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1 | Unit | Values | Description | |
2 | voltages | kV | Any subset of {220., 300., 380.} | Voltage levels to consider |
3 | gaslimit_enable | bool | true or false | Add an overall absolute gas limit configured in ``electricity: gaslimit``. |
4 | gaslimit | MWhth | float or false | Global gas usage limit |
5 | co2limit_enable | bool | true or false | Add an overall absolute carbon-dioxide emissions limit configured in ``electricity: co2limit``. |
6 | co2limit | :math:`t_{CO_2-eq}/a` | float | Cap on total annual system carbon dioxide emissions |
7 | co2base | :math:`t_{CO_2-eq}/a` | float | Reference value of total annual system carbon dioxide emissions if relative emission reduction target is specified in ``{opts}`` wildcard. |
8 | operational_reserve | Settings for reserve requirements following `GenX <https://genxproject.github.io/GenX/dev/core/#Reserves>`_ | ||
9 | ||||
10 | -- activate | bool | true or false | Whether to take operational reserve requirements into account during optimisation |
11 | -- epsilon_load | -- | float | share of total load |
12 | -- epsilon_vres | -- | float | share of total renewable supply |
13 | -- contingency | MW | float | fixed reserve capacity |
14 | max_hours | |||
15 | -- battery | h | float | Maximum state of charge capacity of the battery in terms of hours at full output capacity ``p_nom``. Cf. `PyPSA documentation <https://pypsa.readthedocs.io/en/latest/components.html#storage-unit>`_. |
16 | -- H2 | h | float | Maximum state of charge capacity of the hydrogen storage in terms of hours at full output capacity ``p_nom``. Cf. `PyPSA documentation <https://pypsa.readthedocs.io/en/latest/components.html#storage-unit>`_. |
17 | extendable_carriers | |||
18 | -- Generator | -- | Any extendable carrier | Defines existing or non-existing conventional and renewable power plants to be extendable during the optimization. Conventional generators can only be built/expanded where already existent today. If a listed conventional carrier is not included in the ``conventional_carriers`` list, the lower limit of the capacity expansion is set to 0. |
19 | -- StorageUnit | -- | Any subset of {'battery','H2'} | Adds extendable storage units (battery and/or hydrogen) at every node/bus after clustering without capacity limits and with zero initial capacity. |
20 | -- Store | -- | Any subset of {'battery','H2'} | Adds extendable storage units (battery and/or hydrogen) at every node/bus after clustering without capacity limits and with zero initial capacity. |
21 | -- Link | -- | Any subset of {'H2 pipeline'} | Adds extendable links (H2 pipelines only) at every connection where there are lines or HVDC links without capacity limits and with zero initial capacity. Hydrogen pipelines require hydrogen storage to be modelled as ``Store``. |
22 | powerplants_filter | -- | use `pandas.query <https://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/reference/api/pandas.DataFrame.query.html>`_ strings here, e.g. ``Country not in ['Germany']`` | Filter query for the default powerplant database. |
23 | ||||
24 | custom_powerplants | -- | use `pandas.query <https://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/reference/api/pandas.DataFrame.query.html>`_ strings here, e.g. ``Country in ['Germany']`` | Filter query for the custom powerplant database. |
25 | ||||
26 | everywhere_powerplants | -- | Any subset of {nuclear, oil, OCGT, CCGT, coal, lignite, geothermal, biomass} | List of conventional power plants to add to every node in the model with zero initial capacity. To be used in combination with ``extendable_carriers`` to allow for building conventional powerplants irrespective of existing locations. |
27 | ||||
28 | conventional_carriers | -- | Any subset of {nuclear, oil, OCGT, CCGT, coal, lignite, geothermal, biomass} | List of conventional power plants to include in the model from ``resources/powerplants.csv``. If an included carrier is also listed in ``extendable_carriers``, the capacity is taken as a lower bound. |
29 | ||||
30 | renewable_carriers | -- | Any subset of {solar, onwind, offwind-ac, offwind-dc, hydro} | List of renewable generators to include in the model. |
31 | estimate_renewable_capacities | |||
32 | -- enable | bool | Activate routine to estimate renewable capacities | |
33 | -- from_opsd | -- | bool | Add renewable capacities from `OPSD database <https://data.open-power-system-data.org/renewable_power_plants/2020-08-25>`_. The value is depreciated but still can be used. |
34 | -- year | -- | bool | Renewable capacities are based on existing capacities reported by IRENA (IRENASTAT) for the specified year |
35 | -- expansion_limit | -- | float or false | Artificially limit maximum IRENA capacities to a factor. For example, an ``expansion_limit: 1.1`` means 110% of capacities . If false are chosen, the estimated renewable potentials determine by the workflow are used. |
36 | -- technology_mapping | Mapping between PyPSA-Eur and powerplantmatching technology names | ||
37 | -- -- Offshore | -- | Any subset of {offwind-ac, offwind-dc} | List of PyPSA-Eur carriers that is considered as (IRENA, OPSD) onshore technology. |
38 | -- -- Offshore | -- | {onwind} | List of PyPSA-Eur carriers that is considered as (IRENA, OPSD) offshore technology. |
39 | -- -- PV | -- | {solar} | List of PyPSA-Eur carriers that is considered as (IRENA, OPSD) PV technology. |
40 | autarky | |||
41 | -- enable | bool | true or false | Require each node to be autarkic by removing all lines and links. |
42 | -- by_country | bool | true or false | Require each country to be autarkic by removing all cross-border lines and links. ``electricity: autarky`` must be enabled. |