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# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: : 2017-2020 The PyPSA-Eur Authors
2021-09-14 14:37:41 +00:00
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
2019-08-11 20:34:18 +00:00
Plots map with pie charts and cost box bar charts.
2019-08-11 09:40:47 +00:00
Relevant Settings
Add logging to logfiles to all snakemake workflow scripts. (#102) * Add logging to logfiles to all snakemake workflow scripts. * Fix missing quotation marks in Snakefile. * Apply suggestions from code review Co-Authored-By: Fabian Neumann <> * Apply suggestions from code review Co-Authored-By: Fabian Neumann <> * doc: fix _ec_ filenames in docs * Allow logging message format to be specified in config.yaml. * Add logging for Snakemake rule 'retrieve_databundle '. * Add limited logging to STDERR only for retrieve_*.py scripts. * Import progressbar module only on demand. * Fix logging to file and enable concurrent printing to STDERR for most scripts. * Add new 'logging_format' option to Travis CI test config.yaml. * Add missing parenthesis (bug fix) and cross-os compatible paths. * Fix typos in messages. * Use correct log files for logging (bug fix). * doc: fix line references * config: logging_format in all configs * doc: add doc for logging_format * environment: update to powerplantmatching 0.4.3 * doc: update line references for tutorial.rst * Change logging configuration scheme for config.yaml. * Add helper function for doing basic logging configuration. * Add logpath for prepare_links_p_nom rule. * Outsource basic logging configuration for all scripts to _helper submodule. * Update documentation for changed config.yaml structure. Instead of 'logging_level' and 'logging_format', now 'logging' with subcategories is used. * _helpers: Change configure_logging signature.
2019-11-28 07:22:52 +00:00
import logging
2022-03-10 12:55:53 +00:00
from _helpers import (load_network_for_plots, aggregate_p, aggregate_costs, configure_logging)
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import as ccrs
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib as mpl
from matplotlib.patches import Circle, Ellipse
from matplotlib.legend_handler import HandlerPatch
to_rgba = mpl.colors.colorConverter.to_rgba
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def make_handler_map_to_scale_circles_as_in(ax, dont_resize_actively=False):
fig = ax.get_figure()
def axes2pt():
return np.diff(ax.transData.transform([(0,0), (1,1)]), axis=0)[0] * (72./fig.dpi)
ellipses = []
if not dont_resize_actively:
def update_width_height(event):
dist = axes2pt()
for e, radius in ellipses: e.width, e.height = 2. * radius * dist
fig.canvas.mpl_connect('resize_event', update_width_height)
ax.callbacks.connect('xlim_changed', update_width_height)
ax.callbacks.connect('ylim_changed', update_width_height)
def legend_circle_handler(legend, orig_handle, xdescent, ydescent,
width, height, fontsize):
w, h = 2. * orig_handle.get_radius() * axes2pt()
e = Ellipse(xy=(0.5*width-0.5*xdescent, 0.5*height-0.5*ydescent), width=w, height=w)
ellipses.append((e, orig_handle.get_radius()))
return e
return {Circle: HandlerPatch(patch_func=legend_circle_handler)}
def make_legend_circles_for(sizes, scale=1.0, **kw):
return [Circle((0,0), radius=(s/scale)**0.5, **kw) for s in sizes]
def set_plot_style():['classic', 'seaborn-white',
{'axes.grid': False, 'grid.linestyle': '--', 'grid.color': u'0.6',
'hatch.color': 'white',
'patch.linewidth': 0.5,
'font.size': 12,
'legend.fontsize': 'medium',
'lines.linewidth': 1.5,
'pdf.fonttype': 42,
def plot_map(n, ax=None, attribute='p_nom', opts={}):
if ax is None:
ax = plt.gca()
line_colors = {'cur': "purple",
Introduce mocksnakemake which acutally parses Snakefile (#107) * rewrite mocksnakemake for parsing real Snakefile * continue add function to scripts * going through all scripts, setting new mocksnakemake * fix plotting scripts * fix build_country_flh * fix build_country_flh II * adjust config files * fix make_summary for tutorial network * create dir also for output * incorporate suggestions * consistent import of mocksnakemake * consistent import of mocksnakemake II * Update scripts/ Co-Authored-By: euronion <> * Update scripts/ Co-Authored-By: euronion <> * Update scripts/ Co-Authored-By: euronion <> * Update scripts/ Co-Authored-By: euronion <> * Update scripts/ Co-Authored-By: euronion <> * Update scripts/ Co-Authored-By: euronion <> * Update scripts/ Co-Authored-By: euronion <> * use pathlib for mocksnakemake * rename mocksnakemake into mock_snakemake * revert change in data * Update scripts/ Co-Authored-By: euronion <> * remove setting logfile in mock_snakemake, use Path in configure_logging * fix fallback path and base_dir fix return type of make_io_accessable * reformulate mock_snakemake * incorporate suggestion, fix typos * mock_snakemake: apply absolute paths again, add assertion error *.py: make hard coded io path accessable for mock_snakemake * retrieve_natura_raster: use snakemake.output for fn_out * include suggestion * Apply suggestions from code review Co-Authored-By: Jonas Hörsch <> * linting, add return ad end of file * Update scripts/ Co-Authored-By: Jonas Hörsch <> * Update scripts/ fixes #112 Co-Authored-By: Jonas Hörsch <> * plot_p_nom_max: small correction * config.tutorial.yaml fix snapshots end * use techs instead of technology * revert try out from previous commit, complete replacing * change clusters -> clusts in plot_p_nom_max due to wildcard constraints of clusters * change clusters -> clusts in plot_p_nom_max due to wildcard constraints of clusters II
2019-12-09 20:29:15 +00:00
'exp': mpl.colors.rgb2hex(to_rgba("red", 0.7), True)}
tech_colors = opts['tech_colors']
if attribute == 'p_nom':
# bus_sizes = n.generators_t.p.sum().loc[n.generators.carrier == "load"].groupby(n.generators.bus).sum()
bus_sizes = pd.concat((n.generators.query('carrier != "load"').groupby(['bus', 'carrier']).p_nom_opt.sum(),
n.storage_units.groupby(['bus', 'carrier']).p_nom_opt.sum()))
line_widths_exp = n.lines.s_nom_opt
line_widths_cur = n.lines.s_nom_min
link_widths_exp = n.links.p_nom_opt
link_widths_cur = n.links.p_nom_min
2019-11-14 16:50:24 +00:00
raise 'plotting of {} has not been implemented yet'.format(attribute)
line_colors_with_alpha = \
((line_widths_cur / n.lines.s_nom > 1e-3)
.map({True: line_colors['cur'], False: to_rgba(line_colors['cur'], 0.)}))
link_colors_with_alpha = \
((link_widths_cur / n.links.p_nom > 1e-3)
.map({True: line_colors['cur'], False: to_rgba(line_colors['cur'], 0.)}))
linewidth_factor = opts['map'][attribute]['linewidth_factor']
bus_size_factor = opts['map'][attribute]['bus_size_factor']
color_geomap=True, geomap=True,
color_geomap=True, geomap=False,
# Rasterize basemap
# TODO : Check if this also works with cartopy
for c in ax.collections[:2]: c.set_rasterized(True)
handles = []
labels = []
for s in (10, 1):
labels.append("{} GW".format(s))
2019-11-14 16:50:24 +00:00
l1_1 = ax.legend(handles, labels,
loc="upper left", bbox_to_anchor=(0.24, 1.01),
labelspacing=0.8, handletextpad=1.5,
title='Transmission Exp./Exist. ')
handles = []
labels = []
for s in (10, 5):
l1_2 = ax.legend(handles, labels,
loc="upper left", bbox_to_anchor=(0.26, 1.01),
labelspacing=0.8, handletextpad=0.5,
title=' ')
handles = make_legend_circles_for([10e3, 5e3, 1e3], scale=bus_size_factor, facecolor="w")
labels = ["{} GW".format(s) for s in (10, 5, 3)]
l2 = ax.legend(handles, labels,
loc="upper left", bbox_to_anchor=(0.01, 1.01),
frameon=False, labelspacing=1.0,
techs = (bus_sizes.index.levels[1]).intersection(pd.Index(opts['vre_techs'] + opts['conv_techs'] + opts['storage_techs']))
handles = []
labels = []
for t in techs:
handles.append(plt.Line2D([0], [0], color=tech_colors[t], marker='o', markersize=8, linewidth=0))
labels.append(opts['nice_names'].get(t, t))
l3 = ax.legend(handles, labels, loc="upper center", bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, -0.), # bbox_to_anchor=(0.72, -0.05),
handletextpad=0., columnspacing=0.5, ncol=4, title='Technology')
return fig
2022-03-10 12:55:53 +00:00
def plot_total_energy_pie(n, ax=None, opts={}):
if ax is None: ax = plt.gca()
ax.set_title('Energy per technology', fontdict=dict(fontsize="medium"))
e_primary = aggregate_p(n).drop('load', errors='ignore').loc[lambda s: s>0]
patches, texts, autotexts = ax.pie(e_primary,
labels = e_primary.rename(opts['nice_names']).index,
Introduce mocksnakemake which acutally parses Snakefile (#107) * rewrite mocksnakemake for parsing real Snakefile * continue add function to scripts * going through all scripts, setting new mocksnakemake * fix plotting scripts * fix build_country_flh * fix build_country_flh II * adjust config files * fix make_summary for tutorial network * create dir also for output * incorporate suggestions * consistent import of mocksnakemake * consistent import of mocksnakemake II * Update scripts/ Co-Authored-By: euronion <> * Update scripts/ Co-Authored-By: euronion <> * Update scripts/ Co-Authored-By: euronion <> * Update scripts/ Co-Authored-By: euronion <> * Update scripts/ Co-Authored-By: euronion <> * Update scripts/ Co-Authored-By: euronion <> * Update scripts/ Co-Authored-By: euronion <> * use pathlib for mocksnakemake * rename mocksnakemake into mock_snakemake * revert change in data * Update scripts/ Co-Authored-By: euronion <> * remove setting logfile in mock_snakemake, use Path in configure_logging * fix fallback path and base_dir fix return type of make_io_accessable * reformulate mock_snakemake * incorporate suggestion, fix typos * mock_snakemake: apply absolute paths again, add assertion error *.py: make hard coded io path accessable for mock_snakemake * retrieve_natura_raster: use snakemake.output for fn_out * include suggestion * Apply suggestions from code review Co-Authored-By: Jonas Hörsch <> * linting, add return ad end of file * Update scripts/ Co-Authored-By: Jonas Hörsch <> * Update scripts/ fixes #112 Co-Authored-By: Jonas Hörsch <> * plot_p_nom_max: small correction * config.tutorial.yaml fix snapshots end * use techs instead of technology * revert try out from previous commit, complete replacing * change clusters -> clusts in plot_p_nom_max due to wildcard constraints of clusters * change clusters -> clusts in plot_p_nom_max due to wildcard constraints of clusters II
2019-12-09 20:29:15 +00:00
colors = [opts['tech_colors'][tech] for tech in e_primary.index])
for t1, t2, i in zip(texts, autotexts, e_primary.index):
if[i] < 0.04 * e_primary.sum():
2022-03-10 12:55:53 +00:00
def plot_total_cost_bar(n, ax=None, opts={}):
if ax is None: ax = plt.gca()
total_load = (n.snapshot_weightings.generators * n.loads_t.p.sum(axis=1)).sum()
Introduce mocksnakemake which acutally parses Snakefile (#107) * rewrite mocksnakemake for parsing real Snakefile * continue add function to scripts * going through all scripts, setting new mocksnakemake * fix plotting scripts * fix build_country_flh * fix build_country_flh II * adjust config files * fix make_summary for tutorial network * create dir also for output * incorporate suggestions * consistent import of mocksnakemake * consistent import of mocksnakemake II * Update scripts/ Co-Authored-By: euronion <> * Update scripts/ Co-Authored-By: euronion <> * Update scripts/ Co-Authored-By: euronion <> * Update scripts/ Co-Authored-By: euronion <> * Update scripts/ Co-Authored-By: euronion <> * Update scripts/ Co-Authored-By: euronion <> * Update scripts/ Co-Authored-By: euronion <> * use pathlib for mocksnakemake * rename mocksnakemake into mock_snakemake * revert change in data * Update scripts/ Co-Authored-By: euronion <> * remove setting logfile in mock_snakemake, use Path in configure_logging * fix fallback path and base_dir fix return type of make_io_accessable * reformulate mock_snakemake * incorporate suggestion, fix typos * mock_snakemake: apply absolute paths again, add assertion error *.py: make hard coded io path accessable for mock_snakemake * retrieve_natura_raster: use snakemake.output for fn_out * include suggestion * Apply suggestions from code review Co-Authored-By: Jonas Hörsch <> * linting, add return ad end of file * Update scripts/ Co-Authored-By: Jonas Hörsch <> * Update scripts/ fixes #112 Co-Authored-By: Jonas Hörsch <> * plot_p_nom_max: small correction * config.tutorial.yaml fix snapshots end * use techs instead of technology * revert try out from previous commit, complete replacing * change clusters -> clusts in plot_p_nom_max due to wildcard constraints of clusters * change clusters -> clusts in plot_p_nom_max due to wildcard constraints of clusters II
2019-12-09 20:29:15 +00:00
tech_colors = opts['tech_colors']
def split_costs(n):
costs = aggregate_costs(n).reset_index(level=0, drop=True)
costs_ex = aggregate_costs(n, existing_only=True).reset_index(level=0, drop=True)
return (costs['capital'].add(costs['marginal'], fill_value=0.),
costs_ex['capital'], costs['capital'] - costs_ex['capital'], costs['marginal'])
costs, costs_cap_ex, costs_cap_new, costs_marg = split_costs(n)
costs_graph = pd.DataFrame(dict(a=costs.drop('load', errors='ignore')),
Introduce mocksnakemake which acutally parses Snakefile (#107) * rewrite mocksnakemake for parsing real Snakefile * continue add function to scripts * going through all scripts, setting new mocksnakemake * fix plotting scripts * fix build_country_flh * fix build_country_flh II * adjust config files * fix make_summary for tutorial network * create dir also for output * incorporate suggestions * consistent import of mocksnakemake * consistent import of mocksnakemake II * Update scripts/ Co-Authored-By: euronion <> * Update scripts/ Co-Authored-By: euronion <> * Update scripts/ Co-Authored-By: euronion <> * Update scripts/ Co-Authored-By: euronion <> * Update scripts/ Co-Authored-By: euronion <> * Update scripts/ Co-Authored-By: euronion <> * Update scripts/ Co-Authored-By: euronion <> * use pathlib for mocksnakemake * rename mocksnakemake into mock_snakemake * revert change in data * Update scripts/ Co-Authored-By: euronion <> * remove setting logfile in mock_snakemake, use Path in configure_logging * fix fallback path and base_dir fix return type of make_io_accessable * reformulate mock_snakemake * incorporate suggestion, fix typos * mock_snakemake: apply absolute paths again, add assertion error *.py: make hard coded io path accessable for mock_snakemake * retrieve_natura_raster: use snakemake.output for fn_out * include suggestion * Apply suggestions from code review Co-Authored-By: Jonas Hörsch <> * linting, add return ad end of file * Update scripts/ Co-Authored-By: Jonas Hörsch <> * Update scripts/ fixes #112 Co-Authored-By: Jonas Hörsch <> * plot_p_nom_max: small correction * config.tutorial.yaml fix snapshots end * use techs instead of technology * revert try out from previous commit, complete replacing * change clusters -> clusts in plot_p_nom_max due to wildcard constraints of clusters * change clusters -> clusts in plot_p_nom_max due to wildcard constraints of clusters II
2019-12-09 20:29:15 +00:00
index=['AC-AC', 'AC line', 'onwind', 'offwind-ac',
'offwind-dc', 'solar', 'OCGT','CCGT', 'battery', 'H2']).dropna()
bottom = np.array([0., 0.])
texts = []
for i,ind in enumerate(costs_graph.index):
data = np.asarray(costs_graph.loc[ind])/total_load
Introduce mocksnakemake which acutally parses Snakefile (#107) * rewrite mocksnakemake for parsing real Snakefile * continue add function to scripts * going through all scripts, setting new mocksnakemake * fix plotting scripts * fix build_country_flh * fix build_country_flh II * adjust config files * fix make_summary for tutorial network * create dir also for output * incorporate suggestions * consistent import of mocksnakemake * consistent import of mocksnakemake II * Update scripts/ Co-Authored-By: euronion <> * Update scripts/ Co-Authored-By: euronion <> * Update scripts/ Co-Authored-By: euronion <> * Update scripts/ Co-Authored-By: euronion <> * Update scripts/ Co-Authored-By: euronion <> * Update scripts/ Co-Authored-By: euronion <> * Update scripts/ Co-Authored-By: euronion <> * use pathlib for mocksnakemake * rename mocksnakemake into mock_snakemake * revert change in data * Update scripts/ Co-Authored-By: euronion <> * remove setting logfile in mock_snakemake, use Path in configure_logging * fix fallback path and base_dir fix return type of make_io_accessable * reformulate mock_snakemake * incorporate suggestion, fix typos * mock_snakemake: apply absolute paths again, add assertion error *.py: make hard coded io path accessable for mock_snakemake * retrieve_natura_raster: use snakemake.output for fn_out * include suggestion * Apply suggestions from code review Co-Authored-By: Jonas Hörsch <> * linting, add return ad end of file * Update scripts/ Co-Authored-By: Jonas Hörsch <> * Update scripts/ fixes #112 Co-Authored-By: Jonas Hörsch <> * plot_p_nom_max: small correction * config.tutorial.yaml fix snapshots end * use techs instead of technology * revert try out from previous commit, complete replacing * change clusters -> clusts in plot_p_nom_max due to wildcard constraints of clusters * change clusters -> clusts in plot_p_nom_max due to wildcard constraints of clusters II
2019-12-09 20:29:15 +00:00[0.5], data, bottom=bottom, color=tech_colors[ind],
width=0.7, zorder=-1)
bottom_sub = bottom
bottom = bottom+data
if ind in opts['conv_techs'] + ['AC line']:
for c in [costs_cap_ex, costs_marg]:
if ind in c:
data_sub = np.asarray([c.loc[ind]])/total_load[0.5], data_sub, linewidth=0,
bottom=bottom_sub, color=tech_colors[ind],
width=0.7, zorder=-1, alpha=0.8)
bottom_sub += data_sub
if abs(data[-1]) < 5:
text = ax.text(1.1,(bottom-0.5*data)[-1]-3,opts['nice_names'].get(ind,ind))
ax.set_ylabel("Average system cost [Eur/MWh]")
ax.set_ylim([0, opts.get('costs_max', 80)])
Introduce mocksnakemake which acutally parses Snakefile (#107) * rewrite mocksnakemake for parsing real Snakefile * continue add function to scripts * going through all scripts, setting new mocksnakemake * fix plotting scripts * fix build_country_flh * fix build_country_flh II * adjust config files * fix make_summary for tutorial network * create dir also for output * incorporate suggestions * consistent import of mocksnakemake * consistent import of mocksnakemake II * Update scripts/ Co-Authored-By: euronion <> * Update scripts/ Co-Authored-By: euronion <> * Update scripts/ Co-Authored-By: euronion <> * Update scripts/ Co-Authored-By: euronion <> * Update scripts/ Co-Authored-By: euronion <> * Update scripts/ Co-Authored-By: euronion <> * Update scripts/ Co-Authored-By: euronion <> * use pathlib for mocksnakemake * rename mocksnakemake into mock_snakemake * revert change in data * Update scripts/ Co-Authored-By: euronion <> * remove setting logfile in mock_snakemake, use Path in configure_logging * fix fallback path and base_dir fix return type of make_io_accessable * reformulate mock_snakemake * incorporate suggestion, fix typos * mock_snakemake: apply absolute paths again, add assertion error *.py: make hard coded io path accessable for mock_snakemake * retrieve_natura_raster: use snakemake.output for fn_out * include suggestion * Apply suggestions from code review Co-Authored-By: Jonas Hörsch <> * linting, add return ad end of file * Update scripts/ Co-Authored-By: Jonas Hörsch <> * Update scripts/ fixes #112 Co-Authored-By: Jonas Hörsch <> * plot_p_nom_max: small correction * config.tutorial.yaml fix snapshots end * use techs instead of technology * revert try out from previous commit, complete replacing * change clusters -> clusts in plot_p_nom_max due to wildcard constraints of clusters * change clusters -> clusts in plot_p_nom_max due to wildcard constraints of clusters II
2019-12-09 20:29:15 +00:00
ax.set_xlim([0, 1])
ax.grid(True, axis="y", color='k', linestyle='dotted')
if __name__ == "__main__":
if 'snakemake' not in globals():
Introduce mocksnakemake which acutally parses Snakefile (#107) * rewrite mocksnakemake for parsing real Snakefile * continue add function to scripts * going through all scripts, setting new mocksnakemake * fix plotting scripts * fix build_country_flh * fix build_country_flh II * adjust config files * fix make_summary for tutorial network * create dir also for output * incorporate suggestions * consistent import of mocksnakemake * consistent import of mocksnakemake II * Update scripts/ Co-Authored-By: euronion <> * Update scripts/ Co-Authored-By: euronion <> * Update scripts/ Co-Authored-By: euronion <> * Update scripts/ Co-Authored-By: euronion <> * Update scripts/ Co-Authored-By: euronion <> * Update scripts/ Co-Authored-By: euronion <> * Update scripts/ Co-Authored-By: euronion <> * use pathlib for mocksnakemake * rename mocksnakemake into mock_snakemake * revert change in data * Update scripts/ Co-Authored-By: euronion <> * remove setting logfile in mock_snakemake, use Path in configure_logging * fix fallback path and base_dir fix return type of make_io_accessable * reformulate mock_snakemake * incorporate suggestion, fix typos * mock_snakemake: apply absolute paths again, add assertion error *.py: make hard coded io path accessable for mock_snakemake * retrieve_natura_raster: use snakemake.output for fn_out * include suggestion * Apply suggestions from code review Co-Authored-By: Jonas Hörsch <> * linting, add return ad end of file * Update scripts/ Co-Authored-By: Jonas Hörsch <> * Update scripts/ fixes #112 Co-Authored-By: Jonas Hörsch <> * plot_p_nom_max: small correction * config.tutorial.yaml fix snapshots end * use techs instead of technology * revert try out from previous commit, complete replacing * change clusters -> clusts in plot_p_nom_max due to wildcard constraints of clusters * change clusters -> clusts in plot_p_nom_max due to wildcard constraints of clusters II
2019-12-09 20:29:15 +00:00
from _helpers import mock_snakemake
snakemake = mock_snakemake('plot_network', network='elec', simpl='',
clusters='5', ll='copt', opts='Co2L-24H',
attr='p_nom', ext="pdf")
Add logging to logfiles to all snakemake workflow scripts. (#102) * Add logging to logfiles to all snakemake workflow scripts. * Fix missing quotation marks in Snakefile. * Apply suggestions from code review Co-Authored-By: Fabian Neumann <> * Apply suggestions from code review Co-Authored-By: Fabian Neumann <> * doc: fix _ec_ filenames in docs * Allow logging message format to be specified in config.yaml. * Add logging for Snakemake rule 'retrieve_databundle '. * Add limited logging to STDERR only for retrieve_*.py scripts. * Import progressbar module only on demand. * Fix logging to file and enable concurrent printing to STDERR for most scripts. * Add new 'logging_format' option to Travis CI test config.yaml. * Add missing parenthesis (bug fix) and cross-os compatible paths. * Fix typos in messages. * Use correct log files for logging (bug fix). * doc: fix line references * config: logging_format in all configs * doc: add doc for logging_format * environment: update to powerplantmatching 0.4.3 * doc: update line references for tutorial.rst * Change logging configuration scheme for config.yaml. * Add helper function for doing basic logging configuration. * Add logpath for prepare_links_p_nom rule. * Outsource basic logging configuration for all scripts to _helper submodule. * Update documentation for changed config.yaml structure. Instead of 'logging_level' and 'logging_format', now 'logging' with subcategories is used. * _helpers: Change configure_logging signature.
2019-11-28 07:22:52 +00:00
Introduce mocksnakemake which acutally parses Snakefile (#107) * rewrite mocksnakemake for parsing real Snakefile * continue add function to scripts * going through all scripts, setting new mocksnakemake * fix plotting scripts * fix build_country_flh * fix build_country_flh II * adjust config files * fix make_summary for tutorial network * create dir also for output * incorporate suggestions * consistent import of mocksnakemake * consistent import of mocksnakemake II * Update scripts/ Co-Authored-By: euronion <> * Update scripts/ Co-Authored-By: euronion <> * Update scripts/ Co-Authored-By: euronion <> * Update scripts/ Co-Authored-By: euronion <> * Update scripts/ Co-Authored-By: euronion <> * Update scripts/ Co-Authored-By: euronion <> * Update scripts/ Co-Authored-By: euronion <> * use pathlib for mocksnakemake * rename mocksnakemake into mock_snakemake * revert change in data * Update scripts/ Co-Authored-By: euronion <> * remove setting logfile in mock_snakemake, use Path in configure_logging * fix fallback path and base_dir fix return type of make_io_accessable * reformulate mock_snakemake * incorporate suggestion, fix typos * mock_snakemake: apply absolute paths again, add assertion error *.py: make hard coded io path accessable for mock_snakemake * retrieve_natura_raster: use snakemake.output for fn_out * include suggestion * Apply suggestions from code review Co-Authored-By: Jonas Hörsch <> * linting, add return ad end of file * Update scripts/ Co-Authored-By: Jonas Hörsch <> * Update scripts/ fixes #112 Co-Authored-By: Jonas Hörsch <> * plot_p_nom_max: small correction * config.tutorial.yaml fix snapshots end * use techs instead of technology * revert try out from previous commit, complete replacing * change clusters -> clusts in plot_p_nom_max due to wildcard constraints of clusters * change clusters -> clusts in plot_p_nom_max due to wildcard constraints of clusters II
2019-12-09 20:29:15 +00:00
2022-03-10 12:55:53 +00:00
paths, config, wildcards, logs, out = (
2022-03-10 12:55:53 +00:00
map_figsize = config["plotting"]['map']['figsize']
map_boundaries = config["plotting"]['map']['boundaries']
n = load_network_for_plots(, paths.tech_costs, config)
scenario_opts = wildcards.opts.split('-')
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=map_figsize, subplot_kw={"projection": ccrs.PlateCarree()})
2022-03-10 12:55:53 +00:00
plot_map(n, ax, wildcards.attr, config["plotting"])
fig.savefig(out.only_map, dpi=150, bbox_inches='tight')
ax1 = fig.add_axes([-0.115, 0.625, 0.2, 0.2])
2022-03-10 12:55:53 +00:00
plot_total_energy_pie(n, ax1, config["plotting"])
ax2 = fig.add_axes([-0.075, 0.1, 0.1, 0.45])
2022-03-10 12:55:53 +00:00
plot_total_cost_bar(n, ax2, config["plotting"])
ll = wildcards.ll
ll_type = ll[0]
ll_factor = ll[1:]
lbl = dict(c='line cost', v='line volume')[ll_type]
amnt = '{ll} x today\'s'.format(ll=ll_factor) if ll_factor != 'opt' else 'optimal'
fig.suptitle('Expansion to {amount} {label} at {clusters} clusters'
.format(amount=amnt, label=lbl, clusters=wildcards.clusters))
fig.savefig(out.ext, transparent=True, bbox_inches='tight')