63 lines
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63 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Thu Mar 12 19:11:20 2020
reads biomass transport costs for different countries of the JRC report
"The JRC-EU-TIMES model.
Bioenergy potentials
for EU and neighbouring countries."
converts them from units 'EUR per km/ton' -> 'EUR/ (km MWh)'
assuming as an approximation energy content of wood pellets
@author: bw0928
import pandas as pd
from tabula import read_pdf
import numpy as np
# read pdf file
df_list = read_pdf("biomass potentials in europe_web rev.pdf",
energy_content = 4.8 # unit MWh/tonne (assuming wood pellets)
# %%
columns = ["Komponente", "Größe", "Einheit", 2020, 2025, 2030, 2035, 2040,
2045, 2050]
countries = df_list[0][0].iloc[6:].rename(index=lambda x: x+1)
# supply chain 1
df = df_list[1].copy().rename(index=countries.to_dict())
df.rename(columns= df.iloc[:6].apply(lambda col: col.str.cat(sep=" "),
axis=0).to_dict(), inplace=True)
df = df.iloc[6:]
df.loc[6]=df.loc[6].str.replace("€", "EUR")
# supply chain 2
df2 = df_list[2].copy().rename(index=countries.to_dict())
df2.rename(columns= df2.iloc[:6].apply(lambda col: col.str.cat(sep=" "),
axis=0).to_dict(), inplace=True)
df2 = df2.iloc[6:]
df2.loc[6]=df2.loc[6].str.replace("€", "EUR")
transport_costs = pd.concat([df['per km/ton'], df2['per km/ton']],axis=1).drop(6)
transport_costs = transport_costs.astype(float, errors="ignore").mean(axis=1)
# convert unit to EUR/MWh
transport_costs /= energy_content
transport_costs = pd.DataFrame(transport_costs, columns=["cost [EUR/(km MWh)]"])
# rename
transport_costs.rename({"UK": "GB", "XK": "KO", "EL": "GR"}, inplace=True)
# add missing Norway
transport_costs.loc["NO"] = transport_costs.loc["SE"]