* and reduce corresponding sections in readme * and modify environment docs * and add bibtex support (tentative)
2.1 KiB
The generation of the model is controlled by the workflow management system Snakemake. In a nutshell, the Snakefile declares for each python script in the scripts directory a rule which describes which files the scripts consume and produce (their corresponding input and output files). The snakemake tool then runs the scripts in the correct order according to the rules' input/output dependencies. Moreover, it is able to track, what parts of the workflow have to be regenerated, when a data file or a script is modified/updated.
For instance an invocation to
System Message: WARNING/2 (<stdin>, line 18)
Cannot analyze code. Pygments package not found.
.. code:: bash .../pypsa-eur % snakemake networks/elec_s_128.nc
follows this dependency graph:

The blocks represent the individual rules which are required to create the file networks/elec_s_128.nc. The arrows indicate the outputs from preceding rules which a particular rule takes as input data.
The dependency graph shown above was generated using snakemake --dag networks/elec_s_128.nc | dot -Tpng > workflow.png
For the use of snakemake, it makes sense to familiarize oneself quickly with its basic tutorial and then read carefully through the section Executing Snakemake, noting the arguments -n, -r, but also --dag, -R and -t.
System Message: ERROR/3 (<stdin>, line 37)
Unknown directive type "todo".
.. todo:: wildcards modification
The model has several configuration options collected in the config.yaml file located in the root directory.