Use GLAES library by FZJ-IEK-3 for computing GIS potentials

This commit is contained in:
Jonas Hoersch 2018-12-10 18:40:54 +01:00
parent 04a291b91b
commit 802261eedd
5 changed files with 187 additions and 66 deletions

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@ -89,38 +89,31 @@ rule build_bus_regions:
rule build_cutout:
output: "cutouts/{cutout}"
resources: mem=5000
resources: mem=config['atlite'].get('nprocesses', 4) * 1000
threads: config['atlite'].get('nprocesses', 4)
benchmark: "benchmarks/build_cutout_{cutout}"
# group: 'feedin_preparation'
script: "scripts/"
def memory_build_renewable_potentials(wildcards):
corine_config = config["renewable"][]["corine"]
return 12000 if corine_config.get("distance") is None else 24000
rule build_renewable_potentials:
cutout=lambda wildcards: "cutouts/" + config["renewable"][]['cutout'],
output: "resources/potentials_{technology}.nc"
resources: mem=memory_build_renewable_potentials
benchmark: "benchmarks/build_renewable_potentials_{technology}"
# group: 'feedin_preparation'
script: "scripts/"
rule build_natura_raster:
input: "data/bundle/natura/Natura2000_end2015.shp"
output: "resources/natura.tiff"
script: "scripts/"
rule build_renewable_profiles:
regions=lambda wildcards: ("resources/regions_onshore.geojson"
if in ('onwind', 'solar')
else "resources/regions_offshore.geojson"),
cutout=lambda wildcards: "cutouts/" + config["renewable"][]['cutout']
resources: mem=5000
output: profile="resources/profile_{technology}.nc",
resources: mem=config['atlite'].get('nprocesses', 2) * 5000
threads: config['atlite'].get('nprocesses', 2)
benchmark: "benchmarks/build_renewable_profiles_{technology}"
# group: 'feedin_preparation'
script: "scripts/"

View File

@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ renewable:
method: wind
turbine: Vestas_V112_3MW
# ScholzPhd Tab 4.3.1: 10MW/km^2
capacity_per_sqm: 3
capacity_per_sqkm: 3
# correction_factor: 0.93
#The selection of CORINE Land Cover [1] types that are allowed for wind and solar are based on [2] p.42 / p.28
@ -71,18 +71,19 @@ renewable:
distance: 1000
distance_grid_codes: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
natura: true
potential: conservative # or heuristic
cutout: europe-2013-era5
method: wind
turbine: NREL_ReferenceTurbine_5MW_offshore
# ScholzPhd Tab 4.3.1: 10MW/km^2
capacity_per_sqm: 3
height_cutoff: 50
capacity_per_sqkm: 3
# correction_factor: 0.93
grid_codes: [44, 255]
corine: [44, 255]
natura: true
max_depth: 50
potential: conservative # or heuristic
cutout: europe-2013-sarah
@ -92,12 +93,12 @@ renewable:
slope: 35.
azimuth: 180.
# ScholzPhd Tab 4.3.1: 170 MW/km^2
capacity_per_sqm: 1.7
capacity_per_sqkm: 1.7
correction_factor: 0.877
grid_codes: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17,
18, 19, 20, 26, 31, 32]
corine: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,
14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 26, 31, 32]
natura: true
potential: conservative # or heuristic
cutout: europe-2013-era5
carriers: [ror, PHS, hydro]

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@ -40,6 +40,8 @@ dependencies:
- pypsa>=0.13
- vresutils>=0.2.5
- git+
- git+
- git+
#- git+

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@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
import atlite
from osgeo import gdal
import geokit as gk
def determine_cutout_xXyY(cutout_name):
cutout = atlite.Cutout(cutout_name, cutout_dir="../cutouts")
x, X, y, Y = cutout.extent
dx = (X - x) / (cutout.shape[1] - 1)
dy = (Y - y) / (cutout.shape[0] - 1)
return [x - dx/2., X + dx/2., y - dy/2., Y + dy/2.]
cutout_names = np.unique([res['cutout'] for res in config['renewable'].values()])
xs, Xs, ys, Ys = zip(*(determine_cutout_xyXY(cutout) for cutout in cutout_names))
xXyY = min(xs), max(Xs), min(ys), max(Ys)
natura = gk.vector.loadVector(snakemake.input[0])
extent = gk.Extent.from_xXyY(xXyY).castTo(3035).fit(100)
extent.rasterize(natura, pixelWidth=100, pixelHeight=100, output=snakemake.output[0])

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@ -5,51 +5,158 @@ import atlite
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
import pandas as pd
import geopandas as gpd
from multiprocessing import Pool
import glaes as gl
import geokit as gk
from osgeo import gdal
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix, vstack
from vresutils import landuse as vlanduse
from vresutils.array import spdiag
import progressbar as pgb
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
config = snakemake.config['renewable'][]
bounds = dx = dy = gebco = clc = natura = None
def init_globals(n_bounds, n_dx, n_dy):
# global in each process of the multiprocessing.Pool
global bounds, dx, dy, gebco, clc, natura
time = pd.date_range(freq='m', **snakemake.config['snapshots'])
params = dict(years=slice(*time.year[[0, -1]]), months=slice(*time.month[[0, -1]]))
bounds = n_bounds
dx = n_dx
dy = n_dy
regions = gpd.read_file(snakemake.input.regions).set_index('name') = 'bus'
gebco = gk.raster.loadRaster(snakemake.input.gebco)
cutout = atlite.Cutout(config['cutout'],
clc = gk.raster.loadRaster(snakemake.input.corine)
natura = gk.raster.loadRaster(
def downsample_to_coarse_grid(bounds, dx, dy, mask, data):
# The GDAL warp function with the 'average' resample algorithm needs a band of zero values of at least
# the size of one coarse cell around the original raster or it produces erroneous results
orig = mask.createRaster(data=data)
padded_extent = mask.extent.castTo(bounds.srs).pad(max(dx, dy)).castTo(mask.srs)
padded =, mask.pixelHeight)).warp(orig, mask.pixelWidth, mask.pixelHeight)
orig = None # free original raster
average = bounds.createRaster(dx, dy, dtype=gdal.GDT_Float32)
assert gdal.Warp(average, padded, resampleAlg='average') == 1, "gdal warp failed: %s" % gdal.GetLastErrorMsg()
return average
def calculate_potential(gid):
feature = gk.vector.extractFeature(snakemake.input.regions, where=gid)
ec = gl.ExclusionCalculator(feature.geom, srs=4326, pixelRes=1e-3) # about 100m in EU, it also works in LAEA 3035
corine = config.get("corine", {})
if isinstance(corine, list):
corine = {'grid_codes': corine}
if "grid_codes" in corine:
ec.excludeRasterType(clc, value=corine["grid_codes"], invert=True)
if corine.get("distance", 0.) > 0.:
ec.excludeRasterType(clc, value=corine["distance_grid_codes"], buffer=corine["distance"])
if config.get("natura", False):
ec.excludeRasterType(natura, value=1)
if "max_depth" in config:
ec.excludeRasterType(gebco, (None, -config["max_depth"]))
# TODO compute a distance field as a raster beforehand
if 'max_shore_distance' in config:
ec.excludeVectorType(snakemake.input.country_shapes, buffer=config['max_shore_distance'], invert=True)
if 'min_shore_distance' in config:
ec.excludeVectorType(snakemake.input.country_shapes, buffer=config['min_shore_distance'])
availability = downsample_to_coarse_grid(bounds, dx, dy, ec.region, np.where(ec.region.mask, ec._availability, 0))
return csr_matrix(gk.raster.extractMatrix(availability).flatten() / 100.)
if __name__ == '__main__':
config = snakemake.config['renewable'][]
time = pd.date_range(freq='m', **snakemake.config['snapshots'])
params = dict(years=slice(*time.year[[0, -1]]), months=slice(*time.month[[0, -1]]))
cutout = atlite.Cutout(config['cutout'],
# Potentials
potentials = xr.open_dataarray(snakemake.input.potentials)
minx, maxx, miny, maxy = cutout.extent
dx = (maxx - minx) / (cutout.shape[1] - 1)
dy = (maxy - miny) / (cutout.shape[0] - 1)
bounds = gk.Extent.from_xXyY((minx - dx/2., maxx + dx/2.,
miny - dy/2., maxy + dy/2.))
# Indicatormatrix
indicatormatrix = cutout.indicatormatrix(regions.geometry)
# Use GLAES to compute available potentials and the transition matrix
resource = config['resource']
func = getattr(cutout, resource.pop('method'))
correction_factor = config.get('correction_factor', 1.)
if correction_factor != 1.:
with Pool(initializer=init_globals, initargs=(bounds, dx, dy),
maxtasksperchild=20, processes=snakemake.config['atlite'].get('nprocesses', 2)) as pool:
features = gk.vector.extractFeatures(snakemake.input.regions, onlyAttr=True) #.iloc[:10]
buses = pd.Index(features['name'], name="bus")
widgets = [
' ', pgb.widgets.SimpleProgress(format='(%s)' % pgb.widgets.SimpleProgress.DEFAULT_FORMAT),
' ', pgb.widgets.Bar(),
' ', pgb.widgets.Timer(),
' ', pgb.widgets.ETA()
progressbar = pgb.ProgressBar(prefix='Compute GIS potentials: ', widgets=widgets, max_value=len(features))
matrix = vstack(list(progressbar(pool.imap(calculate_potential, features.index))))
potentials = config['capacity_per_sqkm'] * vlanduse._cutout_cell_areas(cutout)
potmatrix = matrix * spdiag(potentials.ravel())[ < 1.] = 0 # ignore weather cells where only less than 1 MW can be installed
with pgb.ProgressBar(prefix='Compute capacity factors: ', max_value=1) as progressbar:
resource = config['resource']
func = getattr(cutout, resource.pop('method'))
correction_factor = config.get('correction_factor', 1.)
if correction_factor != 1.:
logger.warning('correction_factor is set as {}'.format(correction_factor))
capacity_factor = correction_factor * func(capacity_factor=True, **resource)
layout = capacity_factor * potentials
capacity_factor = correction_factor * func(capacity_factor=True, **resource).stack(spatial=('y', 'x')).values
layoutmatrix = potmatrix * spdiag(capacity_factor)
profile, capacities = func(matrix=indicatormatrix, index=regions.index,
layout=layout, per_unit=True, return_capacity=True,
relativepotentials = (potentials / layout).stack(spatial=('y', 'x')).values
p_nom_max = xr.DataArray([np.nanmin(relativepotentials[row.nonzero()[1]])
if row.getnnz() > 0 else 0
for row in indicatormatrix.tocsr()],
[capacities.coords['bus']]) * capacities
with pgb.ProgressBar(prefix='Compute profiles: ', max_value=1) as progressbar:
profile, capacities = func(matrix=layoutmatrix, index=buses, per_unit=True,
return_capacity=True, **resource)
ds = xr.merge([(correction_factor * profile).rename('profile'),
p_nom_max_meth = config.get('potential', 'conservative')
if p_nom_max_meth == 'conservative':
# p_nom_max has to be calculated for each bus and is the minimal ratio
# (min over all weather grid cells of the bus region) between the available
# potential (potmatrix) and the used normalised layout (layoutmatrix /
# capacities), so we would like to calculate i.e. potmatrix / (layoutmatrix /
# capacities). Since layoutmatrix = potmatrix * capacity_factor, this
# corresponds to capacities/max(capacity factor in the voronoi cell)
p_nom_max = xr.DataArray([1./np.max(capacity_factor[inds]) if len(inds) else 0.
for inds in np.split(potmatrix.indices, potmatrix.indptr[1:-1])], [buses]) * capacities
elif p_nom_max_meth == 'heuristic':
p_nom_max = 0.8 * xr.DataArray(np.asarray(potmatrix.sum(axis=1)).squeeze(), [buses])
raise AssertionError('Config key `potential` should be one of "conservative" (default) or "heuristic",'
' not "{}"'.format(p_nom_max_meth))
layout = xr.DataArray(np.asarray(potmatrix.sum(axis=0)).reshape(cutout.shape),
[cutout.meta.indexes[ax] for ax in ['y', 'x']])
ds = xr.merge([(correction_factor * profile).rename('profile'),
(ds.sel(bus=ds['profile'].mean('time') > config.get('min_p_max_pu', 0.))
(ds.sel(bus=(ds['profile'].mean('time') > config.get('min_p_max_pu', 0.)) & (ds['p_nom_max'] > 0.))