2024-05-13 14:22:37 +02:00

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2name--str/listSpecify a name for your run. Results will be stored under this name. If ``scenario: enable:`` is set to ``true``, the name must contain a subset of scenario names defined in ``scenario: file:``. If the name is 'all', all defined scenarios will be run.
3prefix--strPrefix for the run name which is used as a top-layer directory name in the results and resources folders.
5-- enablebool{true, false}Switch to select whether workflow should generate scenarios based on ``file``.
6-- filestrPath to the scenario yaml file. The scenario file contains config overrides for each scenario. In order to be taken account, ``run: scenarios`` has to be set to ``true`` and ``run: name`` has to be a subset of top level keys given in the scenario file. In order to automatically create a `scenario.yaml` file based on a combination of settings, alter and use the ``config/`` script in the ``config`` directory.
7disable_progressbarbool{true, false}Switch to select whether progressbar should be disabled.
8shared_resourcesbool/strSwitch to select whether resources should be shared across runs. If a string is passed, this is used as a subdirectory name for shared resources. If set to 'base', only resources before creating the file are shared.
9shared_cutoutsbool{true, false}Switch to select whether cutouts should be shared across runs.