2017-12-18 20:30:12 +01:00

4.8 KiB

Unofficial ENTSO-E dataset processed by GridKit

This dataset was generated based on a map extract from May 11, 2016. This is an unofficial extract of the ENTSO-E interactive map of the European power system (including to a limited extent North Africa and the Middle East). The dataset has been processed by GridKit to form complete topological connections. This dataset is neither approved nor endorsed by ENTSO-E.

This dataset may be inaccurate in several ways, notably:

  • Geographical coordinates are transfered from the ENTSO-E map, which is known to choose topological clarity over geographical accuracy. Hence coordinates will not correspond exactly to reality.
  • Voltage levels are typically provided as ranges by ENTSO-E, of which the lower bound has been reported in this dataset. Not all lines - especially DC lines - contain voltage information.
  • Line structure conflicts are resolved by picking the first structure in the set
  • Transformers are not present in the original ENTSO-E dataset, there presence has been derived from the different voltages from connected lines.
  • The connection between generators and busses is derived as the geographically nearest station at the lowest voltage level. This information is again not present in the ENTSO-E dataset.

All users are advised to exercise caution in the use of this dataset. No liability is taken for inaccuracies.

Contents of dataset

This dataset is provided as set of CSV files that describe the ENTSO-E network. These files use the comma (,) as field separator, single newlines (\n) as record separator, and single quotes (') as string quote characters. The CSV files have headers.

Example code for reading the files:

# R
buses <- read.csv("buses.csv", header=TRUE, quote="'")
# python
import io, csv
class dialect(csv.excel):
    quotechar = "'"
with'buses.csv', 'rb') as handle:
    buses = list(csv.DictReader(handle, dialect))


Describes terminals, vertices, or 'nodes' of the system

  • bus_id: the unique identifier for the bus
  • station_id: the substation or plant of this; a station may have multiple buses, which are typically connected by transformers
  • voltage: the operating voltage of this bus
  • dc: boolean ('t' or 'f'), describes whether the bus is a HVDC terminal (t) or a regular AC terminal (f)
  • symbol: type of station of this bus.
  • tags: hstore encoded dictionary of 'extra' properties for this bus
  • under_construction: boolean ('t' if station is currently under construction, 'f' otherwise)
  • geometry: location of the station in well-known-text format (WGS84)

NOTA BENE: During the processing of the network, so called 'synthetic' stations may be inserted on locations where lines are apparantly connected. Such synthetic stations can be recognised because their symbol is always joint.


Connections between buses:

  • link_id: unique identifier for the link
  • src_bus_id: first of the two connected buses
  • dst_bus_id: second of two connected buses
  • voltage: operating voltage of the link (must be identical to operating voltage of the buses)
  • circuits: number of (independent) circuits in this link, each of which typically has 3 cables (for AC lines).
  • dc: boolean, t if this is a HVDC line
  • underground: boolean, t if this is an underground cable, f for an overhead line
  • under_construction: boolean, t for lines that are currently under construction
  • length_m: length of line in meters
  • tags: hstore encoded dictionary of extra properties for this link
  • geometry: extent of this line in well-known-text format (WGS84)


Generators attached to the network.

  • generator_id: unique identifier for the generator
  • bus_id: the bus to which this generator is connected
  • symbol: type of generator
  • capacity: capacity of this generator (in megawatt)
  • tags: hstore encoded dictionary of extra attributes
  • geometry: location of generator in well-known text format (WGS84)


A transformer forms a link between buses which operate at distinct voltages. NOTA BENE: Transformers never originate from the original dataset, and transformers are only infered in 'real' stations, never in synthetic ('joint') stations.

  • transformer_id: unique identifier
  • symbol: either transformer for AC-to-AC voltage transformers, or ac/dc for AC-to-DC converters.
  • src_bus_id: first of the connected buses
  • dst_bus_id: second of connected buses
  • src_voltage: voltage of first bus
  • dst_voltage: voltage of second bus
  • src_dc: boolean, t if first bus is a DC terminal
  • dst_dc: boolean, f if second bus is a DC terminal
  • geometry: location of station of this transformer in well-known text format (WGS84)