2019-02-15 10:21:41 +00:00
#!/usr/bin/env python
2019-08-08 13:02:28 +00:00
2019-08-11 20:34:18 +00:00
Create ` ` . csv ` ` files and plots for comparing per country full load hours of renewable time series .
2019-08-11 09:40:47 +00:00
Relevant Settings
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
2019-08-11 11:17:36 +00:00
. . code : : yaml
snapshots :
renewable :
{ technology } :
cutout :
resource :
correction_factor :
2019-08-13 08:03:46 +00:00
. . seealso : :
Documentation of the configuration file ` ` config . yaml ` ` at
: ref : ` snapshots_cf ` , : ref : ` renewable_cf `
2019-08-11 09:40:47 +00:00
- - - - - -
2019-08-12 17:01:53 +00:00
- ` ` data / bundle / corine / g250_clc06_V18_5 . tif ` ` : ` CORINE Land Cover ( CLC ) < https : / / land . copernicus . eu / pan - european / corine - land - cover > ` _ inventory on ` 44 classes < https : / / wiki . openstreetmap . org / wiki / Corine_Land_Cover #Tagging>`_ of land use (e.g. forests, arable land, industrial, urban areas).
2019-08-11 20:34:18 +00:00
2019-08-14 13:36:46 +00:00
. . image : : . . / img / corine . png
2019-08-11 20:34:18 +00:00
: scale : 33 %
2019-08-12 17:01:53 +00:00
- ` ` data / bundle / GEBCO_2014_2D . nc ` ` : A ` bathymetric < https : / / en . wikipedia . org / wiki / Bathymetry > ` _ data set with a global terrain model for ocean and land at 15 arc - second intervals by the ` General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans ( GEBCO ) < https : / / www . gebco . net / data_and_products / gridded_bathymetry_data / > ` _ .
2019-08-14 13:36:46 +00:00
. . image : : . . / img / gebco_2019_grid_image . jpg
2019-08-12 17:01:53 +00:00
: scale : 50 %
* * Source : * * ` GEBCO < https : / / www . gebco . net / data_and_products / images / gebco_2019_grid_image . jpg > ` _
2019-08-14 09:54:58 +00:00
- ` ` data / pietzker2014 . xlsx ` ` : ` Supplementary material 2 < https : / / ars . els - cdn . com / content / image / 1 - s2 .0 - S0306261914008149 - mmc2 . xlsx > ` _ from ` Pietzcker et al . < https : / / doi . org / 10.1016 / j . apenergy .2014 .08 .011 > ` _ ; not part of the data bundle ; download and place here yourself .
2019-08-11 20:34:18 +00:00
- ` ` resources / natura . tiff ` ` : confer : ref : ` natura `
- ` ` resources / country_shapes . geojson ` ` : confer : ref : ` shapes `
- ` ` resources / offshore_shapes . geojson ` ` : confer : ref : ` shapes `
- ` ` resources / regions_onshore . geojson ` ` : ( if not offshore wind ) , confer : ref : ` busregions `
- ` ` resources / regions_offshore . geojson ` ` : ( if offshore wind ) , : ref : ` busregions `
- ` ` " cutouts/ " + config [ " renewable " ] [ { technology } ] [ ' cutout ' ] ` ` : : ref : ` cutout `
- ` ` networks / base . nc ` ` : : ref : ` base `
2019-08-11 09:40:47 +00:00
- - - - - - -
2019-08-11 20:34:18 +00:00
- ` ` resources / country_flh_area_ { technology } . csv ` ` :
- ` ` resources / country_flh_aggregated_ { technology } . csv ` ` :
- ` ` resources / country_flh_uncorrected_ { technology } . csv ` ` :
- ` ` resources / country_flh_ { technology } . pdf ` ` :
- ` ` resources / country_exclusion_ { technology } ` ` :
2019-08-11 09:40:47 +00:00
- - - - - - - - - - -
2019-08-08 13:02:28 +00:00
2019-02-15 10:21:41 +00:00
import os
import atlite
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
import pandas as pd
import geokit as gk
from osgeo import gdal
from scipy . sparse import vstack
import pycountry as pyc
import matplotlib . pyplot as plt
from vresutils import landuse as vlanduse
from vresutils . array import spdiag
import progressbar as pgb
import logging
logger = logging . getLogger ( __name__ )
from build_renewable_profiles import init_globals , calculate_potential
def build_area ( flh , countries , areamatrix , breaks , fn ) :
area_unbinned = xr . DataArray ( areamatrix . todense ( ) , [ countries , capacity_factor . coords [ ' spatial ' ] ] )
bins = xr . DataArray ( pd . cut ( flh . to_series ( ) , bins = breaks ) , flh . coords , name = " bins " )
area = area_unbinned . groupby ( bins ) . sum ( dim = " spatial " ) . to_pandas ( )
area . loc [ : , slice ( * area . sum ( ) [ lambda s : s > 0 ] . index [ [ 0 , - 1 ] ] ) ] . to_csv ( fn )
area . columns = area . columns . map ( lambda s : s . left )
return area
def plot_area_not_solar ( area , countries ) :
# onshore wind/offshore wind
a = area . T
fig , axes = plt . subplots ( nrows = len ( countries ) , sharex = True )
for c , ax in zip ( countries , axes ) :
d = a [ [ c ] ] / 1e3
d . plot . bar ( ax = ax , legend = False , align = ' edge ' , width = 1. )
ax . set_ylabel ( f " Potential { c } / GW " )
ax . set_title ( c )
ax . legend ( )
ax . set_xlabel ( " Full-load hours " )
fig . savefig ( snakemake . output . plot , transparent = True , bbox_inches = ' tight ' )
def plot_area_solar ( area , p_area , countries ) :
# onshore wind/offshore wind
p = p_area . T
a = area . T
fig , axes = plt . subplots ( nrows = len ( countries ) , sharex = True , squeeze = False )
for c , ax in zip ( countries , axes . flat ) :
d = pd . concat ( [ a [ c ] , p [ c ] ] , keys = [ ' PyPSA-Eur ' , ' Pietzker ' ] , axis = 1 ) / 1e3
d . plot . bar ( ax = ax , legend = False , align = ' edge ' , width = 1. )
# ax.set_ylabel(f"Potential {c} / GW")
ax . set_title ( c )
ax . legend ( )
ax . set_xlabel ( " Full-load hours " )
fig . savefig ( snakemake . output . plot , transparent = True , bbox_inches = ' tight ' )
def build_aggregate ( flh , countries , areamatrix , breaks , p_area , fn ) :
agg_a = pd . Series ( np . ravel ( ( areamatrix / areamatrix . sum ( axis = 1 ) ) . dot ( flh . values ) ) ,
countries , name = " PyPSA-Eur " )
2019-02-15 19:57:59 +00:00
if p_area is None :
agg_a [ ' Overall ' ] = float ( ( np . asarray ( ( areamatrix . sum ( axis = 0 ) / areamatrix . sum ( ) )
. dot ( flh . values ) ) . squeeze ( ) ) )
agg = pd . DataFrame ( { ' PyPSA-Eur ' : agg_a } )
else :
2019-02-15 10:21:41 +00:00
# Determine indices of countries which are also in Pietzcker
inds = pd . Index ( countries ) . get_indexer ( p_area . index )
areamatrix = areamatrix [ inds ]
2019-02-15 19:57:59 +00:00
agg_a [ ' Overall ' ] = float ( ( np . asarray ( ( areamatrix . sum ( axis = 0 ) / areamatrix . sum ( ) )
. dot ( flh . values ) ) . squeeze ( ) ) )
2019-02-15 10:21:41 +00:00
2019-02-15 19:57:59 +00:00
midpoints = ( breaks [ 1 : ] + breaks [ : - 1 ] ) / 2.
p = p_area . T
2019-02-15 10:21:41 +00:00
2019-02-15 19:57:59 +00:00
# Per-country FLH comparison
agg_p = pd . Series ( ( p / p . sum ( ) ) . multiply ( midpoints , axis = 0 ) . sum ( ) , name = " Pietzker " )
agg_p [ ' Overall ' ] = float ( ( p . sum ( axis = 1 ) / p . sum ( ) . sum ( ) ) . multiply ( midpoints , axis = 0 ) . sum ( ) )
2019-02-15 10:21:41 +00:00
2019-02-15 19:57:59 +00:00
agg = pd . DataFrame ( { ' PyPSA-Eur ' : agg_a , ' Pietzcker ' : agg_p , ' Ratio ' : agg_p / agg_a } )
2019-02-15 10:21:41 +00:00
agg . to_csv ( fn )
if __name__ == ' __main__ ' :
# Detect running outside of snakemake and mock snakemake for testing
if ' snakemake ' not in globals ( ) :
from vresutils . snakemake import MockSnakemake , Dict
snakemake = MockSnakemake (
wildcards = Dict ( technology = ' solar ' ) ,
input = Dict (
base_network = " networks/base.nc " ,
corine = " data/bundle/corine/g250_clc06_V18_5.tif " ,
natura = " resources/natura.tiff " ,
gebco = " data/bundle/GEBCO_2014_2D.nc " ,
country_shapes = ' resources/country_shapes.geojson ' ,
offshore_shapes = ' resources/offshore_shapes.geojson ' ,
pietzker = " data/pietzker2014.xlsx "
) ,
output = Dict (
area = " resources/country_flh_area_ {technology} .csv " ,
aggregated = " resources/country_flh_aggregated_ {technology} .csv " ,
uncorrected = " resources/country_flh_uncorrected_ {technology} .csv " ,
plot = " resources/country_flh_ {technology} .pdf " ,
exclusion = " resources/country_exclusion_ {technology} "
snakemake . input [ ' regions ' ] = os . path . join ( snakemake . path , " resources " ,
" country_shapes.geojson "
if snakemake . wildcards . technology in ( ' onwind ' , ' solar ' )
else " offshore_shapes.geojson " )
snakemake . input [ ' cutout ' ] = os . path . join ( snakemake . path , " cutouts " ,
snakemake . config [ " renewable " ] [ snakemake . wildcards . technology ] [ ' cutout ' ] )
pgb . streams . wrap_stderr ( )
logging . basicConfig ( level = snakemake . config [ ' logging_level ' ] )
config = snakemake . config [ ' renewable ' ] [ snakemake . wildcards . technology ]
time = pd . date_range ( freq = ' m ' , * * snakemake . config [ ' snapshots ' ] )
params = dict ( years = slice ( * time . year [ [ 0 , - 1 ] ] ) , months = slice ( * time . month [ [ 0 , - 1 ] ] ) )
cutout = atlite . Cutout ( config [ ' cutout ' ] ,
cutout_dir = os . path . dirname ( snakemake . input . cutout ) ,
* * params )
minx , maxx , miny , maxy = cutout . extent
dx = ( maxx - minx ) / ( cutout . shape [ 1 ] - 1 )
dy = ( maxy - miny ) / ( cutout . shape [ 0 ] - 1 )
bounds = gk . Extent . from_xXyY ( ( minx - dx / 2. , maxx + dx / 2. ,
miny - dy / 2. , maxy + dy / 2. ) )
# Use GLAES to compute available potentials and the transition matrix
paths = dict ( snakemake . input )
init_globals ( bounds , dx , dy , config , paths )
regions = gk . vector . extractFeatures ( paths [ " regions " ] , onlyAttr = True )
countries = pd . Index ( regions [ " name " ] , name = " country " )
widgets = [
pgb . widgets . Percentage ( ) ,
' ' , pgb . widgets . SimpleProgress ( format = ' ( %s ) ' % pgb . widgets . SimpleProgress . DEFAULT_FORMAT ) ,
' ' , pgb . widgets . Bar ( ) ,
' ' , pgb . widgets . Timer ( ) ,
' ' , pgb . widgets . ETA ( )
progressbar = pgb . ProgressBar ( prefix = ' Compute GIS potentials: ' , widgets = widgets , max_value = len ( countries ) )
if not os . path . isdir ( snakemake . output . exclusion ) :
os . makedirs ( snakemake . output . exclusion )
matrix = vstack ( [ calculate_potential ( i , save_map = os . path . join ( snakemake . output . exclusion , countries [ i ] ) )
for i in progressbar ( regions . index ) ] )
areamatrix = matrix * spdiag ( vlanduse . _cutout_cell_areas ( cutout ) . ravel ( ) )
areamatrix . data [ areamatrix . data < 1. ] = 0 # ignore weather cells where only less than 1 km^2 can be installed
areamatrix . eliminate_zeros ( )
resource = config [ ' resource ' ]
func = getattr ( cutout , resource . pop ( ' method ' ) )
correction_factor = config . get ( ' correction_factor ' , 1. )
capacity_factor = func ( capacity_factor = True , show_progress = ' Compute capacity factors: ' , * * resource ) . stack ( spatial = ( ' y ' , ' x ' ) )
flh_uncorr = capacity_factor * 8760
flh_corr = correction_factor * flh_uncorr
if snakemake . wildcards . technology == ' solar ' :
pietzcker = pd . read_excel ( snakemake . input . pietzker , sheet_name = " PV on all area " , skiprows = 2 , header = [ 0 , 1 ] ) . iloc [ 1 : 177 ]
p_area1_50 = pietzcker [ ' Usable Area at given FLh in 1-50km distance to settlement ' ] . dropna ( axis = 1 )
p_area1_50 . columns = p_area1_50 . columns . str . split ( ' ' ) . str [ 0 ]
p_area50_100 = pietzcker [ ' Usable Area at given FLh in 50-100km distance to settlement ' ]
p_area = p_area1_50 + p_area50_100
cols = p_area . columns
breaks = cols . str . split ( ' - ' ) . str [ 0 ] . append ( pd . Index ( [ cols [ - 1 ] . split ( ' - ' ) [ 1 ] ] ) ) . astype ( int )
p_area . columns = breaks [ : - 1 ]
p_area = p_area . reindex ( countries . map ( lambda c : pyc . countries . get ( alpha_2 = c ) . name ) )
p_area . index = countries
p_area = p_area . dropna ( ) # Pietzcker does not have data for CZ and MK
else :
breaks = np . r_ [ 0 : 8000 : 50 ]
p_area = None
area = build_area ( flh_corr , countries , areamatrix , breaks , snakemake . output . area )
if snakemake . wildcards . technology == ' solar ' :
plot_area_solar ( area , p_area , p_area . index )
else :
plot_area_not_solar ( area , countries )
build_aggregate ( flh_uncorr , countries , areamatrix , breaks , p_area , snakemake . output . uncorrected )
build_aggregate ( flh_corr , countries , areamatrix , breaks , p_area , snakemake . output . aggregated )