Tom Brown f45b9a37ae Separate ammonia from other "Basic chemicals"
This allows us to control the substitution of natural gas for hydrogen
in NH3 production.

Remaining basic chemicals are olefins, BTX and chlorine.

For 2015 NH3 production, we use the USGS data source.
2020-08-28 19:13:18 +02:00

219 lines
10 KiB

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
tj_to_ktoe = 0.0238845
ktoe_to_twh = 0.01163
jrc_base_dir = "data/jrc-idees-2015"
eb_base_dir = "data/eurostat-energy_balances-may_2018_edition"
# year for which data is retrieved
raw_year = 2015
year = raw_year-2016
sub_sheet_name_dict = { 'Iron and steel':'ISI',
'Chemicals Industry':'CHI',
'Non-metallic mineral products': 'NMM',
'Pulp, paper and printing': 'PPA',
'Food, beverages and tobacco': 'FBT',
'Non Ferrous Metals' : 'NFM',
'Transport Equipment': 'TRE',
'Machinery Equipment': 'MAE',
'Textiles and leather':'TEL',
'Wood and wood products': 'WWP',
'Other Industrial Sectors': 'OIS'}
index = ['elec','biomass','methane','hydrogen','heat','naphtha','process emission','process emission from feedstock']
non_EU = ['NO', 'CH', 'ME', 'MK', 'RS', 'BA', 'AL']
jrc_names = {"GR" : "EL",
"GB" : "UK"}
eu28 = ['FR', 'DE', 'GB', 'IT', 'ES', 'PL', 'SE', 'NL', 'BE', 'FI',
'DK', 'PT', 'RO', 'AT', 'BG', 'EE', 'GR', 'LV', 'CZ',
'HU', 'IE', 'SK', 'LT', 'HR', 'LU', 'SI', 'CY', 'MT']
countries = non_EU + eu28
sectors = ['Iron and steel','Chemicals Industry','Non-metallic mineral products',
'Pulp, paper and printing', 'Food, beverages and tobacco', 'Non Ferrous Metals',
'Transport Equipment', 'Machinery Equipment', 'Textiles and leather',
'Wood and wood products', 'Other Industrial Sectors']
sect2sub = {'Iron and steel':['Electric arc','Integrated steelworks'],
'Chemicals Industry': ['Basic chemicals', 'Other chemicals', 'Pharmaceutical products etc.'],
'Non-metallic mineral products': ['Cement','Ceramics & other NMM','Glass production'],
'Pulp, paper and printing': ['Pulp production','Paper production','Printing and media reproduction'],
'Food, beverages and tobacco': ['Food, beverages and tobacco'],
'Non Ferrous Metals': ['Alumina production', 'Aluminium - primary production', 'Aluminium - secondary production', 'Other non-ferrous metals'],
'Transport Equipment': ['Transport Equipment'],
'Machinery Equipment': ['Machinery Equipment'],
'Textiles and leather': ['Textiles and leather'],
'Wood and wood products' :['Wood and wood products'],
'Other Industrial Sectors':['Other Industrial Sectors']}
subsectors = [ss for s in sectors for ss in sect2sub[s]]
#material demand per country and industry (kton/a)
countries_demand = pd.DataFrame(index=countries,
out_dic ={'Electric arc': 'Electric arc',
'Integrated steelworks': 'Integrated steelworks',
'Basic chemicals': 'Basic chemicals (kt ethylene eq.)',
'Other chemicals':'Other chemicals (kt ethylene eq.)',
'Pharmaceutical products etc.':'Pharmaceutical products etc. (kt ethylene eq.)',
'Cement':'Cement (kt)',
'Ceramics & other NMM':'Ceramics & other NMM (kt bricks eq.)',
'Glass production':'Glass production (kt)',
'Pulp production':'Pulp production (kt)',
'Paper production':'Paper production (kt)',
'Printing and media reproduction':'Printing and media reproduction (kt paper eq.)',
'Food, beverages and tobacco': 'Physical output (index)',
'Alumina production':'Alumina production (kt)',
'Aluminium - primary production': 'Aluminium - primary production',
'Aluminium - secondary production': 'Aluminium - secondary production',
'Other non-ferrous metals' : 'Other non-ferrous metals (kt lead eq.)',
'Transport Equipment': 'Physical output (index)',
'Machinery Equipment': 'Physical output (index)',
'Textiles and leather': 'Physical output (index)',
'Wood and wood products': 'Physical output (index)',
'Other Industrial Sectors': 'Physical output (index)'}
loc_dic={'Iron and steel':[5,8],
'Chemicals Industry': [7,11],
'Non-metallic mineral products': [6,10],
'Pulp, paper and printing': [7,11],
'Food, beverages and tobacco': [2,6],
'Non Ferrous Metals': [9,14],
'Transport Equipment': [3,5],
'Machinery Equipment': [3,5],
'Textiles and leather': [3,5],
'Wood and wood products': [3,5],
'Other Industrial Sectors': [3,5]}
# In the summary sheet (IDEES database) some names include a white space
dic_sec_summary = {'Iron and steel': 'Iron and steel',
'Chemicals Industry': 'Chemicals Industry',
'Non-metallic mineral products': 'Non-metallic mineral products',
'Pulp, paper and printing': 'Pulp, paper and printing',
'Food, beverages and tobacco': ' Food, beverages and tobacco',
'Non Ferrous Metals': 'Non Ferrous Metals',
'Transport Equipment': ' Transport Equipment',
'Machinery Equipment': ' Machinery Equipment',
'Textiles and leather': ' Textiles and leather',
'Wood and wood products': ' Wood and wood products',
'Other Industrial Sectors': ' Other Industrial Sectors'}
eb_names={'NO':'Norway', 'AL':'Albania', 'BA':'Bosnia and Herzegovina',
'MK':'FYR of Macedonia', 'GE':'Georgia', 'IS':'Iceland',
'KO':'Kosovo', 'MD':'Moldova', 'ME':'Montenegro', 'RS':'Serbia',
'UA':'Ukraine', 'TR':'Turkey', }
dic_sec ={'Iron and steel':'Iron & steel industry',
'Chemicals Industry': 'Chemical and Petrochemical industry',
'Non-metallic mineral products': 'Non-ferrous metal industry',
'Pulp, paper and printing': 'Paper, Pulp and Print',
'Food, beverages and tobacco': 'Food and Tabacco',
'Non Ferrous Metals': 'Non-metallic Minerals (Glass, pottery & building mat. Industry)',
'Transport Equipment': 'Transport Equipment',
'Machinery Equipment': 'Machinery',
'Textiles and leather': 'Textile and Leather',
'Wood and wood products': 'Wood and Wood Products',
'Other Industrial Sectors': 'Non-specified (Industry)'}
# Mining and Quarrying, Construction
#Annual energy consumption in Switzerland by sector in 2015 (in TJ)
#From: Energieverbrauch in der Industrie und im Dienstleistungssektor, Der Bundesrat
dic_Switzerland ={'Iron and steel': 7889.,
'Chemicals Industry': 26871.,
'Non-metallic mineral products': 15513.+3820.,
'Pulp, paper and printing': 12004.,
'Food, beverages and tobacco': 17728.,
'Non Ferrous Metals': 3037.,
'Transport Equipment': 14993.,
'Machinery Equipment': 4724.,
'Textiles and leather': 1742.,
'Wood and wood products': 0.,
'Other Industrial Sectors': 10825.,
'current electricity': 53760.}
for country in countries:
countries_demand.loc[country] = 0.
for sector in sectors:
if country in non_EU:
if country == 'CH':
e_country = dic_Switzerland[sector]*tj_to_ktoe
# estimate physical output
#energy consumption in the sector and country
excel_balances = pd.read_excel('{}/{}.XLSX'.format(eb_base_dir,eb_names[country]),
sheet_name='2016', index_col=2,header=0, skiprows=1 ,squeeze=True)
e_country = excel_balances.loc[dic_sec[sector], 'Total all products']
#energy consumption in the sector and EU28
excel_sum_out = pd.read_excel('{}/JRC-IDEES-2015_Industry_EU28.xlsx'.format(jrc_base_dir),
sheet_name='Ind_Summary', index_col=0,header=0,squeeze=True) # the summary sheet
s_sum_out = excel_sum_out.iloc[49:76,year]
e_EU28 = s_sum_out[dic_sec_summary[sector]]
excel_out = pd.read_excel('{}/JRC-IDEES-2015_Industry_EU28.xlsx'.format(jrc_base_dir),
sheet_name=sub_sheet_name_dict[sector],index_col=0,header=0,squeeze=True) # the summary sheet
s_out = excel_out.iloc[loc_dic[sector][0]:loc_dic[sector][1],year]
for subsector in sect2sub[sector]:
countries_demand.loc[country,subsector] = ratio_country_EU28*s_out[out_dic[subsector]]
# read the input sheets
excel_out = pd.read_excel('{}/JRC-IDEES-2015_Industry_{}.xlsx'.format(jrc_base_dir,jrc_names.get(country,country)), sheet_name=sub_sheet_name_dict[sector],index_col=0,header=0,squeeze=True) # the summary sheet
s_out = excel_out.iloc[loc_dic[sector][0]:loc_dic[sector][1],year]
for subsector in sect2sub[sector]:
countries_demand.loc[country,subsector] = s_out[out_dic[subsector]]
#include ammonia demand separately and remove ammonia from basic chemicals
ammonia = pd.read_csv(snakemake.input.ammonia_production,
there = ammonia.index.intersection(countries_demand.index)
missing = countries_demand.index^there
print("Following countries have no ammonia demand:", missing)
countries_demand.loc[there,"Ammonia"] = ammonia.loc[there, str(raw_year)]
countries_demand["Basic chemicals"] -= countries_demand["Ammonia"]
#EE, HR and LT got negative demand through subtraction - poor data
countries_demand.loc[countries_demand["Basic chemicals"] < 0.,"Basic chemicals"] = 0.
countries_demand.rename(columns={"Basic chemicals" : "Basic chemicals (without ammonia)"},
inplace=True) = "kton/a"