uncomment ship raster, since otherwise not computing

This commit is contained in:
lisazeyen 2023-05-17 12:48:45 +02:00
parent 6b10bfa9a6
commit e9348b8e23

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@ -246,14 +246,14 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
snakemake.input.corine, codes=codes, buffer=buffer, crs=3035
if "ship_threshold" in config:
shipping_threshold = (
config["ship_threshold"] * 8760 * 6
) # approximation because 6 years of data which is hourly collected
func = functools.partial(np.less, shipping_threshold)
snakemake.input.ship_density, codes=func, crs=4326, allow_no_overlap=True
# if "ship_threshold" in config:
# shipping_threshold = (
# config["ship_threshold"] * 8760 * 6
# ) # approximation because 6 years of data which is hourly collected
# func = functools.partial(np.less, shipping_threshold)
# excluder.add_raster(
# snakemake.input.ship_density, codes=func, crs=4326, allow_no_overlap=True
# )
if config.get("max_depth"):
# lambda not supported for atlite + multiprocessing