2024-04-15 15:14:02 +02:00

815 B

2interpolate_limithoursintegerMaximum gap size (consecutive nans) which interpolated linearly.
3time_shift_for_large_gapsstringstringPeriods which are used for copying time-slices in order to fill large gaps of nans. Have to be valid ``pandas`` period strings.
4manual_adjustmentsbool{true, false}Whether to adjust the load data manually according to the function in :func:`manual_adjustment`.
5scaling_factor--floatGlobal correction factor for the load time series.
6fixed_year--Year or FalseTo specify a fixed year for the load time series that deviates from the snapshots' year
7supplement_syntheticbool{true, false}Whether to supplement missing data for selected time period should be supplemented by synthetic data from