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version: 0.3.0
logging_level: INFO
results_dir: 'results/'
summary_dir: results
costs_dir: '../technology-data/outputs/'
run: 'your-run-name' # use this to keep track of runs with different settings
foresight: 'overnight' # options are overnight, myopic, perfect (perfect is not yet implemented)
# if you use myopic or perfect foresight, set the investment years in "planning_horizons" below
sectors: [E] # ignore this legacy setting
simpl: [''] # only relevant for PyPSA-Eur
lv: [1.0,1.5] # allowed transmission line volume expansion, can be any float >= 1.0 (today) or "opt"
clusters: [45,50] # number of nodes in Europe, any integer between 37 (1 node per country-zone) and several hundred
opts: [''] # only relevant for PyPSA-Eur
sector_opts: [Co2L0-3H-T-H-B-I-solar3-dist1] # this is where the main scenario settings are
# to really understand the options here, look in scripts/
# Co2Lx specifies the CO2 target in x% of the 1990 values; default will give default (5%);
# Co2L0p25 will give 25% CO2 emissions; Co2Lm0p05 will give 5% negative emissions
# xH is the temporal resolution; 3H is 3-hourly, i.e. one snapshot every 3 hours
# single letters are sectors: T for land transport, H for building heating,
# B for biomass supply, I for industry, shipping and aviation
# solarx or onwindx changes the available installable potential by factor x
# dist{n} includes distribution grids with investment cost of n times cost in data/costs.csv
planning_horizons : [2030] # investment years for myopic and perfect; or costs year for overnight
# for example, set to [2020, 2030, 2040, 2050] for myopic foresight
# CO2 budget as a fraction of 1990 emissions
# this is over-ridden if CO2Lx is set in sector_opts
2020: 0.7011648746
2025: 0.5241935484
2030: 0.2970430108
2035: 0.1500896057
2040: 0.0712365591
2045: 0.0322580645
2050: 0
# snapshots are originally set in PyPSA-Eur/config.yaml but used again by PyPSA-Eur-Sec
# arguments to pd.date_range
start: "2013-01-01"
end: "2014-01-01"
closed: 'left' # end is not inclusive
cutout_dir: '../pypsa-eur/cutouts'
cutout_name: "europe-2013-era5"
# this information is NOT used but needed as an argument for
# pypsa-eur/scripts/ in
battery: 6
H2: 168
# regulate what components with which carriers are kept from PyPSA-Eur;
# some technologies are removed because they are implemented differently
# or have different year-dependent costs in PyPSA-Eur-Sec
"Bus": ["AC"]
"Link": ["DC"]
"Generator": ["onwind", "offwind-ac", "offwind-dc", "solar", "ror"]
"StorageUnit": ["PHS","hydro"]
year: 2030
scenario: "Med"
solid biomass: ['Primary agricultural residues', 'Forestry energy residue', 'Secondary forestry residues', 'Secondary Forestry residues sawdust', 'Forestry residues from landscape care biomass', 'Municipal waste']
not included: ['Bioethanol sugar beet biomass', 'Rapeseeds for biodiesel', 'sunflower and soya for Biodiesel', 'Starchy crops biomass', 'Grassy crops biomass', 'Willow biomass', 'Poplar biomass potential', 'Roundwood fuelwood', 'Roundwood Chips & Pellets']
biogas: ['Manure biomass potential', 'Sludge biomass']
# only relevant for foresight = myopic or perfect
grouping_years: [1980, 1985, 1990, 1995, 2000, 2005, 2010, 2015, 2019]
threshold_capacity: 10
conventional_carriers: ['lignite', 'coal', 'oil', 'uranium']
'central' : True
'central_fraction' : 0.6
'bev_dsm_restriction_value' : 0.75 #Set to 0 for no restriction on BEV DSM
'bev_dsm_restriction_time' : 7 #Time at which SOC of BEV has to be dsm_restriction_value
'transport_heating_deadband_upper' : 20.
'transport_heating_deadband_lower' : 15.
'ICE_lower_degree_factor' : 0.375 #in per cent increase in fuel consumption per degree above deadband
'ICE_upper_degree_factor' : 1.6
'EV_lower_degree_factor' : 0.98
'EV_upper_degree_factor' : 0.63
'district_heating_loss' : 0.15
'bev_dsm' : True #turns on EV battery
'bev_availability' : 0.5 #How many cars do smart charging
'v2g' : True #allows feed-in to grid from EV battery
#what is not EV or FCEV is fossil-fuelled
'land_transport_fuel_cell_share': # 1 means all FCEVs
2020: 0
2030: 0.05
2040: 0.1
2050: 0.15
'land_transport_electric_share': # 1 means all EVs
2020: 0
2030: 0.25
2040: 0.6
2050: 0.85
'transport_fuel_cell_efficiency': 0.5
'transport_internal_combustion_efficiency': 0.3
'shipping_average_efficiency' : 0.4 #For conversion of fuel oil to propulsion in 2011
'time_dep_hp_cop' : True #time dependent heat pump coefficient of performance
'heat_pump_sink_T' : 55. # Celsius, based on DTU / large area radiators; used in
# conservatively high to cover hot water and space heating in poorly-insulated buildings
'retrofitting' :
'retro_exogen': True # space heat demand savings exogenously
'dE': # reduction of space heat demand (applied before losses in DH)
2020 : 0.
2030 : 0.15
2040 : 0.3
2050 : 0.4
'retro_endogen': False # co-optimise space heat savings
'cost_factor' : 1.0
'interest_rate': 0.04 # for investment in building components
'annualise_cost': True # annualise the investment costs
'tax_weighting': False # weight costs depending on taxes in countries
'construction_index': True # weight costs depending on labour/material costs per ct
'l_strength': ["0.076", "0.197"] # additional insulation thickness[m], determines number of retro steps(=generators per bus) and maximum possible savings
'tes' : True
'tes_tau' : 3.
'boilers' : True
'oil_boilers': False
'chp' : True
'micro_chp' : False
'solar_thermal' : True
'solar_cf_correction': 0.788457 # = >>> 1/1.2683
'marginal_cost_storage' : 0. #1e-4
'methanation' : True
'helmeth' : True
'dac' : True
'co2_vent' : True
'SMR' : True
'co2_sequestration_potential' : 200 #MtCO2/a sequestration potential for Europe
'co2_sequestration_cost' : 20 #EUR/tCO2 for transport and sequestration of CO2
'cc_fraction' : 0.9 # default fraction of CO2 captured with post-combustion capture
'hydrogen_underground_storage' : True
'use_fischer_tropsch_waste_heat' : True
'use_fuel_cell_waste_heat' : True
'electricity_distribution_grid' : False
'electricity_distribution_grid_cost_factor' : 1.0 #multiplies cost in data/costs.csv
'electricity_grid_connection' : True # only applies to onshore wind and utility PV
'gas_distribution_grid' : True
'gas_distribution_grid_cost_factor' : 1.0 #multiplies cost in data/costs.csv
lifetime: 25 #default lifetime
# From a Lion Hirth paper, also reflects average of Noothout et al 2016
discountrate: 0.07
# [EUR/USD] ECB: # noqa: E501
USD2013_to_EUR2013: 0.7532
# Marginal and capital costs can be overwritten
# capital_cost:
# Wind: Bla
marginal_cost: #
solar: 0.01
onwind: 0.015
offwind: 0.015
hydro: 0.
H2: 0.
battery: 0.
emission_prices: # only used with the option Ep (emission prices)
co2: 0.
length_factor: 1.25 #to estimate offwind connection costs
#tmpdir: "path/to/tmp"
formulation: kirchhoff
clip_p_max_pu: 1.e-2
load_shedding: false
noisy_costs: true
min_iterations: 1
max_iterations: 1
# nhours: 1
name: gurobi
threads: 4
method: 2 # barrier
crossover: 0
BarConvTol: 1.e-5
Seed: 123
AggFill: 0
PreDual: 0
#FeasibilityTol: 1.e-6
#name: cplex
#threads: 4
#lpmethod: 4 # barrier
#solutiontype: 2 # non basic solution, ie no crossover
#barrier_convergetol: 1.e-5
#feasopt_tolerance: 1.e-6
mem: 30000 #memory in MB; 20 GB enough for 50+B+I+H2; 100 GB for 181+B+I+H2
'St_primary_fraction' : 0.3 # fraction of steel produced via primary route (DRI + EAF) versus secondary route (EAF); today fraction is 0.6
'H2_DRI' : 1.7 #H2 consumption in Direct Reduced Iron (DRI), MWh_H2,LHV/ton_Steel from 51kgH2/tSt in Vogl et al (2018) doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2018.08.279
'elec_DRI' : 0.322 #electricity consumption in Direct Reduced Iron (DRI) shaft, MWh/tSt HYBRIT brochure
'Al_primary_fraction' : 0.2 # fraction of aluminium produced via the primary route versus scrap; today fraction is 0.4
'MWh_CH4_per_tNH3_SMR' : 10.8 # 2012's demand from
'MWh_elec_per_tNH3_SMR' : 0.7 # same source, assuming 94-6% split methane-elec of total energy demand 11.5 MWh/tNH3
'MWh_H2_per_tNH3_electrolysis' : 6.5 # from, around 0.197 tH2/tHN3 (>3/17 since some H2 lost and used for energy)
'MWh_elec_per_tNH3_electrolysis' : 1.17 # from Table 13 (air separation and HB)
'NH3_process_emissions' : 24.5 # in MtCO2/a from SMR for H2 production for NH3 from UNFCCC for 2015 for EU28
'petrochemical_process_emissions' : 25.5 # in MtCO2/a for petrochemical and other from UNFCCC for 2015 for EU28
'HVC_primary_fraction' : 1.0 #fraction of current non-ammonia basic chemicals produced via primary route
figsize: [7, 7]
boundaries: [-10.2, 29, 35, 72]
bus_size_factor: 5.e+4
linewidth_factor: 3.e+3 # 1.e+3 #3.e+3
costs_max: 1200
costs_threshold: 1
energy_max: 20000.
energy_min: -15000.
energy_threshold: 50.
vre_techs: ["onwind", "offwind-ac", "offwind-dc", "solar", "ror"]
renewable_storage_techs: ["PHS","hydro"]
conv_techs: ["OCGT", "CCGT", "Nuclear", "Coal"]
storage_techs: ["hydro+PHS", "battery", "H2"]
# store_techs: ["Li ion", "water tanks"]
load_carriers: ["AC load"] #, "heat load", "Li ion load"]
AC_carriers: ["AC line", "AC transformer"]
link_carriers: ["DC line", "Converter AC-DC"]
heat_links: ["heat pump", "resistive heater", "CHP heat", "CHP electric",
"gas boiler", "central heat pump", "central resistive heater", "central CHP heat",
"central CHP electric", "central gas boiler"]
heat_generators: ["gas boiler", "central gas boiler", "solar thermal collector", "central solar thermal collector"]
"onwind" : "b"
"onshore wind" : "b"
'offwind' : "c"
'offshore wind' : "c"
'offwind-ac' : "c"
'offshore wind (AC)' : "c"
'offwind-dc' : "#009999"
'offshore wind (DC)' : "#009999"
'wave' : "#004444"
"hydro" : "#3B5323"
"hydro reservoir" : "#3B5323"
"ror" : "#78AB46"
"run of river" : "#78AB46"
'hydroelectricity' : '#006400'
'solar' : "y"
'solar PV' : "y"
'solar thermal' : 'coral'
'solar rooftop' : '#e6b800'
"OCGT" : "wheat"
"OCGT marginal" : "sandybrown"
"OCGT-heat" : "orange"
"gas boiler" : "orange"
"gas boilers" : "orange"
"gas boiler marginal" : "orange"
"gas-to-power/heat" : "orange"
"gas" : "brown"
"natural gas" : "brown"
"SMR" : "#4F4F2F"
"oil" : "#B5A642"
"oil boiler" : "#B5A677"
"lines" : "k"
"transmission lines" : "k"
"H2" : "m"
"hydrogen storage" : "m"
"battery" : "slategray"
"battery storage" : "slategray"
"home battery" : "#614700"
"home battery storage" : "#614700"
"Nuclear" : "r"
"Nuclear marginal" : "r"
"nuclear" : "r"
"uranium" : "r"
"Coal" : "k"
"coal" : "k"
"Coal marginal" : "k"
"Lignite" : "grey"
"lignite" : "grey"
"Lignite marginal" : "grey"
"CCGT" : "orange"
"CCGT marginal" : "orange"
"heat pumps" : "#76EE00"
"heat pump" : "#76EE00"
"air heat pump" : "#76EE00"
"ground heat pump" : "#40AA00"
"power-to-heat" : "#40AA00"
"resistive heater" : "pink"
"Sabatier" : "#FF1493"
"methanation" : "#FF1493"
"power-to-gas" : "#FF1493"
"power-to-liquid" : "#FFAAE9"
"helmeth" : "#7D0552"
"helmeth" : "#7D0552"
"DAC" : "#E74C3C"
"co2 stored" : "#123456"
"CO2 sequestration" : "#123456"
"CC" : "k"
"co2" : "#123456"
"co2 vent" : "#654321"
"solid biomass for industry co2 from atmosphere" : "#654321"
"solid biomass for industry co2 to stored": "#654321"
"gas for industry co2 to atmosphere": "#654321"
"gas for industry co2 to stored": "#654321"
"Fischer-Tropsch" : "#44DD33"
"kerosene for aviation": "#44BB11"
"naphtha for industry" : "#44FF55"
"land transport fossil" : "#44DD33"
"water tanks" : "#BBBBBB"
"hot water storage" : "#BBBBBB"
"hot water charging" : "#BBBBBB"
"hot water discharging" : "#999999"
"CHP" : "r"
"CHP heat" : "r"
"CHP electric" : "r"
"PHS" : "g"
"Ambient" : "k"
"Electric load" : "b"
"Heat load" : "r"
"heat" : "darkred"
"rural heat" : "#880000"
"central heat" : "#b22222"
"decentral heat" : "#800000"
"low-temperature heat for industry" : "#991111"
"process heat" : "#FF3333"
"heat demand" : "darkred"
"electric demand" : "k"
"Li ion" : "grey"
"district heating" : "#CC4E5C"
"retrofitting" : "purple"
"building retrofitting" : "purple"
"BEV charger" : "grey"
"V2G" : "grey"
"land transport EV" : "grey"
"electricity" : "k"
"gas for industry" : "#333333"
"solid biomass for industry" : "#555555"
"industry electricity" : "#222222"
"industry new electricity" : "#222222"
"process emissions to stored" : "#444444"
"process emissions to atmosphere" : "#888888"
"process emissions" : "#222222"
"land transport fuel cell" : "#AAAAAA"
"biogas" : "#800000"
"solid biomass" : "#DAA520"
"today" : "#D2691E"
"shipping" : "#6495ED"
"electricity distribution grid" : "#333333"
# OCGT: "Gas"
# OCGT marginal: "Gas (marginal)"
offwind: "offshore wind"
onwind: "onshore wind"
battery: "Battery storage"
lines: "Transmission lines"
AC line: "AC lines"
AC-AC: "DC lines"
ror: "Run of river"
offwind: "offshore\nwind"
onwind: "onshore\nwind"
# OCGT: "Gas"
H2: "Hydrogen\nstorage"
# OCGT marginal: "Gas (marginal)"
lines: "transmission\nlines"
ror: "run of river"