adjust config table spacing
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,30 +1,30 @@
St_primary_fraction,--,Dictionary with planning horizons as keys.,The fraction of steel produced via primary route versus secondary route (scrap+EAF). Current fraction is 0.6
St_primary_fraction,--,Dictionary with planning horizons as keys.,The fraction of steel produced via primary route versus secondary route (scrap+EAF). Current fraction is 0.6
DRI_fraction,--,Dictionary with planning horizons as keys.,The fraction of the primary route DRI + EAF
DRI_fraction,--,Dictionary with planning horizons as keys.,The fraction of the primary route DRI + EAF
H2_DRI,--,float,The hydrogen consumption in Direct Reduced Iron (DRI) Mwh_H2 LHV/ton_Steel from 51kgH2/tSt in `Vogl et al (2018) <>`_
H2_DRI,--,float,The hydrogen consumption in Direct Reduced Iron (DRI) Mwh_H2 LHV/ton_Steel from 51kgH2/tSt in `Vogl et al (2018) <>`_
elec_DRI,MWh/tSt,float,The electricity consumed in Direct Reduced Iron (DRI) shaft. From `HYBRIT brochure <>`_
elec_DRI,MWh/tSt,float,The electricity consumed in Direct Reduced Iron (DRI) shaft. From `HYBRIT brochure <>`_
Al_primary_fraction,--,Dictionary with planning horizons as keys.,The fraction of aluminium produced via the primary route versus scrap. Current fraction is 0.4
Al_primary_fraction,--,Dictionary with planning horizons as keys.,The fraction of aluminium produced via the primary route versus scrap. Current fraction is 0.4
MWh_NH3_per_tNH3,LHV,float,The energy amount per ton of ammonia.
MWh_NH3_per_tNH3,LHV,float,The energy amount per ton of ammonia.
MWh_CH4_per_tNH3_SMR,--,float,The energy amount of methane needed to produce a ton of ammonia using steam methane reforming (SMR). Value derived from 2012's demand from `Center for European Policy Studies (2008) <>`_
MWh_CH4_per_tNH3_SMR,--,float,The energy amount of methane needed to produce a ton of ammonia using steam methane reforming (SMR). Value derived from 2012's demand from `Center for European Policy Studies (2008) <>`_
MWh_elec_per_tNH3_SMR,--,float,"The energy amount of electricity needed to produce a ton of ammonia using steam methane reforming (SMR). same source, assuming 94-6% split methane-elec of total energy demand 11.5 MWh/tNH3"
MWh_elec_per_tNH3_SMR,--,float,"The energy amount of electricity needed to produce a ton of ammonia using steam methane reforming (SMR). same source, assuming 94-6% split methane-elec of total energy demand 11.5 MWh/tNH3"
MWh_H2_per_tNH3_electrolysis,--,float,"The energy amount of hydrogen needed to produce a ton of ammonia using Haber–Bosch process. From `Wang et al (2018) <>`_, Base value assumed around 0.197 tH2/tHN3 (>3/17 since some H2 lost and used for energy)"
Mwh_H2_per_tNH3 _electrolysis,--,float,"The energy amount of hydrogen needed to produce a ton of ammonia using Haber–Bosch process. From `Wang et al (2018) <>`_, Base value assumed around 0.197 tH2/tHN3 (>3/17 since some H2 lost and used for energy)"
MWh_elec_per_tNH3_electrolysis,--,float,"The energy amount of electricity needed to produce a ton of ammonia using Haber–Bosch process. From `Wang et al (2018) <>`_, Table 13 (air separation and HB)"
Mwh_elec_per_tNH3 _electrolysis,--,float,"The energy amount of electricity needed to produce a ton of ammonia using Haber–Bosch process. From `Wang et al (2018) <>`_, Table 13 (air separation and HB)"
MWh_NH3_per_MWh_H2_cracker,--,float,The energy amount of amonia needed to produce an energy amount hydrogen using ammonia cracker
Mwh_NH3_per_MWh _H2_cracker,--,float,The energy amount of amonia needed to produce an energy amount hydrogen using ammonia cracker
NH3_process_emissions,MtCO2/a,float,The emission of ammonia production from steam methane reforming (SMR). From UNFCCC for 2015 for EU28
NH3_process_emissions,MtCO2/a,float,The emission of ammonia production from steam methane reforming (SMR). From UNFCCC for 2015 for EU28
petrochemical_process_emissions,MtCO2/a,float,The emission of petrochemical production. From UNFCCC for 2015 for EU28
petrochemical_process _emissions,MtCO2/a,float,The emission of petrochemical production. From UNFCCC for 2015 for EU28
HVC_primary_fraction,--,float,The fraction of high value chemicals (HVC) produced via primary route
HVC_primary_fraction,--,float,The fraction of high value chemicals (HVC) produced via primary route
HVC_mechanical_recycling_fraction,--,float,The fraction of high value chemicals (HVC) produced using mechanical recycling
HVC_mechanical_recycling _fraction,--,float,The fraction of high value chemicals (HVC) produced using mechanical recycling
HVC_chemical_recycling_fraction,--,float,The fraction of high value chemicals (HVC) produced using chemical recycling
HVC_chemical_recycling _fraction,--,float,The fraction of high value chemicals (HVC) produced using chemical recycling
HVC_production_today,MtHVC/a,float,"The amount of high value chemicals (HVC) produced. This includes ethylene, propylene and BTX. From `DECHEMA (2017) <>`_, Figure 16, page 107"
HVC_production_today,MtHVC/a,float,"The amount of high value chemicals (HVC) produced. This includes ethylene, propylene and BTX. From `DECHEMA (2017) <>`_, Figure 16, page 107"
MWh_elec_per_tHVC_mechanical_recycling,MWh/tHVC,float,"The energy amount of electricity needed to produce a ton of high value chemical (HVC) using mechanical recycling. From SI of `Meys et al (2020) <>`_, Table S5, for HDPE, PP, PS, PET. LDPE would be 0.756."
Mwh_elec_per_tHVC _mechanical_recycling,MWh/tHVC,float,"The energy amount of electricity needed to produce a ton of high value chemical (HVC) using mechanical recycling. From SI of `Meys et al (2020) <>`_, Table S5, for HDPE, PP, PS, PET. LDPE would be 0.756."
MWh_elec_per_tHVC_chemical_recycling,MWh/tHVC,float,"The energy amount of electricity needed to produce a ton of high value chemical (HVC) using chemical recycling. The default value is based on pyrolysis and electric steam cracking. From `Material Economics (2019) <>`_, page 125"
Mwh_elec_per_tHVC _chemical_recycling,MWh/tHVC,float,"The energy amount of electricity needed to produce a ton of high value chemical (HVC) using chemical recycling. The default value is based on pyrolysis and electric steam cracking. From `Material Economics (2019) <>`_, page 125"
chlorine_production_today,MtCl/a,float,"The amount of chlorine produced. From `DECHEMA (2017) <>`_, Table 7, page 43"
chlorine_production _today,MtCl/a,float,"The amount of chlorine produced. From `DECHEMA (2017) <>`_, Table 7, page 43"
MWh_elec_per_tCl,MWh/tCl,float,"The energy amount of electricity needed to produce a ton of chlorine. From `DECHEMA (2017) <>`_, Table 6 page 43"
MWh_elec_per_tCl,MWh/tCl,float,"The energy amount of electricity needed to produce a ton of chlorine. From `DECHEMA (2017) <>`_, Table 6 page 43"
MWh_H2_per_tCl,MWhH2/tCl,float,"The energy amount of hydrogen needed to produce a ton of chlorine. The value is negative since hydrogen produced in chloralkali process. From `DECHEMA (2017) <>`_, page 43"
MWh_H2_per_tCl,MWhH2/tCl,float,"The energy amount of hydrogen needed to produce a ton of chlorine. The value is negative since hydrogen produced in chloralkali process. From `DECHEMA (2017) <>`_, page 43"
methanol_production_today,MtMeOH/a,float,"The amount of methanol produced. From `DECHEMA (2017) <>`_, page 62"
methanol_production _today,MtMeOH/a,float,"The amount of methanol produced. From `DECHEMA (2017) <>`_, page 62"
MWh_elec_per_tMeOH,MWh/tMeOH,float,"The energy amount of electricity needed to produce a ton of methanol. From `DECHEMA (2017) <>`_, Table 14, page 65"
MWh_elec_per_tMeOH,MWh/tMeOH,float,"The energy amount of electricity needed to produce a ton of methanol. From `DECHEMA (2017) <>`_, Table 14, page 65"
MWh_CH4_per_tMeOH,MWhCH4/tMeOH,float,"The energy amount of methane needed to produce a ton of methanol. From `DECHEMA (2017) <>`_, Table 14, page 65"
MWh_CH4_per_tMeOH,MWhCH4/tMeOH,float,"The energy amount of methane needed to produce a ton of methanol. From `DECHEMA (2017) <>`_, Table 14, page 65"
hotmaps_locate_missing,--,"{true,false}",Locate industrial sites without valid locations based on city and countries.
hotmaps_locate_missing,--,"{true,false}",Locate industrial sites without valid locations based on city and countries.
@ -2,55 +2,55 @@
district_heating,--,,` <>`_
district_heating,--,,` <>`_
-- potential,--,float,maximum fraction of urban demand which can be supplied by district heating
-- potential,--,float,maximum fraction of urban demand which can be supplied by district heating
-- progress,--,Dictionary with planning horizons as keys., Increase of today's district heating demand to potential maximum district heating share. Progress = 0 means today's district heating share. Progress = 1 means maximum fraction of urban demand is supplied by district heating
-- progress,--,Dictionary with planning horizons as keys., Increase of today's district heating demand to potential maximum district heating share. Progress = 0 means today's district heating share. Progress = 1 means maximum fraction of urban demand is supplied by district heating
-- district_heating_loss,--,float,Percentage increase in district heat demand in urban central due to heat losses
-- district_heating_loss,--,float,Share increase in district heat demand in urban central due to heat losses
cluster_heat_buses,--,"{true, false}",Cluster residential and service heat buses in ` <>`_ to one to save memory.
cluster_heat_buses,--,"{true, false}",Cluster residential and service heat buses in ` <>`_ to one to save memory.
bev_dsm_restriction_value,--,float,Adds a lower state of charge (SOC) limit for battery electric vehicles (BEV) to manage its own energy demand (DSM). Located in ` <>`_. Set to 0 for no restriction on BEV DSM
bev_dsm_restriction _value,--,float,Adds a lower state of charge (SOC) limit for battery electric vehicles (BEV) to manage its own energy demand (DSM). Located in ` <>`_. Set to 0 for no restriction on BEV DSM
bev_dsm_restriction_time,--,float,Time at which SOC of BEV has to be dsm_restriction_value
bev_dsm_restriction _time,--,float,Time at which SOC of BEV has to be dsm_restriction_value
transport_heating_deadband_upper,°C,float,"The maximum temperature in the vehicle. At higher temperatures, the energy required for cooling in the vehicle increases."
transport_heating _deadband_upper,°C,float,"The maximum temperature in the vehicle. At higher temperatures, the energy required for cooling in the vehicle increases."
transport_heating_deadband_lower,°C,float,"The minimum temperature in the vehicle. At lower temperatures, the energy required for heating in the vehicle increases."
transport_heating _deadband_lower,°C,float,"The minimum temperature in the vehicle. At lower temperatures, the energy required for heating in the vehicle increases."
ICE_lower_degree_factor,--,float,Percentage increase in energy demand in internal combustion engine (ICE) for each degree difference between the cold environment and the minimum temperature.
ICE_lower_degree_factor,--,float,Share increase in energy demand in internal combustion engine (ICE) for each degree difference between the cold environment and the minimum temperature.
ICE_upper_degree_factor,--,float,Percentage increase in energy demand in internal combustion engine (ICE) for each degree difference between the hot environment and the maximum temperature.
ICE_upper_degree_factor,--,float,Share increase in energy demand in internal combustion engine (ICE) for each degree difference between the hot environment and the maximum temperature.
EV_lower_degree_factor,--,float,Percentage increase in energy demand in electric vehicles (EV) for each degree difference between the cold environment and the minimum temperature.
EV_lower_degree_factor,--,float,Share increase in energy demand in electric vehicles (EV) for each degree difference between the cold environment and the minimum temperature.
EV_upper_degree_factor,--,float,Percentage increase in energy demand in electric vehicles (EV) for each degree difference between the hot environment and the maximum temperature.
EV_upper_degree_factor,--,float,Share increase in energy demand in electric vehicles (EV) for each degree difference between the hot environment and the maximum temperature.
bev_dsm,--,"{true, false}",Add the option for battery electric vehicles (BEV) to participate in demand-side management (DSM)
bev_dsm,--,"{true, false}",Add the option for battery electric vehicles (BEV) to participate in demand-side management (DSM)
bev_availability,--,float,The percentage for battery electric vehicles (BEV) that are able to do demand side management (DSM)
bev_availability,--,float,The share for battery electric vehicles (BEV) that are able to do demand side management (DSM)
bev_energy,--,float,The average size of battery electric vehicles (BEV) in MWh
bev_energy,--,float,The average size of battery electric vehicles (BEV) in MWh
bev_charge_efficiency,--,float,Battery electric vehicles (BEV) charge and discharge efficiency
bev_charge_efficiency,--,float,Battery electric vehicles (BEV) charge and discharge efficiency
bev_plug_to_wheel_efficiency,km/kWh,float,The distance battery electric vehicles (BEV) can travel in km per kWh of energy charge in battery. Base value comes from `Tesla Model S <>`_
bev_plug_to_wheel _efficiency,km/kWh,float,The distance battery electric vehicles (BEV) can travel in km per kWh of energy charge in battery. Base value comes from `Tesla Model S <>`_
bev_charge_rate,MWh,float,The power consumption for one electric vehicle (EV) in MWh. Value derived from 3-phase charger with 11 kW.
bev_charge_rate,MWh,float,The power consumption for one electric vehicle (EV) in MWh. Value derived from 3-phase charger with 11 kW.
bev_avail_max,--,float,The maximum percentage plugged-in availability for passenger electric vehicles.
bev_avail_max,--,float,The maximum share plugged-in availability for passenger electric vehicles.
bev_avail_mean,--,float,The average percentage plugged-in availability for passenger electric vehicles.
bev_avail_mean,--,float,The average share plugged-in availability for passenger electric vehicles.
v2g,--,"{true, false}",Allows feed-in to grid from EV battery
v2g,--,"{true, false}",Allows feed-in to grid from EV battery
land_transport_fuel_cell_share,--,Dictionary with planning horizons as keys.,The share of vehicles that uses fuel cells in a given year
land_transport_fuel_cell _share,--,Dictionary with planning horizons as keys.,The share of vehicles that uses fuel cells in a given year
land_transport_electric_share,--,Dictionary with planning horizons as keys.,The share of vehicles that uses electric vehicles (EV) in a given year
land_transport_electric _share,--,Dictionary with planning horizons as keys.,The share of vehicles that uses electric vehicles (EV) in a given year
land_transport_ice_share,--,Dictionary with planning horizons as keys.,The share of vehicles that uses internal combustion engines (ICE) in a given year. What is not EV or FCEV is oil-fuelled ICE.
land_transport_ice _share,--,Dictionary with planning horizons as keys.,The share of vehicles that uses internal combustion engines (ICE) in a given year. What is not EV or FCEV is oil-fuelled ICE.
transport_fuel_cell_efficiency,--,float,The H2 conversion efficiencies of fuel cells in transport
transport_fuel_cell _efficiency,--,float,The H2 conversion efficiencies of fuel cells in transport
transport_internal_combustion_efficiency,--,float,The oil conversion efficiencies of internal combustion engine (ICE) in transport
transport_internal _combustion_efficiency,--,float,The oil conversion efficiencies of internal combustion engine (ICE) in transport
agriculture_machinery_electric_share,--,float,The percentage for agricultural machinery that uses electricity
agriculture_machinery _electric_share,--,float,The share for agricultural machinery that uses electricity
agriculture_machinery_oil_share,--,float,The percentage for agricultural machinery that uses oil
agriculture_machinery _oil_share,--,float,The share for agricultural machinery that uses oil
agriculture_machinery_fuel_efficiency,--,float,The efficiency of electric-powered machinery in the conversion of electricity to meet agricultural needs.
agriculture_machinery _fuel_efficiency,--,float,The efficiency of electric-powered machinery in the conversion of electricity to meet agricultural needs.
agriculture_machinery_electric_efficiency,--,float,The efficiency of oil-powered machinery in the conversion of oil to meet agricultural needs.
agriculture_machinery _electric_efficiency,--,float,The efficiency of oil-powered machinery in the conversion of oil to meet agricultural needs.
MWh_MeOH_per_MWh_H2,LHV,float,"The energy amount of the produced methanol per energy amount of hydrogen. From `DECHEMA (2017) <>`_, page 64."
Mwh_MeOH_per_MWh_H2,LHV,float,"The energy amount of the produced methanol per energy amount of hydrogen. From `DECHEMA (2017) <>`_, page 64."
MWh_MeOH_per_tCO2,LHV,float,"The energy amount of the produced methanol per ton of CO2. From `DECHEMA (2017) <>`_, page 64."
MWh_MeOH_per_tCO2,LHV,float,"The energy amount of the produced methanol per ton of CO2. From `DECHEMA (2017) <>`_, page 64."
MWh_MeOH_per_MWh_e,LHV,float,"The energy amount of the produced methanol per energy amount of electricity. From `DECHEMA (2017) <>`_, page 64."
MWh_MeOH_per_MWh_e,LHV,float,"The energy amount of the produced methanol per energy amount of electricity. From `DECHEMA (2017) <>`_, page 64."
shipping_hydrogen_liquefaction,--,"{true, false}",Whether to include liquefaction costs for hydrogen demand in shipping.
shipping_hydrogen _liquefaction,--,"{true, false}",Whether to include liquefaction costs for hydrogen demand in shipping.
shipping_hydrogen_share,--,Dictionary with planning horizons as keys.,The share of ships powered by hydrogen in a given year
shipping_hydrogen_share,--,Dictionary with planning horizons as keys.,The share of ships powered by hydrogen in a given year
shipping_methanol_share,--,Dictionary with planning horizons as keys.,The share of ships powered by methanol in a given year
shipping_methanol_share,--,Dictionary with planning horizons as keys.,The share of ships powered by methanol in a given year
shipping_oil_share,--,Dictionary with planning horizons as keys.,The share of ships powered by oil in a given year
shipping_oil_share,--,Dictionary with planning horizons as keys.,The share of ships powered by oil in a given year
shipping_methanol_efficiency,--,float,"The efficiency of methanol-powered ships in the conversion of methanol to meet shipping needs (propulsion). The efficiency increase from oil can be 10-15% higher according to the `IEA <>`_"
shipping_methanol _efficiency,--,float,The efficiency of methanol-powered ships in the conversion of methanol to meet shipping needs (propulsion). The efficiency increase from oil can be 10-15% higher according to the `IEA <>`_
shipping_oil_efficiency,--,float,The efficiency of oil-powered ships in the conversion of oil to meet shipping needs (propulsion). Base value derived from 2011
shipping_oil_efficiency,--,float,The efficiency of oil-powered ships in the conversion of oil to meet shipping needs (propulsion). Base value derived from 2011
aviation_demand_factor,--,float,The proportion of demand for aviation compared to today's consumption
aviation_demand_factor,--,float,The proportion of demand for aviation compared to today's consumption
HVC_demand_factor,--,float,The proportion of demand for high-value chemicals compared to today's consumption
HVC_demand_factor,--,float,The proportion of demand for high-value chemicals compared to today's consumption
time_dep_hp_cop,--,"{true, false}",Consider the time dependent coefficient of performance (COP) of the heat pump
time_dep_hp_cop,--,"{true, false}",Consider the time dependent coefficient of performance (COP) of the heat pump
heat_pump_sink_T,°C,float,The temperature heat sink used in heat pumps based on DTU / large area radiators. The value is conservatively high to cover hot water and space heating in poorly-insulated buildings
heat_pump_sink_T,°C,float,The temperature heat sink used in heat pumps based on DTU / large area radiators. The value is conservatively high to cover hot water and space heating in poorly-insulated buildings
reduce_space_heat_exogenously,--,"{true, false}",Influence on space heating demand by a certain factor (applied before losses in district heating).
reduce_space_heat _exogenously,--,"{true, false}",Influence on space heating demand by a certain factor (applied before losses in district heating).
reduce_space_heat_exogenously_factor,--,Dictionary with planning horizons as keys.,"A positive factor can mean renovation or demolition of a building. If the factor is negative, it can mean an increase in floor area, increased thermal comfort, population growth. The default factors are determined by the `Eurocalc Homes and buildings decarbonization scenario <>`_"
reduce_space_heat _exogenously_factor,--,Dictionary with planning horizons as keys.,"A positive factor can mean renovation or demolition of a building. If the factor is negative, it can mean an increase in floor area, increased thermal comfort, population growth. The default factors are determined by the `Eurocalc Homes and buildings decarbonization scenario <>`_"
-- retro_endogen,--,"{true, false}",Add retrofitting as an endogenous system which co-optimise space heat savings.
-- retro_endogen,--,"{true, false}",Add retrofitting as an endogenous system which co-optimise space heat savings.
-- cost_factor,--,float,Weight costs for building renovation
-- cost_factor,--,float,Weight costs for building renovation
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ allam_cycle,--,"{true, false}",Add option to include `Allam cycle gas power plan
hydrogen_fuel_cell,--,"{true, false}",Add option to include hydrogen fuel cell for re-electrification. Assuming OCGT technology costs
hydrogen_fuel_cell,--,"{true, false}",Add option to include hydrogen fuel cell for re-electrification. Assuming OCGT technology costs
hydrogen_turbine,--,"{true, false}",Add option to include hydrogen turbine for re-electrification. Assuming OCGT technology costs
hydrogen_turbine,--,"{true, false}",Add option to include hydrogen turbine for re-electrification. Assuming OCGT technology costs
SMR,--,"{true, false}",Add option for transforming natural gas into hydrogen and CO2 using Steam Methane Reforming (SMR)
SMR,--,"{true, false}",Add option for transforming natural gas into hydrogen and CO2 using Steam Methane Reforming (SMR)
regional_co2 _sequestration_potential,,,
-- enable,--,"{true, false}",Add option for regionally-resolved geological carbon dioxide sequestration potentials based on `CO2StoP <>`_.
-- enable,--,"{true, false}",Add option for regionally-resolved geological carbon dioxide sequestration potentials based on `CO2StoP <>`_.
-- attribute,--,string,Name of the attribute for the sequestration potential
-- attribute,--,string,Name of the attribute for the sequestration potential
-- include_onshore,--,"{true, false}",Add options for including onshore sequestration potentials
-- include_onshore,--,"{true, false}",Add options for including onshore sequestration potentials
@ -89,32 +89,32 @@ regional_co2_sequestration_potential,,,
co2_sequestration_potential,MtCO2/a,float,The potential of sequestering CO2 in Europe per year
co2_sequestration_potential,MtCO2/a,float,The potential of sequestering CO2 in Europe per year
co2_sequestration_cost,currency/tCO2,float,The cost of sequestering a ton of CO2
co2_sequestration_cost,currency/tCO2,float,The cost of sequestering a ton of CO2
co2_spatial,--,"{true, false}","Add option to spatially resolve carrier representing stored carbon dioxide. This allows for more detailed modelling of CCUTS, e.g. regarding the capturing of industrial process emissions, usage as feedstock for electrofuels, transport of carbon dioxide, and geological sequestration sites."
co2_spatial,--,"{true, false}","Add option to spatially resolve carrier representing stored carbon dioxide. This allows for more detailed modelling of CCUTS, e.g. regarding the capturing of industrial process emissions, usage as feedstock for electrofuels, transport of carbon dioxide, and geological sequestration sites."
co2network,--,"{true, false}",Add option for planning a new carbon dioxide transmission network
co2network,--,"{true, false}",Add option for planning a new carbon dioxide transmission network
cc_fraction,--,float,The default fraction of CO2 captured with post-combustion capture
cc_fraction,--,float,The default fraction of CO2 captured with post-combustion capture
hydrogen_underground_storage,--,"{true, false}",Add options for storing hydrogen underground. Storage potential depends regionally.
hydrogen_underground _storage,--,"{true, false}",Add options for storing hydrogen underground. Storage potential depends regionally.
hydrogen_underground_storage_locations,,"{onshore, nearshore, offshore}","The location where hydrogen underground storage can be located. Onshore, nearshore, offshore means it must be located more than 50 km away from the sea, within 50 km of the sea, or within the sea itself respectively."
hydrogen_underground _storage_locations,,"{onshore, nearshore, offshore}","The location where hydrogen underground storage can be located. Onshore, nearshore, offshore means it must be located more than 50 km away from the sea, within 50 km of the sea, or within the sea itself respectively."
ammonia,--,"{true, false, regional}","Add ammonia as a carrrier. It can be either true (copperplated NH3), false (no NH3 carrier) or ""regional"" (regionalised NH3 without network)"
ammonia,--,"{true, false, regional}","Add ammonia as a carrrier. It can be either true (copperplated NH3), false (no NH3 carrier) or ""regional"" (regionalised NH3 without network)"
min_part_load_fischer_tropsch,per unit of p_nom ,float,The minimum unit dispatch (``p_min_pu``) for the Fischer-Tropsch process
min_part_load_fischer _tropsch,per unit of p_nom ,float,The minimum unit dispatch (``p_min_pu``) for the Fischer-Tropsch process
min_part_load_methanolisation,per unit of p_nom ,float,The minimum unit dispatch (``p_min_pu``) for the methanolisation process
min_part_load _methanolisation,per unit of p_nom ,float,The minimum unit dispatch (``p_min_pu``) for the methanolisation process
use_fischer_tropsch_waste_heat,--,"{true, false}",Add option for using waste heat of Fischer Tropsch in district heating networks
use_fischer_tropsch _waste_heat,--,"{true, false}",Add option for using waste heat of Fischer Tropsch in district heating networks
use_fuel_cell_waste_heat,--,"{true, false}",Add option for using waste heat of fuel cells in district heating networks
use_fuel_cell_waste_heat,--,"{true, false}",Add option for using waste heat of fuel cells in district heating networks
use_electrolysis_waste_heat,--,"{true, false}",Add option for using waste heat of electrolysis in district heating networks
use_electrolysis_waste _heat,--,"{true, false}",Add option for using waste heat of electrolysis in district heating networks
electricity_distribution_grid,--,"{true, false}",Add a simplified representation of the exchange capacity between transmission and distribution grid level through a link.
electricity_distribution _grid,--,"{true, false}",Add a simplified representation of the exchange capacity between transmission and distribution grid level through a link.
electricity_distribution_grid_cost_factor,,,Multiplies the investment cost of the electricity distribution grid
electricity_distribution _grid_cost_factor,,,Multiplies the investment cost of the electricity distribution grid
electricity_grid_connection,--,"{true, false}",Add the cost of electricity grid connection for onshore wind and solar
electricity_grid _connection,--,"{true, false}",Add the cost of electricity grid connection for onshore wind and solar
H2_network,--,"{true, false}",Add option for new hydrogen pipelines
H2_network,--,"{true, false}",Add option for new hydrogen pipelines
gas_network,--,"{true, false}","Add existing natural gas infrastructure, incl. LNG terminals, production and entry-points. The existing gas network is added with a lossless transport model. A length-weighted `k-edge augmentation algorithm <>`_ can be run to add new candidate gas pipelines such that all regions of the model can be connected to the gas network. When activated, all the gas demands are regionally disaggregated as well."
gas_network,--,"{true, false}","Add existing natural gas infrastructure, incl. LNG terminals, production and entry-points. The existing gas network is added with a lossless transport model. A length-weighted `k-edge augmentation algorithm <>`_ can be run to add new candidate gas pipelines such that all regions of the model can be connected to the gas network. When activated, all the gas demands are regionally disaggregated as well."
H2_retrofit,--,"{true, false}","Add option for retrofiting existing pipelines to transport hydrogen. "
H2_retrofit,--,"{true, false}",Add option for retrofiting existing pipelines to transport hydrogen.
H2_retrofit_capacity_per_CH4,--,float,"The ratio for H2 capacity per original CH4 capacity of retrofitted pipelines. The `European Hydrogen Backbone (April, 2020) p.15 <>`_ 60% of original natural gas capacity could be used in cost-optimal case as H2 capacity."
H2_retrofit_capacity _per_CH4,--,float,"The ratio for H2 capacity per original CH4 capacity of retrofitted pipelines. The `European Hydrogen Backbone (April, 2020) p.15 <>`_ 60% of original natural gas capacity could be used in cost-optimal case as H2 capacity."
gas_network_connectivity_upgrade ,--,float,The number of desired edge connectivity (k) in the length-weighted `k-edge augmentation algorithm <>`_ used for the gas network
gas_network_connectivity _upgrade ,--,float,The number of desired edge connectivity (k) in the length-weighted `k-edge augmentation algorithm <>`_ used for the gas network
gas_distribution_grid,--,"{true, false}",Add a gas distribution grid
gas_distribution_grid,--,"{true, false}",Add a gas distribution grid
gas_distribution_grid_cost_factor,,,Multiplier for the investment cost of the gas distribution grid
gas_distribution_grid _cost_factor,,,Multiplier for the investment cost of the gas distribution grid
biomass_spatial,--,"{true, false}",Add option for resolving biomass demand regionally
biomass_spatial,--,"{true, false}",Add option for resolving biomass demand regionally
biomass_transport,--,"{true, false}",Add option for transporting solid biomass between nodes
biomass_transport,--,"{true, false}",Add option for transporting solid biomass between nodes
conventional_generation,,,Add a more detailed description of conventional carriers. Any power generation requires the consumption of fuel from nodes representing that fuel.
conventional_generation,,,Add a more detailed description of conventional carriers. Any power generation requires the consumption of fuel from nodes representing that fuel.
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ Top-level configuration
.. csv-table::
.. csv-table::
:header-rows: 1
:header-rows: 1
:widths: 25,7,22,30
:widths: 22,7,22,33
:file: configtables/toplevel.csv
:file: configtables/toplevel.csv
.. _run_cf:
.. _run_cf:
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ The ``run`` section is used for running and storing scenarios with different con
.. csv-table::
.. csv-table::
:header-rows: 1
:header-rows: 1
:widths: 25,7,22,30
:widths: 22,7,22,33
:file: configtables/run.csv
:file: configtables/run.csv
.. _foresight_cf:
.. _foresight_cf:
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ The ``run`` section is used for running and storing scenarios with different con
.. csv-table::
.. csv-table::
:header-rows: 1
:header-rows: 1
:widths: 25,7,22,30
:widths: 22,7,22,33
:file: configtables/foresight.csv
:file: configtables/foresight.csv
.. note::
.. note::
@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ An exemplary dependency graph (starting from the simplification rules) then look
.. csv-table::
.. csv-table::
:header-rows: 1
:header-rows: 1
:widths: 25,7,22,30
:widths: 22,7,22,33
:file: configtables/scenario.csv
:file: configtables/scenario.csv
.. _countries:
.. _countries:
@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ An exemplary dependency graph (starting from the simplification rules) then look
.. csv-table::
.. csv-table::
:header-rows: 1
:header-rows: 1
:widths: 25,7,22,30
:widths: 22,7,22,33
:file: configtables/countries.csv
:file: configtables/countries.csv
.. _snapshots_cf:
.. _snapshots_cf:
@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ Specifies the temporal range to build an energy system model for as arguments to
.. csv-table::
.. csv-table::
:header-rows: 1
:header-rows: 1
:widths: 25,7,22,30
:widths: 22,7,22,33
:file: configtables/snapshots.csv
:file: configtables/snapshots.csv
.. _enable_cf:
.. _enable_cf:
@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ Switches for some rules and optional features.
.. csv-table::
.. csv-table::
:header-rows: 1
:header-rows: 1
:widths: 25,7,22,30
:widths: 22,7,22,33
:file: configtables/enable.csv
:file: configtables/enable.csv
.. _CO2_budget_cf:
.. _CO2_budget_cf:
@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ Switches for some rules and optional features.
.. csv-table::
.. csv-table::
:header-rows: 1
:header-rows: 1
:widths: 25,7,22,30
:widths: 22,7,22,33
:file: configtables/co2_budget.csv
:file: configtables/co2_budget.csv
.. note::
.. note::
@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ Switches for some rules and optional features.
.. csv-table::
.. csv-table::
:header-rows: 1
:header-rows: 1
:widths: 25,7,22,30
:widths: 22,7,22,33
:file: configtables/electricity.csv
:file: configtables/electricity.csv
.. _atlite_cf:
.. _atlite_cf:
@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ Define and specify the ``atlite.Cutout`` used for calculating renewable potentia
.. csv-table::
.. csv-table::
:header-rows: 1
:header-rows: 1
:widths: 25,7,22,30
:widths: 22,7,22,33
:file: configtables/atlite.csv
:file: configtables/atlite.csv
.. _renewable_cf:
.. _renewable_cf:
@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ Define and specify the ``atlite.Cutout`` used for calculating renewable potentia
.. csv-table::
.. csv-table::
:header-rows: 1
:header-rows: 1
:widths: 25,7,22,30
:widths: 22,7,22,33
:file: configtables/onwind.csv
:file: configtables/onwind.csv
.. note::
.. note::
@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ Define and specify the ``atlite.Cutout`` used for calculating renewable potentia
.. csv-table::
.. csv-table::
:header-rows: 1
:header-rows: 1
:widths: 25,7,22,30
:widths: 22,7,22,33
:file: configtables/offwind-ac.csv
:file: configtables/offwind-ac.csv
.. note::
.. note::
@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ Define and specify the ``atlite.Cutout`` used for calculating renewable potentia
.. csv-table::
.. csv-table::
:header-rows: 1
:header-rows: 1
:widths: 25,7,22,30
:widths: 22,7,22,33
:file: configtables/offwind-dc.csv
:file: configtables/offwind-dc.csv
.. note::
.. note::
@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ Define and specify the ``atlite.Cutout`` used for calculating renewable potentia
.. csv-table::
.. csv-table::
:header-rows: 1
:header-rows: 1
:widths: 25,7,22,30
:widths: 22,7,22,33
:file: configtables/solar.csv
:file: configtables/solar.csv
.. note::
.. note::
@ -307,7 +307,7 @@ Define and specify the ``atlite.Cutout`` used for calculating renewable potentia
.. csv-table::
.. csv-table::
:header-rows: 1
:header-rows: 1
:widths: 25,7,22,30
:widths: 22,7,22,33
:file: configtables/hydro.csv
:file: configtables/hydro.csv
.. _lines_cf:
.. _lines_cf:
@ -329,7 +329,7 @@ overwrite the existing values.
.. csv-table::
.. csv-table::
:header-rows: 1
:header-rows: 1
:widths: 25,7,22,30
:widths: 22,7,22,33
:file: configtables/conventional.csv
:file: configtables/conventional.csv
@ -342,7 +342,7 @@ overwrite the existing values.
.. csv-table::
.. csv-table::
:header-rows: 1
:header-rows: 1
:widths: 25,7,22,30
:widths: 22,7,22,33
:file: configtables/lines.csv
:file: configtables/lines.csv
.. _links_cf:
.. _links_cf:
@ -357,7 +357,7 @@ overwrite the existing values.
.. csv-table::
.. csv-table::
:header-rows: 1
:header-rows: 1
:widths: 25,7,22,30
:widths: 22,7,22,33
:file: configtables/links.csv
:file: configtables/links.csv
.. _transformers_cf:
.. _transformers_cf:
@ -372,7 +372,7 @@ overwrite the existing values.
.. csv-table::
.. csv-table::
:header-rows: 1
:header-rows: 1
:widths: 25,7,22,30
:widths: 22,7,22,33
:file: configtables/transformers.csv
:file: configtables/transformers.csv
.. _load_cf:
.. _load_cf:
@ -387,7 +387,7 @@ overwrite the existing values.
.. csv-table::
.. csv-table::
:header-rows: 1
:header-rows: 1
:widths: 25,7,22,30
:widths: 22,7,22,33
:file: configtables/load.csv
:file: configtables/load.csv
.. _energy_cf:
.. _energy_cf:
@ -405,7 +405,7 @@ overwrite the existing values.
.. csv-table::
.. csv-table::
:header-rows: 1
:header-rows: 1
:widths: 25,7,22,30
:widths: 22,7,22,33
:file: configtables/energy.csv
:file: configtables/energy.csv
.. _biomass_cf:
.. _biomass_cf:
@ -423,7 +423,7 @@ overwrite the existing values.
.. csv-table::
.. csv-table::
:header-rows: 1
:header-rows: 1
:widths: 25,7,22,30
:widths: 22,7,22,33
:file: configtables/biomass.csv
:file: configtables/biomass.csv
The list of available biomass is given by the category in `ENSPRESO_BIOMASS <>`_, namely:
The list of available biomass is given by the category in `ENSPRESO_BIOMASS <>`_, namely:
@ -461,7 +461,7 @@ The list of available biomass is given by the category in `ENSPRESO_BIOMASS <htt
.. csv-table::
.. csv-table::
:header-rows: 1
:header-rows: 1
:widths: 25,7,22,30
:widths: 22,7,22,33
:file: configtables/solar-thermal.csv
:file: configtables/solar-thermal.csv
.. _existing_capacities_cf:
.. _existing_capacities_cf:
@ -479,7 +479,7 @@ The list of available biomass is given by the category in `ENSPRESO_BIOMASS <htt
.. csv-table::
.. csv-table::
:header-rows: 1
:header-rows: 1
:widths: 25,7,22,30
:widths: 22,7,22,33
:file: configtables/existing_capacities.csv
:file: configtables/existing_capacities.csv
.. _sector_cf:
.. _sector_cf:
@ -497,7 +497,7 @@ The list of available biomass is given by the category in `ENSPRESO_BIOMASS <htt
.. csv-table::
.. csv-table::
:header-rows: 1
:header-rows: 1
:widths: 25,7,22,30
:widths: 22,7,22,33
:file: configtables/sector.csv
:file: configtables/sector.csv
.. _industry_cf:
.. _industry_cf:
@ -515,7 +515,7 @@ The list of available biomass is given by the category in `ENSPRESO_BIOMASS <htt
.. csv-table::
.. csv-table::
:header-rows: 1
:header-rows: 1
:widths: 25,7,22,30
:widths: 22,7,22,33
:file: configtables/industry.csv
:file: configtables/industry.csv
.. _costs_cf:
.. _costs_cf:
@ -530,7 +530,7 @@ The list of available biomass is given by the category in `ENSPRESO_BIOMASS <htt
.. csv-table::
.. csv-table::
:header-rows: 1
:header-rows: 1
:widths: 25,7,22,30
:widths: 22,7,22,33
:file: configtables/costs.csv
:file: configtables/costs.csv
.. note::
.. note::
@ -549,7 +549,7 @@ The list of available biomass is given by the category in `ENSPRESO_BIOMASS <htt
.. csv-table::
.. csv-table::
:header-rows: 1
:header-rows: 1
:widths: 25,7,22,30
:widths: 22,7,22,33
:file: configtables/clustering.csv
:file: configtables/clustering.csv
.. note::
.. note::
@ -572,7 +572,7 @@ The list of available biomass is given by the category in `ENSPRESO_BIOMASS <htt
.. csv-table::
.. csv-table::
:header-rows: 1
:header-rows: 1
:widths: 25,7,22,30
:widths: 22,7,22,33
:file: configtables/solving.csv
:file: configtables/solving.csv
.. _plotting_cf:
.. _plotting_cf:
@ -589,5 +589,5 @@ The list of available biomass is given by the category in `ENSPRESO_BIOMASS <htt
.. csv-table::
.. csv-table::
:header-rows: 1
:header-rows: 1
:widths: 25,7,22,30
:widths: 22,7,22,33
:file: configtables/plotting.csv
:file: configtables/plotting.csv
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ configuration, execute
.. code:: bash
.. code:: bash
:class: full-width
:class: full-width
snakemake -call results/test-elec/networks/ --configfile test/config.electricity.yaml
snakemake -call results/test-elec/networks/ --configfile config/test/config.electricity.yaml
This configuration is set to download a reduced data set via the rules :mod:`retrieve_databundle`,
This configuration is set to download a reduced data set via the rules :mod:`retrieve_databundle`,
:mod:`retrieve_natura_raster`, :mod:`retrieve_cutout`.
:mod:`retrieve_natura_raster`, :mod:`retrieve_cutout`.
@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ clustered down to 6 buses and every 24 hours aggregated to one snapshot. The com
.. code:: bash
.. code:: bash
snakemake -call results/test-elec/networks/ --configfile test/config.electricity.yaml
snakemake -call results/test-elec/networks/ --configfile config/test/config.electricity.yaml
orders ``snakemake`` to run the rule :mod:`solve_network` that produces the solved network and stores it in ``results/networks`` with the name ````:
orders ``snakemake`` to run the rule :mod:`solve_network` that produces the solved network and stores it in ``results/networks`` with the name ````:
@ -276,18 +276,18 @@ You can produce any output file occurring in the ``Snakefile`` by running
For example, you can explore the evolution of the PyPSA networks by running
For example, you can explore the evolution of the PyPSA networks by running
#. ``snakemake resources/networks/ -call --configfile test/config.electricity.yaml``
#. ``snakemake resources/networks/ -call --configfile config/test/config.electricity.yaml``
#. ``snakemake resources/networks/ -call --configfile test/config.electricity.yaml``
#. ``snakemake resources/networks/ -call --configfile config/test/config.electricity.yaml``
#. ``snakemake resources/networks/ -call --configfile test/config.electricity.yaml``
#. ``snakemake resources/networks/ -call --configfile config/test/config.electricity.yaml``
#. ``snakemake resources/networks/ -call --configfile test/config.electricity.yaml``
#. ``snakemake resources/networks/ -call --configfile config/test/config.electricity.yaml``
#. ``snakemake resources/networks/ -call --configfile test/config.electricity.yaml``
#. ``snakemake resources/networks/ -call --configfile config/test/config.electricity.yaml``
To run all combinations of wildcard values provided in the ``config/config.yaml`` under ``scenario:``,
To run all combinations of wildcard values provided in the ``config/config.yaml`` under ``scenario:``,
you can use the collection rule ``solve_elec_networks``.
you can use the collection rule ``solve_elec_networks``.
.. code:: bash
.. code:: bash
snakemake -call solve_elec_networks --configfile test/config.electricity.yaml
snakemake -call solve_elec_networks --configfile config/test/config.electricity.yaml
If you now feel confident and want to tackle runs with larger temporal and
If you now feel confident and want to tackle runs with larger temporal and
spatial scope, clean-up the repository and after modifying the ``config/config.yaml`` file
spatial scope, clean-up the repository and after modifying the ``config/config.yaml`` file
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ configuration options. In the example below, we say that the gas network should
be added and spatially resolved. We also say that the existing gas network may
be added and spatially resolved. We also say that the existing gas network may
be retrofitted to transport hydrogen instead.
be retrofitted to transport hydrogen instead.
.. literalinclude:: ../test/config.overnight.yaml
.. literalinclude:: ../config/test/config.overnight.yaml
:language: yaml
:language: yaml
:start-at: sector:
:start-at: sector:
:end-before: solving:
:end-before: solving:
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ Documentation for all options will be added successively to :ref:`config`.
Scenarios can be defined like for electricity-only studies, but with additional
Scenarios can be defined like for electricity-only studies, but with additional
wildcard options.
wildcard options.
.. literalinclude:: ../test/config.overnight.yaml
.. literalinclude:: ../config/test/config.overnight.yaml
:language: yaml
:language: yaml
:start-at: scenario:
:start-at: scenario:
:end-before: countries:
:end-before: countries:
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ To run an overnight / greenfiled scenario with the specifications above, run
.. code:: bash
.. code:: bash
snakemake -call --configfile test/config.overnight.yaml all
snakemake -call --configfile config/test/config.overnight.yaml all
which will result in the following *additional* jobs ``snakemake`` wants to run
which will result in the following *additional* jobs ``snakemake`` wants to run
on top of those already included in the electricity-only tutorial:
on top of those already included in the electricity-only tutorial:
@ -294,7 +294,7 @@ Scenarios can be defined like for electricity-only studies, but with additional
wildcard options. For the myopic foresight mode, the ``{planning_horizons}`` wildcard
wildcard options. For the myopic foresight mode, the ``{planning_horizons}`` wildcard
defines the sequence of investment horizons.
defines the sequence of investment horizons.
.. literalinclude:: ../test/config.myopic.yaml
.. literalinclude:: ../config/test/config.myopic.yaml
:language: yaml
:language: yaml
:start-at: scenario:
:start-at: scenario:
:end-before: countries:
:end-before: countries:
@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ For allowed wildcard values, refer to :ref:`wildcards`.
In the myopic foresight mode, you can tweak for instance exogenously given transition paths, like the one for
In the myopic foresight mode, you can tweak for instance exogenously given transition paths, like the one for
the share of primary steel production we change below:
the share of primary steel production we change below:
.. literalinclude:: ../test/config.myopic.yaml
.. literalinclude:: ../config/test/config.myopic.yaml
:language: yaml
:language: yaml
:start-at: industry:
:start-at: industry:
:end-before: solving:
:end-before: solving:
@ -318,7 +318,7 @@ To run a myopic foresight scenario with the specifications above, run
.. code:: bash
.. code:: bash
snakemake -call --configfile test/config.myopic.yaml all
snakemake -call --configfile config/test/config.myopic.yaml all
which will result in the following *additional* jobs ``snakemake`` wants to run:
which will result in the following *additional* jobs ``snakemake`` wants to run:
Reference in New Issue
Block a user