Upload program object_sorter

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Tanja Sukal 2024-08-27 08:35:36 +00:00
parent 384adae17c
commit 5dec438d78

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@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from time import sleep
from ev3dev2.motor import Motor, MoveTank, SpeedPercent, OUTPUT_A, OUTPUT_B, OUTPUT_C, OUTPUT_D
from ev3dev2.sensor import INPUT_2,INPUT_3,INPUT_4
from ev3dev2.sensor.lego import ColorSensor, UltrasonicSensor, GyroSensor
from ev3dev2.led import Leds
from pixycamev3.pixy2 import Pixy2
class Object_Sorter():
# Define type of global variables
state: str
last_state: str
us: UltrasonicSensor
cs: ColorSensor
gyro: GyroSensor
m_left: Motor
m_right: Motor
tank: MoveTank
leds: Leds
pixy2: Pixy2
params: dict
states: dict
cylces: int
# Define all inputs, outputs of the Robot and initialize
def __init__(self, **args):
# Camera and sensors are inputs
self.us = UltrasonicSensor(args.get("ultrasonic_input",INPUT_2))
self.cs = ColorSensor(args.get("color_input",INPUT_3))
self.gyro = GyroSensor(args.get("gyro_input",INPUT_4))
self.pixy2 = Pixy2(port=args.get("camera_port",1), i2c_address=0x54)
# Motors are outputs
self.m_left = Motor(args.get("leftmotor_output",OUTPUT_A))
self.m_right = Motor(args.get("rightmotor_output",OUTPUT_D))
# Also define drive tank to move syncronized
self.tank = MoveTank(args.get("leftmotor_output",OUTPUT_A), args.get("rightmotor_output",OUTPUT_D))
self.leds = Leds()
# The motor is initialized to run counter-clockwise (gegen den Uhrzeigersinn)
# use 'normal' to initialize it to run clockwise (im Uhrzeigersinn)
self.m_left.polarity = args.get("leftmotor_polarity",'inversed')
self.m_right.polarity = args.get("rightmotor_polarity",'inversed')
# Read inputs for the given experiment / enviroment
params["sig_let"] = args.get("signature_dice_remains",1) # Signatur of orange dice
params["sig_sort"] = args.get("signature_dice_sorted",2)# Signatur of green dice
params["fast"] = args.get("speed_drive", 30) # driving speed
params["slow"] = args.get("speed_search", 10) # searching speed
params["dist_us"] = args.get("distance_us",12) # detection range ultrasonic sensor
params["line"] = args.get("max_reflection_outline", 10) # max. reflection of outline
# Safe Parameters for later, can be changed
self.params = params
# initalization state defined
self.state = "search" # Initiate search state for beginning
self.last_state = "search" # Variable for saving last state
self.cycles = 0 # control variable
self.gyro.reset() # reset gyro sensor
self.states = { # dictionary of the states/classes
"search": self.search,
"get": self.get,
"sort": self.sort,
"avoid": self.avoid,
"edge": self.edge
# Define method/state search
def search (self):
# turn slowly aroud on place and search for blocks,
# if nothing is found change searchplace
self.leds.set_color("LEFT", "BLACK")
self.leds.set_color("RIGHT", "BLACK")
# turn on place to the right
# search for blocks
nr_sort, sort_block = self.pixy2.get_blocks(self.params["sig_sort"], 2)
nr_let, let_block = self.pixy2.get_blocks(self.params["sig_let"], 2)
if self.cs.reflected_light_intensity < self.params["line"]: # if outline is reached change state to edge
self.last_state = self.state
self.state = "edge"
elif self.us.distance_centimeters < self.params["dist_us"]: # if a block is currently in the arms change to sort
self.last_state = state
self.state = "sort"
elif nr_sort > 0: # when block to sort is found then change to get
self.last_state = self.state
self.state = "get"
elif nr_let > 0: # when block that remains is found then change to avoid
self.last_state = self.state
self.state = "avoid"
elif self.gyro.angle > 720: # when the robot does not find a block drive a little bit forward
rounds=0 # rounds of driving forward
while self.cs.reflected_light_intensity > self.params["line"] and rounds <= 5:
if self.cs.reflected_light_intensity <= self.params["line"] :
self.last_state = self.state
self.state = "edge"
rounds=0 # Reset control variable
# Define method/state get
def get (self):
# drive twoards block and get it into arms
self.leds.set_color("LEFT", "GREEN")
self.leds.set_color("RIGHT", "BLACK")
# drive straight ahead
# find the block for sorting again
nr_sort, sort_block = self.pixy2.get_blocks(self.params["sig_sort"], 2)
if nr_sort > 0: # if block is found again get position
x = sort_block[0].x_center #get where in the field of vision the block lays
self.cylces = 0
else: # when block is not found, virtually place the robot in the middle of the vision
x = 130
self.cylces +=1
if 4 <= self.cylces < 6: # camera has not found block for 4 cycles
self.tank.on_for_seconds(-1*self.params["fast"],-1*self.params["fast"],0.4) # drive backwards max. 2 times
elif 6 == self.cylces: # if block is not found drive a little bit to left
elif self.cylces > 6: # when block is still not found go back to search
self.cylces = 0
self.state = "search"
# Decide what robot should do with the gathered information
if self.us.distance_centimeters <= self.params["dist_us"]: # block is in the arms of robot change to sort
self.last_state = self.state
self.state = "sort" # when block distance is small switch state
else: # correct drive direction to get block into arms
# when block on left side drive more left
if x < 110: # turn left
# when block on right side drive more right
elif x > 150: # turn right
if self.cs.reflected_light_intensity < self.params["line"]: # robot detected line change to edge
self.last_state = self.state
self.state = "edge" # When colorsensor detects line then switch state
# Define method/state sort
def sort (self):
# block is caught, drive to the edge
self.leds.set_color("LEFT", "GREEN")
self.leds.set_color("RIGHT", "GREEN")
# drive straight ahead
# search for block to let be in area
nr_let, let_block = self.pixy2.get_blocks(sig_let, 2)
if self.cs.reflected_light_intensity < self.params["line"]: # when reached line change to edge
self.last_state = self.state
self.state = "edge"
elif nr_let > 0:
self.last_state = self.state
self.state = "avoid"
# Define method/state avoid
def avoid (self):
# found green block, do not want to kick it out
self.leds.set_color("LEFT", "ORANGE")
self.leds.set_color("RIGHT", "ORANGE")
# search for green block again
nr_let, let_block = self.pixy2.get_blocks(sig_let, 2)
if nr_let > 0: # if block is found again get position
x = let_block[0].x_center # get where in the field of vision the block lays
else: # when block is not found, virtually place the robot in the middle of the vision
x = 130
# When block lays in middle of the vision drive around it
if 100 < x < 150:
self.state = self.last_state
self.last_state = "avoid"
# Define method/state edge
def edge (self):
# robot reached outerline and should turn around
self.leds.set_color("LEFT", "BLACK")
self.leds.set_color("RIGHT", "RED")
self.gyro.reset() # reset gyro sensor
# drive straight backwards
while self.gyro.angle < 100: #turn around for 100 degrees
self.state = "search"
self.gyro.reset() # reset gyro sensor again
def get_params(self):
return self.params
def run(self):
while True: # endless-loop for switching states
func = self.states.get(self.state) # function that gets state
func() # activate current state
sleep(0.3) # wait for 0.3 seconds between the different states
if __name__ == "__main__":
# All arguments that can be changed are given here
arguments = dict(
#ultrasonic_input = INPUT_2,
#color_input = INPUT_3,
#gyro_input = INPUT_4,
#camera_port = 1,
#leftmotor_output = OUTPUT_A,
#rightmotor_output = OUTPUT_D,
#signature_dice_remains = 1,
#signature_dice_sorted = 2,
#speed_drive = 30,
#speed_search = 10,
#distance_us =10,
max_reflection_outline = 10
os = Object_Sorter(arguments)