add_electricity: Make add_electricity importable as a module

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Jonas Hörsch 2018-05-18 17:09:18 +02:00
parent fed6ff9543
commit c5a295a315

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@ -27,22 +27,26 @@ def _add_missing_carriers_from_costs(n, costs, carriers):
emissions_cols = costs.columns.to_series().loc[lambda s: s.str.endswith('_emissions')].values
n.import_components_from_dataframe(costs.loc[missing_carriers, emissions_cols].fillna(0.), 'Carrier')
def load_costs(Nyears=1.):
c = snakemake.config['costs']
def load_costs(Nyears=1., tech_costs=None, config=None, elec_config=None):
if tech_costs is None:
tech_costs = snakemake.input.tech_costs
if config is None:
config = snakemake.config['costs']
# set all asset costs and other parameters
costs = pd.read_csv(snakemake.input.tech_costs, index_col=list(range(3))).sort_index()
costs = pd.read_csv(tech_costs, index_col=list(range(3))).sort_index()
# correct units to MW and EUR
costs.loc[costs.unit.str.contains("/kW"),"value"] *= 1e3
costs.loc[costs.unit.str.contains("USD"),"value"] *= c['USD2013_to_EUR2013']
costs.loc[costs.unit.str.contains("USD"),"value"] *= config['USD2013_to_EUR2013']
costs = costs.loc[idx[:,c['year'],:], "value"].unstack(level=2).groupby("technology").sum()
costs = costs.loc[idx[:,config['year'],:], "value"].unstack(level=2).groupby("technology").sum()
costs = costs.fillna({"CO2 intensity" : 0,
"FOM" : 0,
"VOM" : 0,
"discount rate" : c['discountrate'],
"discount rate" : config['discountrate'],
"efficiency" : 1,
"fuel" : 0,
"investment" : 0,
@ -70,7 +74,9 @@ def load_costs(Nyears=1.):
max_hours = snakemake.config['electricity']['max_hours']
if elec_config is None:
elec_config = snakemake.config['electricity']
max_hours = elec_config['max_hours']
costs.loc["battery"] = \
costs_for_storage(costs.loc["battery storage"], costs.loc["battery inverter"],
@ -79,7 +85,7 @@ def load_costs(Nyears=1.):
for attr in ('marginal_cost', 'capital_cost'):
overwrites = c.get(attr)
overwrites = config.get(attr)
if overwrites is not None:
overwrites = pd.Series(overwrites)
costs.loc[overwrites.index, attr] = overwrites
@ -104,14 +110,12 @@ def attach_load(n):
### Set line costs
def update_transmission_costs(n, costs):
c = snakemake.config['lines']
n.lines['capital_cost'] = (n.lines['length'] * c['length_factor'] *
def update_transmission_costs(n, costs, length_factor=1.0):
n.lines['capital_cost'] = (n.lines['length'] * length_factor *['HVAC overhead', 'capital_cost'])
dc_b = n.links.carrier == 'DC'
n.links.loc[dc_b, 'capital_cost'] = (n.links.loc[dc_b, 'length'] * c['length_factor'] *
n.links.loc[dc_b, 'capital_cost'] = (n.links.loc[dc_b, 'length'] * length_factor *['HVDC overhead', 'capital_cost'] +['HVDC inverter pair', 'capital_cost'])