Also unlike PyPSA-Eur, PyPSA-Eur-Sec subtracts existing electrified heating from the existing electricity demand, so that power-to-heat can be optimised separately.
The remaining electricity demand for households and services is distributed inside each country proportional to GDP and population.
Building heating in residential and services sectors is resolved regionally, both for individual buildings and district heating systems, which include different supply options [To do:link to next section]
Annual heat demands per country are retrieved from `JRC-IDEES <>`_ and split into space and water heating. For space heating, the annual demands are converted to daily values based on the population-weighted Heating Degree Day (HDD) using the `atlite tool <>`_, where space heat demand is proportional to the difference between the daily average ambient temperature (read from `ERA5 <>`_) and a threshold temperature above which space heat demand is zero. A threshold temperature of 15 °C is assumed by default. The daily space heat demand is distributed to the hours of the day following heat demand profiles from `BDEW <>`_. These differ for weekdays and weekends/holidays and between residential and services demand. The space heating demand can be exogenously reduced by retrofitting measures that improve the buildings’ thermal envelopes [Refer to PyPSA-Eur-Sec Config file, line `212 <>`_].
They have coefficient of performance (COP) based on either the
external air or the soil hourly temperature.
Ground-source heat pumps are only allowed in rural areas because of
space constraints.
Only air-source heat pumps are allowed in urban areas. This is a
conservative assumption, since there are many possible sources of
low-temperature heat that could be tapped in cities (waste water,
rivers, lakes, seas, etc.).
Resistive heaters
Large Combined Heat and Power (CHP) plants
A good summary of CHP options that can be implemented in PyPSA can be found in the paper `Cost sensitivity of optimal sector-coupled district heating production systems <>`_.
PyPSA-Eur-Sec includes CHP plants fuelled by methane, hydrogen and solid biomass from waste and residues.
Hydrogen CHPs are fuel cells.
Methane and biomass CHPs are based on back pressure plants operating with a fixed ratio of electricity to heat output. The methane CHP is modelled on the Danish Energy Agency (DEA) "Gas turbine simple cycle (large)" while the solid biomass CHP is based on the DEA's "09b Wood Pellets Medium".
The efficiencies of each are given on the back pressure line, where the back pressure coefficient ``c_b`` is the electricity output divided by the heat output. The plants are not allowed to deviate from the back pressure line and are implement as ``Link`` objects with a fixed ratio of heat to electricity output.
NB: The old PyPSA-Eur-Sec-30 model assumed an extraction plant (like the DEA coal CHP) for gas which has flexible production of heat and electricity within the feasibility diagram of Figure 4 in the `Synergies paper <>`_. We have switched to the DEA back pressure plants since these are more common for smaller plants for biomass, and because the extraction plants were on the back pressure line for 99.5% of the time anyway. The plants were all changed to back pressure in PyPSA-Eur-Sec v0.4.0.
Micro-CHP for individual buildings
Waste heat from Fuel Cells, Methanation and Fischer-Tropsch plants
Based on materials demand from JRC-IDEES and other sources such as the USGS for ammonia.
Industry is split into many sectors, including iron and steel, ammonia, other basic chemicals, cement, non-metalic minerals, alumuninium, other non-ferrous metals, pulp, paper and printing, food, beverages and tobacco, and other more minor sectors.
Inside each country the industrial demand is distributed using the `Hotmaps Industrial Database <>`_.