2023-03-16 12:05:36 +01:00

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Tutorial: Electricity-Only


If you have not done it yet, follow the :ref:`installation` steps first.

System Message: ERROR/3 (<stdin>, line 17); backlink

Unknown interpreted text role "ref".

In this tutorial, we will build a heavily simplified power system model for Belgium. But before getting started with PyPSA-Eur it makes sense to be familiar with its general modelling framework PyPSA.

Running the tutorial requires limited computational resources compared to the full model, which allows the user to explore most of its functionalities on a local machine. The tutorial will cover examples on how to configure and customise the PyPSA-Eur model and run the snakemake workflow step by step from network creation to the solved network. The configuration for the tutorial is located at test/config.electricity.yaml. It includes parts deviating from the default config file config.default.yaml. To run the tutorial with this configuration, execute

System Message: WARNING/2 (<stdin>, line 32)

Cannot analyze code. Pygments package not found.

.. code:: bash
    :class: full-width

    snakemake -call --configfile test/config.electricity.yaml results/networks/

This configuration is set to download a reduced data set via the rules :mod:`retrieve_databundle`, :mod:`retrieve_natura_raster`, :mod:`retrieve_cutout`. For more information on the data dependencies of PyPSA-Eur, continue reading :ref:`data`.

System Message: ERROR/3 (<stdin>, line 37); backlink

Unknown interpreted text role "mod".

System Message: ERROR/3 (<stdin>, line 37); backlink

Unknown interpreted text role "mod".

System Message: ERROR/3 (<stdin>, line 37); backlink

Unknown interpreted text role "mod".

System Message: ERROR/3 (<stdin>, line 37); backlink

Unknown interpreted text role "ref".

How to configure runs?

The model can be adapted to only include selected countries (e.g. Belgium) instead of all European countries to limit the spatial scope.

System Message: ERROR/3 (<stdin>, line 46)

Unknown directive type "literalinclude".

.. literalinclude:: ../test/config.electricity.yaml
   :language: yaml
   :start-at: countries:
   :end-before: snapshots:

Likewise, the example's temporal scope can be restricted (e.g. to a single week).

System Message: ERROR/3 (<stdin>, line 53)

Unknown directive type "literalinclude".

.. literalinclude:: ../test/config.electricity.yaml
   :language: yaml
   :start-at: snapshots:
   :end-before: electricity:

It is also possible to allow less or more carbon-dioxide emissions. Here, we limit the emissions of Belgium to 100 Mt per year.

System Message: ERROR/3 (<stdin>, line 60)

Unknown directive type "literalinclude".

.. literalinclude:: ../test/config.electricity.yaml
   :language: yaml
   :start-at: electricity:
   :end-before: extendable_carriers:

PyPSA-Eur also includes a database of existing conventional powerplants. We can select which types of existing powerplants we like to be extendable:

System Message: ERROR/3 (<stdin>, line 68)

Unknown directive type "literalinclude".

.. literalinclude:: ../test/config.electricity.yaml
   :language: yaml
   :start-at: extendable_carriers:
   :end-before: renewable_carriers:

To accurately model the temporal and spatial availability of renewables such as wind and solar energy, we rely on historical weather data. It is advisable to adapt the required range of coordinates to the selection of countries.

System Message: ERROR/3 (<stdin>, line 77)

Unknown directive type "literalinclude".

.. literalinclude:: ../test/config.electricity.yaml
   :language: yaml
   :start-at: atlite:
   :end-before: renewable:

We can also decide which weather data source should be used to calculate potentials and capacity factor time-series for each carrier. For example, we may want to use the ERA-5 dataset for solar and not the default SARAH-2 dataset.

System Message: ERROR/3 (<stdin>, line 86)

Unknown directive type "literalinclude".

.. literalinclude:: ../test/config.electricity.yaml
   :language: yaml
   :start-at: solar:
   :end-at: cutout:

Finally, it is possible to pick a solver. For instance, this tutorial uses the open-source solver GLPK.

System Message: ERROR/3 (<stdin>, line 94)

Unknown directive type "literalinclude".

.. literalinclude:: ../test/config.electricity.yaml
   :language: yaml
   :start-at: solver:
   :end-before: plotting:

Note, that test/config.electricity.yaml only includes changes relative to the default configuration. There are many more configuration options, which are documented at :ref:`config`.

System Message: ERROR/3 (<stdin>, line 99); backlink

Unknown interpreted text role "ref".

How to use snakemake rules?

Open a terminal, go into the PyPSA-Eur directory, and activate the pypsa-eur environment with

System Message: WARNING/2 (<stdin>, line 109)

Cannot analyze code. Pygments package not found.

.. code:: bash

    mamba activate pypsa-eur

Let's say based on the modifications above we would like to solve a very simplified model clustered down to 6 buses and every 24 hours aggregated to one snapshot. The command

System Message: WARNING/2 (<stdin>, line 116)

Cannot analyze code. Pygments package not found.

.. code:: bash

    snakemake -call --configfile test/config.electricity.yaml results/networks/

orders snakemake to run the rule :mod:`solve_network` that produces the solved network and stores it in results/networks with the name

System Message: ERROR/3 (<stdin>, line 120); backlink

Unknown interpreted text role "mod".

System Message: ERROR/3 (<stdin>, line 122)

Unknown directive type "literalinclude".

.. literalinclude:: ../rules/solve_electricity.smk
   :start-at: rule solve_network:
   :end-before: rule solve_operations_network:

This triggers a workflow of multiple preceding jobs that depend on each rule's inputs and outputs:

System Message: ERROR/3 (<stdin>, line 128)

Unknown directive type "graphviz".

.. graphviz::
    :class: full-width
    :align: center

    digraph snakemake_dag {
        graph[bgcolor=white, margin=0];
        node[shape=box, style=rounded, fontname=sans,                 fontsize=10, penwidth=2];
        edge[penwidth=2, color=grey];
        0[label = "solve_network", color = "0.21 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        1[label = "prepare_network\nll: copt\nopts: Co2L-24H", color = "0.02 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        2[label = "add_extra_components", color = "0.37 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        3[label = "cluster_network\nclusters: 6", color = "0.39 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        4[label = "simplify_network\nsimpl: ", color = "0.11 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        5[label = "add_electricity", color = "0.23 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        6[label = "build_renewable_profiles\ntechnology: onwind", color = "0.57 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        7[label = "base_network", color = "0.09 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        8[label = "build_shapes", color = "0.41 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        9[label = "retrieve_databundle", color = "0.28 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        10[label = "retrieve_natura_raster", color = "0.62 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        11[label = "build_bus_regions", color = "0.53 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        12[label = "retrieve_cutout\ncutout: europe-2013-era5", color = "0.05 0.6 0.85", style="rounded,dashed"];
        13[label = "build_renewable_profiles\ntechnology: offwind-ac", color = "0.57 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        14[label = "build_ship_raster", color = "0.64 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        15[label = "retrieve_ship_raster", color = "0.07 0.6 0.85", style="rounded,dashed"];
        16[label = "retrieve_cutout\ncutout: europe-2013-sarah", color = "0.05 0.6 0.85", style="rounded,dashed"];
        17[label = "build_renewable_profiles\ntechnology: offwind-dc", color = "0.57 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        18[label = "build_renewable_profiles\ntechnology: solar", color = "0.57 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        19[label = "build_hydro_profile", color = "0.44 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        20[label = "retrieve_cost_data", color = "0.30 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        21[label = "build_powerplants", color = "0.16 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        22[label = "build_load_data", color = "0.00 0.6 0.85", style="rounded"];
        23[label = "retrieve_load_data", color = "0.34 0.6 0.85", style="rounded,dashed"];
        1 -> 0
        2 -> 1
        20 -> 1
        3 -> 2
        20 -> 2
        4 -> 3
        20 -> 3
        5 -> 4
        20 -> 4
        11 -> 4
        6 -> 5
        13 -> 5
        17 -> 5
        18 -> 5
        19 -> 5
        7 -> 5
        20 -> 5
        11 -> 5
        21 -> 5
        9 -> 5
        22 -> 5
        8 -> 5
        7 -> 6
        9 -> 6
        10 -> 6
        8 -> 6
        11 -> 6
        12 -> 6
        8 -> 7
        9 -> 8
        8 -> 11
        7 -> 11
        7 -> 13
        9 -> 13
        10 -> 13
        14 -> 13
        8 -> 13
        11 -> 13
        12 -> 13
        15 -> 14
        12 -> 14
        16 -> 14
        7 -> 17
        9 -> 17
        10 -> 17
        14 -> 17
        8 -> 17
        11 -> 17
        12 -> 17
        7 -> 18
        9 -> 18
        10 -> 18
        8 -> 18
        11 -> 18
        16 -> 18
        8 -> 19
        12 -> 19
        7 -> 21
        23 -> 22

In the terminal, this will show up as a list of jobs to be run:

System Message: WARNING/2 (<stdin>, line 225)

Cannot analyze code. Pygments package not found.

.. code:: bash

    Building DAG of jobs...
    job                         count    min threads    max threads
    ------------------------  -------  -------------  -------------
    add_electricity                 1              1              1
    add_extra_components            1              1              1
    base_network                    1              1              1
    build_bus_regions               1              1              1
    build_hydro_profile             1              1              1
    build_load_data                 1              1              1
    build_powerplants               1              1              1
    build_renewable_profiles        4              1              1
    build_shapes                    1              1              1
    build_ship_raster               1              1              1
    cluster_network                 1              1              1
    prepare_network                 1              1              1
    retrieve_cost_data              1              1              1
    retrieve_databundle             1              1              1
    retrieve_natura_raster          1              1              1
    simplify_network                1              1              1
    solve_network                   1              1              1
    total                          20              1              1

snakemake then runs these jobs in the correct order.

A job (here simplify_network) will display its attributes and normally some logs below this block:

System Message: WARNING/2 (<stdin>, line 254)

Cannot analyze code. Pygments package not found.

.. code:: bash

    [Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 2023]
    rule simplify_network:
        input: networks/, resources/costs.csv, resources/regions_onshore.geojson, resources/regions_offshore.geojson
        output: networks/, resources/regions_onshore_elec_s.geojson, resources/regions_offshore_elec_s.geojson, resources/busmap_elec_s.csv, resources/connection_costs_s.csv
        log: logs/simplify_network/elec_s.log
        jobid: 4
        benchmark: benchmarks/simplify_network/elec_s
        reason: Missing output files: resources/busmap_elec_s.csv, resources/regions_onshore_elec_s.geojson, networks/, resources/regions_offshore_elec_s.geojson; Input files updated by another job: resources/regions_offshore.geojson, resources/regions_onshore.geojson, resources/costs.csv, networks/
        wildcards: simpl=
        resources: tmpdir=/tmp, mem_mb=4000, mem_mib=3815

Once the whole worktree is finished, it should state so in the terminal.

You will notice that many intermediate stages are saved, namely the outputs of each individual snakemake rule.

You can produce any output file occurring in the Snakefile by running

System Message: WARNING/2 (<stdin>, line 273)

Cannot analyze code. Pygments package not found.

.. code:: bash

    snakemake -call <output file>

For example, you can explore the evolution of the PyPSA networks by running

  1. snakemake -call --configfile test/config.electricity.yaml resources/networks/
  2. snakemake -call --configfile test/config.electricity.yaml resources/networks/
  3. snakemake -call --configfile test/config.electricity.yaml resources/networks/
  4. snakemake -call --configfile test/config.electricity.yaml resources/networks/
  5. snakemake -call --configfile test/config.electricity.yaml resources/networks/

To run all combinations of wildcard values provided in the config.yaml under scenario:, you can use the collection rule solve_elec_networks.

System Message: WARNING/2 (<stdin>, line 288)

Cannot analyze code. Pygments package not found.

.. code:: bash

    snakemake -call --configfile test/config.electricity.yaml solve_elec_networks

If you now feel confident and want to tackle runs with larger temporal and spatial scope, clean-up the repository and after modifying the config.yaml file target the collection rule solve_elec_networks again without providing the test configuration file.

System Message: WARNING/2 (<stdin>, line 297)

Cannot analyze code. Pygments package not found.

.. code:: bash

    snakemake -call purge
    snakemake -call solve_elec_networks


It is good practice to perform a dry-run using the option -n, before you commit to a run:

System Message: WARNING/2 (<stdin>, line 307)

Cannot analyze code. Pygments package not found.

.. code:: bash

    snakemake -call solve_elec_networks -n

How to analyse results?

The solved networks can be analysed just like any other PyPSA network (e.g. in Jupyter Notebooks).

System Message: WARNING/2 (<stdin>, line 317)

Cannot analyze code. Pygments package not found.

.. code:: python

    import pypsa

    n = pypsa.Network("results/networks/")

For inspiration, read the examples section in the PyPSA documentation.
