build_energy_totals: revision of eurostat report upgrade

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Fabian Neumann 2024-03-05 18:43:24 +01:00
parent 5b513f81db
commit bf60da973b

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@ -37,54 +37,6 @@ def reverse(dictionary):
return {v: k for k, v in dictionary.items()}
eurostat_codes = {
"EU28": "EU",
"EA19": "EA",
"Belgium": "BE",
"Bulgaria": "BG",
"Czech Republic": "CZ",
"Denmark": "DK",
"Germany": "DE",
"Estonia": "EE",
"Ireland": "IE",
"Greece": "GR",
"Spain": "ES",
"France": "FR",
"Croatia": "HR",
"Italy": "IT",
"Cyprus": "CY",
"Latvia": "LV",
"Lithuania": "LT",
"Luxembourg": "LU",
"Hungary": "HU",
"Malta": "MA",
"Netherlands": "NL",
"Austria": "AT",
"Poland": "PL",
"Portugal": "PT",
"Romania": "RO",
"Slovenia": "SI",
"Slovakia": "SK",
"Finland": "FI",
"Sweden": "SE",
"United Kingdom": "GB",
"Iceland": "IS",
"Norway": "NO",
"Montenegro": "ME",
"FYR of Macedonia": "MK",
"Albania": "AL",
"Serbia": "RS",
"Turkey": "TU",
"Bosnia and Herzegovina": "BA",
"Kosovo\n(UNSCR 1244/99)": "KO", # 2017 version
# 2016 version
"Kosovo\n(under United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244/99)": "KO",
"Moldova": "MO",
"Ukraine": "UK",
"Switzerland": "CH",
idees_rename = {"GR": "EL", "GB": "UK"}
eu28 = cc.EU28as("ISO2").ISO2.tolist()
@ -121,79 +73,54 @@ def build_eurostat(input_eurostat, countries, year):
Return multi-index for all countries' energy data in TWh/a.
# read in every country file in countries
eurostat = pd.DataFrame()
countries = [country if country != "GB" else "UK" for country in countries]
countries = [country if country != "GR" else "EL" for country in countries]
df = {}
countries = {idees_rename.get(country, country) for country in countries} - {"CH"}
for country in countries:
filename = f"/{country}-Energy-balance-sheets-April-2023-edition.xlsb"
if os.path.exists(input_eurostat + filename):
df = pd.read_excel(
input_eurostat + filename,
filename = (
sheet = pd.read_excel(
# replace entry 'Z' with 0
df.replace("Z", 0, inplace=True)
# write 'International aviation' to the 2nd level of the multiindex
index_number = (
df.index.get_level_values(1) == "International aviation"
new_index = (
"International aviation",
"International aviation",
modified_index = list(df.index)
modified_index[index_number] = new_index
df.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(modified_index, names=df.index.names)
# drop the annoying subhead line
df.drop(df[df[year] == year].index, inplace=True)
# replace 'Z' with 0
df = df.replace("Z", 0)
# add country to the multiindex
new_tuple = [(country, *idx) for idx in df.index]
new_mindex = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(
new_tuple, names=["country", None, "name", None, "unit"]
df.index = new_mindex
# make numeric values where possible
df = df.apply(pd.to_numeric, errors="coerce")
# drop non-numeric columns
non_numeric_cols = df.columns[df.dtypes != float]
df.drop(non_numeric_cols, axis=1, inplace=True)
# concatenate the dataframes
eurostat = pd.concat([eurostat, df], axis=0)
df[country] = sheet
df = pd.concat(df, axis=0)
# drop columns with all NaNs
unnamed_cols = df.columns[df.columns.astype(str).str.startswith("Unnamed")]
df.drop(unnamed_cols, axis=1, inplace=True)
df.drop(year, axis=1, inplace=True)
# make numeric values where possible
df.replace("Z", 0, inplace=True)
df = df.apply(pd.to_numeric, errors="coerce")
df = df.select_dtypes(include=[np.number])
# write 'International aviation' to the 2nd level of the multiindex
int_avia = df.index.get_level_values(2) == "International aviation"
temp = df.loc[int_avia]
temp.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_frame(
temp.index.to_frame().fillna("International aviation")
df = pd.concat([temp, df.loc[~int_avia]])
eurostat.drop(["Unnamed: 4", year, "Unnamed: 6"], axis=1, inplace=True)
# Renaming some indices
rename = {
index_rename = {
"Households": "Residential",
"Commercial & public services": "Services",
"Domestic navigation": "Domestic Navigation",
"International maritime bunkers": "Bunkers",
for name, rename in rename.items():
eurostat.index = eurostat.index.set_levels(
eurostat.index.levels[3].where(eurostat.index.levels[3] != name, rename),
new_index = eurostat.index.set_levels(
eurostat.index.levels[2] != "International maritime bunkers", "Bunkers"
eurostat.index = new_index
columns_rename = {"Total": "Total all products", "UK": "GB"}
df.rename(index=index_rename, columns=columns_rename, inplace=True)
df.index.names = [None] * len(df.index.names)
eurostat.rename(columns={"Total": "Total all products"}, inplace=True)
eurostat.index = eurostat.index.set_levels(
eurostat.index.levels[0].where(eurostat.index.levels[0] != "UK", "GB"), level=0
df = eurostat * 11.63 / 1e3
# convert to TWh/a from ktoe/a
df *= 11.63 / 1e3
return df
@ -776,25 +703,25 @@ def build_transport_data(countries, population, idees):
return transport_data
def rescale(idees_countries, energy, eurostat):
def rescale_idees_from_eurostat(
idees_countries, energy, eurostat, input_eurostat, countries
Takes JRC IDEES data from 2015 and rescales it by the ratio of the eurostat
data and the 2015 eurostat data.
missing data: ['passenger car efficiency', 'passenger cars']
main_cols = ["Total all products", "Electricity"]
# read in the eurostat data for 2015
eurostat_2015 = build_eurostat(input_eurostat, countries, 2023, 2015)[
["Total all products", "Electricity"]
eurostat_year = eurostat[["Total all products", "Electricity"]]
eurostat_2015 = build_eurostat(input_eurostat, countries, 2015)[main_cols]
eurostat_year = eurostat[main_cols]
# calculate the ratio of the two data sets
ratio = eurostat_year / eurostat_2015
ratio = ratio.droplevel([1, 4])
columns={"Total all products": "total", "Electricity": "ele"}, inplace=True
ratio = ratio.rename(index={"EL": "GR"}, level=0)
cols_rename = {"Total all products": "total", "Electricity": "ele"}
index_rename = {v: k for k, v in idees_rename.items()}
ratio.rename(columns=cols_rename, index=index_rename, inplace=True)
mappings = {
"Residential": {
@ -887,16 +814,16 @@ def rescale(idees_countries, energy, eurostat):
for sector, mapping in mappings.items():
sector_ratio = ratio.loc[(country, slice(None), sector)]
energy.loc[country, mapping["total"]] *= sector_ratio[["total"]].iloc[0, 0]
energy.loc[country, mapping["elec"]] *= sector_ratio[["ele"]].iloc[0, 0]
energy.loc[country, mapping["total"]] *= sector_ratio["total"].iloc[0]
energy.loc[country, mapping["elec"]] *= sector_ratio["ele"].iloc[0]
avi_d = ratio.loc[(country, slice(None), "Domestic aviation")]
avi_i = ratio.loc[(country, "International aviation", slice(None))]
energy.loc[country, avia_inter] *= avi_i[["total"]].iloc[0, 0]
energy.loc[country, avia_domestic] *= avi_d[["total"]].iloc[0, 0]
avi_d = ratio.loc[(country, slice(None), "Domestic aviation"), "total"]
avi_i = ratio.loc[(country, "International aviation", slice(None)), "total"]
energy.loc[country, avia_inter] *= avi_i.iloc[0]
energy.loc[country, avia_domestic] *= avi_d.iloc[0]
nav = ratio.loc[(country, slice(None), "Domestic Navigation")]
energy.loc[country, navigation] *= nav[["total"]].iloc[0, 0]
nav = ratio.loc[(country, slice(None), "Domestic Navigation"), "total"]
energy.loc[country, navigation] *= nav.iloc[0]
return energy
@ -922,17 +849,16 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
input_eurostat = snakemake.input.eurostat
eurostat = build_eurostat(input_eurostat, countries, data_year)
swiss = build_swiss(data_year)
# data from idees only exists from 2000-2015
if data_year > 2015:
# read in latest data and rescale later
idees = build_idees(idees_countries, 2015)
idees = build_idees(idees_countries, data_year)
# data from idees only exists from 2000-2015. read in latest data and rescale later
idees = build_idees(idees_countries, min(2015, data_year))
energy = build_energy_totals(countries, eurostat, swiss, idees)
if data_year > 2015:
energy = rescale(idees_countries, energy, eurostat)"Data year is after 2015. Rescaling IDEES data based on eurostat.")
energy = rescale_idees_from_eurostat(
idees_countries, energy, eurostat, input_eurostat, countries