* rewrite mocksnakemake for parsing real Snakefile * continue add function to scripts * going through all scripts, setting new mocksnakemake * fix plotting scripts * fix build_country_flh * fix build_country_flh II * adjust config files * fix make_summary for tutorial network * create dir also for output * incorporate suggestions * consistent import of mocksnakemake * consistent import of mocksnakemake II * Update scripts/_helpers.py Co-Authored-By: euronion <42553970+euronion@users.noreply.github.com> * Update scripts/_helpers.py Co-Authored-By: euronion <42553970+euronion@users.noreply.github.com> * Update scripts/_helpers.py Co-Authored-By: euronion <42553970+euronion@users.noreply.github.com> * Update scripts/_helpers.py Co-Authored-By: euronion <42553970+euronion@users.noreply.github.com> * Update scripts/plot_network.py Co-Authored-By: euronion <42553970+euronion@users.noreply.github.com> * Update scripts/plot_network.py Co-Authored-By: euronion <42553970+euronion@users.noreply.github.com> * Update scripts/retrieve_databundle.py Co-Authored-By: euronion <42553970+euronion@users.noreply.github.com> * use pathlib for mocksnakemake * rename mocksnakemake into mock_snakemake * revert change in data * Update scripts/_helpers.py Co-Authored-By: euronion <42553970+euronion@users.noreply.github.com> * remove setting logfile in mock_snakemake, use Path in configure_logging * fix fallback path and base_dir fix return type of make_io_accessable * reformulate mock_snakemake * incorporate suggestion, fix typos * mock_snakemake: apply absolute paths again, add assertion error *.py: make hard coded io path accessable for mock_snakemake * retrieve_natura_raster: use snakemake.output for fn_out * include suggestion * Apply suggestions from code review Co-Authored-By: Jonas Hörsch <jonas.hoersch@posteo.de> * linting, add return ad end of file * Update scripts/plot_p_nom_max.py Co-Authored-By: Jonas Hörsch <jonas.hoersch@posteo.de> * Update scripts/plot_p_nom_max.py fixes #112 Co-Authored-By: Jonas Hörsch <jonas.hoersch@posteo.de> * plot_p_nom_max: small correction * config.tutorial.yaml fix snapshots end * use techs instead of technology * revert try out from previous commit, complete replacing * change clusters -> clusts in plot_p_nom_max due to wildcard constraints of clusters * change clusters -> clusts in plot_p_nom_max due to wildcard constraints of clusters II
392 lines
16 KiB
392 lines
16 KiB
Solves linear optimal power flow for a network iteratively while updating reactances.
Relevant Settings
.. code:: yaml
.. seealso::
Documentation of the configuration file ``config.yaml`` at
:ref:`electricity_cf`, :ref:`solving_cf`, :ref:`plotting_cf`
- ``networks/{network}_s{simpl}_{clusters}_ec_l{ll}_{opts}.nc``: confer :ref:`prepare`
- ``results/networks/{network}_s{simpl}_{clusters}_ec_l{ll}_{opts}.nc``: Solved PyPSA network including optimisation results
.. image:: ../img/results.png
:scale: 40 %
Total annual system costs are minimised with PyPSA. The full formulation of the
linear optimal power flow (plus investment planning
is provided in the
`documentation of PyPSA <https://pypsa.readthedocs.io/en/latest/optimal_power_flow.html#linear-optimal-power-flow>`_.
Additionaly some extra constraints from :mod:`prepare_network` are added.
Solving the network in multiple iterations is motivated through the dependence of transmission line capacities and impedances.
As lines are expanded their electrical parameters change, which renders the optimisation bilinear even if the power flow
equations are linearized.
To retain the computational advantage of continuous linear programming, a sequential linear programming technique
is used, where in between iterations the line impedances are updated.
Details (and errors made through this heuristic) are discussed in the paper
- Fabian Neumann and Tom Brown. `Heuristics for Transmission Expansion Planning in Low-Carbon Energy System Models <https://arxiv.org/abs/1907.10548>`_), *16th International Conference on the European Energy Market*, 2019. `arXiv:1907.10548 <https://arxiv.org/abs/1907.10548>`_.
.. warning::
Capital costs of existing network components are not included in the objective function,
since for the optimisation problem they are just a constant term (no influence on optimal result).
Therefore, these capital costs are not included in ``network.objective``!
If you want to calculate the full total annual system costs add these to the objective value.
.. tip::
The rule :mod:`solve_all_networks` runs
for all ``scenario`` s in the configuration file
the rule :mod:`solve_network`.
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
from _helpers import configure_logging
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import gc
import pypsa
from pypsa.descriptors import free_output_series_dataframes
# Suppress logging of the slack bus choices
from vresutils.benchmark import memory_logger
def patch_pyomo_tmpdir(tmpdir):
# PYOMO should write its lp files into tmp here
import os
if not os.path.isdir(tmpdir):
from pyutilib.services import TempfileManager
TempfileManager.tempdir = tmpdir
def prepare_network(n, solve_opts=None):
if solve_opts is None:
solve_opts = snakemake.config['solving']['options']
if 'clip_p_max_pu' in solve_opts:
for df in (n.generators_t.p_max_pu, n.storage_units_t.inflow):
df.where(df>solve_opts['clip_p_max_pu'], other=0., inplace=True)
if solve_opts.get('load_shedding'):
n.add("Carrier", "Load")
n.madd("Generator", n.buses.index, " load",
sign=1e-3, # Adjust sign to measure p and p_nom in kW instead of MW
marginal_cost=1e2, # Eur/kWh
# intersect between macroeconomic and surveybased
# willingness to pay
# http://journal.frontiersin.org/article/10.3389/fenrg.2015.00055/full
p_nom=1e9 # kW
if solve_opts.get('noisy_costs'):
for t in n.iterate_components(n.one_port_components):
#if 'capital_cost' in t.df:
# t.df['capital_cost'] += 1e1 + 2.*(np.random.random(len(t.df)) - 0.5)
if 'marginal_cost' in t.df:
t.df['marginal_cost'] += 1e-2 + 2e-3*(np.random.random(len(t.df)) - 0.5)
for t in n.iterate_components(['Line', 'Link']):
t.df['capital_cost'] += (1e-1 + 2e-2*(np.random.random(len(t.df)) - 0.5)) * t.df['length']
if solve_opts.get('nhours'):
nhours = solve_opts['nhours']
n.snapshot_weightings[:] = 8760./nhours
return n
def add_opts_constraints(n, opts=None):
if opts is None:
opts = snakemake.wildcards.opts.split('-')
if 'BAU' in opts:
mincaps = snakemake.config['electricity']['BAU_mincapacities']
def bau_mincapacities_rule(model, carrier):
gens = n.generators.index[n.generators.p_nom_extendable & (n.generators.carrier == carrier)]
return sum(model.generator_p_nom[gen] for gen in gens) >= mincaps[carrier]
n.model.bau_mincapacities = pypsa.opt.Constraint(list(mincaps), rule=bau_mincapacities_rule)
if 'SAFE' in opts:
peakdemand = (1. + snakemake.config['electricity']['SAFE_reservemargin']) * n.loads_t.p_set.sum(axis=1).max()
conv_techs = snakemake.config['plotting']['conv_techs']
exist_conv_caps = n.generators.loc[n.generators.carrier.isin(conv_techs) & ~n.generators.p_nom_extendable, 'p_nom'].sum()
ext_gens_i = n.generators.index[n.generators.carrier.isin(conv_techs) & n.generators.p_nom_extendable]
n.model.safe_peakdemand = pypsa.opt.Constraint(expr=sum(n.model.generator_p_nom[gen] for gen in ext_gens_i) >= peakdemand - exist_conv_caps)
# Add constraints on the per-carrier capacity in each country
if 'CCL' in opts:
agg_p_nom_limits = snakemake.config['electricity'].get('agg_p_nom_limits')
agg_p_nom_minmax = pd.read_csv(agg_p_nom_limits, index_col=list(range(2)))
except IOError:
logger.exception("Need to specify the path to a .csv file containing aggregate capacity limits per country in config['electricity']['agg_p_nom_limit'].")
logger.info("Adding per carrier generation capacity constraints for individual countries")
gen_country = n.generators.bus.map(n.buses.country)
def agg_p_nom_min_rule(model, country, carrier):
min = agg_p_nom_minmax.at[(country, carrier), 'min']
return ((sum(model.generator_p_nom[gen]
for gen in n.generators.index[(gen_country == country) & (n.generators.carrier == carrier)])
>= min)
if np.isfinite(min) else pypsa.opt.Constraint.Skip)
def agg_p_nom_max_rule(model, country, carrier):
max = agg_p_nom_minmax.at[(country, carrier), 'max']
return ((sum(model.generator_p_nom[gen]
for gen in n.generators.index[(gen_country == country) & (n.generators.carrier == carrier)])
<= max)
if np.isfinite(max) else pypsa.opt.Constraint.Skip)
n.model.agg_p_nom_min = pypsa.opt.Constraint(list(agg_p_nom_minmax.index), rule=agg_p_nom_min_rule)
n.model.agg_p_nom_max = pypsa.opt.Constraint(list(agg_p_nom_minmax.index), rule=agg_p_nom_max_rule)
def add_lv_constraint(n):
line_volume = getattr(n, 'line_volume_limit', None)
if line_volume is not None and not np.isinf(line_volume):
links_dc_ext_i = n.links.index[(n.links.carrier == 'DC') & n.links.p_nom_extendable] if not n.links.empty else pd.Index([])
n.model.line_volume_constraint = pypsa.opt.Constraint(
for line in n.lines.index[n.lines.s_nom_extendable]) +
for link in links_dc_ext_i))
<= line_volume)
def add_lc_constraint(n):
line_cost = getattr(n, 'line_cost_limit', None)
if line_cost is not None and not np.isinf(line_cost):
links_dc_ext_i = n.links.index[(n.links.carrier == 'DC') & n.links.p_nom_extendable] if not n.links.empty else pd.Index([])
n.model.line_cost_constraint = pypsa.opt.Constraint(
for line in n.lines.index[n.lines.s_nom_extendable]) +
for link in links_dc_ext_i))
<= line_cost)
def add_eps_storage_constraint(n):
if not hasattr(n, 'epsilon'):
n.epsilon = 1e-5
fix_sus_i = n.storage_units.index[~ n.storage_units.p_nom_extendable]
n.model.objective.expr += sum(n.epsilon * n.model.state_of_charge[su, n.snapshots[0]] for su in fix_sus_i)
def fix_branches(n, lines_s_nom=None, links_p_nom=None):
if lines_s_nom is not None and len(lines_s_nom) > 0:
for l, s_nom in lines_s_nom.iteritems():
n.model.passive_branch_s_nom["Line", l].fix(s_nom)
if isinstance(n.opt, pypsa.opf.PersistentSolver):
if links_p_nom is not None and len(links_p_nom) > 0:
for l, p_nom in links_p_nom.iteritems():
if isinstance(n.opt, pypsa.opf.PersistentSolver):
def solve_network(n, config=None, solver_log=None, opts=None, callback=None,
extra_functionality=None, extra_functionality_args=None,
if config is None:
config = snakemake.config['solving']
solve_opts = config['options']
solver_options = config['solver'].copy()
if solver_log is None:
solver_log = snakemake.log.solver
solver_name = solver_options.pop('name')
if extra_postprocessing is None:
def get_line_limit_duals(n, snapshots, duals):
if hasattr(n, 'line_volume_limit') and hasattr(n.model, 'line_volume_constraint'):
cdata = pd.Series(list(n.model.line_volume_constraint.values()),
n.line_volume_limit_dual = -cdata.map(duals).sum()
if hasattr(n, 'line_cost_limit') and hasattr(n.model, 'line_cost_constraint'):
cdata = pd.Series(list(n.model.line_cost_constraint.values()),
n.line_cost_limit_dual = -cdata.map(duals).sum()
extra_postprocessing = get_line_limit_duals
def run_lopf(n, allow_warning_status=False, fix_ext_lines=False):
pypsa.opf.network_lopf_build_model(n, formulation=solve_opts['formulation'])
add_opts_constraints(n, opts)
if not fix_ext_lines:
if extra_functionality is not None:
extra_functionality(n, n.snapshots, *extra_functionality_args)
pypsa.opf.network_lopf_prepare_solver(n, solver_name=solver_name)
if fix_ext_lines:
lines_s_nom=n.lines.loc[n.lines.s_nom_extendable, 's_nom_opt'],
links_p_nom=n.links.loc[n.links.p_nom_extendable, 'p_nom_opt'])
# Firing up solve will increase memory consumption tremendously, so
# make sure we freed everything we can
status, termination_condition = \
assert status == "ok" or allow_warning_status and status == 'warning', \
("network_lopf did abort with status={} "
"and termination_condition={}"
.format(status, termination_condition))
return status, termination_condition
if not skip_iterating:
iteration = 0
lines_ext_b = n.lines.s_nom_extendable
if lines_ext_b.any():
# puh: ok, we need to iterate, since there is a relation
# between s/p_nom and r, x for branches.
msq_threshold = 0.01
lines = pd.DataFrame(n.lines[['r', 'x', 'type', 'num_parallel']])
lines['s_nom'] = (
np.sqrt(3) * n.lines['type'].map(n.line_types.i_nom) *
).where(n.lines.type != '', n.lines['s_nom'])
lines_ext_typed_b = (n.lines.type != '') & lines_ext_b
lines_ext_untyped_b = (n.lines.type == '') & lines_ext_b
def update_line_parameters(n, zero_lines_below=10):
if zero_lines_below > 0:
n.lines.loc[n.lines.s_nom_opt < zero_lines_below, 's_nom_opt'] = 0.
n.links.loc[n.links.p_nom_opt < zero_lines_below, 'p_nom_opt'] = 0.
if lines_ext_untyped_b.any():
for attr in ('r', 'x'):
n.lines.loc[lines_ext_untyped_b, attr] = (
if lines_ext_typed_b.any():
n.lines.loc[lines_ext_typed_b, 'num_parallel'] = (
logger.debug("lines.num_parallel={}".format(n.lines.loc[lines_ext_typed_b, 'num_parallel']))
iteration += 1
lines['s_nom_opt'] = lines['s_nom'] * n.lines['num_parallel'].where(n.lines.type != '', 1.)
status, termination_condition = run_lopf(n, allow_warning_status=True)
if callback is not None: callback(n, iteration, status)
def msq_diff(n):
lines_err = np.sqrt(((n.lines['s_nom_opt'] - lines['s_nom_opt'])**2).mean())/lines['s_nom_opt'].mean()
logger.info("Mean square difference after iteration {} is {}".format(iteration, lines_err))
return lines_err
min_iterations = solve_opts.get('min_iterations', 2)
max_iterations = solve_opts.get('max_iterations', 999)
while msq_diff(n) > msq_threshold or iteration < min_iterations:
if iteration >= max_iterations:
logger.info("Iteration {} beyond max_iterations {}. Stopping ...".format(iteration, max_iterations))
lines['s_nom_opt'] = n.lines['s_nom_opt']
iteration += 1
status, termination_condition = run_lopf(n, allow_warning_status=True)
if callback is not None: callback(n, iteration, status)
update_line_parameters(n, zero_lines_below=100)
logger.info("Starting last run with fixed extendable lines")
iteration += 1
status, termination_condition = run_lopf(n, fix_ext_lines=True)
status, termination_condition = run_lopf(n, fix_ext_lines=False)
if callback is not None: callback(n, iteration, status)
return n
if __name__ == "__main__":
if 'snakemake' not in globals():
from _helpers import mock_snakemake
snakemake = mock_snakemake('solve_network', network='elec', simpl='',
clusters='5', ll='copt', opts='Co2L-24H')
tmpdir = snakemake.config['solving'].get('tmpdir')
if tmpdir is not None:
with memory_logger(filename=getattr(snakemake.log, 'memory', None), interval=30.) as mem:
n = pypsa.Network(snakemake.input[0])
n = prepare_network(n)
n = solve_network(n)
logger.info("Maximum memory usage: {}".format(mem.mem_usage))