- a network name like elec_s1000_ now clusters the network down to 1000 buses in the simplify step. - an 'm' after the number of clusters as in elec_s1000_181m_ skips the aggregation of renewable generators and just moves them to the new clustered bus in the second clustering step. - to distribute the number of clusters to countries a small quadratic optimization is now performed to minimize \sum_i (n_i - L_i/\sum_j L_j N)**2, where n_i >= 1.
219 lines
7.7 KiB
219 lines
7.7 KiB
# coding: utf-8
import pandas as pd
idx = pd.IndexSlice
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
import os
import re
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
from scipy.sparse.csgraph import connected_components
import xarray as xr
import geopandas as gpd
import shapely
import networkx as nx
from six import iteritems
from six.moves import reduce
import pypsa
from pypsa.io import import_components_from_dataframe, import_series_from_dataframe
from pypsa.networkclustering import (busmap_by_stubs, busmap_by_kmeans,
_make_consense, get_clustering_from_busmap,
aggregategenerators, aggregateoneport)
from cluster_network import clustering_for_n_clusters, cluster_regions
def simplify_network_to_380(n):
## All goes to v_nom == 380
logger.info("Mapping all network lines onto a single 380kV layer")
n.buses['v_nom'] = 380.
linetype_380, = n.lines.loc[n.lines.v_nom == 380., 'type'].unique()
lines_v_nom_b = n.lines.v_nom != 380.
n.lines.loc[lines_v_nom_b, 'num_parallel'] *= (n.lines.loc[lines_v_nom_b, 'v_nom'] / 380.)**2
n.lines.loc[lines_v_nom_b, 'v_nom'] = 380.
n.lines.loc[lines_v_nom_b, 'type'] = linetype_380
# Replace transformers by lines
trafo_map = pd.Series(n.transformers.bus1.values, index=n.transformers.bus0.values)
trafo_map = trafo_map[~trafo_map.index.duplicated(keep='first')]
several_trafo_b = trafo_map.isin(trafo_map.index)
trafo_map.loc[several_trafo_b] = trafo_map.loc[several_trafo_b].map(trafo_map)
missing_buses_i = n.buses.index.difference(trafo_map.index)
trafo_map = trafo_map.append(pd.Series(missing_buses_i, missing_buses_i))
for c in n.one_port_components|n.branch_components:
df = n.df(c)
for col in df.columns:
if col.startswith('bus'):
df[col] = df[col].map(trafo_map)
n.mremove("Transformer", n.transformers.index)
n.mremove("Bus", n.buses.index.difference(trafo_map))
return n, trafo_map
def _aggregate_and_move_components(n, busmap, aggregate_one_ports={"Load", "StorageUnit"}):
def replace_components(n, c, df, pnl):
n.mremove(c, n.df(c).index)
import_components_from_dataframe(n, df, c)
for attr, df in iteritems(pnl):
if not df.empty:
import_series_from_dataframe(n, df, c, attr)
generators, generators_pnl = aggregategenerators(n, busmap)
replace_components(n, "Generator", generators, generators_pnl)
for one_port in aggregate_one_ports:
df, pnl = aggregateoneport(n, busmap, component=one_port)
replace_components(n, one_port, df, pnl)
buses_to_del = n.buses.index.difference(busmap)
n.mremove("Bus", buses_to_del)
for c in n.branch_components:
df = n.df(c)
n.mremove(c, df.index[df.bus0.isin(buses_to_del) | df.bus1.isin(buses_to_del)])
def simplify_links(n):
## Complex multi-node links are folded into end-points
logger.info("Simplifying connected link components")
# Determine connected link components, ignore all links but DC
adjacency_matrix = n.adjacency_matrix(branch_components=['Link'],
weights=dict(Link=(n.links.carrier == 'DC').astype(float)))
_, labels = connected_components(adjacency_matrix, directed=False)
labels = pd.Series(labels, n.buses.index)
G = n.graph()
def split_links(nodes):
nodes = frozenset(nodes)
seen = set()
supernodes = {m for m in nodes
if len(G.adj[m]) > 2 or (set(G.adj[m]) - nodes)}
for u in supernodes:
for m, ls in iteritems(G.adj[u]):
if m not in nodes or m in seen: continue
buses = [u, m]
links = [list(ls)] #[name for name in ls]]
while m not in (supernodes | seen):
for m2, ls in iteritems(G.adj[m]):
if m2 in seen or m2 == u: continue
links.append(list(ls)) # [name for name in ls])
# stub
m = m2
if m != u:
yield pd.Index((u, m)), buses, links
busmap = n.buses.index.to_series()
for lbl in labels.value_counts().loc[lambda s: s > 2].index:
for b, buses, links in split_links(labels.index[labels == lbl]):
if len(buses) <= 2: continue
logger.debug('nodes = {}'.format(labels.index[labels == lbl]))
logger.debug('b = {}\nbuses = {}\nlinks = {}'.format(b, buses, links))
m = sp.spatial.distance_matrix(n.buses.loc[b, ['x', 'y']],
n.buses.loc[buses[1:-1], ['x', 'y']])
busmap.loc[buses] = b[np.r_[0, m.argmin(axis=0), 1]]
all_links = [i for _, i in sum(links, [])]
s_max_pu = snakemake.config['links']['s_max_pu']
name = n.links.loc[all_links, 'length'].idxmax() + '+{}'.format(len(links) - 1)
params = dict(
bus0=b[0], bus1=b[1],
length=sum(n.links.loc[[i for _, i in l], 'length'].mean() for l in links),
p_nom=min(n.links.loc[[i for _, i in l], 'p_nom'].sum() for l in links),
logger.info("Joining the links {} connecting the buses {} to simple link {}".format(", ".join(all_links), ", ".join(buses), name))
n.mremove("Link", all_links)
static_attrs = n.components["Link"]["attrs"].loc[lambda df: df.static]
for attr, default in static_attrs.default.iteritems(): params.setdefault(attr, default)
n.links.loc[name] = pd.Series(params)
# n.add("Link", **params)
logger.debug("Collecting all components using the busmap")
_aggregate_and_move_components(n, busmap)
return n, busmap
def remove_stubs(n):
logger.info("Removing stubs")
busmap = busmap_by_stubs(n, ['country'])
_aggregate_and_move_components(n, busmap)
return n, busmap
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Detect running outside of snakemake and mock snakemake for testing
if 'snakemake' not in globals():
from vresutils.snakemake import MockSnakemake, Dict
snakemake = MockSnakemake(
logger = logging.getLogger()
n = pypsa.Network(snakemake.input.network)
n, trafo_map = simplify_network_to_380(n)
n, simplify_links_map = simplify_links(n)
n, stub_map = remove_stubs(n)
busmaps = [trafo_map, simplify_links_map, stub_map]
if snakemake.wildcards.simpl:
n_clusters = int(snakemake.wildcards.simpl)
clustering = clustering_for_n_clusters(n, n_clusters)
n = clustering.network
cluster_regions(busmaps, snakemake.input, snakemake.output)