This commit now work with PyPSA-Eur 0.1.0 (tested with commit bb3477 from 14th April 2020). Changes to line/link_widths/colors for plotting networks in PyPSA 0.17.0. Other corrections to plotting code so it works with this version. Include oil boilers in colors in config.yaml.
317 lines
10 KiB
317 lines
10 KiB
logging_level: INFO
results_dir: 'results/'
summary_dir: results
run: '200429-distgrids-ev-hp-pv-batt-upgrade'
sectors: [E] # ,E+EV,E+BEV,E+BEV+V2G] # [ E+EV, E+BEV, E+BEV+V2G ]
simpl: ['']
lv: [1.0]# or opt
clusters: [50] #[90, 128, 181] #[45, 64, 90, 128, 181, 256] #, 362] # (2**np.r_[5.5:9:.5]).astype(int) minimum is 37
opts: [''] #for pypsa-eur
sector_opts: [Co2L0-3H-T-H-B-I-solar3-dist1]#Co2L0-3H-T-H-B-I-onwind0-solar3,Co2L0-3H-T-H-B-I-onwind0p125-solar3,Co2L0-3H-T-H-B-I-onwind0p25-solar3,Co2L0-3H-T-H-B-I-onwind0p50-solar3,Co2L0-3H-T-H-B-I-solar3]#[Co2L0-3H-T-H-B-I]#,Co2L0p2-3H-T-H-B-I,Co2L0p5-3H-T-H-B-I]#,Co2L0p1-3H-T-H-B-I,Co2L0p25-3H-T-H-B-I,Co2L0p5-3H-T-H-B-I]#[Co2L0-3H-T-H-B-I-onwind0-solar3,Co2L0-3H-T-H-B-I-onwind0p125-solar3,Co2L0-3H-T-H-B-I-onwind0p25-solar3,Co2L0-3H-T-H-B-I-onwind0p50-solar3,Co2L0-3H-T-H-B-I-solar3]#,Co2L0-3H-T-H-B-I-onwind0p25-solar3]#,Co2L0p05-3H-T-H-B-I,Co2L0p10-3H-T-H-B-I,Co2L0p20-3H-T-H-B-I,Co2L0p30-3H-T-H-B-I,Co2L0p50-3H-T-H-B-I]#[Co2L-3H-T-H,Co2L0p10-3H-T-H,Co2L0-3H-T-H,Co2L0p20-3H-T-H] #Co2L-3H-T-H,Co2L0p10-3H-T-H,Co2L0p20-3H-T-HCo2L-3H-T-H,Co2L0p10-3H-T-H,Co2L0p30-3H-T-H,Co2L0p50-3H-T-H] #Co2L-3H,Co2L-3H-T,, LC-FL, LC-T, Ep-T, Co2L-T]
# Co2L will give default (5%); Co2L0p25 will give 25% CO2 emissions; Co2Lm0p05 will give 5% negative emissions
#dist{n} includes distribution grids with investment cost of n times cost in data/costs.csv
# arguments to pd.date_range
start: "2013-01-01"
end: "2014-01-01"
closed: 'left' # end is not inclusive
voltages: [220., 300., 380.]
Generator: [] # [OCGT]
StorageUnit: [] # [battery, H2, CAES]
battery: 6
H2: 168
conventional_carriers: [] # nuclear, oil, OCGT, CCGT, coal, lignite, geothermal, biomass]
cutout_dir: '../pypsa-eur/cutouts'
cutout: europe-2013-era5
year: 2030
scenario: "Med"
'central' : True
'central_fraction' : 0.6
'dsm_restriction_value' : 0.75 #Set to 0 for no restriction on BEV DSM
'dsm_restriction_time' : 7 #Time at which SOC of BEV has to be dsm_restriction_value
'transport_heating_deadband_upper' : 20.
'transport_heating_deadband_lower' : 15.
'ICE_lower_degree_factor' : 0.375 #in per cent increase in fuel consumption per degree above deadband
'ICE_upper_degree_factor' : 1.6
'EV_lower_degree_factor' : 0.98
'EV_upper_degree_factor' : 0.63
'district_heating_loss' : 0.15
'bev' : True #turns on EV battery
'bev_availability' : 0.5 #How many cars do smart charging
'v2g' : True #allows feed-in to grid from EV battery
'transport_fuel_cell_share' : 0. #0 means all EVs, 1 means all FCs
'shipping_average_efficiency' : 0.4 #For conversion of fuel oil to propulsion in 2011
'time_dep_hp_cop' : True
'space_heating_fraction' : 1.0 #fraction of space heating active
'retrofitting' : False
'retroI-fraction' : 0.25
'retroII-fraction' : 0.55
'retrofitting-cost_factor' : 1.0
'tes' : True
'tes_tau' : 3.
'boilers' : True
'oil_boilers': True
'chp' : True
'solar_thermal' : True
'solar_cf_correction': 0.788457 # = >>> 1/1.2683
'marginal_cost_storage' : 0. #1e-4
'methanation' : True
'helmeth' : True
'dac' : True
'co2_vent' : True
'SMR' : True
'ccs_fraction' : 0.9
'hydrogen_underground_storage' : True
'use_fischer_tropsch_waste_heat' : True
'use_fuel_cell_waste_heat' : True
'electricity_distribution_grid' : False
'electricity_distribution_grid_cost_factor' : 1.0 #multiplies cost in data/costs.csv
year: 2030
# From a Lion Hirth paper, also reflects average of Noothout et al 2016
discountrate: 0.07
# [EUR/USD] ECB: # noqa: E501
USD2013_to_EUR2013: 0.7532
# Marginal and capital costs can be overwritten
# capital_cost:
# Wind: Bla
marginal_cost: #
solar: 0.01
onwind: 0.015
offwind: 0.015
hydro: 0.
H2: 0.
battery: 0.
emission_prices: # only used with the option Ep (emission prices)
co2: 0.
#tmpdir: "/mnt/lsdf/tom/playground/pypsa-eur-sec/tmp"
formulation: kirchhoff
clip_p_max_pu: 1.e-2
load_shedding: false
noisy_costs: true
min_iterations: 1
max_iterations: 1
# max_iterations: 1
# nhours: 1
name: gurobi
threads: 4
method: 2 # barrier
crossover: 0
BarConvTol: 1.e-5
Seed: 123
AggFill: 0
PreDual: 0
#FeasibilityTol: 1.e-6
#name: cplex
#threads: 4
#lpmethod: 4 # barrier
#solutiontype: 2 # non basic solution, ie no crossover
#barrier_convergetol: 1.e-5
#feasopt_tolerance: 1.e-6
mem: 20000 #memory in MB; 20 GB enough for 50+B+I+H2; 100 GB for 181+B+I+H2
'DRI_ratio' : 0.5 #ratio of today's blast-furnace steel (60% primary route, 40% secondary) to future assumption (30% primary, 70% secondary), transformed into DRI + electric arc
'H2_DRI' : 1.7 #H2 consumption in Direct Reduced Iron (DRI), MWh_H2/ton_Steel from Vogl et al (2018) doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2018.08.279
'Al_to_scrap' : 0.5 # ratio of primary-route Aluminum transformed into scrap (today 40% to future 20% primary route)
'H2_for_NH3' : 85000 # H2 in GWh/a for 17 MtNH3/a transformed from SMR to electrolyzed-H2, following Lechtenböhmer(2016)
'NH3_process_emissions' : 24.5 # in MtCO2/a from SMR for H2 production for NH3 from UNFCCC for 2015 for EU28
'petrochemical_process_emissions' : 25.5 # in MtCO2/a for petrochemical and other from UNFCCC for 2015 for EU28
figsize: [7, 7]
boundaries: [-10.2, 29, 35, 72]
bus_size_factor: 5.e+4
linewidth_factor: 3.e+3 # 1.e+3 #3.e+3
costs_max: 1200
costs_threshold: 1
energy_max: 20000.
energy_min: -15000.
energy_threshold: 50.
vre_techs: ["onwind", "offwind-ac", "offwind-dc", "solar", "ror"]
renewable_storage_techs: ["PHS","hydro"]
conv_techs: ["OCGT", "CCGT", "Nuclear", "Coal"]
storage_techs: ["hydro+PHS", "battery", "H2"]
# store_techs: ["Li ion", "water tanks"]
load_carriers: ["AC load"] #, "heat load", "Li ion load"]
AC_carriers: ["AC line", "AC transformer"]
link_carriers: ["DC line", "Converter AC-DC"]
heat_links: ["heat pump", "resistive heater", "CHP heat", "CHP electric",
"gas boiler", "central heat pump", "central resistive heater", "central CHP heat",
"central CHP electric", "central gas boiler"]
heat_generators: ["gas boiler", "central gas boiler", "solar thermal collector", "central solar thermal collector"]
"onwind" : "b"
"onshore wind" : "b"
'offwind' : "c"
'offshore wind' : "c"
'offwind-ac' : "c"
'offshore wind (AC)' : "c"
'offwind-dc' : "#009999"
'offshore wind (DC)' : "#009999"
'wave' : "#004444"
"hydro" : "#3B5323"
"hydro reservoir" : "#3B5323"
"ror" : "#78AB46"
"run of river" : "#78AB46"
'hydroelectricity' : '#006400'
'solar' : "y"
'solar PV' : "y"
'solar thermal' : 'coral'
'solar rooftop' : '#e6b800'
"OCGT" : "wheat"
"OCGT marginal" : "sandybrown"
"OCGT-heat" : "orange"
"gas boiler" : "orange"
"gas boilers" : "orange"
"gas boiler marginal" : "orange"
"gas-to-power/heat" : "orange"
"gas" : "brown"
"natural gas" : "brown"
"SMR" : "#4F4F2F"
"oil" : "#B5A642"
"oil boiler" : "#B5A677"
"lines" : "k"
"transmission lines" : "k"
"H2" : "m"
"hydrogen storage" : "m"
"battery" : "slategray"
"battery storage" : "slategray"
"home battery" : "#614700"
"home battery storage" : "#614700"
"Nuclear" : "r"
"Nuclear marginal" : "r"
"Coal" : "k"
"Coal marginal" : "k"
"Lignite" : "grey"
"Lignite marginal" : "grey"
"CCGT" : "orange"
"CCGT marginal" : "orange"
"heat pumps" : "#76EE00"
"heat pump" : "#76EE00"
"air heat pump" : "#76EE00"
"ground heat pump" : "#40AA00"
"power-to-heat" : "#40AA00"
"resistive heater" : "pink"
"Sabatier" : "#FF1493"
"methanation" : "#FF1493"
"power-to-gas" : "#FF1493"
"power-to-liquid" : "#FFAAE9"
"helmeth" : "#7D0552"
"helmeth" : "#7D0552"
"DAC" : "#E74C3C"
"co2 stored" : "#123456"
"CO2 sequestration" : "#123456"
"CCS" : "k"
"co2" : "#123456"
"co2 vent" : "#654321"
"solid biomass for industry co2 from atmosphere" : "#654321"
"solid biomass for industry co2 to stored": "#654321"
"gas for industry co2 to atmosphere": "#654321"
"gas for industry co2 to stored": "#654321"
"Fischer-Tropsch" : "#44DD33"
"kerosene for aviation": "#44DD33"
"naphtha for industry" : "#44DD33"
"nuclear" : "#303030"
"water tanks" : "#BBBBBB"
"hot water storage" : "#BBBBBB"
"hot water charging" : "#BBBBBB"
"hot water discharging" : "#999999"
"CHP" : "r"
"CHP heat" : "r"
"CHP electric" : "r"
"PHS" : "g"
"Ambient" : "k"
"Electric load" : "b"
"Heat load" : "r"
"Transport load" : "grey"
"heat" : "darkred"
"rural heat" : "#880000"
"central heat" : "#b22222"
"decentral heat" : "#800000"
"low-temperature heat for industry" : "#991111"
"process heat" : "#FF3333"
"heat demand" : "darkred"
"electric demand" : "k"
"Li ion" : "grey"
"district heating" : "#CC4E5C"
"retrofitting" : "purple"
"building retrofitting" : "purple"
"BEV charger" : "grey"
"V2G" : "grey"
"transport" : "grey"
"electricity" : "k"
"gas for industry" : "#333333"
"solid biomass for industry" : "#555555"
"industry new electricity" : "#222222"
"process emissions to stored" : "#444444"
"process emissions to atmosphere" : "#888888"
"process emissions" : "#222222"
"transport fuel cell" : "#AAAAAA"
"biogas" : "#800000"
"solid biomass" : "#DAA520"
"today" : "#D2691E"
"shipping" : "#6495ED"
"electricity distribution grid" : "#333333"
# OCGT: "Gas"
# OCGT marginal: "Gas (marginal)"
offwind: "offshore wind"
onwind: "onshore wind"
battery: "Battery storage"
lines: "Transmission lines"
AC line: "AC lines"
AC-AC: "DC lines"
ror: "Run of river"
offwind: "offshore\nwind"
onwind: "onshore\nwind"
# OCGT: "Gas"
H2: "Hydrogen\nstorage"
# OCGT marginal: "Gas (marginal)"
lines: "transmission\nlines"
ror: "run of river"