2024-07-29 10:26:47 +02:00

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2transport--{true, false}Flag to include transport sector.
3heating--{true, false}Flag to include heating sector.
4biomass--{true, false}Flag to include biomass sector.
5industry--{true, false}Flag to include industry sector.
6agriculture--{true, false}Flag to include agriculture sector.
7district_heating--` <>`_
8-- potential--floatmaximum fraction of urban demand which can be supplied by district heating. Ignored where below current fraction.
9-- progress--Dictionary with planning horizons as keys.Increase of today's district heating demand to potential maximum district heating share. Progress = 0 means today's district heating share. Progress = 1 means maximum fraction of urban demand is supplied by district heating
10-- district_heating_loss--floatShare increase in district heat demand in urban central due to heat losses
11cluster_heat_buses--{true, false}Cluster residential and service heat buses in ` <>`_ to one to save memory.
13bev_dsm_restriction _value--floatAdds a lower state of charge (SOC) limit for battery electric vehicles (BEV) to manage its own energy demand (DSM). Located in ` <>`_. Set to 0 for no restriction on BEV DSM
14bev_dsm_restriction _time--floatTime at which SOC of BEV has to be dsm_restriction_value
15transport_heating _deadband_upper°CfloatThe maximum temperature in the vehicle. At higher temperatures, the energy required for cooling in the vehicle increases.
16transport_heating _deadband_lower°CfloatThe minimum temperature in the vehicle. At lower temperatures, the energy required for heating in the vehicle increases.
18ICE_lower_degree_factor--floatShare increase in energy demand in internal combustion engine (ICE) for each degree difference between the cold environment and the minimum temperature.
19ICE_upper_degree_factor--floatShare increase in energy demand in internal combustion engine (ICE) for each degree difference between the hot environment and the maximum temperature.
20EV_lower_degree_factor--floatShare increase in energy demand in electric vehicles (EV) for each degree difference between the cold environment and the minimum temperature.
21EV_upper_degree_factor--floatShare increase in energy demand in electric vehicles (EV) for each degree difference between the hot environment and the maximum temperature.
22bev_dsm--{true, false}Add the option for battery electric vehicles (BEV) to participate in demand-side management (DSM)
24bev_availability--floatThe share for battery electric vehicles (BEV) that are able to do demand side management (DSM)
25bev_energy--floatThe average size of battery electric vehicles (BEV) in MWh
26bev_charge_efficiency--floatBattery electric vehicles (BEV) charge and discharge efficiency
27bev_charge_rateMWhfloatThe power consumption for one electric vehicle (EV) in MWh. Value derived from 3-phase charger with 11 kW.
28bev_avail_max--floatThe maximum share plugged-in availability for passenger electric vehicles.
29bev_avail_mean--floatThe average share plugged-in availability for passenger electric vehicles.
30v2g--{true, false}Allows feed-in to grid from EV battery
31land_transport_fuel_cell _share--Dictionary with planning horizons as keys.The share of vehicles that uses fuel cells in a given year
32land_transport_electric _share--Dictionary with planning horizons as keys.The share of vehicles that uses electric vehicles (EV) in a given year
33land_transport_ice _share--Dictionary with planning horizons as keys.The share of vehicles that uses internal combustion engines (ICE) in a given year. What is not EV or FCEV is oil-fuelled ICE.
34transport_electric_efficiencyMWh/100kmfloatThe conversion efficiencies of electric vehicles in transport
35transport_fuel_cell_efficiencyMWh/100kmfloatThe H2 conversion efficiencies of fuel cells in transport
36transport_ice_efficiencyMWh/100kmfloatThe oil conversion efficiencies of internal combustion engine (ICE) in transport
37agriculture_machinery _electric_share--floatThe share for agricultural machinery that uses electricity
38agriculture_machinery _oil_share--floatThe share for agricultural machinery that uses oil
39agriculture_machinery _fuel_efficiency--floatThe efficiency of electric-powered machinery in the conversion of electricity to meet agricultural needs.
40agriculture_machinery _electric_efficiency--floatThe efficiency of oil-powered machinery in the conversion of oil to meet agricultural needs.
41Mwh_MeOH_per_MWh_H2LHVfloatThe energy amount of the produced methanol per energy amount of hydrogen. From `DECHEMA (2017) <>`_, page 64.
42MWh_MeOH_per_tCO2LHVfloatThe energy amount of the produced methanol per ton of CO2. From `DECHEMA (2017) <>`_, page 66.
43MWh_MeOH_per_MWh_eLHVfloatThe energy amount of the produced methanol per energy amount of electricity. From `DECHEMA (2017) <>`_, page 64.
44shipping_hydrogen _liquefaction--{true, false}Whether to include liquefaction costs for hydrogen demand in shipping.
46shipping_hydrogen_share--Dictionary with planning horizons as keys.The share of ships powered by hydrogen in a given year
47shipping_methanol_share--Dictionary with planning horizons as keys.The share of ships powered by methanol in a given year
48shipping_oil_share--Dictionary with planning horizons as keys.The share of ships powered by oil in a given year
49shipping_methanol _efficiency--floatThe efficiency of methanol-powered ships in the conversion of methanol to meet shipping needs (propulsion). The efficiency increase from oil can be 10-15% higher according to the `IEA <>`_
51shipping_oil_efficiency--floatThe efficiency of oil-powered ships in the conversion of oil to meet shipping needs (propulsion). Base value derived from 2011
52aviation_demand_factor--floatThe proportion of demand for aviation compared to today's consumption
53HVC_demand_factor--floatThe proportion of demand for high-value chemicals compared to today's consumption
55time_dep_hp_cop--{true, false}Consider the time dependent coefficient of performance (COP) of the heat pump
56heat_pump_sink_T°CfloatThe temperature heat sink used in heat pumps based on DTU / large area radiators. The value is conservatively high to cover hot water and space heating in poorly-insulated buildings
57reduce_space_heat _exogenously--{true, false}Influence on space heating demand by a certain factor (applied before losses in district heating).
58reduce_space_heat _exogenously_factor--Dictionary with planning horizons as keys.A positive factor can mean renovation or demolition of a building. If the factor is negative, it can mean an increase in floor area, increased thermal comfort, population growth. The default factors are determined by the `Eurocalc Homes and buildings decarbonization scenario <>`_
60-- retro_endogen--{true, false}Add retrofitting as an endogenous system which co-optimise space heat savings.
61-- cost_factor--floatWeight costs for building renovation
62-- interest_rate--floatThe interest rate for investment in building components
63-- annualise_cost--{true, false}Annualise the investment costs of retrofitting
64-- tax_weighting--{true, false}Weight the costs of retrofitting depending on taxes in countries
65-- construction_index--{true, false}Weight the costs of retrofitting depending on labour/material costs per country
66tes--{true, false}Add option for storing thermal energy in large water pits associated with district heating systems and individual thermal energy storage (TES)
67tes_tauThe time constant used to calculate the decay of thermal energy in thermal energy storage (TES): 1- :math:`e^{-1/24τ}`.
68-- decentraldaysfloatThe time constant in decentralized thermal energy storage (TES)
69-- centraldaysfloatThe time constant in centralized thermal energy storage (TES)
70boilers--{true, false}Add option for transforming gas into heat using gas boilers
71resistive_heaters--{true, false}Add option for transforming electricity into heat using resistive heaters (independently from gas boilers)
72oil_boilers--{true, false}Add option for transforming oil into heat using boilers
73biomass_boiler--{true, false}Add option for transforming biomass into heat using boilers
74overdimension_individual_heating--floatAdd option for overdimensioning individual heating systems by a certain factor. This allows them to cover heat demand peaks e.g. 10% higher than those in the data with a setting of 1.1.
75chp--{true, false}Add option for using Combined Heat and Power (CHP)
76micro_chp--{true, false}Add option for using Combined Heat and Power (CHP) for decentral areas.
77solar_thermal--{true, false}Add option for using solar thermal to generate heat.
78solar_cf_correction--floatThe correction factor for the value provided by the solar thermal profile calculations
79marginal_cost_storagecurrency/MWh floatThe marginal cost of discharging batteries in distributed grids
80methanation--{true, false}Add option for transforming hydrogen and CO2 into methane using methanation.
81coal_cc--{true, false}Add option for coal CHPs with carbon capture
82dac--{true, false}Add option for Direct Air Capture (DAC)
83co2_vent--{true, false}Add option for vent out CO2 from storages to the atmosphere.
84allam_cycle--{true, false}Add option to include `Allam cycle gas power plants <>`_
85hydrogen_fuel_cell--{true, false}Add option to include hydrogen fuel cell for re-electrification. Assuming OCGT technology costs
86hydrogen_turbine--{true, false}Add option to include hydrogen turbine for re-electrification. Assuming OCGT technology costs
87SMR--{true, false}Add option for transforming natural gas into hydrogen and CO2 using Steam Methane Reforming (SMR)
88SMR CC--{true, false}Add option for transforming natural gas into hydrogen and CO2 using Steam Methane Reforming (SMR) and Carbon Capture (CC)
89regional_methanol_demand--{true, false}Spatially resolve methanol demand. Set to true if regional CO2 constraints needed.
90regional_oil_demand--{true, false}Spatially resolve oil demand. Set to true if regional CO2 constraints needed.
91regional_co2 _sequestration_potential
92-- enable--{true, false}Add option for regionally-resolved geological carbon dioxide sequestration potentials based on `CO2StoP <>`_.
93-- attribute--string or listName (or list of names) of the attribute(s) for the sequestration potential
94-- include_onshore--{true, false}Add options for including onshore sequestration potentials
95-- min_sizeGt floatAny sites with lower potential than this value will be excluded
96-- max_sizeGt floatThe maximum sequestration potential for any one site.
97-- years_of_storageyearsfloatThe years until potential exhausted at optimised annual rate
98co2_sequestration_potentialMtCO2/afloatThe potential of sequestering CO2 in Europe per year
99co2_sequestration_costcurrency/tCO2floatThe cost of sequestering a ton of CO2
100co2_sequestration_lifetimeyearsintThe lifetime of a CO2 sequestration site
101co2_spatial--{true, false}Add option to spatially resolve carrier representing stored carbon dioxide. This allows for more detailed modelling of CCUTS, e.g. regarding the capturing of industrial process emissions, usage as feedstock for electrofuels, transport of carbon dioxide, and geological sequestration sites.
103co2network--{true, false}Add option for planning a new carbon dioxide transmission network
104co2_network_cost_factorp.u.floatThe cost factor for the capital cost of the carbon dioxide transmission network
106cc_fraction--floatThe default fraction of CO2 captured with post-combustion capture
107hydrogen_underground _storage--{true, false}Add options for storing hydrogen underground. Storage potential depends regionally.
108hydrogen_underground _storage_locations{onshore, nearshore, offshore}The location where hydrogen underground storage can be located. Onshore, nearshore, offshore means it must be located more than 50 km away from the sea, within 50 km of the sea, or within the sea itself respectively.
110ammonia--{true, false, regional}Add ammonia as a carrrier. It can be either true (copperplated NH3), false (no NH3 carrier) or "regional" (regionalised NH3 without network)
111min_part_load_fischer _tropschper unit of p_nom floatThe minimum unit dispatch (``p_min_pu``) for the Fischer-Tropsch process
112min_part_load _methanolisationper unit of p_nom floatThe minimum unit dispatch (``p_min_pu``) for the methanolisation process
114use_fischer_tropsch _waste_heat--{true, false}Add option for using waste heat of Fischer Tropsch in district heating networks
115use_fuel_cell_waste_heat--{true, false}Add option for using waste heat of fuel cells in district heating networks
116use_electrolysis_waste _heat--{true, false}Add option for using waste heat of electrolysis in district heating networks
117electricity_transmission _grid--{true, false}Switch for enabling/disabling the electricity transmission grid.
118electricity_distribution _grid--{true, false}Add a simplified representation of the exchange capacity between transmission and distribution grid level through a link.
119electricity_distribution _grid_cost_factorMultiplies the investment cost of the electricity distribution grid
121electricity_grid _connection--{true, false}Add the cost of electricity grid connection for onshore wind and solar
122transmission_efficiencySection to specify transmission losses or compression energy demands of bidirectional links. Splits them into two capacity-linked unidirectional links.
123-- {carrier}--strThe carrier of the link.
124-- -- efficiency_staticp.u.floatLength-independent transmission efficiency.
125-- -- efficiency_per_1000kmp.u. per 1000 kmfloatLength-dependent transmission efficiency ($\eta^{\text{length}}$)
126-- -- compression_per_1000kmp.u. per 1000 kmfloatLength-dependent electricity demand for compression ($\eta \cdot \text{length}$) implemented as multi-link to local electricity bus.
127H2_network--{true, false}Add option for new hydrogen pipelines
128gas_network--{true, false}Add existing natural gas infrastructure, incl. LNG terminals, production and entry-points. The existing gas network is added with a lossless transport model. A length-weighted `k-edge augmentation algorithm <>`_ can be run to add new candidate gas pipelines such that all regions of the model can be connected to the gas network. When activated, all the gas demands are regionally disaggregated as well.
129H2_retrofit--{true, false}Add option for retrofiting existing pipelines to transport hydrogen.
130H2_retrofit_capacity _per_CH4--floatThe ratio for H2 capacity per original CH4 capacity of retrofitted pipelines. The `European Hydrogen Backbone (April, 2020) p.15 <>`_ 60% of original natural gas capacity could be used in cost-optimal case as H2 capacity.
131gas_network_connectivity _upgrade --floatThe number of desired edge connectivity (k) in the length-weighted `k-edge augmentation algorithm <>`_ used for the gas network
132gas_distribution_grid--{true, false}Add a gas distribution grid
133gas_distribution_grid _cost_factorMultiplier for the investment cost of the gas distribution grid
135biomass_spatial--{true, false}Add option for resolving biomass demand regionally
136biomass_transport--{true, false}Add option for transporting solid biomass between nodes
137biogas_upgrading_cc--{true, false}Add option to capture CO2 from biomass upgrading
138conventional_generationAdd a more detailed description of conventional carriers. Any power generation requires the consumption of fuel from nodes representing that fuel.
139biomass_to_liquid--{true, false}Add option for transforming solid biomass into liquid fuel with the same properties as oil
140biosng--{true, false}Add option for transforming solid biomass into synthesis gas with the same properties as natural gas
142-- enable--{true, false}Add option to limit the maximum growth of a carrier
143-- factorp.u.floatThe maximum growth factor of a carrier (e.g. 1.3 allows 30% larger than max historic growth)
144-- max_growth
145-- -- {carrier}GWfloatThe historic maximum growth of a carrier
146-- max_relative_growth
147-- -- {carrier}p.u.floatThe historic maximum relative growth of a carrier
150-- enable--{true, false}Add option to include Enhanced Geothermal Systems
151-- flexible--{true, false}Add option for flexible operation (see Ricks et al. 2024)
152-- max_hours--intThe maximum hours the reservoir can be charged under flexible operation
153-- max_boost--floatThe maximum boost in power output under flexible operation
154-- var_cf--{true, false}Add option for variable capacity factor (see Ricks et al. 2024)
155-- sustainability_factor--floatShare of sourced heat that is replenished by the earth's core (see details in ` <>`_)