2021-08-04 10:28:50 +02:00

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Builds clustered natural gas network based on data from:
[1] the SciGRID Gas project
[2] ENTSOG capacity map
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
import re
import json
import pandas as pd
import geopandas as gpd
import numpy as np
from shapely.geometry import Point
def concat_gdf(gdf_list, crs='EPSG:4326'):
"""Convert to gepandas dataframe with given Coordinate Reference System (crs)."""
return gpd.GeoDataFrame(pd.concat(gdf_list),crs=crs)
def string2list(string, with_None=True):
"""Convert string format to a list."""
p = re.compile('(?<!\\\\)\'')
string = p.sub('\"', string)
if with_None:
p2 = re.compile('None')
string = p2.sub('\"None\"', string)
return json.loads(string)
def load_gas_network(df_path):
"""Load and format gas network data."""
df = pd.read_csv(df_path, sep=',')
df.long = df.long.apply(string2list) =
df.node_id = df.node_id.apply(string2list)
# pipes which can be used in both directions
both_direct_df = df[df.is_bothDirection == 1].reset_index(drop=True)
both_direct_df.node_id = both_direct_df.node_id.apply(lambda x: [x[1], x[0]])
both_direct_df.long = both_direct_df.long.apply(lambda x: [x[1], x[0]]) = x: [x[1], x[0]])
df_singledirect = pd.concat([df, both_direct_df]).reset_index(drop=True)
df_singledirect.drop('is_bothDirection', axis=1)
# create shapely geometry points
df['point1'] = df.apply(lambda x: Point((x['long'][0], x['lat'][0])), axis=1)
df['point2'] = df.apply(lambda x: Point((x['long'][1], x['lat'][1])), axis=1)
df['point1_name'] = df.node_id.str[0]
df['point2_name'] = df.node_id.str[1]
part1 = df[['point1', 'point1_name']]
part2 = df[['point2', 'point2_name']]
part1.columns = ['geometry', 'name']
part2.columns = ['geometry', 'name']
points = [part1, part2]
points = concat_gdf(points)
points = points.drop_duplicates()
points.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
return df, points
def load_bus_regions(onshore_path, offshore_path):
"""Load pypsa-eur on- and offshore regions and concat."""
bus_regions_offshore = gpd.read_file(offshore_path)
bus_regions_onshore = gpd.read_file(onshore_path)
bus_regions = concat_gdf([bus_regions_offshore, bus_regions_onshore])
bus_regions = bus_regions.dissolve(by='name', aggfunc='sum')
bus_regions = bus_regions.reset_index()
return bus_regions
def points2buses(input_points, bus_regions):
"""Map gas network points to network buses depending on bus region."""
points = input_points.copy()
points['bus'] = None
buses_list = set(
for bus in buses_list:
mask = bus_regions[ == bus]
index = gpd.clip(points, mask).index
points.loc[index, 'bus'] = bus
return points
def build_gas_network_topology(df, points2buses):
"""Create gas network between pypsa buses.
df : pd.DataFrame
gas network data
points2buses_map : pd.DataFrame
mapping of gas network points to pypsa buses
gas_connections : pd.DataFrame
gas network connecting pypsa buses
tmp_df = points2buses[['bus', 'name']]
tmp_df.columns = ['buses_start', 'name']
gas_connections = df.merge(tmp_df, left_on='point1_name', right_on='name')
tmp_df.columns = ['buses_destination', 'name']
gas_connections = gas_connections.merge(tmp_df, left_on='point2_name', right_on='name')
# drop all pipes connecting the same bus
gas_connections = gas_connections[gas_connections.buses_start != gas_connections.buses_destination]
gas_connections.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
gas_connections.drop(['point1', 'point2'], axis=1, inplace=True)
return gas_connections
def check_missing(nodes, gas_connections):
"""Check which nodes are not connected to the gas network."""
start_buses = gas_connections.buses_start.dropna().unique()
end_buses = gas_connections.buses_destination.dropna().unique()
missing_start = nodes[[bus not in start_buses for bus in nodes]]
missing_end = nodes[[bus not in end_buses for bus in nodes]]"- The following buses are missing in gas network data as a start bus:"
f"\n {', '.join(map(str, missing_start))} \n"
f"- The following buses are missing in gas network data as an end bus:"
f"\n {', '.join(map(str, missing_end))} \n"
f"- The following buses are missing completely:"
f"\n {', '.join(map(str, missing_start.intersection(missing_end)))}")
def clean_dataset(nodes, gas_connections):
"""Convert units and save only necessary data."""
check_missing(nodes, gas_connections)
cols = [
clean_pipes = gas_connections[cols].dropna()
# convert GW -> MW
clean_pipes.loc[:, 'capacity_recalculated'] *= 1e3
# rename columns
to_rename = {
'capacity_recalculated': 'pipe_capacity_MW',
'buses_start': 'bus0',
'buses_destination': 'bus1'
clean_pipes.rename(columns=to_rename, inplace=True)
return clean_pipes
def diameter2capacity(pipe_diameter_mm):
"""Calculate pipe capacity based on diameter.
20 inch (500 mm) 50 bar -> 1.5 GW CH4 pipe capacity (LHV)
24 inch (600 mm) 50 bar -> 5 GW CH4 pipe capacity (LHV)
36 inch (900 mm) 50 bar -> 11.25 GW CH4 pipe capacity (LHV)
48 inch (1200 mm) 80 bar -> 21.7 GW CH4 pipe capacity (LHV)
Based on p.15 of
# slopes definitions
m0 = (5 - 1.5) / (600 - 500)
m1 = (11.25 - 5) / (900 - 600)
m2 = (21.7 - 11.25) / (1200 - 900)
# intercept
a0 = -16
a1 = -7.5
a2 = -20.1
if pipe_diameter_mm < 500:
return np.nan
elif pipe_diameter_mm < 600:
return a0 + m0 * pipe_diameter_mm
elif pipe_diameter_mm < 900:
return a1 + m1 * pipe_diameter_mm
return a2 + m2 * pipe_diameter_mm
def determine_pipe_capacity(gas_network):
"""Check pipe capacity depending on diameter and pressure."""
gas_network["capacity_recalculated"] = gas_network.diameter_mm.apply(diameter2capacity)
# if pipe capacity smaller than 1.5 GW take original pipe capacity
low_cap = gas_network.Capacity_GWh_h < 1.5
gas_network.loc[low_cap, "capacity_recalculated"] = gas_network.loc[low_cap, "capacity_recalculated"].fillna(gas_network.loc[low_cap, "Capacity_GWh_h"])
# for pipes without diameter assume 500 mm diameter
gas_network["capacity_recalculated"].fillna(1.5, inplace=True)
# for nord stream take orginal data
nord_stream = gas_network[gas_network.max_pressure_bar==220].index
gas_network.loc[nord_stream, "capacity_recalculated"] = gas_network.loc[nord_stream, "Capacity_GWh_h"]
if __name__ == "__main__":
if 'snakemake' not in globals():
from helper import mock_snakemake
snakemake = mock_snakemake('build_gas_network',
network='elec', simpl='', clusters='37',
lv='1.0', opts='', planning_horizons='2020',
# import gas network data
gas_network, points = load_gas_network(snakemake.input.gas_network)
# get clustered bus regions
bus_regions = load_bus_regions(
nodes = pd.Index(
# map gas network points to network buses
points2buses_map = points2buses(points, bus_regions)
# create gas network between pypsa nodes
gas_connections = build_gas_network_topology(gas_network, points2buses_map)
gas_connections = clean_dataset(nodes, gas_connections)