more config tables descriptions

This commit is contained in:
Fabian Neumann 2019-08-08 12:06:51 +02:00
parent 6aa6b20e26
commit aa34e0406f
12 changed files with 70 additions and 74 deletions

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
,Unit,Values,Description ,Unit,Values,Description
year,--,{'E'},TODO year,--,"YYYY; e.g. '2030'","Year for which to retrieve cost assumptions of ``data/costs.csv``."
discountrate,--,E,TODO discountrate,--,float,"Default discount rate if not specified for a technology in ``data/costs.csv``."
USD2013_to_EUR2013,--,E,TODO USD2013_to_EUR2013,--,float,"Exchange rate from USD :math:`_{2013}` to EUR :math:`_{2013}` from `ECB <>`_"
capital_cost,--,E,TODO capital_cost,EUR/MW,"Keys should be in the 'technology' column of ``data/costs.csv``. Values can be any float.","For the given technologies, assumptions about their capital investment costs are set to the corresponding value. Optional; overwrites cost assumptions from ``data/costs.csv``."
marginal_cost,--,E,TODO marginal_cost,EUR/MWh,"Keys should be in the 'technology' column of ``data/costs.csv``. Values can be any float.","For the given technologies, assumptions about their marginal operating costs are set to the corresponding value. Optional; overwrites cost assumptions from ``data/costs.csv``."
emission_prices,--,E,TODO emission_prices,--,E,TODO
1 Unit Values Description
2 year -- {'E'} YYYY; e.g. '2030' TODO Year for which to retrieve cost assumptions of ``data/costs.csv``.
3 discountrate -- E float TODO Default discount rate if not specified for a technology in ``data/costs.csv``.
4 USD2013_to_EUR2013 -- E float TODO Exchange rate from USD :math:`_{2013}` to EUR :math:`_{2013}` from `ECB <>`_
5 capital_cost -- EUR/MW E Keys should be in the 'technology' column of ``data/costs.csv``. Values can be any float. TODO For the given technologies, assumptions about their capital investment costs are set to the corresponding value. Optional; overwrites cost assumptions from ``data/costs.csv``.
6 marginal_cost -- EUR/MWh E Keys should be in the 'technology' column of ``data/costs.csv``. Values can be any float. TODO For the given technologies, assumptions about their marginal operating costs are set to the corresponding value. Optional; overwrites cost assumptions from ``data/costs.csv``.
7 emission_prices -- E TODO

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
,Unit,Values,Description ,Unit,Values,Description
cutout,--,{'E'},TODO cutout,--,"Must be 'europe-2013-era5'","Specifies the directory where the relevant weather data ist stored."
carriers,--,E,TODO carriers,--,"Any subset of {'ror', 'PHS', 'hydro'}","Specifies the types of hydro power plants to build per-unit availability time series for. 'ror' stands for run-of-river plants, 'PHS' represents pumped-hydro storage, and 'hydro' stands for hydroelectric dams."
PHS_max_hours,--,E,TODO PHS_max_hours,h,float,"Maximum state of charge capacity of the pumped-hydro storage (PHS) in terms of hours at full output capacity ``p_nom``. Cf. `PyPSA documentation <>`_."
hydro_max_hours,--,E,TODO hydro_max_hours,h,"Any of {float, 'energy_capacity_totals_by_country', 'estimate_by_large_installations'}","Maximum state of charge capacity of the pumped-hydro storage (PHS) in terms of hours at full output capacity ``p_nom`` or heuristically determined. Cf. `PyPSA documentation <>`_."
clip_min_inflow,--,E,TODO clip_min_inflow,??,float,"To avoid too small values in the inflow time series, values below this threshold are set to zero."
1 Unit Values Description
2 cutout -- {'E'} Must be 'europe-2013-era5' TODO Specifies the directory where the relevant weather data ist stored.
3 carriers -- E Any subset of {'ror', 'PHS', 'hydro'} TODO Specifies the types of hydro power plants to build per-unit availability time series for. 'ror' stands for run-of-river plants, 'PHS' represents pumped-hydro storage, and 'hydro' stands for hydroelectric dams.
4 PHS_max_hours -- h E float TODO Maximum state of charge capacity of the pumped-hydro storage (PHS) in terms of hours at full output capacity ``p_nom``. Cf. `PyPSA documentation <>`_.
5 hydro_max_hours -- h E Any of {float, 'energy_capacity_totals_by_country', 'estimate_by_large_installations'} TODO Maximum state of charge capacity of the pumped-hydro storage (PHS) in terms of hours at full output capacity ``p_nom`` or heuristically determined. Cf. `PyPSA documentation <>`_.
6 clip_min_inflow -- ?? E float TODO To avoid too small values in the inflow time series, values below this threshold are set to zero.

View File

@ -1,9 +1,5 @@
,Unit,Values,Description ,Unit,Values,Description
types,--,{'E'},TODO types,--,"Values should specify a `line type in PyPSA <>`_. Keys should specify the corresponding voltage level (e.g. 220., 300. and 380. kV)","Specifies line types to assume for the different voltage levels of the ENTSO-E grid extraction. Should normally handle voltage levels 220, 300, and 380 kV"
-- 220.,--,E,TODO s_max_pu,--,"Value in [0.,1.]","Correction factor for line capacities (``s_nom``) to approximate :math:`N-1` security and reserve capacity for reactive power flows"
-- 300.,--,E,TODO length_factor,--,float,"Correction factor to account for the fact that buses are *not* connected by lines through air-line distance."
-- 380.,--,E,TODO under_construction,--,"One of {'zero': set capacity to zero, 'remove': remove completely, 'keep': keep with full capacity}","Specifies how to handle lines which are currently under construction."
1 Unit Values Description
2 types -- {'E'} Values should specify a `line type in PyPSA <>`_. Keys should specify the corresponding voltage level (e.g. 220., 300. and 380. kV) TODO Specifies line types to assume for the different voltage levels of the ENTSO-E grid extraction. Should normally handle voltage levels 220, 300, and 380 kV
3 -- 220. s_max_pu -- E Value in [0.,1.] TODO Correction factor for line capacities (``s_nom``) to approximate :math:`N-1` security and reserve capacity for reactive power flows
4 -- 300. length_factor -- E float TODO Correction factor to account for the fact that buses are *not* connected by lines through air-line distance.
5 -- 380. under_construction -- E One of {'zero': set capacity to zero, 'remove': remove completely, 'keep': keep with full capacity} TODO Specifies how to handle lines which are currently under construction.
s_max_pu -- E TODO
length_factor -- E TODO
length_factor -- E TODO
under_construction -- E TODO

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
,Unit,Values,Description ,Unit,Values,Description
p_max_pu,--,{'E'},TODO p_max_pu,--,"Value in [0.,1.]","Correction factor for link capacities ``p_nom``."
include_tyndp,--,E,TODO include_tyndp,bool,"{'true', 'false'}","Specifies whether to add HVDC link projects from the `TYNDP 2018 <>`_ which are at least in permitting."
under_construction,--,E,TODO under_construction,--,"One of {'zero': set capacity to zero, 'remove': remove completely, 'keep': keep with full capacity}","Specifies how to handle lines which are currently under construction."
1 Unit Values Description
2 p_max_pu -- {'E'} Value in [0.,1.] TODO Correction factor for link capacities ``p_nom``.
3 include_tyndp -- bool E {'true', 'false'} TODO Specifies whether to add HVDC link projects from the `TYNDP 2018 <>`_ which are at least in permitting.
4 under_construction -- E One of {'zero': set capacity to zero, 'remove': remove completely, 'keep': keep with full capacity} TODO Specifies how to handle lines which are currently under construction.

View File

@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
,Unit,Values,Description ,Unit,Values,Description
scaling_factor,--,{'E'},TODO scaling_factor,--,float,"Global correction factor for the load time series."
1 Unit Values Description
2 scaling_factor -- {'E'} float TODO Global correction factor for the load time series.

View File

@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
,Unit,Values,Description ,Unit,Values,Description
cutout,--,{'E'},TODO cutout,--,"Must be 'europe-2013-era5'","Specifies the directory where the relevant weather data ist stored."
resource,--,E,TODO resource,,,
-- method,--,E,TODO -- method,--,"Must be 'wind'","A superordinate technology type."
-- turbine,--,E,TODO -- turbine,--,"One of turbine types included in `atlite <>`_","Specifies the turbine type and its characteristic power curve."
capacity_per_sqkm,--,E,TODO capacity_per_sqkm,:math:`MW/km^2`,float,"Allowable density of wind turbine placement."
corine,--,E,TODO corine,--,"Any *realistic* subset of the `CORINE Land Cover code list <>`_","Specifies areas according to CORINE Land Cover codes which are generally eligible for AC-connected offshore wind turbine placement."
natura,--,E,TODO natura,bool,"{true, false}","Switch to exclude `Natura 2000 <>`_ natural protection areas. Area is excluded if ``true``."
max_depth,--,E,TODO max_depth,m,float,"Maximum sea water depth at which wind turbines can be build. Maritime areas with deeper waters are excluded in the process of calculating the AC-connected offshore wind potential."
min_shore_distance,--,E,TODO min_shore_distance,m,float,"Minimum distance to the shore below which wind turbines cannot be build. Such areas close to the shore are excluded in the process of calculating the AC-connected offshore wind potential."
potential,--,E,TODO potential,--,"One of {'simple', 'conservative'}",TODO
clip_p_max_pu,--,E,TODO clip_p_max_pu,p.u.,float,"To avoid too small values in the renewables` per-unit availability time series values below this threshold are set to zero."
1 Unit Values Description
2 cutout -- {'E'} Must be 'europe-2013-era5' TODO Specifies the directory where the relevant weather data ist stored.
3 resource -- E TODO
4 -- method -- E Must be 'wind' TODO A superordinate technology type.
5 -- turbine -- E One of turbine types included in `atlite <>`_ TODO Specifies the turbine type and its characteristic power curve.
6 capacity_per_sqkm -- :math:`MW/km^2` E float TODO Allowable density of wind turbine placement.
7 corine -- E Any *realistic* subset of the `CORINE Land Cover code list <>`_ TODO Specifies areas according to CORINE Land Cover codes which are generally eligible for AC-connected offshore wind turbine placement.
8 natura -- bool E {true, false} TODO Switch to exclude `Natura 2000 <>`_ natural protection areas. Area is excluded if ``true``.
9 max_depth -- m E float TODO Maximum sea water depth at which wind turbines can be build. Maritime areas with deeper waters are excluded in the process of calculating the AC-connected offshore wind potential.
10 min_shore_distance -- m E float TODO Minimum distance to the shore below which wind turbines cannot be build. Such areas close to the shore are excluded in the process of calculating the AC-connected offshore wind potential.
11 potential -- E One of {'simple', 'conservative'} TODO
12 clip_p_max_pu -- p.u. E float TODO To avoid too small values in the renewables` per-unit availability time series values below this threshold are set to zero.

View File

@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
,Unit,Values,Description ,Unit,Values,Description
cutout,--,{'E'},TODO cutout,--,"Must be 'europe-2013-era5'","Specifies the directory where the relevant weather data ist stored."
resource,--,E,TODO resource,,,
-- method,--,E,TODO -- method,--,"Must be 'wind'","A superordinate technology type."
-- turbine,--,E,TODO -- turbine,--,"One of turbine types included in `atlite <>`_","Specifies the turbine type and its characteristic power curve."
capacity_per_sqkm,--,E,TODO capacity_per_sqkm,:math:`MW/km^2`,float,"Allowable density of wind turbine placement."
corine,--,E,TODO corine,--,"Any *realistic* subset of the `CORINE Land Cover code list <>`_","Specifies areas according to CORINE Land Cover codes which are generally eligible for AC-connected offshore wind turbine placement."
natura,--,E,TODO natura,bool,"{true, false}","Switch to exclude `Natura 2000 <>`_ natural protection areas. Area is excluded if ``true``."
max_depth,--,E,TODO max_depth,m,float,"Maximum sea water depth at which wind turbines can be build. Maritime areas with deeper waters are excluded in the process of calculating the AC-connected offshore wind potential."
min_shore_distance,--,E,TODO min_shore_distance,m,float,"Minimum distance to the shore below which wind turbines cannot be build. Such areas close to the shore are excluded in the process of calculating the AC-connected offshore wind potential."
potential,--,E,TODO potential,--,"One of {'simple', 'conservative'}",TODO
clip_p_max_pu,--,E,TODO clip_p_max_pu,p.u.,float,"To avoid too small values in the renewables` per-unit availability time series values below this threshold are set to zero."
1 Unit Values Description
2 cutout -- {'E'} Must be 'europe-2013-era5' TODO Specifies the directory where the relevant weather data ist stored.
3 resource -- E TODO
4 -- method -- E Must be 'wind' TODO A superordinate technology type.
5 -- turbine -- E One of turbine types included in `atlite <>`_ TODO Specifies the turbine type and its characteristic power curve.
6 capacity_per_sqkm -- :math:`MW/km^2` E float TODO Allowable density of wind turbine placement.
7 corine -- E Any *realistic* subset of the `CORINE Land Cover code list <>`_ TODO Specifies areas according to CORINE Land Cover codes which are generally eligible for AC-connected offshore wind turbine placement.
8 natura -- bool E {true, false} TODO Switch to exclude `Natura 2000 <>`_ natural protection areas. Area is excluded if ``true``.
9 max_depth -- m E float TODO Maximum sea water depth at which wind turbines can be build. Maritime areas with deeper waters are excluded in the process of calculating the AC-connected offshore wind potential.
10 min_shore_distance -- m E float TODO Minimum distance to the shore below which wind turbines cannot be build. Such areas close to the shore are excluded in the process of calculating the AC-connected offshore wind potential.
11 potential -- E One of {'simple', 'conservative'} TODO
12 clip_p_max_pu -- p.u. E float TODO To avoid too small values in the renewables` per-unit availability time series values below this threshold are set to zero.

View File

@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ resource,,,
-- turbine,--,"One of turbine types included in `atlite <>`_","Specifies the turbine type and its characteristic power curve." -- turbine,--,"One of turbine types included in `atlite <>`_","Specifies the turbine type and its characteristic power curve."
capacity_per_sqkm,MW/km2,float,"Allowable density of wind turbine placement." capacity_per_sqkm,MW/km2,float,"Allowable density of wind turbine placement."
corine,,, corine,,,
-- grid_codes,--,"Any subset of the `CORINE Land Cover code list <>`_",TODO -- grid_codes,--,"Any subset of the `CORINE Land Cover code list <>`_","Specifies areas according to CORINE Land Cover codes which are generally eligible for wind turbine placement."
-- distance,m,float, -- distance,m,float,"Distance to keep from areas specified in ``distance_grid_codes``"
-- distance_grid_codes,--,"Any subset of the `CORINE Land Cover code list <>`_",TODO -- distance_grid_codes,--,"Any subset of the `CORINE Land Cover code list <>`_","Specifies areas according to CORINE Land Cover codes to which wind turbines must maintain a distance specified in the setting ``distance``."
natura,--,E,TODO natura,bool,"{true, false}","Switch to exclude `Natura 2000 <>`_ natural protection areas. Area is excluded if ``true``."
potential,--,E,TODO potential,--,"One of {'simple', 'conservative'}","TODO"
clip_p_max_pu,--,E,TODO clip_p_max_pu,p.u.,float,"To avoid too small values in the renewables` per-unit availability time series values below this threshold are set to zero."
1 Unit Values Description
5 -- turbine -- One of turbine types included in `atlite <>`_ Specifies the turbine type and its characteristic power curve.
6 capacity_per_sqkm MW/km2 float Allowable density of wind turbine placement.
7 corine
8 -- grid_codes -- Any subset of the `CORINE Land Cover code list <>`_ TODO Specifies areas according to CORINE Land Cover codes which are generally eligible for wind turbine placement.
9 -- distance m float Distance to keep from areas specified in ``distance_grid_codes``
10 -- distance_grid_codes -- Any subset of the `CORINE Land Cover code list <>`_ TODO Specifies areas according to CORINE Land Cover codes to which wind turbines must maintain a distance specified in the setting ``distance``.
11 natura -- bool E {true, false} TODO Switch to exclude `Natura 2000 <>`_ natural protection areas. Area is excluded if ``true``.
12 potential -- E One of {'simple', 'conservative'} TODO
13 clip_p_max_pu -- p.u. E float TODO To avoid too small values in the renewables` per-unit availability time series values below this threshold are set to zero.

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
,Unit,Values,Description ,Unit,Values,Description
map,--,{'E'},TODO map,,,
-- figsize,--,E,TODO -- figsize,--,"[width, height]; e.g. [7, 7]","Figure size in inches."
-- boundaries,--,E,TODO -- boundaries,--,E,TODO
-- p_nom,--,E,TODO -- p_nom,--,E,TODO
-- -- bus_size_factor,--,E,TODO -- -- bus_size_factor,--,E,TODO

1 Unit Values Description
2 map -- {'E'} TODO
3 -- figsize -- E [width, height]; e.g. [7, 7] TODO Figure size in inches.
4 -- boundaries -- E TODO
5 -- p_nom -- E TODO
6 -- -- bus_size_factor -- E TODO

View File

@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
,Unit,Values,Description ,Unit,Values,Description
cutout,--,{'E'},TODO cutout,--,"One of {'europe-2013-era5', 'europe-2013-sarah'}","Specifies the directory where the relevant weather data ist stored that is specified at ``atlite/cutouts`` configuration. Both ``sarah`` and ``era5`` work."
resource,--,E,TODO resource,,,
-- method,--,E,TODO -- method,--,"Must be 'pv'","A superordinate technology type."
-- panel,--,E,TODO -- panel,--,"One of {'Csi', 'CdTe', 'KANENA'} as defined in `atlite <>`_","Specifies the solar panel technology and its characteristic attributes."
-- orientation,--,E,TODO -- orientation,,,
-- -- slope,--,E,TODO -- -- slope,°,"Realistically any angle in [0., 90.]","Specifies the tilt angle (or slope) of the solar panel. A slope of zero corresponds to the face of the panel aiming directly overhead. A positive tilt angle steers the panel towards the equator."
-- -- azimuth,--,E,TODO -- -- azimuth,°,"Any angle in [0., 360.]","Specifies the `azimuth <>`_ orientation of the solar panel. South corresponds to 180.°."
capacity_per_sqkm,--,E,TODO capacity_per_sqkm,:math:`MW/km^2`,float,"Allowable density of solar panel placement."
correction_factor,--,E,TODO correction_factor,--,float,"A correction factor for the capacity factor (availability) time series."
corine,--,E,TODO corine,--,"Any subset of the `CORINE Land Cover code list <>`_","Specifies areas according to CORINE Land Cover codes which are generally eligible for solar panel placement."
natura,--,E,TODO natura,bool,"{true, false}","Switch to exclude `Natura 2000 <>`_ natural protection areas. Area is excluded if ``true``."
potential,--,E,TODO potential,--,"One of {'simple', 'conservative'}",TODO
clip_p_max_pu,--,E,TODO clip_p_max_pu,p.u.,float,"To avoid too small values in the renewables` per-unit availability time series values below this threshold are set to zero."
1 Unit Values Description
2 cutout -- {'E'} One of {'europe-2013-era5', 'europe-2013-sarah'} TODO Specifies the directory where the relevant weather data ist stored that is specified at ``atlite/cutouts`` configuration. Both ``sarah`` and ``era5`` work.
3 resource -- E TODO
4 -- method -- E Must be 'pv' TODO A superordinate technology type.
5 -- panel -- E One of {'Csi', 'CdTe', 'KANENA'} as defined in `atlite <>`_ TODO Specifies the solar panel technology and its characteristic attributes.
6 -- orientation -- E TODO
7 -- -- slope -- ° E Realistically any angle in [0., 90.] TODO Specifies the tilt angle (or slope) of the solar panel. A slope of zero corresponds to the face of the panel aiming directly overhead. A positive tilt angle steers the panel towards the equator.
8 -- -- azimuth -- ° E Any angle in [0., 360.] TODO Specifies the `azimuth <>`_ orientation of the solar panel. South corresponds to 180.°.
9 capacity_per_sqkm -- :math:`MW/km^2` E float TODO Allowable density of solar panel placement.
10 correction_factor -- E float TODO A correction factor for the capacity factor (availability) time series.
11 corine -- E Any subset of the `CORINE Land Cover code list <>`_ TODO Specifies areas according to CORINE Land Cover codes which are generally eligible for solar panel placement.
12 natura -- bool E {true, false} TODO Switch to exclude `Natura 2000 <>`_ natural protection areas. Area is excluded if ``true``.
13 potential -- E One of {'simple', 'conservative'} TODO
14 clip_p_max_pu -- p.u. E float TODO To avoid too small values in the renewables` per-unit availability time series values below this threshold are set to zero.

View File

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
,Unit,Values,Description ,Unit,Values,Description
formulation,--,{'E'},TODO formulation,--,"Any of {'angles', 'kirchhoff', 'cycles', 'ptdf'}","Specifies which variant of linearized power flow formulations to use in the optimisation problem. Recommended is 'kirchhoff'. Explained in `this article <>`_."
load_shedding,--,E,TODO load_shedding,--,E,TODO
noisy_costs,--,E,TODO noisy_costs,bool,"{'true','false'}","Add random noise to marginal cost of generators by :math:`\mathcal{U}(0.009,0,011)` and capital cost of lines and links by :math:`\mathcal{U}(0.09,0,11)`."
min_iterations,--,E,TODO min_iterations,--,int,"Minimum number of solving iterations in between which resistance and reactence (``x/r``) are updated for branches according to ``s_nom_opt`` of the previous run."
max_iterations,--,E,TODO max_iterations,--,int,"Maximum number of solving iterations in between which resistance and reactence (``x/r``) are updated for branches according to ``s_nom_opt`` of the previous run."
nhours,--,E,TODO nhours,--,int,"Specifies the :math:`n` first snapshots to take into account. Must be less than the total number of snapshots. Rather recommended only for debugging."
clip_p_max_pu,--,E,TODO clip_p_max_pu,p.u.,float,"To avoid too small values in the renewables` per-unit availability time series values below this threshold are set to zero."
1 Unit Values Description
2 formulation -- {'E'} Any of {'angles', 'kirchhoff', 'cycles', 'ptdf'} TODO Specifies which variant of linearized power flow formulations to use in the optimisation problem. Recommended is 'kirchhoff'. Explained in `this article <>`_.
3 load_shedding -- E TODO
4 noisy_costs -- bool E {'true','false'} TODO Add random noise to marginal cost of generators by :math:`\mathcal{U}(0.009,0,011)` and capital cost of lines and links by :math:`\mathcal{U}(0.09,0,11)`.
5 min_iterations -- E int TODO Minimum number of solving iterations in between which resistance and reactence (``x/r``) are updated for branches according to ``s_nom_opt`` of the previous run.
6 max_iterations -- E int TODO Maximum number of solving iterations in between which resistance and reactence (``x/r``) are updated for branches according to ``s_nom_opt`` of the previous run.
7 nhours -- E int TODO Specifies the :math:`n` first snapshots to take into account. Must be less than the total number of snapshots. Rather recommended only for debugging.
8 clip_p_max_pu -- p.u. E float TODO To avoid too small values in the renewables` per-unit availability time series values below this threshold are set to zero.

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
,Unit,Values,Description ,Unit,Values,Description
x,--,{'E'},TODO x,p.u.,float,"Series reactance (per unit, using ``s_nom`` as base power of the transformer. Overwritten if ``type`` is specified."
s_nom,--,E,TODO s_nom,MVA,float,"Limit of apparent power which can pass through branch. Overwritten if ``type`` is specified."
type,--,E,TODO type,--,"A `transformer type in PyPSA <>`_.","Specifies transformer types to assume for the transformers of the ENTSO-E grid extraction."
1 Unit Values Description
2 x -- p.u. {'E'} float TODO Series reactance (per unit, using ``s_nom`` as base power of the transformer. Overwritten if ``type`` is specified.
3 s_nom -- MVA E float TODO Limit of apparent power which can pass through branch. Overwritten if ``type`` is specified.
4 type -- E A `transformer type in PyPSA <>`_. TODO Specifies transformer types to assume for the transformers of the ENTSO-E grid extraction.