cutout,--,"Should be a folder listed in the configuration ``atlite: cutouts:`` (e.g. 'europe-2013-era5') or reference an existing folder in the directory ``cutouts``. Source module must be ERA5.","Specifies the directory where the relevant weather data ist stored."
-- turbine,--,"One of turbine types included in `atlite <>`__","Specifies the turbine type and its characteristic power curve."
corine,--,"Any *realistic* subset of the `CORINE Land Cover code list <>`_","Specifies areas according to CORINE Land Cover codes which are generally eligible for AC-connected offshore wind turbine placement."
natura,bool,"{true, false}","Switch to exclude `Natura 2000 <>`_ natural protection areas. Area is excluded if ``true``."
max_depth,m,float,"Maximum sea water depth at which wind turbines can be build. Maritime areas with deeper waters are excluded in the process of calculating the AC-connected offshore wind potential."