These geometries are apparently invalid due to self-crossing or self-touching polygons. The geometries are created by pypsa-eur/scripts/cluster_network.py but appear to be valid before being written to file. They are only valid after being read back in from file. This seems to indicate some numerical issue relating to file reading and writing. Now the geometries are cleaned after being read in.
51 lines
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51 lines
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import geopandas as gpd
import atlite
import pandas as pd
import xarray as xr
import scipy as sp
import helper
if 'snakemake' not in globals():
from vresutils import Dict
import yaml
snakemake = Dict()
with open('config.yaml') as f:
snakemake.config = yaml.load(f)
snakemake.input = Dict()
snakemake.output = Dict()
time = pd.date_range(freq='m', **snakemake.config['snapshots'])
params = dict(years=slice(*time.year[[0, -1]]), months=slice(*time.month[[0, -1]]))
cutout = atlite.Cutout(snakemake.config['atlite']['cutout_name'],
clustered_busregions_as_geopd = gpd.read_file(snakemake.input.regions_onshore).set_index('name', drop=True)
clustered_busregions = pd.Series(clustered_busregions_as_geopd.geometry, index=clustered_busregions_as_geopd.index)
I = cutout.indicatormatrix(clustered_busregions)
for item in ["total","rural","urban"]:
pop_layout = xr.open_dataarray(snakemake.input['pop_layout_'+item])
M = I.T.dot(sp.diag(I.dot(pop_layout.stack(spatial=('y', 'x')))))
nonzero_sum = M.sum(axis=0, keepdims=True)
nonzero_sum[nonzero_sum == 0.] = 1.
M_tilde = M/nonzero_sum
temp_air = cutout.temperature(matrix=M_tilde.T,index=clustered_busregions.index)
temp_soil = cutout.soil_temperature(matrix=M_tilde.T,index=clustered_busregions.index)