-- europe-2013-era5,--,,"Directory to write cutout data to."
-- -- module,--,"Must be 'era5'","Source of the reanalysis weather dataset. `ERA5 <https://www.ecmwf.int/en/forecasts/datasets/reanalysis-datasets/era5>`_"
-- -- xs,°,"Float interval within [-180, 180]","Range of longitudes to download weather data for."
-- -- ys,°,"Float interval within [-90, 90]","Range of latitudes to download weather data for."
-- -- years,--,"Integer interval within [1979,2018]","Range of years to download weather data for."
-- europe-2013-sarah,--,,"Directory to write cutout data to."
-- -- module,--,"Must be 'sarah'","Source of the surface solar radiation dataset. `SARAH-2 <https://wui.cmsaf.eu/safira/action/viewDoiDetails?acronym=SARAH_V002>`_"
-- -- xs,°,"Float interval within [-180, 180]","Range of longitudes to download weather data for."
-- -- ys,°,"Float interval within [-90, 90]","Range of latitudes to download weather data for."
-- -- years,--,"Integer interval within [1983,2015]","Range of years to download weather data for."