add new color scheme for more distinguishing colors

This commit is contained in:
Fabian Neumann 2021-10-06 16:41:10 +02:00
parent 23a167c308
commit 7592624ef2

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@ -413,6 +413,7 @@ plotting:
- solar thermal collector - solar thermal collector
- central solar thermal collector - central solar thermal collector
tech_colors: tech_colors:
# wind
onwind: "#235ebc" onwind: "#235ebc"
onshore wind: "#235ebc" onshore wind: "#235ebc"
offwind: "#6895dd" offwind: "#6895dd"
@ -421,123 +422,141 @@ plotting:
offshore wind (AC): "#6895dd" offshore wind (AC): "#6895dd"
offwind-dc: "#74c6f2" offwind-dc: "#74c6f2"
offshore wind (DC): "#74c6f2" offshore wind (DC): "#74c6f2"
wave: '#004444' # water
hydro: '#3B5323' hydro: '#298c81'
hydro reservoir: '#3B5323' hydro reservoir: '#298c81'
ror: '#78AB46' ror: '#3dbfb0'
run of river: '#78AB46' run of river: '#3dbfb0'
hydroelectricity: '#006400' hydroelectricity: '#298c81'
PHS: '#51dbcc'
wave: '#a7d4cf'
# solar
solar: "#f9d002" solar: "#f9d002"
solar PV: "#f9d002" solar PV: "#f9d002"
solar thermal: coral solar thermal: '#ffbf2b'
solar rooftop: '#ffef60' solar rooftop: '#ffea80'
OCGT: wheat # gas
OCGT marginal: sandybrown OCGT: '#e0986c'
OCGT-heat: '#ee8340' OCGT marginal: '#e0986c'
gas boiler: '#ee8340' OCGT-heat: '#e0986c'
gas boilers: '#ee8340' gas boiler: '#db6a25'
gas boiler marginal: '#ee8340' gas boilers: '#db6a25'
gas-to-power/heat: '#ee8340' gas boiler marginal: '#db6a25'
gas: brown gas: '#e05b09'
natural gas: brown natural gas: '#e05b09'
SMR: '#4F4F2F' CCGT: '#a85522'
oil: '#B5A642' CCGT marginal: '#a85522'
oil boiler: '#B5A677' gas for industry co2 to atmosphere: '#692e0a'
lines: k gas for industry co2 to stored: '#8a3400'
transmission lines: k gas for industry: '#853403'
H2: m # oil
H2 liquefaction: m oil: '#c9c9c9'
hydrogen storage: m oil boiler: '#adadad'
battery: slategray agriculture machinery oil: '#949494'
battery storage: slategray shipping oil: "#808080"
home battery: '#614700' # nuclear
home battery storage: '#614700' Nuclear: '#ff8c00'
Nuclear: r Nuclear marginal: '#ff8c00'
Nuclear marginal: r nuclear: '#ff8c00'
nuclear: r uranium: '#ff8c00'
uranium: r # coal
Coal: k Coal: '#545454'
coal: k coal: '#545454'
Coal marginal: k Coal marginal: '#545454'
Lignite: grey Lignite: '#826837'
lignite: grey lignite: '#826837'
Lignite marginal: grey Lignite marginal: '#826837'
CCGT: '#ee8340' # biomass
CCGT marginal: '#ee8340' biogas: '#e3d37d'
heat pumps: '#76EE00' solid biomass: '#baa741'
heat pump: '#76EE00' solid biomass transport: '#baa741'
air heat pump: '#76EE00' solid biomass for industry: '#7a6d26'
ground heat pump: '#40AA00' solid biomass for industry co2 from atmosphere: '#736412'
power-to-heat: '#40AA00' solid biomass for industry co2 to stored: '#47411c'
resistive heater: pink # power transmission
Sabatier: '#FF1493' lines: '#6c9459'
methanation: '#FF1493' transmission lines: '#6c9459'
power-to-gas: '#FF1493' electricity distribution grid: '#97ad8c'
power-to-liquid: '#FFAAE9' # electricity demand
helmeth: '#7D0552' Electric load: '#110d63'
DAC: '#E74C3C' electric demand: '#110d63'
co2 stored: '#123456' electricity: '#110d63'
CO2 sequestration: '#123456' industry electricity: '#2d2a66'
CC: k industry new electricity: '#2d2a66'
co2: '#123456' agriculture electricity: '#494778'
co2 vent: '#654321' # battery + EVs
agriculture heat: '#D07A7A' battery: '#ace37f'
agriculture machinery oil: '#1e1e1e' battery storage: '#ace37f'
agriculture machinery oil emissions: '#111111' home battery: '#80c944'
agriculture electricity: '#222222' home battery storage: '#80c944'
solid biomass for industry co2 from atmosphere: '#654321' BEV charger: '#baf238'
solid biomass for industry co2 to stored: '#654321' V2G: '#e5ffa8'
gas for industry co2 to atmosphere: '#654321' land transport EV: '#baf238'
gas for industry co2 to stored: '#654321' Li ion: '#baf238'
Fischer-Tropsch: '#44DD33' # hot water storage
kerosene for aviation: '#44BB11' water tanks: '#e69487'
naphtha for industry: '#44FF55' hot water storage: '#e69487'
land transport oil: '#44DD33' hot water charging: '#e69487'
water tanks: '#BBBBBB' hot water discharging: '#e69487'
hot water storage: '#BBBBBB' # heat demand
hot water charging: '#BBBBBB' Heat load: '#cc1f1f'
hot water discharging: '#999999' heat: '#cc1f1f'
CO2 pipeline: '#999999' heat demand: '#cc1f1f'
CHP: r rural heat: '#ff5c5c'
CHP heat: r central heat: '#cc1f1f'
CHP electric: r decentral heat: '#750606'
PHS: g low-temperature heat for industry: '#8f2727'
Ambient: k process heat: '#ff0000'
Electric load: b agriculture heat: '#d9a5a5'
Heat load: r # heat supply
heat: darkred heat pumps: '#2fb537'
rural heat: '#880000' heat pump: '#2fb537'
central heat: '#b22222' air heat pump: '#36eb41'
decentral heat: '#800000' ground heat pump: '#2fb537'
low-temperature heat for industry: '#991111' Ambient: '#98eb9d'
process heat: '#FF3333' CHP: '#8a5751'
heat demand: darkred CHP heat: '#8a5751'
electric demand: k CHP electric: '#8a5751'
Li ion: grey district heating: '#e8beac'
district heating: '#CC4E5C' resistive heater: '#c78536'
retrofitting: purple retrofitting: '#8487e8'
building retrofitting: purple building retrofitting: '#8487e8'
BEV charger: grey # hydrogen
V2G: grey H2 for industry: "#f073da"
land transport EV: grey H2 for shipping: "#ebaee0"
electricity: k H2: '#bf13a0'
gas for industry: '#333333' SMR: '#870c71'
solid biomass for industry: '#555555' H2 liquefaction: '#d647bd'
industry electricity: '#222222' hydrogen storage: '#bf13a0'
industry new electricity: '#222222' # syngas
Sabatier: '#9850ad'
methanation: '#c44ce6'
helmeth: '#e899ff'
# synfuels
Fischer-Tropsch: '#25c49a'
kerosene for aviation: '#1cfcc1'
naphtha for industry: '#57ebc4'
land transport oil: '#02bf8d'
# co2
CC: '#9e132c'
CO2 sequestration: '#9e132c'
DAC: '#ff5270'
co2 stored: '#f2385a'
co2: '#f29dae'
co2 vent: '#ffd4dc'
CO2 pipeline: '#f5627f'
# emissions
process emissions: '#222222'
process emissions to stored: '#444444' process emissions to stored: '#444444'
process emissions to atmosphere: '#888888' process emissions to atmosphere: '#888888'
process emissions: '#222222' oil emissions: '#aaaaaa'
oil emissions: '#666666' shipping oil emissions: "#555555"
land transport oil emissions: '#666666' land transport oil emissions: '#777777'
land transport fuel cell: '#AAAAAA' agriculture machinery oil emissions: '#333333'
biogas: '#800000' # other
solid biomass: '#DAA520' land transport fuel cell: '#0374ff'
today: '#D2691E' shipping: '#03a2ff'
shipping: '#6495ED' power-to-heat: '#cc1f1f'
shipping oil: "#6495ED" power-to-gas: '#c44ce6'
shipping oil emissions: "#6495ED" power-to-liquid: '#25c49a'
electricity distribution grid: '#333333' gas-to-power/heat: '#ee8340'
solid biomass transport: green
H2 for industry: "#222222"
H2 for shipping: "#6495ED"