317 lines
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317 lines
12 KiB
import argparse
import collections
import functools
import os
import pathlib
import sys
import warnings
warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', '.*box bound precision lowered.*')
os.environ['TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL'] = '3'
os.environ['MUJOCO_GL'] = 'egl'
import numpy as np
import ruamel.yaml as yaml
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.keras.mixed_precision import experimental as prec
from tensorflow_probability import distributions as tfd
import exploration as expl
import models
import tools
import wrappers
class Dreamer(tools.Module):
def __init__(self, config, logger, dataset):
self._config = config
self._logger = logger
self._float = prec.global_policy().compute_dtype
self._should_log = tools.Every(config.log_every)
self._should_train = tools.Every(config.train_every)
self._should_pretrain = tools.Once()
self._should_reset = tools.Every(config.reset_every)
self._should_expl = tools.Until(int(
config.expl_until / config.action_repeat))
self._metrics = collections.defaultdict(tf.metrics.Mean)
with tf.device('cpu:0'):
self._step = tf.Variable(count_steps(config.traindir), dtype=tf.int64)
# Schedules.
config.actor_entropy = (
lambda x=config.actor_entropy: tools.schedule(x, self._step))
config.actor_state_entropy = (
lambda x=config.actor_state_entropy: tools.schedule(x, self._step))
config.imag_gradient_mix = (
lambda x=config.imag_gradient_mix: tools.schedule(x, self._step))
self._dataset = iter(dataset)
self._wm = models.WorldModel(self._step, config)
self._task_behavior = models.ImagBehavior(
config, self._wm, config.behavior_stop_grad)
reward = lambda f, s, a: self._wm.heads['reward'](f).mode()
self._expl_behavior = dict(
greedy=lambda: self._task_behavior,
random=lambda: expl.Random(config),
plan2explore=lambda: expl.Plan2Explore(config, self._wm, reward),
# Train step to initialize variables including optimizer statistics.
def __call__(self, obs, reset, state=None, training=True):
step = self._step.numpy().item()
if self._should_reset(step):
state = None
if state is not None and reset.any():
mask = tf.cast(1 - reset, self._float)[:, None]
state = tf.nest.map_structure(lambda x: x * mask, state)
if training and self._should_train(step):
steps = (
self._config.pretrain if self._should_pretrain()
else self._config.train_steps)
for _ in range(steps):
if self._should_log(step):
for name, mean in self._metrics.items():
self._logger.scalar(name, float(mean.result()))
openl_joint, openl_main, openl_disen, openl_mask = self._wm.video_pred(next(self._dataset))
self._logger.video('train_openl_joint', openl_joint)
self._logger.video('train_openl_main', openl_main)
self._logger.video('train_openl_disen', openl_disen)
self._logger.video('train_openl_mask', openl_mask)
action, state = self._policy(obs, state, training)
if training:
self._logger.step = self._config.action_repeat \
* self._step.numpy().item()
return action, state
def _policy(self, obs, state, training):
if state is None:
batch_size = len(obs['image'])
latent = self._wm.dynamics.initial(len(obs['image']))
action = tf.zeros((batch_size, self._config.num_actions), self._float)
latent, action = state
embed = self._wm.encoder(self._wm.preprocess(obs))
latent, _ = self._wm.dynamics.obs_step(
latent, action, embed, self._config.collect_dyn_sample)
if self._config.eval_state_mean:
latent['stoch'] = latent['mean']
feat = self._wm.dynamics.get_feat(latent)
if not training:
action = self._task_behavior.actor(feat).mode()
elif self._should_expl(self._step):
action = self._expl_behavior.actor(feat).sample()
action = self._task_behavior.actor(feat).sample()
if self._config.actor_dist == 'onehot_gumble':
action = tf.cast(
tf.one_hot(tf.argmax(action, axis=-1), self._config.num_actions),
action = self._exploration(action, training)
state = (latent, action)
return action, state
def _exploration(self, action, training):
amount = self._config.expl_amount if training else self._config.eval_noise
if amount == 0:
return action
amount = tf.cast(amount, self._float)
if 'onehot' in self._config.actor_dist:
probs = amount / self._config.num_actions + (1 - amount) * action
return tools.OneHotDist(probs=probs).sample()
return tf.clip_by_value(tfd.Normal(action, amount).sample(), -1, 1)
raise NotImplementedError(self._config.action_noise)
def _train(self, data):
print('Tracing train function.')
metrics = {}
embed, post, feat, kl, mets = self._wm.train(data)
start = post
if self._config.pred_discount: # Last step could be terminal.
start = {k: v[:, :-1] for k, v in post.items()}
embed, feat, kl = embed[:, :-1], feat[:, :-1], kl[:, :-1]
reward = lambda f, s, a: self._wm.heads['reward'](f).mode()
metrics.update(self._task_behavior.train(start, reward)[-1])
if self._config.expl_behavior != 'greedy':
mets = self._expl_behavior.train(start, feat, embed, kl)[-1]
metrics.update({'expl_' + key: value for key, value in mets.items()})
for name, value in metrics.items():
def count_steps(folder):
return sum(int(str(n).split('-')[-1][:-4]) - 1 for n in folder.glob('*.npz'))
def make_dataset(episodes, config):
example = episodes[next(iter(episodes.keys()))]
types = {k: v.dtype for k, v in example.items()}
shapes = {k: (None,) + v.shape[1:] for k, v in example.items()}
generator = lambda: tools.sample_episodes(
episodes, config.batch_length, config.oversample_ends)
dataset = tf.data.Dataset.from_generator(generator, types, shapes)
dataset = dataset.batch(config.batch_size, drop_remainder=True)
dataset = dataset.prefetch(10)
return dataset
def make_env(config, logger, mode, train_eps, eval_eps):
suite, task = config.task.split('_', 1)
if suite == 'dmc':
env = wrappers.DeepMindControl(task, config.action_repeat, config.size)
env = wrappers.NormalizeActions(env)
elif suite == 'atari':
env = wrappers.Atari(
task, config.action_repeat, config.size,
life_done=False and (mode == 'train'),
env = wrappers.OneHotAction(env)
raise NotImplementedError(suite)
env = wrappers.TimeLimit(env, config.time_limit)
callbacks = [functools.partial(
process_episode, config, logger, mode, train_eps, eval_eps)]
env = wrappers.CollectDataset(env, callbacks)
env = wrappers.RewardObs(env)
return env
def process_episode(config, logger, mode, train_eps, eval_eps, episode):
directory = dict(train=config.traindir, eval=config.evaldir)[mode]
cache = dict(train=train_eps, eval=eval_eps)[mode]
filename = tools.save_episodes(directory, [episode])[0]
length = len(episode['reward']) - 1
score = float(episode['reward'].astype(np.float64).sum())
video = episode['image']
if mode == 'eval':
if mode == 'train' and config.dataset_size:
total = 0
for key, ep in reversed(sorted(cache.items(), key=lambda x: x[0])):
if total <= config.dataset_size - length:
total += len(ep['reward']) - 1
del cache[key]
logger.scalar('dataset_size', total + length)
cache[str(filename)] = episode
print(f'{mode.title()} episode has {length} steps and return {score:.1f}.')
logger.scalar(f'{mode}_return', score)
logger.scalar(f'{mode}_length', length)
logger.scalar(f'{mode}_episodes', len(cache))
if mode == 'eval' or config.expl_gifs:
logger.video(f'{mode}_policy', video[None])
def main(logdir, config):
logdir = os.path.join(
logdir, config.task, 'Ours', str(config.seed))
logdir = pathlib.Path(logdir).expanduser()
config.traindir = config.traindir or logdir / 'train_eps'
config.evaldir = config.evaldir or logdir / 'eval_eps'
config.steps //= config.action_repeat
config.eval_every //= config.action_repeat
config.log_every //= config.action_repeat
config.time_limit //= config.action_repeat
config.act = getattr(tf.nn, config.act)
if config.debug:
if config.gpu_growth:
message = 'No GPU found. To actually train on CPU remove this assert.'
assert tf.config.experimental.list_physical_devices('GPU'), message
for gpu in tf.config.experimental.list_physical_devices('GPU'):
tf.config.experimental.set_memory_growth(gpu, True)
assert config.precision in (16, 32), config.precision
if config.precision == 16:
print('Logdir', logdir)
logdir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
config.traindir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
config.evaldir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
step = count_steps(config.traindir)
logger = tools.Logger(logdir, config.action_repeat * step)
print('Create envs.')
if config.offline_traindir:
directory = config.offline_traindir.format(**vars(config))
directory = config.traindir
train_eps = tools.load_episodes(directory, limit=config.dataset_size)
if config.offline_evaldir:
directory = config.offline_evaldir.format(**vars(config))
directory = config.evaldir
eval_eps = tools.load_episodes(directory, limit=1)
make = lambda mode: make_env(config, logger, mode, train_eps, eval_eps)
train_envs = [make('train') for _ in range(config.envs)]
eval_envs = [make('eval') for _ in range(config.envs)]
acts = train_envs[0].action_space
config.num_actions = acts.n if hasattr(acts, 'n') else acts.shape[0]
prefill = max(0, config.prefill - count_steps(config.traindir))
print(f'Prefill dataset ({prefill} steps).')
random_agent = lambda o, d, s: ([acts.sample() for _ in d], s)
tools.simulate(random_agent, train_envs, prefill)
tools.simulate(random_agent, eval_envs, episodes=1)
logger.step = config.action_repeat * count_steps(config.traindir)
print('Simulate agent.')
train_dataset = make_dataset(train_eps, config)
eval_dataset = iter(make_dataset(eval_eps, config))
agent = Dreamer(config, logger, train_dataset)
if (logdir / 'variables.pkl').exists():
agent.load(logdir / 'variables.pkl')
agent._should_pretrain._once = False
state = None
suite, task = config.task.split('_', 1)
num_eval_episodes = 10 if suite == 'procgen' else 1
while agent._step.numpy().item() < config.steps:
print('Start evaluation.')
openl_joint, openl_main, openl_disen, openl_mask = agent._wm.video_pred(next(eval_dataset))
logger.video('eval_openl_joint', openl_joint)
logger.video('eval_openl_main', openl_main)
logger.video('eval_openl_disen', openl_disen)
logger.video('eval_openl_mask', openl_mask)
eval_policy = functools.partial(agent, training=False)
tools.simulate(eval_policy, eval_envs, episodes=num_eval_episodes)
print('Start training.')
state = tools.simulate(agent, train_envs, config.eval_every, state=state)
agent.save(logdir / 'variables.pkl')
for env in train_envs + eval_envs:
except Exception:
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--configs', nargs='+', required=True)
args, remaining = parser.parse_known_args()
configs = yaml.safe_load((pathlib.Path(__file__).parent / 'configs.yaml').read_text())
config_ = {}
for name in args.configs:
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
for key, value in config_.items():
arg_type = tools.args_type(value)
parser.add_argument(f'--{key}', type=arg_type, default=arg_type(value))
main(config_['logdir'], parser.parse_args(remaining))