* add regionalised hydrogen salt cavern storage potentials * fix reading in salt-cavern potentials and typo in imports * by default disable nearshore and offshore salt cavern potentials Co-authored-by: lisazeyen <lisa.zeyen@web.de>
78 lines
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78 lines
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Build salt cavern potentials for hydrogen storage.
Technical Potential of Salt Caverns for Hydrogen Storage in Europe
CC-BY 4.0
Figure 6. Distribution of potential salt cavern sites across Europe with their corresponding
energy densities (cavern storage potential divided by the volume).
Figure 7. Total cavern storage potential in European countries
classified as onshore, offshore and within 50 km of shore.
The regional distribution is taken from the map (Figure 6) and scaled to the
capacities from the bar chart split by nearshore (<50km from sea),
onshore (>50km from sea), offshore (Figure 7).
import geopandas as gpd
import pandas as pd
def concat_gdf(gdf_list, crs='EPSG:4326'):
"""Concatenate multiple geopandas dataframes with common coordinate reference system (crs)."""
return gpd.GeoDataFrame(pd.concat(gdf_list), crs=crs)
def load_bus_regions(onshore_path, offshore_path):
"""Load pypsa-eur on- and offshore regions and concat."""
bus_regions_offshore = gpd.read_file(offshore_path)
bus_regions_onshore = gpd.read_file(onshore_path)
bus_regions = concat_gdf([bus_regions_offshore, bus_regions_onshore])
bus_regions = bus_regions.dissolve(by='name', aggfunc='sum')
return bus_regions
def area(gdf):
"""Returns area of GeoDataFrame geometries in square kilometers."""
return gdf.to_crs(epsg=3035).area.div(1e6)
def salt_cavern_potential_by_region(caverns, regions):
# calculate area of caverns shapes
caverns["area_caverns"] = area(caverns)
overlay = gpd.overlay(regions.reset_index(), caverns, keep_geom_type=True)
# calculate share of cavern area inside region
overlay["share"] = area(overlay) / overlay["area_caverns"]
overlay["e_nom"] = overlay.eval("capacity_per_area * share * area_caverns / 1000") # TWh
caverns_regions = overlay.groupby(['name', "storage_type"]).e_nom.sum().unstack("storage_type")
return caverns_regions
if __name__ == '__main__':
if 'snakemake' not in globals():
from helper import mock_snakemake
snakemake = mock_snakemake('build_salt_cavern_potentials', simpl='', clusters='37')
fn_onshore = snakemake.input.regions_onshore
fn_offshore = snakemake.input.regions_offshore
regions = load_bus_regions(fn_onshore, fn_offshore)
caverns = gpd.read_file(snakemake.input.salt_caverns) # GWh/sqkm
caverns_regions = salt_cavern_potential_by_region(caverns, regions)
caverns_regions.to_csv(snakemake.output.h2_cavern_potential) |