Add Dreamer Files

This commit is contained in:
Vedant Dave 2023-07-17 10:48:01 +02:00
commit 1ddf72b0c3
104 changed files with 10643 additions and 0 deletions

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

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@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
import gym
from gym.envs.registration import register
def make(
env_id = 'dmc_%s_%s_%s-v1' % (domain_name, task_name, seed)
if from_pixels:
assert not visualize_reward, 'cannot use visualize reward when learning from pixels'
# shorten episode length
max_episode_steps = (episode_length + frame_skip - 1) // frame_skip
if not env_id in gym.envs.registry.env_specs:
'domain_name': domain_name,
'task_name': task_name,
'resource_files': resource_files,
'img_source': img_source,
'total_frames': total_frames,
'task_kwargs': {
'random': seed
'environment_kwargs': environment_kwargs,
'visualize_reward': visualize_reward,
'from_pixels': from_pixels,
'height': height,
'width': width,
'camera_id': camera_id,
'frame_skip': frame_skip,
# max_episode_steps=max_episode_steps
return gym.make(env_id)

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

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@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
# This code provides the class that is used to generate backgrounds for the natural background setting
# the class is used inside an environment wrapper and will be called each time the env generates an observation
# the code is largely based on
import random
import cv2
import numpy as np
class ImageSource(object):
Source of natural images to be added to a simulated environment.
def get_image(self):
an RGB image of [h, w, 3] with a fixed shape.
def reset(self):
""" Called when an episode ends. """
class RandomVideoSource(ImageSource):
def __init__(self, shape, filelist, random_bg=False, max_videos=100, grayscale=False):
shape: [h, w]
filelist: a list of video files
self.grayscale = grayscale
self.shape = shape
self.filelist = filelist
self.filelist = self.filelist[:max_videos]
self.max_videos = max_videos
self.random_bg = random_bg
self.current_idx = 0
self._current_vid = None
def load_video(self, vid_id):
fname = self.filelist[vid_id]
if self.grayscale:
frames =, outputdict={"-pix_fmt": "gray"})
frames =, num_frames=1000)
img_arr = np.zeros((frames.shape[0], self.shape[0], self.shape[1]) + ((3,) if not self.grayscale else (1,)))
for i in range(frames.shape[0]):
if self.grayscale:
img_arr[i] = cv2.resize(frames[i], (self.shape[1], self.shape[0]))[..., None] # THIS IS NOT A BUG! cv2 uses (width, height)
img_arr[i] = cv2.resize(frames[i], (self.shape[1], self.shape[0]))
return img_arr
def reset(self):
del self._current_vid
self._video_id = np.random.randint(0, len(self.filelist))
self._current_vid = self.load_video(self._video_id)
while True:
self._video_id = np.random.randint(0, len(self.filelist))
self._current_vid = self.load_video(self._video_id)
except Exception:
self._loc = np.random.randint(0, len(self._current_vid))
def get_image(self):
if self.random_bg:
self._loc = np.random.randint(0, len(self._current_vid))
self._loc += 1
img = self._current_vid[self._loc % len(self._current_vid)]
return img

Dreamer/dmc2gym/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
from gym import core, spaces
import glob
import os
import local_dm_control_suite as suite
from dm_env import specs
import numpy as np
from dmc2gym import natural_imgsource
high_noise = False
def set_global_var(set_high_noise):
global high_noise
high_noise = set_high_noise
def _spec_to_box(spec):
def extract_min_max(s):
assert s.dtype == np.float64 or s.dtype == np.float32
dim =
if type(s) == specs.Array:
bound = np.inf * np.ones(dim, dtype=np.float32)
return -bound, bound
elif type(s) == specs.BoundedArray:
zeros = np.zeros(dim, dtype=np.float32)
return s.minimum + zeros, s.maximum + zeros
mins, maxs = [], []
for s in spec:
mn, mx = extract_min_max(s)
low = np.concatenate(mins, axis=0)
high = np.concatenate(maxs, axis=0)
assert low.shape == high.shape
return spaces.Box(low, high, dtype=np.float32)
def _flatten_obs(obs):
obs_pieces = []
for v in obs.values():
flat = np.array([v]) if np.isscalar(v) else v.ravel()
return np.concatenate(obs_pieces, axis=0)
class DMCWrapper(core.Env):
def __init__(
assert 'random' in task_kwargs, 'please specify a seed, for deterministic behaviour'
self._from_pixels = from_pixels
self._height = height
self._width = width
self._camera_id = camera_id
self._frame_skip = frame_skip
self._img_source = img_source
# create task
self._env = suite.load(
# true and normalized action spaces
self._true_action_space = _spec_to_box([self._env.action_spec()])
self._norm_action_space = spaces.Box(
# create observation space
if from_pixels:
self._observation_space = spaces.Box(
low=0, high=255, shape=[3, height, width], dtype=np.uint8
self._observation_space = _spec_to_box(
self._internal_state_space = spaces.Box(
# background
if img_source is not None:
shape2d = (height, width)
if img_source == "color":
self._bg_source = natural_imgsource.RandomColorSource(shape2d)
elif img_source == "noise":
self._bg_source = natural_imgsource.NoiseSource(shape2d)
files = glob.glob(os.path.expanduser(resource_files))
self.files = files
self.total_frames = total_frames
self.shape2d = shape2d
assert len(files), "Pattern {} does not match any files".format(
if img_source == "images":
self._bg_source = natural_imgsource.RandomImageSource(shape2d, files, grayscale=False, max_videos=100, random_bg=False)
elif img_source == "video":
self._bg_source = natural_imgsource.RandomVideoSource(shape2d, files, grayscale=False, max_videos=100, random_bg=False)
raise Exception("img_source %s not defined." % img_source)
# set seed
self.seed(seed=task_kwargs.get('random', 1))
def __getattr__(self, name):
return getattr(self._env, name)
def _get_obs(self, time_step):
if self._from_pixels:
obs = self.render(
if self._img_source is not None:
mask = np.logical_and((obs[:, :, 2] > obs[:, :, 1]), (obs[:, :, 2] > obs[:, :, 0])) # hardcoded for dmc
bg = self._bg_source.get_image()
obs[mask] = bg[mask]
obs = obs.transpose(2, 0, 1).copy()
obs = _flatten_obs(time_step.observation)
return obs
def _convert_action(self, action):
action = action.astype(np.float64)
true_delta = self._true_action_space.high - self._true_action_space.low
norm_delta = self._norm_action_space.high - self._norm_action_space.low
action = (action - self._norm_action_space.low) / norm_delta
action = action * true_delta + self._true_action_space.low
action = action.astype(np.float32)
return action
def observation_space(self):
return self._observation_space
def internal_state_space(self):
return self._internal_state_space
def action_space(self):
return self._norm_action_space
def seed(self, seed):
def step(self, action):
assert self._norm_action_space.contains(action)
action = self._convert_action(action)
assert self._true_action_space.contains(action)
reward = 0
extra = {'internal_state': self._env.physics.get_state().copy()}
for _ in range(self._frame_skip):
time_step = self._env.step(action)
reward += time_step.reward or 0
done = time_step.last()
if done:
obs = self._get_obs(time_step)
extra['discount'] =
return obs, reward, done, extra
def reset(self):
time_step = self._env.reset()
#self._bg_source = natural_imgsource.RandomVideoSource(self.shape2d, self.files, grayscale=True, total_frames=self.total_frames, high_noise=high_noise)
obs = self._get_obs(time_step)
return obs
def render(self, mode='rgb_array', height=None, width=None, camera_id=0):
assert mode == 'rgb_array', 'only support rgb_array mode, given %s' % mode
height = height or self._height
width = width or self._width
camera_id = camera_id or self._camera_id
return self._env.physics.render(
height=height, width=width, camera_id=camera_id

Dreamer/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,741 @@
import tools
import models
from tensorflow_probability import distributions as tfd
from tensorflow.keras.mixed_precision import experimental as prec
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
import collections
import functools
import json
import time
from env_tools import preprocess, count_steps
def load_dataset(directory, config):
episode = next(tools.load_episodes(directory, 1))
types = {k: v.dtype for k, v in episode.items()}
shapes = {k: (None,) + v.shape[1:] for k, v in episode.items()}
def generator(): return tools.load_episodes(
directory, config.train_steps, config.batch_length,
dataset =, types, shapes)
dataset = dataset.batch(config.batch_size, drop_remainder=True)
dataset =, config=config))
dataset = dataset.prefetch(10)
return dataset
class Dreamer(tools.Module):
def __init__(self, config, datadir, actspace, writer):
self._c = config
self._actspace = actspace
self._actdim = actspace.n if hasattr(
actspace, 'n') else actspace.shape[0]
self._writer = writer
self._random = np.random.RandomState(config.seed)
self._should_pretrain = tools.Once()
self._should_train = tools.Every(config.train_every)
self._should_log = tools.Every(config.log_every)
self._last_log = None
self._last_time = time.time()
self._metrics = collections.defaultdict(tf.metrics.Mean)
self._metrics['expl_amount'] # Create variable for checkpoint.
self._float = prec.global_policy().compute_dtype
self._strategy = tf.distribute.MirroredStrategy()
with tf.device('cpu:0'):
self._step = tf.Variable(count_steps(
datadir, config), dtype=tf.int64)
with self._strategy.scope():
self._dataset = iter(self._strategy.experimental_distribute_dataset(
load_dataset(datadir, self._c)))
def __call__(self, obs, reset, state=None, training=True):
step = self._step.numpy().item()
if state is not None and reset.any():
mask = tf.cast(1 - reset, self._float)[:, None]
state = tf.nest.map_structure(lambda x: x * mask, state)
if self._should_train(step):
log = self._should_log(step)
n = self._c.pretrain if self._should_pretrain() else self._c.train_steps
print(f'Training for {n} steps.')
with self._strategy.scope():
for train_step in range(n):
log_images = self._c.log_images and log and train_step == 0
self.train(next(self._dataset), log_images)
if log:
action, state = self.policy(obs, state, training)
if training:
self._step.assign_add(len(reset) * self._c.action_repeat)
return action, state
def policy(self, obs, state, training):
if state is None:
latent = self._dynamics.initial(len(obs['image']))
action = tf.zeros((len(obs['image']), self._actdim), self._float)
latent, action = state
embed = self._encode(preprocess(obs, self._c))
latent, _ = self._dynamics.obs_step(latent, action, embed)
feat = self._dynamics.get_feat(latent)
if training:
action = self._actor(feat).sample()
action = self._actor(feat).mode()
action = self._exploration(action, training)
state = (latent, action)
return action, state
def load(self, filename):
def train(self, data, log_images=False):
self._train, args=(data, log_images))
def _train(self, data, log_images):
with tf.GradientTape() as model_tape:
data["image"] = tf.transpose(data["image"], perm=[0, 1, 3, 4, 2])
embed = self._encode(data)
post, prior = self._dynamics.observe(embed, data['action'])
feat = self._dynamics.get_feat(post)
image_pred = self._decode(feat)
reward_pred = self._reward(feat)
likes = tools.AttrDict()
likes.image = tf.reduce_mean(image_pred.log_prob(data['image']))
likes.reward = tf.reduce_mean(reward_pred.log_prob(data['reward']))
if self._c.pcont:
pcont_pred = self._pcont(feat)
pcont_target = * data['discount']
likes.pcont = tf.reduce_mean(pcont_pred.log_prob(pcont_target))
likes.pcont *= self._c.pcont_scale
prior_dist = self._dynamics.get_dist(prior)
post_dist = self._dynamics.get_dist(post)
div = tf.reduce_mean(tfd.kl_divergence(post_dist, prior_dist))
div = tf.maximum(div, self._c.free_nats)
model_loss = self._c.kl_scale * div - sum(likes.values())
model_loss /= float(self._strategy.num_replicas_in_sync)
with tf.GradientTape() as actor_tape:
imag_feat = self._imagine_ahead(post)
reward = self._reward(imag_feat).mode()
if self._c.pcont:
pcont = self._pcont(imag_feat).mean()
pcont = * tf.ones_like(reward)
value = self._value(imag_feat).mode()
returns = tools.lambda_return(
reward[:-1], value[:-1], pcont[:-1],
bootstrap=value[-1], lambda_=self._c.disclam, axis=0)
discount = tf.stop_gradient(tf.math.cumprod(tf.concat(
[tf.ones_like(pcont[:1]), pcont[:-2]], 0), 0))
actor_loss = -tf.reduce_mean(discount * returns)
actor_loss /= float(self._strategy.num_replicas_in_sync)
with tf.GradientTape() as value_tape:
value_pred = self._value(imag_feat)[:-1]
target = tf.stop_gradient(returns)
value_loss = - \
tf.reduce_mean(discount * value_pred.log_prob(target))
value_loss /= float(self._strategy.num_replicas_in_sync)
model_norm = self._model_opt(model_tape, model_loss)
actor_norm = self._actor_opt(actor_tape, actor_loss)
value_norm = self._value_opt(value_tape, value_loss)
if tf.distribute.get_replica_context().replica_id_in_sync_group == 0:
if self._c.log_scalars:
data, feat, prior_dist, post_dist, likes, div,
model_loss, value_loss, actor_loss, model_norm, value_norm,
if tf.equal(log_images, True):
self._image_summaries(data, embed, image_pred)
def _build_model(self):
acts = dict(
elu=tf.nn.elu, relu=tf.nn.relu, swish=tf.nn.swish,
cnn_act = acts[self._c.cnn_act]
act = acts[self._c.dense_act]
self._encode = models.ConvEncoder(
self._c.cnn_depth, cnn_act, self._c.image_size)
self._dynamics = models.RSSM(
self._c.stoch_size, self._c.deter_size, self._c.deter_size)
self._decode = models.ConvDecoder(
self._c.cnn_depth, cnn_act, (self._c.image_size, self._c.image_size, 3))
self._reward = models.DenseDecoder((), 2, self._c.num_units, act=act)
if self._c.pcont:
self._pcont = models.DenseDecoder(
(), 3, self._c.num_units, 'binary', act=act)
self._value = models.DenseDecoder((), 3, self._c.num_units, act=act)
self._actor = models.ActionDecoder(
self._actdim, 4, self._c.num_units, self._c.action_dist,
init_std=self._c.action_init_std, act=act)
model_modules = [self._encode, self._dynamics,
self._decode, self._reward]
if self._c.pcont:
Optimizer = functools.partial(
tools.Adam, wd=self._c.weight_decay, clip=self._c.grad_clip,
self._model_opt = Optimizer('model', model_modules, self._c.model_lr)
self._value_opt = Optimizer('value', [self._value], self._c.value_lr)
self._actor_opt = Optimizer('actor', [self._actor], self._c.actor_lr)
def _exploration(self, action, training):
if training:
amount = self._c.expl_amount
if self._c.expl_decay:
amount *= 0.5 ** (tf.cast(self._step,
tf.float32) / self._c.expl_decay)
if self._c.expl_min:
amount = tf.maximum(self._c.expl_min, amount)
elif self._c.eval_noise:
amount = self._c.eval_noise
return action
if self._c.expl == 'additive_gaussian':
return tf.clip_by_value(tfd.Normal(action, amount).sample(), -1, 1)
if self._c.expl == 'completely_random':
return tf.random.uniform(action.shape, -1, 1)
if self._c.expl == 'epsilon_greedy':
indices = tfd.Categorical(0 * action).sample()
# pylint: disable=unexpected-keyword-arg, no-value-for-parameter
return tf.where(
tf.random.uniform(action.shape[:1], 0, 1) < amount,
tf.one_hot(indices, action.shape[-1], dtype=self._float),
raise NotImplementedError(self._c.expl)
def _imagine_ahead(self, post):
if self._c.pcont: # Last step could be terminal.
post = {k: v[:, :-1] for k, v in post.items()}
def flatten(x): return tf.reshape(x, [-1] + list(x.shape[2:]))
start = {k: flatten(v) for k, v in post.items()}
def policy(state): return self._actor(
states = tools.static_scan(
lambda prev, _: self._dynamics.img_step(prev, policy(prev)),
tf.range(self._c.horizon), start)
imag_feat = self._dynamics.get_feat(states)
return imag_feat
def _scalar_summaries(
self, data, feat, prior_dist, post_dist, likes, div,
model_loss, value_loss, actor_loss, model_norm, value_norm,
for name, logprob in likes.items():
self._metrics[name + '_loss'].update_state(-logprob)
def _image_summaries(self, data, embed, image_pred):
truth = data['image'][:6] + 0.5
recon = image_pred.mode()[:6]
init, _ = self._dynamics.observe(embed[:6, :5], data['action'][:6, :5])
init = {k: v[:, -1] for k, v in init.items()}
prior = self._dynamics.imagine(data['action'][:6, 5:], init)
openl = self._decode(self._dynamics.get_feat(prior)).mode()
model = tf.concat([recon[:, :5] + 0.5, openl + 0.5], 1)
error = (model - truth + 1) / 2
openl = tf.concat([truth, model, error], 2)
self._writer, tools.video_summary, self._step, 'agent/openl', openl)
def image_summary_from_data(self, data):
truth = data['image'][:6] + 0.5
embed = self._encode(data)
post, _ = self._dynamics.observe(
embed[:6, :5], data['action'][:6, :5])
feat = self._dynamics.get_feat(post)
init = {k: v[:, -1] for k, v in post.items()}
recon = self._decode(feat).mode()[:6]
prior = self._dynamics.imagine(data['action'][:6, 5:], init)
openl = self._decode(self._dynamics.get_feat(prior)).mode()
model = tf.concat([recon[:, :5] + 0.5, openl + 0.5], 1)
error = (model - truth + 1) / 2
openl = tf.concat([truth, model, error], 2)
self._writer, tools.video_summary, self._step, 'agent/eval_openl', openl)
def _write_summaries(self):
step = int(self._step.numpy())
metrics = [(k, float(v.result())) for k, v in self._metrics.items()]
if self._last_log is not None:
duration = time.time() - self._last_time
self._last_time += duration
metrics.append(('fps', (step - self._last_log) / duration))
self._last_log = step
[m.reset_states() for m in self._metrics.values()]
with (self._c.logdir / 'metrics.jsonl').open('a') as f:
f.write(json.dumps({'step': step, **dict(metrics)}) + '\n')
[tf.summary.scalar('agent/' + k, m) for k, m in metrics]
print(f'[{step}]', ' / '.join(f'{k} {v:.1f}' for k, v in metrics))
class SeparationDreamer(Dreamer):
def __init__(self, config, datadir, actspace, writer):
self._metrics_disen = collections.defaultdict(tf.metrics.Mean)
super().__init__(config, datadir, actspace, writer)
def _train(self, data, log_images):
with tf.GradientTape(persistent=True) as model_tape:
# main
data["image"] = tf.transpose(data["image"], perm=[0, 1, 3, 4, 2])
embed = self._encode(data)
post, prior = self._dynamics.observe(embed, data['action'])
feat = self._dynamics.get_feat(post)
# disen
embed_disen = self._disen_encode(data)
post_disen, prior_disen = self._disen_dynamics.observe(
embed_disen, data['action'])
feat_disen = self._disen_dynamics.get_feat(post_disen)
# disen image pred
image_pred_disen = self._disen_only_decode(feat_disen)
# joint image pred
image_pred_joint, image_pred_joint_main, image_pred_joint_disen, mask_pred = self._joint_decode(
feat, feat_disen)
# reward pred
reward_pred = self._reward(feat)
# optimize disen reward predictor till optimal
for _ in range(self._c.num_reward_opt_iters):
with tf.GradientTape() as disen_reward_tape:
reward_pred_disen = self._disen_reward(
reward_like_disen = reward_pred_disen.log_prob(
reward_loss_disen = -tf.reduce_mean(reward_like_disen)
reward_loss_disen /= float(
reward_disen_norm = self._disen_reward_opt(
disen_reward_tape, reward_loss_disen)
# disen reward pred with optimal reward predictor
reward_pred_disen = self._disen_reward(feat_disen)
reward_like_disen = tf.reduce_mean(
# main model loss
likes = tools.AttrDict()
likes.image = tf.reduce_mean(
likes.reward = tf.reduce_mean(reward_pred.log_prob(
data['reward'])) * self._c.reward_scale
if self._c.pcont:
pcont_pred = self._pcont(feat)
pcont_target = * data['discount']
likes.pcont = tf.reduce_mean(pcont_pred.log_prob(pcont_target))
likes.pcont *= self._c.pcont_scale
prior_dist = self._dynamics.get_dist(prior)
post_dist = self._dynamics.get_dist(post)
div = tf.reduce_mean(tfd.kl_divergence(post_dist, prior_dist))
div = tf.maximum(div, self._c.free_nats)
model_loss = self._c.kl_scale * div - sum(likes.values())
model_loss /= float(self._strategy.num_replicas_in_sync)
# disen model loss with reward negative gradient
likes_disen = tools.AttrDict()
likes_disen.image = tf.reduce_mean(
likes_disen.disen_only = tf.reduce_mean(
reward_like_disen = reward_pred_disen.log_prob(data['reward'])
reward_like_disen = tf.reduce_mean(reward_like_disen)
reward_loss_disen = -reward_like_disen
prior_dist_disen = self._disen_dynamics.get_dist(prior_disen)
post_dist_disen = self._disen_dynamics.get_dist(post_disen)
div_disen = tf.reduce_mean(tfd.kl_divergence(
post_dist_disen, prior_dist_disen))
div_disen = tf.maximum(div_disen, self._c.free_nats)
model_loss_disen = div_disen * self._c.disen_kl_scale + \
reward_like_disen * self._c.disen_neg_rew_scale - \
likes_disen.image - likes_disen.disen_only * self._c.disen_rec_scale
model_loss_disen /= float(self._strategy.num_replicas_in_sync)
decode_loss = model_loss_disen + model_loss
with tf.GradientTape() as actor_tape:
imag_feat = self._imagine_ahead(post)
reward = self._reward(imag_feat).mode()
if self._c.pcont:
pcont = self._pcont(imag_feat).mean()
pcont = * tf.ones_like(reward)
value = self._value(imag_feat).mode()
returns = tools.lambda_return(
reward[:-1], value[:-1], pcont[:-1],
bootstrap=value[-1], lambda_=self._c.disclam, axis=0)
discount = tf.stop_gradient(tf.math.cumprod(tf.concat(
[tf.ones_like(pcont[:1]), pcont[:-2]], 0), 0))
actor_loss = -tf.reduce_mean(discount * returns)
actor_loss /= float(self._strategy.num_replicas_in_sync)
with tf.GradientTape() as value_tape:
value_pred = self._value(imag_feat)[:-1]
target = tf.stop_gradient(returns)
value_loss = - \
tf.reduce_mean(discount * value_pred.log_prob(target))
value_loss /= float(self._strategy.num_replicas_in_sync)
model_norm = self._model_opt(model_tape, model_loss)
model_disen_norm = self._disen_opt(model_tape, model_loss_disen)
decode_norm = self._decode_opt(model_tape, decode_loss)
actor_norm = self._actor_opt(actor_tape, actor_loss)
value_norm = self._value_opt(value_tape, value_loss)
if tf.distribute.get_replica_context().replica_id_in_sync_group == 0:
if self._c.log_scalars:
data, feat, prior_dist, post_dist, likes, div,
model_loss, value_loss, actor_loss, model_norm, value_norm, actor_norm)
prior_dist_disen, post_dist_disen, likes_disen, div_disen,
model_loss_disen, reward_loss_disen,
model_disen_norm, reward_disen_norm)
if tf.equal(log_images, True):
data, embed, embed_disen, image_pred_joint, mask_pred)
self._disen_dynamics, self._disen_decode, data, embed_disen, image_pred_joint_disen, tag='disen/openl_joint_disen')
self._disen_dynamics, self._disen_only_decode, data, embed_disen, image_pred_disen, tag='disen_only/openl_disen_only')
self._dynamics, self._main_decode, data, embed, image_pred_joint_main, tag='main/openl_joint_main')
def _build_model(self):
acts = dict(
elu=tf.nn.elu, relu=tf.nn.relu, swish=tf.nn.swish,
cnn_act = acts[self._c.cnn_act]
act = acts[self._c.dense_act]
# Distractor dynamic model
self._disen_encode = models.ConvEncoder(
self._c.disen_cnn_depth, cnn_act, self._c.image_size)
self._disen_dynamics = models.RSSM(
self._c.disen_stoch_size, self._c.disen_deter_size, self._c.disen_deter_size)
self._disen_only_decode = models.ConvDecoder(
self._c.disen_cnn_depth, cnn_act, (self._c.image_size, self._c.image_size, 3))
self._disen_reward = models.DenseDecoder(
(), 2, self._c.num_units, act=act)
# Task dynamic model
self._encode = models.ConvEncoder(
self._c.cnn_depth, cnn_act, self._c.image_size)
self._dynamics = models.RSSM(
self._c.stoch_size, self._c.deter_size, self._c.deter_size)
self._reward = models.DenseDecoder((), 2, self._c.num_units, act=act)
if self._c.pcont:
self._pcont = models.DenseDecoder(
(), 3, self._c.num_units, 'binary', act=act)
self._value = models.DenseDecoder((), 3, self._c.num_units, act=act)
self._actor = models.ActionDecoder(
self._actdim, 4, self._c.num_units, self._c.action_dist,
init_std=self._c.action_init_std, act=act)
# Joint decode
self._main_decode = models.ConvDecoderMask(
self._c.cnn_depth, cnn_act, (self._c.image_size, self._c.image_size, 3))
self._disen_decode = models.ConvDecoderMask(
self._c.disen_cnn_depth, cnn_act, (self._c.image_size, self._c.image_size, 3))
self._joint_decode = models.ConvDecoderMaskEnsemble(
self._main_decode, self._disen_decode, self._c.precision
disen_modules = [self._disen_encode,
self._disen_dynamics, self._disen_only_decode]
model_modules = [self._encode, self._dynamics, self._reward]
if self._c.pcont:
Optimizer = functools.partial(
tools.Adam, wd=self._c.weight_decay, clip=self._c.grad_clip,
self._model_opt = Optimizer('model', model_modules, self._c.model_lr)
self._disen_opt = Optimizer('disen', disen_modules, self._c.model_lr)
self._decode_opt = Optimizer(
'decode', [self._joint_decode], self._c.model_lr)
self._disen_reward_opt = Optimizer(
'disen_reward', [self._disen_reward], self._c.disen_reward_lr)
self._value_opt = Optimizer('value', [self._value], self._c.value_lr)
self._actor_opt = Optimizer('actor', [self._actor], self._c.actor_lr)
def _scalar_summaries_disen(
self, prior_dist_disen, post_dist_disen, likes_disen, div_disen,
model_loss_disen, reward_loss_disen,
model_disen_norm, reward_disen_norm):
for name, logprob in likes_disen.items():
self._metrics_disen[name + '_loss'].update_state(-logprob)
def _image_summaries(self, dynamics, decoder, data, embed, image_pred, tag='agent/openl'):
truth = data['image'][:6] + 0.5
recon = image_pred.mode()[:6]
init, _ = dynamics.observe(embed[:6, :5], data['action'][:6, :5])
init = {k: v[:, -1] for k, v in init.items()}
prior = dynamics.imagine(data['action'][:6, 5:], init)
if isinstance(decoder, models.ConvDecoderMask):
openl, _ = decoder(dynamics.get_feat(prior))
openl = openl.mode()
openl = decoder(dynamics.get_feat(prior)).mode()
model = tf.concat([recon[:, :5] + 0.5, openl + 0.5], 1)
error = (model - truth + 1) / 2
openl = tf.concat([truth, model, error], 2)
self._writer, tools.video_summary, self._step, tag, openl)
def _image_summaries_joint(self, data, embed, embed_disen, image_pred_joint, mask_pred):
truth = data['image'][:6] + 0.5
recon_joint = image_pred_joint.mode()[:6]
mask_pred = mask_pred[:6]
init, _ = self._dynamics.observe(
embed[:6, :5], data['action'][:6, :5])
init_disen, _ = self._disen_dynamics.observe(
embed_disen[:6, :5], data['action'][:6, :5])
init = {k: v[:, -1] for k, v in init.items()}
init_disen = {k: v[:, -1] for k, v in init_disen.items()}
prior = self._dynamics.imagine(
data['action'][:6, 5:], init)
prior_disen = self._disen_dynamics.imagine(
data['action'][:6, 5:], init_disen)
feat = self._dynamics.get_feat(prior)
feat_disen = self._disen_dynamics.get_feat(prior_disen)
openl, _, _, openl_mask = self._joint_decode(feat, feat_disen)
openl = openl.mode()
model = tf.concat([recon_joint[:, :5] + 0.5, openl + 0.5], 1)
error = (model - truth + 1) / 2
openl = tf.concat([truth, model, error], 2)
openl_mask = tf.concat([mask_pred[:, :5] + 0.5, openl_mask + 0.5], 1)
self._writer, tools.video_summary, self._step, 'joint/openl_joint', openl)
self._writer, tools.video_summary, self._step, 'mask/openl_mask', openl_mask)
def image_summary_from_data(self, data):
truth = data['image'][:6] + 0.5
# main
embed = self._encode(data)
post, _ = self._dynamics.observe(
embed[:6, :5], data['action'][:6, :5])
feat = self._dynamics.get_feat(post)
init = {k: v[:, -1] for k, v in post.items()}
# disen
embed_disen = self._disen_encode(data)
post_disen, _ = self._disen_dynamics.observe(
embed_disen[:6, :5], data['action'][:6, :5])
feat_disen = self._disen_dynamics.get_feat(post_disen)
init_disen = {k: v[:, -1] for k, v in post_disen.items()}
# joint image pred
recon_joint, recon_main, recon_disen, recon_mask = self._joint_decode(
feat, feat_disen)
recon_joint = recon_joint.mode()[:6]
recon_main = recon_main.mode()[:6]
recon_disen = recon_disen.mode()[:6]
recon_mask = recon_mask[:6]
prior = self._dynamics.imagine(
data['action'][:6, 5:], init)
prior_disen = self._disen_dynamics.imagine(
data['action'][:6, 5:], init_disen)
feat = self._dynamics.get_feat(prior)
feat_disen = self._disen_dynamics.get_feat(prior_disen)
openl_joint, openl_main, openl_disen, openl_mask = self._joint_decode(
feat, feat_disen)
openl_joint = openl_joint.mode()
openl_main = openl_main.mode()
openl_disen = openl_disen.mode()
model_joint = tf.concat(
[recon_joint[:, :5] + 0.5, openl_joint + 0.5], 1)
error_joint = (model_joint - truth + 1) / 2
model_main = tf.concat(
[recon_main[:, :5] + 0.5, openl_main + 0.5], 1)
model_disen = tf.concat(
[recon_disen[:, :5] + 0.5, openl_disen + 0.5], 1)
model_mask = tf.concat(
[recon_mask[:, :5] + 0.5, openl_mask + 0.5], 1)
output_joint = tf.concat(
[truth, model_main, model_disen, model_joint, error_joint], 2)
output_mask = model_mask
self._writer, tools.video_summary, self._step, 'summary/openl', output_joint)
self._writer, tools.video_summary, self._step, 'summary/openl_mask', output_mask)
def _write_summaries(self):
step = int(self._step.numpy())
metrics = [(k, float(v.result())) for k, v in self._metrics.items()]
metrics_disen = [(k, float(v.result()))
for k, v in self._metrics_disen.items()]
if self._last_log is not None:
duration = time.time() - self._last_time
self._last_time += duration
metrics.append(('fps', (step - self._last_log) / duration))
self._last_log = step
[m.reset_states() for m in self._metrics.values()]
[m.reset_states() for m in self._metrics_disen.values()]
with (self._c.logdir / 'metrics.jsonl').open('a') as f:
f.write(json.dumps({'step': step, **dict(metrics)}) + '\n')
[tf.summary.scalar('agent/' + k, m) for k, m in metrics]
[tf.summary.scalar('disen/' + k, m) for k, m in metrics_disen]
print('#'*30 + ' Main ' + '#'*30)
print(f'[{step}]', ' / '.join(f'{k} {v:.1f}' for k, v in metrics))
print('#'*30 + ' Disen ' + '#'*30)
print(f'[{step}]', ' / '.join(f'{k} {v:.1f}' for k, v in metrics_disen))
class InverseDreamer(Dreamer):
def __init__(self, config, datadir, actspace, writer):
super().__init__(config, datadir, actspace, writer)
def _train(self, data, log_images):
with tf.GradientTape() as model_tape:
embed = self._encode(data)
post, prior = self._dynamics.observe(embed, data['action'])
feat = self._dynamics.get_feat(post)
action_pred = self._decode(feat)
reward_pred = self._reward(feat)
likes = tools.AttrDict()
likes.action = tf.reduce_mean(
action_pred.log_prob(data['action'][:, :-1]))
likes.reward = tf.reduce_mean(
if self._c.pcont:
pcont_pred = self._pcont(feat)
pcont_target = * data['discount']
likes.pcont = tf.reduce_mean(pcont_pred.log_prob(pcont_target))
likes.pcont *= self._c.pcont_scale
prior_dist = self._dynamics.get_dist(prior)
post_dist = self._dynamics.get_dist(post)
div = tf.reduce_mean(tfd.kl_divergence(post_dist, prior_dist))
div = tf.maximum(div, self._c.free_nats)
model_loss = self._c.kl_scale * div - sum(likes.values())
model_loss /= float(self._strategy.num_replicas_in_sync)
with tf.GradientTape() as actor_tape:
imag_feat = self._imagine_ahead(post)
reward = self._reward(imag_feat).mode()
if self._c.pcont:
pcont = self._pcont(imag_feat).mean()
pcont = * tf.ones_like(reward)
value = self._value(imag_feat).mode()
returns = tools.lambda_return(
reward[:-1], value[:-1], pcont[:-1],
bootstrap=value[-1], lambda_=self._c.disclam, axis=0)
discount = tf.stop_gradient(tf.math.cumprod(tf.concat(
[tf.ones_like(pcont[:1]), pcont[:-2]], 0), 0))
actor_loss = -tf.reduce_mean(discount * returns)
actor_loss /= float(self._strategy.num_replicas_in_sync)
with tf.GradientTape() as value_tape:
value_pred = self._value(imag_feat)[:-1]
target = tf.stop_gradient(returns)
value_loss = - \
tf.reduce_mean(discount * value_pred.log_prob(target))
value_loss /= float(self._strategy.num_replicas_in_sync)
model_norm = self._model_opt(model_tape, model_loss)
actor_norm = self._actor_opt(actor_tape, actor_loss)
value_norm = self._value_opt(value_tape, value_loss)
if tf.distribute.get_replica_context().replica_id_in_sync_group == 0:
if self._c.log_scalars:
data, feat, prior_dist, post_dist, likes, div,
model_loss, value_loss, actor_loss, model_norm, value_norm,
def _build_model(self):
acts = dict(
elu=tf.nn.elu, relu=tf.nn.relu, swish=tf.nn.swish,
cnn_act = acts[self._c.cnn_act]
act = acts[self._c.dense_act]
self._encode = models.ConvEncoder(
self._c.cnn_depth, cnn_act, self._c.image_size)
self._dynamics = models.RSSM(
self._c.stoch_size, self._c.deter_size, self._c.deter_size)
self._decode = models.InverseDecoder(
self._actdim, 4, self._c.num_units, act=act)
self._reward = models.DenseDecoder((), 2, self._c.num_units, act=act)
if self._c.pcont:
self._pcont = models.DenseDecoder(
(), 3, self._c.num_units, 'binary', act=act)
self._value = models.DenseDecoder((), 3, self._c.num_units, act=act)
self._actor = models.ActionDecoder(
self._actdim, 4, self._c.num_units, self._c.action_dist,
init_std=self._c.action_init_std, act=act)
model_modules = [self._encode, self._dynamics,
self._decode, self._reward]
if self._c.pcont:
Optimizer = functools.partial(
tools.Adam, wd=self._c.weight_decay, clip=self._c.grad_clip,
self._model_opt = Optimizer('model', model_modules, self._c.model_lr)
self._value_opt = Optimizer('value', [self._value], self._c.value_lr)
self._actor_opt = Optimizer('actor', [self._actor], self._c.actor_lr)

Dreamer/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
import os
import json
import dmc2gym
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.keras.mixed_precision import experimental as prec
import tools
import wrappers
def preprocess(obs, config):
dtype = prec.global_policy().compute_dtype
obs = obs.copy()
with tf.device('cpu:0'):
obs['image'] = tf.cast(obs['image'], dtype) / 255.0 - 0.5
clip_rewards = dict(none=lambda x: x, tanh=tf.tanh)[
obs['reward'] = clip_rewards(obs['reward'])
return obs
def count_steps(datadir, config):
return tools.count_episodes(datadir)[1] * config.action_repeat
def summarize_episode(episode, config, datadir, writer, prefix):
episodes, steps = tools.count_episodes(datadir)
length = (len(episode['reward']) - 1) * config.action_repeat
ret = episode['reward'].sum()
print(f'{prefix.title()} episode of length {length} with return {ret:.1f}.')
metrics = [
(f'{prefix}/return', float(episode['reward'].sum())),
(f'{prefix}/length', len(episode['reward']) - 1),
('episodes', episodes)]
step = count_steps(datadir, config)
with (config.logdir / 'metrics.jsonl').open('a') as f:
f.write(json.dumps(dict([('step', step)] + metrics)) + '\n')
with writer.as_default(): # Env might run in a different thread.
[tf.summary.scalar('sim/' + k, v) for k, v in metrics]
if prefix == 'test':
tools.video_summary(f'sim/{prefix}/video', episode['image'][None])
def make_env(config, writer, prefix, datadir, video_dir, store):
suite, domain_task_distractor = config.task.split('_', 1)
domain, task_distractor = domain_task_distractor.split('_', 1)
task, distractor = task_distractor.split('_', 1)
if distractor == 'driving':
img_source = 'video'
total_frames = 1000
resource_files = os.path.join(video_dir, '*.mp4')
elif distractor == 'noise':
img_source = 'noise'
total_frames = None
resource_files = None
elif distractor == 'none':
img_source = None
total_frames = None
resource_files = None
raise NotImplementedError
env = dmc2gym.make(
env = wrappers.DMC2GYMWrapper(env)
env = wrappers.TimeLimit(env, config.time_limit / config.action_repeat)
callbacks = []
if store:
callbacks.append(lambda ep: tools.save_episodes(datadir, [ep]))
lambda ep: summarize_episode(ep, config, datadir, writer, prefix))
env = wrappers.Collect(env, callbacks, config.precision)
env = wrappers.RewardObs(env)
return env

View File

@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
# DeepMind Control Suite.
This submodule contains the domains and tasks described in the
[DeepMind Control Suite tech report](
## Quickstart
from dm_control import suite
import numpy as np
# Load one task:
env = suite.load(domain_name="cartpole", task_name="swingup")
# Iterate over a task set:
for domain_name, task_name in suite.BENCHMARKING:
env = suite.load(domain_name, task_name)
# Step through an episode and print out reward, discount and observation.
action_spec = env.action_spec()
time_step = env.reset()
while not time_step.last():
action = np.random.uniform(action_spec.minimum,
time_step = env.step(action)
print(time_step.reward,, time_step.observation)
## Illustration video
Below is a video montage of solved Control Suite tasks, with reward
visualisation enabled.
[![Video montage](](
### Quadruped domain [April 2019]
Roughly based on the 'ant' model introduced by [Schulman et al. 2015]( Main modifications to the body are:
- 4 DoFs per leg, 1 constraining tendon.
- 3 actuators per leg: 'yaw', 'lift', 'extend'.
- Filtered position actuators with timescale of 100ms.
- Sensors include an IMU, force/torque sensors, and rangefinders.
Four tasks:
- `walk` and `run`: self-right the body then move forward at a desired speed.
- `escape`: escape a bowl-shaped random terrain (uses rangefinders).
- `fetch`, go to a moving ball and bring it to a target.
All behaviors in the video below were trained with [Abdolmaleki et al's
[![Video montage](](

View File

@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
# Copyright 2017 The dm_control Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ============================================================================
"""A collection of MuJoCo-based Reinforcement Learning environments."""
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import collections
import inspect
import itertools
from dm_control.rl import control
from local_dm_control_suite import acrobot
from local_dm_control_suite import ball_in_cup
from local_dm_control_suite import cartpole
from local_dm_control_suite import cheetah
from local_dm_control_suite import finger
from local_dm_control_suite import fish
from local_dm_control_suite import hopper
from local_dm_control_suite import humanoid
from local_dm_control_suite import humanoid_CMU
from local_dm_control_suite import lqr
from local_dm_control_suite import manipulator
from local_dm_control_suite import pendulum
from local_dm_control_suite import point_mass
from local_dm_control_suite import quadruped
from local_dm_control_suite import reacher
from local_dm_control_suite import stacker
from local_dm_control_suite import swimmer
from local_dm_control_suite import walker
# Find all domains imported.
_DOMAINS = {name: module for name, module in locals().items()
if inspect.ismodule(module) and hasattr(module, 'SUITE')}
def _get_tasks(tag):
"""Returns a sequence of (domain name, task name) pairs for the given tag."""
result = []
for domain_name in sorted(_DOMAINS.keys()):
domain = _DOMAINS[domain_name]
if tag is None:
tasks_in_domain = domain.SUITE
tasks_in_domain = domain.SUITE.tagged(tag)
for task_name in tasks_in_domain.keys():
result.append((domain_name, task_name))
return tuple(result)
def _get_tasks_by_domain(tasks):
"""Returns a dict mapping from task name to a tuple of domain names."""
result = collections.defaultdict(list)
for domain_name, task_name in tasks:
return {k: tuple(v) for k, v in result.items()}
# A sequence containing all (domain name, task name) pairs.
ALL_TASKS = _get_tasks(tag=None)
# Subsets of ALL_TASKS, generated via the tag mechanism.
BENCHMARKING = _get_tasks('benchmarking')
EASY = _get_tasks('easy')
HARD = _get_tasks('hard')
EXTRA = tuple(sorted(set(ALL_TASKS) - set(BENCHMARKING)))
# A mapping from each domain name to a sequence of its task names.
TASKS_BY_DOMAIN = _get_tasks_by_domain(ALL_TASKS)
def load(domain_name, task_name, task_kwargs=None, environment_kwargs=None,
"""Returns an environment from a domain name, task name and optional settings.
env = suite.load('cartpole', 'balance')
domain_name: A string containing the name of a domain.
task_name: A string containing the name of a task.
task_kwargs: Optional `dict` of keyword arguments for the task.
environment_kwargs: Optional `dict` specifying keyword arguments for the
visualize_reward: Optional `bool`. If `True`, object colours in rendered
frames are set to indicate the reward at each step. Default `False`.
The requested environment.
return build_environment(domain_name, task_name, task_kwargs,
environment_kwargs, visualize_reward)
def build_environment(domain_name, task_name, task_kwargs=None,
environment_kwargs=None, visualize_reward=False):
"""Returns an environment from the suite given a domain name and a task name.
domain_name: A string containing the name of a domain.
task_name: A string containing the name of a task.
task_kwargs: Optional `dict` specifying keyword arguments for the task.
environment_kwargs: Optional `dict` specifying keyword arguments for the
visualize_reward: Optional `bool`. If `True`, object colours in rendered
frames are set to indicate the reward at each step. Default `False`.
ValueError: If the domain or task doesn't exist.
An instance of the requested environment.
if domain_name not in _DOMAINS:
raise ValueError('Domain {!r} does not exist.'.format(domain_name))
domain = _DOMAINS[domain_name]
if task_name not in domain.SUITE:
raise ValueError('Level {!r} does not exist in domain {!r}.'.format(
task_name, domain_name))
task_kwargs = task_kwargs or {}
if environment_kwargs is not None:
task_kwargs = task_kwargs.copy()
task_kwargs['environment_kwargs'] = environment_kwargs
env = domain.SUITE[task_name](**task_kwargs)
env.task.visualize_reward = visualize_reward
return env

View File

@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
# Copyright 2017 The dm_control Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ============================================================================
"""Acrobot domain."""
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import collections
from dm_control import mujoco
from dm_control.rl import control
from local_dm_control_suite import base
from local_dm_control_suite import common
from dm_control.utils import containers
from dm_control.utils import rewards
import numpy as np
SUITE = containers.TaggedTasks()
def get_model_and_assets():
"""Returns a tuple containing the model XML string and a dict of assets."""
return common.read_model('acrobot.xml'), common.ASSETS
def swingup(time_limit=_DEFAULT_TIME_LIMIT, random=None,
"""Returns Acrobot balance task."""
physics = Physics.from_xml_string(*get_model_and_assets())
task = Balance(sparse=False, random=random)
environment_kwargs = environment_kwargs or {}
return control.Environment(
physics, task, time_limit=time_limit, **environment_kwargs)
def swingup_sparse(time_limit=_DEFAULT_TIME_LIMIT, random=None,
"""Returns Acrobot sparse balance."""
physics = Physics.from_xml_string(*get_model_and_assets())
task = Balance(sparse=True, random=random)
environment_kwargs = environment_kwargs or {}
return control.Environment(
physics, task, time_limit=time_limit, **environment_kwargs)
class Physics(mujoco.Physics):
"""Physics simulation with additional features for the Acrobot domain."""
def horizontal(self):
"""Returns horizontal (x) component of body frame z-axes."""
return[['upper_arm', 'lower_arm'], 'xz']
def vertical(self):
"""Returns vertical (z) component of body frame z-axes."""
return[['upper_arm', 'lower_arm'], 'zz']
def to_target(self):
"""Returns the distance from the tip to the target."""
tip_to_target = (['target'] -['tip'])
return np.linalg.norm(tip_to_target)
def orientations(self):
"""Returns the sines and cosines of the pole angles."""
return np.concatenate((self.horizontal(), self.vertical()))
class Balance(base.Task):
"""An Acrobot `Task` to swing up and balance the pole."""
def __init__(self, sparse, random=None):
"""Initializes an instance of `Balance`.
sparse: A `bool` specifying whether to use a sparse (indicator) reward.
random: Optional, either a `numpy.random.RandomState` instance, an
integer seed for creating a new `RandomState`, or None to select a seed
automatically (default).
self._sparse = sparse
super(Balance, self).__init__(random=random)
def initialize_episode(self, physics):
"""Sets the state of the environment at the start of each episode.
Shoulder and elbow are set to a random position between [-pi, pi).
physics: An instance of `Physics`.
['shoulder', 'elbow']] = self.random.uniform(-np.pi, np.pi, 2)
super(Balance, self).initialize_episode(physics)
def get_observation(self, physics):
"""Returns an observation of pole orientation and angular velocities."""
obs = collections.OrderedDict()
obs['orientations'] = physics.orientations()
obs['velocity'] = physics.velocity()
return obs
def _get_reward(self, physics, sparse):
target_radius = physics.named.model.site_size['target', 0]
return rewards.tolerance(physics.to_target(),
bounds=(0, target_radius),
margin=0 if sparse else 1)
def get_reward(self, physics):
"""Returns a sparse or a smooth reward, as specified in the constructor."""
return self._get_reward(physics, sparse=self._sparse)

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@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
Based on Coulomb's [1] rather than Spong's [2] model.
[1] Coulom, Rémi. Reinforcement learning using neural networks, with applications to motor control.
Diss. Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble-INPG, 2002.
[2] Spong, Mark W. "The swing up control problem for the acrobot."
IEEE control systems 15, no. 1 (1995): 49-55.
<mujoco model="acrobot">
<include file="./common/visual.xml"/>
<include file="./common/skybox.xml"/>
<include file="./common/materials.xml"/>
<joint damping=".05"/>
<geom type="capsule" mass="1"/>
<option timestep="0.01" integrator="RK4">
<flag constraint="disable" energy="enable"/>
<light name="light" pos="0 0 6"/>
<geom name="floor" size="3 3 .2" type="plane" material="grid"/>
<site name="target" type="sphere" pos="0 0 4" size="0.2" material="target" group="3"/>
<camera name="fixed" pos="0 -6 2" zaxis="0 -1 0"/>
<camera name="lookat" mode="targetbodycom" target="upper_arm" pos="0 -2 3"/>
<body name="upper_arm" pos="0 0 2">
<joint name="shoulder" type="hinge" axis="0 1 0"/>
<geom name="upper_arm_decoration" material="decoration" type="cylinder" fromto="0 -.06 0 0 .06 0" size="0.051" mass="0"/>
<geom name="upper_arm" fromto="0 0 0 0 0 1" size="0.05" material="self"/>
<body name="lower_arm" pos="0 0 1">
<joint name="elbow" type="hinge" axis="0 1 0"/>
<geom name="lower_arm" fromto="0 0 0 0 0 1" size="0.049" material="self"/>
<site name="tip" pos="0 0 1" size="0.01"/>
<motor name="elbow" joint="elbow" gear="2" ctrllimited="true" ctrlrange="-1 1"/>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
# Copyright 2017 The dm_control Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ============================================================================
"""Ball-in-Cup Domain."""
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import collections
from dm_control import mujoco
from dm_control.rl import control
from local_dm_control_suite import base
from local_dm_control_suite import common
from dm_control.utils import containers
_DEFAULT_TIME_LIMIT = 20 # (seconds)
_CONTROL_TIMESTEP = .02 # (seconds)
SUITE = containers.TaggedTasks()
def get_model_and_assets():
"""Returns a tuple containing the model XML string and a dict of assets."""
return common.read_model('ball_in_cup.xml'), common.ASSETS
@SUITE.add('benchmarking', 'easy')
def catch(time_limit=_DEFAULT_TIME_LIMIT, random=None, environment_kwargs=None):
"""Returns the Ball-in-Cup task."""
physics = Physics.from_xml_string(*get_model_and_assets())
task = BallInCup(random=random)
environment_kwargs = environment_kwargs or {}
return control.Environment(
physics, task, time_limit=time_limit, control_timestep=_CONTROL_TIMESTEP,
class Physics(mujoco.Physics):
"""Physics with additional features for the Ball-in-Cup domain."""
def ball_to_target(self):
"""Returns the vector from the ball to the target."""
target =['target', ['x', 'z']]
ball =['ball', ['x', 'z']]
return target - ball
def in_target(self):
"""Returns 1 if the ball is in the target, 0 otherwise."""
ball_to_target = abs(self.ball_to_target())
target_size = self.named.model.site_size['target', [0, 2]]
ball_size = self.named.model.geom_size['ball', 0]
return float(all(ball_to_target < target_size - ball_size))
class BallInCup(base.Task):
"""The Ball-in-Cup task. Put the ball in the cup."""
def initialize_episode(self, physics):
"""Sets the state of the environment at the start of each episode.
physics: An instance of `Physics`.
# Find a collision-free random initial position of the ball.
penetrating = True
while penetrating:
# Assign a random ball position.['ball_x'] = self.random.uniform(-.2, .2)['ball_z'] = self.random.uniform(.2, .5)
# Check for collisions.
penetrating = > 0
super(BallInCup, self).initialize_episode(physics)
def get_observation(self, physics):
"""Returns an observation of the state."""
obs = collections.OrderedDict()
obs['position'] = physics.position()
obs['velocity'] = physics.velocity()
return obs
def get_reward(self, physics):
"""Returns a sparse reward."""
return physics.in_target()

View File

@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
<mujoco model="ball in cup">
<include file="./common/visual.xml"/>
<include file="./common/skybox.xml"/>
<include file="./common/materials.xml"/>
<motor ctrllimited="true" ctrlrange="-1 1" gear="5"/>
<default class="cup">
<joint type="slide" damping="3" stiffness="20"/>
<geom type="capsule" size=".008" material="self"/>
<light name="light" directional="true" diffuse=".6 .6 .6" pos="0 0 2" specular=".3 .3 .3"/>
<geom name="ground" type="plane" pos="0 0 0" size=".6 .2 10" material="grid"/>
<camera name="cam0" pos="0 -1 .8" xyaxes="1 0 0 0 1 2"/>
<camera name="cam1" pos="0 -1 .4" xyaxes="1 0 0 0 0 1" />
<body name="cup" pos="0 0 .6" childclass="cup">
<joint name="cup_x" axis="1 0 0"/>
<joint name="cup_z" axis="0 0 1"/>
<geom name="cup_part_0" fromto="-.05 0 0 -.05 0 -.075" />
<geom name="cup_part_1" fromto="-.05 0 -.075 -.025 0 -.1" />
<geom name="cup_part_2" fromto="-.025 0 -.1 .025 0 -.1" />
<geom name="cup_part_3" fromto=".025 0 -.1 .05 0 -.075" />
<geom name="cup_part_4" fromto=".05 0 -.075 .05 0 0" />
<site name="cup" pos="0 0 -.108" size=".005"/>
<site name="target" type="box" pos="0 0 -.05" size=".05 .006 .05" group="4"/>
<body name="ball" pos="0 0 .2">
<joint name="ball_x" type="slide" axis="1 0 0"/>
<joint name="ball_z" type="slide" axis="0 0 1"/>
<geom name="ball" type="sphere" size=".025" material="effector"/>
<site name="ball" size=".005"/>
<motor name="x" joint="cup_x"/>
<motor name="z" joint="cup_z"/>
<spatial name="string" limited="true" range="0 0.3" width="0.003">
<site site="ball"/>
<site site="cup"/>

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@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
# Copyright 2017 The dm_control Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ============================================================================
"""Base class for tasks in the Control Suite."""
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from dm_control import mujoco
from dm_control.rl import control
import numpy as np
class Task(control.Task):
"""Base class for tasks in the Control Suite.
Actions are mapped directly to the states of MuJoCo actuators: each element of
the action array is used to set the control input for a single actuator. The
ordering of the actuators is the same as in the corresponding MJCF XML file.
random: A `numpy.random.RandomState` instance. This should be used to
generate all random variables associated with the task, such as random
starting states, observation noise* etc.
*If sensor noise is enabled in the MuJoCo model then this will be generated
using MuJoCo's internal RNG, which has its own independent state.
def __init__(self, random=None):
"""Initializes a new continuous control task.
random: Optional, either a `numpy.random.RandomState` instance, an integer
seed for creating a new `RandomState`, or None to select a seed
automatically (default).
if not isinstance(random, np.random.RandomState):
random = np.random.RandomState(random)
self._random = random
self._visualize_reward = False
def random(self):
"""Task-specific `numpy.random.RandomState` instance."""
return self._random
def action_spec(self, physics):
"""Returns a `BoundedArraySpec` matching the `physics` actuators."""
return mujoco.action_spec(physics)
def initialize_episode(self, physics):
"""Resets geom colors to their defaults after starting a new episode.
Subclasses of `base.Task` must delegate to this method after performing
their own initialization.
physics: An instance of `mujoco.Physics`.
def before_step(self, action, physics):
"""Sets the control signal for the actuators to values in `action`."""
# Support legacy internal code.
action = getattr(action, "continuous_actions", action)
def after_step(self, physics):
"""Modifies colors according to the reward."""
if self._visualize_reward:
reward = np.clip(self.get_reward(physics), 0.0, 1.0)
_set_reward_colors(physics, reward)
def visualize_reward(self):
return self._visualize_reward
def visualize_reward(self, value):
if not isinstance(value, bool):
raise ValueError("Expected a boolean, got {}.".format(type(value)))
self._visualize_reward = value
_MATERIALS = ["self", "effector", "target"]
_DEFAULT = [name + "_default" for name in _MATERIALS]
_HIGHLIGHT = [name + "_highlight" for name in _MATERIALS]
def _set_reward_colors(physics, reward):
"""Sets the highlight, effector and target colors according to the reward."""
assert 0.0 <= reward <= 1.0
colors = physics.named.model.mat_rgba
default = colors[_DEFAULT]
highlight = colors[_HIGHLIGHT]
blend_coef = reward ** 4 # Better color distinction near high rewards.
colors[_MATERIALS] = blend_coef * highlight + (1.0 - blend_coef) * default

View File

@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
# Copyright 2017 The dm_control Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ============================================================================
"""Cartpole domain."""
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import collections
from dm_control import mujoco
from dm_control.rl import control
from local_dm_control_suite import base
from local_dm_control_suite import common
from dm_control.utils import containers
from dm_control.utils import rewards
from lxml import etree
import numpy as np
from six.moves import range
SUITE = containers.TaggedTasks()
def get_model_and_assets(num_poles=1):
"""Returns a tuple containing the model XML string and a dict of assets."""
return _make_model(num_poles), common.ASSETS
def balance(time_limit=_DEFAULT_TIME_LIMIT, random=None,
"""Returns the Cartpole Balance task."""
physics = Physics.from_xml_string(*get_model_and_assets())
task = Balance(swing_up=False, sparse=False, random=random)
environment_kwargs = environment_kwargs or {}
return control.Environment(
physics, task, time_limit=time_limit, **environment_kwargs)
def balance_sparse(time_limit=_DEFAULT_TIME_LIMIT, random=None,
"""Returns the sparse reward variant of the Cartpole Balance task."""
physics = Physics.from_xml_string(*get_model_and_assets())
task = Balance(swing_up=False, sparse=True, random=random)
environment_kwargs = environment_kwargs or {}
return control.Environment(
physics, task, time_limit=time_limit, **environment_kwargs)
def swingup(time_limit=_DEFAULT_TIME_LIMIT, random=None,
"""Returns the Cartpole Swing-Up task."""
physics = Physics.from_xml_string(*get_model_and_assets())
task = Balance(swing_up=True, sparse=False, random=random)
environment_kwargs = environment_kwargs or {}
return control.Environment(
physics, task, time_limit=time_limit, **environment_kwargs)
def swingup_sparse(time_limit=_DEFAULT_TIME_LIMIT, random=None,
"""Returns the sparse reward variant of teh Cartpole Swing-Up task."""
physics = Physics.from_xml_string(*get_model_and_assets())
task = Balance(swing_up=True, sparse=True, random=random)
environment_kwargs = environment_kwargs or {}
return control.Environment(
physics, task, time_limit=time_limit, **environment_kwargs)
def two_poles(time_limit=_DEFAULT_TIME_LIMIT, random=None,
"""Returns the Cartpole Balance task with two poles."""
physics = Physics.from_xml_string(*get_model_and_assets(num_poles=2))
task = Balance(swing_up=True, sparse=False, random=random)
environment_kwargs = environment_kwargs or {}
return control.Environment(
physics, task, time_limit=time_limit, **environment_kwargs)
def three_poles(time_limit=_DEFAULT_TIME_LIMIT, random=None, num_poles=3,
sparse=False, environment_kwargs=None):
"""Returns the Cartpole Balance task with three or more poles."""
physics = Physics.from_xml_string(*get_model_and_assets(num_poles=num_poles))
task = Balance(swing_up=True, sparse=sparse, random=random)
environment_kwargs = environment_kwargs or {}
return control.Environment(
physics, task, time_limit=time_limit, **environment_kwargs)
def _make_model(n_poles):
"""Generates an xml string defining a cart with `n_poles` bodies."""
xml_string = common.read_model('cartpole.xml')
if n_poles == 1:
return xml_string
mjcf = etree.fromstring(xml_string)
parent = mjcf.find('./worldbody/body/body') # Find first pole.
# Make chain of poles.
for pole_index in range(2, n_poles+1):
child = etree.Element('body', name='pole_{}'.format(pole_index),
pos='0 0 1', childclass='pole')
etree.SubElement(child, 'joint', name='hinge_{}'.format(pole_index))
etree.SubElement(child, 'geom', name='pole_{}'.format(pole_index))
parent = child
# Move plane down.
floor = mjcf.find('./worldbody/geom')
floor.set('pos', '0 0 {}'.format(1 - n_poles - .05))
# Move cameras back.
cameras = mjcf.findall('./worldbody/camera')
cameras[0].set('pos', '0 {} 1'.format(-1 - 2*n_poles))
cameras[1].set('pos', '0 {} 2'.format(-2*n_poles))
return etree.tostring(mjcf, pretty_print=True)
class Physics(mujoco.Physics):
"""Physics simulation with additional features for the Cartpole domain."""
def cart_position(self):
"""Returns the position of the cart."""
def angular_vel(self):
"""Returns the angular velocity of the pole."""
def pole_angle_cosine(self):
"""Returns the cosine of the pole angle."""
return[2:, 'zz']
def bounded_position(self):
"""Returns the state, with pole angle split into sin/cos."""
return np.hstack((self.cart_position(),[2:, ['zz', 'xz']].ravel()))
class Balance(base.Task):
"""A Cartpole `Task` to balance the pole.
State is initialized either close to the target configuration or at a random
_CART_RANGE = (-.25, .25)
def __init__(self, swing_up, sparse, random=None):
"""Initializes an instance of `Balance`.
swing_up: A `bool`, which if `True` sets the cart to the middle of the
slider and the pole pointing towards the ground. Otherwise, sets the
cart to a random position on the slider and the pole to a random
near-vertical position.
sparse: A `bool`, whether to return a sparse or a smooth reward.
random: Optional, either a `numpy.random.RandomState` instance, an
integer seed for creating a new `RandomState`, or None to select a seed
automatically (default).
self._sparse = sparse
self._swing_up = swing_up
super(Balance, self).__init__(random=random)
def initialize_episode(self, physics):
"""Sets the state of the environment at the start of each episode.
Initializes the cart and pole according to `swing_up`, and in both cases
adds a small random initial velocity to break symmetry.
physics: An instance of `Physics`.
nv = physics.model.nv
if self._swing_up:['slider'] = .01*self.random.randn()['hinge_1'] = np.pi + .01*self.random.randn()[2:] = .1*self.random.randn(nv - 2)
else:['slider'] = self.random.uniform(-.1, .1)[1:] = self.random.uniform(-.034, .034, nv - 1)[:] = 0.01 * self.random.randn(physics.model.nv)
super(Balance, self).initialize_episode(physics)
def get_observation(self, physics):
"""Returns an observation of the (bounded) physics state."""
obs = collections.OrderedDict()
obs['position'] = physics.bounded_position()
obs['velocity'] = physics.velocity()
return obs
def _get_reward(self, physics, sparse):
if sparse:
cart_in_bounds = rewards.tolerance(physics.cart_position(),
angle_in_bounds = rewards.tolerance(physics.pole_angle_cosine(),
return cart_in_bounds * angle_in_bounds
upright = (physics.pole_angle_cosine() + 1) / 2
centered = rewards.tolerance(physics.cart_position(), margin=2)
centered = (1 + centered) / 2
small_control = rewards.tolerance(physics.control(), margin=1,
small_control = (4 + small_control) / 5
small_velocity = rewards.tolerance(physics.angular_vel(), margin=5).min()
small_velocity = (1 + small_velocity) / 2
return upright.mean() * small_control * small_velocity * centered
def get_reward(self, physics):
"""Returns a sparse or a smooth reward, as specified in the constructor."""
return self._get_reward(physics, sparse=self._sparse)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
<mujoco model="cart-pole">
<include file="./common/skybox.xml"/>
<include file="./common/visual.xml"/>
<include file="./common/materials.xml"/>
<option timestep="0.01" integrator="RK4">
<flag contact="disable" energy="enable"/>
<default class="pole">
<joint type="hinge" axis="0 1 0" damping="2e-6"/>
<geom type="capsule" fromto="0 0 0 0 0 1" size="0.045" material="self" mass=".1"/>
<light name="light" pos="0 0 6"/>
<camera name="fixed" pos="0 -4 1" zaxis="0 -1 0"/>
<camera name="lookatcart" mode="targetbody" target="cart" pos="0 -2 2"/>
<geom name="floor" pos="0 0 -.05" size="4 4 .2" type="plane" material="grid"/>
<geom name="rail1" type="capsule" pos="0 .07 1" zaxis="1 0 0" size="0.02 2" material="decoration" />
<geom name="rail2" type="capsule" pos="0 -.07 1" zaxis="1 0 0" size="0.02 2" material="decoration" />
<body name="cart" pos="0 0 1">
<joint name="slider" type="slide" limited="true" axis="1 0 0" range="-1.8 1.8" solreflimit=".08 1" damping="5e-4"/>
<geom name="cart" type="box" size="0.2 0.15 0.1" material="self" mass="1"/>
<body name="pole_1" childclass="pole">
<joint name="hinge_1"/>
<geom name="pole_1"/>
<motor name="slide" joint="slider" gear="10" ctrllimited="true" ctrlrange="-1 1" />

View File

@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
# Copyright 2017 The dm_control Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ============================================================================
"""Cheetah Domain."""
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import collections
from dm_control import mujoco
from dm_control.rl import control
from local_dm_control_suite import base
from local_dm_control_suite import common
from dm_control.utils import containers
from dm_control.utils import rewards
# How long the simulation will run, in seconds.
# Running speed above which reward is 1.
SUITE = containers.TaggedTasks()
def get_model_and_assets():
"""Returns a tuple containing the model XML string and a dict of assets."""
return common.read_model('cheetah.xml'), common.ASSETS
def run(time_limit=_DEFAULT_TIME_LIMIT, random=None, environment_kwargs=None):
"""Returns the run task."""
physics = Physics.from_xml_string(*get_model_and_assets())
task = Cheetah(random=random)
environment_kwargs = environment_kwargs or {}
return control.Environment(physics, task, time_limit=time_limit,
class Physics(mujoco.Physics):
"""Physics simulation with additional features for the Cheetah domain."""
def speed(self):
"""Returns the horizontal speed of the Cheetah."""
class Cheetah(base.Task):
"""A `Task` to train a running Cheetah."""
def initialize_episode(self, physics):
"""Sets the state of the environment at the start of each episode."""
# The indexing below assumes that all joints have a single DOF.
assert physics.model.nq == physics.model.njnt
is_limited = physics.model.jnt_limited == 1
lower, upper = physics.model.jnt_range[is_limited].T[is_limited] = self.random.uniform(lower, upper)
# Stabilize the model before the actual simulation.
for _ in range(200):
physics.step() = 0
self._timeout_progress = 0
super(Cheetah, self).initialize_episode(physics)
def get_observation(self, physics):
"""Returns an observation of the state, ignoring horizontal position."""
obs = collections.OrderedDict()
# Ignores horizontal position to maintain translational invariance.
obs['position'] =[1:].copy()
obs['velocity'] = physics.velocity()
return obs
def get_reward(self, physics):
"""Returns a reward to the agent."""
return rewards.tolerance(physics.speed(),
bounds=(_RUN_SPEED, float('inf')),

View File

@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
<mujoco model="cheetah">
<include file="./common/skybox.xml"/>
<include file="./common/visual.xml"/>
<include file="./common/materials_white_floor.xml"/>
<compiler settotalmass="14"/>
<default class="cheetah">
<joint limited="true" damping=".01" armature=".1" stiffness="8" type="hinge" axis="0 1 0"/>
<geom contype="1" conaffinity="1" condim="3" friction=".4 .1 .1" material="self"/>
<default class="free">
<joint limited="false" damping="0" armature="0" stiffness="0"/>
<motor ctrllimited="true" ctrlrange="-1 1"/>
<statistic center="0 0 .7" extent="2"/>
<option timestep="0.01"/>
<geom name="ground" type="plane" conaffinity="1" pos="98 0 0" size="100 .8 .5" rgba="0.8 0.9 0.8 0" material="grid"/>
<body name="torso" pos="0 0 .7" childclass="cheetah">
<light name="light" pos="0 0 2" mode="trackcom"/>
<camera name="side" pos="0 -3 0" quat="0.707 0.707 0 0" mode="trackcom"/>
<camera name="back" pos="-1.8 -1.3 0.8" xyaxes="0.45 -0.9 0 0.3 0.15 0.94" mode="trackcom"/>
<joint name="rootx" type="slide" axis="1 0 0" class="free"/>
<joint name="rootz" type="slide" axis="0 0 1" class="free"/>
<joint name="rooty" type="hinge" axis="0 1 0" class="free"/>
<geom name="torso" type="capsule" fromto="-.5 0 0 .5 0 0" size="0.046"/>
<geom name="head" type="capsule" pos=".6 0 .1" euler="0 50 0" size="0.046 .15"/>
<body name="bthigh" pos="-.5 0 0">
<joint name="bthigh" range="-30 60" stiffness="240" damping="6"/>
<geom name="bthigh" type="capsule" pos=".1 0 -.13" euler="0 -218 0" size="0.046 .145"/>
<body name="bshin" pos=".16 0 -.25">
<joint name="bshin" range="-50 50" stiffness="180" damping="4.5"/>
<geom name="bshin" type="capsule" pos="-.14 0 -.07" euler="0 -116 0" size="0.046 .15"/>
<body name="bfoot" pos="-.28 0 -.14">
<joint name="bfoot" range="-230 50" stiffness="120" damping="3"/>
<geom name="bfoot" type="capsule" pos=".03 0 -.097" euler="0 -15 0" size="0.046 .094"/>
<body name="fthigh" pos=".5 0 0">
<joint name="fthigh" range="-57 .40" stiffness="180" damping="4.5"/>
<geom name="fthigh" type="capsule" pos="-.07 0 -.12" euler="0 30 0" size="0.046 .133"/>
<body name="fshin" pos="-.14 0 -.24">
<joint name="fshin" range="-70 50" stiffness="120" damping="3"/>
<geom name="fshin" type="capsule" pos=".065 0 -.09" euler="0 -34 0" size="0.046 .106"/>
<body name="ffoot" pos=".13 0 -.18">
<joint name="ffoot" range="-28 28" stiffness="60" damping="1.5"/>
<geom name="ffoot" type="capsule" pos=".045 0 -.07" euler="0 -34 0" size="0.046 .07"/>
<subtreelinvel name="torso_subtreelinvel" body="torso"/>
<motor name="bthigh" joint="bthigh" gear="120" />
<motor name="bshin" joint="bshin" gear="90" />
<motor name="bfoot" joint="bfoot" gear="60" />
<motor name="fthigh" joint="fthigh" gear="90" />
<motor name="fshin" joint="fshin" gear="60" />
<motor name="ffoot" joint="ffoot" gear="30" />

View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
# Copyright 2017 The dm_control Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ============================================================================
"""Functions to manage the common assets for domains."""
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import os
from dm_control.utils import io as resources
_SUITE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))
ASSETS = {filename: resources.GetResource(os.path.join(_SUITE_DIR, filename))
for filename in _FILENAMES}
def read_model(model_filename):
"""Reads a model XML file and returns its contents as a string."""
return resources.GetResource(os.path.join(_SUITE_DIR, model_filename))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
Common textures, colors and materials to be used throughout this suite. Some
materials such as xxx_highlight are activated on occurence of certain events,
for example receiving a positive reward.
<texture name="grid" type="2d" builtin="checker" rgb1=".1 .1 .4" rgb2=".2 .2 .8" width="300" height="300" mark="edge" markrgb=".1 .1 .4"/>
<material name="grid" texture="grid" texrepeat="1 1" texuniform="true" reflectance=".2"/>
<material name="self" rgba=".7 .5 .3 1"/>
<material name="self_default" rgba=".7 .5 .3 1"/>
<material name="self_highlight" rgba="0 .5 .3 1"/>
<material name="effector" rgba=".7 .4 .2 1"/>
<material name="effector_default" rgba=".7 .4 .2 1"/>
<material name="effector_highlight" rgba="0 .5 .3 1"/>
<material name="decoration" rgba=".7 .5 .3 1"/>
<material name="eye" rgba="0 .2 1 1"/>
<material name="target" rgba=".6 .3 .3 1"/>
<material name="target_default" rgba=".6 .3 .3 1"/>
<material name="target_highlight" rgba=".6 .3 .3 .4"/>
<material name="site" rgba=".5 .5 .5 .3"/>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
Common textures, colors and materials to be used throughout this suite. Some
materials such as xxx_highlight are activated on occurence of certain events,
for example receiving a positive reward.
<texture name="grid" type="2d" builtin="checker" rgb1=".1 .1 .1" rgb2=".2 .2 .2" width="300" height="300" mark="edge" markrgb=".1 .1 .1"/>
<material name="grid" texture="grid" texrepeat="1 1" texuniform="true" reflectance=".2"/>
<material name="self" rgba=".7 .5 .3 1"/>
<material name="self_default" rgba=".7 .5 .3 1"/>
<material name="self_highlight" rgba="0 .5 .3 1"/>
<material name="effector" rgba=".7 .4 .2 1"/>
<material name="effector_default" rgba=".7 .4 .2 1"/>
<material name="effector_highlight" rgba="0 .5 .3 1"/>
<material name="decoration" rgba=".3 .5 .7 1"/>
<material name="eye" rgba="0 .2 1 1"/>
<material name="target" rgba=".6 .3 .3 1"/>
<material name="target_default" rgba=".6 .3 .3 1"/>
<material name="target_highlight" rgba=".6 .3 .3 .4"/>
<material name="site" rgba=".5 .5 .5 .3"/>

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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
<texture name="skybox" type="skybox" builtin="gradient" rgb1=".4 .6 .8" rgb2="0 0 0"
width="800" height="800" mark="random" markrgb="0 0 0"/>

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@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
<headlight ambient=".4 .4 .4" diffuse=".8 .8 .8" specular="0.1 0.1 0.1"/>
<map znear=".01"/>
<quality shadowsize="2048"/>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
# Copyright 2017 The dm_control Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ============================================================================
"""Demonstration of amc parsing for CMU mocap database.
To run the demo, supply a path to a `.amc` file:
python mocap_demo --filename='path/to/mocap.amc'
CMU motion capture clips are available at
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import time
# Internal dependencies.
from absl import app
from absl import flags
from local_dm_control_suite import humanoid_CMU
from dm_control.suite.utils import parse_amc
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
flags.DEFINE_string('filename', None, 'amc file to be converted.')
flags.DEFINE_integer('max_num_frames', 90,
'Maximum number of frames for plotting/playback')
def main(unused_argv):
env = humanoid_CMU.stand()
# Parse and convert specified clip.
converted = parse_amc.convert(FLAGS.filename,
env.physics, env.control_timestep())
max_frame = min(FLAGS.max_num_frames, converted.qpos.shape[1] - 1)
width = 480
height = 480
video = np.zeros((max_frame, height, 2 * width, 3), dtype=np.uint8)
for i in range(max_frame):
p_i = converted.qpos[:, i]
with env.physics.reset_context():[:] = p_i
video[i] = np.hstack([env.physics.render(height, width, camera_id=0),
env.physics.render(height, width, camera_id=1)])
tic = time.time()
for i in range(max_frame):
if i == 0:
img = plt.imshow(video[i])
toc = time.time()
clock_dt = toc - tic
tic = time.time()
# Real-time playback not always possible as clock_dt > .03
plt.pause(max(0.01, 0.03 - clock_dt)) # Need min display time > 0.0.
if __name__ == '__main__':

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@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
#DUMMY AMC for testing
root 0 0 0 0 0 0
lowerback 0 0 0
upperback 0 0 0
thorax 0 0 0
lowerneck 0 0 0
upperneck 0 0 0
head 0 0 0
rclavicle 0 0
rhumerus 0 0 0
rradius 0
rwrist 0
rhand 0 0
rfingers 0
rthumb 0 0
lclavicle 0 0
lhumerus 0 0 0
lradius 0
lwrist 0
lhand 0 0
lfingers 0
lthumb 0 0
rfemur 0 0 0
rtibia 0
rfoot 0 0
rtoes 0
lfemur 0 0 0
ltibia 0
lfoot 0 0
ltoes 0
root 0 0 0 0 0 0
lowerback 0 0 0
upperback 0 0 0
thorax 0 0 0
lowerneck 0 0 0
upperneck 0 0 0
head 0 0 0
rclavicle 0 0
rhumerus 0 0 0
rradius 0
rwrist 0
rhand 0 0
rfingers 0
rthumb 0 0
lclavicle 0 0
lhumerus 0 0 0
lradius 0
lwrist 0
lhand 0 0
lfingers 0
lthumb 0 0
rfemur 0 0 0
rtibia 0
rfoot 0 0
rtoes 0
lfemur 0 0 0
ltibia 0
lfoot 0 0
ltoes 0
root 0 0 0 0 0 0
lowerback 0 0 0
upperback 0 0 0
thorax 0 0 0
lowerneck 0 0 0
upperneck 0 0 0
head 0 0 0
rclavicle 0 0
rhumerus 0 0 0
rradius 0
rwrist 0
rhand 0 0
rfingers 0
rthumb 0 0
lclavicle 0 0
lhumerus 0 0 0
lradius 0
lwrist 0
lhand 0 0
lfingers 0
lthumb 0 0
rfemur 0 0 0
rtibia 0
rfoot 0 0
rtoes 0
lfemur 0 0 0
ltibia 0
lfoot 0 0
ltoes 0
root 0 0 0 0 0 0
lowerback 0 0 0
upperback 0 0 0
thorax 0 0 0
lowerneck 0 0 0
upperneck 0 0 0
head 0 0 0
rclavicle 0 0
rhumerus 0 0 0
rradius 0
rwrist 0
rhand 0 0
rfingers 0
rthumb 0 0
lclavicle 0 0
lhumerus 0 0 0
lradius 0
lwrist 0
lhand 0 0
lfingers 0
lthumb 0 0
rfemur 0 0 0
rtibia 0
rfoot 0 0
rtoes 0
lfemur 0 0 0
ltibia 0
lfoot 0 0
ltoes 0
root 0 0 0 0 0 0
lowerback 0 0 0
upperback 0 0 0
thorax 0 0 0
lowerneck 0 0 0
upperneck 0 0 0
head 0 0 0
rclavicle 0 0
rhumerus 0 0 0
rradius 0
rwrist 0
rhand 0 0
rfingers 0
rthumb 0 0
lclavicle 0 0
lhumerus 0 0 0
lradius 0
lwrist 0
lhand 0 0
lfingers 0
lthumb 0 0
rfemur 0 0 0
rtibia 0
rfoot 0 0
rtoes 0
lfemur 0 0 0
ltibia 0
lfoot 0 0
ltoes 0
root 0 0 0 0 0 0
lowerback 0 0 0
upperback 0 0 0
thorax 0 0 0
lowerneck 0 0 0
upperneck 0 0 0
head 0 0 0
rclavicle 0 0
rhumerus 0 0 0
rradius 0
rwrist 0
rhand 0 0
rfingers 0
rthumb 0 0
lclavicle 0 0
lhumerus 0 0 0
lradius 0
lwrist 0
lhand 0 0
lfingers 0
lthumb 0 0
rfemur 0 0 0
rtibia 0
rfoot 0 0
rtoes 0
lfemur 0 0 0
ltibia 0
lfoot 0 0
ltoes 0
root 0 0 0 0 0 0
lowerback 0 0 0
upperback 0 0 0
thorax 0 0 0
lowerneck 0 0 0
upperneck 0 0 0
head 0 0 0
rclavicle 0 0
rhumerus 0 0 0
rradius 0
rwrist 0
rhand 0 0
rfingers 0
rthumb 0 0
lclavicle 0 0
lhumerus 0 0 0
lradius 0
lwrist 0
lhand 0 0
lfingers 0
lthumb 0 0
rfemur 0 0 0
rtibia 0
rfoot 0 0
rtoes 0
lfemur 0 0 0
ltibia 0
lfoot 0 0
ltoes 0

View File

@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
# Copyright 2018 The dm_control Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ============================================================================
"""Control suite environments explorer."""
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from absl import app
from absl import flags
from dm_control import suite
from dm_control.suite.wrappers import action_noise
from six.moves import input
from dm_control import viewer
_ALL_NAMES = ['.'.join(domain_task) for domain_task in suite.ALL_TASKS]
flags.DEFINE_enum('environment_name', None, _ALL_NAMES,
'Optional \'domain_name.task_name\' pair specifying the '
'environment to load. If unspecified a prompt will appear to '
'select one.')
flags.DEFINE_bool('timeout', True, 'Whether episodes should have a time limit.')
flags.DEFINE_bool('visualize_reward', True,
'Whether to vary the colors of geoms according to the '
'current reward value.')
flags.DEFINE_float('action_noise', 0.,
'Standard deviation of Gaussian noise to apply to actions, '
'expressed as a fraction of the max-min range for each '
'action dimension. Defaults to 0, i.e. no noise.')
def prompt_environment_name(prompt, values):
environment_name = None
while not environment_name:
environment_name = input(prompt)
if not environment_name or values.index(environment_name) < 0:
print('"%s" is not a valid environment name.' % environment_name)
environment_name = None
return environment_name
def main(argv):
del argv
environment_name = FLAGS.environment_name
if environment_name is None:
print('\n '.join(['Available environments:'] + _ALL_NAMES))
environment_name = prompt_environment_name(
'Please select an environment name: ', _ALL_NAMES)
index = _ALL_NAMES.index(environment_name)
domain_name, task_name = suite.ALL_TASKS[index]
task_kwargs = {}
if not FLAGS.timeout:
task_kwargs['time_limit'] = float('inf')
def loader():
env = suite.load(
domain_name=domain_name, task_name=task_name, task_kwargs=task_kwargs)
env.task.visualize_reward = FLAGS.visualize_reward
if FLAGS.action_noise > 0:
env = action_noise.Wrapper(env, scale=FLAGS.action_noise)
return env
if __name__ == '__main__':

View File

@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
# Copyright 2017 The dm_control Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ============================================================================
"""Finger Domain."""
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import collections
from dm_control import mujoco
from dm_control.rl import control
from local_dm_control_suite import base
from local_dm_control_suite import common
from dm_control.suite.utils import randomizers
from dm_control.utils import containers
import numpy as np
from six.moves import range
_DEFAULT_TIME_LIMIT = 20 # (seconds)
_CONTROL_TIMESTEP = .02 # (seconds)
# For TURN tasks, the 'tip' geom needs to enter a spherical target of sizes:
# Initial spin velocity for the Stop task.
# Spinning slower than this value (radian/second) is considered stopped.
# Spinning faster than this value (radian/second) is considered spinning.
SUITE = containers.TaggedTasks()
def get_model_and_assets():
"""Returns a tuple containing the model XML string and a dict of assets."""
return common.read_model('finger.xml'), common.ASSETS
def spin(time_limit=_DEFAULT_TIME_LIMIT, random=None, environment_kwargs=None):
"""Returns the Spin task."""
physics = Physics.from_xml_string(*get_model_and_assets())
task = Spin(random=random)
environment_kwargs = environment_kwargs or {}
return control.Environment(
physics, task, time_limit=time_limit, control_timestep=_CONTROL_TIMESTEP,
def turn_easy(time_limit=_DEFAULT_TIME_LIMIT, random=None,
"""Returns the easy Turn task."""
physics = Physics.from_xml_string(*get_model_and_assets())
task = Turn(target_radius=_EASY_TARGET_SIZE, random=random)
environment_kwargs = environment_kwargs or {}
return control.Environment(
physics, task, time_limit=time_limit, control_timestep=_CONTROL_TIMESTEP,
def turn_hard(time_limit=_DEFAULT_TIME_LIMIT, random=None,
"""Returns the hard Turn task."""
physics = Physics.from_xml_string(*get_model_and_assets())
task = Turn(target_radius=_HARD_TARGET_SIZE, random=random)
environment_kwargs = environment_kwargs or {}
return control.Environment(
physics, task, time_limit=time_limit, control_timestep=_CONTROL_TIMESTEP,
class Physics(mujoco.Physics):
"""Physics simulation with additional features for the Finger domain."""
def touch(self):
"""Returns logarithmically scaled signals from the two touch sensors."""
return np.log1p([['touchtop', 'touchbottom']])
def hinge_velocity(self):
"""Returns the velocity of the hinge joint."""
def tip_position(self):
"""Returns the (x,z) position of the tip relative to the hinge."""
return (['tip'][[0, 2]] -['spinner'][[0, 2]])
def bounded_position(self):
"""Returns the positions, with the hinge angle replaced by tip position."""
return np.hstack(([['proximal', 'distal']],
def velocity(self):
"""Returns the velocities (extracted from sensordata)."""
def target_position(self):
"""Returns the (x,z) position of the target relative to the hinge."""
return (['target'][[0, 2]] -['spinner'][[0, 2]])
def to_target(self):
"""Returns the vector from the tip to the target."""
return self.target_position() - self.tip_position()
def dist_to_target(self):
"""Returns the signed distance to the target surface, negative is inside."""
return (np.linalg.norm(self.to_target()) -
self.named.model.site_size['target', 0])
class Spin(base.Task):
"""A Finger `Task` to spin the stopped body."""
def __init__(self, random=None):
"""Initializes a new `Spin` instance.
random: Optional, either a `numpy.random.RandomState` instance, an
integer seed for creating a new `RandomState`, or None to select a seed
automatically (default).
super(Spin, self).__init__(random=random)
def initialize_episode(self, physics):
physics.named.model.site_rgba['target', 3] = 0
physics.named.model.site_rgba['tip', 3] = 0
physics.named.model.dof_damping['hinge'] = .03
_set_random_joint_angles(physics, self.random)
super(Spin, self).initialize_episode(physics)
def get_observation(self, physics):
"""Returns state and touch sensors, and target info."""
obs = collections.OrderedDict()
obs['position'] = physics.bounded_position()
obs['velocity'] = physics.velocity()
obs['touch'] = physics.touch()
return obs
def get_reward(self, physics):
"""Returns a sparse reward."""
return float(physics.hinge_velocity() <= -_SPIN_VELOCITY)
class Turn(base.Task):
"""A Finger `Task` to turn the body to a target angle."""
def __init__(self, target_radius, random=None):
"""Initializes a new `Turn` instance.
target_radius: Radius of the target site, which specifies the goal angle.
random: Optional, either a `numpy.random.RandomState` instance, an
integer seed for creating a new `RandomState`, or None to select a seed
automatically (default).
self._target_radius = target_radius
super(Turn, self).__init__(random=random)
def initialize_episode(self, physics):
target_angle = self.random.uniform(-np.pi, np.pi)
hinge_x, hinge_z =['hinge', ['x', 'z']]
radius = physics.named.model.geom_size['cap1'].sum()
target_x = hinge_x + radius * np.sin(target_angle)
target_z = hinge_z + radius * np.cos(target_angle)
physics.named.model.site_pos['target', ['x', 'z']] = target_x, target_z
physics.named.model.site_size['target', 0] = self._target_radius
_set_random_joint_angles(physics, self.random)
super(Turn, self).initialize_episode(physics)
def get_observation(self, physics):
"""Returns state, touch sensors, and target info."""
obs = collections.OrderedDict()
obs['position'] = physics.bounded_position()
obs['velocity'] = physics.velocity()
obs['touch'] = physics.touch()
obs['target_position'] = physics.target_position()
obs['dist_to_target'] = physics.dist_to_target()
return obs
def get_reward(self, physics):
return float(physics.dist_to_target() <= 0)
def _set_random_joint_angles(physics, random, max_attempts=1000):
"""Sets the joints to a random collision-free state."""
for _ in range(max_attempts):
randomizers.randomize_limited_and_rotational_joints(physics, random)
# Check for collisions.
if == 0:
raise RuntimeError('Could not find a collision-free state '
'after {} attempts'.format(max_attempts))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
<mujoco model="finger">
<include file="./common/visual.xml"/>
<include file="./common/skybox.xml"/>
<include file="./common/materials.xml"/>
<option timestep="0.01" cone="elliptic" iterations="200">
<flag gravity="disable"/>
<geom solimp="0 0.9 0.01" solref=".02 1"/>
<joint type="hinge" axis="0 -1 0"/>
<motor ctrllimited="true" ctrlrange="-1 1"/>
<default class="finger">
<joint damping="2.5" limited="true"/>
<site type="ellipsoid" size=".025 .03 .025" material="site" group="3"/>
<light name="light" directional="true" diffuse=".6 .6 .6" pos="0 0 2" specular=".3 .3 .3"/>
<geom name="ground" type="plane" pos="0 0 0" size=".6 .2 10" material="grid"/>
<camera name="cam0" pos="0 -1 .8" xyaxes="1 0 0 0 1 2"/>
<camera name="cam1" pos="0 -1 .4" xyaxes="1 0 0 0 0 1" />
<body name="proximal" pos="-.2 0 .4" childclass="finger">
<geom name="proximal_decoration" type="cylinder" fromto="0 -.033 0 0 .033 0" size=".034" material="decoration"/>
<joint name="proximal" range="-110 110" ref="-90"/>
<geom name="proximal" type="capsule" material="self" size=".03" fromto="0 0 0 0 0 -.17"/>
<body name="distal" pos="0 0 -.18" childclass="finger">
<joint name="distal" range="-110 110"/>
<geom name="distal" type="capsule" size=".028" material="self" fromto="0 0 0 0 0 -.16" contype="0" conaffinity="0"/>
<geom name="fingertip" type="capsule" size=".03" material="effector" fromto="0 0 -.13 0 0 -.161"/>
<site name="touchtop" pos=".01 0 -.17"/>
<site name="touchbottom" pos="-.01 0 -.17"/>
<body name="spinner" pos=".2 0 .4">
<joint name="hinge" frictionloss=".1" damping=".5"/>
<geom name="cap1" type="capsule" size=".04 .09" material="self" pos=".02 0 0"/>
<geom name="cap2" type="capsule" size=".04 .09" material="self" pos="-.02 0 0"/>
<site name="tip" type="sphere" size=".02" pos="0 0 .13" material="target"/>
<geom name="spinner_decoration" type="cylinder" fromto="0 -.045 0 0 .045 0" size=".02" material="decoration"/>
<site name="target" type="sphere" size=".03" pos="0 0 .4" material="target"/>
<motor name="proximal" joint="proximal" gear="30"/>
<motor name="distal" joint="distal" gear="15"/>
<!-- All finger observations are functions of sensors. This is useful for finite-differencing. -->
<jointpos name="proximal" joint="proximal"/>
<jointpos name="distal" joint="distal"/>
<jointvel name="proximal_velocity" joint="proximal"/>
<jointvel name="distal_velocity" joint="distal"/>
<jointvel name="hinge_velocity" joint="hinge"/>
<framepos name="tip" objtype="site" objname="tip"/>
<framepos name="target" objtype="site" objname="target"/>
<framepos name="spinner" objtype="xbody" objname="spinner"/>
<touch name="touchtop" site="touchtop"/>
<touch name="touchbottom" site="touchbottom"/>
<framepos name="touchtop_pos" objtype="site" objname="touchtop"/>
<framepos name="touchbottom_pos" objtype="site" objname="touchbottom"/>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
# Copyright 2017 The dm_control Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ============================================================================
"""Fish Domain."""
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import collections
from dm_control import mujoco
from dm_control.rl import control
from local_dm_control_suite import base
from local_dm_control_suite import common
from dm_control.utils import containers
from dm_control.utils import rewards
import numpy as np
_JOINTS = ['tail1',
SUITE = containers.TaggedTasks()
def get_model_and_assets():
"""Returns a tuple containing the model XML string and a dict of assets."""
return common.read_model('fish.xml'), common.ASSETS
def upright(time_limit=_DEFAULT_TIME_LIMIT, random=None,
"""Returns the Fish Upright task."""
physics = Physics.from_xml_string(*get_model_and_assets())
task = Upright(random=random)
environment_kwargs = environment_kwargs or {}
return control.Environment(
physics, task, control_timestep=_CONTROL_TIMESTEP, time_limit=time_limit,
def swim(time_limit=_DEFAULT_TIME_LIMIT, random=None, environment_kwargs=None):
"""Returns the Fish Swim task."""
physics = Physics.from_xml_string(*get_model_and_assets())
task = Swim(random=random)
environment_kwargs = environment_kwargs or {}
return control.Environment(
physics, task, control_timestep=_CONTROL_TIMESTEP, time_limit=time_limit,
class Physics(mujoco.Physics):
"""Physics simulation with additional features for the Fish domain."""
def upright(self):
"""Returns projection from z-axes of torso to the z-axes of worldbody."""
return['torso', 'zz']
def torso_velocity(self):
"""Returns velocities and angular velocities of the torso."""
def joint_velocities(self):
"""Returns the joint velocities."""
def joint_angles(self):
"""Returns the joint positions."""
def mouth_to_target(self):
"""Returns a vector, from mouth to target in local coordinate of mouth."""
data =
mouth_to_target_global = data.geom_xpos['target'] - data.geom_xpos['mouth']
return['mouth'].reshape(3, 3))
class Upright(base.Task):
"""A Fish `Task` for getting the torso upright with smooth reward."""
def __init__(self, random=None):
"""Initializes an instance of `Upright`.
random: Either an existing `numpy.random.RandomState` instance, an
integer seed for creating a new `RandomState`, or None to select a seed
super(Upright, self).__init__(random=random)
def initialize_episode(self, physics):
"""Randomizes the tail and fin angles and the orientation of the Fish."""
quat = self.random.randn(4)['root'][3:7] = quat / np.linalg.norm(quat)
for joint in _JOINTS:[joint] = self.random.uniform(-.2, .2)
# Hide the target. It's irrelevant for this task.
physics.named.model.geom_rgba['target', 3] = 0
super(Upright, self).initialize_episode(physics)
def get_observation(self, physics):
"""Returns an observation of joint angles, velocities and uprightness."""
obs = collections.OrderedDict()
obs['joint_angles'] = physics.joint_angles()
obs['upright'] = physics.upright()
obs['velocity'] = physics.velocity()
return obs
def get_reward(self, physics):
"""Returns a smooth reward."""
return rewards.tolerance(physics.upright(), bounds=(1, 1), margin=1)
class Swim(base.Task):
"""A Fish `Task` for swimming with smooth reward."""
def __init__(self, random=None):
"""Initializes an instance of `Swim`.
random: Optional, either a `numpy.random.RandomState` instance, an
integer seed for creating a new `RandomState`, or None to select a seed
automatically (default).
super(Swim, self).__init__(random=random)
def initialize_episode(self, physics):
"""Sets the state of the environment at the start of each episode."""
quat = self.random.randn(4)['root'][3:7] = quat / np.linalg.norm(quat)
for joint in _JOINTS:[joint] = self.random.uniform(-.2, .2)
# Randomize target position.
physics.named.model.geom_pos['target', 'x'] = self.random.uniform(-.4, .4)
physics.named.model.geom_pos['target', 'y'] = self.random.uniform(-.4, .4)
physics.named.model.geom_pos['target', 'z'] = self.random.uniform(.1, .3)
super(Swim, self).initialize_episode(physics)
def get_observation(self, physics):
"""Returns an observation of joints, target direction and velocities."""
obs = collections.OrderedDict()
obs['joint_angles'] = physics.joint_angles()
obs['upright'] = physics.upright()
obs['target'] = physics.mouth_to_target()
obs['velocity'] = physics.velocity()
return obs
def get_reward(self, physics):
"""Returns a smooth reward."""
radii = physics.named.model.geom_size[['mouth', 'target'], 0].sum()
in_target = rewards.tolerance(np.linalg.norm(physics.mouth_to_target()),
bounds=(0, radii), margin=2*radii)
is_upright = 0.5 * (physics.upright() + 1)
return (7*in_target + is_upright) / 8

View File

@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
<mujoco model="fish">
<include file="./common/visual.xml"/>
<include file="./common/materials.xml"/>
<texture name="skybox" type="skybox" builtin="gradient" rgb1=".4 .6 .8" rgb2="0 0 0" width="800" height="800" mark="random" markrgb="1 1 1"/>
<option timestep="0.004" density="5000">
<flag gravity="disable" constraint="disable"/>
<general ctrllimited="true"/>
<default class="fish">
<joint type="hinge" limited="false" range="-60 60" damping="2e-5" solreflimit=".1 1" solimplimit="0 .8 .1"/>
<geom material="self"/>
<camera name="tracking_top" pos="0 0 1" xyaxes="1 0 0 0 1 0" mode="trackcom"/>
<camera name="tracking_x" pos="-.3 0 .2" xyaxes="0 -1 0 0.342 0 0.940" fovy="60" mode="trackcom"/>
<camera name="tracking_y" pos="0 -.3 .2" xyaxes="1 0 0 0 0.342 0.940" fovy="60" mode="trackcom"/>
<camera name="fixed_top" pos="0 0 5.5" fovy="10"/>
<geom name="ground" type="plane" size=".5 .5 .1" material="grid"/>
<geom name="target" type="sphere" pos="0 .4 .1" size=".04" material="target"/>
<body name="torso" pos="0 0 .1" childclass="fish">
<light name="light" diffuse=".6 .6 .6" pos="0 0 0.5" dir="0 0 -1" specular=".3 .3 .3" mode="track"/>
<joint name="root" type="free" damping="0" limited="false"/>
<site name="torso" size=".01" rgba="0 0 0 0"/>
<geom name="eye" type="ellipsoid" pos="0 .055 .015" size=".008 .012 .008" euler="-10 0 0" material="eye" mass="0"/>
<camera name="eye" pos="0 .06 .02" xyaxes="1 0 0 0 0 1"/>
<geom name="mouth" type="capsule" fromto="0 .079 0 0 .07 0" size=".005" material="effector" mass="0"/>
<geom name="lower_mouth" type="capsule" fromto="0 .079 -.004 0 .07 -.003" size=".0045" material="effector" mass="0"/>
<geom name="torso" type="ellipsoid" size=".01 .08 .04" mass="0"/>
<geom name="back_fin" type="ellipsoid" size=".001 .03 .015" pos="0 -.03 .03" material="effector" mass="0"/>
<geom name="torso_massive" type="box" size=".002 .06 .03" group="4"/>
<body name="tail1" pos="0 -.09 0">
<joint name="tail1" axis="0 0 1" pos="0 .01 0"/>
<joint name="tail_twist" axis="0 1 0" pos="0 .01 0" range="-30 30"/>
<geom name="tail1" type="ellipsoid" size=".001 .008 .016"/>
<body name="tail2" pos="0 -.028 0">
<joint name="tail2" axis="0 0 1" pos="0 .02 0" stiffness="8e-5"/>
<geom name="tail2" type="ellipsoid" size=".001 .018 .035"/>
<body name="finright" pos=".01 0 0">
<joint name="finright_roll" axis="0 1 0"/>
<joint name="finright_pitch" axis="1 0 0" pos="0 .005 0"/>
<geom name="finright" type="ellipsoid" pos=".015 0 0" size=".02 .015 .001" />
<body name="finleft" pos="-.01 0 0">
<joint name="finleft_roll" axis="0 1 0"/>
<joint name="finleft_pitch" axis="1 0 0" pos="0 .005 0"/>
<geom name="finleft" type="ellipsoid" pos="-.015 0 0" size=".02 .015 .001"/>
<fixed name="fins_flap">
<joint joint="finleft_roll" coef="-.5"/>
<joint joint="finright_roll" coef=".5"/>
<fixed name="fins_sym" stiffness="1e-4">
<joint joint="finleft_roll" coef=".5"/>
<joint joint="finright_roll" coef=".5"/>
<position name="tail" joint="tail1" ctrlrange="-1 1" kp="5e-4"/>
<position name="tail_twist" joint="tail_twist" ctrlrange="-1 1" kp="1e-4"/>
<position name="fins_flap" tendon="fins_flap" ctrlrange="-1 1" kp="3e-4"/>
<position name="finleft_pitch" joint="finleft_pitch" ctrlrange="-1 1" kp="1e-4"/>
<position name="finright_pitch" joint="finright_pitch" ctrlrange="-1 1" kp="1e-4"/>
<velocimeter name="velocimeter" site="torso"/>
<gyro name="gyro" site="torso"/>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
# Copyright 2017 The dm_control Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ============================================================================
"""Hopper domain."""
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import collections
from dm_control import mujoco
from dm_control.rl import control
from local_dm_control_suite import base
from local_dm_control_suite import common
from dm_control.suite.utils import randomizers
from dm_control.utils import containers
from dm_control.utils import rewards
import numpy as np
SUITE = containers.TaggedTasks()
_CONTROL_TIMESTEP = .02 # (Seconds)
# Default duration of an episode, in seconds.
# Minimal height of torso over foot above which stand reward is 1.
# Hopping speed above which hop reward is 1.
def get_model_and_assets():
"""Returns a tuple containing the model XML string and a dict of assets."""
return common.read_model('hopper.xml'), common.ASSETS
def stand(time_limit=_DEFAULT_TIME_LIMIT, random=None, environment_kwargs=None):
"""Returns a Hopper that strives to stand upright, balancing its pose."""
physics = Physics.from_xml_string(*get_model_and_assets())
task = Hopper(hopping=False, random=random)
environment_kwargs = environment_kwargs or {}
return control.Environment(
physics, task, time_limit=time_limit, control_timestep=_CONTROL_TIMESTEP,
def hop(time_limit=_DEFAULT_TIME_LIMIT, random=None, environment_kwargs=None):
"""Returns a Hopper that strives to hop forward."""
physics = Physics.from_xml_string(*get_model_and_assets())
task = Hopper(hopping=True, random=random)
environment_kwargs = environment_kwargs or {}
return control.Environment(
physics, task, time_limit=time_limit, control_timestep=_CONTROL_TIMESTEP,
class Physics(mujoco.Physics):
"""Physics simulation with additional features for the Hopper domain."""
def height(self):
"""Returns height of torso with respect to foot."""
return (['torso', 'z'] -['foot', 'z'])
def speed(self):
"""Returns horizontal speed of the Hopper."""
def touch(self):
"""Returns the signals from two foot touch sensors."""
return np.log1p([['touch_toe', 'touch_heel']])
class Hopper(base.Task):
"""A Hopper's `Task` to train a standing and a jumping Hopper."""
def __init__(self, hopping, random=None):
"""Initialize an instance of `Hopper`.
hopping: Boolean, if True the task is to hop forwards, otherwise it is to
balance upright.
random: Optional, either a `numpy.random.RandomState` instance, an
integer seed for creating a new `RandomState`, or None to select a seed
automatically (default).
self._hopping = hopping
super(Hopper, self).__init__(random=random)
def initialize_episode(self, physics):
"""Sets the state of the environment at the start of each episode."""
randomizers.randomize_limited_and_rotational_joints(physics, self.random)
self._timeout_progress = 0
super(Hopper, self).initialize_episode(physics)
def get_observation(self, physics):
"""Returns an observation of positions, velocities and touch sensors."""
obs = collections.OrderedDict()
# Ignores horizontal position to maintain translational invariance:
obs['position'] =[1:].copy()
obs['velocity'] = physics.velocity()
obs['touch'] = physics.touch()
return obs
def get_reward(self, physics):
"""Returns a reward applicable to the performed task."""
standing = rewards.tolerance(physics.height(), (_STAND_HEIGHT, 2))
if self._hopping:
hopping = rewards.tolerance(physics.speed(),
bounds=(_HOP_SPEED, float('inf')),
return standing * hopping
small_control = rewards.tolerance(physics.control(),
margin=1, value_at_margin=0,
small_control = (small_control + 4) / 5
return standing * small_control

View File

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
<mujoco model="planar hopper">
<include file="./common/skybox.xml"/>
<include file="./common/visual.xml"/>
<include file="./common/materials_white_floor.xml"/>
<statistic extent="2" center="0 0 .5"/>
<default class="hopper">
<joint type="hinge" axis="0 1 0" limited="true" damping=".05" armature=".2"/>
<geom type="capsule" material="self"/>
<site type="sphere" size="0.05" group="3"/>
<default class="free">
<joint limited="false" damping="0" armature="0" stiffness="0"/>
<motor ctrlrange="-1 1" ctrllimited="true"/>
<option timestep="0.005"/>
<camera name="cam0" pos="0 -2.8 0.8" euler="90 0 0" mode="trackcom"/>
<camera name="back" pos="-2 -.2 1.2" xyaxes="0.2 -1 0 .5 0 2" mode="trackcom"/>
<geom name="floor" type="plane" conaffinity="1" pos="48 0 0" size="50 1 .2" material="grid"/>
<body name="torso" pos="0 0 1" childclass="hopper">
<light name="top" pos="0 0 2" mode="trackcom"/>
<joint name="rootx" type="slide" axis="1 0 0" class="free"/>
<joint name="rootz" type="slide" axis="0 0 1" class="free"/>
<joint name="rooty" type="hinge" axis="0 1 0" class="free"/>
<geom name="torso" fromto="0 0 -.05 0 0 .2" size="0.0653"/>
<geom name="nose" fromto=".08 0 .13 .15 0 .14" size="0.03"/>
<body name="pelvis" pos="0 0 -.05">
<joint name="waist" range="-30 30"/>
<geom name="pelvis" fromto="0 0 0 0 0 -.15" size="0.065"/>
<body name="thigh" pos="0 0 -.2">
<joint name="hip" range="-170 10"/>
<geom name="thigh" fromto="0 0 0 0 0 -.33" size="0.04"/>
<body name="calf" pos="0 0 -.33">
<joint name="knee" range="5 150"/>
<geom name="calf" fromto="0 0 0 0 0 -.32" size="0.03"/>
<body name="foot" pos="0 0 -.32">
<joint name="ankle" range="-45 45"/>
<geom name="foot" fromto="-.08 0 0 .17 0 0" size="0.04"/>
<site name="touch_toe" pos=".17 0 0"/>
<site name="touch_heel" pos="-.08 0 0"/>
<subtreelinvel name="torso_subtreelinvel" body="torso"/>
<touch name="touch_toe" site="touch_toe"/>
<touch name="touch_heel" site="touch_heel"/>
<motor name="waist" joint="waist" gear="30"/>
<motor name="hip" joint="hip" gear="40"/>
<motor name="knee" joint="knee" gear="30"/>
<motor name="ankle" joint="ankle" gear="10"/>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
# Copyright 2017 The dm_control Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ============================================================================
"""Humanoid Domain."""
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import collections
from dm_control import mujoco
from dm_control.rl import control
from local_dm_control_suite import base
from local_dm_control_suite import common
from dm_control.suite.utils import randomizers
from dm_control.utils import containers
from dm_control.utils import rewards
import numpy as np
# Height of head above which stand reward is 1.
# Horizontal speeds above which move reward is 1.
SUITE = containers.TaggedTasks()
def get_model_and_assets():
"""Returns a tuple containing the model XML string and a dict of assets."""
return common.read_model('humanoid.xml'), common.ASSETS
def stand(time_limit=_DEFAULT_TIME_LIMIT, random=None, environment_kwargs=None):
"""Returns the Stand task."""
physics = Physics.from_xml_string(*get_model_and_assets())
task = Humanoid(move_speed=0, pure_state=False, random=random)
environment_kwargs = environment_kwargs or {}
return control.Environment(
physics, task, time_limit=time_limit, control_timestep=_CONTROL_TIMESTEP,
def walk(time_limit=_DEFAULT_TIME_LIMIT, random=None, environment_kwargs=None):
"""Returns the Walk task."""
physics = Physics.from_xml_string(*get_model_and_assets())
task = Humanoid(move_speed=_WALK_SPEED, pure_state=False, random=random)
environment_kwargs = environment_kwargs or {}
return control.Environment(
physics, task, time_limit=time_limit, control_timestep=_CONTROL_TIMESTEP,
def run(time_limit=_DEFAULT_TIME_LIMIT, random=None, environment_kwargs=None):
"""Returns the Run task."""
physics = Physics.from_xml_string(*get_model_and_assets())
task = Humanoid(move_speed=_RUN_SPEED, pure_state=False, random=random)
environment_kwargs = environment_kwargs or {}
return control.Environment(
physics, task, time_limit=time_limit, control_timestep=_CONTROL_TIMESTEP,
def run_pure_state(time_limit=_DEFAULT_TIME_LIMIT, random=None,
"""Returns the Run task."""
physics = Physics.from_xml_string(*get_model_and_assets())
task = Humanoid(move_speed=_RUN_SPEED, pure_state=True, random=random)
environment_kwargs = environment_kwargs or {}
return control.Environment(
physics, task, time_limit=time_limit, control_timestep=_CONTROL_TIMESTEP,
class Physics(mujoco.Physics):
"""Physics simulation with additional features for the Walker domain."""
def torso_upright(self):
"""Returns projection from z-axes of torso to the z-axes of world."""
return['torso', 'zz']
def head_height(self):
"""Returns the height of the torso."""
return['head', 'z']
def center_of_mass_position(self):
"""Returns position of the center-of-mass."""
def center_of_mass_velocity(self):
"""Returns the velocity of the center-of-mass."""
def torso_vertical_orientation(self):
"""Returns the z-projection of the torso orientation matrix."""
return['torso', ['zx', 'zy', 'zz']]
def joint_angles(self):
"""Returns the state without global orientation or position."""
return[7:].copy() # Skip the 7 DoFs of the free root joint.
def extremities(self):
"""Returns end effector positions in egocentric frame."""
torso_frame =['torso'].reshape(3, 3)
torso_pos =['torso']
positions = []
for side in ('left_', 'right_'):
for limb in ('hand', 'foot'):
torso_to_limb =[side + limb] - torso_pos
return np.hstack(positions)
class Humanoid(base.Task):
"""A humanoid task."""
def __init__(self, move_speed, pure_state, random=None):
"""Initializes an instance of `Humanoid`.
move_speed: A float. If this value is zero, reward is given simply for
standing up. Otherwise this specifies a target horizontal velocity for
the walking task.
pure_state: A bool. Whether the observations consist of the pure MuJoCo
state or includes some useful features thereof.
random: Optional, either a `numpy.random.RandomState` instance, an
integer seed for creating a new `RandomState`, or None to select a seed
automatically (default).
self._move_speed = move_speed
self._pure_state = pure_state
super(Humanoid, self).__init__(random=random)
def initialize_episode(self, physics):
"""Sets the state of the environment at the start of each episode.
physics: An instance of `Physics`.
# Find a collision-free random initial configuration.
penetrating = True
while penetrating:
randomizers.randomize_limited_and_rotational_joints(physics, self.random)
# Check for collisions.
penetrating = > 0
super(Humanoid, self).initialize_episode(physics)
def get_observation(self, physics):
"""Returns either the pure state or a set of egocentric features."""
obs = collections.OrderedDict()
if self._pure_state:
obs['position'] = physics.position()
obs['velocity'] = physics.velocity()
obs['joint_angles'] = physics.joint_angles()
obs['head_height'] = physics.head_height()
obs['extremities'] = physics.extremities()
obs['torso_vertical'] = physics.torso_vertical_orientation()
obs['com_velocity'] = physics.center_of_mass_velocity()
obs['velocity'] = physics.velocity()
return obs
def get_reward(self, physics):
"""Returns a reward to the agent."""
standing = rewards.tolerance(physics.head_height(),
bounds=(_STAND_HEIGHT, float('inf')),
upright = rewards.tolerance(physics.torso_upright(),
bounds=(0.9, float('inf')), sigmoid='linear',
margin=1.9, value_at_margin=0)
stand_reward = standing * upright
small_control = rewards.tolerance(physics.control(), margin=1,
small_control = (4 + small_control) / 5
if self._move_speed == 0:
horizontal_velocity = physics.center_of_mass_velocity()[[0, 1]]
dont_move = rewards.tolerance(horizontal_velocity, margin=2).mean()
return small_control * stand_reward * dont_move
com_velocity = np.linalg.norm(physics.center_of_mass_velocity()[[0, 1]])
move = rewards.tolerance(com_velocity,
bounds=(self._move_speed, float('inf')),
margin=self._move_speed, value_at_margin=0,
move = (5*move + 1) / 6
return small_control * stand_reward * move

View File

@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
<mujoco model="humanoid">
<include file="./common/skybox.xml"/>
<include file="./common/visual.xml"/>
<include file="./common/materials.xml"/>
<statistic extent="2" center="0 0 1"/>
<option timestep=".005"/>
<motor ctrlrange="-1 1" ctrllimited="true"/>
<default class="body">
<geom type="capsule" condim="1" friction=".7" solimp=".9 .99 .003" solref=".015 1" material="self"/>
<joint type="hinge" damping=".2" stiffness="1" armature=".01" limited="true" solimplimit="0 .99 .01"/>
<default class="big_joint">
<joint damping="5" stiffness="10"/>
<default class="big_stiff_joint">
<joint stiffness="20"/>
<site size=".04" group="3"/>
<default class="force-torque">
<site type="box" size=".01 .01 .02" rgba="1 0 0 1" />
<default class="touch">
<site type="capsule" rgba="0 0 1 .3"/>
<geom name="floor" type="plane" conaffinity="1" size="100 100 .2" material="grid"/>
<body name="torso" pos="0 0 1.5" childclass="body">
<light name="top" pos="0 0 2" mode="trackcom"/>
<camera name="back" pos="-3 0 1" xyaxes="0 -1 0 1 0 2" mode="trackcom"/>
<camera name="side" pos="0 -3 1" xyaxes="1 0 0 0 1 2" mode="trackcom"/>
<freejoint name="root"/>
<site name="root" class="force-torque"/>
<geom name="torso" fromto="0 -.07 0 0 .07 0" size=".07"/>
<geom name="upper_waist" fromto="-.01 -.06 -.12 -.01 .06 -.12" size=".06"/>
<site name="torso" class="touch" type="box" pos="0 0 -.05" size=".075 .14 .13"/>
<body name="head" pos="0 0 .19">
<geom name="head" type="sphere" size=".09"/>
<site name="head" class="touch" type="sphere" size=".091"/>
<camera name="egocentric" pos=".09 0 0" xyaxes="0 -1 0 .1 0 1" fovy="80"/>
<body name="lower_waist" pos="-.01 0 -.260" quat="1.000 0 -.002 0">
<geom name="lower_waist" fromto="0 -.06 0 0 .06 0" size=".06"/>
<site name="lower_waist" class="touch" size=".061 .06" zaxis="0 1 0"/>
<joint name="abdomen_z" pos="0 0 .065" axis="0 0 1" range="-45 45" class="big_stiff_joint"/>
<joint name="abdomen_y" pos="0 0 .065" axis="0 1 0" range="-75 30" class="big_joint"/>
<body name="pelvis" pos="0 0 -.165" quat="1.000 0 -.002 0">
<joint name="abdomen_x" pos="0 0 .1" axis="1 0 0" range="-35 35" class="big_joint"/>
<geom name="butt" fromto="-.02 -.07 0 -.02 .07 0" size=".09"/>
<site name="butt" class="touch" size=".091 .07" pos="-.02 0 0" zaxis="0 1 0"/>
<body name="right_thigh" pos="0 -.1 -.04">
<site name="right_hip" class="force-torque"/>
<joint name="right_hip_x" axis="1 0 0" range="-25 5" class="big_joint"/>
<joint name="right_hip_z" axis="0 0 1" range="-60 35" class="big_joint"/>
<joint name="right_hip_y" axis="0 1 0" range="-110 20" class="big_stiff_joint"/>
<geom name="right_thigh" fromto="0 0 0 0 .01 -.34" size=".06"/>
<site name="right_thigh" class="touch" pos="0 .005 -.17" size=".061 .17" zaxis="0 -1 34"/>
<body name="right_shin" pos="0 .01 -.403">
<site name="right_knee" class="force-torque" pos="0 0 .02"/>
<joint name="right_knee" pos="0 0 .02" axis="0 -1 0" range="-160 2"/>
<geom name="right_shin" fromto="0 0 0 0 0 -.3" size=".049"/>
<site name="right_shin" class="touch" pos="0 0 -.15" size=".05 .15"/>
<body name="right_foot" pos="0 0 -.39">
<site name="right_ankle" class="force-torque"/>
<joint name="right_ankle_y" pos="0 0 .08" axis="0 1 0" range="-50 50" stiffness="6"/>
<joint name="right_ankle_x" pos="0 0 .04" axis="1 0 .5" range="-50 50" stiffness="3"/>
<geom name="right_right_foot" fromto="-.07 -.02 0 .14 -.04 0" size=".027"/>
<geom name="left_right_foot" fromto="-.07 0 0 .14 .02 0" size=".027"/>
<site name="right_right_foot" class="touch" pos=".035 -.03 0" size=".03 .11" zaxis="21 -2 0"/>
<site name="left_right_foot" class="touch" pos=".035 .01 0" size=".03 .11" zaxis="21 2 0"/>
<body name="left_thigh" pos="0 .1 -.04">
<site name="left_hip" class="force-torque"/>
<joint name="left_hip_x" axis="-1 0 0" range="-25 5" class="big_joint"/>
<joint name="left_hip_z" axis="0 0 -1" range="-60 35" class="big_joint"/>
<joint name="left_hip_y" axis="0 1 0" range="-120 20" class="big_stiff_joint"/>
<geom name="left_thigh" fromto="0 0 0 0 -.01 -.34" size=".06"/>
<site name="left_thigh" class="touch" pos="0 -.005 -.17" size=".061 .17" zaxis="0 1 34"/>
<body name="left_shin" pos="0 -.01 -.403">
<site name="left_knee" class="force-torque" pos="0 0 .02"/>
<joint name="left_knee" pos="0 0 .02" axis="0 -1 0" range="-160 2"/>
<geom name="left_shin" fromto="0 0 0 0 0 -.3" size=".049"/>
<site name="left_shin" class="touch" pos="0 0 -.15" size=".05 .15"/>
<body name="left_foot" pos="0 0 -.39">
<site name="left_ankle" class="force-torque"/>
<joint name="left_ankle_y" pos="0 0 .08" axis="0 1 0" range="-50 50" stiffness="6"/>
<joint name="left_ankle_x" pos="0 0 .04" axis="1 0 .5" range="-50 50" stiffness="3"/>
<geom name="left_left_foot" fromto="-.07 .02 0 .14 .04 0" size=".027"/>
<geom name="right_left_foot" fromto="-.07 0 0 .14 -.02 0" size=".027"/>
<site name="right_left_foot" class="touch" pos=".035 -.01 0" size=".03 .11" zaxis="21 -2 0"/>
<site name="left_left_foot" class="touch" pos=".035 .03 0" size=".03 .11" zaxis="21 2 0"/>
<body name="right_upper_arm" pos="0 -.17 .06">
<joint name="right_shoulder1" axis="2 1 1" range="-85 60"/>
<joint name="right_shoulder2" axis="0 -1 1" range="-85 60"/>
<geom name="right_upper_arm" fromto="0 0 0 .16 -.16 -.16" size=".04 .16"/>
<site name="right_upper_arm" class="touch" pos=".08 -.08 -.08" size=".041 .14" zaxis="1 -1 -1"/>
<body name="right_lower_arm" pos=".18 -.18 -.18">
<joint name="right_elbow" axis="0 -1 1" range="-90 50" stiffness="0"/>
<geom name="right_lower_arm" fromto=".01 .01 .01 .17 .17 .17" size=".031"/>
<site name="right_lower_arm" class="touch" pos=".09 .09 .09" size=".032 .14" zaxis="1 1 1"/>
<body name="right_hand" pos=".18 .18 .18">
<geom name="right_hand" type="sphere" size=".04"/>
<site name="right_hand" class="touch" type="sphere" size=".041"/>
<body name="left_upper_arm" pos="0 .17 .06">
<joint name="left_shoulder1" axis="2 -1 1" range="-60 85"/>
<joint name="left_shoulder2" axis="0 1 1" range="-60 85"/>
<geom name="left_upper_arm" fromto="0 0 0 .16 .16 -.16" size=".04 .16"/>
<site name="left_upper_arm" class="touch" pos=".08 .08 -.08" size=".041 .14" zaxis="1 1 -1"/>
<body name="left_lower_arm" pos=".18 .18 -.18">
<joint name="left_elbow" axis="0 -1 -1" range="-90 50" stiffness="0"/>
<geom name="left_lower_arm" fromto=".01 -.01 .01 .17 -.17 .17" size=".031"/>
<site name="left_lower_arm" class="touch" pos=".09 -.09 .09" size=".032 .14" zaxis="1 -1 1"/>
<body name="left_hand" pos=".18 -.18 .18">
<geom name="left_hand" type="sphere" size=".04"/>
<site name="left_hand" class="touch" type="sphere" size=".041"/>
<motor name="abdomen_y" gear="40" joint="abdomen_y"/>
<motor name="abdomen_z" gear="40" joint="abdomen_z"/>
<motor name="abdomen_x" gear="40" joint="abdomen_x"/>
<motor name="right_hip_x" gear="40" joint="right_hip_x"/>
<motor name="right_hip_z" gear="40" joint="right_hip_z"/>
<motor name="right_hip_y" gear="120" joint="right_hip_y"/>
<motor name="right_knee" gear="80" joint="right_knee"/>
<motor name="right_ankle_x" gear="20" joint="right_ankle_x"/>
<motor name="right_ankle_y" gear="20" joint="right_ankle_y"/>
<motor name="left_hip_x" gear="40" joint="left_hip_x"/>
<motor name="left_hip_z" gear="40" joint="left_hip_z"/>
<motor name="left_hip_y" gear="120" joint="left_hip_y"/>
<motor name="left_knee" gear="80" joint="left_knee"/>
<motor name="left_ankle_x" gear="20" joint="left_ankle_x"/>
<motor name="left_ankle_y" gear="20" joint="left_ankle_y"/>
<motor name="right_shoulder1" gear="20" joint="right_shoulder1"/>
<motor name="right_shoulder2" gear="20" joint="right_shoulder2"/>
<motor name="right_elbow" gear="40" joint="right_elbow"/>
<motor name="left_shoulder1" gear="20" joint="left_shoulder1"/>
<motor name="left_shoulder2" gear="20" joint="left_shoulder2"/>
<motor name="left_elbow" gear="40" joint="left_elbow"/>
<subtreelinvel name="torso_subtreelinvel" body="torso"/>
<accelerometer name="torso_accel" site="root"/>
<velocimeter name="torso_vel" site="root"/>
<gyro name="torso_gyro" site="root"/>
<force name="left_ankle_force" site="left_ankle"/>
<force name="right_ankle_force" site="right_ankle"/>
<force name="left_knee_force" site="left_knee"/>
<force name="right_knee_force" site="right_knee"/>
<force name="left_hip_force" site="left_hip"/>
<force name="right_hip_force" site="right_hip"/>
<torque name="left_ankle_torque" site="left_ankle"/>
<torque name="right_ankle_torque" site="right_ankle"/>
<torque name="left_knee_torque" site="left_knee"/>
<torque name="right_knee_torque" site="right_knee"/>
<torque name="left_hip_torque" site="left_hip"/>
<torque name="right_hip_torque" site="right_hip"/>
<touch name="torso_touch" site="torso"/>
<touch name="head_touch" site="head"/>
<touch name="lower_waist_touch" site="lower_waist"/>
<touch name="butt_touch" site="butt"/>
<touch name="right_thigh_touch" site="right_thigh"/>
<touch name="right_shin_touch" site="right_shin"/>
<touch name="right_right_foot_touch" site="right_right_foot"/>
<touch name="left_right_foot_touch" site="left_right_foot"/>
<touch name="left_thigh_touch" site="left_thigh"/>
<touch name="left_shin_touch" site="left_shin"/>
<touch name="right_left_foot_touch" site="right_left_foot"/>
<touch name="left_left_foot_touch" site="left_left_foot"/>
<touch name="right_upper_arm_touch" site="right_upper_arm"/>
<touch name="right_lower_arm_touch" site="right_lower_arm"/>
<touch name="right_hand_touch" site="right_hand"/>
<touch name="left_upper_arm_touch" site="left_upper_arm"/>
<touch name="left_lower_arm_touch" site="left_lower_arm"/>
<touch name="left_hand_touch" site="left_hand"/>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
# Copyright 2017 The dm_control Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ============================================================================
"""Humanoid_CMU Domain."""
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import collections
from dm_control import mujoco
from dm_control.rl import control
from local_dm_control_suite import base
from local_dm_control_suite import common
from dm_control.suite.utils import randomizers
from dm_control.utils import containers
from dm_control.utils import rewards
import numpy as np
# Height of head above which stand reward is 1.
# Horizontal speeds above which move reward is 1.
SUITE = containers.TaggedTasks()
def get_model_and_assets():
"""Returns a tuple containing the model XML string and a dict of assets."""
return common.read_model('humanoid_CMU.xml'), common.ASSETS
def stand(time_limit=_DEFAULT_TIME_LIMIT, random=None, environment_kwargs=None):
"""Returns the Stand task."""
physics = Physics.from_xml_string(*get_model_and_assets())
task = HumanoidCMU(move_speed=0, random=random)
environment_kwargs = environment_kwargs or {}
return control.Environment(
physics, task, time_limit=time_limit, control_timestep=_CONTROL_TIMESTEP,
def run(time_limit=_DEFAULT_TIME_LIMIT, random=None, environment_kwargs=None):
"""Returns the Run task."""
physics = Physics.from_xml_string(*get_model_and_assets())
task = HumanoidCMU(move_speed=_RUN_SPEED, random=random)
environment_kwargs = environment_kwargs or {}
return control.Environment(
physics, task, time_limit=time_limit, control_timestep=_CONTROL_TIMESTEP,
class Physics(mujoco.Physics):
"""Physics simulation with additional features for the humanoid_CMU domain."""
def thorax_upright(self):
"""Returns projection from y-axes of thorax to the z-axes of world."""
return['thorax', 'zy']
def head_height(self):
"""Returns the height of the head."""
return['head', 'z']
def center_of_mass_position(self):
"""Returns position of the center-of-mass."""
def center_of_mass_velocity(self):
"""Returns the velocity of the center-of-mass."""
def torso_vertical_orientation(self):
"""Returns the z-projection of the thorax orientation matrix."""
return['thorax', ['zx', 'zy', 'zz']]
def joint_angles(self):
"""Returns the state without global orientation or position."""
return[7:].copy() # Skip the 7 DoFs of the free root joint.
def extremities(self):
"""Returns end effector positions in egocentric frame."""
torso_frame =['thorax'].reshape(3, 3)
torso_pos =['thorax']
positions = []
for side in ('l', 'r'):
for limb in ('hand', 'foot'):
torso_to_limb =[side + limb] - torso_pos
return np.hstack(positions)
class HumanoidCMU(base.Task):
"""A task for the CMU Humanoid."""
def __init__(self, move_speed, random=None):
"""Initializes an instance of `Humanoid_CMU`.
move_speed: A float. If this value is zero, reward is given simply for
standing up. Otherwise this specifies a target horizontal velocity for
the walking task.
random: Optional, either a `numpy.random.RandomState` instance, an
integer seed for creating a new `RandomState`, or None to select a seed
automatically (default).
self._move_speed = move_speed
super(HumanoidCMU, self).__init__(random=random)
def initialize_episode(self, physics):
"""Sets a random collision-free configuration at the start of each episode.
physics: An instance of `Physics`.
penetrating = True
while penetrating:
physics, self.random)
# Check for collisions.
penetrating = > 0
super(HumanoidCMU, self).initialize_episode(physics)
def get_observation(self, physics):
"""Returns a set of egocentric features."""
obs = collections.OrderedDict()
obs['joint_angles'] = physics.joint_angles()
obs['head_height'] = physics.head_height()
obs['extremities'] = physics.extremities()
obs['torso_vertical'] = physics.torso_vertical_orientation()
obs['com_velocity'] = physics.center_of_mass_velocity()
obs['velocity'] = physics.velocity()
return obs
def get_reward(self, physics):
"""Returns a reward to the agent."""
standing = rewards.tolerance(physics.head_height(),
bounds=(_STAND_HEIGHT, float('inf')),
upright = rewards.tolerance(physics.thorax_upright(),
bounds=(0.9, float('inf')), sigmoid='linear',
margin=1.9, value_at_margin=0)
stand_reward = standing * upright
small_control = rewards.tolerance(physics.control(), margin=1,
small_control = (4 + small_control) / 5
if self._move_speed == 0:
horizontal_velocity = physics.center_of_mass_velocity()[[0, 1]]
dont_move = rewards.tolerance(horizontal_velocity, margin=2).mean()
return small_control * stand_reward * dont_move
com_velocity = np.linalg.norm(physics.center_of_mass_velocity()[[0, 1]])
move = rewards.tolerance(com_velocity,
bounds=(self._move_speed, float('inf')),
margin=self._move_speed, value_at_margin=0,
move = (5*move + 1) / 6
return small_control * stand_reward * move

View File

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<mujoco model="humanoid_CMU">
<include file="./common/skybox.xml"/>
<include file="./common/visual.xml"/>
<include file="./common/materials.xml"/>
<statistic extent="2" center="0 0 1"/>
<default class="main">
<joint limited="true" solimplimit="0 0.99 0.01" stiffness="0.1" armature=".01" damping="1"/>
<geom friction="0.7" solref="0.015 1" solimp="0.95 0.99 0.003"/>
<motor ctrllimited="true" ctrlrange="-1 1"/>
<default class="humanoid">
<geom type="capsule" material="self"/>
<default class="stiff_low">
<joint stiffness=".5" damping="4"/>
<default class="stiff_medium">
<joint stiffness="10" damping="5"/>
<default class="stiff_high">
<joint stiffness="30" damping="10"/>
<default class="touch">
<site group="3" rgba="0 0 1 .5"/>
<geom name="floor" type="plane" conaffinity="1" size="100 100 .2" material="grid"/>
<light name="tracking_light" pos="0 0 7" dir="0 0 -1" mode="trackcom"/>
<camera name="back" pos="0 3 2.4" xyaxes="-1 0 0 0 -1 2" mode="trackcom"/>
<camera name="side" pos="-3 0 2.4" xyaxes="0 -1 0 1 0 2" mode="trackcom"/>
<body name="root" childclass="humanoid" pos="0 0 1" euler="90 0 0">
<site name="root" size=".01" rgba="0.5 0.5 0.5 0"/>
<freejoint name="root"/>
<geom name="root_geom" size="0.09 0.06" pos="0 -0.05 0" quat="1 0 -1 0"/>
<body name="lhipjoint">
<geom name="lhipjoint" size="0.008 0.022" pos="0.051 -0.046 0.025" quat="0.5708 -0.566602 -0.594264 0"/>
<body name="lfemur" pos="0.102 -0.092 0.05" quat="1 0 0 0.17365">
<joint name="lfemurrz" axis="0 0 1" range="-60 70" class="stiff_medium"/>
<joint name="lfemurry" axis="0 1 0" range="-70 70" class="stiff_medium"/>
<joint name="lfemurrx" axis="1 0 0" range="-160 20" class="stiff_medium"/>
<geom name="lfemur" size="0.06 0.17" pos="-.01 -0.202473 0" quat="0.7 -0.7 -0.1228 -0.07"/>
<body name="ltibia" pos="0 -0.404945 0">
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<geom name="ltibia" size="0.03 0.1825614" pos="0 -0.202846 0" quat="0.7 -0.7 -0.1228 -0.1228"/>
<geom name="lcalf" size="0.045 0.08" pos="0 -0.1 -.01" quat="0.7 -0.7 -0.1228 -0.1228"/>
<body name="lfoot" pos="0 -0.405693 0" quat="0.707107 -0.707107 0 0">
<site name="lfoot_touch" type="box" pos="-.005 -.02 -0.025" size=".04 .08 .02" euler="10 0 0" class="touch"/>
<joint name="lfootrz" axis="0 0 1" range="-70 20" class="stiff_medium"/>
<joint name="lfootrx" axis="1 0 0" range="-45 90" class="stiff_medium"/>
<geom name="lfoot0" size="0.02 0.06" pos="-0.02 -0.023 -0.01" euler="100 -2 0"/>
<geom name="lfoot1" size="0.02 0.06" pos="0 -0.023 -0.01" euler="100 0 0"/>
<geom name="lfoot2" size="0.02 0.06" pos=".01 -0.023 -0.01" euler="100 10 0"/>
<body name="ltoes" pos="0 -0.106372 -0.0227756">
<joint name="ltoesrx" axis="1 0 0" range="-90 20"/>
<geom name="ltoes0" type="sphere" size="0.02" pos="-.025 -0.01 -.01"/>
<geom name="ltoes1" type="sphere" size="0.02" pos="0 -0.005 -.01"/>
<geom name="ltoes2" type="sphere" size="0.02" pos=".02 .001 -.01"/>
<site name="ltoes_touch" type="capsule" pos="-.005 -.005 -.01" size="0.025 0.02" zaxis="1 .2 0" class="touch"/>
<body name="rhipjoint">
<geom name="rhipjoint" size="0.008 0.022" pos="-0.051 -0.046 0.025" quat="0.574856 -0.547594 0.608014 0"/>
<body name="rfemur" pos="-0.102 -0.092 0.05" quat="1 0 0 -0.17365">
<joint name="rfemurrz" axis="0 0 1" range="-70 60" class="stiff_medium"/>
<joint name="rfemurry" axis="0 1 0" range="-70 70" class="stiff_medium"/>
<joint name="rfemurrx" axis="1 0 0" range="-160 20" class="stiff_medium"/>
<geom name="rfemur" size="0.06 0.17" pos=".01 -0.202473 0" quat="0.7 -0.7 0.1228 0.07"/>
<body name="rtibia" pos="0 -0.404945 0">
<joint name="rtibiarx" axis="1 0 0" range="1 170" class="stiff_low"/>
<geom name="rtibia" size="0.03 0.1825614" pos="0 -0.202846 0" quat="0.7 -0.7 0.1228 0.1228"/>
<geom name="rcalf" size="0.045 0.08" pos="0 -0.1 -.01" quat="0.7 -0.7 -0.1228 -0.1228"/>
<body name="rfoot" pos="0 -0.405693 0" quat="0.707107 -0.707107 0 0">
<site name="rfoot_touch" type="box" pos=".005 -.02 -0.025" size=".04 .08 .02" euler="10 0 0" class="touch"/>
<joint name="rfootrz" axis="0 0 1" range="-20 70" class="stiff_medium"/>
<joint name="rfootrx" axis="1 0 0" range="-45 90" class="stiff_medium"/>
<geom name="rfoot0" size="0.02 0.06" pos="0.02 -0.023 -0.01" euler="100 2 0"/>
<geom name="rfoot1" size="0.02 0.06" pos="0 -0.023 -0.01" euler="100 0 0"/>
<geom name="rfoot2" size="0.02 0.06" pos="-.01 -0.023 -0.01" euler="100 -10 0"/>
<body name="rtoes" pos="0 -0.106372 -0.0227756">
<joint name="rtoesrx" axis="1 0 0" range="-90 20"/>
<geom name="rtoes0" type="sphere" size="0.02" pos=".025 -0.01 -.01"/>
<geom name="rtoes1" type="sphere" size="0.02" pos="0 -0.005 -.01"/>
<geom name="rtoes2" type="sphere" size="0.02" pos="-.02 .001 -.01"/>
<site name="rtoes_touch" type="capsule" pos=".005 -.005 -.01" size="0.025 0.02" zaxis="1 -.2 0" class="touch"/>
<body name="lowerback">
<joint name="lowerbackrz" axis="0 0 1" range="-30 30" class="stiff_high"/>
<joint name="lowerbackry" axis="0 1 0" range="-30 30" class="stiff_high"/>
<joint name="lowerbackrx" axis="1 0 0" range="-20 45" class="stiff_high"/>
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<joint name="upperbackry" axis="0 1 0" range="-30 30" class="stiff_high"/>
<joint name="upperbackrx" axis="1 0 0" range="-20 45" class="stiff_high"/>
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<joint name="thoraxry" axis="0 1 0" range="-30 30" class="stiff_high"/>
<joint name="thoraxrx" axis="1 0 0" range="-20 45" class="stiff_high"/>
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<joint name="lowerneckry" axis="0 1 0" range="-30 30" class="stiff_medium"/>
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<geom name="rhumerus" size="0.035 0.124" pos="0 -0.138 0" quat="0.61 -0.61 -0.35 -0.35"/>
<body name="rradius" pos="0 -0.277 0">
<joint name="rradiusrx" axis="1 0 0" range="-10 170" class="stiff_low"/>
<geom name="rradius" size="0.03 0.06" pos="0 -0.08 0" quat="0.612 -0.612 -0.35 -0.35"/>
<body name="rwrist" pos="0 -0.17 0" quat="-0.5 0 -0.866 0">
<joint name="rwristry" axis="0 1 0" range="-180 0"/>
<geom name="rwrist" size="0.025 0.03" pos="0 -0.02 0" quat="0 0 1 1"/>
<body name="rhand" pos="0 -0.08 0">
<joint name="rhandrz" axis="0 0 1" range="-45 45"/>
<joint name="rhandrx" axis="1 0 0" range="-90 90"/>
<geom name="rhand" type="ellipsoid" size=".048 0.02 .06" pos="0 -0.047 0" quat="0 0 1 1"/>
<body name="rfingers" pos="0 -0.08 0">
<joint name="rfingersrx" axis="1 0 0" range="0 90"/>
<geom name="rfinger0" size="0.01 0.04" pos=".03 -0.05 0" quat="1 -1 0 0" />
<geom name="rfinger1" size="0.01 0.04" pos=".008 -0.06 0" quat="1 -1 0 0" />
<geom name="rfinger2" size="0.009 0.04" pos="-.014 -0.06 0" quat="1 -1 0 0" />
<geom name="rfinger3" size="0.008 0.04" pos="-.032 -0.05 0" quat="1 -1 0 0" />
<body name="rthumb" pos=".02 -.03 0" quat="0.92388 0 0 0.382683">
<joint name="rthumbrz" axis="0 0 1" range="-45 45"/>
<joint name="rthumbrx" axis="1 0 0" range="0 90"/>
<geom name="rthumb" size="0.012 0.04" pos="0 -0.06 0" quat="0 0 1 1"/>
<exclude body1="lclavicle" body2="rclavicle"/>
<exclude body1="lowerneck" body2="lclavicle"/>
<exclude body1="lowerneck" body2="rclavicle"/>
<exclude body1="upperneck" body2="lclavicle"/>
<exclude body1="upperneck" body2="rclavicle"/>
<motor name="headrx" joint="headrx" gear="20"/>
<motor name="headry" joint="headry" gear="20"/>
<motor name="headrz" joint="headrz" gear="20"/>
<motor name="lclaviclery" joint="lclaviclery" gear="20"/>
<motor name="lclaviclerz" joint="lclaviclerz" gear="20"/>
<motor name="lfemurrx" joint="lfemurrx" gear="120"/>
<motor name="lfemurry" joint="lfemurry" gear="40"/>
<motor name="lfemurrz" joint="lfemurrz" gear="40"/>
<motor name="lfingersrx" joint="lfingersrx" gear="20"/>
<motor name="lfootrx" joint="lfootrx" gear="20"/>
<motor name="lfootrz" joint="lfootrz" gear="20"/>
<motor name="lhandrx" joint="lhandrx" gear="20"/>
<motor name="lhandrz" joint="lhandrz" gear="20"/>
<motor name="lhumerusrx" joint="lhumerusrx" gear="40"/>
<motor name="lhumerusry" joint="lhumerusry" gear="40"/>
<motor name="lhumerusrz" joint="lhumerusrz" gear="40"/>
<motor name="lowerbackrx" joint="lowerbackrx" gear="40"/>
<motor name="lowerbackry" joint="lowerbackry" gear="40"/>
<motor name="lowerbackrz" joint="lowerbackrz" gear="40"/>
<motor name="lowerneckrx" joint="lowerneckrx" gear="20"/>
<motor name="lowerneckry" joint="lowerneckry" gear="20"/>
<motor name="lowerneckrz" joint="lowerneckrz" gear="20"/>
<motor name="lradiusrx" joint="lradiusrx" gear="40"/>
<motor name="lthumbrx" joint="lthumbrx" gear="20"/>
<motor name="lthumbrz" joint="lthumbrz" gear="20"/>
<motor name="ltibiarx" joint="ltibiarx" gear="80"/>
<motor name="ltoesrx" joint="ltoesrx" gear="20"/>
<motor name="lwristry" joint="lwristry" gear="20"/>
<motor name="rclaviclery" joint="rclaviclery" gear="20"/>
<motor name="rclaviclerz" joint="rclaviclerz" gear="20"/>
<motor name="rfemurrx" joint="rfemurrx" gear="120"/>
<motor name="rfemurry" joint="rfemurry" gear="40"/>
<motor name="rfemurrz" joint="rfemurrz" gear="40"/>
<motor name="rfingersrx" joint="rfingersrx" gear="20"/>
<motor name="rfootrx" joint="rfootrx" gear="20"/>
<motor name="rfootrz" joint="rfootrz" gear="20"/>
<motor name="rhandrx" joint="rhandrx" gear="20"/>
<motor name="rhandrz" joint="rhandrz" gear="20"/>
<motor name="rhumerusrx" joint="rhumerusrx" gear="40"/>
<motor name="rhumerusry" joint="rhumerusry" gear="40"/>
<motor name="rhumerusrz" joint="rhumerusrz" gear="40"/>
<motor name="rradiusrx" joint="rradiusrx" gear="40"/>
<motor name="rthumbrx" joint="rthumbrx" gear="20"/>
<motor name="rthumbrz" joint="rthumbrz" gear="20"/>
<motor name="rtibiarx" joint="rtibiarx" gear="80"/>
<motor name="rtoesrx" joint="rtoesrx" gear="20"/>
<motor name="rwristry" joint="rwristry" gear="20"/>
<motor name="thoraxrx" joint="thoraxrx" gear="40"/>
<motor name="thoraxry" joint="thoraxry" gear="40"/>
<motor name="thoraxrz" joint="thoraxrz" gear="40"/>
<motor name="upperbackrx" joint="upperbackrx" gear="40"/>
<motor name="upperbackry" joint="upperbackry" gear="40"/>
<motor name="upperbackrz" joint="upperbackrz" gear="40"/>
<motor name="upperneckrx" joint="upperneckrx" gear="20"/>
<motor name="upperneckry" joint="upperneckry" gear="20"/>
<motor name="upperneckrz" joint="upperneckrz" gear="20"/>
<subtreelinvel name="thorax_subtreelinvel" body="thorax"/>
<velocimeter name="sensor_root_veloc" site="root"/>
<gyro name="sensor_root_gyro" site="root"/>
<accelerometer name="sensor_root_accel" site="root"/>
<touch name="sensor_touch_ltoes" site="ltoes_touch"/>
<touch name="sensor_touch_rtoes" site="rtoes_touch"/>
<touch name="sensor_touch_rfoot" site="rfoot_touch"/>
<touch name="sensor_touch_lfoot" site="lfoot_touch"/>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
# Copyright 2017 The dm_control Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ============================================================================
"""Procedurally generated LQR domain."""
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import collections
import os
from dm_control import mujoco
from dm_control.rl import control
from local_dm_control_suite import base
from local_dm_control_suite import common
from dm_control.utils import containers
from dm_control.utils import xml_tools
from lxml import etree
import numpy as np
from six.moves import range
from dm_control.utils import io as resources
_DEFAULT_TIME_LIMIT = float('inf')
SUITE = containers.TaggedTasks()
def get_model_and_assets(n_bodies, n_actuators, random):
"""Returns the model description as an XML string and a dict of assets.
n_bodies: An int, number of bodies of the LQR.
n_actuators: An int, number of actuated bodies of the LQR. `n_actuators`
should be less or equal than `n_bodies`.
random: A `numpy.random.RandomState` instance.
A tuple `(model_xml_string, assets)`, where `assets` is a dict consisting of
`{filename: contents_string}` pairs.
return _make_model(n_bodies, n_actuators, random), common.ASSETS
def lqr_2_1(time_limit=_DEFAULT_TIME_LIMIT, random=None,
"""Returns an LQR environment with 2 bodies of which the first is actuated."""
return _make_lqr(n_bodies=2,
def lqr_6_2(time_limit=_DEFAULT_TIME_LIMIT, random=None,
"""Returns an LQR environment with 6 bodies of which first 2 are actuated."""
return _make_lqr(n_bodies=6,
def _make_lqr(n_bodies, n_actuators, control_cost_coef, time_limit, random,
"""Returns a LQR environment.
n_bodies: An int, number of bodies of the LQR.
n_actuators: An int, number of actuated bodies of the LQR. `n_actuators`
should be less or equal than `n_bodies`.
control_cost_coef: A number, the coefficient of the control cost.
time_limit: An int, maximum time for each episode in seconds.
random: Either an existing `numpy.random.RandomState` instance, an
integer seed for creating a new `RandomState`, or None to select a seed
environment_kwargs: A `dict` specifying keyword arguments for the
environment, or None.
A LQR environment with `n_bodies` bodies of which first `n_actuators` are
if not isinstance(random, np.random.RandomState):
random = np.random.RandomState(random)
model_string, assets = get_model_and_assets(n_bodies, n_actuators,
physics = Physics.from_xml_string(model_string, assets=assets)
task = LQRLevel(control_cost_coef, random=random)
environment_kwargs = environment_kwargs or {}
return control.Environment(physics, task, time_limit=time_limit,
def _make_body(body_id, stiffness_range, damping_range, random):
"""Returns an `etree.Element` defining a body.
body_id: Id of the created body.
stiffness_range: A tuple of (stiffness_lower_bound, stiffness_uppder_bound).
The stiffness of the joint is drawn uniformly from this range.
damping_range: A tuple of (damping_lower_bound, damping_upper_bound). The
damping of the joint is drawn uniformly from this range.
random: A `numpy.random.RandomState` instance.
A new instance of `etree.Element`. A body element with two children: joint
and geom.
body_name = 'body_{}'.format(body_id)
joint_name = 'joint_{}'.format(body_id)
geom_name = 'geom_{}'.format(body_id)
body = etree.Element('body', name=body_name)
body.set('pos', '.25 0 0')
joint = etree.SubElement(body, 'joint', name=joint_name)
body.append(etree.Element('geom', name=geom_name))
str(random.uniform(stiffness_range[0], stiffness_range[1])))
str(random.uniform(damping_range[0], damping_range[1])))
return body
def _make_model(n_bodies,
stiffness_range=(15, 25),
damping_range=(0, 0)):
"""Returns an MJCF XML string defining a model of springs and dampers.
n_bodies: An integer, the number of bodies (DoFs) in the system.
n_actuators: An integer, the number of actuated bodies.
random: A `numpy.random.RandomState` instance.
stiffness_range: A tuple containing minimum and maximum stiffness. Each
joint's stiffness is sampled uniformly from this interval.
damping_range: A tuple containing minimum and maximum damping. Each joint's
damping is sampled uniformly from this interval.
An MJCF string describing the linear system.
ValueError: If the number of bodies or actuators is erronous.
if n_bodies < 1 or n_actuators < 1:
raise ValueError('At least 1 body and 1 actuator required.')
if n_actuators > n_bodies:
raise ValueError('At most 1 actuator per body.')
file_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'lqr.xml')
with resources.GetResourceAsFile(file_path) as xml_file:
mjcf = xml_tools.parse(xml_file)
parent = mjcf.find('./worldbody')
actuator = etree.SubElement(mjcf.getroot(), 'actuator')
tendon = etree.SubElement(mjcf.getroot(), 'tendon')
for body in range(n_bodies):
# Inserting body.
child = _make_body(body, stiffness_range, damping_range, random)
site_name = 'site_{}'.format(body)
child.append(etree.Element('site', name=site_name))
if body == 0:
child.set('pos', '.25 0 .1')
# Add actuators to the first n_actuators bodies.
if body < n_actuators:
# Adding actuator.
joint_name = 'joint_{}'.format(body)
motor_name = 'motor_{}'.format(body)
child.find('joint').set('name', joint_name)
actuator.append(etree.Element('motor', name=motor_name, joint=joint_name))
# Add a tendon between consecutive bodies (for visualisation purposes only).
if body < n_bodies - 1:
child_site_name = 'site_{}'.format(body + 1)
tendon_name = 'tendon_{}'.format(body)
spatial = etree.SubElement(tendon, 'spatial', name=tendon_name)
spatial.append(etree.Element('site', site=site_name))
spatial.append(etree.Element('site', site=child_site_name))
parent = child
return etree.tostring(mjcf, pretty_print=True)
class Physics(mujoco.Physics):
"""Physics simulation with additional features for the LQR domain."""
def state_norm(self):
"""Returns the norm of the physics state."""
return np.linalg.norm(self.state())
class LQRLevel(base.Task):
"""A Linear Quadratic Regulator `Task`."""
def __init__(self, control_cost_coef, random=None):
"""Initializes an LQR level with cost = sum(states^2) + c*sum(controls^2).
control_cost_coef: The coefficient of the control cost.
random: Optional, either a `numpy.random.RandomState` instance, an
integer seed for creating a new `RandomState`, or None to select a seed
automatically (default).
ValueError: If the control cost coefficient is not positive.
if control_cost_coef <= 0:
raise ValueError('control_cost_coef must be positive.')
self._control_cost_coef = control_cost_coef
super(LQRLevel, self).__init__(random=random)
def control_cost_coef(self):
return self._control_cost_coef
def initialize_episode(self, physics):
"""Random state sampled from a unit sphere."""
ndof = physics.model.nq
unit = self.random.randn(ndof)[:] = np.sqrt(2) * unit / np.linalg.norm(unit)
super(LQRLevel, self).initialize_episode(physics)
def get_observation(self, physics):
"""Returns an observation of the state."""
obs = collections.OrderedDict()
obs['position'] = physics.position()
obs['velocity'] = physics.velocity()
return obs
def get_reward(self, physics):
"""Returns a quadratic state and control reward."""
position = physics.position()
state_cost = 0.5 *, position)
control_signal = physics.control()
control_l2_norm = 0.5 *, control_signal)
return 1 - (state_cost + control_l2_norm * self._control_cost_coef)
def get_evaluation(self, physics):
"""Returns a sparse evaluation reward that is not used for learning."""
return float(physics.state_norm() <= 0.01)
def get_termination(self, physics):
"""Terminates when the state norm is smaller than epsilon."""
if physics.state_norm() < self._TERMINAL_TOL:
return 0.0

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@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
<mujoco model="LQR">
<include file="./common/skybox.xml"/>
<include file="./common/visual.xml"/>
<include file="./common/materials.xml"/>
<option timestep=".03"/>
<joint type="slide" axis="0 1 0"/>
<geom type="sphere" size=".1" material="self"/>
<site size=".01"/>
<tendon width=".02" material="self"/>
<flag constraint="disable"/>
<light name="light" pos="0 0 2"/>
<camera name="cam0" pos="-1.428 -0.311 0.856" xyaxes="0.099 -0.995 0.000 0.350 0.035 0.936"/>
<camera name="cam1" pos="1.787 2.452 4.331" xyaxes="-1 0 0 0 -0.868 0.497"/>
<geom name="floor" size="4 1 .2" type="plane" material="grid"/>
<geom name="origin" pos="2 0 .05" size="2 .003 .05" type="box" rgba=".5 .5 .5 .5"/>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
# Copyright 2017 The dm_control Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ============================================================================
r"""Optimal policy for LQR levels.
LQR control problem is described in
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from absl import logging
from dm_control.mujoco import wrapper
import numpy as np
from six.moves import range
import scipy.linalg as sp # pylint: disable=g-import-not-at-top
except ImportError:
sp = None
def _solve_dare(a, b, q, r):
"""Solves the Discrete-time Algebraic Riccati Equation (DARE) by iteration.
Algebraic Riccati Equation:
P_{t-1} = Q + A' * P_{t} * A -
A' * P_{t} * B * (R + B' * P_{t} * B)^{-1} * B' * P_{t} * A
a: A 2 dimensional numpy array, transition matrix A.
b: A 2 dimensional numpy array, control matrix B.
q: A 2 dimensional numpy array, symmetric positive definite cost matrix.
r: A 2 dimensional numpy array, symmetric positive definite cost matrix
A numpy array, a real symmetric matrix P which is the solution to DARE.
RuntimeError: If the computed P matrix is not symmetric and
p = np.eye(len(a))
for _ in range(1000000):
a_p = # A' * P_t
a_p_b =, b) # A' * P_t * B
# Algebraic Riccati Equation.
p_next = q +, a) -
np.linalg.solve( + r, a_p_b.T))
p_next += p_next.T
p_next *= .5
if np.abs(p - p_next).max() < 1e-12:
p = p_next
logging.warning('DARE solver did not converge')
# Check that the result is symmetric and positive-definite.
except np.linalg.LinAlgError:
raise RuntimeError('ARE solver failed: P matrix is not symmetric and '
return p_next
def solve(env):
"""Returns the optimal value and policy for LQR problem.
env: An instance of `control.EnvironmentV2` with LQR level.
p: A numpy array, the Hessian of the optimal total cost-to-go (value
function at state x) is V(x) = .5 * x' * p * x.
k: A numpy array which gives the optimal linear policy u = k * x.
beta: The maximum eigenvalue of (a + b * k). Under optimal policy, at
timestep n the state tends to 0 like beta^n.
RuntimeError: If the controlled system is unstable.
n = env.physics.model.nq # number of DoFs
m = # number of controls
# Compute the mass matrix.
mass = np.zeros((n, n))
wrapper.mjbindings.mjlib.mj_fullM(env.physics.model.ptr, mass,
# Compute input matrices a, b, q and r to the DARE solvers.
# State transition matrix a.
stiffness = np.diag(env.physics.model.jnt_stiffness.ravel())
damping = np.diag(env.physics.model.dof_damping.ravel())
dt = env.physics.model.opt.timestep
j = np.linalg.solve(-mass, np.hstack((stiffness, damping)))
a = np.eye(2 * n) + dt * np.vstack(
(dt * j + np.hstack((np.zeros((n, n)), np.eye(n))), j))
# Control transition matrix b.
b =
bc = np.linalg.solve(mass, b)
b = dt * np.vstack((dt * bc, bc))
# State cost Hessian q.
q = np.diag(np.hstack([np.ones(n), np.zeros(n)]))
# Control cost Hessian r.
r = env.task.control_cost_coef * np.eye(m)
if sp:
# Use scipy's faster DARE solver if available.
solve_dare = sp.solve_discrete_are
# Otherwise fall back on a slower internal implementation.
solve_dare = _solve_dare
# Solve the discrete algebraic Riccati equation.
p = solve_dare(a, b, q, r)
k = -np.linalg.solve( + r,
# Under optimal policy, state tends to 0 like beta^n_timesteps
beta = np.abs(np.linalg.eigvals(a +
if beta >= 1.0:
raise RuntimeError('Controlled system is unstable.')
return p, k, beta

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@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
# Copyright 2017 The dm_control Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ============================================================================
"""Planar Manipulator domain."""
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import collections
from dm_control import mujoco
from dm_control.rl import control
from local_dm_control_suite import base
from local_dm_control_suite import common
from dm_control.utils import containers
from dm_control.utils import rewards
from dm_control.utils import xml_tools
from lxml import etree
import numpy as np
_CLOSE = .01 # (Meters) Distance below which a thing is considered close.
_CONTROL_TIMESTEP = .01 # (Seconds)
_TIME_LIMIT = 10 # (Seconds)
_P_IN_HAND = .1 # Probabillity of object-in-hand initial state
_P_IN_TARGET = .1 # Probabillity of object-in-target initial state
_ARM_JOINTS = ['arm_root', 'arm_shoulder', 'arm_elbow', 'arm_wrist',
'finger', 'fingertip', 'thumb', 'thumbtip']
_ALL_PROPS = frozenset(['ball', 'target_ball', 'cup',
'peg', 'target_peg', 'slot'])
SUITE = containers.TaggedTasks()
def make_model(use_peg, insert):
"""Returns a tuple containing the model XML string and a dict of assets."""
xml_string = common.read_model('manipulator.xml')
parser = etree.XMLParser(remove_blank_text=True)
mjcf = etree.XML(xml_string, parser)
# Select the desired prop.
if use_peg:
required_props = ['peg', 'target_peg']
if insert:
required_props += ['slot']
required_props = ['ball', 'target_ball']
if insert:
required_props += ['cup']
# Remove unused props
for unused_prop in _ALL_PROPS.difference(required_props):
prop = xml_tools.find_element(mjcf, 'body', unused_prop)
return etree.tostring(mjcf, pretty_print=True), common.ASSETS
@SUITE.add('benchmarking', 'hard')
def bring_ball(fully_observable=True, time_limit=_TIME_LIMIT, random=None,
"""Returns manipulator bring task with the ball prop."""
use_peg = False
insert = False
physics = Physics.from_xml_string(*make_model(use_peg, insert))
task = Bring(use_peg=use_peg, insert=insert,
fully_observable=fully_observable, random=random)
environment_kwargs = environment_kwargs or {}
return control.Environment(
physics, task, control_timestep=_CONTROL_TIMESTEP, time_limit=time_limit,
def bring_peg(fully_observable=True, time_limit=_TIME_LIMIT, random=None,
"""Returns manipulator bring task with the peg prop."""
use_peg = True
insert = False
physics = Physics.from_xml_string(*make_model(use_peg, insert))
task = Bring(use_peg=use_peg, insert=insert,
fully_observable=fully_observable, random=random)
environment_kwargs = environment_kwargs or {}
return control.Environment(
physics, task, control_timestep=_CONTROL_TIMESTEP, time_limit=time_limit,
def insert_ball(fully_observable=True, time_limit=_TIME_LIMIT, random=None,
"""Returns manipulator insert task with the ball prop."""
use_peg = False
insert = True
physics = Physics.from_xml_string(*make_model(use_peg, insert))
task = Bring(use_peg=use_peg, insert=insert,
fully_observable=fully_observable, random=random)
environment_kwargs = environment_kwargs or {}
return control.Environment(
physics, task, control_timestep=_CONTROL_TIMESTEP, time_limit=time_limit,
def insert_peg(fully_observable=True, time_limit=_TIME_LIMIT, random=None,
"""Returns manipulator insert task with the peg prop."""
use_peg = True
insert = True
physics = Physics.from_xml_string(*make_model(use_peg, insert))
task = Bring(use_peg=use_peg, insert=insert,
fully_observable=fully_observable, random=random)
environment_kwargs = environment_kwargs or {}
return control.Environment(
physics, task, control_timestep=_CONTROL_TIMESTEP, time_limit=time_limit,
class Physics(mujoco.Physics):
"""Physics with additional features for the Planar Manipulator domain."""
def bounded_joint_pos(self, joint_names):
"""Returns joint positions as (sin, cos) values."""
joint_pos =[joint_names]
return np.vstack([np.sin(joint_pos), np.cos(joint_pos)]).T
def joint_vel(self, joint_names):
"""Returns joint velocities."""
def body_2d_pose(self, body_names, orientation=True):
"""Returns positions and/or orientations of bodies."""
if not isinstance(body_names, str):
body_names = np.array(body_names).reshape(-1, 1) # Broadcast indices.
pos =[body_names, ['x', 'z']]
if orientation:
ori =[body_names, ['qw', 'qy']]
return np.hstack([pos, ori])
return pos
def touch(self):
return np.log1p(
def site_distance(self, site1, site2):
site1_to_site2 = np.diff([[site2, site1]], axis=0)
return np.linalg.norm(site1_to_site2)
class Bring(base.Task):
"""A Bring `Task`: bring the prop to the target."""
def __init__(self, use_peg, insert, fully_observable, random=None):
"""Initialize an instance of the `Bring` task.
use_peg: A `bool`, whether to replace the ball prop with the peg prop.
insert: A `bool`, whether to insert the prop in a receptacle.
fully_observable: A `bool`, whether the observation should contain the
position and velocity of the object being manipulated and the target
random: Optional, either a `numpy.random.RandomState` instance, an
integer seed for creating a new `RandomState`, or None to select a seed
automatically (default).
self._use_peg = use_peg
self._target = 'target_peg' if use_peg else 'target_ball'
self._object = 'peg' if self._use_peg else 'ball'
self._object_joints = ['_'.join([self._object, dim]) for dim in 'xzy']
self._receptacle = 'slot' if self._use_peg else 'cup'
self._insert = insert
self._fully_observable = fully_observable
super(Bring, self).__init__(random=random)
def initialize_episode(self, physics):
"""Sets the state of the environment at the start of each episode."""
# Local aliases
choice = self.random.choice
uniform = self.random.uniform
model = physics.named.model
data =
# Find a collision-free random initial configuration.
penetrating = True
while penetrating:
# Randomise angles of arm joints.
is_limited = model.jnt_limited[_ARM_JOINTS].astype(np.bool)
joint_range = model.jnt_range[_ARM_JOINTS]
lower_limits = np.where(is_limited, joint_range[:, 0], -np.pi)
upper_limits = np.where(is_limited, joint_range[:, 1], np.pi)
angles = uniform(lower_limits, upper_limits)
data.qpos[_ARM_JOINTS] = angles
# Symmetrize hand.
data.qpos['finger'] = data.qpos['thumb']
# Randomise target location.
target_x = uniform(-.4, .4)
target_z = uniform(.1, .4)
if self._insert:
target_angle = uniform(-np.pi/3, np.pi/3)
model.body_pos[self._receptacle, ['x', 'z']] = target_x, target_z
model.body_quat[self._receptacle, ['qw', 'qy']] = [
np.cos(target_angle/2), np.sin(target_angle/2)]
target_angle = uniform(-np.pi, np.pi)
model.body_pos[self._target, ['x', 'z']] = target_x, target_z
model.body_quat[self._target, ['qw', 'qy']] = [
np.cos(target_angle/2), np.sin(target_angle/2)]
# Randomise object location.
object_init_probs = [_P_IN_HAND, _P_IN_TARGET, 1-_P_IN_HAND-_P_IN_TARGET]
init_type = choice(['in_hand', 'in_target', 'uniform'],
if init_type == 'in_target':
object_x = target_x
object_z = target_z
object_angle = target_angle
elif init_type == 'in_hand':
object_x = data.site_xpos['grasp', 'x']
object_z = data.site_xpos['grasp', 'z']
grasp_direction = data.site_xmat['grasp', ['xx', 'zx']]
object_angle = np.pi-np.arctan2(grasp_direction[1], grasp_direction[0])
object_x = uniform(-.5, .5)
object_z = uniform(0, .7)
object_angle = uniform(0, 2*np.pi)
data.qvel[self._object + '_x'] = uniform(-5, 5)
data.qpos[self._object_joints] = object_x, object_z, object_angle
# Check for collisions.
penetrating = > 0
super(Bring, self).initialize_episode(physics)
def get_observation(self, physics):
"""Returns either features or only sensors (to be used with pixels)."""
obs = collections.OrderedDict()
obs['arm_pos'] = physics.bounded_joint_pos(_ARM_JOINTS)
obs['arm_vel'] = physics.joint_vel(_ARM_JOINTS)
obs['touch'] = physics.touch()
if self._fully_observable:
obs['hand_pos'] = physics.body_2d_pose('hand')
obs['object_pos'] = physics.body_2d_pose(self._object)
obs['object_vel'] = physics.joint_vel(self._object_joints)
obs['target_pos'] = physics.body_2d_pose(self._target)
return obs
def _is_close(self, distance):
return rewards.tolerance(distance, (0, _CLOSE), _CLOSE*2)
def _peg_reward(self, physics):
"""Returns a reward for bringing the peg prop to the target."""
grasp = self._is_close(physics.site_distance('peg_grasp', 'grasp'))
pinch = self._is_close(physics.site_distance('peg_pinch', 'pinch'))
grasping = (grasp + pinch) / 2
bring = self._is_close(physics.site_distance('peg', 'target_peg'))
bring_tip = self._is_close(physics.site_distance('target_peg_tip',
bringing = (bring + bring_tip) / 2
return max(bringing, grasping/3)
def _ball_reward(self, physics):
"""Returns a reward for bringing the ball prop to the target."""
return self._is_close(physics.site_distance('ball', 'target_ball'))
def get_reward(self, physics):
"""Returns a reward to the agent."""
if self._use_peg:
return self._peg_reward(physics)
return self._ball_reward(physics)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
<mujoco model="planar manipulator">
<include file="./common/visual.xml"/>
<include file="./common/skybox.xml"/>
<include file="./common/materials.xml"/>
<texture name="background" builtin="flat" type="2d" mark="random" markrgb="1 1 1" width="800" height="800" rgb1=".2 .3 .4"/>
<material name="background" texture="background" texrepeat="1 1" texuniform="true"/>
<map shadowclip=".5"/>
<quality shadowsize="2048"/>
<option timestep="0.001" cone="elliptic"/>
<geom friction=".7" solimp="0.9 0.97 0.001" solref=".005 1"/>
<joint solimplimit="0 0.99 0.01" solreflimit=".005 1"/>
<general ctrllimited="true"/>
<tendon width="0.01"/>
<site size=".003 .003 .003" material="site" group="3"/>
<default class="arm">
<geom type="capsule" material="self" density="500"/>
<joint type="hinge" pos="0 0 0" axis="0 -1 0" limited="true"/>
<default class="hand">
<joint damping=".5" range="-10 60"/>
<geom size=".008"/>
<site type="box" size=".018 .005 .005" pos=".022 0 -.002" euler="0 15 0" group="4"/>
<default class="fingertip">
<geom type="sphere" size=".008" material="effector"/>
<joint damping=".01" stiffness=".01" range="-40 20"/>
<site size=".012 .005 .008" pos=".003 0 .003" group="4" euler="0 0 0"/>
<default class="object">
<geom material="self"/>
<default class="task">
<site rgba="0 0 0 0"/>
<default class="obstacle">
<geom material="decoration" friction="0"/>
<default class="ghost">
<geom material="target" contype="0" conaffinity="0"/>
<!-- Arena -->
<light name="light" directional="true" diffuse=".6 .6 .6" pos="0 0 1" specular=".3 .3 .3"/>
<geom name="floor" type="plane" pos="0 0 0" size=".4 .2 10" material="grid"/>
<geom name="wall1" type="plane" pos="-.682843 0 .282843" size=".4 .2 10" material="grid" zaxis="1 0 1"/>
<geom name="wall2" type="plane" pos=".682843 0 .282843" size=".4 .2 10" material="grid" zaxis="-1 0 1"/>
<geom name="background" type="plane" pos="0 .2 .5" size="1 .5 10" material="background" zaxis="0 -1 0"/>
<camera name="fixed" pos="0 -16 .4" xyaxes="1 0 0 0 0 1" fovy="4"/>
<!-- Arm -->
<geom name="arm_root" type="cylinder" fromto="0 -.022 .4 0 .022 .4" size=".024"
material="decoration" contype="0" conaffinity="0"/>
<body name="upper_arm" pos="0 0 .4" childclass="arm">
<joint name="arm_root" damping="2" limited="false"/>
<geom name="upper_arm" size=".02" fromto="0 0 0 0 0 .18"/>
<body name="middle_arm" pos="0 0 .18" childclass="arm">
<joint name="arm_shoulder" damping="1.5" range="-160 160"/>
<geom name="middle_arm" size=".017" fromto="0 0 0 0 0 .15"/>
<body name="lower_arm" pos="0 0 .15">
<joint name="arm_elbow" damping="1" range="-160 160"/>
<geom name="lower_arm" size=".014" fromto="0 0 0 0 0 .12"/>
<body name="hand" pos="0 0 .12">
<joint name="arm_wrist" damping=".5" range="-140 140" />
<geom name="hand" size=".011" fromto="0 0 0 0 0 .03"/>
<geom name="palm1" fromto="0 0 .03 .03 0 .045" class="hand"/>
<geom name="palm2" fromto="0 0 .03 -.03 0 .045" class="hand"/>
<site name="grasp" pos="0 0 .065"/>
<body name="pinch site" pos="0 0 .090">
<site name="pinch"/>
<inertial pos="0 0 0" mass="1e-6" diaginertia="1e-12 1e-12 1e-12"/>
<camera name="hand" pos="0 -.3 0" xyaxes="1 0 0 0 0 1" mode="track"/>
<site name="palm_touch" type="box" group="4" size=".025 .005 .008" pos="0 0 .043"/>
<body name="thumb" pos=".03 0 .045" euler="0 -90 0" childclass="hand">
<joint name="thumb"/>
<geom name="thumb1" fromto="0 0 0 .02 0 -.01" size=".007"/>
<geom name="thumb2" fromto=".02 0 -.01 .04 0 -.01" size=".007"/>
<site name="thumb_touch" group="4"/>
<body name="thumbtip" pos=".05 0 -.01" childclass="fingertip">
<joint name="thumbtip"/>
<geom name="thumbtip1" pos="-.003 0 0" />
<geom name="thumbtip2" pos=".003 0 0" />
<site name="thumbtip_touch" group="4"/>
<body name="finger" pos="-.03 0 .045" euler="0 90 180" childclass="hand">
<joint name="finger"/>
<geom name="finger1" fromto="0 0 0 .02 0 -.01" size=".007" />
<geom name="finger2" fromto=".02 0 -.01 .04 0 -.01" size=".007"/>
<site name="finger_touch"/>
<body name="fingertip" pos=".05 0 -.01" childclass="fingertip">
<joint name="fingertip"/>
<geom name="fingertip1" pos="-.003 0 0" />
<geom name="fingertip2" pos=".003 0 0" />
<site name="fingertip_touch"/>
<!-- props -->
<body name="ball" pos=".4 0 .4" childclass="object">
<joint name="ball_x" type="slide" axis="1 0 0" ref=".4"/>
<joint name="ball_z" type="slide" axis="0 0 1" ref=".4"/>
<joint name="ball_y" type="hinge" axis="0 1 0"/>
<geom name="ball" type="sphere" size=".022" />
<site name="ball" type="sphere"/>
<body name="peg" pos="-.4 0 .4" childclass="object">
<joint name="peg_x" type="slide" axis="1 0 0" ref="-.4"/>
<joint name="peg_z" type="slide" axis="0 0 1" ref=".4"/>
<joint name="peg_y" type="hinge" axis="0 1 0"/>
<geom name="blade" type="capsule" size=".005" fromto="0 0 -.013 0 0 -.113"/>
<geom name="guard" type="capsule" size=".005" fromto="-.017 0 -.043 .017 0 -.043"/>
<body name="pommel" pos="0 0 -.013">
<geom name="pommel" type="sphere" size=".009"/>
<site name="peg" type="box" pos="0 0 -.063"/>
<site name="peg_pinch" type="box" pos="0 0 -.025"/>
<site name="peg_grasp" type="box" pos="0 0 0"/>
<site name="peg_tip" type="box" pos="0 0 -.113"/>
<!-- receptacles -->
<body name="slot" pos="-.405 0 .2" euler="0 20 0" childclass="obstacle">
<geom name="slot_0" type="box" pos="-.0252 0 -.083" size=".0198 .01 .035"/>
<geom name="slot_1" type="box" pos=" .0252 0 -.083" size=".0198 .01 .035"/>
<geom name="slot_2" type="box" pos=" 0 0 -.138" size=".045 .01 .02"/>
<site name="slot" type="box" pos="0 0 0"/>
<site name="slot_end" type="box" pos="0 0 -.05"/>
<body name="cup" pos=".3 0 .4" euler="0 -15 0" childclass="obstacle">
<geom name="cup_0" type="capsule" size=".008" fromto="-.03 0 .06 -.03 0 -.015" />
<geom name="cup_1" type="capsule" size=".008" fromto="-.03 0 -.015 0 0 -.04" />
<geom name="cup_2" type="capsule" size=".008" fromto="0 0 -.04 .03 0 -.015" />
<geom name="cup_3" type="capsule" size=".008" fromto=".03 0 -.015 .03 0 .06" />
<site name="cup" size=".005"/>
<!-- targets -->
<body name="target_ball" pos=".4 .001 .4" childclass="ghost">
<geom name="target_ball" type="sphere" size=".02" />
<site name="target_ball" type="sphere"/>
<body name="target_peg" pos="-.2 .001 .4" childclass="ghost">
<geom name="target_blade" type="capsule" size=".005" fromto="0 0 -.013 0 0 -.113"/>
<geom name="target_guard" type="capsule" size=".005" fromto="-.017 0 -.043 .017 0 -.043"/>
<geom name="target_pommel" type="sphere" size=".009" pos="0 0 -.013"/>
<site name="target_peg" type="box" pos="0 0 -.063"/>
<site name="target_peg_pinch" type="box" pos="0 0 -.025"/>
<site name="target_peg_grasp" type="box" pos="0 0 0"/>
<site name="target_peg_tip" type="box" pos="0 0 -.113"/>
<fixed name="grasp">
<joint joint="thumb" coef=".5"/>
<joint joint="finger" coef=".5"/>
<fixed name="coupling">
<joint joint="thumb" coef="-.5"/>
<joint joint="finger" coef=".5"/>
<tendon name="coupling" tendon1="coupling" solimp="0.95 0.99 0.001" solref=".005 .5"/>
<touch name="palm_touch" site="palm_touch"/>
<touch name="finger_touch" site="finger_touch"/>
<touch name="thumb_touch" site="thumb_touch"/>
<touch name="fingertip_touch" site="fingertip_touch"/>
<touch name="thumbtip_touch" site="thumbtip_touch"/>
<motor name="root" joint="arm_root" ctrlrange="-1 1" gear="12"/>
<motor name="shoulder" joint="arm_shoulder" ctrlrange="-1 1" gear="8"/>
<motor name="elbow" joint="arm_elbow" ctrlrange="-1 1" gear="4"/>
<motor name="wrist" joint="arm_wrist" ctrlrange="-1 1" gear="2"/>
<motor name="grasp" tendon="grasp" ctrlrange="-1 1" gear="2"/>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
# Copyright 2017 The dm_control Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ============================================================================
"""Pendulum domain."""
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import collections
from dm_control import mujoco
from dm_control.rl import control
from local_dm_control_suite import base
from local_dm_control_suite import common
from dm_control.utils import containers
from dm_control.utils import rewards
import numpy as np
_COSINE_BOUND = np.cos(np.deg2rad(_ANGLE_BOUND))
SUITE = containers.TaggedTasks()
def get_model_and_assets():
"""Returns a tuple containing the model XML string and a dict of assets."""
return common.read_model('pendulum.xml'), common.ASSETS
def swingup(time_limit=_DEFAULT_TIME_LIMIT, random=None,
"""Returns pendulum swingup task ."""
physics = Physics.from_xml_string(*get_model_and_assets())
task = SwingUp(random=random)
environment_kwargs = environment_kwargs or {}
return control.Environment(
physics, task, time_limit=time_limit, **environment_kwargs)
class Physics(mujoco.Physics):
"""Physics simulation with additional features for the Pendulum domain."""
def pole_vertical(self):
"""Returns vertical (z) component of pole frame."""
return['pole', 'zz']
def angular_velocity(self):
"""Returns the angular velocity of the pole."""
def pole_orientation(self):
"""Returns both horizontal and vertical components of pole frame."""
return['pole', ['zz', 'xz']]
class SwingUp(base.Task):
"""A Pendulum `Task` to swing up and balance the pole."""
def __init__(self, random=None):
"""Initialize an instance of `Pendulum`.
random: Optional, either a `numpy.random.RandomState` instance, an
integer seed for creating a new `RandomState`, or None to select a seed
automatically (default).
super(SwingUp, self).__init__(random=random)
def initialize_episode(self, physics):
"""Sets the state of the environment at the start of each episode.
Pole is set to a random angle between [-pi, pi).
physics: An instance of `Physics`.
"""['hinge'] = self.random.uniform(-np.pi, np.pi)
super(SwingUp, self).initialize_episode(physics)
def get_observation(self, physics):
"""Returns an observation.
Observations are states concatenating pole orientation and angular velocity
and pixels from fixed camera.
physics: An instance of `physics`, Pendulum physics.
A `dict` of observation.
obs = collections.OrderedDict()
obs['orientation'] = physics.pole_orientation()
obs['velocity'] = physics.angular_velocity()
return obs
def get_reward(self, physics):
return rewards.tolerance(physics.pole_vertical(), (_COSINE_BOUND, 1))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
<mujoco model="pendulum">
<include file="./common/visual.xml"/>
<include file="./common/skybox.xml"/>
<include file="./common/materials.xml"/>
<option timestep="0.02">
<flag contact="disable" energy="enable"/>
<light name="light" pos="0 0 2"/>
<geom name="floor" size="2 2 .2" type="plane" material="grid"/>
<camera name="fixed" pos="0 -1.5 2" xyaxes='1 0 0 0 1 1'/>
<camera name="lookat" mode="targetbodycom" target="pole" pos="0 -2 1"/>
<body name="pole" pos="0 0 .6">
<joint name="hinge" type="hinge" axis="0 1 0" damping="0.1"/>
<geom name="base" material="decoration" type="cylinder" fromto="0 -.03 0 0 .03 0" size="0.021" mass="0"/>
<geom name="pole" material="self" type="capsule" fromto="0 0 0 0 0 0.5" size="0.02" mass="0"/>
<geom name="mass" material="effector" type="sphere" pos="0 0 0.5" size="0.05" mass="1"/>
<motor name="torque" joint="hinge" gear="1" ctrlrange="-1 1" ctrllimited="true"/>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
# Copyright 2017 The dm_control Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ============================================================================
"""Point-mass domain."""
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import collections
from dm_control import mujoco
from dm_control.rl import control
from local_dm_control_suite import base
from local_dm_control_suite import common
from dm_control.suite.utils import randomizers
from dm_control.utils import containers
from dm_control.utils import rewards
import numpy as np
SUITE = containers.TaggedTasks()
def get_model_and_assets():
"""Returns a tuple containing the model XML string and a dict of assets."""
return common.read_model('point_mass.xml'), common.ASSETS
@SUITE.add('benchmarking', 'easy')
def easy(time_limit=_DEFAULT_TIME_LIMIT, random=None, environment_kwargs=None):
"""Returns the easy point_mass task."""
physics = Physics.from_xml_string(*get_model_and_assets())
task = PointMass(randomize_gains=False, random=random)
environment_kwargs = environment_kwargs or {}
return control.Environment(
physics, task, time_limit=time_limit, **environment_kwargs)
def hard(time_limit=_DEFAULT_TIME_LIMIT, random=None, environment_kwargs=None):
"""Returns the hard point_mass task."""
physics = Physics.from_xml_string(*get_model_and_assets())
task = PointMass(randomize_gains=True, random=random)
environment_kwargs = environment_kwargs or {}
return control.Environment(
physics, task, time_limit=time_limit, **environment_kwargs)
class Physics(mujoco.Physics):
"""physics for the point_mass domain."""
def mass_to_target(self):
"""Returns the vector from mass to target in global coordinate."""
return (['target'] -['pointmass'])
def mass_to_target_dist(self):
"""Returns the distance from mass to the target."""
return np.linalg.norm(self.mass_to_target())
class PointMass(base.Task):
"""A point_mass `Task` to reach target with smooth reward."""
def __init__(self, randomize_gains, random=None):
"""Initialize an instance of `PointMass`.
randomize_gains: A `bool`, whether to randomize the actuator gains.
random: Optional, either a `numpy.random.RandomState` instance, an
integer seed for creating a new `RandomState`, or None to select a seed
automatically (default).
self._randomize_gains = randomize_gains
super(PointMass, self).__init__(random=random)
def initialize_episode(self, physics):
"""Sets the state of the environment at the start of each episode.
If _randomize_gains is True, the relationship between the controls and
the joints is randomized, so that each control actuates a random linear
combination of joints.
physics: An instance of `mujoco.Physics`.
randomizers.randomize_limited_and_rotational_joints(physics, self.random)
if self._randomize_gains:
dir1 = self.random.randn(2)
dir1 /= np.linalg.norm(dir1)
# Find another actuation direction that is not 'too parallel' to dir1.
parallel = True
while parallel:
dir2 = self.random.randn(2)
dir2 /= np.linalg.norm(dir2)
parallel = abs(, dir2)) > 0.9
physics.model.wrap_prm[[0, 1]] = dir1
physics.model.wrap_prm[[2, 3]] = dir2
super(PointMass, self).initialize_episode(physics)
def get_observation(self, physics):
"""Returns an observation of the state."""
obs = collections.OrderedDict()
obs['position'] = physics.position()
obs['velocity'] = physics.velocity()
return obs
def get_reward(self, physics):
"""Returns a reward to the agent."""
target_size = physics.named.model.geom_size['target', 0]
near_target = rewards.tolerance(physics.mass_to_target_dist(),
bounds=(0, target_size), margin=target_size)
control_reward = rewards.tolerance(physics.control(), margin=1,
small_control = (control_reward + 4) / 5
return near_target * small_control

View File

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
<mujoco model="planar point mass">
<include file="./common/skybox.xml"/>
<include file="./common/visual.xml"/>
<include file="./common/materials.xml"/>
<option timestep="0.02">
<flag contact="disable"/>
<joint type="hinge" axis="0 0 1" limited="true" range="-.29 .29" damping="1"/>
<motor gear=".1" ctrlrange="-1 1" ctrllimited="true"/>
<light name="light" pos="0 0 1"/>
<camera name="fixed" pos="0 0 .75" quat="1 0 0 0"/>
<geom name="ground" type="plane" pos="0 0 0" size=".3 .3 .1" material="grid"/>
<geom name="wall_x" type="plane" pos="-.3 0 .02" zaxis="1 0 0" size=".02 .3 .02" material="decoration"/>
<geom name="wall_y" type="plane" pos="0 -.3 .02" zaxis="0 1 0" size=".3 .02 .02" material="decoration"/>
<geom name="wall_neg_x" type="plane" pos=".3 0 .02" zaxis="-1 0 0" size=".02 .3 .02" material="decoration"/>
<geom name="wall_neg_y" type="plane" pos="0 .3 .02" zaxis="0 -1 0" size=".3 .02 .02" material="decoration"/>
<body name="pointmass" pos="0 0 .01">
<camera name="cam0" pos="0 -0.3 0.3" xyaxes="1 0 0 0 0.7 0.7"/>
<joint name="root_x" type="slide" pos="0 0 0" axis="1 0 0" />
<joint name="root_y" type="slide" pos="0 0 0" axis="0 1 0" />
<geom name="pointmass" type="sphere" size=".01" material="self" mass=".3"/>
<geom name="target" pos="0 0 .01" material="target" type="sphere" size=".015"/>
<fixed name="t1">
<joint joint="root_x" coef="1"/>
<joint joint="root_y" coef="0"/>
<fixed name="t2">
<joint joint="root_x" coef="0"/>
<joint joint="root_y" coef="1"/>
<motor name="t1" tendon="t1"/>
<motor name="t2" tendon="t2"/>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,480 @@
# Copyright 2019 The dm_control Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ============================================================================
"""Quadruped Domain."""
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import collections
from dm_control import mujoco
from dm_control.mujoco.wrapper import mjbindings
from dm_control.rl import control
from local_dm_control_suite import base
from local_dm_control_suite import common
from dm_control.utils import containers
from dm_control.utils import rewards
from dm_control.utils import xml_tools
from lxml import etree
import numpy as np
from scipy import ndimage
enums = mjbindings.enums
mjlib = mjbindings.mjlib
# Horizontal speeds above which the move reward is 1.
# Constants related to terrain generation.
_TERRAIN_SMOOTHNESS = 0.15 # 0.0: maximally bumpy; 1.0: completely smooth.
_TERRAIN_BUMP_SCALE = 2 # Spatial scale of terrain bumps (in meters).
# Named model elements.
_TOES = ['toe_front_left', 'toe_back_left', 'toe_back_right', 'toe_front_right']
_WALLS = ['wall_px', 'wall_py', 'wall_nx', 'wall_ny']
SUITE = containers.TaggedTasks()
def make_model(floor_size=None, terrain=False, rangefinders=False,
"""Returns the model XML string."""
xml_string = common.read_model('quadruped.xml')
parser = etree.XMLParser(remove_blank_text=True)
mjcf = etree.XML(xml_string, parser)
# Set floor size.
if floor_size is not None:
floor_geom = mjcf.find('.//geom[@name={!r}]'.format('floor'))
floor_geom.attrib['size'] = '{} {} .5'.format(floor_size, floor_size)
# Remove walls, ball and target.
if not walls_and_ball:
for wall in _WALLS:
wall_geom = xml_tools.find_element(mjcf, 'geom', wall)
# Remove ball.
ball_body = xml_tools.find_element(mjcf, 'body', 'ball')
# Remove target.
target_site = xml_tools.find_element(mjcf, 'site', 'target')
# Remove terrain.
if not terrain:
terrain_geom = xml_tools.find_element(mjcf, 'geom', 'terrain')
# Remove rangefinders if they're not used, as range computations can be
# expensive, especially in a scene with heightfields.
if not rangefinders:
rangefinder_sensors = mjcf.findall('.//rangefinder')
for rf in rangefinder_sensors:
return etree.tostring(mjcf, pretty_print=True)
def walk(time_limit=_DEFAULT_TIME_LIMIT, random=None, environment_kwargs=None):
"""Returns the Walk task."""
xml_string = make_model(floor_size=_DEFAULT_TIME_LIMIT * _WALK_SPEED)
physics = Physics.from_xml_string(xml_string, common.ASSETS)
task = Move(desired_speed=_WALK_SPEED, random=random)
environment_kwargs = environment_kwargs or {}
return control.Environment(physics, task, time_limit=time_limit,
def run(time_limit=_DEFAULT_TIME_LIMIT, random=None, environment_kwargs=None):
"""Returns the Run task."""
xml_string = make_model(floor_size=_DEFAULT_TIME_LIMIT * _RUN_SPEED)
physics = Physics.from_xml_string(xml_string, common.ASSETS)
task = Move(desired_speed=_RUN_SPEED, random=random)
environment_kwargs = environment_kwargs or {}
return control.Environment(physics, task, time_limit=time_limit,
def escape(time_limit=_DEFAULT_TIME_LIMIT, random=None,
"""Returns the Escape task."""
xml_string = make_model(floor_size=40, terrain=True, rangefinders=True)
physics = Physics.from_xml_string(xml_string, common.ASSETS)
task = Escape(random=random)
environment_kwargs = environment_kwargs or {}
return control.Environment(physics, task, time_limit=time_limit,
def fetch(time_limit=_DEFAULT_TIME_LIMIT, random=None, environment_kwargs=None):
"""Returns the Fetch task."""
xml_string = make_model(walls_and_ball=True)
physics = Physics.from_xml_string(xml_string, common.ASSETS)
task = Fetch(random=random)
environment_kwargs = environment_kwargs or {}
return control.Environment(physics, task, time_limit=time_limit,
class Physics(mujoco.Physics):
"""Physics simulation with additional features for the Quadruped domain."""
def _reload_from_data(self, data):
super(Physics, self)._reload_from_data(data)
# Clear cached sensor names when the physics is reloaded.
self._sensor_types_to_names = {}
self._hinge_names = []
def _get_sensor_names(self, *sensor_types):
sensor_names = self._sensor_types_to_names[sensor_types]
except KeyError:
[sensor_ids] = np.where(np.in1d(self.model.sensor_type, sensor_types))
sensor_names = [self.model.id2name(s_id, 'sensor') for s_id in sensor_ids]
self._sensor_types_to_names[sensor_types] = sensor_names
return sensor_names
def torso_upright(self):
"""Returns the dot-product of the torso z-axis and the global z-axis."""
return np.asarray(['torso', 'zz'])
def torso_velocity(self):
"""Returns the velocity of the torso, in the local frame."""
def egocentric_state(self):
"""Returns the state without global orientation or position."""
if not self._hinge_names:
[hinge_ids] = np.nonzero(self.model.jnt_type ==
self._hinge_names = [self.model.id2name(j_id, 'joint')
for j_id in hinge_ids]
return np.hstack(([self._hinge_names],[self._hinge_names],
def toe_positions(self):
"""Returns toe positions in egocentric frame."""
torso_frame =['torso'].reshape(3, 3)
torso_pos =['torso']
torso_to_toe =[_TOES] - torso_pos
def force_torque(self):
"""Returns scaled force/torque sensor readings at the toes."""
force_torque_sensors = self._get_sensor_names(enums.mjtSensor.mjSENS_FORCE,
return np.arcsinh([force_torque_sensors])
def imu(self):
"""Returns IMU-like sensor readings."""
imu_sensors = self._get_sensor_names(enums.mjtSensor.mjSENS_GYRO,
def rangefinder(self):
"""Returns scaled rangefinder sensor readings."""
rf_sensors = self._get_sensor_names(enums.mjtSensor.mjSENS_RANGEFINDER)
rf_readings =[rf_sensors]
no_intersection = -1.0
return np.where(rf_readings == no_intersection, 1.0, np.tanh(rf_readings))
def origin_distance(self):
"""Returns the distance from the origin to the workspace."""
return np.asarray(np.linalg.norm(['workspace']))
def origin(self):
"""Returns origin position in the torso frame."""
torso_frame =['torso'].reshape(3, 3)
torso_pos =['torso']
def ball_state(self):
"""Returns ball position and velocity relative to the torso frame."""
data =
torso_frame = data.xmat['torso'].reshape(3, 3)
ball_rel_pos = data.xpos['ball'] - data.xpos['torso']
ball_rel_vel = data.qvel['ball_root'][:3] - data.qvel['root'][:3]
ball_rot_vel = data.qvel['ball_root'][3:]
ball_state = np.vstack((ball_rel_pos, ball_rel_vel, ball_rot_vel))
def target_position(self):
"""Returns target position in torso frame."""
torso_frame =['torso'].reshape(3, 3)
torso_pos =['torso']
torso_to_target =['target'] - torso_pos
def ball_to_target_distance(self):
"""Returns horizontal distance from the ball to the target."""
ball_to_target = (['target'] -['ball'])
return np.linalg.norm(ball_to_target[:2])
def self_to_ball_distance(self):
"""Returns horizontal distance from the quadruped workspace to the ball."""
self_to_ball = (['workspace']['ball'])
return np.linalg.norm(self_to_ball[:2])
def _find_non_contacting_height(physics, orientation, x_pos=0.0, y_pos=0.0):
"""Find a height with no contacts given a body orientation.
physics: An instance of `Physics`.
orientation: A quaternion.
x_pos: A float. Position along global x-axis.
y_pos: A float. Position along global y-axis.
RuntimeError: If a non-contacting configuration has not been found after
10,000 attempts.
z_pos = 0.0 # Start embedded in the floor.
num_contacts = 1
num_attempts = 0
# Move up in 1cm increments until no contacts.
while num_contacts > 0:
with physics.reset_context():['root'][:3] = x_pos, y_pos, z_pos['root'][3:] = orientation
except control.PhysicsError:
# We may encounter a PhysicsError here due to filling the contact
# buffer, in which case we simply increment the height and continue.
num_contacts =
z_pos += 0.01
num_attempts += 1
if num_attempts > 10000:
raise RuntimeError('Failed to find a non-contacting configuration.')
def _common_observations(physics):
"""Returns the observations common to all tasks."""
obs = collections.OrderedDict()
obs['egocentric_state'] = physics.egocentric_state()
obs['torso_velocity'] = physics.torso_velocity()
obs['torso_upright'] = physics.torso_upright()
obs['imu'] = physics.imu()
obs['force_torque'] = physics.force_torque()
return obs
def _upright_reward(physics, deviation_angle=0):
"""Returns a reward proportional to how upright the torso is.
physics: an instance of `Physics`.
deviation_angle: A float, in degrees. The reward is 0 when the torso is
exactly upside-down and 1 when the torso's z-axis is less than
`deviation_angle` away from the global z-axis.
deviation = np.cos(np.deg2rad(deviation_angle))
return rewards.tolerance(
bounds=(deviation, float('inf')),
margin=1 + deviation,
class Move(base.Task):
"""A quadruped task solved by moving forward at a designated speed."""
def __init__(self, desired_speed, random=None):
"""Initializes an instance of `Move`.
desired_speed: A float. If this value is zero, reward is given simply
for standing upright. Otherwise this specifies the horizontal velocity
at which the velocity-dependent reward component is maximized.
random: Optional, either a `numpy.random.RandomState` instance, an
integer seed for creating a new `RandomState`, or None to select a seed
automatically (default).
self._desired_speed = desired_speed
super(Move, self).__init__(random=random)
def initialize_episode(self, physics):
"""Sets the state of the environment at the start of each episode.
physics: An instance of `Physics`.
# Initial configuration.
orientation = self.random.randn(4)
orientation /= np.linalg.norm(orientation)
_find_non_contacting_height(physics, orientation)
super(Move, self).initialize_episode(physics)
def get_observation(self, physics):
"""Returns an observation to the agent."""
return _common_observations(physics)
def get_reward(self, physics):
"""Returns a reward to the agent."""
# Move reward term.
move_reward = rewards.tolerance(
bounds=(self._desired_speed, float('inf')),
return _upright_reward(physics) * move_reward
class Escape(base.Task):
"""A quadruped task solved by escaping a bowl-shaped terrain."""
def initialize_episode(self, physics):
"""Sets the state of the environment at the start of each episode.
physics: An instance of `Physics`.
# Get heightfield resolution, assert that it is square.
res = physics.model.hfield_nrow[_HEIGHTFIELD_ID]
assert res == physics.model.hfield_ncol[_HEIGHTFIELD_ID]
# Sinusoidal bowl shape.
row_grid, col_grid = np.ogrid[-1:1:res*1j, -1:1:res*1j]
radius = np.clip(np.sqrt(col_grid**2 + row_grid**2), .04, 1)
bowl_shape = .5 - np.cos(2*np.pi*radius)/2
# Random smooth bumps.
terrain_size = 2 * physics.model.hfield_size[_HEIGHTFIELD_ID, 0]
bump_res = int(terrain_size / _TERRAIN_BUMP_SCALE)
bumps = self.random.uniform(_TERRAIN_SMOOTHNESS, 1, (bump_res, bump_res))
smooth_bumps = ndimage.zoom(bumps, res / float(bump_res))
# Terrain is elementwise product.
terrain = bowl_shape * smooth_bumps
start_idx = physics.model.hfield_adr[_HEIGHTFIELD_ID]
physics.model.hfield_data[start_idx:start_idx+res**2] = terrain.ravel()
super(Escape, self).initialize_episode(physics)
# If we have a rendering context, we need to re-upload the modified
# heightfield data.
if physics.contexts:
with as ctx:,
# Initial configuration.
orientation = self.random.randn(4)
orientation /= np.linalg.norm(orientation)
_find_non_contacting_height(physics, orientation)
def get_observation(self, physics):
"""Returns an observation to the agent."""
obs = _common_observations(physics)
obs['origin'] = physics.origin()
obs['rangefinder'] = physics.rangefinder()
return obs
def get_reward(self, physics):
"""Returns a reward to the agent."""
# Escape reward term.
terrain_size = physics.model.hfield_size[_HEIGHTFIELD_ID, 0]
escape_reward = rewards.tolerance(
bounds=(terrain_size, float('inf')),
return _upright_reward(physics, deviation_angle=20) * escape_reward
class Fetch(base.Task):
"""A quadruped task solved by bringing a ball to the origin."""
def initialize_episode(self, physics):
"""Sets the state of the environment at the start of each episode.
physics: An instance of `Physics`.
# Initial configuration, random azimuth and horizontal position.
azimuth = self.random.uniform(0, 2*np.pi)
orientation = np.array((np.cos(azimuth/2), 0, 0, np.sin(azimuth/2)))
spawn_radius = 0.9 * physics.named.model.geom_size['floor', 0]
x_pos, y_pos = self.random.uniform(-spawn_radius, spawn_radius, size=(2,))
_find_non_contacting_height(physics, orientation, x_pos, y_pos)
# Initial ball state.['ball_root'][:2] = self.random.uniform(
-spawn_radius, spawn_radius, size=(2,))['ball_root'][2] = 2['ball_root'][:2] = 5*self.random.randn(2)
super(Fetch, self).initialize_episode(physics)
def get_observation(self, physics):
"""Returns an observation to the agent."""
obs = _common_observations(physics)
obs['ball_state'] = physics.ball_state()
obs['target_position'] = physics.target_position()
return obs
def get_reward(self, physics):
"""Returns a reward to the agent."""
# Reward for moving close to the ball.
arena_radius = physics.named.model.geom_size['floor', 0] * np.sqrt(2)
workspace_radius = physics.named.model.site_size['workspace', 0]
ball_radius = physics.named.model.geom_size['ball', 0]
reach_reward = rewards.tolerance(
bounds=(0, workspace_radius+ball_radius),
margin=arena_radius, value_at_margin=0)
# Reward for bringing the ball to the target.
target_radius = physics.named.model.site_size['target', 0]
fetch_reward = rewards.tolerance(
bounds=(0, target_radius),
margin=arena_radius, value_at_margin=0)
reach_then_fetch = reach_reward * (0.5 + 0.5*fetch_reward)
return _upright_reward(physics) * reach_then_fetch

View File

@ -0,0 +1,329 @@
<mujoco model="quadruped">
<include file="./common/skybox.xml"/>
<include file="./common/visual.xml"/>
<include file="./common/materials.xml"/>
<rgba rangefinder="1 1 0.1 0.1"/>
<map znear=".005" zfar="20"/>
<hfield name="terrain" ncol="201" nrow="201" size="30 30 5 .1"/>
<option timestep=".005"/>
<geom solimp=".9 .99 .003" solref=".01 1"/>
<default class="body">
<geom type="capsule" size=".08" condim="1" material="self" density="500"/>
<joint type="hinge" damping="30" armature=".01"
limited="true" solimplimit="0 .99 .01"/>
<default class="hip">
<default class="yaw">
<joint axis="0 0 1" range="-50 50"/>
<default class="pitch">
<joint axis="0 1 0" range="-20 60"/>
<geom fromto="0 0 0 .3 0 .11"/>
<default class="knee">
<joint axis="0 1 0" range="-60 50"/>
<geom size=".065" fromto="0 0 0 .25 0 -.25"/>
<default class="ankle">
<joint axis="0 1 0" range="-45 55"/>
<geom size=".055" fromto="0 0 0 0 0 -.25"/>
<default class="toe">
<geom type="sphere" size=".08" material="effector" friction="1.5"/>
<site type="sphere" size=".084" material="site" group="4"/>
<default class="rangefinder">
<site type="capsule" size=".005 .1" material="site" group="4"/>
<default class="wall">
<geom type="plane" material="decoration"/>
<default class="coupling">
<equality solimp="0.95 0.99 0.01" solref=".005 .5"/>
<general ctrllimited="true" gainprm="1000" biasprm="0 -1000" biastype="affine" dyntype="filter" dynprm=".1"/>
<default class="yaw_act">
<general ctrlrange="-1 1"/>
<default class="lift_act">
<general ctrlrange="-1 1.1"/>
<default class="extend_act">
<general ctrlrange="-.8 .8"/>
<texture name="ball" builtin="checker" mark="cross" width="151" height="151"
rgb1="0.1 0.1 0.1" rgb2="0.9 0.9 0.9" markrgb="1 1 1"/>
<material name="ball" texture="ball" />
<geom name="floor" type="plane" size="15 15 .5" material="grid"/>
<geom name="wall_px" class="wall" pos="-15.7 0 .7" zaxis="1 0 1" size="1 15 .5"/>
<geom name="wall_py" class="wall" pos="0 -15.7 .7" zaxis="0 1 1" size="15 1 .5"/>
<geom name="wall_nx" class="wall" pos="15.7 0 .7" zaxis="-1 0 1" size="1 15 .5"/>
<geom name="wall_ny" class="wall" pos="0 15.7 .7" zaxis="0 -1 1" size="15 1 .5"/>
<site name="target" type="cylinder" size=".4 .06" pos="0 0 .05" material="target"/>
<geom name="terrain" type="hfield" hfield="terrain" rgba=".2 .3 .4 1" pos="0 0 -.01"/>
<camera name="global" pos="-10 10 10" xyaxes="-1 -1 0 1 0 1" mode="trackcom"/>
<body name="torso" childclass="body" pos="0 0 .57">
<freejoint name="root"/>
<camera name="x" pos="-1.7 0 1" xyaxes="0 -1 0 .75 0 1" mode="trackcom"/>
<camera name="y" pos="0 4 2" xyaxes="-1 0 0 0 -.5 1" mode="trackcom"/>
<camera name="egocentric" pos=".3 0 .11" xyaxes="0 -1 0 .4 0 1" fovy="60"/>
<light name="light" pos="0 0 4" mode="trackcom"/>
<geom name="eye_r" type="cylinder" size=".05" fromto=".1 -.07 .12 .31 -.07 .08" mass="0"/>
<site name="pupil_r" type="sphere" size=".033" pos=".3 -.07 .08" zaxis="1 0 0" material="eye"/>
<geom name="eye_l" type="cylinder" size=".05" fromto=".1 .07 .12 .31 .07 .08" mass="0"/>
<site name="pupil_l" type="sphere" size=".033" pos=".3 .07 .08" zaxis="1 0 0" material="eye"/>
<site name="workspace" type="sphere" size=".3 .3 .3" material="site" pos=".8 0 -.2" group="3"/>
<site name="rf_00" class="rangefinder" fromto=".41 -.02 .11 .34 0 .115"/>
<site name="rf_01" class="rangefinder" fromto=".41 -.01 .11 .34 0 .115"/>
<site name="rf_02" class="rangefinder" fromto=".41 0 .11 .34 0 .115"/>
<site name="rf_03" class="rangefinder" fromto=".41 .01 .11 .34 0 .115"/>
<site name="rf_04" class="rangefinder" fromto=".41 .02 .11 .34 0 .115"/>
<site name="rf_10" class="rangefinder" fromto=".41 -.02 .1 .36 0 .11"/>
<site name="rf_11" class="rangefinder" fromto=".41 -.02 .1 .36 0 .11"/>
<site name="rf_12" class="rangefinder" fromto=".41 0 .1 .36 0 .11"/>
<site name="rf_13" class="rangefinder" fromto=".41 .01 .1 .36 0 .11"/>
<site name="rf_14" class="rangefinder" fromto=".41 .02 .1 .36 0 .11"/>
<site name="rf_20" class="rangefinder" fromto=".41 -.02 .09 .38 0 .105"/>
<site name="rf_21" class="rangefinder" fromto=".41 -.01 .09 .38 0 .105"/>
<site name="rf_22" class="rangefinder" fromto=".41 0 .09 .38 0 .105"/>
<site name="rf_23" class="rangefinder" fromto=".41 .01 .09 .38 0 .105"/>
<site name="rf_24" class="rangefinder" fromto=".41 .02 .09 .38 0 .105"/>
<site name="rf_30" class="rangefinder" fromto=".41 -.02 .08 .4 0 .1"/>
<site name="rf_31" class="rangefinder" fromto=".41 -.01 .08 .4 0 .1"/>
<site name="rf_32" class="rangefinder" fromto=".41 0 .08 .4 0 .1"/>
<site name="rf_33" class="rangefinder" fromto=".41 .01 .08 .4 0 .1"/>
<site name="rf_34" class="rangefinder" fromto=".41 .02 .08 .4 0 .1"/>
<geom name="torso" type="ellipsoid" size=".3 .27 .2" density="1000"/>
<site name="torso_touch" type="box" size=".26 .26 .26" rgba="0 0 1 0"/>
<site name="torso" size=".05" rgba="1 0 0 1" />
<body name="hip_front_left" pos=".2 .2 0" euler="0 0 45" childclass="hip">
<joint name="yaw_front_left" class="yaw"/>
<joint name="pitch_front_left" class="pitch"/>
<geom name="thigh_front_left"/>
<body name="knee_front_left" pos=".3 0 .11" childclass="knee">
<joint name="knee_front_left"/>
<geom name="shin_front_left"/>
<body name="ankle_front_left" pos=".25 0 -.25" childclass="ankle">
<joint name="ankle_front_left"/>
<geom name="foot_front_left"/>
<body name="toe_front_left" pos="0 0 -.3" childclass="toe">
<geom name="toe_front_left"/>
<site name="toe_front_left"/>
<body name="hip_front_right" pos=".2 -.2 0" euler="0 0 -45" childclass="hip">
<joint name="yaw_front_right" class="yaw"/>
<joint name="pitch_front_right" class="pitch"/>
<geom name="thigh_front_right"/>
<body name="knee_front_right" pos=".3 0 .11" childclass="knee">
<joint name="knee_front_right"/>
<geom name="shin_front_right"/>
<body name="ankle_front_right" pos=".25 0 -.25" childclass="ankle">
<joint name="ankle_front_right"/>
<geom name="foot_front_right"/>
<body name="toe_front_right" pos="0 0 -.3" childclass="toe">
<geom name="toe_front_right"/>
<site name="toe_front_right"/>
<body name="hip_back_right" pos="-.2 -.2 0" euler="0 0 -135" childclass="hip">
<joint name="yaw_back_right" class="yaw"/>
<joint name="pitch_back_right" class="pitch"/>
<geom name="thigh_back_right"/>
<body name="knee_back_right" pos=".3 0 .11" childclass="knee">
<joint name="knee_back_right"/>
<geom name="shin_back_right"/>
<body name="ankle_back_right" pos=".25 0 -.25" childclass="ankle">
<joint name="ankle_back_right"/>
<geom name="foot_back_right"/>
<body name="toe_back_right" pos="0 0 -.3" childclass="toe">
<geom name="toe_back_right"/>
<site name="toe_back_right"/>
<body name="hip_back_left" pos="-.2 .2 0" euler="0 0 135" childclass="hip">
<joint name="yaw_back_left" class="yaw"/>
<joint name="pitch_back_left" class="pitch"/>
<geom name="thigh_back_left"/>
<body name="knee_back_left" pos=".3 0 .11" childclass="knee">
<joint name="knee_back_left"/>
<geom name="shin_back_left"/>
<body name="ankle_back_left" pos=".25 0 -.25" childclass="ankle">
<joint name="ankle_back_left"/>
<geom name="foot_back_left"/>
<body name="toe_back_left" pos="0 0 -.3" childclass="toe">
<geom name="toe_back_left"/>
<site name="toe_back_left"/>
<body name="ball" pos="0 0 3">
<freejoint name="ball_root"/>
<geom name="ball" size=".15" material="ball" priority="1" condim="6" friction=".7 .005 .005"
solref="-10000 -30"/>
<light name="ball_light" pos="0 0 4" mode="trackcom"/>
<fixed name="coupling_front_left">
<joint joint="pitch_front_left" coef=".333"/>
<joint joint="knee_front_left" coef=".333"/>
<joint joint="ankle_front_left" coef=".333"/>
<fixed name="coupling_front_right">
<joint joint="pitch_front_right" coef=".333"/>
<joint joint="knee_front_right" coef=".333"/>
<joint joint="ankle_front_right" coef=".333"/>
<fixed name="coupling_back_right">
<joint joint="pitch_back_right" coef=".333"/>
<joint joint="knee_back_right" coef=".333"/>
<joint joint="ankle_back_right" coef=".333"/>
<fixed name="coupling_back_left">
<joint joint="pitch_back_left" coef=".333"/>
<joint joint="knee_back_left" coef=".333"/>
<joint joint="ankle_back_left" coef=".333"/>
<fixed name="extend_front_left">
<joint joint="pitch_front_left" coef=".25"/>
<joint joint="knee_front_left" coef="-.5"/>
<joint joint="ankle_front_left" coef=".25"/>
<fixed name="lift_front_left">
<joint joint="pitch_front_left" coef=".5"/>
<joint joint="ankle_front_left" coef="-.5"/>
<fixed name="extend_front_right">
<joint joint="pitch_front_right" coef=".25"/>
<joint joint="knee_front_right" coef="-.5"/>
<joint joint="ankle_front_right" coef=".25"/>
<fixed name="lift_front_right">
<joint joint="pitch_front_right" coef=".5"/>
<joint joint="ankle_front_right" coef="-.5"/>
<fixed name="extend_back_right">
<joint joint="pitch_back_right" coef=".25"/>
<joint joint="knee_back_right" coef="-.5"/>
<joint joint="ankle_back_right" coef=".25"/>
<fixed name="lift_back_right">
<joint joint="pitch_back_right" coef=".5"/>
<joint joint="ankle_back_right" coef="-.5"/>
<fixed name="extend_back_left">
<joint joint="pitch_back_left" coef=".25"/>
<joint joint="knee_back_left" coef="-.5"/>
<joint joint="ankle_back_left" coef=".25"/>
<fixed name="lift_back_left">
<joint joint="pitch_back_left" coef=".5"/>
<joint joint="ankle_back_left" coef="-.5"/>
<tendon name="coupling_front_left" tendon1="coupling_front_left" class="coupling"/>
<tendon name="coupling_front_right" tendon1="coupling_front_right" class="coupling"/>
<tendon name="coupling_back_right" tendon1="coupling_back_right" class="coupling"/>
<tendon name="coupling_back_left" tendon1="coupling_back_left" class="coupling"/>
<general name="yaw_front_left" class="yaw_act" joint="yaw_front_left"/>
<general name="lift_front_left" class="lift_act" tendon="lift_front_left"/>
<general name="extend_front_left" class="extend_act" tendon="extend_front_left"/>
<general name="yaw_front_right" class="yaw_act" joint="yaw_front_right"/>
<general name="lift_front_right" class="lift_act" tendon="lift_front_right"/>
<general name="extend_front_right" class="extend_act" tendon="extend_front_right"/>
<general name="yaw_back_right" class="yaw_act" joint="yaw_back_right"/>
<general name="lift_back_right" class="lift_act" tendon="lift_back_right"/>
<general name="extend_back_right" class="extend_act" tendon="extend_back_right"/>
<general name="yaw_back_left" class="yaw_act" joint="yaw_back_left"/>
<general name="lift_back_left" class="lift_act" tendon="lift_back_left"/>
<general name="extend_back_left" class="extend_act" tendon="extend_back_left"/>
<accelerometer name="imu_accel" site="torso"/>
<gyro name="imu_gyro" site="torso"/>
<velocimeter name="velocimeter" site="torso"/>
<force name="force_toe_front_left" site="toe_front_left"/>
<force name="force_toe_front_right" site="toe_front_right"/>
<force name="force_toe_back_right" site="toe_back_right"/>
<force name="force_toe_back_left" site="toe_back_left"/>
<torque name="torque_toe_front_left" site="toe_front_left"/>
<torque name="torque_toe_front_right" site="toe_front_right"/>
<torque name="torque_toe_back_right" site="toe_back_right"/>
<torque name="torque_toe_back_left" site="toe_back_left"/>
<subtreecom name="center_of_mass" body="torso"/>
<rangefinder name="rf_00" site="rf_00"/>
<rangefinder name="rf_01" site="rf_01"/>
<rangefinder name="rf_02" site="rf_02"/>
<rangefinder name="rf_03" site="rf_03"/>
<rangefinder name="rf_04" site="rf_04"/>
<rangefinder name="rf_10" site="rf_10"/>
<rangefinder name="rf_11" site="rf_11"/>
<rangefinder name="rf_12" site="rf_12"/>
<rangefinder name="rf_13" site="rf_13"/>
<rangefinder name="rf_14" site="rf_14"/>
<rangefinder name="rf_20" site="rf_20"/>
<rangefinder name="rf_21" site="rf_21"/>
<rangefinder name="rf_22" site="rf_22"/>
<rangefinder name="rf_23" site="rf_23"/>
<rangefinder name="rf_24" site="rf_24"/>
<rangefinder name="rf_30" site="rf_30"/>
<rangefinder name="rf_31" site="rf_31"/>
<rangefinder name="rf_32" site="rf_32"/>
<rangefinder name="rf_33" site="rf_33"/>
<rangefinder name="rf_34" site="rf_34"/>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
# Copyright 2017 The dm_control Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ============================================================================
"""Reacher domain."""
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import collections
from dm_control import mujoco
from dm_control.rl import control
from local_dm_control_suite import base
from local_dm_control_suite import common
from dm_control.suite.utils import randomizers
from dm_control.utils import containers
from dm_control.utils import rewards
import numpy as np
SUITE = containers.TaggedTasks()
def get_model_and_assets():
"""Returns a tuple containing the model XML string and a dict of assets."""
return common.read_model('reacher.xml'), common.ASSETS
@SUITE.add('benchmarking', 'easy')
def easy(time_limit=_DEFAULT_TIME_LIMIT, random=None, environment_kwargs=None):
"""Returns reacher with sparse reward with 5e-2 tol and randomized target."""
physics = Physics.from_xml_string(*get_model_and_assets())
task = Reacher(target_size=_BIG_TARGET, random=random)
environment_kwargs = environment_kwargs or {}
return control.Environment(
physics, task, time_limit=time_limit, **environment_kwargs)
def hard(time_limit=_DEFAULT_TIME_LIMIT, random=None, environment_kwargs=None):
"""Returns reacher with sparse reward with 1e-2 tol and randomized target."""
physics = Physics.from_xml_string(*get_model_and_assets())
task = Reacher(target_size=_SMALL_TARGET, random=random)
environment_kwargs = environment_kwargs or {}
return control.Environment(
physics, task, time_limit=time_limit, **environment_kwargs)
class Physics(mujoco.Physics):
"""Physics simulation with additional features for the Reacher domain."""
def finger_to_target(self):
"""Returns the vector from target to finger in global coordinates."""
return (['target', :2] -['finger', :2])
def finger_to_target_dist(self):
"""Returns the signed distance between the finger and target surface."""
return np.linalg.norm(self.finger_to_target())
class Reacher(base.Task):
"""A reacher `Task` to reach the target."""
def __init__(self, target_size, random=None):
"""Initialize an instance of `Reacher`.
target_size: A `float`, tolerance to determine whether finger reached the
random: Optional, either a `numpy.random.RandomState` instance, an
integer seed for creating a new `RandomState`, or None to select a seed
automatically (default).
self._target_size = target_size
super(Reacher, self).__init__(random=random)
def initialize_episode(self, physics):
"""Sets the state of the environment at the start of each episode."""
physics.named.model.geom_size['target', 0] = self._target_size
randomizers.randomize_limited_and_rotational_joints(physics, self.random)
# Randomize target position
angle = self.random.uniform(0, 2 * np.pi)
radius = self.random.uniform(.05, .20)
physics.named.model.geom_pos['target', 'x'] = radius * np.sin(angle)
physics.named.model.geom_pos['target', 'y'] = radius * np.cos(angle)
super(Reacher, self).initialize_episode(physics)
def get_observation(self, physics):
"""Returns an observation of the state and the target position."""
obs = collections.OrderedDict()
obs['position'] = physics.position()
obs['to_target'] = physics.finger_to_target()
obs['velocity'] = physics.velocity()
return obs
def get_reward(self, physics):
radii = physics.named.model.geom_size[['target', 'finger'], 0].sum()
return rewards.tolerance(physics.finger_to_target_dist(), (0, radii))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
<mujoco model="two-link planar reacher">
<include file="./common/skybox.xml"/>
<include file="./common/visual.xml"/>
<include file="./common/materials.xml"/>
<option timestep="0.02">
<flag contact="disable"/>
<joint type="hinge" axis="0 0 1" damping="0.01"/>
<motor gear=".05" ctrlrange="-1 1" ctrllimited="true"/>
<light name="light" pos="0 0 1"/>
<camera name="fixed" pos="0 0 .75" quat="1 0 0 0"/>
<!-- Arena -->
<geom name="ground" type="plane" pos="0 0 0" size=".3 .3 10" material="grid"/>
<geom name="wall_x" type="plane" pos="-.3 0 .02" zaxis="1 0 0" size=".02 .3 .02" material="decoration"/>
<geom name="wall_y" type="plane" pos="0 -.3 .02" zaxis="0 1 0" size=".3 .02 .02" material="decoration"/>
<geom name="wall_neg_x" type="plane" pos=".3 0 .02" zaxis="-1 0 0" size=".02 .3 .02" material="decoration"/>
<geom name="wall_neg_y" type="plane" pos="0 .3 .02" zaxis="0 -1 0" size=".3 .02 .02" material="decoration"/>
<!-- Arm -->
<geom name="root" type="cylinder" fromto="0 0 0 0 0 0.02" size=".011" material="decoration"/>
<body name="arm" pos="0 0 .01">
<geom name="arm" type="capsule" fromto="0 0 0 0.12 0 0" size=".01" material="self"/>
<joint name="shoulder"/>
<body name="hand" pos=".12 0 0">
<geom name="hand" type="capsule" fromto="0 0 0 0.1 0 0" size=".01" material="self"/>
<joint name="wrist" limited="true" range="-160 160"/>
<body name="finger" pos=".12 0 0">
<camera name="hand" pos="0 0 .2" mode="track"/>
<geom name="finger" type="sphere" size=".01" material="effector"/>
<!-- Target -->
<geom name="target" pos="0 0 .01" material="target" type="sphere" size=".05"/>
<motor name="shoulder" joint="shoulder"/>
<motor name="wrist" joint="wrist"/>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
# Copyright 2017 The dm_control Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ============================================================================
"""Planar Stacker domain."""
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import collections
from dm_control import mujoco
from dm_control.rl import control
from local_dm_control_suite import base
from local_dm_control_suite import common
from dm_control.utils import containers
from dm_control.utils import rewards
from dm_control.utils import xml_tools
from lxml import etree
import numpy as np
_CLOSE = .01 # (Meters) Distance below which a thing is considered close.
_CONTROL_TIMESTEP = .01 # (Seconds)
_TIME_LIMIT = 10 # (Seconds)
_ARM_JOINTS = ['arm_root', 'arm_shoulder', 'arm_elbow', 'arm_wrist',
'finger', 'fingertip', 'thumb', 'thumbtip']
SUITE = containers.TaggedTasks()
def make_model(n_boxes):
"""Returns a tuple containing the model XML string and a dict of assets."""
xml_string = common.read_model('stacker.xml')
parser = etree.XMLParser(remove_blank_text=True)
mjcf = etree.XML(xml_string, parser)
# Remove unused boxes
for b in range(n_boxes, 4):
box = xml_tools.find_element(mjcf, 'body', 'box' + str(b))
return etree.tostring(mjcf, pretty_print=True), common.ASSETS
def stack_2(fully_observable=True, time_limit=_TIME_LIMIT, random=None,
"""Returns stacker task with 2 boxes."""
n_boxes = 2
physics = Physics.from_xml_string(*make_model(n_boxes=n_boxes))
task = Stack(n_boxes=n_boxes,
environment_kwargs = environment_kwargs or {}
return control.Environment(
physics, task, control_timestep=_CONTROL_TIMESTEP, time_limit=time_limit,
def stack_4(fully_observable=True, time_limit=_TIME_LIMIT, random=None,
"""Returns stacker task with 4 boxes."""
n_boxes = 4
physics = Physics.from_xml_string(*make_model(n_boxes=n_boxes))
task = Stack(n_boxes=n_boxes,
environment_kwargs = environment_kwargs or {}
return control.Environment(
physics, task, control_timestep=_CONTROL_TIMESTEP, time_limit=time_limit,
class Physics(mujoco.Physics):
"""Physics with additional features for the Planar Manipulator domain."""
def bounded_joint_pos(self, joint_names):
"""Returns joint positions as (sin, cos) values."""
joint_pos =[joint_names]
return np.vstack([np.sin(joint_pos), np.cos(joint_pos)]).T
def joint_vel(self, joint_names):
"""Returns joint velocities."""
def body_2d_pose(self, body_names, orientation=True):
"""Returns positions and/or orientations of bodies."""
if not isinstance(body_names, str):
body_names = np.array(body_names).reshape(-1, 1) # Broadcast indices.
pos =[body_names, ['x', 'z']]
if orientation:
ori =[body_names, ['qw', 'qy']]
return np.hstack([pos, ori])
return pos
def touch(self):
return np.log1p(
def site_distance(self, site1, site2):
site1_to_site2 = np.diff([[site2, site1]], axis=0)
return np.linalg.norm(site1_to_site2)
class Stack(base.Task):
"""A Stack `Task`: stack the boxes."""
def __init__(self, n_boxes, fully_observable, random=None):
"""Initialize an instance of the `Stack` task.
n_boxes: An `int`, number of boxes to stack.
fully_observable: A `bool`, whether the observation should contain the
positions and velocities of the boxes and the location of the target.
random: Optional, either a `numpy.random.RandomState` instance, an
integer seed for creating a new `RandomState`, or None to select a seed
automatically (default).
self._n_boxes = n_boxes
self._box_names = ['box' + str(b) for b in range(n_boxes)]
self._box_joint_names = []
for name in self._box_names:
for dim in 'xyz':
self._box_joint_names.append('_'.join([name, dim]))
self._fully_observable = fully_observable
super(Stack, self).__init__(random=random)
def initialize_episode(self, physics):
"""Sets the state of the environment at the start of each episode."""
# Local aliases
randint = self.random.randint
uniform = self.random.uniform
model = physics.named.model
data =
# Find a collision-free random initial configuration.
penetrating = True
while penetrating:
# Randomise angles of arm joints.
is_limited = model.jnt_limited[_ARM_JOINTS].astype(np.bool)
joint_range = model.jnt_range[_ARM_JOINTS]
lower_limits = np.where(is_limited, joint_range[:, 0], -np.pi)
upper_limits = np.where(is_limited, joint_range[:, 1], np.pi)
angles = uniform(lower_limits, upper_limits)
data.qpos[_ARM_JOINTS] = angles
# Symmetrize hand.
data.qpos['finger'] = data.qpos['thumb']
# Randomise target location.
target_height = 2*randint(self._n_boxes) + 1
box_size = model.geom_size['target', 0]
model.body_pos['target', 'z'] = box_size * target_height
model.body_pos['target', 'x'] = uniform(-.37, .37)
# Randomise box locations.
for name in self._box_names:
data.qpos[name + '_x'] = uniform(.1, .3)
data.qpos[name + '_z'] = uniform(0, .7)
data.qpos[name + '_y'] = uniform(0, 2*np.pi)
# Check for collisions.
penetrating = > 0
super(Stack, self).initialize_episode(physics)
def get_observation(self, physics):
"""Returns either features or only sensors (to be used with pixels)."""
obs = collections.OrderedDict()
obs['arm_pos'] = physics.bounded_joint_pos(_ARM_JOINTS)
obs['arm_vel'] = physics.joint_vel(_ARM_JOINTS)
obs['touch'] = physics.touch()
if self._fully_observable:
obs['hand_pos'] = physics.body_2d_pose('hand')
obs['box_pos'] = physics.body_2d_pose(self._box_names)
obs['box_vel'] = physics.joint_vel(self._box_joint_names)
obs['target_pos'] = physics.body_2d_pose('target', orientation=False)
return obs
def get_reward(self, physics):
"""Returns a reward to the agent."""
box_size = physics.named.model.geom_size['target', 0]
min_box_to_target_distance = min(physics.site_distance(name, 'target')
for name in self._box_names)
box_is_close = rewards.tolerance(min_box_to_target_distance,
hand_to_target_distance = physics.site_distance('grasp', 'target')
hand_is_far = rewards.tolerance(hand_to_target_distance,
bounds=(.1, float('inf')),
return box_is_close * hand_is_far

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@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
<mujoco model="planar stacker">
<include file="./common/visual.xml"/>
<include file="./common/skybox.xml"/>
<include file="./common/materials_white_floor.xml"/>
<texture name="background" builtin="flat" type="2d" mark="random" markrgb="1 1 1" width="800" height="800" rgb1=".2 .3 .4"/>
<material name="background" texture="background" texrepeat="1 1" texuniform="true"/>
<map shadowclip=".5"/>
<quality shadowsize="2048"/>
<option timestep="0.001" cone="elliptic"/>
<geom friction=".7" solimp="0.9 0.97 0.001" solref=".01 1"/>
<joint solimplimit="0 0.99 0.01" solreflimit=".005 1"/>
<general ctrllimited="true"/>
<tendon width="0.01"/>
<site size=".003 .003 .003" material="site" group="3"/>
<default class="arm">
<geom type="capsule" material="self" density="500"/>
<joint type="hinge" pos="0 0 0" axis="0 -1 0" limited="true"/>
<default class="hand">
<joint damping=".5" range="-10 60"/>
<geom size=".008"/>
<site type="box" size=".018 .005 .005" pos=".022 0 -.002" euler="0 15 0" group="4"/>
<default class="fingertip">
<geom type="sphere" size=".008" material="effector"/>
<joint damping=".01" stiffness=".01" range="-40 20"/>
<site size=".012 .005 .008" pos=".003 0 .003" group="4" euler="0 0 0"/>
<default class="object">
<geom material="self"/>
<default class="task">
<site rgba="0 0 0 0"/>
<default class="obstacle">
<geom material="decoration" friction="0"/>
<default class="ghost">
<geom material="target" contype="0" conaffinity="0"/>
<!-- Arena -->
<light name="light" directional="true" diffuse=".6 .6 .6" pos="0 0 1" specular=".3 .3 .3"/>
<geom name="floor" type="plane" pos="0 0 0" size=".4 .2 10" material="grid"/>
<geom name="wall1" type="plane" pos="-.682843 0 .282843" size=".4 .2 10" material="grid" zaxis="1 0 1"/>
<geom name="wall2" type="plane" pos=".682843 0 .282843" size=".4 .2 10" material="grid" zaxis="-1 0 1"/>
<geom name="background" type="plane" pos="0 .2 .5" size="1 .5 10" material="background" zaxis="0 -1 0"/>
<camera name="fixed" pos="0 -16 .4" xyaxes="1 0 0 0 0 1" fovy="4"/>
<!-- Arm -->
<geom name="arm_root" type="cylinder" fromto="0 -.022 .4 0 .022 .4" size=".024"
material="decoration" contype="0" conaffinity="0"/>
<body name="upper_arm" pos="0 0 .4" childclass="arm">
<joint name="arm_root" damping="2" limited="false"/>
<geom name="upper_arm" size=".02" fromto="0 0 0 0 0 .18"/>
<body name="middle_arm" pos="0 0 .18" childclass="arm">
<joint name="arm_shoulder" damping="1.5" range="-160 160"/>
<geom name="middle_arm" size=".017" fromto="0 0 0 0 0 .15"/>
<body name="lower_arm" pos="0 0 .15">
<joint name="arm_elbow" damping="1" range="-160 160"/>
<geom name="lower_arm" size=".014" fromto="0 0 0 0 0 .12"/>
<body name="hand" pos="0 0 .12">
<joint name="arm_wrist" damping=".5" range="-140 140" />
<geom name="hand" size=".011" fromto="0 0 0 0 0 .03"/>
<geom name="palm1" fromto="0 0 .03 .03 0 .045" class="hand"/>
<geom name="palm2" fromto="0 0 .03 -.03 0 .045" class="hand"/>
<site name="grasp" pos="0 0 .065"/>
<body name="pinch site" pos="0 0 .090">
<site name="pinch"/>
<inertial pos="0 0 0" mass="1e-6" diaginertia="1e-12 1e-12 1e-12"/>
<camera name="hand" pos="0 -.3 0" xyaxes="1 0 0 0 0 1" mode="track"/>
<site name="palm_touch" type="box" group="4" size=".025 .005 .008" pos="0 0 .043"/>
<body name="thumb" pos=".03 0 .045" euler="0 -90 0" childclass="hand">
<joint name="thumb"/>
<geom name="thumb1" fromto="0 0 0 .02 0 -.01" size=".007"/>
<geom name="thumb2" fromto=".02 0 -.01 .04 0 -.01" size=".007"/>
<site name="thumb_touch" group="4"/>
<body name="thumbtip" pos=".05 0 -.01" childclass="fingertip">
<joint name="thumbtip"/>
<geom name="thumbtip1" pos="-.003 0 0" />
<geom name="thumbtip2" pos=".003 0 0" />
<site name="thumbtip_touch" group="4"/>
<body name="finger" pos="-.03 0 .045" euler="0 90 180" childclass="hand">
<joint name="finger"/>
<geom name="finger1" fromto="0 0 0 .02 0 -.01" size=".007" />
<geom name="finger2" fromto=".02 0 -.01 .04 0 -.01" size=".007"/>
<site name="finger_touch"/>
<body name="fingertip" pos=".05 0 -.01" childclass="fingertip">
<joint name="fingertip"/>
<geom name="fingertip1" pos="-.003 0 0" />
<geom name="fingertip2" pos=".003 0 0" />
<site name="fingertip_touch"/>
<!-- props -->
<body name="box0" pos=".5 0 .4" childclass="object">
<joint name="box0_x" type="slide" axis="1 0 0" ref=".5"/>
<joint name="box0_z" type="slide" axis="0 0 1" ref=".4"/>
<joint name="box0_y" type="hinge" axis="0 1 0"/>
<geom name="box0" type="box" size=".022 .022 .022" />
<site name="box0" type="sphere"/>
<body name="box1" pos=".4 0 .4" childclass="object">
<joint name="box1_x" type="slide" axis="1 0 0" ref=".4"/>
<joint name="box1_z" type="slide" axis="0 0 1" ref=".4"/>
<joint name="box1_y" type="hinge" axis="0 1 0"/>
<geom name="box1" type="box" size=".022 .022 .022" />
<site name="box1" type="sphere"/>
<body name="box2" pos=".3 0 .4" childclass="object">
<joint name="box2_x" type="slide" axis="1 0 0" ref=".3"/>
<joint name="box2_z" type="slide" axis="0 0 1" ref=".4"/>
<joint name="box2_y" type="hinge" axis="0 1 0"/>
<geom name="box2" type="box" size=".022 .022 .022" />
<site name="box2" type="sphere"/>
<body name="box3" pos=".2 0 .4" childclass="object">
<joint name="box3_x" type="slide" axis="1 0 0" ref=".2"/>
<joint name="box3_z" type="slide" axis="0 0 1" ref=".4"/>
<joint name="box3_y" type="hinge" axis="0 1 0"/>
<geom name="box3" type="box" size=".022 .022 .022" />
<site name="box3" type="sphere"/>
<!-- targets -->
<body name="target" pos="0 .001 .022" childclass="ghost">
<geom name="target" type="box" size=".022 .022 .022" />
<site name="target" type="sphere"/>
<fixed name="grasp">
<joint joint="thumb" coef=".5"/>
<joint joint="finger" coef=".5"/>
<fixed name="coupling">
<joint joint="thumb" coef="-.5"/>
<joint joint="finger" coef=".5"/>
<tendon name="coupling" tendon1="coupling" solimp="0.95 0.99 0.001" solref=".005 .5"/>
<touch name="palm_touch" site="palm_touch"/>
<touch name="finger_touch" site="finger_touch"/>
<touch name="thumb_touch" site="thumb_touch"/>
<touch name="fingertip_touch" site="fingertip_touch"/>
<touch name="thumbtip_touch" site="thumbtip_touch"/>
<motor name="root" joint="arm_root" ctrlrange="-1 1" gear="12"/>
<motor name="shoulder" joint="arm_shoulder" ctrlrange="-1 1" gear="8"/>
<motor name="elbow" joint="arm_elbow" ctrlrange="-1 1" gear="4"/>
<motor name="wrist" joint="arm_wrist" ctrlrange="-1 1" gear="2"/>
<motor name="grasp" tendon="grasp" ctrlrange="-1 1" gear="2"/>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
# Copyright 2017 The dm_control Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ============================================================================
"""Procedurally generated Swimmer domain."""
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import collections
from dm_control import mujoco
from dm_control.rl import control
from local_dm_control_suite import base
from local_dm_control_suite import common
from dm_control.suite.utils import randomizers
from dm_control.utils import containers
from dm_control.utils import rewards
from lxml import etree
import numpy as np
from six.moves import range
_CONTROL_TIMESTEP = .03 # (Seconds)
SUITE = containers.TaggedTasks()
def get_model_and_assets(n_joints):
"""Returns a tuple containing the model XML string and a dict of assets.
n_joints: An integer specifying the number of joints in the swimmer.
A tuple `(model_xml_string, assets)`, where `assets` is a dict consisting of
`{filename: contents_string}` pairs.
return _make_model(n_joints), common.ASSETS
def swimmer6(time_limit=_DEFAULT_TIME_LIMIT, random=None,
"""Returns a 6-link swimmer."""
return _make_swimmer(6, time_limit, random=random,
def swimmer15(time_limit=_DEFAULT_TIME_LIMIT, random=None,
"""Returns a 15-link swimmer."""
return _make_swimmer(15, time_limit, random=random,
def swimmer(n_links=3, time_limit=_DEFAULT_TIME_LIMIT,
random=None, environment_kwargs=None):
"""Returns a swimmer with n links."""
return _make_swimmer(n_links, time_limit, random=random,
def _make_swimmer(n_joints, time_limit=_DEFAULT_TIME_LIMIT, random=None,
"""Returns a swimmer control environment."""
model_string, assets = get_model_and_assets(n_joints)
physics = Physics.from_xml_string(model_string, assets=assets)
task = Swimmer(random=random)
environment_kwargs = environment_kwargs or {}
return control.Environment(
physics, task, time_limit=time_limit, control_timestep=_CONTROL_TIMESTEP,
def _make_model(n_bodies):
"""Generates an xml string defining a swimmer with `n_bodies` bodies."""
if n_bodies < 3:
raise ValueError('At least 3 bodies required. Received {}'.format(n_bodies))
mjcf = etree.fromstring(common.read_model('swimmer.xml'))
head_body = mjcf.find('./worldbody/body')
actuator = etree.SubElement(mjcf, 'actuator')
sensor = etree.SubElement(mjcf, 'sensor')
parent = head_body
for body_index in range(n_bodies - 1):
site_name = 'site_{}'.format(body_index)
child = _make_body(body_index=body_index)
child.append(etree.Element('site', name=site_name))
joint_name = 'joint_{}'.format(body_index)
joint_limit = 360.0/n_bodies
joint_range = '{} {}'.format(-joint_limit, joint_limit)
child.append(etree.Element('joint', {'name': joint_name,
'range': joint_range}))
motor_name = 'motor_{}'.format(body_index)
actuator.append(etree.Element('motor', name=motor_name, joint=joint_name))
velocimeter_name = 'velocimeter_{}'.format(body_index)
sensor.append(etree.Element('velocimeter', name=velocimeter_name,
gyro_name = 'gyro_{}'.format(body_index)
sensor.append(etree.Element('gyro', name=gyro_name, site=site_name))
parent = child
# Move tracking cameras further away from the swimmer according to its length.
cameras = mjcf.findall('./worldbody/body/camera')
scale = n_bodies / 6.0
for cam in cameras:
if cam.get('mode') == 'trackcom':
old_pos = cam.get('pos').split(' ')
new_pos = ' '.join([str(float(dim) * scale) for dim in old_pos])
cam.set('pos', new_pos)
return etree.tostring(mjcf, pretty_print=True)
def _make_body(body_index):
"""Generates an xml string defining a single physical body."""
body_name = 'segment_{}'.format(body_index)
visual_name = 'visual_{}'.format(body_index)
inertial_name = 'inertial_{}'.format(body_index)
body = etree.Element('body', name=body_name)
body.set('pos', '0 .1 0')
etree.SubElement(body, 'geom', {'class': 'visual', 'name': visual_name})
etree.SubElement(body, 'geom', {'class': 'inertial', 'name': inertial_name})
return body
class Physics(mujoco.Physics):
"""Physics simulation with additional features for the swimmer domain."""
def nose_to_target(self):
"""Returns a vector from nose to target in local coordinate of the head."""
nose_to_target = (['target'] -['nose'])
head_orientation =['head'].reshape(3, 3)
def nose_to_target_dist(self):
"""Returns the distance from the nose to the target."""
return np.linalg.norm(self.nose_to_target())
def body_velocities(self):
"""Returns local body velocities: x,y linear, z rotational."""
xvel_local =[12:].reshape((-1, 6))
vx_vy_wz = [0, 1, 5] # Indices for linear x,y vels and rotational z vel.
return xvel_local[:, vx_vy_wz].ravel()
def joints(self):
"""Returns all internal joint angles (excluding root joints)."""
class Swimmer(base.Task):
"""A swimmer `Task` to reach the target or just swim."""
def __init__(self, random=None):
"""Initializes an instance of `Swimmer`.
random: Optional, either a `numpy.random.RandomState` instance, an
integer seed for creating a new `RandomState`, or None to select a seed
automatically (default).
super(Swimmer, self).__init__(random=random)
def initialize_episode(self, physics):
"""Sets the state of the environment at the start of each episode.
Initializes the swimmer orientation to [-pi, pi) and the relative joint
angle of each joint uniformly within its range.
physics: An instance of `Physics`.
# Random joint angles:
randomizers.randomize_limited_and_rotational_joints(physics, self.random)
# Random target position.
close_target = self.random.rand() < .2 # Probability of a close target.
target_box = .3 if close_target else 2
xpos, ypos = self.random.uniform(-target_box, target_box, size=2)
physics.named.model.geom_pos['target', 'x'] = xpos
physics.named.model.geom_pos['target', 'y'] = ypos
physics.named.model.light_pos['target_light', 'x'] = xpos
physics.named.model.light_pos['target_light', 'y'] = ypos
super(Swimmer, self).initialize_episode(physics)
def get_observation(self, physics):
"""Returns an observation of joint angles, body velocities and target."""
obs = collections.OrderedDict()
obs['joints'] = physics.joints()
obs['to_target'] = physics.nose_to_target()
obs['body_velocities'] = physics.body_velocities()
return obs
def get_reward(self, physics):
"""Returns a smooth reward."""
target_size = physics.named.model.geom_size['target', 0]
return rewards.tolerance(physics.nose_to_target_dist(),
bounds=(0, target_size),

View File

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<mujoco model="swimmer">
<include file="./common/visual.xml"/>
<include file="./common/skybox.xml"/>
<include file="./common/materials.xml"/>
<option timestep="0.002" density="3000">
<flag contact="disable"/>
<default class="swimmer">
<joint type="hinge" pos="0 -.05 0" axis="0 0 1" limited="true" solreflimit=".05 1" solimplimit="0 .8 .1" armature="1e-6"/>
<default class="inertial">
<geom type="box" size=".001 .05 .01" rgba="0 0 0 0" mass=".01"/>
<default class="visual">
<geom type="capsule" size=".01" fromto="0 -.05 0 0 .05 0" material="self" mass="0"/>
<site size=".01" rgba="0 0 0 0"/>
<default class="free">
<joint limited="false" stiffness="0" armature="0"/>
<motor gear="5e-4" ctrllimited="true" ctrlrange="-1 1"/>
<geom name="ground" type="plane" size="2 2 0.1" material="grid"/>
<body name="head" pos="0 0 .05" childclass="swimmer">
<light name="light_1" diffuse=".8 .8 .8" pos="0 0 1.5"/>
<geom name="head" type="ellipsoid" size=".02 .04 .017" pos="0 -.022 0" material="self" mass="0"/>
<geom name="nose" type="sphere" pos="0 -.06 0" size=".004" material="effector" mass="0"/>
<geom name="eyes" type="capsule" fromto="-.006 -.054 .005 .006 -.054 .005" size=".004" material="eye" mass="0"/>
<camera name="tracking1" pos="0 -.2 .5" xyaxes="1 0 0 0 1 1" mode="trackcom" fovy="60"/>
<camera name="tracking2" pos="-.9 .5 .15" xyaxes="0 -1 0 .3 0 1" mode="trackcom" fovy="60"/>
<camera name="eyes" pos="0 -.058 .005" xyaxes="-1 0 0 0 0 1"/>
<joint name="rootx" class="free" type="slide" axis="1 0 0" pos="0 -.05 0"/>
<joint name="rooty" class="free" type="slide" axis="0 1 0" pos="0 -.05 0"/>
<joint name="rootz" class="free" type="hinge" axis="0 0 1" pos="0 -.05 0"/>
<geom name="inertial" class="inertial"/>
<geom name="visual" class="visual"/>
<site name="head"/>
<geom name="target" type="sphere" pos="1 1 .05" size=".1" material="target"/>
<light name="target_light" diffuse="1 1 1" pos="1 1 1.5"/>
<framepos name="nose_pos" objtype="geom" objname="nose"/>
<framepos name="target_pos" objtype="geom" objname="target"/>
<framexaxis name="head_xaxis" objtype="xbody" objname="head"/>
<frameyaxis name="head_yaxis" objtype="xbody" objname="head"/>
<velocimeter name="head_vel" site="head"/>
<gyro name="head_gyro" site="head"/>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
# Copyright 2017 The dm_control Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ============================================================================
"""Tests for dm_control.suite domains."""
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
# Internal dependencies.
from absl.testing import absltest
from absl.testing import parameterized
from dm_control import suite
from dm_control.rl import control
import mock
import numpy as np
import six
from six.moves import range
from six.moves import zip
def uniform_random_policy(action_spec, random=None):
lower_bounds = action_spec.minimum
upper_bounds = action_spec.maximum
# Draw values between -1 and 1 for unbounded actions.
lower_bounds = np.where(np.isinf(lower_bounds), -1.0, lower_bounds)
upper_bounds = np.where(np.isinf(upper_bounds), 1.0, upper_bounds)
random_state = np.random.RandomState(random)
def policy(time_step):
del time_step # Unused.
return random_state.uniform(lower_bounds, upper_bounds)
return policy
def step_environment(env, policy, num_episodes=5, max_steps_per_episode=10):
for _ in range(num_episodes):
step_count = 0
time_step = env.reset()
yield time_step
while not time_step.last():
action = policy(time_step)
time_step = env.step(action)
step_count += 1
yield time_step
if step_count >= max_steps_per_episode:
def make_trajectory(domain, task, seed, **trajectory_kwargs):
env = suite.load(domain, task, task_kwargs={'random': seed})
policy = uniform_random_policy(env.action_spec(), random=seed)
return step_environment(env, policy, **trajectory_kwargs)
class DomainTest(parameterized.TestCase):
"""Tests run on all the tasks registered."""
def test_constants(self):
num_tasks = sum(len(tasks) for tasks in
self.assertLen(suite.ALL_TASKS, num_tasks)
def _validate_observation(self, observation_dict, observation_spec):
obs = observation_dict.copy()
for name, spec in six.iteritems(observation_spec):
arr = obs.pop(name)
self.assertEqual(arr.shape, spec.shape)
self.assertEqual(arr.dtype, spec.dtype)
msg='{!r} has non-finite value(s): {!r}'.format(name, arr))
msg='Observation contains arrays(s) that are not in the spec: {!r}'
def _validate_reward_range(self, time_step):
if time_step.first():
self.assertIsInstance(time_step.reward, float)
self.assertBetween(time_step.reward, 0, 1)
def _validate_discount(self, time_step):
if time_step.first():
self.assertIsInstance(, float)
self.assertBetween(, 0, 1)
def _validate_control_range(self, lower_bounds, upper_bounds):
for b in lower_bounds:
self.assertEqual(b, -1.0)
for b in upper_bounds:
self.assertEqual(b, 1.0)
def test_components_have_names(self, domain, task):
env = suite.load(domain, task)
model = env.physics.model
object_types_and_size_fields = [
('body', 'nbody'),
('joint', 'njnt'),
('geom', 'ngeom'),
('site', 'nsite'),
('camera', 'ncam'),
('light', 'nlight'),
('mesh', 'nmesh'),
('hfield', 'nhfield'),
('texture', 'ntex'),
('material', 'nmat'),
('equality', 'neq'),
('tendon', 'ntendon'),
('actuator', 'nu'),
('sensor', 'nsensor'),
('numeric', 'nnumeric'),
('text', 'ntext'),
('tuple', 'ntuple'),
for object_type, size_field in object_types_and_size_fields:
for idx in range(getattr(model, size_field)):
object_name = model.id2name(idx, object_type)
self.assertNotEqual(object_name, '',
msg='Model {!r} contains unnamed {!r} with ID {}.'
.format(, object_type, idx))
def test_model_has_at_least_2_cameras(self, domain, task):
env = suite.load(domain, task)
model = env.physics.model
self.assertGreaterEqual(model.ncam, 2,
'Model {!r} should have at least 2 cameras, has {}.'
.format(, model.ncam))
def test_task_conforms_to_spec(self, domain, task):
"""Tests that the environment timesteps conform to specifications."""
is_benchmark = (domain, task) in suite.BENCHMARKING
env = suite.load(domain, task)
observation_spec = env.observation_spec()
action_spec = env.action_spec()
# Check action bounds.
if is_benchmark:
self._validate_control_range(action_spec.minimum, action_spec.maximum)
# Step through the environment, applying random actions sampled within the
# valid range and check the observations, rewards, and discounts.
policy = uniform_random_policy(action_spec)
for time_step in step_environment(env, policy):
self._validate_observation(time_step.observation, observation_spec)
if is_benchmark:
def test_environment_is_deterministic(self, domain, task):
"""Tests that identical seeds and actions produce identical trajectories."""
seed = 0
# Iterate over two trajectories generated using identical sequences of
# random actions, and with identical task random states. Check that the
# observations, rewards, discounts and step types are identical.
trajectory1 = make_trajectory(domain=domain, task=task, seed=seed)
trajectory2 = make_trajectory(domain=domain, task=task, seed=seed)
for time_step1, time_step2 in zip(trajectory1, trajectory2):
self.assertEqual(time_step1.step_type, time_step2.step_type)
self.assertEqual(time_step1.reward, time_step2.reward)
for key in six.iterkeys(time_step1.observation):
time_step1.observation[key], time_step2.observation[key],
err_msg='Observation {!r} is not equal.'.format(key))
def assertCorrectColors(self, physics, reward):
colors = physics.named.model.mat_rgba
for material_name in ('self', 'effector', 'target'):
highlight = colors[material_name + '_highlight']
default = colors[material_name + '_default']
blend_coef = reward ** 4
expected = blend_coef * highlight + (1.0 - blend_coef) * default
actual = colors[material_name]
err_msg = ('Material {!r} has unexpected color.\nExpected: {!r}\n'
'Actual: {!r}'.format(material_name, expected, actual))
np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(expected, actual, err_msg=err_msg)
def test_visualize_reward(self, domain, task):
env = suite.load(domain, task)
env.task.visualize_reward = True
action = np.zeros(env.action_spec().shape)
with mock.patch.object(env.task, 'get_reward') as mock_get_reward:
mock_get_reward.return_value = -3.0 # Rewards < 0 should be clipped.
self.assertCorrectColors(env.physics, reward=0.0)
mock_get_reward.return_value = 0.5
self.assertCorrectColors(env.physics, reward=mock_get_reward.return_value)
mock_get_reward.return_value = 2.0 # Rewards > 1 should be clipped.
self.assertCorrectColors(env.physics, reward=1.0)
mock_get_reward.return_value = 0.25
self.assertCorrectColors(env.physics, reward=mock_get_reward.return_value)
def test_task_supports_environment_kwargs(self, domain, task):
env = suite.load(domain, task,
# Check that the kwargs are actually passed through to the environment.
def test_observation_arrays_dont_share_memory(self, domain, task):
env = suite.load(domain, task)
first_timestep = env.reset()
action = np.zeros(env.action_spec().shape)
second_timestep = env.step(action)
for name, first_array in six.iteritems(first_timestep.observation):
second_array = second_timestep.observation[name]
np.may_share_memory(first_array, second_array),
msg='Consecutive observations of {!r} may share memory.'.format(name))
def test_observations_dont_contain_constant_elements(self, domain, task):
env = suite.load(domain, task)
trajectory = make_trajectory(domain=domain, task=task, seed=0,
num_episodes=2, max_steps_per_episode=1000)
observations = {name: [] for name in env.observation_spec()}
for time_step in trajectory:
for name, array in six.iteritems(time_step.observation):
failures = []
for name, array_list in six.iteritems(observations):
# Sampling random uniform actions generally isn't sufficient to trigger
# these touch sensors.
if (domain in ('manipulator', 'stacker') and name == 'touch' or
domain == 'quadruped' and name == 'force_torque'):
stacked_arrays = np.array(array_list)
is_constant = np.all(stacked_arrays == stacked_arrays[0], axis=0)
has_constant_elements = (
is_constant if np.isscalar(is_constant) else np.any(is_constant))
if has_constant_elements:
failures.append((name, is_constant))
msg='The following observation(s) contain constant elements:\n{}'
.format('\n'.join(':\t'.join([name, str(is_constant)])
for (name, is_constant) in failures)))
def test_initial_state_is_randomized(self, domain, task):
env = suite.load(domain, task, task_kwargs={'random': 42})
obs1 = env.reset().observation
obs2 = env.reset().observation
all(np.all(obs1[k] == obs2[k]) for k in obs1),
'Two consecutive initial states have identical observations.\n'
'First: {}\nSecond: {}'.format(obs1, obs2))
if __name__ == '__main__':

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@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
# Copyright 2017 The dm_control Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ============================================================================
"""Tests for the dm_control.suite loader."""
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
# Internal dependencies.
from absl.testing import absltest
from dm_control import suite
from dm_control.rl import control
class LoaderTest(absltest.TestCase):
def test_load_without_kwargs(self):
env = suite.load('cartpole', 'swingup')
self.assertIsInstance(env, control.Environment)
def test_load_with_kwargs(self):
env = suite.load('cartpole', 'swingup',
task_kwargs={'time_limit': 40, 'random': 99})
self.assertIsInstance(env, control.Environment)
class LoaderConstantsTest(absltest.TestCase):
def testSuiteConstants(self):
if __name__ == '__main__':

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@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
# Copyright 2017 The dm_control Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ============================================================================
"""Tests specific to the LQR domain."""
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import math
import unittest
# Internal dependencies.
from absl import logging
from absl.testing import absltest
from absl.testing import parameterized
from local_dm_control_suite import lqr
from local_dm_control_suite import lqr_solver
import numpy as np
from six.moves import range
class LqrTest(parameterized.TestCase):
('lqr_2_1', lqr.lqr_2_1),
('lqr_6_2', lqr.lqr_6_2))
def test_lqr_optimal_policy(self, make_env):
env = make_env()
p, k, beta = lqr_solver.solve(env)
self.assertPolicyisOptimal(env, p, k, beta)
('lqr_2_1', lqr.lqr_2_1),
('lqr_6_2', lqr.lqr_6_2))
reason='scipy is not available, so non-scipy DARE solver is the default.')
def test_lqr_optimal_policy_no_scipy(self, make_env):
env = make_env()
old_sp = lqr_solver.sp
lqr_solver.sp = None # Force the solver to use the non-scipy code path.
p, k, beta = lqr_solver.solve(env)
lqr_solver.sp = old_sp
self.assertPolicyisOptimal(env, p, k, beta)
def assertPolicyisOptimal(self, env, p, k, beta):
tolerance = 1e-3
n_steps = int(math.ceil(math.log10(tolerance) / math.log10(beta)))'%d timesteps for %g convergence.', n_steps, tolerance)
total_loss = 0.0
timestep = env.reset()
initial_state = np.hstack((timestep.observation['position'],
timestep.observation['velocity']))'Measuring total cost over %d steps.', n_steps)
for _ in range(n_steps):
x = np.hstack((timestep.observation['position'],
# u = k*x is the optimal policy
u =
total_loss += 1 - (timestep.reward or 0.0)
timestep = env.step(u)'Analytical expected total cost is .5*x^T*p*x.')
expected_loss = .5 *'Comparing measured and predicted costs.')
np.testing.assert_allclose(expected_loss, total_loss, rtol=tolerance)
if __name__ == '__main__':

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
# Copyright 2017 The dm_control Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ============================================================================
"""Utility functions used in the control suite."""

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@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
# Copyright 2017 The dm_control Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ============================================================================
"""Parse and convert amc motion capture data."""
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import collections
from dm_control.mujoco.wrapper import mjbindings
import numpy as np
from scipy import interpolate
from six.moves import range
mjlib = mjbindings.mjlib
MOCAP_DT = 1.0/120.0
'root0', 'root1', 'root2', 'root3', 'root4', 'root5', 'lowerbackrx',
'lowerbackry', 'lowerbackrz', 'upperbackrx', 'upperbackry', 'upperbackrz',
'thoraxrx', 'thoraxry', 'thoraxrz', 'lowerneckrx', 'lowerneckry',
'lowerneckrz', 'upperneckrx', 'upperneckry', 'upperneckrz', 'headrx',
'headry', 'headrz', 'rclaviclery', 'rclaviclerz', 'rhumerusrx',
'rhumerusry', 'rhumerusrz', 'rradiusrx', 'rwristry', 'rhandrx', 'rhandrz',
'rfingersrx', 'rthumbrx', 'rthumbrz', 'lclaviclery', 'lclaviclerz',
'lhumerusrx', 'lhumerusry', 'lhumerusrz', 'lradiusrx', 'lwristry',
'lhandrx', 'lhandrz', 'lfingersrx', 'lthumbrx', 'lthumbrz', 'rfemurrx',
'rfemurry', 'rfemurrz', 'rtibiarx', 'rfootrx', 'rfootrz', 'rtoesrx',
'lfemurrx', 'lfemurry', 'lfemurrz', 'ltibiarx', 'lfootrx', 'lfootrz',
Converted = collections.namedtuple('Converted',
['qpos', 'qvel', 'time'])
def convert(file_name, physics, timestep):
"""Converts the parsed .amc values into qpos and qvel values and resamples.
file_name: The .amc file to be parsed and converted.
physics: The corresponding physics instance.
timestep: Desired output interval between resampled frames.
A namedtuple with fields:
`qpos`, a numpy array containing converted positional variables.
`qvel`, a numpy array containing converted velocity variables.
`time`, a numpy array containing the corresponding times.
frame_values = parse(file_name)
joint2index = {}
for name in
joint2index[name] =
index2joint = {}
for joint, index in joint2index.items():
if isinstance(index, slice):
indices = range(index.start, index.stop)
indices = [index]
for ii in indices:
index2joint[ii] = joint
# Convert frame_values to qpos
amcvals2qpos_transformer = Amcvals2qpos(index2joint, _CMU_MOCAP_JOINT_ORDER)
qpos_values = []
for frame_value in frame_values:
qpos_values = np.stack(qpos_values) # Time by nq
# Interpolate/resample.
# Note: interpolate quaternions rather than euler angles (slerp).
# see
qpos_values_resampled = []
time_vals = np.arange(0, len(frame_values)*MOCAP_DT - 1e-8, MOCAP_DT)
time_vals_new = np.arange(0, len(frame_values)*MOCAP_DT, timestep)
while time_vals_new[-1] > time_vals[-1]:
time_vals_new = time_vals_new[:-1]
for i in range(qpos_values.shape[1]):
f = interpolate.splrep(time_vals, qpos_values[:, i])
qpos_values_resampled.append(interpolate.splev(time_vals_new, f))
qpos_values_resampled = np.stack(qpos_values_resampled) # nq by ntime
qvel_list = []
for t in range(qpos_values_resampled.shape[1]-1):
p_tp1 = qpos_values_resampled[:, t + 1]
p_t = qpos_values_resampled[:, t]
qvel = [(p_tp1[:3]-p_t[:3])/ timestep,
mj_quat2vel(mj_quatdiff(p_t[3:7], p_tp1[3:7]), timestep),
(p_tp1[7:]-p_t[7:])/ timestep]
qvel_values_resampled = np.vstack(qvel_list).T
return Converted(qpos_values_resampled, qvel_values_resampled, time_vals_new)
def parse(file_name):
"""Parses the amc file format."""
values = []
fid = open(file_name, 'r')
line = fid.readline().strip()
frame_ind = 1
first_frame = True
while True:
# Parse first frame.
if first_frame and line[0] == str(frame_ind):
first_frame = False
frame_ind += 1
frame_vals = []
while True:
line = fid.readline().strip()
if not line or line == str(frame_ind):
values.append(np.array(frame_vals, dtype=np.float))
tokens = line.split()
# Parse other frames.
elif line == str(frame_ind):
frame_ind += 1
frame_vals = []
while True:
line = fid.readline().strip()
if not line or line == str(frame_ind):
values.append(np.array(frame_vals, dtype=np.float))
tokens = line.split()
line = fid.readline().strip()
if not line:
return values
class Amcvals2qpos(object):
"""Callable that converts .amc values for a frame and to MuJoCo qpos format.
def __init__(self, index2joint, joint_order):
"""Initializes a new Amcvals2qpos instance.
index2joint: List of joint angles in .amc file.
joint_order: List of joint names in MuJoco MJCF.
# Root is x,y,z, then quat.
# need to get indices of qpos that order for amc default order
self.qpos_root_xyz_ind = [0, 1, 2]
self.root_xyz_ransform = np.array(
[[1, 0, 0], [0, 0, -1], [0, 1, 0]]) * CONVERSION_LENGTH
self.qpos_root_quat_ind = [3, 4, 5, 6]
amc2qpos_transform = np.zeros((len(index2joint), len(joint_order)))
for i in range(len(index2joint)):
for j in range(len(joint_order)):
if index2joint[i] == joint_order[j]:
if 'rx' in index2joint[i]:
amc2qpos_transform[i][j] = 1
elif 'ry' in index2joint[i]:
amc2qpos_transform[i][j] = 1
elif 'rz' in index2joint[i]:
amc2qpos_transform[i][j] = 1
self.amc2qpos_transform = amc2qpos_transform
def __call__(self, amc_val):
"""Converts a `.amc` frame to MuJoCo qpos format."""
amc_val_rad = np.deg2rad(amc_val)
qpos =, amc_val_rad)
# Root.
qpos[:3] =, amc_val[:3])
qpos_quat = euler2quat(amc_val[3], amc_val[4], amc_val[5])
qpos_quat = mj_quatprod(euler2quat(90, 0, 0), qpos_quat)
for i, ind in enumerate(self.qpos_root_quat_ind):
qpos[ind] = qpos_quat[i]
return qpos
def euler2quat(ax, ay, az):
"""Converts euler angles to a quaternion.
Note: rotation order is zyx
ax: Roll angle (deg)
ay: Pitch angle (deg).
az: Yaw angle (deg).
A numpy array representing the rotation as a quaternion.
r1 = az
r2 = ay
r3 = ax
c1 = np.cos(np.deg2rad(r1 / 2))
s1 = np.sin(np.deg2rad(r1 / 2))
c2 = np.cos(np.deg2rad(r2 / 2))
s2 = np.sin(np.deg2rad(r2 / 2))
c3 = np.cos(np.deg2rad(r3 / 2))
s3 = np.sin(np.deg2rad(r3 / 2))
q0 = c1 * c2 * c3 + s1 * s2 * s3
q1 = c1 * c2 * s3 - s1 * s2 * c3
q2 = c1 * s2 * c3 + s1 * c2 * s3
q3 = s1 * c2 * c3 - c1 * s2 * s3
return np.array([q0, q1, q2, q3])
def mj_quatprod(q, r):
quaternion = np.zeros(4)
mjlib.mju_mulQuat(quaternion, np.ascontiguousarray(q),
return quaternion
def mj_quat2vel(q, dt):
vel = np.zeros(3)
mjlib.mju_quat2Vel(vel, np.ascontiguousarray(q), dt)
return vel
def mj_quatneg(q):
quaternion = np.zeros(4)
mjlib.mju_negQuat(quaternion, np.ascontiguousarray(q))
return quaternion
def mj_quatdiff(source, target):
return mj_quatprod(mj_quatneg(source), np.ascontiguousarray(target))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
# Copyright 2017 The dm_control Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ============================================================================
"""Tests for parse_amc utility."""
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import os
# Internal dependencies.
from absl.testing import absltest
from local_dm_control_suite import humanoid_CMU
from dm_control.suite.utils import parse_amc
from dm_control.utils import io as resources
_TEST_AMC_PATH = resources.GetResourceFilename(
os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../demos/zeros.amc'))
class ParseAMCTest(absltest.TestCase):
def test_sizes_of_parsed_data(self):
# Instantiate the humanoid environment.
env = humanoid_CMU.stand()
# Parse and convert specified clip.
converted = parse_amc.convert(
_TEST_AMC_PATH, env.physics, env.control_timestep())
self.assertEqual(converted.qpos.shape[0], 63)
self.assertEqual(converted.qvel.shape[0], 62)
self.assertEqual(converted.time.shape[0], converted.qpos.shape[1])
converted.qvel.shape[1] + 1)
# Parse and convert specified clip -- WITH SMALLER TIMESTEP
converted2 = parse_amc.convert(
_TEST_AMC_PATH, env.physics, 0.5 * env.control_timestep())
self.assertEqual(converted2.qpos.shape[0], 63)
self.assertEqual(converted2.qvel.shape[0], 62)
self.assertEqual(converted2.time.shape[0], converted2.qpos.shape[1])
converted.qvel.shape[1] + 1)
# Compare sizes of parsed objects for different timesteps
self.assertEqual(converted.qpos.shape[1] * 2, converted2.qpos.shape[1])
if __name__ == '__main__':

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@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
# Copyright 2017 The dm_control Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ============================================================================
"""Randomization functions."""
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from dm_control.mujoco.wrapper import mjbindings
import numpy as np
from six.moves import range
def random_limited_quaternion(random, limit):
"""Generates a random quaternion limited to the specified rotations."""
axis = random.randn(3)
axis /= np.linalg.norm(axis)
angle = random.rand() * limit
quaternion = np.zeros(4)
mjbindings.mjlib.mju_axisAngle2Quat(quaternion, axis, angle)
return quaternion
def randomize_limited_and_rotational_joints(physics, random=None):
"""Randomizes the positions of joints defined in the physics body.
The following randomization rules apply:
- Bounded joints (hinges or sliders) are sampled uniformly in the bounds.
- Unbounded hinges are samples uniformly in [-pi, pi]
- Quaternions for unlimited free joints and ball joints are sampled
uniformly on the unit 3-sphere.
- Quaternions for limited ball joints are sampled uniformly on a sector
of the unit 3-sphere.
- The linear degrees of freedom of free joints are not randomized.
physics: Instance of 'Physics' class that holds a loaded model.
random: Optional instance of 'np.random.RandomState'. Defaults to the global
NumPy random state.
random = random or np.random
hinge = mjbindings.enums.mjtJoint.mjJNT_HINGE
slide = mjbindings.enums.mjtJoint.mjJNT_SLIDE
ball = mjbindings.enums.mjtJoint.mjJNT_BALL
free = mjbindings.enums.mjtJoint.mjJNT_FREE
qpos =
for joint_id in range(physics.model.njnt):
joint_name = physics.model.id2name(joint_id, 'joint')
joint_type = physics.model.jnt_type[joint_id]
is_limited = physics.model.jnt_limited[joint_id]
range_min, range_max = physics.model.jnt_range[joint_id]
if is_limited:
if joint_type == hinge or joint_type == slide:
qpos[joint_name] = random.uniform(range_min, range_max)
elif joint_type == ball:
qpos[joint_name] = random_limited_quaternion(random, range_max)
if joint_type == hinge:
qpos[joint_name] = random.uniform(-np.pi, np.pi)
elif joint_type == ball:
quat = random.randn(4)
quat /= np.linalg.norm(quat)
qpos[joint_name] = quat
elif joint_type == free:
quat = random.rand(4)
quat /= np.linalg.norm(quat)
qpos[joint_name][3:] = quat

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@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
# Copyright 2017 The dm_control Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ============================================================================
"""Tests for"""
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
# Internal dependencies.
from absl.testing import absltest
from absl.testing import parameterized
from dm_control import mujoco
from dm_control.mujoco.wrapper import mjbindings
from dm_control.suite.utils import randomizers
import numpy as np
from six.moves import range
mjlib = mjbindings.mjlib
class RandomizeUnlimitedJointsTest(parameterized.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.rand = np.random.RandomState(100)
def test_single_joint_of_each_type(self):
physics = mujoco.Physics.from_xml_string("""<mujoco>
<joint range="0 90" />
<geom type="box" size="1 1 1"/>
<joint name="free" type="free"/>
<geom type="box" size="1 1 1"/>
<joint name="limited_hinge" type="hinge" limited="true"/>
<joint name="slide" type="slide"/>
<joint name="limited_slide" type="slide" limited="true"/>
<joint name="hinge" type="hinge"/>
<geom type="box" size="1 1 1"/>
<joint name="ball" type="ball"/>
<geom type="box" size="1 1 1"/>
<joint name="limited_ball" type="ball" limited="true"/>
randomizers.randomize_limited_and_rotational_joints(physics, self.rand)
self.assertNotEqual(0., np.sum(['ball']))
self.assertNotEqual(0., np.sum(['limited_ball']))
self.assertNotEqual(0., np.sum(['free'][3:]))
# Unlimited slide and the positional part of the free joint remains
# uninitialized.
self.assertEqual(0., np.sum(['free'][:3]))
def test_multiple_joints_of_same_type(self):
physics = mujoco.Physics.from_xml_string("""<mujoco>
<geom type="box" size="1 1 1"/>
<joint name="hinge_1" type="hinge"/>
<joint name="hinge_2" type="hinge"/>
<joint name="hinge_3" type="hinge"/>
randomizers.randomize_limited_and_rotational_joints(physics, self.rand)
def test_unlimited_hinge_randomization_range(self):
physics = mujoco.Physics.from_xml_string("""<mujoco>
<geom type="box" size="1 1 1"/>
<joint name="hinge" type="hinge"/>
for _ in range(10):
randomizers.randomize_limited_and_rotational_joints(physics, self.rand)
self.assertBetween(['hinge'], -np.pi, np.pi)
def test_limited_1d_joint_limits_are_respected(self):
physics = mujoco.Physics.from_xml_string("""<mujoco>
<joint limited="true"/>
<geom type="box" size="1 1 1"/>
<joint name="hinge" type="hinge" range="0 10"/>
<joint name="slide" type="slide" range="30 50"/>
for _ in range(10):
randomizers.randomize_limited_and_rotational_joints(physics, self.rand)
np.deg2rad(0), np.deg2rad(10))
self.assertBetween(['slide'], 30, 50)
def test_limited_ball_joint_are_respected(self):
physics = mujoco.Physics.from_xml_string("""<mujoco>
<body name="body" zaxis="1 0 0">
<geom type="box" size="1 1 1"/>
<joint name="ball" type="ball" limited="true" range="0 60"/>
body_axis = np.array([1., 0., 0.])
joint_axis = np.zeros(3)
for _ in range(10):
randomizers.randomize_limited_and_rotational_joints(physics, self.rand)
quat =['ball']
mjlib.mju_rotVecQuat(joint_axis, body_axis, quat)
angle_cos =, joint_axis)
self.assertGreater(angle_cos, 0.5) # cos(60) = 0.5
if __name__ == '__main__':

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@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
# Copyright 2017 The dm_control Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ============================================================================
"""Planar Walker Domain."""
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import collections
from dm_control import mujoco
from dm_control.rl import control
from local_dm_control_suite import base
from local_dm_control_suite import common
from dm_control.suite.utils import randomizers
from dm_control.utils import containers
from dm_control.utils import rewards
# Minimal height of torso over foot above which stand reward is 1.
# Horizontal speeds (meters/second) above which move reward is 1.
SUITE = containers.TaggedTasks()
def get_model_and_assets():
"""Returns a tuple containing the model XML string and a dict of assets."""
return common.read_model('walker.xml'), common.ASSETS
def stand(time_limit=_DEFAULT_TIME_LIMIT, random=None, environment_kwargs=None):
"""Returns the Stand task."""
physics = Physics.from_xml_string(*get_model_and_assets())
task = PlanarWalker(move_speed=0, random=random)
environment_kwargs = environment_kwargs or {}
return control.Environment(
physics, task, time_limit=time_limit, control_timestep=_CONTROL_TIMESTEP,
def walk(time_limit=_DEFAULT_TIME_LIMIT, random=None, environment_kwargs=None):
"""Returns the Walk task."""
physics = Physics.from_xml_string(*get_model_and_assets())
task = PlanarWalker(move_speed=_WALK_SPEED, random=random)
environment_kwargs = environment_kwargs or {}
return control.Environment(
physics, task, time_limit=time_limit, control_timestep=_CONTROL_TIMESTEP,
def run(time_limit=_DEFAULT_TIME_LIMIT, random=None, environment_kwargs=None):
"""Returns the Run task."""
physics = Physics.from_xml_string(*get_model_and_assets())
task = PlanarWalker(move_speed=_RUN_SPEED, random=random)
environment_kwargs = environment_kwargs or {}
return control.Environment(
physics, task, time_limit=time_limit, control_timestep=_CONTROL_TIMESTEP,
class Physics(mujoco.Physics):
"""Physics simulation with additional features for the Walker domain."""
def torso_upright(self):
"""Returns projection from z-axes of torso to the z-axes of world."""
return['torso', 'zz']
def torso_height(self):
"""Returns the height of the torso."""
return['torso', 'z']
def horizontal_velocity(self):
"""Returns the horizontal velocity of the center-of-mass."""
def orientations(self):
"""Returns planar orientations of all bodies."""
return[1:, ['xx', 'xz']].ravel()
class PlanarWalker(base.Task):
"""A planar walker task."""
def __init__(self, move_speed, random=None):
"""Initializes an instance of `PlanarWalker`.
move_speed: A float. If this value is zero, reward is given simply for
standing up. Otherwise this specifies a target horizontal velocity for
the walking task.
random: Optional, either a `numpy.random.RandomState` instance, an
integer seed for creating a new `RandomState`, or None to select a seed
automatically (default).
self._move_speed = move_speed
super(PlanarWalker, self).__init__(random=random)
def initialize_episode(self, physics):
"""Sets the state of the environment at the start of each episode.
In 'standing' mode, use initial orientation and small velocities.
In 'random' mode, randomize joint angles and let fall to the floor.
physics: An instance of `Physics`.
randomizers.randomize_limited_and_rotational_joints(physics, self.random)
super(PlanarWalker, self).initialize_episode(physics)
def get_observation(self, physics):
"""Returns an observation of body orientations, height and velocites."""
obs = collections.OrderedDict()
obs['orientations'] = physics.orientations()
obs['height'] = physics.torso_height()
obs['velocity'] = physics.velocity()
return obs
def get_reward(self, physics):
"""Returns a reward to the agent."""
standing = rewards.tolerance(physics.torso_height(),
bounds=(_STAND_HEIGHT, float('inf')),
upright = (1 + physics.torso_upright()) / 2
stand_reward = (3*standing + upright) / 4
if self._move_speed == 0:
return stand_reward
move_reward = rewards.tolerance(physics.horizontal_velocity(),
bounds=(self._move_speed, float('inf')),
return stand_reward * (5*move_reward + 1) / 6

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<mujoco model="planar walker">
<include file="./common/visual.xml"/>
<include file="./common/skybox.xml"/>
<include file="./common/materials_white_floor.xml"/>
<option timestep="0.0025"/>
<statistic extent="2" center="0 0 1"/>
<joint damping=".1" armature="0.01" limited="true" solimplimit="0 .99 .01"/>
<geom contype="1" conaffinity="0" friction=".7 .1 .1"/>
<motor ctrlrange="-1 1" ctrllimited="true"/>
<site size="0.01"/>
<default class="walker">
<geom material="self" type="capsule"/>
<joint axis="0 -1 0"/>
<geom name="floor" type="plane" conaffinity="1" pos="248 0 0" size="250 .8 .2" material="grid" zaxis="0 0 1"/>
<body name="torso" pos="0 0 1.3" childclass="walker">
<light name="light" pos="0 0 2" mode="trackcom"/>
<camera name="side" pos="0 -2 .7" euler="60 0 0" mode="trackcom"/>
<camera name="back" pos="-2 0 .5" xyaxes="0 -1 0 1 0 3" mode="trackcom"/>
<joint name="rootz" axis="0 0 1" type="slide" limited="false" armature="0" damping="0"/>
<joint name="rootx" axis="1 0 0" type="slide" limited="false" armature="0" damping="0"/>
<joint name="rooty" axis="0 1 0" type="hinge" limited="false" armature="0" damping="0"/>
<geom name="torso" size="0.07 0.3"/>
<body name="right_thigh" pos="0 -.05 -0.3">
<joint name="right_hip" range="-20 100"/>
<geom name="right_thigh" pos="0 0 -0.225" size="0.05 0.225"/>
<body name="right_leg" pos="0 0 -0.7">
<joint name="right_knee" pos="0 0 0.25" range="-150 0"/>
<geom name="right_leg" size="0.04 0.25"/>
<body name="right_foot" pos="0.06 0 -0.25">
<joint name="right_ankle" pos="-0.06 0 0" range="-45 45"/>
<geom name="right_foot" zaxis="1 0 0" size="0.05 0.1"/>
<body name="left_thigh" pos="0 .05 -0.3" >
<joint name="left_hip" range="-20 100"/>
<geom name="left_thigh" pos="0 0 -0.225" size="0.05 0.225"/>
<body name="left_leg" pos="0 0 -0.7">
<joint name="left_knee" pos="0 0 0.25" range="-150 0"/>
<geom name="left_leg" size="0.04 0.25"/>
<body name="left_foot" pos="0.06 0 -0.25">
<joint name="left_ankle" pos="-0.06 0 0" range="-45 45"/>
<geom name="left_foot" zaxis="1 0 0" size="0.05 0.1"/>
<subtreelinvel name="torso_subtreelinvel" body="torso"/>
<motor name="right_hip" joint="right_hip" gear="100"/>
<motor name="right_knee" joint="right_knee" gear="50"/>
<motor name="right_ankle" joint="right_ankle" gear="20"/>
<motor name="left_hip" joint="left_hip" gear="100"/>
<motor name="left_knee" joint="left_knee" gear="50"/>
<motor name="left_ankle" joint="left_ankle" gear="20"/>

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@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
# Copyright 2018 The dm_control Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ============================================================================
"""Environment wrappers used to extend or modify environment behaviour."""

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@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
# Copyright 2018 The dm_control Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ============================================================================
"""Wrapper control suite environments that adds Gaussian noise to actions."""
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import dm_env
import numpy as np
'All bounds in `env.action_spec()` must be finite, got: {action_spec}')
class Wrapper(dm_env.Environment):
"""Wraps a control environment and adds Gaussian noise to actions."""
def __init__(self, env, scale=0.01):
"""Initializes a new action noise Wrapper.
env: The control suite environment to wrap.
scale: The standard deviation of the noise, expressed as a fraction
of the max-min range for each action dimension.
ValueError: If any of the action dimensions of the wrapped environment are
action_spec = env.action_spec()
if not (np.all(np.isfinite(action_spec.minimum)) and
raise ValueError(_BOUNDS_MUST_BE_FINITE.format(action_spec=action_spec))
self._minimum = action_spec.minimum
self._maximum = action_spec.maximum
self._noise_std = scale * (action_spec.maximum - action_spec.minimum)
self._env = env
def step(self, action):
noisy_action = action + self._env.task.random.normal(scale=self._noise_std)
# Clip the noisy actions in place so that they fall within the bounds
# specified by the `action_spec`. Note that MuJoCo implicitly clips out-of-
# bounds control inputs, but we also clip here in case the actions do not
# correspond directly to MuJoCo actuators, or if there are other wrapper
# layers that expect the actions to be within bounds.
np.clip(noisy_action, self._minimum, self._maximum, out=noisy_action)
return self._env.step(noisy_action)
def reset(self):
return self._env.reset()
def observation_spec(self):
return self._env.observation_spec()
def action_spec(self):
return self._env.action_spec()
def __getattr__(self, name):
return getattr(self._env, name)

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@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
# Copyright 2018 The dm_control Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ============================================================================
"""Tests for the action noise wrapper."""
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
# Internal dependencies.
from absl.testing import absltest
from absl.testing import parameterized
from dm_control.rl import control
from dm_control.suite.wrappers import action_noise
from dm_env import specs
import mock
import numpy as np
class ActionNoiseTest(parameterized.TestCase):
def make_action_spec(self, lower=(-1.,), upper=(1.,)):
lower, upper = np.broadcast_arrays(lower, upper)
return specs.BoundedArray(
shape=lower.shape, dtype=float, minimum=lower, maximum=upper)
def make_mock_env(self, action_spec=None):
action_spec = action_spec or self.make_action_spec()
env = mock.Mock(spec=control.Environment)
env.action_spec.return_value = action_spec
return env
def assertStepCalledOnceWithCorrectAction(self, env, expected_action):
# NB: `assert_called_once_with()` doesn't support numpy arrays.
actual_action = env.step.call_args_list[0][0][0]
np.testing.assert_array_equal(expected_action, actual_action)
dict(lower=np.r_[-1., 0.], upper=np.r_[1., 2.], scale=0.05),
dict(lower=np.r_[-1., 0.], upper=np.r_[1., 2.], scale=0.),
dict(lower=np.r_[-1., 0.], upper=np.r_[-1., 0.], scale=0.05),
def test_step(self, lower, upper, scale):
seed = 0
std = scale * (upper - lower)
expected_noise = np.random.RandomState(seed).normal(scale=std)
action = np.random.RandomState(seed).uniform(lower, upper)
expected_noisy_action = np.clip(action + expected_noise, lower, upper)
task = mock.Mock(spec=control.Task)
task.random = np.random.RandomState(seed)
action_spec = self.make_action_spec(lower=lower, upper=upper)
env = self.make_mock_env(action_spec=action_spec)
env.task = task
wrapped_env = action_noise.Wrapper(env, scale=scale)
time_step = wrapped_env.step(action)
self.assertStepCalledOnceWithCorrectAction(env, expected_noisy_action)
self.assertIs(time_step, env.step(expected_noisy_action))
dict(testcase_name='within_bounds', action=np.r_[-1.], noise=np.r_[0.1]),
dict(testcase_name='below_lower', action=np.r_[-1.], noise=np.r_[-0.1]),
dict(testcase_name='above_upper', action=np.r_[1.], noise=np.r_[0.1]),
def test_action_clipping(self, action, noise):
lower = -1.
upper = 1.
expected_noisy_action = np.clip(action + noise, lower, upper)
task = mock.Mock(spec=control.Task)
task.random = mock.Mock(spec=np.random.RandomState)
task.random.normal.return_value = noise
action_spec = self.make_action_spec(lower=lower, upper=upper)
env = self.make_mock_env(action_spec=action_spec)
env.task = task
wrapped_env = action_noise.Wrapper(env)
time_step = wrapped_env.step(action)
self.assertStepCalledOnceWithCorrectAction(env, expected_noisy_action)
self.assertIs(time_step, env.step(expected_noisy_action))
dict(lower=np.r_[-1., 0.], upper=np.r_[1., np.inf]),
dict(lower=np.r_[np.nan, 0.], upper=np.r_[1., 2.]),
def test_error_if_action_bounds_non_finite(self, lower, upper):
action_spec = self.make_action_spec(lower=lower, upper=upper)
env = self.make_mock_env(action_spec=action_spec)
with self.assertRaisesWithLiteralMatch(
_ = action_noise.Wrapper(env)
def test_reset(self):
env = self.make_mock_env()
wrapped_env = action_noise.Wrapper(env)
time_step = wrapped_env.reset()
self.assertIs(time_step, env.reset())
def test_observation_spec(self):
env = self.make_mock_env()
wrapped_env = action_noise.Wrapper(env)
observation_spec = wrapped_env.observation_spec()
self.assertIs(observation_spec, env.observation_spec())
def test_action_spec(self):
env = self.make_mock_env()
wrapped_env = action_noise.Wrapper(env)
# `env.action_spec()` is called in `Wrapper.__init__()`
action_spec = wrapped_env.action_spec()
self.assertIs(action_spec, env.action_spec())
@parameterized.parameters(['task', 'physics', 'control_timestep'])
def test_getattr(self, attribute_name):
env = self.make_mock_env()
wrapped_env = action_noise.Wrapper(env)
attr = getattr(wrapped_env, attribute_name)
self.assertIs(attr, getattr(env, attribute_name))
if __name__ == '__main__':

View File

@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
# Copyright 2017 The dm_control Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ============================================================================
"""Wrapper that adds pixel observations to a control environment."""
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import collections
import dm_env
from dm_env import specs
STATE_KEY = 'state'
class Wrapper(dm_env.Environment):
"""Wraps a control environment and adds a rendered pixel observation."""
def __init__(self, env, pixels_only=True, render_kwargs=None,
"""Initializes a new pixel Wrapper.
env: The environment to wrap.
pixels_only: If True (default), the original set of 'state' observations
returned by the wrapped environment will be discarded, and the
`OrderedDict` of observations will only contain pixels. If False, the
`OrderedDict` will contain the original observations as well as the
pixel observations.
render_kwargs: Optional `dict` containing keyword arguments passed to the
`mujoco.Physics.render` method.
observation_key: Optional custom string specifying the pixel observation's
key in the `OrderedDict` of observations. Defaults to 'pixels'.
ValueError: If `env`'s observation spec is not compatible with the
wrapper. Supported formats are a single array, or a dict of arrays.
ValueError: If `env`'s observation already contains the specified
if render_kwargs is None:
render_kwargs = {}
wrapped_observation_spec = env.observation_spec()
if isinstance(wrapped_observation_spec, specs.Array):
self._observation_is_dict = False
invalid_keys = set([STATE_KEY])
elif isinstance(wrapped_observation_spec, collections.MutableMapping):
self._observation_is_dict = True
invalid_keys = set(wrapped_observation_spec.keys())
raise ValueError('Unsupported observation spec structure.')
if not pixels_only and observation_key in invalid_keys:
raise ValueError('Duplicate or reserved observation key {!r}.'
if pixels_only:
self._observation_spec = collections.OrderedDict()
elif self._observation_is_dict:
self._observation_spec = wrapped_observation_spec.copy()
self._observation_spec = collections.OrderedDict()
self._observation_spec[STATE_KEY] = wrapped_observation_spec
# Extend observation spec.
pixels = env.physics.render(**render_kwargs)
pixels_spec = specs.Array(
shape=pixels.shape, dtype=pixels.dtype, name=observation_key)
self._observation_spec[observation_key] = pixels_spec
self._env = env
self._pixels_only = pixels_only
self._render_kwargs = render_kwargs
self._observation_key = observation_key
def reset(self):
time_step = self._env.reset()
return self._add_pixel_observation(time_step)
def step(self, action):
time_step = self._env.step(action)
return self._add_pixel_observation(time_step)
def observation_spec(self):
return self._observation_spec
def action_spec(self):
return self._env.action_spec()
def _add_pixel_observation(self, time_step):
if self._pixels_only:
observation = collections.OrderedDict()
elif self._observation_is_dict:
observation = type(time_step.observation)(time_step.observation)
observation = collections.OrderedDict()
observation[STATE_KEY] = time_step.observation
pixels = self._env.physics.render(**self._render_kwargs)
observation[self._observation_key] = pixels
return time_step._replace(observation=observation)
def __getattr__(self, name):
return getattr(self._env, name)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
# Copyright 2017 The dm_control Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ============================================================================
"""Tests for the pixel wrapper."""
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import collections
# Internal dependencies.
from absl.testing import absltest
from absl.testing import parameterized
from local_dm_control_suite import cartpole
from dm_control.suite.wrappers import pixels
import dm_env
from dm_env import specs
import numpy as np
class FakePhysics(object):
def render(self, *args, **kwargs):
del args
del kwargs
return np.zeros((4, 5, 3), dtype=np.uint8)
class FakeArrayObservationEnvironment(dm_env.Environment):
def __init__(self):
self.physics = FakePhysics()
def reset(self):
return dm_env.restart(np.zeros((2,)))
def step(self, action):
del action
return dm_env.transition(0.0, np.zeros((2,)))
def action_spec(self):
def observation_spec(self):
return specs.Array(shape=(2,), dtype=np.float)
class PixelsTest(parameterized.TestCase):
@parameterized.parameters(True, False)
def test_dict_observation(self, pixels_only):
pixel_key = 'rgb'
env = cartpole.swingup()
# Make sure we are testing the right environment for the test.
observation_spec = env.observation_spec()
self.assertIsInstance(observation_spec, collections.OrderedDict)
width = 320
height = 240
# The wrapper should only add one observation.
wrapped = pixels.Wrapper(env,
render_kwargs={'width': width, 'height': height})
wrapped_observation_spec = wrapped.observation_spec()
self.assertIsInstance(wrapped_observation_spec, collections.OrderedDict)
if pixels_only:
self.assertLen(wrapped_observation_spec, 1)
self.assertEqual([pixel_key], list(wrapped_observation_spec.keys()))
expected_length = len(observation_spec) + 1
self.assertLen(wrapped_observation_spec, expected_length)
expected_keys = list(observation_spec.keys()) + [pixel_key]
self.assertEqual(expected_keys, list(wrapped_observation_spec.keys()))
# Check that the added spec item is consistent with the added observation.
time_step = wrapped.reset()
rgb_observation = time_step.observation[pixel_key]
self.assertEqual(rgb_observation.shape, (height, width, 3))
self.assertEqual(rgb_observation.dtype, np.uint8)
@parameterized.parameters(True, False)
def test_single_array_observation(self, pixels_only):
pixel_key = 'depth'
env = FakeArrayObservationEnvironment()
observation_spec = env.observation_spec()
self.assertIsInstance(observation_spec, specs.Array)
wrapped = pixels.Wrapper(env, observation_key=pixel_key,
wrapped_observation_spec = wrapped.observation_spec()
self.assertIsInstance(wrapped_observation_spec, collections.OrderedDict)
if pixels_only:
self.assertLen(wrapped_observation_spec, 1)
self.assertEqual([pixel_key], list(wrapped_observation_spec.keys()))
self.assertLen(wrapped_observation_spec, 2)
self.assertEqual([pixels.STATE_KEY, pixel_key],
time_step = wrapped.reset()
depth_observation = time_step.observation[pixel_key]
self.assertEqual(depth_observation.shape, (4, 5, 3))
self.assertEqual(depth_observation.dtype, np.uint8)
if __name__ == '__main__':

Dreamer/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,297 @@
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.keras import layers as tfkl
from tensorflow_probability import distributions as tfd
from tensorflow.keras.mixed_precision import experimental as prec
import tools
class RSSM(tools.Module):
def __init__(self, stoch=30, deter=200, hidden=200, act=tf.nn.elu):
self._activation = act
self._stoch_size = stoch
self._deter_size = deter
self._hidden_size = hidden
self._cell = tfkl.GRUCell(self._deter_size)
def initial(self, batch_size):
dtype = prec.global_policy().compute_dtype
return dict(
mean=tf.zeros([batch_size, self._stoch_size], dtype),
std=tf.zeros([batch_size, self._stoch_size], dtype),
stoch=tf.zeros([batch_size, self._stoch_size], dtype),
deter=self._cell.get_initial_state(None, batch_size, dtype))
def observe(self, embed, action, state=None):
if state is None:
state = self.initial(tf.shape(action)[0])
embed = tf.transpose(embed, [1, 0, 2])
action = tf.transpose(action, [1, 0, 2])
post, prior = tools.static_scan(
lambda prev, inputs: self.obs_step(
prev[0], *inputs),
(action, embed), (state, state))
post = {k: tf.transpose(v, [1, 0, 2]) for k, v in post.items()}
prior = {k: tf.transpose(v, [1, 0, 2]) for k, v in prior.items()}
return post, prior
def imagine(self, action, state=None):
if state is None:
state = self.initial(tf.shape(action)[0])
assert isinstance(state, dict), state
action = tf.transpose(action, [1, 0, 2])
prior = tools.static_scan(self.img_step, action, state)
prior = {k: tf.transpose(v, [1, 0, 2]) for k, v in prior.items()}
return prior
def get_feat(self, state):
return tf.concat([state['stoch'], state['deter']], -1)
def get_dist(self, state):
return tfd.MultivariateNormalDiag(state['mean'], state['std'])
def obs_step(self, prev_state, prev_action, embed):
prior = self.img_step(prev_state, prev_action)
x = tf.concat([prior['deter'], embed], -1)
x = self.get('obs1', tfkl.Dense, self._hidden_size,
x = self.get('obs2', tfkl.Dense, 2 * self._stoch_size, None)(x)
mean, std = tf.split(x, 2, -1)
std = tf.nn.softplus(std) + 0.1
stoch = self.get_dist({'mean': mean, 'std': std}).sample()
post = {'mean': mean, 'std': std,
'stoch': stoch, 'deter': prior['deter']}
return post, prior
def img_step(self, prev_state, prev_action):
x = tf.concat([prev_state['stoch'], prev_action], -1)
x = self.get('img1', tfkl.Dense, self._hidden_size,
x, deter = self._cell(x, [prev_state['deter']])
deter = deter[0] # Keras wraps the state in a list.
x = self.get('img2', tfkl.Dense, self._hidden_size,
x = self.get('img3', tfkl.Dense, 2 * self._stoch_size, None)(x)
mean, std = tf.split(x, 2, -1)
std = tf.nn.softplus(std) + 0.1
stoch = self.get_dist({'mean': mean, 'std': std}).sample()
prior = {'mean': mean, 'std': std, 'stoch': stoch, 'deter': deter}
return prior
class ConvEncoder(tools.Module):
def __init__(self, depth=32, act=tf.nn.relu, image_size=64):
self._act = act
self._depth = depth
self._image_size = image_size
if image_size == 64:
self._outdim = 32 * self._depth
self._kernel_sizes = [4, 4, 4, 4]
elif image_size == 32:
self._outdim = 8 * self._depth
self._kernel_sizes = [3, 3, 3, 3]
elif image_size == 84:
self._outdim = 72 * self._depth
self._kernel_sizes = [4, 4, 4, 4]
raise NotImplementedError
def __call__(self, obs):
kwargs = dict(strides=2, activation=self._act)
x = tf.reshape(obs['image'], (-1,) + tuple(obs['image'].shape[-3:]))
x = self.get('h1', tfkl.Conv2D, 1 * self._depth,
self._kernel_sizes[0], **kwargs)(x)
x = self.get('h2', tfkl.Conv2D, 2 * self._depth,
self._kernel_sizes[1], **kwargs)(x)
x = self.get('h3', tfkl.Conv2D, 4 * self._depth,
self._kernel_sizes[2], **kwargs)(x)
x = self.get('h4', tfkl.Conv2D, 8 * self._depth,
self._kernel_sizes[3], **kwargs)(x)
shape = tf.concat([tf.shape(obs['image'])[:-3], [self._outdim]], 0)
return tf.reshape(x, shape)
class ConvDecoder(tools.Module):
def __init__(self, depth=32, act=tf.nn.relu, shape=(64, 64, 3)):
self._act = act
self._depth = depth
self._shape = shape
if shape[0] == 64:
self._outdim = 32 * self._depth
self._kernel_sizes = [5, 5, 6, 6]
elif shape[0] == 32:
self._outdim = 8 * self._depth
self._kernel_sizes = [3, 3, 3, 4]
elif shape[0] == 84:
self._outdim = 72 * self._depth
self._kernel_sizes = [7, 6, 6, 6]
raise NotImplementedError
def __call__(self, features):
kwargs = dict(strides=2, activation=self._act)
x = self.get('h1', tfkl.Dense, self._outdim, None)(features)
x = tf.reshape(x, [-1, 1, 1, self._outdim])
x = self.get('h2', tfkl.Conv2DTranspose,
4 * self._depth, self._kernel_sizes[0], **kwargs)(x)
x = self.get('h3', tfkl.Conv2DTranspose,
2 * self._depth, self._kernel_sizes[1], **kwargs)(x)
x = self.get('h4', tfkl.Conv2DTranspose,
1 * self._depth, self._kernel_sizes[2], **kwargs)(x)
x = self.get('h5', tfkl.Conv2DTranspose,
self._shape[-1], self._kernel_sizes[3], strides=2)(x)
mean = tf.reshape(x, tf.concat(
[tf.shape(features)[:-1], self._shape], 0))
return tfd.Independent(tfd.Normal(mean, 1), len(self._shape))
class ConvDecoderMask(tools.Module):
def __init__(self, depth=32, act=tf.nn.relu, shape=(64, 64, 3)):
self._act = act
self._depth = depth
self._shape = shape
if shape[0] == 64:
self._outdim = 32 * self._depth
self._kernel_sizes = [5, 5, 6, 6]
elif shape[0] == 32:
self._outdim = 8 * self._depth
self._kernel_sizes = [3, 3, 3, 4]
elif shape[0] == 84:
self._outdim = 72 * self._depth
self._kernel_sizes = [7, 6, 6, 6]
raise NotImplementedError
def __call__(self, features):
kwargs = dict(strides=2, activation=self._act)
x = self.get('h1', tfkl.Dense, self._outdim, None)(features)
x = tf.reshape(x, [-1, 1, 1, self._outdim])
x = self.get('h2', tfkl.Conv2DTranspose,
4 * self._depth, self._kernel_sizes[0], **kwargs)(x)
x = self.get('h3', tfkl.Conv2DTranspose,
2 * self._depth, self._kernel_sizes[1], **kwargs)(x)
x = self.get('h4', tfkl.Conv2DTranspose,
1 * self._depth, self._kernel_sizes[2], **kwargs)(x)
x = self.get('h5', tfkl.Conv2DTranspose,
3 + self._shape[-1], self._kernel_sizes[3], strides=2)(x)
mean, mask = tf.split(x, [3, 3], -1)
mean = tf.reshape(mean, tf.concat(
[tf.shape(features)[:-1], self._shape], 0))
mask = tf.reshape(mask, tf.concat(
[tf.shape(features)[:-1], self._shape], 0))
return tfd.Independent(tfd.Normal(mean, 1), len(self._shape)), mask
class ConvDecoderMaskEnsemble(tools.Module):
ensemble two convdecoder with <Normal, mask> outputs
def __init__(self, decoder1, decoder2, precision):
self._decoder1 = decoder1
self._decoder2 = decoder2
self._precision = 'float' + str(precision)
self._shape = decoder1._shape
def __call__(self, feat1, feat2):
kwargs = dict(strides=1, activation=tf.nn.sigmoid)
pred1, mask1 = self._decoder1(feat1)
pred2, mask2 = self._decoder2(feat2)
mean1 = pred1.submodules[0].loc
mean2 = pred2.submodules[0].loc
mask_feat = tf.concat([mask1, mask2], -1)
mask = self.get('mask1', tfkl.Conv2D, 1, 1, **kwargs)(mask_feat)
mask_use1 = mask
mask_use2 = 1-mask
mean = mean1 * tf.cast(mask_use1, self._precision) + \
mean2 * tf.cast(mask_use2, self._precision)
return tfd.Independent(tfd.Normal(mean, 1), len(self._shape)), pred1, pred2, tf.cast(mask_use1, self._precision)
class InverseDecoder(tools.Module):
def __init__(self, shape, layers, units, act=tf.nn.elu):
self._shape = shape
self._layers = layers
self._units = units
self._act = act
def __call__(self, features):
x = tf.concat([features[:, :-1], features[:, 1:]], -1)
for index in range(self._layers):
x = self.get(f'h{index}', tfkl.Dense, self._units, self._act)(x)
x = self.get(f'hout', tfkl.Dense,
return tfd.Independent(tfd.Normal(x, 1), 1)
class DenseDecoder(tools.Module):
def __init__(self, shape, layers, units, dist='normal', act=tf.nn.elu):
self._shape = shape
self._layers = layers
self._units = units
self._dist = dist
self._act = act
def __call__(self, features):
x = features
for index in range(self._layers):
x = self.get(f'h{index}', tfkl.Dense, self._units, self._act)(x)
x = self.get(f'hout', tfkl.Dense,
x = tf.reshape(x, tf.concat([tf.shape(features)[:-1], self._shape], 0))
if self._dist == 'normal':
return tfd.Independent(tfd.Normal(x, 1), len(self._shape))
if self._dist == 'binary':
return tfd.Independent(tfd.Bernoulli(x), len(self._shape))
raise NotImplementedError(self._dist)
class ActionDecoder(tools.Module):
def __init__(
self, size, layers, units, dist='tanh_normal', act=tf.nn.elu,
min_std=1e-4, init_std=5, mean_scale=5):
self._size = size
self._layers = layers
self._units = units
self._dist = dist
self._act = act
self._min_std = min_std
self._init_std = init_std
self._mean_scale = mean_scale
def __call__(self, features):
raw_init_std = np.log(np.exp(self._init_std) - 1)
x = features
for index in range(self._layers):
x = self.get(f'h{index}', tfkl.Dense, self._units, self._act)(x)
if self._dist == 'tanh_normal':
x = self.get(f'hout', tfkl.Dense, 2 * self._size)(x)
mean, std = tf.split(x, 2, -1)
mean = self._mean_scale * tf.tanh(mean / self._mean_scale)
std = tf.nn.softplus(std + raw_init_std) + self._min_std
dist = tfd.Normal(mean, std)
dist = tfd.TransformedDistribution(dist, tools.TanhBijector())
dist = tfd.Independent(dist, 1)
dist = tools.SampleDist(dist)
elif self._dist == 'onehot':
x = self.get(f'hout', tfkl.Dense, self._size)(x)
dist = tools.OneHotDist(x)
raise NotImplementedError(dist)
return dist

Dreamer/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
import wrappers
import tools
import tensorflow as tf
import argparse
import functools
import yaml
import os
import pathlib
import sys
from tensorflow.keras.mixed_precision import experimental as prec
from dreamers import Dreamer, SeparationDreamer, InverseDreamer
from env_tools import count_steps, make_env
'dreamer': Dreamer,
'tia': SeparationDreamer,
'inverse': InverseDreamer
os.environ['TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL'] = '3'
os.environ['MUJOCO_GL'] = 'egl'
def main(method, config):
if method == 'separation':
config.logdir = os.path.join(
config.logdir, config.task,
'separation' + '_' + str(config.disen_neg_rew_scale) +
'_' + str(config.disen_rec_scale),
config.logdir = os.path.join(
config.logdir, config.task,
logdir = pathlib.Path(config.logdir)
logdir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
snapshot_dir = os.path.join(config.logdir, 'snapshots')
snapshot_dir = pathlib.Path(snapshot_dir)
snapshot_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
with open(os.path.join(config.logdir, 'config.yaml'), 'w') as f:
yaml.dump(vars(config), f, sort_keys=False)
if config.gpu_growth:
for gpu in tf.config.experimental.list_physical_devices('GPU'):
tf.config.experimental.set_memory_growth(gpu, True)
assert config.precision in (16, 32), config.precision
if config.precision == 16:
config.steps = int(config.steps)
config.logdir = logdir
print('Logdir', config.logdir)
# Create environments.
datadir = config.logdir / 'episodes'
writer = tf.summary.create_file_writer(
str(config.logdir), max_queue=1000, flush_millis=20000)
train_envs = [wrappers.Async(lambda: make_env(
config, writer, 'train', datadir, config.video_dir_train, store=True), config.parallel)
for _ in range(config.envs)]
test_envs = [wrappers.Async(lambda: make_env(
config, writer, 'test', datadir, config.video_dir_test, store=False), config.parallel)
for _ in range(config.envs)]
actspace = train_envs[0].action_space
# Prefill dataset with random episodes.
step = count_steps(datadir, config)
prefill = max(0, config.prefill - step)
print(f'Prefill dataset with {prefill} steps.')
def random_agent(o, d, _): return ([actspace.sample() for _ in d], None)
tools.simulate(random_agent, train_envs, prefill / config.action_repeat)
# Train and regularly evaluate the agent.
step = count_steps(datadir, config)
print(f'Simulating agent for {config.steps-step} steps.')
DreamerModel = METHOD2DREAMER[method]
agent = DreamerModel(config, datadir, actspace, writer)
if (config.logdir / 'variables.pkl').exists():
print('Load checkpoint.')
agent.load(config.logdir / 'variables.pkl')
state = None
should_snapshot = tools.Every(config.snapshot_every)
while step < config.steps:
print('Start evaluation.')
functools.partial(agent, training=False), test_envs, episodes=1)
print('Start collection.')
steps = config.eval_every // config.action_repeat
state = tools.simulate(agent, train_envs, steps, state=state)
step = count_steps(datadir, config) / 'variables.pkl')
if should_snapshot(step): / ('variables_' + str(step) + '.pkl'))
for env in train_envs + test_envs:
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
'--method', type=str, choices=['dreamer', 'inverse', 'tia'], required=True)
parser.add_argument('--configs', nargs='+', required=True)
args, remaining = parser.parse_known_args()
config_path = 'train_configs/' + args.method + '.yaml'
configs = yaml.safe_load(
(pathlib.Path(__file__).parent / config_path).read_text())
config_ = {}
for name in args.configs:
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
for key, value in config_.items():
f'--{key}', type=tools.args_type(value), default=value)
main(args.method, parser.parse_args(remaining))

Dreamer/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,474 @@
import datetime
import io
import pathlib
import pickle
import re
import uuid
import gym
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow.compat.v1 as tf1 # pylint: disable=E
import tensorflow_probability as tfp
from tensorflow.keras.mixed_precision import experimental as prec
from tensorflow_probability import distributions as tfd
class AttrDict(dict):
__setattr__ = dict.__setitem__
__getattr__ = dict.__getitem__
def from_dict(self, src_dict):
for key in src_dict:
setattr(self, key, src_dict[key])
class Module(tf.Module):
def save(self, filename):
values = tf.nest.map_structure(lambda x: x.numpy(), self.variables)
with pathlib.Path(filename).open('wb') as f:
pickle.dump(values, f)
def load(self, filename):
with pathlib.Path(filename).open('rb') as f:
values = pickle.load(f)
tf.nest.map_structure(lambda x, y: x.assign(y), self.variables, values)
def get(self, name, ctor, *args, **kwargs):
# Create or get layer by name to avoid mentioning it in the constructor.
if not hasattr(self, '_modules'):
self._modules = {}
if name not in self._modules:
self._modules[name] = ctor(*args, **kwargs)
return self._modules[name]
def nest_summary(structure):
if isinstance(structure, dict):
return {k: nest_summary(v) for k, v in structure.items()}
if isinstance(structure, list):
return [nest_summary(v) for v in structure]
if hasattr(structure, 'shape'):
return str(structure.shape).replace(', ', 'x').strip('(), ')
return '?'
def graph_summary(writer, fn, step, *args):
def inner(*args):
with writer.as_default():
return tf.numpy_function(inner, args, [])
def video_summary(name, video, step=None, fps=20):
if isinstance(name, type(np.zeros(1))):
name = str(name)
name = name if isinstance(name, str) else name.decode('utf-8')
if np.issubdtype(video.dtype, np.floating):
video = np.clip(255 * video, 0, 255).astype(np.uint8)
B, T, H, W, C = video.shape
frames = video.transpose((1, 2, 0, 3, 4)).reshape((T, H, B * W, C))
summary = tf1.Summary()
image = tf1.Summary.Image(height=B * H, width=T * W, colorspace=C)
image.encoded_image_string = encode_gif(frames, fps)
summary.value.add(tag=name + '/gif', image=image)
tf.summary.experimental.write_raw_pb(summary.SerializeToString(), step)
except (IOError, OSError) as e:
print('GIF summaries require ffmpeg in $PATH.', e)
frames = video.transpose((0, 2, 1, 3, 4)).reshape((1, B * H, T * W, C))
tf.summary.image(name + '/grid', frames, step)
def encode_gif(frames, fps):
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
if frames[0].shape[-1] > 3:
frames = np.transpose(frames, [0, 2, 3, 1])
h, w, c = frames[0].shape
if c!=64:
pxfmt = {1: 'gray', 3: 'rgb24'}[c]
cmd = ' '.join([
f'ffmpeg -y -f rawvideo -vcodec rawvideo',
f'-r {fps:.02f} -s {w}x{h} -pix_fmt {pxfmt} -i - -filter_complex',
f'-r {fps:.02f} -f gif -'])
proc = Popen(cmd.split(' '), stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
for image in frames:
out, err = proc.communicate()
if proc.returncode:
raise IOError('\n'.join([' '.join(cmd), err.decode('utf8')]))
del proc
return out
def simulate(agent, envs, steps=0, episodes=0, state=None):
# Initialize or unpack simulation state.
if state is None:
step, episode = 0, 0
done = np.ones(len(envs), np.bool)
length = np.zeros(len(envs), np.int32)
obs = [None] * len(envs)
agent_state = None
step, episode, done, length, obs, agent_state = state
while (steps and step < steps) or (episodes and episode < episodes):
# Reset envs if necessary.
if done.any():
indices = [index for index, d in enumerate(done) if d]
promises = [envs[i].reset(blocking=False) for i in indices]
for index, promise in zip(indices, promises):
obs[index] = promise()
# Step agents.
# if use augmentation, need to modify dreamer.policy or here.
obs = {k: np.stack([o[k] for o in obs]) for k in obs[0]}
obs['image'] = tf.transpose(obs['image'], [0, 3, 2, 1])
action, agent_state = agent(obs, done, agent_state)
action = np.array(action)
assert len(action) == len(envs)
# Step envs.
promises = [e.step(a, blocking=False) for e, a in zip(envs, action)]
obs, _, done = zip(*[p()[:3] for p in promises])
obs = list(obs)
done = np.stack(done)
episode += int(done.sum())
length += 1
step += (done * length).sum()
length *= (1 - done)
# Return new state to allow resuming the simulation.
return (step - steps, episode - episodes, done, length, obs, agent_state)
def count_episodes(directory):
filenames = directory.glob('*.npz')
lengths = [int(n.stem.rsplit('-', 1)[-1]) - 1 for n in filenames]
episodes, steps = len(lengths), sum(lengths)
return episodes, steps
def save_episodes(directory, episodes):
directory = pathlib.Path(directory).expanduser()
directory.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
timestamp ='%Y%m%dT%H%M%S')
for episode in episodes:
identifier = str(uuid.uuid4().hex)
length = len(episode['reward'])
filename = directory / f'{timestamp}-{identifier}-{length}.npz'
with io.BytesIO() as f1:
np.savez_compressed(f1, **episode)
with'wb') as f2:
def load_episodes(directory, rescan, length=None, balance=False, seed=0):
directory = pathlib.Path(directory).expanduser()
random = np.random.RandomState(seed)
cache = {}
while True:
for filename in directory.glob('*.npz'):
if filename not in cache:
with'rb') as f:
episode = np.load(f)
episode = {k: episode[k] for k in episode.keys()}
except Exception as e:
print(f'Could not load episode: {e}')
cache[filename] = episode
keys = list(cache.keys())
for index in random.choice(len(keys), rescan):
episode = cache[keys[index]]
if length:
total = len(next(iter(episode.values())))
available = total - length
if available < 1:
print(f'Skipped short episode of length {available}({total}/{length}).')
if balance:
index = min(random.randint(0, total), available)
index = int(random.randint(0, available))
episode = {k: v[index: index + length]
for k, v in episode.items()}
yield episode
class DummyEnv:
def __init__(self):
self._random = np.random.RandomState(seed=0)
self._step = None
def observation_space(self):
low = np.zeros([64, 64, 3], dtype=np.uint8)
high = 255 * np.ones([64, 64, 3], dtype=np.uint8)
spaces = {'image': gym.spaces.Box(low, high)}
return gym.spaces.Dict(spaces)
def action_space(self):
low = -np.ones([5], dtype=np.float32)
high = np.ones([5], dtype=np.float32)
return gym.spaces.Box(low, high)
def reset(self):
self._step = 0
obs = self.observation_space.sample()
return obs
def step(self, action):
obs = self.observation_space.sample()
reward = self._random.uniform(0, 1)
self._step += 1
done = self._step >= 1000
info = {}
return obs, reward, done, info
class SampleDist:
def __init__(self, dist, samples=100):
self._dist = dist
self._samples = samples
def name(self):
return 'SampleDist'
def __getattr__(self, name):
return getattr(self._dist, name)
def mean(self):
samples = self._dist.sample(self._samples)
return tf.reduce_mean(samples, 0)
def mode(self):
sample = self._dist.sample(self._samples)
logprob = self._dist.log_prob(sample)
return tf.gather(sample, tf.argmax(logprob))[0] # pylint: disable=E
def entropy(self):
sample = self._dist.sample(self._samples)
logprob = self.log_prob(sample)
return -tf.reduce_mean(logprob, 0)
class OneHotDist:
def __init__(self, logits=None, probs=None):
self._dist = tfd.Categorical(logits=logits, probs=probs)
self._num_classes = self.mean().shape[-1]
self._dtype = prec.global_policy().compute_dtype
def name(self):
return 'OneHotDist'
def __getattr__(self, name):
return getattr(self._dist, name)
def prob(self, events):
indices = tf.argmax(events, axis=-1)
return self._dist.prob(indices)
def log_prob(self, events):
indices = tf.argmax(events, axis=-1)
return self._dist.log_prob(indices)
def mean(self):
return self._dist.probs_parameter()
def mode(self):
return self._one_hot(self._dist.mode())
def sample(self, amount=None):
amount = [amount] if amount else []
indices = self._dist.sample(*amount)
sample = self._one_hot(indices)
probs = self._dist.probs_parameter()
sample += tf.cast(probs - tf.stop_gradient(probs), self._dtype)
return sample
def _one_hot(self, indices):
return tf.one_hot(indices, self._num_classes, dtype=self._dtype) # pylint: disable=E
class TanhBijector(tfp.bijectors.Bijector):
def __init__(self, validate_args=False, name='tanh'):
def _forward(self, x):
return tf.nn.tanh(x)
def _inverse(self, y):
dtype = y.dtype
y = tf.cast(y, tf.float32)
y = tf.where(
tf.less_equal(tf.abs(y), 1.),
tf.clip_by_value(y, -0.99999997, 0.99999997), y)
y = tf.atanh(y)
y = tf.cast(y, dtype)
return y
def _forward_log_det_jacobian(self, x):
log2 = tf.math.log(tf.constant(2.0, dtype=x.dtype))
return 2.0 * (log2 - x - tf.nn.softplus(-2.0 * x))
def lambda_return(
reward, value, pcont, bootstrap, lambda_, axis):
# Setting lambda=1 gives a discounted Monte Carlo return.
# Setting lambda=0 gives a fixed 1-step return.
assert reward.shape.ndims == value.shape.ndims, (reward.shape, value.shape)
if isinstance(pcont, (int, float)):
pcont = pcont * tf.ones_like(reward)
dims = list(range(reward.shape.ndims))
dims = [axis] + dims[1:axis] + [0] + dims[axis + 1:]
if axis != 0:
reward = tf.transpose(reward, dims)
value = tf.transpose(value, dims)
pcont = tf.transpose(pcont, dims)
if bootstrap is None:
bootstrap = tf.zeros_like(value[-1])
next_values = tf.concat([value[1:], bootstrap[None]], 0)
inputs = reward + pcont * next_values * (1 - lambda_)
returns = static_scan(
lambda agg, cur: cur[0] + cur[1] * lambda_ * agg,
(inputs, pcont), bootstrap, reverse=True)
if axis != 0:
returns = tf.transpose(returns, dims)
return returns
class Adam(tf.Module):
def __init__(self, name, modules, lr, clip=None, wd=None, wdpattern=r'.*'):
self._name = name
self._modules = modules
self._clip = clip
self._wd = wd
self._wdpattern = wdpattern
self._opt = tf.optimizers.Adam(lr)
self._opt = prec.LossScaleOptimizer(self._opt, 'dynamic')
self._variables = None
def variables(self):
return self._opt.variables()
def __call__(self, tape, loss):
if self._variables is None:
variables = [module.variables for module in self._modules]
self._variables = tf.nest.flatten(variables)
count = sum( for x in self._variables)
print(f'Found {count} {self._name} parameters.')
assert len(loss.shape) == 0, loss.shape
with tape:
loss = self._opt.get_scaled_loss(loss)
grads = tape.gradient(loss, self._variables)
grads = self._opt.get_unscaled_gradients(grads)
norm = tf.linalg.global_norm(grads)
if self._clip:
grads, _ = tf.clip_by_global_norm(grads, self._clip, norm)
if self._wd:
context = tf.distribute.get_replica_context()
self._opt.apply_gradients(zip(grads, self._variables))
return norm
def _apply_weight_decay(self, strategy):
print('Applied weight decay to variables:')
for var in self._variables:
if, self._name + '/' +
print('- ' + self._name + '/' +
strategy.extended.update(var, lambda var: self._wd * var)
def args_type(default):
if isinstance(default, bool):
return lambda x: bool(['False', 'True'].index(x))
if isinstance(default, int):
return lambda x: float(x) if ('e' in x or '.' in x) else int(x)
if isinstance(default, pathlib.Path):
return lambda x: pathlib.Path(x).expanduser()
return type(default)
def static_scan(fn, inputs, start, reverse=False):
last = start
outputs = [[] for _ in tf.nest.flatten(start)]
indices = range(len(tf.nest.flatten(inputs)[0]))
if reverse:
indices = reversed(indices)
for index in indices:
inp = tf.nest.map_structure(lambda x: x[index], inputs)
last = fn(last, inp)
[o.append(l) for o, l in zip(outputs, tf.nest.flatten(last))]
if reverse:
outputs = [list(reversed(x)) for x in outputs]
outputs = [tf.stack(x, 0) for x in outputs]
return tf.nest.pack_sequence_as(start, outputs)
def _mnd_sample(self, sample_shape=(), seed=None, name='sample'):
return tf.random.normal(
tuple(sample_shape) + tuple(self.event_shape),
self.mean(), self.stddev(), self.dtype, seed, name)
tfd.MultivariateNormalDiag.sample = _mnd_sample
def _cat_sample(self, sample_shape=(), seed=None, name='sample'):
assert len(sample_shape) in (0, 1), sample_shape
assert len(self.logits_parameter().shape) == 2
indices = tf.random.categorical(
self.logits_parameter(), sample_shape[0] if sample_shape else 1,
self.dtype, seed, name)
if not sample_shape:
indices = indices[..., 0]
return indices
tfd.Categorical.sample = _cat_sample
class Every:
def __init__(self, every):
self._every = every
self._last = None
def __call__(self, step):
if self._last is None:
self._last = step
return True
if step >= self._last + self._every:
self._last += self._every
return True
return False
class Once:
def __init__(self):
self._once = True
def __call__(self):
if self._once:
self._once = False
return True
return False

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More