Adjustments made to scripts to read correct settings. Documentation of scenario options improved.
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104 lines
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# Build mapping between grid cells and population (total, urban, rural)
import atlite
import pandas as pd
import xarray as xr
from vresutils import shapes as vshapes
import geopandas as gpd
if 'snakemake' not in globals():
from vresutils import Dict
import yaml
snakemake = Dict()
with open('config.yaml') as f:
snakemake.config = yaml.load(f)
snakemake.input = Dict()
snakemake.output = Dict()
snakemake.input["urban_percent"] = "data/urban_percent.csv"
cutout = atlite.Cutout(snakemake.config['atlite']['cutout_name'],
grid_cells = cutout.grid_cells()
#nuts3 has columns country, gdp, pop, geometry
#population is given in dimensions of 1e3=k
nuts3 = gpd.read_file(snakemake.input.nuts3_shapes).set_index('index')
# Indicator matrix NUTS3 -> grid cells
I = atlite.cutout.compute_indicatormatrix(nuts3.geometry, grid_cells)
# Indicator matrix grid_cells -> NUTS3; inprinciple Iinv*I is identity
# but imprecisions mean not perfect
Iinv = cutout.indicatormatrix(nuts3.geometry)
countries =
urban_fraction = pd.read_csv(snakemake.input.urban_percent,
#fill missing Balkans values
missing = ["AL","ME","MK"]
reference = ["RS","BA"]
urban_fraction = urban_fraction.reindex(urban_fraction.index|missing)
urban_fraction.loc[missing] = urban_fraction[reference].mean()
#population in each grid cell
pop_cells = pd.Series(['pop']))
#in km^2
cell_areas = pd.Series(cutout.grid_cells()).map(vshapes.area)/1e6
#pop per km^2
density_cells = pop_cells/cell_areas
#rural or urban population in grid cell
pop_rural = pd.Series(0.,density_cells.index)
pop_urban = pd.Series(0.,density_cells.index)
for ct in countries:
indicator_nuts3_ct = pd.Series(0.,nuts3.index)
indicator_nuts3_ct[nuts3.index[]] = 1.
indicator_cells_ct = pd.Series(
density_cells_ct = indicator_cells_ct*density_cells
pop_cells_ct = indicator_cells_ct*pop_cells
#correct for imprecision of Iinv*I
pop_ct = nuts3['pop'][indicator_nuts3_ct.index[indicator_nuts3_ct == 1.]].sum()
pop_cells_ct = pop_cells_ct*pop_ct/pop_cells_ct.sum()
# The first low density grid cells to reach rural fraction are rural
index_from_low_d_to_high_d = density_cells_ct.sort_values().index
pop_ct_rural_b = pop_cells_ct[index_from_low_d_to_high_d].cumsum()/pop_cells_ct.sum() < (1-urban_fraction[ct])
pop_ct_urban_b = ~pop_ct_rural_b
pop_ct_rural_b[indicator_cells_ct==0.] = False
pop_ct_urban_b[indicator_cells_ct==0.] = False
pop_rural += pop_cells_ct.where(pop_ct_rural_b,0.)
pop_urban += pop_cells_ct.where(pop_ct_urban_b,0.)
pop_cells = {"total" : pop_cells}
pop_cells["rural"] = pop_rural
pop_cells["urban"] = pop_urban
for key in pop_cells.keys():
layout = xr.DataArray(pop_cells[key].values.reshape(cutout.shape),
[('y', cutout.coords['y']), ('x', cutout.coords['x'])])