Merge branch 'add_own_carriers' of into eb5194-add_own_carriers

This commit is contained in:
Fabian Hofmann 2019-10-31 14:23:43 +01:00
commit 65700000f7
2 changed files with 32 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -34,7 +34,14 @@ electricity:
battery: 6
H2: 168
conventional_carriers: [] # [nuclear, oil, OCGT, CCGT, coal, lignite, geothermal, biomass]
# estimate_renewable_capacities_from_capacity_stats:
# # Wind is the Fueltype in, onwind, offwind-{ac,dc} the carrier in PyPSA-Eur
# Wind: [onwind, offwind-ac, offwind-dc]
# Solar: [solar]
conventional_carriers: [] # nuclear, oil, OCGT, CCGT, coal, lignite, geothermal, biomass]
custom_powerplants: replace #replace or add
restrict_buildyear: 2015 #delete generators built after 2015
nprocesses: 4

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@ -52,6 +52,28 @@ def country_alpha_2(name):
cntry = pyc.countries.get(official_name=name)
return cntry.alpha_2
def add_custom_carriers(ppl):
switch = snakemake.config['electricity']['custom_powerplants']
if switch not in ('replace', 'add'):
logger.warning('custom_carriers is invalid keyword, try "replace" or "add"]. powerplants remain unchanged.')
return ppl
dirname = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),".."))
add_ppls = pd.read_csv(dirname + "/data/custom_powerplants.csv", index_col=0)
if switch == 'replace':
countries = add_ppls.Country.unique().tolist()
carriers = add_ppls.Fueltype.unique().tolist()'replacing ' + str(carriers) + ' in ' + str(countries) + '...')
ppl.query('Fueltype != @carriers or Country != @countries',inplace=True)'adding custom carriers...')
return ppl.append(add_ppls, sort='False')
def restrict_buildyear(ppl):
year = snakemake.config['electricity']['restrict_buildyear']'restricting build year of generators to ' + str(year) + '...')
ppl.YearCommissioned = ppl.YearCommissioned.fillna(0).astype(int) #in case of bad arrangement
ppl.YearCommissioned = ppl.YearCommissioned.astype(int)
ppl.query('YearCommissioned <= @year',inplace=True)
if __name__ == "__main__":
if 'snakemake' not in globals():
from vresutils.snakemake import MockSnakemake, Dict
@ -74,6 +96,8 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
df.Fueltype.where(df.Fueltype != 'Natural Gas',
df.Technology.replace('Steam Turbine', 'OCGT').fillna('OCGT'))))
ppl = add_custom_carriers(ppl) # add carriers from own powerplant files
# ppl.loc[(ppl.Fueltype == 'Other') & ppl.Technology.str.contains('CCGT'), 'Fueltype'] = 'CCGT'
# ppl.loc[(ppl.Fueltype == 'Other') & ppl.Technology.str.contains('Steam Turbine'), 'Fueltype'] = 'CCGT'