2018-01-29 21:28:33 +00:00
#!/usr/bin/env python
2019-08-12 21:48:16 +00:00
""" Calculates for each network node the
( i ) installable capacity ( based on land - use ) , ( ii ) the available generation time
series ( based on weather data ) , and ( iii ) the average distance from the node for
2019-08-12 10:52:09 +00:00
onshore wind , AC - connected offshore wind , DC - connected offshore wind and solar
2019-08-12 21:48:16 +00:00
PV generators . In addition for offshore wind it calculates the fraction of the
grid connection which is under water .
2019-08-08 13:02:28 +00:00
. . note : : Hydroelectric profiles are built in script : mod : ` build_hydro_profiles ` .
Relevant settings
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
2019-08-11 11:17:36 +00:00
. . code : : yaml
snapshots :
atlite :
nprocesses :
renewable :
{ technology } :
cutout :
corine :
grid_codes :
distance :
natura :
max_depth :
max_shore_distance :
min_shore_distance :
capacity_per_sqkm :
correction_factor :
potential :
min_p_max_pu :
clip_p_max_pu :
resource :
2019-12-09 20:29:15 +00:00
. . seealso : :
2019-08-13 08:03:46 +00:00
Documentation of the configuration file ` ` config . yaml ` ` at
: ref : ` snapshots_cf ` , : ref : ` atlite_cf ` , : ref : ` renewable_cf `
2019-08-08 13:02:28 +00:00
- - - - - -
2019-08-12 17:01:53 +00:00
- ` ` data / bundle / corine / g250_clc06_V18_5 . tif ` ` : ` CORINE Land Cover ( CLC ) < https : / / land . copernicus . eu / pan - european / corine - land - cover > ` _ inventory on ` 44 classes < https : / / wiki . openstreetmap . org / wiki / Corine_Land_Cover #Tagging>`_ of land use (e.g. forests, arable land, industrial, urban areas).
2019-08-14 13:36:46 +00:00
. . image : : . . / img / corine . png
2019-08-12 17:01:53 +00:00
: scale : 33 %
- ` ` data / bundle / GEBCO_2014_2D . nc ` ` : A ` bathymetric < https : / / en . wikipedia . org / wiki / Bathymetry > ` _ data set with a global terrain model for ocean and land at 15 arc - second intervals by the ` General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans ( GEBCO ) < https : / / www . gebco . net / data_and_products / gridded_bathymetry_data / > ` _ .
2019-08-14 13:36:46 +00:00
. . image : : . . / img / gebco_2019_grid_image . jpg
2019-08-12 17:01:53 +00:00
: scale : 50 %
* * Source : * * ` GEBCO < https : / / www . gebco . net / data_and_products / images / gebco_2019_grid_image . jpg > ` _
2019-08-12 10:52:09 +00:00
2019-08-11 20:34:18 +00:00
- ` ` resources / natura . tiff ` ` : confer : ref : ` natura `
- ` ` resources / country_shapes . geojson ` ` : confer : ref : ` shapes `
- ` ` resources / offshore_shapes . geojson ` ` : confer : ref : ` shapes `
- ` ` resources / regions_onshore . geojson ` ` : ( if not offshore wind ) , confer : ref : ` busregions `
- ` ` resources / regions_offshore . geojson ` ` : ( if offshore wind ) , : ref : ` busregions `
- ` ` " cutouts/ " + config [ " renewable " ] [ { technology } ] [ ' cutout ' ] ` ` : : ref : ` cutout `
- ` ` networks / base . nc ` ` : : ref : ` base `
2019-08-08 13:02:28 +00:00
- - - - - - -
2019-08-12 10:52:09 +00:00
- ` ` resources / profile_ { technology } . nc ` ` with the following structure
== == == == == == == == == = == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == =
Field Dimensions Description
== == == == == == == == == = == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == =
profile bus , time the per unit hourly availability factors for each node
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
2019-08-13 13:48:21 +00:00
weight bus sum of the layout weighting for each node
2019-08-12 10:52:09 +00:00
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
p_nom_max bus maximal installable capacity at the node ( in MW )
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
potential y , x layout of generator units at cutout grid cells inside the
Voronoi cell ( maximal installable capacity at each grid
cell multiplied by capacity factor )
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
average_distance bus average distance of units in the Voronoi cell to the
grid node ( in km )
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
underwater_fraction bus fraction of the average connection distance which is
under water ( only for offshore )
== == == == == == == == == = == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == =
2019-08-13 13:48:21 +00:00
- * * profile * *
2019-08-14 13:36:46 +00:00
. . image : : . . / img / profile_ts . png
2019-08-13 13:48:21 +00:00
: scale : 33 %
2019-12-09 20:29:15 +00:00
2019-08-13 13:48:21 +00:00
- * * p_nom_max * *
2019-08-14 13:36:46 +00:00
. . image : : . . / img / p_nom_max_hist . png
2019-08-13 13:48:21 +00:00
: scale : 33 %
2019-12-09 20:29:15 +00:00
2019-08-13 13:48:21 +00:00
- * * potential * *
2019-08-14 13:36:46 +00:00
. . image : : . . / img / potential_heatmap . png
2019-08-13 13:48:21 +00:00
: scale : 33 %
2019-12-09 20:29:15 +00:00
2019-08-13 13:48:21 +00:00
- * * average_distance * *
2019-12-09 20:29:15 +00:00
2019-08-14 13:36:46 +00:00
. . image : : . . / img / distance_hist . png
2019-08-13 13:48:21 +00:00
: scale : 33 %
2019-12-09 20:29:15 +00:00
2019-08-13 13:48:21 +00:00
- * * underwater_fraction * *
2019-12-09 20:29:15 +00:00
2019-08-14 13:36:46 +00:00
. . image : : . . / img / underwater_hist . png
2019-08-13 13:48:21 +00:00
: scale : 33 %
2019-08-12 10:52:09 +00:00
- - - - - - - - - - -
This script functions at two main spatial resolutions : the resolution of the
network nodes and their ` Voronoi cells
< https : / / en . wikipedia . org / wiki / Voronoi_diagram > ` _ , and the resolution of the
cutout grid cells for the weather data . Typically the weather data grid is
finer than the network nodes , so we have to work out the distribution of
generators across the grid cells within each Voronoi cell . This is done by
taking account of a combination of the available land at each grid cell and the
capacity factor there .
2019-08-08 13:02:28 +00:00
First the script computes how much of the technology can be installed at each
2019-08-12 17:01:53 +00:00
cutout grid cell and each node using the ` GLAES
< https : / / github . com / FZJ - IEK3 - VSA / glaes > ` _ library . This uses the CORINE land use data ,
Natura2000 nature reserves and GEBCO bathymetry data .
2019-08-08 13:02:28 +00:00
2019-08-12 10:52:09 +00:00
To compute the layout of generators in each node ' s Voronoi cell, the
installable potential in each grid cell is multiplied with the capacity factor
at each grid cell . This is done since we assume more generators are installed
at cells with a higher capacity factor .
2019-08-08 13:02:28 +00:00
2019-08-12 10:52:09 +00:00
This layout is then used to compute the generation availability time series
from the weather data cutout from ` ` atlite ` ` .
2019-08-08 13:02:28 +00:00
Two methods are available to compute the maximal installable potential for the
2019-08-12 17:01:53 +00:00
node ( ` p_nom_max ` ) : ` ` simple ` ` and ` ` conservative ` ` :
2019-08-08 13:02:28 +00:00
2019-08-12 10:52:09 +00:00
- ` ` simple ` ` adds up the installable potentials of the individual grid cells .
If the model comes close to this limit , then the time series may slightly
overestimate production since it is assumed the geographical distribution is
proportional to capacity factor .
- ` ` conservative ` ` assertains the nodal limit by increasing capacities
proportional to the layout until the limit of an individual grid cell is
reached .
2019-08-08 13:02:28 +00:00
2019-11-28 07:22:52 +00:00
import logging
logger = logging . getLogger ( __name__ )
from _helpers import configure_logging
2018-01-29 21:28:33 +00:00
2019-02-15 10:11:41 +00:00
import matplotlib . pyplot as plt
2018-08-03 09:54:28 +00:00
import os
2018-01-29 21:28:33 +00:00
import atlite
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
import pandas as pd
2019-05-28 11:50:42 +00:00
import multiprocessing as mp
2018-01-29 21:28:33 +00:00
2018-12-10 17:40:54 +00:00
from scipy . sparse import csr_matrix , vstack
2018-10-26 19:32:04 +00:00
from pypsa . geo import haversine
2018-12-10 17:40:54 +00:00
from vresutils import landuse as vlanduse
from vresutils . array import spdiag
import progressbar as pgb
2019-02-14 08:27:03 +00:00
bounds = dx = dy = config = paths = gebco = clc = natura = None
2019-05-28 11:50:42 +00:00
def init_globals ( bounds_xXyY , n_dx , n_dy , n_config , n_paths ) :
2020-01-23 08:55:59 +00:00
# Late import so that the GDAL Context is only created in the new processes
global gl , gk , gdal
import glaes as gl
import geokit as gk
from osgeo import gdal as gdal
2018-12-10 17:40:54 +00:00
# global in each process of the multiprocessing.Pool
2019-02-14 08:27:03 +00:00
global bounds , dx , dy , config , paths , gebco , clc , natura
2018-12-10 17:40:54 +00:00
2019-05-28 11:50:42 +00:00
bounds = gk . Extent . from_xXyY ( bounds_xXyY )
2018-12-10 17:40:54 +00:00
dx = n_dx
dy = n_dy
2019-02-14 08:27:03 +00:00
config = n_config
paths = n_paths
2018-12-10 17:40:54 +00:00
2019-10-03 10:32:49 +00:00
if " max_depth " in config :
gebco = gk . raster . loadRaster ( paths [ " gebco " ] )
gebco . SetProjection ( gk . srs . loadSRS ( 4326 ) . ExportToWkt ( ) )
2018-12-10 17:40:54 +00:00
2019-02-14 08:27:03 +00:00
clc = gk . raster . loadRaster ( paths [ " corine " ] )
2018-12-10 17:40:54 +00:00
clc . SetProjection ( gk . srs . loadSRS ( 3035 ) . ExportToWkt ( ) )
2019-02-14 08:27:03 +00:00
natura = gk . raster . loadRaster ( paths [ " natura " ] )
2018-12-10 17:40:54 +00:00
def downsample_to_coarse_grid ( bounds , dx , dy , mask , data ) :
# The GDAL warp function with the 'average' resample algorithm needs a band of zero values of at least
# the size of one coarse cell around the original raster or it produces erroneous results
orig = mask . createRaster ( data = data )
padded_extent = mask . extent . castTo ( bounds . srs ) . pad ( max ( dx , dy ) ) . castTo ( mask . srs )
padded = padded_extent . fit ( ( mask . pixelWidth , mask . pixelHeight ) ) . warp ( orig , mask . pixelWidth , mask . pixelHeight )
orig = None # free original raster
average = bounds . createRaster ( dx , dy , dtype = gdal . GDT_Float32 )
assert gdal . Warp ( average , padded , resampleAlg = ' average ' ) == 1 , " gdal warp failed: %s " % gdal . GetLastErrorMsg ( )
return average
2019-02-15 10:11:41 +00:00
def calculate_potential ( gid , save_map = None ) :
2019-02-14 08:27:03 +00:00
feature = gk . vector . extractFeature ( paths [ " regions " ] , where = gid )
2018-12-19 09:27:46 +00:00
ec = gl . ExclusionCalculator ( feature . geom )
2018-12-10 17:40:54 +00:00
corine = config . get ( " corine " , { } )
if isinstance ( corine , list ) :
corine = { ' grid_codes ' : corine }
if " grid_codes " in corine :
ec . excludeRasterType ( clc , value = corine [ " grid_codes " ] , invert = True )
if corine . get ( " distance " , 0. ) > 0. :
ec . excludeRasterType ( clc , value = corine [ " distance_grid_codes " ] , buffer = corine [ " distance " ] )
if config . get ( " natura " , False ) :
ec . excludeRasterType ( natura , value = 1 )
if " max_depth " in config :
ec . excludeRasterType ( gebco , ( None , - config [ " max_depth " ] ) )
# TODO compute a distance field as a raster beforehand
if ' max_shore_distance ' in config :
2019-02-14 08:27:03 +00:00
ec . excludeVectorType ( paths [ " country_shapes " ] , buffer = config [ ' max_shore_distance ' ] , invert = True )
2018-12-10 17:40:54 +00:00
if ' min_shore_distance ' in config :
2019-02-14 08:27:03 +00:00
ec . excludeVectorType ( paths [ " country_shapes " ] , buffer = config [ ' min_shore_distance ' ] )
2018-12-10 17:40:54 +00:00
2019-02-15 10:11:41 +00:00
if save_map is not None :
ec . draw ( )
plt . savefig ( save_map , transparent = True )
plt . close ( )
2018-12-10 17:40:54 +00:00
availability = downsample_to_coarse_grid ( bounds , dx , dy , ec . region , np . where ( ec . region . mask , ec . _availability , 0 ) )
return csr_matrix ( gk . raster . extractMatrix ( availability ) . flatten ( ) / 100. )
if __name__ == ' __main__ ' :
2019-12-09 20:29:15 +00:00
if ' snakemake ' not in globals ( ) :
from _helpers import mock_snakemake
snakemake = mock_snakemake ( ' build_renewable_profiles ' , technology = ' solar ' )
2019-11-28 07:22:52 +00:00
configure_logging ( snakemake )
2018-12-10 17:40:54 +00:00
2019-12-09 20:29:15 +00:00
pgb . streams . wrap_stderr ( )
2018-12-10 17:40:54 +00:00
config = snakemake . config [ ' renewable ' ] [ snakemake . wildcards . technology ]
time = pd . date_range ( freq = ' m ' , * * snakemake . config [ ' snapshots ' ] )
params = dict ( years = slice ( * time . year [ [ 0 , - 1 ] ] ) , months = slice ( * time . month [ [ 0 , - 1 ] ] ) )
cutout = atlite . Cutout ( config [ ' cutout ' ] ,
2019-02-14 08:27:03 +00:00
cutout_dir = os . path . dirname ( snakemake . input . cutout ) ,
* * params )
2018-12-10 17:40:54 +00:00
minx , maxx , miny , maxy = cutout . extent
dx = ( maxx - minx ) / ( cutout . shape [ 1 ] - 1 )
dy = ( maxy - miny ) / ( cutout . shape [ 0 ] - 1 )
2019-05-28 11:50:42 +00:00
bounds_xXyY = ( minx - dx / 2. , maxx + dx / 2. , miny - dy / 2. , maxy + dy / 2. )
2018-12-10 17:40:54 +00:00
# Use GLAES to compute available potentials and the transition matrix
2019-02-14 08:27:03 +00:00
paths = dict ( snakemake . input )
2018-12-10 17:40:54 +00:00
2019-05-28 11:50:42 +00:00
# Use the following for testing the default windows method on linux
# mp.set_start_method('spawn')
with mp . Pool ( initializer = init_globals , initargs = ( bounds_xXyY , dx , dy , config , paths ) ,
maxtasksperchild = 20 , processes = snakemake . config [ ' atlite ' ] . get ( ' nprocesses ' , 2 ) ) as pool :
2020-01-23 08:55:59 +00:00
# The GDAL library creates a GDAL context on module import, which may not be shared over multiple
# processes or the PROJ4 library has a hickup, so we import only after forking.
import geokit as gk
2019-02-14 08:27:03 +00:00
regions = gk . vector . extractFeatures ( paths [ " regions " ] , onlyAttr = True )
2018-12-11 15:09:24 +00:00
buses = pd . Index ( regions [ ' name ' ] , name = " bus " )
2018-12-10 17:40:54 +00:00
widgets = [
pgb . widgets . Percentage ( ) ,
' ' , pgb . widgets . SimpleProgress ( format = ' ( %s ) ' % pgb . widgets . SimpleProgress . DEFAULT_FORMAT ) ,
' ' , pgb . widgets . Bar ( ) ,
' ' , pgb . widgets . Timer ( ) ,
' ' , pgb . widgets . ETA ( )
2018-12-11 16:29:54 +00:00
progressbar = pgb . ProgressBar ( prefix = ' Compute GIS potentials: ' , widgets = widgets , max_value = len ( regions ) )
matrix = vstack ( list ( progressbar ( pool . imap ( calculate_potential , regions . index ) ) ) )
2018-12-10 17:40:54 +00:00
potentials = config [ ' capacity_per_sqkm ' ] * vlanduse . _cutout_cell_areas ( cutout )
potmatrix = matrix * spdiag ( potentials . ravel ( ) )
2020-04-03 10:09:17 +00:00
if config . get ( ' keep_all_available_areas ' , False ) != True : # check config file if user wants to use all availbe areas for renewable potentials
2020-04-03 10:02:25 +00:00
potmatrix . data [ potmatrix . data < 1. ] = 0 # ignore weather cells where only less than 1 MW can be installed
2018-12-10 17:40:54 +00:00
potmatrix . eliminate_zeros ( )
2018-12-19 09:28:35 +00:00
resource = config [ ' resource ' ]
func = getattr ( cutout , resource . pop ( ' method ' ) )
correction_factor = config . get ( ' correction_factor ' , 1. )
if correction_factor != 1. :
logger . warning ( ' correction_factor is set as {} ' . format ( correction_factor ) )
capacity_factor = correction_factor * func ( capacity_factor = True , show_progress = ' Compute capacity factors: ' , * * resource ) . stack ( spatial = ( ' y ' , ' x ' ) ) . values
layoutmatrix = potmatrix * spdiag ( capacity_factor )
profile , capacities = func ( matrix = layoutmatrix , index = buses , per_unit = True ,
return_capacity = True , show_progress = ' Compute profiles: ' ,
* * resource )
2018-12-10 17:40:54 +00:00
p_nom_max_meth = config . get ( ' potential ' , ' conservative ' )
2019-02-01 17:33:21 +00:00
if p_nom_max_meth == ' simple ' :
2019-02-01 17:34:11 +00:00
p_nom_max = xr . DataArray ( np . asarray ( potmatrix . sum ( axis = 1 ) ) . squeeze ( ) , [ buses ] )
2019-02-01 17:33:21 +00:00
elif p_nom_max_meth == ' conservative ' :
2018-12-10 17:40:54 +00:00
# p_nom_max has to be calculated for each bus and is the minimal ratio
# (min over all weather grid cells of the bus region) between the available
# potential (potmatrix) and the used normalised layout (layoutmatrix /
# capacities), so we would like to calculate i.e. potmatrix / (layoutmatrix /
# capacities). Since layoutmatrix = potmatrix * capacity_factor, this
# corresponds to capacities/max(capacity factor in the voronoi cell)
p_nom_max = xr . DataArray ( [ 1. / np . max ( capacity_factor [ inds ] ) if len ( inds ) else 0.
for inds in np . split ( potmatrix . indices , potmatrix . indptr [ 1 : - 1 ] ) ] , [ buses ] ) * capacities
else :
2019-02-01 17:33:21 +00:00
raise AssertionError ( ' Config key `potential` should be one of " simple " (default) or " conservative " , '
2018-12-10 17:40:54 +00:00
' not " {} " ' . format ( p_nom_max_meth ) )
layout = xr . DataArray ( np . asarray ( potmatrix . sum ( axis = 0 ) ) . reshape ( cutout . shape ) ,
[ cutout . meta . indexes [ ax ] for ax in [ ' y ' , ' x ' ] ] )
2018-12-11 15:09:24 +00:00
# Determine weighted average distance from substation
cell_coords = cutout . grid_coordinates ( )
average_distance = [ ]
for i in regions . index :
row = layoutmatrix [ i ]
distances = haversine ( regions . loc [ i , [ ' x ' , ' y ' ] ] , cell_coords [ row . indices ] ) [ 0 ]
average_distance . append ( ( distances * ( row . data / row . data . sum ( ) ) ) . sum ( ) )
2018-12-11 16:30:25 +00:00
2018-12-11 15:09:24 +00:00
average_distance = xr . DataArray ( average_distance , [ buses ] )
2018-12-10 17:40:54 +00:00
ds = xr . merge ( [ ( correction_factor * profile ) . rename ( ' profile ' ) ,
2018-12-11 16:30:25 +00:00
capacities . rename ( ' weight ' ) ,
p_nom_max . rename ( ' p_nom_max ' ) ,
layout . rename ( ' potential ' ) ,
average_distance . rename ( ' average_distance ' ) ] )
if snakemake . wildcards . technology . startswith ( " offwind " ) :
import geopandas as gpd
from shapely . geometry import LineString
2018-12-19 14:37:18 +00:00
offshore_shape = gpd . read_file ( snakemake . input . offshore_shapes ) . unary_union
2018-12-11 16:30:25 +00:00
underwater_fraction = [ ]
for i in regions . index :
row = layoutmatrix [ i ]
centre_of_mass = ( cell_coords [ row . indices ] * ( row . data / row . data . sum ( ) ) [ : , np . newaxis ] ) . sum ( axis = 0 )
line = LineString ( [ centre_of_mass , regions . loc [ i , [ ' x ' , ' y ' ] ] ] )
underwater_fraction . append ( line . intersection ( offshore_shape ) . length / line . length )
ds [ ' underwater_fraction ' ] = xr . DataArray ( underwater_fraction , [ buses ] )
2018-12-21 12:44:59 +00:00
# select only buses with some capacity and minimal capacity factor
ds = ds . sel ( bus = ( ( ds [ ' profile ' ] . mean ( ' time ' ) > config . get ( ' min_p_max_pu ' , 0. ) ) &
( ds [ ' p_nom_max ' ] > config . get ( ' min_p_nom_max ' , 0. ) ) ) )
2018-12-31 13:10:55 +00:00
if ' clip_p_max_pu ' in config :
ds [ ' profile ' ] . values [ ds [ ' profile ' ] . values < config [ ' clip_p_max_pu ' ] ] = 0.
2018-12-21 12:44:59 +00:00
ds . to_netcdf ( snakemake . output . profile )