:Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into shipping_raster
This commit is contained in:
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ cff-version: 1.1.0
message: "If you use this package, please cite the corresponding manuscript in Energy Strategy Reviews."
title: "PyPSA-Eur: An open optimisation model of the European transmission system"
repository: https://github.com/pypsa/pypsa-eur
version: 0.4.0
version: 0.5.0
license: MIT
journal: Energy Strategy Reviews
doi: 10.1016/j.esr.2018.08.012
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ extendable_carriers,,,
-- Link,--,Any subset of {'H2 pipeline'},Adds extendable links (H2 pipelines only) at every connection where there are lines or HVDC links without capacity limits and with zero initial capacity. Hydrogen pipelines require hydrogen storage to be modelled as ``Store``.
powerplants_filter,--,"use `pandas.query <https://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/reference/api/pandas.DataFrame.query.html>`_ strings here, e.g. Country not in ['Germany']",Filter query for the default powerplant database.
custom_powerplants,--,"use `pandas.query <https://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/reference/api/pandas.DataFrame.query.html>`_ strings here, e.g. Country in ['Germany']",Filter query for the custom powerplant database.
conventional_carriers,--,"Any subset of {nuclear, oil, OCGT, CCGT, coal, lignite, geothermal, biomass}","List of conventional power plants to include in the model from ``resources/powerplants.csv``. If an included carrier is also listed in `extendable_carriers`, the capacity is taken as a lower bound."
conventional_carriers,--,"Any subset of {nuclear, oil, OCGT, CCGT, coal, lignite, geothermal, biomass}","List of conventional power plants to include in the model from ``resources/powerplants.csv``. If an included carrier is also listed in `extendable_carriers`, the capacity is taken as a lower bound."
renewable_carriers,--,"Any subset of {solar, onwind, offwind-ac, offwind-dc, hydro}",List of renewable generators to include in the model.
-- enable,,bool,"Activate routine to estimate renewable capacities"
Can't render this file because it contains an unexpected character in line 22 and column 303.
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ PyPSA-Eur 0.5.0 (27th July 2022)
energy yield for each bus region
* The config key ``renewable_capacities_from_OPSD`` is deprecated and was moved
under the section, ``estimate_renewable_capacities``. To enable it, set
``from_opsd`` to `True`.
``from_opsd`` to ``True``.
* Add operational reserve margin constraint analogous to `GenX implementation
<https://genxproject.github.io/GenX/dev/core/#Reserves>`_. Can be activated
@ -52,16 +52,16 @@ PyPSA-Eur 0.5.0 (27th July 2022)
* Add function to add global constraint on use of gas in :mod:`prepare_network`.
This can be activated by including the keyword ``CH4L`` in the ``{opts}``
wildcard which enforces the limit set in ``electricity: gaslimit:`` given in
MWh thermal. Alternatively, it is possible to append a number in the `{opts}`
wildcard, e.g. `CH4L200` which limits the gas use to 200 TWh thermal.
MWh thermal. Alternatively, it is possible to append a number in the ``{opts}``
wildcard, e.g. ``CH4L200`` which limits the gas use to 200 TWh thermal.
* Add option to alter marginal costs of a carrier through `{opts}` wildcard:
`<carrier>+m<factor>`, e.g. `gas+m2.5`, will multiply the default marginal
* Add option to alter marginal costs of a carrier through ``{opts}`` wildcard:
``<carrier>+m<factor>``, e.g. ``gas+m2.5``, will multiply the default marginal
cost for gas by factor 2.5.
* Hierarchical clustering was introduced. Distance metric is calculated from
renewable potentials on hourly (feature entry ends with `-time`) or annual
(feature entry in config end with `-cap`) values.
renewable potentials on hourly (feature entry ends with ``-time``) or annual
(feature entry in config end with ``-cap``) values.
* Greedy modularity clustering was introduced. Distance metric is based on electrical distance taking into account the impedance of all transmission lines of the network.
@ -80,8 +80,8 @@ PyPSA-Eur 0.5.0 (27th July 2022)
* Add configuration option to implement arbitrary generator attributes for
conventional generation technologies.
* Add option to set CO2 emission prices through `{opts}` wildcard: `Ep<number>`,
e.g. `Ep180`, will set the EUR/tCO2 price.
* Add option to set CO2 emission prices through ``{opts}`` wildcard: ``Ep<number>``,
e.g. ``Ep180``, will set the EUR/tCO2 price.
@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ PyPSA-Eur 0.5.0 (27th July 2022)
* The inclusion of renewable carriers is now specified in the config entry
``renewable_carriers``. Before this was done by commenting/uncommenting
sub-sections in the `renewable` config section.
sub-sections in the ``renewable`` config section.
* Now, all carriers that should be extendable have to be listed in the config
entry ``extendable_carriers``. Before, renewable carriers were always set to
@ -502,7 +502,7 @@ Release Process
``conda env export -n pypsa-eur -f envs/environment.fixed.yaml --no-builds``
from an up-to-date `pypsa-eur` environment.
* Update version number in ``doc/conf.py`` and ``*config.*.yaml``.
* Update version number in ``doc/conf.py``, ``CITATION.cff`` and ``*config.*.yaml``.
* Open, review and merge pull request for branch ``release-v0.x.x``.
Make sure to close issues and PRs or the release milestone with it (e.g. closes #X).
@ -5,280 +5,308 @@
name: pypsa-eur
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Reference in New Issue
Block a user