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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: : 2020-2023 The PyPSA-Eur Authors
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
Build mapping between cutout grid cells and population (total, urban, rural).
import logging
[pre-commit.ci] auto fixes from pre-commit.com hooks
for more information, see https://pre-commit.ci
import atlite
import geopandas as gpd
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import xarray as xr
from _helpers import configure_logging, set_scenario_config
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
if __name__ == "__main__":
if "snakemake" not in globals():
from _helpers import mock_snakemake
snakemake = mock_snakemake("build_population_layouts")
[pre-commit.ci] auto fixes from pre-commit.com hooks
for more information, see https://pre-commit.ci
cutout = atlite.Cutout(snakemake.input.cutout)
grid_cells = cutout.grid.geometry
# nuts3 has columns country, gdp, pop, geometry
# population is given in dimensions of 1e3=k
nuts3 = gpd.read_file(snakemake.input.nuts3_shapes).set_index("index")
# Indicator matrix NUTS3 -> grid cells
I = atlite.cutout.compute_indicatormatrix(nuts3.geometry, grid_cells) # noqa: E741
# Indicator matrix grid_cells -> NUTS3; inprinciple Iinv*I is identity
# but imprecisions mean not perfect
Iinv = cutout.indicatormatrix(nuts3.geometry)
countries = np.sort(nuts3.country.unique())
urban_fraction = (
snakemake.input.urban_percent, header=None, index_col=0, names=["fraction"]
/ 100.0
[pre-commit.ci] auto fixes from pre-commit.com hooks
for more information, see https://pre-commit.ci
# fill missing Balkans values
missing = ["AL", "ME", "MK"]
reference = ["RS", "BA"]
average = urban_fraction[reference].mean()
fill_values = pd.Series({ct: average for ct in missing})
urban_fraction = pd.concat([urban_fraction, fill_values])
# population in each grid cell
pop_cells = pd.Series(I.dot(nuts3["pop"]))
# in km^2
cell_areas = grid_cells.to_crs(3035).area / 1e6
# pop per km^2
density_cells = pop_cells / cell_areas
# rural or urban population in grid cell
pop_rural = pd.Series(0.0, density_cells.index)
pop_urban = pd.Series(0.0, density_cells.index)
for ct in countries:
f"The urbanization rate for {ct} is {round(urban_fraction[ct]*100)}%"
indicator_nuts3_ct = nuts3.country.apply(lambda x: 1.0 if x == ct else 0.0)
indicator_cells_ct = pd.Series(Iinv.T.dot(indicator_nuts3_ct))
density_cells_ct = indicator_cells_ct * density_cells
pop_cells_ct = indicator_cells_ct * pop_cells
# correct for imprecision of Iinv*I
pop_ct = nuts3.loc[nuts3.country == ct, "pop"].sum()
if pop_cells_ct.sum() != 0:
pop_cells_ct *= pop_ct / pop_cells_ct.sum()
# The first low density grid cells to reach rural fraction are rural
asc_density_i = density_cells_ct.sort_values().index
asc_density_cumsum = pop_cells_ct[asc_density_i].cumsum() / pop_cells_ct.sum()
rural_fraction_ct = 1 - urban_fraction[ct]
pop_ct_rural_b = asc_density_cumsum < rural_fraction_ct
pop_ct_urban_b = ~pop_ct_rural_b
pop_ct_rural_b[indicator_cells_ct == 0.0] = False
pop_ct_urban_b[indicator_cells_ct == 0.0] = False
pop_rural += pop_cells_ct.where(pop_ct_rural_b, 0.0)
pop_urban += pop_cells_ct.where(pop_ct_urban_b, 0.0)
pop_cells = {"total": pop_cells}
pop_cells["rural"] = pop_rural
pop_cells["urban"] = pop_urban
for key, pop in pop_cells.items():
ycoords = ("y", cutout.coords["y"].data)
xcoords = ("x", cutout.coords["x"].data)
values = pop.values.reshape(cutout.shape)
layout = xr.DataArray(values, [ycoords, xcoords])