5.1 KiB
The subsequently described installation steps are demonstrated as shell commands, where the path before the % sign denotes the directory in which the commands following the % should be entered.
Clone the Repository
First of all, clone the PyPSA-Eur repository using the version control system git. The path to the directory into which the git repository is cloned, must not have any spaces!
System Message: WARNING/2 (<stdin>, line 16)
Cannot analyze code. Pygments package not found.
.. code:: bash /some/other/path % cd /some/path/without/spaces /some/path/without/spaces % git clone https://github.com/PyPSA/pypsa-eur.git
If you do not have git installed, follow installation instructions here.
Install Python Dependencies
PyPSA-Eur relies on a set of other Python packages to function. We recommend using the package manager and environment management system conda to install them. Install miniconda, which is a mini version of Anaconda that includes only conda and its dependencies or make sure conda is already installed on your system. For instructions for your operating system follow the conda installation guide.
The python package requirements are curated in the environment.yaml file. The environment can be installed and activated using
System Message: WARNING/2 (<stdin>, line 38)
Cannot analyze code. Pygments package not found.
.. code:: bash .../pypsa-eur % conda env create -f environment.yaml .../pypsa-eur % conda activate pypsa-eur
Note that activation is local to the currently open shell! After opening a new terminal window, one needs to reissue the second command!
If you have troubles with a slow conda installation, we recommend to install mamba as a fast drop-in replacement via
System Message: WARNING/2 (<stdin>, line 52)
Cannot analyze code. Pygments package not found.
.. code:: bash conda install -c conda-forge mamba
and then install the environment with
System Message: WARNING/2 (<stdin>, line 58)
Cannot analyze code. Pygments package not found.
.. code:: bash mamba env create -f environment.yaml
Install a Solver
PyPSA passes the PyPSA-Eur network model to an external solver for performing a total annual system cost minimization with optimal power flow. PyPSA is known to work with the free software
and the non-free, commercial software (for which free academic licenses are available)
and any other solver that works with the underlying modelling framework Pyomo. For installation instructions of these solvers for your operating system, follow the links above.
System Message: ERROR/3 (<stdin>, line 80)
Unknown directive type "seealso".
.. seealso:: `Getting a solver in the PyPSA documentation <https://pypsa.readthedocs.io/en/latest/installation.html#getting-a-solver-for-linear-optimisation>`_
Commercial solvers such as Gurobi and CPLEX currently significantly outperform open-source solvers for large-scale problems. It might be the case that you can only retrieve solutions by using a commercial solver.
The rules :mod:`cluster_network` and :mod:`simplify_network` solve a quadratic optimisation problem for clustering. The open-source solvers Cbc and GlPK cannot handle this. A fallback to Ipopt is implemented in this case, but requires also Ipopt to be installed. For an open-source solver setup install in your conda environment on OSX/Linux
System Message: ERROR/3 (<stdin>, line 88); backlink
Unknown interpreted text role "mod".System Message: ERROR/3 (<stdin>, line 88); backlink
Unknown interpreted text role "mod".System Message: WARNING/2 (<stdin>, line 92)
Cannot analyze code. Pygments package not found.
.. code:: bash conda activate pypsa-eur conda install -c conda-forge ipopt coincbc
and on Windows
System Message: WARNING/2 (<stdin>, line 99)
Cannot analyze code. Pygments package not found.
.. code:: bash conda activate pypsa-eur conda install -c conda-forge ipopt glpk
Set Up the Default Configuration
PyPSA-Eur has several configuration options that must be specified in a config.yaml file located in the root directory. An example configuration config.default.yaml is maintained in the repository. More details on the configuration options are in :ref:`config`.
System Message: ERROR/3 (<stdin>, line 110); backlink
Unknown interpreted text role "ref".Before first use, create a config.yaml by copying the example.
System Message: WARNING/2 (<stdin>, line 116)
Cannot analyze code. Pygments package not found.
.. code:: bash .../pypsa-eur % cp config.default.yaml config.yaml
Users are advised to regularly check their own config.yaml against changes in the config.default.yaml when pulling a new version from the remote repository.