solar-tower.
845csp-tower TES2030investment13.15EUR/kWh_thATB CSP data ( and NREL SAM v2021.12.2 (
846csp-tower TES2030lifetime30.0yearssee solar-tower.
847csp-tower power block2030FOM1.1%/yearsee solar-tower.
848csp-tower power block2030investment687.6EUR/kW_eATB CSP data ( and NREL SAM v2021.12.2 (
849csp-tower power block2030lifetime30.0yearssee solar-tower.
850decentral CHP2030FOM3.0%/yearHP from old pypsa cost assumptions
851decentral CHP2030discount rate0.04per unitPalzer thesis from old pypsa cost assumptions
852decentral CHP2030investment1400.0EUR/kWelHP from old pypsa cost assumptions
853decentral CHP2030lifetime25.0yearsHP from old pypsa cost assumptions
854decentral air-sourced heat pump2030FOM3.0%/yearDanish Energy Agency, technologydatafor_heating_installations_marts_2018.xlsx207.3 Air to water existing: Fixed O&M
855decentral air-sourced heat pump2030discount rate0.04per unitPalzer thesis from old pypsa cost assumptions
856decentral air-sourced heat pump2030efficiency3.6per unitDanish Energy Agency, technologydatafor_heating_installations_marts_2018.xlsx207.3 Air to water existing: Heat efficiency, annual average, net, radiators, existing one family house
857decentral air-sourced heat pump2030investment850.0EUR/kW_thDanish Energy Agency, technologydatafor_heating_installations_marts_2018.xlsx207.3 Air to water existing: Specific investment
858decentral air-sourced heat pump2030lifetime18.0yearsDanish Energy Agency, technologydatafor_heating_installations_marts_2018.xlsx207.3 Air to water existing: Technical lifetime
859decentral gas boiler2030FOM6.69%/yearDanish Energy Agency, technologydatafor_heating_installations_marts_2018.xlsx202 Natural gas boiler: Fixed O&M
860decentral gas boiler2030discount rate0.04per unitPalzer thesis from old pypsa cost assumptions
861decentral gas boiler2030efficiency0.98per unitDanish Energy Agency, technologydatafor_heating_installations_marts_2018.xlsx202 Natural gas boiler: Total efficiency, annual average, net
862decentral gas boiler2030investment296.82EUR/kW_thDanish Energy Agency, technologydatafor_heating_installations_marts_2018.xlsx202 Natural gas boiler: Specific investment
863decentral gas boiler2030lifetime20.0yearsDanish Energy Agency, technologydatafor_heating_installations_marts_2018.xlsx202 Natural gas boiler: Technical lifetime
864decentral gas boiler connection2030investment185.51EUR/kW_thDanish Energy Agency, technologydatafor_heating_installations_marts_2018.xlsx: Possible additional specific investment
865decentral gas boiler connection2030lifetime50.0yearsDanish Energy Agency, technologydatafor_heating_installations_marts_2018.xlsx: Technical lifetime
866decentral ground-sourced heat pump2030FOM1.82%/yearDanish Energy Agency, technologydatafor_heating_installations_marts_2018.xlsx207.7 Ground source existing: Fixed O&M
867decentral ground-sourced heat pump2030discount rate0.04per unitPalzer thesis from old pypsa cost assumptions
868decentral ground-sourced heat pump2030efficiency3.9per unitDanish Energy Agency, technologydatafor_heating_installations_marts_2018.xlsx207.7 Ground source existing: Heat efficiency, annual average, net, radiators, existing one family house
869decentral ground-sourced heat pump2030investment1400.0EUR/kW_thDanish Energy Agency, technologydatafor_heating_installations_marts_2018.xlsx207.7 Ground source existing: Specific investment
870decentral ground-sourced heat pump2030lifetime20.0yearsDanish Energy Agency, technologydatafor_heating_installations_marts_2018.xlsx207.7 Ground source existing: Technical lifetime
871decentral oil boiler2030FOM2.0%/yearPalzer thesis ( from old pypsa cost assumptions
872decentral oil boiler2030efficiency0.9per unitPalzer thesis ( from old pypsa cost assumptions
873decentral oil boiler2030investment156.01EUR/kWthPalzer thesis ( (+eigene Berechnung) from old pypsa cost assumptions
874decentral oil boiler2030lifetime20.0yearsPalzer thesis ( from old pypsa cost assumptions
875decentral resistive heater2030FOM2.0%/yearSchaber thesis from old pypsa cost assumptions
876decentral resistive heater2030discount rate0.04per unitPalzer thesis from old pypsa cost assumptions
877decentral resistive heater2030efficiency0.9per unitSchaber thesis from old pypsa cost assumptions
878decentral resistive heater2030investment100.0EUR/kWhthSchaber thesis from old pypsa cost assumptions
879decentral resistive heater2030lifetime20.0yearsSchaber thesis from old pypsa cost assumptions
880decentral solar thermal2030FOM1.3%/yearHP from old pypsa cost assumptions
881decentral solar thermal2030discount rate0.04per unitPalzer thesis from old pypsa cost assumptions
882decentral solar thermal2030investment270000.0EUR/1000m2HP from old pypsa cost assumptions
883decentral solar thermal2030lifetime20.0yearsHP from old pypsa cost assumptions
884decentral water tank storage2030FOM1.0%/yearHP from old pypsa cost assumptions
885decentral water tank storage2030discount rate0.04per unitPalzer thesis from old pypsa cost assumptions
886decentral water tank storage2030investment18.38EUR/kWhIWES Interaktion from old pypsa cost assumptions
887decentral water tank storage2030lifetime20.0yearsHP from old pypsa cost assumptions
888digestible biomass2030fuel15.0EUR/MWh_thJRC ENSPRESO ca avg for MINBIOAGRW1, ENS_Ref for 2040
889digestible biomass to hydrogen2030FOM4.25%/yearZech DBFZ Report Nr. 19. Hy-NOW - Evaluierung der Verfahren und Technologien für die Bereitstellung von Wasserstoff auf Basis von Biomasse, DBFZ, 2014
890digestible biomass to hydrogen2030capture rate0.98per unitAssumption based on doi:10.1016/j.biombioe.2015.01.006
891digestible biomass to hydrogen2030efficiency0.39per unitZech DBFZ Report Nr. 19. Hy-NOW - Evaluierung der Verfahren und Technologien für die Bereitstellung von Wasserstoff auf Basis von Biomasse, DBFZ, 2014
892digestible biomass to hydrogen2030investment2500.0EUR/kW_thZech DBFZ Report Nr. 19. Hy-NOW - Evaluierung der Verfahren und Technologien für die Bereitstellung von Wasserstoff auf Basis von Biomasse, DBFZ, 2014
893direct air capture2030FOM4.95%/yearDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_carbon_capture_transport_storage.xlsx403.a Direct air capture
894direct air capture2030compression-electricity-input0.15MWh/tCO2Danish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_carbon_capture_transport_storage.xlsx403.a Direct air capture
895direct air capture2030compression-heat-output0.2MWh/tCO2Danish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_carbon_capture_transport_storage.xlsx403.a Direct air capture
896direct air capture2030electricity-input0.32MWh/tCO2Danish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_carbon_capture_transport_storage.xlsx403.a Direct air capture
897direct air capture2030heat-input2.0MWh/tCO2Danish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_carbon_capture_transport_storage.xlsx403.a Direct air capture
898direct air capture2030heat-output1.0MWh/tCO2Danish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_carbon_capture_transport_storage.xlsx403.a Direct air capture
899direct air capture2030investment6000000.0EUR/(tCO2/h)Danish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_carbon_capture_transport_storage.xlsx403.a Direct air capture
900direct air capture2030lifetime20.0yearsDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_carbon_capture_transport_storage.xlsx403.a Direct air capture
901electric boiler steam2030FOM1.46%/yearDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_industrial_process_heat.xlsx310.1 Electric boiler steam : Fixed O&M
902electric boiler steam2030VOM0.88EUR/MWhDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_industrial_process_heat.xlsx310.1 Electric boiler steam : Variable O&M
903electric boiler steam2030efficiency0.99per unitDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_industrial_process_heat.xlsx310.1 Electric boiler steam : Total efficiency, net, annual average
904electric boiler steam2030investment70.0EUR/kWDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_industrial_process_heat.xlsx310.1 Electric boiler steam : Nominal investment
905electric boiler steam2030lifetime25.0yearsDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_industrial_process_heat.xlsx310.1 Electric boiler steam : Technical lifetime
906electricity distribution grid2030FOM2.0%/yearTODO from old pypsa cost assumptions
907electricity distribution grid2030investment500.0EUR/kWTODO from old pypsa cost assumptions
908electricity distribution grid2030lifetime40.0yearsTODO from old pypsa cost assumptions
909electricity grid connection2030FOM2.0%/yearTODO from old pypsa cost assumptions
910electricity grid connection2030investment140.0EUR/kWDEA from old pypsa cost assumptions
911electricity grid connection2030lifetime40.0yearsTODO from old pypsa cost assumptions
912electrolysis2030FOM2.0%/yearDanish Energy Agency, data_sheets_for_renewable_fuels.xlsx86 AEC 100MW: Fixed O&M
913electrolysis2030efficiency0.68per unitDanish Energy Agency, data_sheets_for_renewable_fuels.xlsx86 AEC 100MW: Hydrogen
914electrolysis2030investment450.0EUR/kW_eDanish Energy Agency, data_sheets_for_renewable_fuels.xlsx86 AEC 100MW: Specific investment
915electrolysis2030lifetime30.0yearsDanish Energy Agency, data_sheets_for_renewable_fuels.xlsx86 AEC 100MW: Technical lifetime
916fuel cell2030FOM5.0%/yearDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx12 LT-PEMFC CHP: Fixed O&M
917fuel cell2030c_b1.2550oC/100oCDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx12 LT-PEMFC CHP: Cb coefficient
918fuel cell2030efficiency0.5per unitDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx12 LT-PEMFC CHP: Electricity efficiency, annual average
919fuel cell2030investment1100.0EUR/kW_eDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx12 LT-PEMFC CHP: Nominal investment
920fuel cell2030lifetime10.0yearsDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx12 LT-PEMFC CHP: Technical lifetime
921gas2030CO2 intensity0.2tCO2/MWh_thStoichiometric calculation with 50 GJ/t CH4
922gas2030fuel20.1EUR/MWh_thBP 2019
923gas boiler steam2030FOM4.18%/yearDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_industrial_process_heat.xlsx311.1c Steam boiler Gas: Fixed O&M
924gas boiler steam2030VOM1.0EUR/MWhDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_industrial_process_heat.xlsx311.1c Steam boiler Gas: Variable O&M
925gas boiler steam2030efficiency0.93per unitDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_industrial_process_heat.xlsx311.1c Steam boiler Gas: Total efficiency, net, annual average
926gas boiler steam2030investment45.45EUR/kWDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_industrial_process_heat.xlsx311.1c Steam boiler Gas: Nominal investment
927gas boiler steam2030lifetime25.0yearsDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_industrial_process_heat.xlsx311.1c Steam boiler Gas: Technical lifetime
928gas storage2030FOM3.59%Danish Energy Agency150 Underground Storage of Gas, Operation and Maintenace, salt cavern (units converted)
929gas storage2030investment0.03EUR/kWhDanish Energy Agency150 Underground Storage of Gas, Establishment of one cavern (units converted)
930gas storage2030lifetime100.0yearsTODO no sourceestimation: most underground storage are already build, they do have a long lifetime
931gas storage charger2030investment14.34EUR/kWDanish Energy Agency150 Underground Storage of Gas, Process equipment (units converted)
932gas storage discharger2030investment4.78EUR/kWDanish Energy Agency150 Underground Storage of Gas, Process equipment (units converted)
933geothermal2030CO2 intensity0.03tCO2/MWhth from old pypsa cost assumptions
934geothermal2030FOM2.36%/yearDIW DataDoc from old pypsa cost assumptions
935geothermal2030efficiency0.24per unitDIW DataDoc from old pypsa cost assumptions
936geothermal2030investment3392.0EUR/kWelDIW DataDoc from old pypsa cost assumptions
937geothermal2030lifetime40.0yearsIEA2010 from old pypsa cost assumptions
938helmeth2030FOM3.0%/yearno source from old pypsa cost assumptions
939helmeth2030efficiency0.8per unitHELMETH press release from old pypsa cost assumptions
940helmeth2030investment2000.0EUR/kWno source from old pypsa cost assumptions
941helmeth2030lifetime25.0yearsno source from old pypsa cost assumptions
942home battery inverter2030FOM0.34%/yearGlobal Energy System based on 100% Renewable Energy, Energywatchgroup/LTU University, 2019, Danish Energy Agency, technology_data_catalogue_for_energy_storage.xlsx: Fixed O&M
943home battery inverter2030efficiency0.96per unitGlobal Energy System based on 100% Renewable Energy, Energywatchgroup/LTU University, 2019, Danish Energy Agency, technology_data_catalogue_for_energy_storage.xlsx: Round trip efficiency DC
944home battery inverter2030investment228.06EUR/kWGlobal Energy System based on 100% Renewable Energy, Energywatchgroup/LTU University, 2019, Danish Energy Agency, technology_data_catalogue_for_energy_storage.xlsx: Output capacity expansion cost investment
945home battery inverter2030lifetime10.0yearsGlobal Energy System based on 100% Renewable Energy, Energywatchgroup/LTU University, 2019, Danish Energy Agency, technology_data_catalogue_for_energy_storage.xlsx, Note K.: Technical lifetime
946home battery storage2030investment202.9EUR/kWhGlobal Energy System based on 100% Renewable Energy, Energywatchgroup/LTU University, 2019, Danish Energy Agency, technology_data_catalogue_for_energy_storage.xlsx: Energy storage expansion cost investment
947home battery storage2030lifetime25.0yearsGlobal Energy System based on 100% Renewable Energy, Energywatchgroup/LTU University, 2019, Danish Energy Agency, technology_data_catalogue_for_energy_storage.xlsx: Technical lifetime
948hydro2030FOM1.0%/yearDIW DataDoc from old pypsa cost assumptions
949hydro2030efficiency0.9per unitDIW DataDoc from old pypsa cost assumptions
950hydro2030investment2208.16EUR/kWelDIW DataDoc from old pypsa cost assumptions
951hydro2030lifetime80.0yearsIEA2010 from old pypsa cost assumptions
952hydrogen storage tank2030investment11.2USD/kWhbudischak2013 from old pypsa cost assumptions
953hydrogen storage tank2030lifetime20.0yearsbudischak2013 from old pypsa cost assumptions
954hydrogen storage tank incl. compressor2030FOM1.11%/yearDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_catalogue_for_energy_storage.xlsx151a Hydrogen Storage - Tanks: Fixed O&M
955hydrogen storage tank incl. compressor2030investment44.91EUR/kWhDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_catalogue_for_energy_storage.xlsx151a Hydrogen Storage - Tanks: Specific investment
956hydrogen storage tank incl. compressor2030lifetime30.0yearsDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_catalogue_for_energy_storage.xlsx151a Hydrogen Storage - Tanks: Technical lifetime
957hydrogen storage underground2030FOM0.0%/yearDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_catalogue_for_energy_storage.xlsx151c Hydrogen Storage - Caverns: Fixed O&M
958hydrogen storage underground2030VOM0.0EUR/MWhDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_catalogue_for_energy_storage.xlsx151c Hydrogen Storage - Caverns: Variable O&M
959hydrogen storage underground2030investment2.0EUR/kWhDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_catalogue_for_energy_storage.xlsx151c Hydrogen Storage - Caverns: Specific investment
960hydrogen storage underground2030lifetime100.0yearsDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_catalogue_for_energy_storage.xlsx151c Hydrogen Storage - Caverns: Technical lifetime
961industrial heat pump high temperature2030FOM0.09%/yearDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_industrial_process_heat.xlsx302.b High temp. hp Up to 150: Fixed O&M
962industrial heat pump high temperature2030VOM3.2EUR/MWhDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_industrial_process_heat.xlsx302.b High temp. hp Up to 150: Variable O&M
963industrial heat pump high temperature2030efficiency3.05per unitDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_industrial_process_heat.xlsx302.b High temp. hp Up to 150: Total efficiency, net, annual average
964industrial heat pump high temperature2030investment934.56EUR/kWDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_industrial_process_heat.xlsx302.b High temp. hp Up to 150: Nominal investment
965industrial heat pump high temperature2030lifetime20.0yearsDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_industrial_process_heat.xlsx302.b High temp. hp Up to 150: Technical lifetime
966industrial heat pump medium temperature2030FOM0.11%/yearDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_industrial_process_heat.xlsx302.a High temp. hp Up to 125 C: Fixed O&M
967industrial heat pump medium temperature2030VOM3.2EUR/MWhDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_industrial_process_heat.xlsx302.a High temp. hp Up to 125 C: Variable O&M
968industrial heat pump medium temperature2030efficiency2.7per unitDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_industrial_process_heat.xlsx302.a High temp. hp Up to 125 C: Total efficiency, net, annual average
969industrial heat pump medium temperature2030investment778.8EUR/kWDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_industrial_process_heat.xlsx302.a High temp. hp Up to 125 C: Nominal investment
970industrial heat pump medium temperature2030lifetime20.0yearsDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_industrial_process_heat.xlsx302.a High temp. hp Up to 125 C: Technical lifetime
971lignite2030CO2 intensity0.41tCO2/MWh_thEntwicklung der spezifischen Kohlendioxid-Emissionen des deutschen Strommix in den Jahren 1990 - 2018
972lignite2030FOM1.6%/yearLazard s Levelized Cost of Energy Analysis - Version 13.0
973lignite2030VOM3.5EUR/MWh_eLazard s Levelized Cost of Energy Analysis - Version 13.0
974lignite2030efficiency0.33per unitLazard s Levelized Cost of Energy Analysis - Version 13.0
976lignite2030investment3845.51EUR/kW_eLazard s Levelized Cost of Energy Analysis - Version 13.0
977lignite2030lifetime40.0yearsLazard s Levelized Cost of Energy Analysis - Version 13.0
978methanation2030FOM3.0%/yearAgora Energiewende (2018): The Future Cost of Electricity-Based Synthetic Fuels (, section
979methanation2030capture rate0.98per unitAssumption based on doi:10.1016/j.biombioe.2015.01.006
980methanation2030efficiency0.8per unitAgora Energiewende (2018): The Future Cost of Electricity-Based Synthetic Fuels (, section
981methanation2030investment628.6EUR/MW_CH4; and EUR/kW_CH4Agora Energiewende (2018): The Future Cost of Electricity-Based Synthetic Fuels (, table 6: “Reference scenario”.
983methane storage tank incl. compressor2030FOM1.9%/yearGuesstimate, based on hydrogen storage tank by DEA.
984methane storage tank incl. compressor2030investment8629.2EUR/m^3Storage costs per l: (2021-02-10).
985methane storage tank incl. compressor2030lifetime30.0yearsGuesstimate, based on hydrogen storage tank by DEA.
986methanolisation2030FOM3.0%/yearAgora Energiewende (2018): The Future Cost of Electricity-Based Synthetic Fuels (, section
987methanolisation2030investment650711.26EUR/MW_MeOHAgora Energiewende (2018): The Future Cost of Electricity-Based Synthetic Fuels (, table 8: “Reference scenario”.
988methanolisation2030lifetime20.0yearsDanish Energy Agency, Technology Data for Renewable Fuels (04/2022), Data sheet “Methanol to Power”.
989micro CHP2030FOM6.11%/yearDanish Energy Agency, technologydatafor_heating_installations_marts_2018.xlsx219 LT-PEMFC mCHP - natural gas: Fixed O&M
990micro CHP2030efficiency0.35per unitDanish Energy Agency, technologydatafor_heating_installations_marts_2018.xlsx219 LT-PEMFC mCHP - natural gas: Electric efficiency, annual average, net
991micro CHP2030efficiency-heat0.61per unitDanish Energy Agency, technologydatafor_heating_installations_marts_2018.xlsx219 LT-PEMFC mCHP - natural gas: Heat efficiency, annual average, net
992micro CHP2030investment7410.27EUR/kW_thDanish Energy Agency, technologydatafor_heating_installations_marts_2018.xlsx219 LT-PEMFC mCHP - natural gas: Specific investment
993micro CHP2030lifetime20.0yearsDanish Energy Agency, technologydatafor_heating_installations_marts_2018.xlsx219 LT-PEMFC mCHP - natural gas: Technical lifetime
994nuclear2030FOM1.4%/yearLazard s Levelized Cost of Energy Analysis - Version 13.0
995nuclear2030VOM3.5EUR/MWh_eLazard s Levelized Cost of Energy Analysis - Version 13.0
996nuclear2030efficiency0.33per unitLazard s Levelized Cost of Energy Analysis - Version 13.0
997nuclear2030fuel2.6EUR/MWh_thLazard s Levelized Cost of Energy Analysis - Version 13.0
998nuclear2030investment7940.45EUR/kW_eLazard s Levelized Cost of Energy Analysis - Version 13.0
999nuclear2030lifetime40.0yearsLazard s Levelized Cost of Energy Analysis - Version 13.0
1000offwind2030FOM2.32%/yearDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx21 Offshore turbines: Fixed O&M [EUR/MW_e/y, 2020]
1001offwind2030VOM0.02EUR/MWhelRES costs made up to fix curtailment order from old pypsa cost assumptions
1002offwind2030investment1523.55EUR/kW_e, 2020Danish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx21 Offshore turbines: Nominal investment [MEUR/MW_e, 2020] grid connection costs substracted from investment costs
1003offwind2030lifetime30.0yearsDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx21 Offshore turbines: Technical lifetime [years]
1004offwind-ac-connection-submarine2030investment2685.0EUR/MW/kmDEA from old pypsa cost assumptions
1005offwind-ac-connection-underground2030investment1342.0EUR/MW/kmDEA from old pypsa cost assumptions
1006offwind-ac-station2030investment250.0EUR/kWelDEA from old pypsa cost assumptions
1007offwind-dc-connection-submarine2030investment2000.0EUR/MW/kmDTU report based on Fig 34 of from old pypsa cost assumptions
1008offwind-dc-connection-underground2030investment1000.0EUR/MW/kmHaertel 2017; average + 13% learning reduction from old pypsa cost assumptions
1009offwind-dc-station2030investment400.0EUR/kWelHaertel 2017; assuming one onshore and one offshore node + 13% learning reduction from old pypsa cost assumptions
1010oil2030CO2 intensity0.26tCO2/MWh_thStoichiometric calculation with 44 GJ/t diesel and -CH2- approximation of diesel
1011oil2030FOM2.46%/yearDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx50 Diesel engine farm: Fixed O&M
1012oil2030VOM6.0EUR/MWhDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx50 Diesel engine farm: Variable O&M
1013oil2030efficiency0.35per unitDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx50 Diesel engine farm: Electricity efficiency, annual average
1014oil2030fuel50.0EUR/MWhthIEA WEM2017 97USD/boe = from old pypsa cost assumptions
1015oil2030investment343.0EUR/kWDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx50 Diesel engine farm: Specific investment
1016oil2030lifetime25.0yearsDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx50 Diesel engine farm: Technical lifetime
1017onwind2030FOM1.22%/yearDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx20 Onshore turbines: Fixed O&M
1018onwind2030VOM1.35EUR/MWhDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx20 Onshore turbines: Variable O&M
1019onwind2030investment1035.56EUR/kWDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx20 Onshore turbines: Nominal investment
1020onwind2030lifetime30.0yearsDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx20 Onshore turbines: Technical lifetime
1021ror2030FOM2.0%/yearDIW DataDoc from old pypsa cost assumptions
1022ror2030efficiency0.9per unitDIW DataDoc from old pypsa cost assumptions
1023ror2030investment3312.24EUR/kWelDIW DataDoc from old pypsa cost assumptions
1024ror2030lifetime80.0yearsIEA2010 from old pypsa cost assumptions
1025seawater desalination2030FOM4.0%/yearCaldera et al 2016: Local cost of seawater RO desalination based on solar PV and windenergy: A global estimate. (, Table 1.
1026seawater desalination2030electricity-input3.03kWh/m^3-H2OCaldera et al 2016: Local cost of seawater RO desalination based on solar PV and windenergy: A global estimate. (, Fig. 4.
1027seawater desalination2030investment32882.05EUR/(m^3-H2O/h)Caldera et al 2017: Learning Curve for Seawater Reverse Osmosis Desalination Plants: Capital Cost Trend of the Past, Present, and Future (, Table 4.
1028seawater desalination2030lifetime30.0yearsCaldera et al 2016: Local cost of seawater RO desalination based on solar PV and windenergy: A global estimate. (, Table 1.
1029solar2030FOM1.95%/yearDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx22 Rooftop PV residential: Fixed O&M [2020-EUR/MW_e/y]
1030solar2030VOM0.01EUR/MWhelRES costs made up to fix curtailment order from old pypsa cost assumptions
1031solar2030investment492.11EUR/kW_eDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx22 Rooftop PV residential: Nominal investment [2020-MEUR/MW_e]
1032solar2030lifetime40.0yearsDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx22 Rooftop PV residential: Technical lifetime [years]
1033solar-rooftop2030FOM1.42%/yearDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx22 Rooftop PV residential: Fixed O&M [2020-EUR/MW_e/y]
1034solar-rooftop2030discount rate0.04per unitstandard for decentral from old pypsa cost assumptions
1035solar-rooftop2030investment636.66EUR/kW_eDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx22 Rooftop PV residential: Nominal investment [2020-MEUR/MW_e]
1036solar-rooftop2030lifetime40.0yearsDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx22 Rooftop PV residential: Technical lifetime [years]
1037solar-rooftop commercial2030FOM1.57%/yearDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx22 Rooftop PV commercial: Fixed O&M [2020-EUR/MW_e/y]
1038solar-rooftop commercial2030investment512.47EUR/kW_eDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx22 Rooftop PV commercial: Nominal investment [2020-MEUR/MW_e]
1039solar-rooftop commercial2030lifetime40.0yearsDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx22 Rooftop PV commercial: Technical lifetime [years]
1040solar-rooftop residential2030FOM1.27%/yearDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx22 Rooftop PV residential: Fixed O&M [2020-EUR/MW_e/y]
1041solar-rooftop residential2030investment760.86EUR/kW_eDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx22 Rooftop PV residential: Nominal investment [2020-MEUR/MW_e]
1042solar-rooftop residential2030lifetime40.0yearsDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx22 Rooftop PV residential: Technical lifetime [years]
1043solar-utility2030FOM2.48%/yearDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx22 Utility-scale PV: Fixed O&M [2020-EUR/MW_e/y]
1044solar-utility2030investment347.56EUR/kW_eDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx22 Utility-scale PV: Nominal investment [2020-MEUR/MW_e]
1045solar-utility2030lifetime40.0yearsDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_el_and_dh.xlsx22 Utility-scale PV: Technical lifetime [years]
1046solid biomass2030CO2 intensity0.37tCO2/MWh_thStoichiometric calculation with 18 GJ/t_DM LHV and 50% C-content for solid biomass
1047solid biomass2030fuel12.0EUR/MWh_thJRC ENSPRESO ca avg for MINBIOWOOW1 (secondary forest residue wood chips), ENS_Ref for 2040
1048solid biomass boiler steam2030FOM6.08%/yearDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_industrial_process_heat.xlsx311.1e Steam boiler Wood: Fixed O&M
1049solid biomass boiler steam2030VOM2.82EUR/MWhDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_industrial_process_heat.xlsx311.1e Steam boiler Wood: Variable O&M
1050solid biomass boiler steam2030efficiency0.89per unitDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_industrial_process_heat.xlsx311.1e Steam boiler Wood: Total efficiency, net, annual average
1051solid biomass boiler steam2030investment590.91EUR/kWDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_industrial_process_heat.xlsx311.1e Steam boiler Wood: Nominal investment
1052solid biomass boiler steam2030lifetime25.0yearsDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_for_industrial_process_heat.xlsx311.1e Steam boiler Wood: Technical lifetime
1053solid biomass to hydrogen2030FOM4.25%/yearZech DBFZ Report Nr. 19. Hy-NOW - Evaluierung der Verfahren und Technologien für die Bereitstellung von Wasserstoff auf Basis von Biomasse, DBFZ, 2014
1054solid biomass to hydrogen2030capture rate0.98per unitAssumption based on doi:10.1016/j.biombioe.2015.01.006
1055solid biomass to hydrogen2030efficiency0.56per unitZech DBFZ Report Nr. 19. Hy-NOW - Evaluierung der Verfahren und Technologien für die Bereitstellung von Wasserstoff auf Basis von Biomasse, DBFZ, 2014
1056solid biomass to hydrogen2030investment2500.0EUR/kW_thZech DBFZ Report Nr. 19. Hy-NOW - Evaluierung der Verfahren und Technologien für die Bereitstellung von Wasserstoff auf Basis von Biomasse, DBFZ, 2014
1057uranium2030fuel2.6EUR/MWh_thLazard s Levelized Cost of Energy Analysis - Version 13.0
1058water tank charger2030efficiency0.84per unitDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_catalogue_for_energy_storage.xlsx: efficiency from sqr(Round trip efficiency)
1059water tank discharger2030efficiency0.84per unitDanish Energy Agency, technology_data_catalogue_for_energy_storage.xlsx: efficiency from sqr(Round trip efficiency)