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2021-10-09 00:33:47 +00:00
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow_probability as tfp
import numpy as np
from utils import getsess
tfd = tfp.distributions
from utils import flatten_two_dims, unflatten_first_dim, SmallConv, TransitionNetwork, normal_parse_params, \
ProjectionHead, ContrastiveHead, rec_log_prob, GenerativeNetworkGaussianFix
class DynamicBottleneck(object):
def __init__(self, policy, tau, loss_kl_weight, loss_l2_weight, loss_nce_weight, aug, feat_dim=512, scope='DB'):
self.scope = scope
self.feat_dim = feat_dim
self.policy = policy
self.hidsize = policy.hidsize # 512
self.ob_space = policy.ob_space # Box(84, 84, 4)
self.ac_space = policy.ac_space # Discrete(4)
self.obs = self.policy.ph_ob # shape=(None,None,84,84,4)
self.ob_mean = self.policy.ob_mean # shape=(None,None,84,84,4)
self.ob_std = self.policy.ob_std # 1.8
self.tau = tau # tau for update the momentum network
self.loss_kl_weight = loss_kl_weight # loss_kl_weight
self.loss_l2_weight = loss_l2_weight # loss_l2_weight
self.loss_nce_weight = loss_nce_weight # loss_nce_weight
self.aug = aug
with tf.variable_scope(scope):
self.feature_conv = SmallConv(feat_dim=self.feat_dim, name="DB_main") # (None, None, 512)
self.feature_conv_momentum = SmallConv(feat_dim=self.feat_dim, name="DB_momentum") # (None, None, 512)
self.transition_model = TransitionNetwork(name="DB_transition") # (None, None, 256)
self.generative_model = GenerativeNetworkGaussianFix(name="DB_generative") # (None, None, 512)
self.projection_head = ProjectionHead(name="DB_projection_main") # projection head
self.projection_head_momentum = ProjectionHead(name="DB_projection_momentum") # projection head Momentum
self.contrastive_head = ContrastiveHead(temperature=1.0, name="DB_contrastive")
# (None,1,84,84,4)
self.last_ob = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.int32, shape=(None, 1) + self.ob_space.shape, name='last_ob')
self.next_ob = tf.concat([self.obs[:, 1:], self.last_ob], 1) # (None,None,84,84,4)
self.features = self.get_features(self.obs) # (None,None,512)
self.next_features = self.get_features(self.next_ob, momentum=True) # (None,None,512) stop gradient
self.ac = self.policy.ph_ac # (None, None)
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#self.ac_pad = tf.one_hot(self.ac, self.ac_space.n, axis=2)
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# transition model
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latent_params = self.transition_model([self.features, self.ac]) # (None, None, 256)
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self.latent_dis = normal_parse_params(latent_params, 1e-3) # Gaussian. mu, sigma=(None, None, 128)
# prior
sh = tf.shape(self.latent_dis.mean()) # sh=(None, None, 128)
self.prior_dis = tfd.Normal(loc=tf.zeros(sh), scale=tf.ones(sh))
# kl
kl = tfp.distributions.kl_divergence(self.latent_dis, self.prior_dis) # (None, None, 128)
kl = tf.reduce_sum(kl, axis=-1) # (None, None)
# generative network
latent = self.latent_dis.sample() # (None, None, 128)
rec_params = self.generative_model(latent) # (None, None, 1024)
assert rec_params.get_shape().as_list()[-1] == 1024 and len(rec_params.get_shape().as_list()) == 3
rec_dis = normal_parse_params(rec_params, 0.1) # distribution
rec_vec = rec_dis.sample() # mean of rec_params
assert rec_vec.get_shape().as_list()[-1] == 512 and len(rec_vec.get_shape().as_list()) == 3
# contrastive projection
z_a = self.projection_head(rec_vec) # (None, 128)
z_pos = tf.stop_gradient(self.projection_head_momentum(self.next_features)) # (None, 128)
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assert z_a.get_shape().as_list()[-1] == 128 and len(z_a.get_shape().as_list()) == 2
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# contrastive loss
logits = self.contrastive_head([z_a, z_pos]) # (batch_size, batch_size)
labels = tf.one_hot(tf.range(int(16*128)), depth=16*128) # (batch_size, batch_size)
rec_loss = tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(labels=labels, logits=logits) # (batch_size, )
rec_log_nce = -1. * rec_loss
rec_log_nce = unflatten_first_dim(rec_log_nce, sh) # shape=(None, None) (128,128)
# L2 loss
log_prob = rec_dis.log_prob(self.next_features) # (None, None, 512)
assert len(log_prob.get_shape().as_list()) == 3 and log_prob.get_shape().as_list()[-1] == 512
rec_log_l2 = tf.reduce_sum(log_prob, axis=-1)
rec_log = rec_log_nce * self.loss_nce_weight + rec_log_l2 * self.loss_l2_weight
# loss
self.loss = kl * self.loss_kl_weight - rec_log # kl
self.loss_info = {"DB_NCELoss": -1.*tf.reduce_mean(rec_log_nce),
"DB_NCELoss_w": -1. * tf.reduce_mean(rec_log_nce) * self.loss_nce_weight,
"DB_L2Loss": -1.*tf.reduce_mean(rec_log_l2),
"DB_L2Loss_w": -1.*tf.reduce_mean(rec_log_l2) * self.loss_l2_weight,
"DB_KLLoss": tf.reduce_mean(kl),
"DB_KLLoss_w": tf.reduce_mean(kl) * self.loss_kl_weight,
"DB_Loss": tf.reduce_mean(self.loss)}
# intrinsic reward
self.intrinsic_reward = self.intrinsic_contrastive()
self.intrinsic_reward = tf.stop_gradient(self.intrinsic_reward)
# update the momentum network
self.init_updates, self.momentum_updates = self.get_momentum_updates(tau=self.tau)
print("*** DB Total Components:", len(self.ib_get_vars(name='DB/')), ", Total Variables:", self.ib_get_params(self.ib_get_vars(name='DB/')), "\n")
def ib_get_vars(name):
return tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_VARIABLES, scope=name)
def ib_get_params(vars):
return np.sum([np.prod(v.shape) for v in vars])
def get_momentum_updates(self, tau): # tau=0.001
main_var = self.ib_get_vars(name='DB/DB_features/DB_main') + self.ib_get_vars(name="DB/DB_projection_main")
momentum_var = self.ib_get_vars(name='DB/DB_features_1/DB_momentum') + self.ib_get_vars(name="DB/DB_projection_momentum")
# print("\n\n momentum_var:", momentum_var)
assert len(main_var) > 0 and len(main_var) == len(momentum_var)
print("***In DB, feature & projection has ", len(main_var), "components, ", self.ib_get_params(main_var), "parameters.")
soft_updates = []
init_updates = []
assert len(main_var) == len(momentum_var)
for var, tvar in zip(main_var, momentum_var):
init_updates.append(tf.assign(tvar, var))
soft_updates.append(tf.assign(tvar, (1. - tau) * tvar + tau * var))
assert len(init_updates) == len(main_var)
assert len(soft_updates) == len(main_var)
return tf.group(*init_updates), tf.group(*soft_updates)
def get_features(self, x, momentum=False): # x.shape=(None,None,84,84,4)
x_has_timesteps = (x.get_shape().ndims == 5) # True
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if x_has_timesteps:
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sh = tf.shape(x)
x = flatten_two_dims(x) # (None,84,84,4)
if self.aug:
x = tf.image.random_crop(x, size=[128*16, 80, 80, 4]) # (None,80,80,4)
x = tf.pad(x, [[0, 0], [4, 4], [4, 4], [0, 0]], "SYMMETRIC") # (None,88,88,4)
x = tf.image.random_crop(x, size=[128*16, 84, 84, 4]) # (None,84,84,4)
with tf.variable_scope(self.scope + "_features"):
x = (tf.to_float(x) - self.ob_mean) / self.ob_std
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x = tf.transpose(x, [0, 2, 3, 1]) # shape=(None,84,84,4)
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if momentum:
x = tf.stop_gradient(self.feature_conv_momentum(x)) # (None,512)
x = self.feature_conv(x) # (None,512)
if x_has_timesteps:
x = unflatten_first_dim(x, sh) # (None,None,512)
return x
def intrinsic_contrastive(self):
kl = tfp.distributions.kl_divergence(self.latent_dis, self.prior_dis) # (None, None, 128)
rew = tf.reduce_sum(kl, axis=-1) # (None, None)
return rew
def calculate_db_reward(self, ob, last_ob, acs):
n_chunks = 8
n = ob.shape[0]
chunk_size = n // n_chunks
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2021-10-09 00:33:47 +00:00
assert n % n_chunks == 0
sli = lambda i: slice(i * chunk_size, (i + 1) * chunk_size)
# compute reward
rew = np.concatenate([getsess().run(self.intrinsic_reward,
{self.obs: ob[sli(i)], self.last_ob: last_ob[sli(i)],
self.ac: acs[sli(i)]}) for i in range(n_chunks)], 0)
return rew