default and tutorial config.x.yaml - cf. #49

This commit is contained in:
Fabian Neumann 2019-10-03 12:37:23 +02:00
parent 9ddd9ccd75
commit 6f27e753e5
4 changed files with 344 additions and 3 deletions

.gitignore vendored
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@ -15,3 +15,5 @@ gurobi.log
/cutouts /cutouts
doc/_build doc/_build

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@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ renewable:
corine: [44, 255] corine: [44, 255]
natura: true natura: true
max_depth: 50 max_depth: 50
max_shore_distance: 80000 max_shore_distance: 30000
potential: simple # or conservative potential: simple # or conservative
clip_p_max_pu: 1.e-2 clip_p_max_pu: 1.e-2
offwind-dc: offwind-dc:
@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ renewable:
corine: [44, 255] corine: [44, 255]
natura: true natura: true
max_depth: 50 max_depth: 50
min_shore_distance: 80000 min_shore_distance: 30000
potential: simple # or conservative potential: simple # or conservative
clip_p_max_pu: 1.e-2 clip_p_max_pu: 1.e-2
solar: solar:

config.tutorial.yaml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
version: 0.1
logging_level: INFO
summary_dir: results
sectors: [E]
simpl: ['']
ll: ['copt']
clusters: [2,6]
opts: [Co2L-24H]
countries: ['DE']
start: "2013-03-01"
end: "2014-04-01"
closed: 'left' # end is not inclusive
powerplantmatching: false
prepare_links_p_nom: false
voltages: [220., 300., 380.]
co2limit: 100.e+6
Generator: [OCGT]
StorageUnit: [battery, H2]
battery: 6
H2: 168
conventional_carriers: [] # [nuclear, oil, OCGT, CCGT, coal, lignite, geothermal, biomass]
nprocesses: 4
module: era5
xs: [4., 15.]
ys: [56., 46.]
months: [3, 3]
years: [2013, 2013]
cutout: europe-2013-era5
method: wind
turbine: Vestas_V112_3MW
capacity_per_sqkm: 3 # ScholzPhd Tab 4.3.1: 10MW/km^2
# correction_factor: 0.93
# Scholz, Y. (2012). Renewable energy based electricity supply at low costs:
# development of the REMix model and application for Europe. ( p.42 / p.28)
grid_codes: [12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23,
24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31, 32]
distance: 1000
distance_grid_codes: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
natura: true
potential: simple # or conservative
clip_p_max_pu: 1.e-2
cutout: europe-2013-era5
method: wind
turbine: NREL_ReferenceTurbine_5MW_offshore
capacity_per_sqkm: 3
# correction_factor: 0.93
corine: [44, 255]
natura: true
#max_depth: 50
max_shore_distance: 30000
potential: simple # or conservative
clip_p_max_pu: 1.e-2
cutout: europe-2013-era5
method: wind
turbine: NREL_ReferenceTurbine_5MW_offshore
# ScholzPhd Tab 4.3.1: 10MW/km^2
capacity_per_sqkm: 3
# correction_factor: 0.93
corine: [44, 255]
natura: true
#max_depth: 50
min_shore_distance: 30000
potential: simple # or conservative
clip_p_max_pu: 1.e-2
cutout: europe-2013-era5
method: pv
panel: CSi
slope: 35.
azimuth: 180.
capacity_per_sqkm: 1.7 # ScholzPhd Tab 4.3.1: 170 MW/km^2
# Determined by comparing uncorrected area-weighted full-load hours to those
# published in Supplementary Data to
# Pietzcker, Robert Carl, et al. "Using the sun to decarbonize the power
# sector: The economic potential of photovoltaics and concentrating solar
# power." Applied Energy 135 (2014): 704-720.
correction_factor: 0.854337
corine: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,
14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 26, 31, 32]
natura: true
potential: simple # or conservative
clip_p_max_pu: 1.e-2
220.: "Al/St 240/40 2-bundle 220.0"
300.: "Al/St 240/40 3-bundle 300.0"
380.: "Al/St 240/40 4-bundle 380.0"
s_max_pu: 0.7
length_factor: 1.25
under_construction: 'zero' # 'zero': set capacity to zero, 'remove': remove, 'keep': with full capacity
p_max_pu: 1.0
include_tyndp: true
under_construction: 'zero' # 'zero': set capacity to zero, 'remove': remove, 'keep': with full capacity
x: 0.1
s_nom: 2000.
type: ''
scaling_factor: 1.0
year: 2030
discountrate: 0.07 # From a Lion Hirth paper, also reflects average of Noothout et al 2016
USD2013_to_EUR2013: 0.7532 # [EUR/USD] ECB:
solar: 0.01
onwind: 0.015
offwind: 0.015
H2: 0.
battery: 0.
emission_prices: # only used with the option Ep
co2: 0.
formulation: kirchhoff
load_shedding: false
noisy_costs: true
min_iterations: 1
max_iterations: 1
clip_p_max_pu: 0.01
#nhours: 10
name: cbc
# solver:
# name: gurobi
# threads: 4
# method: 2 # barrier
# crossover: 0
# BarConvTol: 1.e-5
# FeasibilityTol: 1.e-6
# AggFill: 0
# PreDual: 0
# solver:
# name: cplex
# threads: 4
# lpmethod: 4 # barrier
# solutiontype: 2 # non basic solution, ie no crossover
# barrier_convergetol: 1.e-5
# feasopt_tolerance: 1.e-6
figsize: [7, 7]
boundaries: [-10.2, 29, 35, 72]
bus_size_factor: 5.e+4
linewidth_factor: 3.e+3
costs_max: 800
costs_threshold: 1
energy_max: 15000.
energy_min: -10000.
energy_threshold: 50.
vre_techs: ["onwind", "offwind-ac", "offwind-dc", "solar", "ror"]
conv_techs: ["OCGT", "CCGT", "Nuclear", "Coal"]
storage_techs: ["hydro+PHS", "battery", "H2"]
load_carriers: ["AC load"]
AC_carriers: ["AC line", "AC transformer"]
link_carriers: ["DC line", "Converter AC-DC"]
"onwind" : "#235ebc"
"onshore wind" : "#235ebc"
'offwind' : "#6895dd"
'offwind-ac' : "#6895dd"
'offshore wind' : "#6895dd"
'offshore wind ac' : "#6895dd"
'offwind-dc' : "#74c6f2"
'offshore wind dc' : "#74c6f2"
"hydro" : "#08ad97"
"hydro+PHS" : "#08ad97"
"PHS" : "#08ad97"
"hydro reservoir" : "#08ad97"
'hydroelectricity' : '#08ad97'
"ror" : "#4adbc8"
"run of river" : "#4adbc8"
'solar' : "#f9d002"
'solar PV' : "#f9d002"
'solar thermal' : '#ffef60'
'biomass' : '#0c6013'
'solid biomass' : '#06540d'
'biogas' : '#23932d'
'waste' : '#68896b'
'geothermal' : '#ba91b1'
"OCGT" : "#d35050"
"OCGT marginal" : "#d35050"
"OCGT-heat" : "#d35050"
"gas boiler" : "#d35050"
"gas boilers" : "#d35050"
"gas boiler marginal" : "#d35050"
"gas-to-power/heat" : "#d35050"
"gas" : "#d35050"
"natural gas" : "#d35050"
"CCGT" : "#b20101"
"CCGT marginal" : "#b20101"
"Nuclear" : "#ff9000"
"Nuclear marginal" : "#ff9000"
"nuclear" : "#ff9000"
"coal" : "#707070"
"Coal" : "#707070"
"Coal marginal" : "#707070"
"lignite" : "#9e5a01"
"Lignite" : "#9e5a01"
"Lignite marginal" : "#9e5a01"
"Oil" : "#262626"
"oil" : "#262626"
"H2" : "#ea048a"
"hydrogen storage" : "#ea048a"
"Sabatier" : "#a31597"
"methanation" : "#a31597"
"helmeth" : "#a31597"
"DAC" : "#d284ff"
"co2 stored" : "#e5e5e5"
"CO2 sequestration" : "#e5e5e5"
"battery" : "#b8ea04"
"battery storage" : "#b8ea04"
"Li ion" : "#b8ea04"
"BEV charger" : "#e2ff7c"
"V2G" : "#7a9618"
"transport fuel cell" : "#e884be"
"retrofitting" : "#e0d6a8"
"building retrofitting" : "#e0d6a8"
"heat pumps" : "#ff9768"
"heat pump" : "#ff9768"
"air heat pump" : "#ffbea0"
"ground heat pump" : "#ff7a3d"
"power-to-heat" : "#a59e7c"
"power-to-gas" : "#db8585"
"power-to-liquid" : "#a9acd1"
"Fischer-Tropsch" : "#a9acd1"
"resistive heater" : "#aa4925"
"water tanks" : "#401f75"
"hot water storage" : "#401f75"
"hot water charging" : "#351c5e"
"hot water discharging" : "#683ab2"
"CHP" : "#d80a56"
"CHP heat" : "#d80a56"
"CHP electric" : "#d80a56"
"district heating" : "#93864b"
"Ambient" : "#262626"
"Electric load" : "#f9d002"
"electricity" : "#f9d002"
"Heat load" : "#d35050"
"heat" : "#d35050"
"Transport load" : "#235ebc"
"transport" : "#235ebc"
"lines" : "#70af1d"
"transmission lines" : "#70af1d"
"AC-AC" : "#70af1d"
"AC line" : "#70af1d"
"links" : "#8a1caf"
"HVDC links" : "#8a1caf"
"DC-DC" : "#8a1caf"
"DC link" : "#8a1caf"
OCGT: "Open-Cycle Gas"
CCGT: "Combined-Cycle Gas"
offwind-ac: "Offshore Wind (AC)"
offwind-dc: "Offshore Wind (DC)"
onwind: "Onshore Wind"
battery: "Battery Storage"
H2: "Hydrogen Storage"
lines: "Transmission lines"
ror: "Run of river"
OCGT: "Open-Cycle\nGas"
CCGT: "Combined-Cycle\nGas"
offwind-ac: "Offshore\nWind (AC)"
offwind-dc: "Offshore\nWind (DC)"
onwind: "Onshore\nWind"
battery: "Battery\nStorage"
H2: "Hydrogen\nStorage"
lines: "Transmission\nlines"
ror: "Run of\nriver"

View File

@ -56,6 +56,14 @@ Instead we provide separate data bundles which can be obtained
using the described shell commands or by downloading and using the described shell commands or by downloading and
extracting them manually in the locations outlined below. extracting them manually in the locations outlined below.
.. note::
The :ref:`tutorial` uses smaller data bundles than required for the full model.
To start with the tutorial, substitute with the links below using the following alternatives:
- **Data Bundle:** ````
- **Cutouts:** ````
1. **Data Bundle:** `pypsa-eur-data-bundle.tar.xz <>`_ contains common GIS datasets like NUTS3 shapes, EEZ shapes, CORINE Landcover, Natura 2000 and also electricity specific summary statistics like historic per country yearly totals of hydro generation, GDP and POP on NUTS3 levels and per-country load time-series. It should be extracted in the ``data`` sub-directory, such that all files of the bundle are stored in the ``data/bundle`` subdirectory) 1. **Data Bundle:** `pypsa-eur-data-bundle.tar.xz <>`_ contains common GIS datasets like NUTS3 shapes, EEZ shapes, CORINE Landcover, Natura 2000 and also electricity specific summary statistics like historic per country yearly totals of hydro generation, GDP and POP on NUTS3 levels and per-country load time-series. It should be extracted in the ``data`` sub-directory, such that all files of the bundle are stored in the ``data/bundle`` subdirectory)
.. code:: bash .. code:: bash
@ -108,3 +116,21 @@ and any other solver that works with the underlying modelling framework `Pyomo <
.. note:: .. note::
Commercial solvers such as Gurobi and CPLEX currently significantly outperform open-source solvers for large-scale problems. Commercial solvers such as Gurobi and CPLEX currently significantly outperform open-source solvers for large-scale problems.
It might be the case that you can only retrieve solutions by using a commercial solver. It might be the case that you can only retrieve solutions by using a commercial solver.
.. _defaultconfig:
Set Up the Default Configuration
PyPSA-Eur has several configuration options that must be specified in a ``config.yaml`` file located in the root directory.
An example configuration ``config.default.yaml`` is maintained in the repository.
More details on the configuration options are in :ref:`config`.
Before first use, create a ``config.yaml`` by copying the example.
.. code:: bash
.../pypsa-eur % cp config.default.yaml config.yaml
Users are advised to regularly check their own ``config.yaml`` against changes in the ``config.default.yaml``
when pulling a new version from the remote repository.