Added Color Sorter test

This commit is contained in:
Tanja Sukal 2023-08-10 10:41:05 +02:00
parent dedb891554
commit 523de55fca
4 changed files with 607 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from time import sleep
from ev3dev2.motor import LargeMotor, OUTPUT_A, OUTPUT_B
from ev3dev2.sensor import INPUT_1
from import TouchSensor
from ev3dev2.led import Leds
from pixycamev3.pixy2 import Pixy2
pixy2 = Pixy2(port=1, i2c_address=0x54)
leds = Leds()
#Try what happens when sig = 3 and try out if you can define where the block lays in the camaera field (left/right/middle)

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@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from time import sleep
from ev3dev2.motor import LargeMotor, OUTPUT_A, OUTPUT_B
from ev3dev2.sensor import INPUT_1
from import TouchSensor
from ev3dev2.led import Leds
from pixycamev3.pixy2 import Pixy2
pixy2 = Pixy2(port=1, i2c_address=0x54)
leds = Leds()
while True:
nr_blocks, blocks = pixy2.get_blocks(1, 2)
nr_blocks2, block= pixy2.get_blocks(2,2)
# Extract data of first (and only) block
if nr_blocks > 0:
sig = blocks[0].sig
x = blocks[0].x_center
y = blocks[0].y_center
w = blocks[0].width
y = blocks[0].height
elif nr_blocks2 > 0:
sig2 = block[0].sig
x2 = block[0].x_center
y2 = block[0].y_center
w2 = block[0].width
y2 = block[0].height
print('nothing found')

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@ -0,0 +1,554 @@
""" Python package for Pixy2 and LEGO EV3 controller
You can use this package for Pixy2 on a LEGO Ev3 controller
running on the ev3dev operating system.
Public classes:
Pixy2 -- Common functionality of Pixy2
Pixy2Version -- Version information
Pixy2Resolution -- Width and height of frame
Block -- Color Connected Components packet
Vector -- Vector data
Intersection -- Intersection data
Branch -- Branch data
Barcode -- Barcode data
MainFeatures -- Linetracking data
Author : Kees Smit
Date : December 22 2021
Version : 1.10
License : GNU General Public License v2
Charmed Labs,
# Custom DataErrors:
class Pixy2DataError(Exception):
""" Custom error for Pixy data communication."""
def __init__(self, message, errors):
self.errors = errors
class Pixy2ConnectionError(Exception):
""" Custom error for Pixy connection fault."""
def __init__(self, message, errors):
self.errors = errors
class Pixy2PythonInterpreterError(Exception):
""" Custom error for Pixy on unkown Python interpreter."""
def __init__(self, message, errors):
self.errors = errors
class Pixy2CommunicationError(Exception):
""" Custom error for fault in serial communication with Pixy2."""
def __init__(self, message, errors):
self.errors = errors
class PlatformError(Exception):
""" Custom error for non EV3 platform."""
def __init__(self, message, errors):
self.errors = errors
# Imports from Python standard library
import os, sys
from time import sleep
# Check program is running on LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3
BOARD_INFO_DIR = '/sys/class/board-info/'
msg_plf_error = 'Wrong platform: can only run on LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3'
# Check if BOARD_INFO_DIR exists
raise PlatformError(msg_plf_error, 'PlatformError')
boards = os.listdir(BOARD_INFO_DIR)
for board in boards:
filename = BOARD_INFO_DIR + '/' + board + '/uevent'
with open(filename, 'r') as fn:
for line in fn.readlines():
(key, value) = line.strip().split('=')
if key == 'BOARD_INFO_MODEL':
if value != 'LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3':
raise PlatformError(msg_plf_error, 'PlatformError')
# Check current Python interpreter
if == 'cpython':
# Running Python on ev3dev
PLF = 'cp'
elif == 'pybricks-micropython':
# Running MicroPython on PyBricks
PLF = 'mp'
# Unknown Python interpreter
msg = 'Unknown Python Interpreter.'
raise Pixy2PythonInterpreterError(msg, 'Pixy2PythonInterpreterError')
# Import additional modules (interpreter dependent)
if PLF == 'cp':
from smbus import SMBus
from ev3dev2.sensor import INPUT_1, INPUT_2, INPUT_3, INPUT_4
from ev3dev2.port import LegoPort
elif PLF == 'mp':
from pybricks.parameters import Port
from pybricks.iodevices import I2CDevice
class Pixy2:
""" This class contains all general functionalities of Pixy2.
Keyword arguments:
port -- portnumber to wich the Pixy2 is connected (INT)
i2c_address -- i2c address for communicating with Pixy2 (hexa-decimal)
Public methods:
get_version -- Get harware and firmware version of Pixy2
get_resolution -- Get resolution of Pixy2 frame
set_lamp -- Turn upper and lower leds of Pixys on or off
set_mode -- Set linetracking mode
get_blocks -- Get data about detected signatures
get_linetracking_data -- Get data for linetracking
def __init__(self, port=1, i2c_address=0x54):
""" Initialising Pixy2 class.
Keyword arguments:
port -- portnumber to wich the Pixy2 is connected
(INT in range (1, 4)).
i2c_address -- i2c address for communicating with Pixy2
(hexa-decimal, set in configuration Pixy2).
self.i2c_address = i2c_address
if PLF == 'cp':
# Set LEGO port for Pixy2
if port == 1:
pixy_port = LegoPort(INPUT_1)
elif port == 2:
pixy_port = LegoPort(INPUT_2)
elif port == 3:
pixy_port = LegoPort(INPUT_3)
elif port == 4:
pixy_port = LegoPort(INPUT_4)
raise ValueError('Portnumber out of range (1, 4)')
# Set LEGO port mode to i2c
pixy_port.mode = 'other-i2c'
# Short wait for port to get ready
# Define Pixy2
self.pixy2 = SMBus(port+2)
elif PLF == 'mp':
# Set LEGO port for Pixy2
if port == 1:
ev3_port = Port.S1
elif port == 2:
ev3_port = Port.S2
elif port == 3:
ev3_port = Port.S3
elif port == 4:
ev3_port = Port.S4
raise ValueError('Portnumber out of range (1, 4)')
# Define Pixy2
self.pixy2 = I2CDevice(ev3_port, i2c_address)
def pixy2_request(self, request, response_type):
""" Send request to Pixy2, return header on success or error on fail."""
times_tried = 0
while True:
times_tried += 1
if times_tried == 10:
# Tried sending 10 times without success, raise error
msg = 'Fault in serial communication.'
raise Pixy2CommunicationError(msg, 'Pixy2CommunicationError')
# Send requeat to Pixy2
# Read header of response
header = self._i2c_read(6)
# Check header for success or fail
err = self._check_header(header, response_type)
if err == 'NO_ERROR':
# Successful request, break out of loop and return header
# Request not successful, try again
return header
def _i2c_write(self, data):
""" Write data to Pixy2."""
if PLF == 'cp':
self.pixy2.write_i2c_block_data(self.i2c_address, 0, data)
elif PLF == 'mp':
self.pixy2.write(reg=0x00, data=bytes(data))
msg = 'Unknown Python Interpreter.'
raise Pixy2PythonInterpreterError(msg, 'Pixy2PythonInterpreterError')
def _i2c_read(self, length):
""" Read data from Pixy2."""
if PLF == 'cp':
response = self.pixy2.read_i2c_block_data(self.i2c_address, 0, length)
elif PLF == 'mp':
response =, length=length)
msg = 'Unknown Python Interpreter.'
raise Pixy2PythonInterpreterError(msg, 'Pixy2PythonInterpreterError')
return response
def _check_header(self, header, packet_type):
""" Check if data packet type is correct, raise exception when not."""
err = 'NO_ERROR'
serial_errors = {'SER_ERROR_GENERAL': 255, # b'\xff'
'SER_ERROR_BUSY': 254, # b'\xfe'
# Check packet_type of response (header[2])
if header[2] == 0:
# No data at all, Pixy2 connected?
msg = 'Empty data packet, check if Pixy2 is properly connected!'
raise Pixy2ConnectionError(msg, 'Pixy2ConnectionError')
elif header[2] == 3:
# Serial error
e = self._i2c_read(1)
err = [k for k, v in serial_errors.items() if v == e[0]]
elif header[2] != packet_type:
# Read wrong type of packet
msg = "Read wrong type of packet: {} instead of {}".format(
header[2], packet_type)
raise Pixy2DataError(msg, 'Pixy2DataError')
return err
def get_version(self):
""" Queries and receives the firmware and hardware version Pixy2."""
pixy2_version = Pixy2Version()
# Request data
data = [174, 193, 14, 0]
response_type = 15
header = self.pixy2_request(data, response_type)
# Read and parse data on successful request
data = self._i2c_read(7)
pixy2_version.hardware = data[1] << 8 | data[0]
fw = [str(data[2]), str(data[3]), str(data[5] << 8 | data[4])]
pixy2_version.firmware = '.'.join(fw)
pixy2_version.firmware_type = data[6]
return pixy2_version
def get_resolution(self):
""" Gets the width and height of the current frame."""
resolution = PixyResolution()
data = [174, 193, 12, 1, 0]
response_type = 13
self.pixy2_request(data, response_type)
# Read and parse data on successful request
data = self._i2c_read(4)
resolution.width = data[1] << 8 | data[0]
resolution.height = data[3] << 8 | data[2]
return resolution
def set_lamp(self, upper, lower):
""" Turn on/off upper and lower LED's of Pixy2 (0=off, 1=on)."""
data = [174, 193, 22, 2, upper, lower]
response_type = 1
self.pixy2_request(data, response_type)
def set_mode(self, mode):
""" Set linetracking mode for Pixy2."""
data = [174, 193, 54, 1, mode]
response_type = 1
self.pixy2_request(data, response_type)
def get_blocks(self, sigmap, max_blocks):
""" Get blockdata for sigmap."""
blocks = []
# Request data
data = [174, 193, 32, 2, sigmap, max_blocks]
response_type = 33
header = self.pixy2_request(data, response_type)
length_of_payload = header[3]
nr_detected_blocks = int(length_of_payload/14)
# Read and parse data
for b in range(0, nr_detected_blocks):
data = self._i2c_read(14)
blocks[b].sig = data[1] << 8 | data[0]
blocks[b].x_center = data[3] << 8 | data[2]
blocks[b].y_center = data[5] << 8 | data[4]
blocks[b].width= data[7] << 8 | data[6]
blocks[b].height = data[9] << 8 | data[8]
blocks[b].angle = data[11] << 8 | data[10]
blocks[b].tracking_index = data[12]
blocks[b].age = data[13]
return nr_detected_blocks, blocks
def get_linetracking_data(self):
""" Get linetracking data from Pixy2."""
mainfeatures = MainFeatures()
vector = Vector()
intersection = Intersection()
branch = Branch()
barcode = Barcode()
payload_read = 0
# Request
data = [174,193, 48, 2, 0, 7]
response_type = 49
header = self.pixy2_request(data, response_type)
# Parse header info
mainfeatures.length_of_payload = header[3]
# Read payload data
while payload_read < mainfeatures.length_of_payload:
# Read feature type and length
data = self._i2c_read(2)
feature_type = data[0]
feature_length = data[1]
# Read feature data
if feature_type == 1:
# Feature type is 'vector'
data = self._i2c_read(feature_length)
vector.x0 = data[0]
vector.y0 = data[1]
vector.x1 = data[2]
vector.y1 = data[3]
vector.index = data[4]
vector.flags = data[5]
elif feature_type == 2:
# feature type is 'intersection'
data = self._i2c_read(feature_length)
intersection.x = data[0]
intersection.y = data[1]
intersection.nr_of_branches = data[2]
for i in range(0, intersection.nr_of_branches):
i4 = i*4
branch.index = data[i4+0]
branch.angle = data[14+1]
branch.angle_byte1 = data[i4+2]
branch.angle_byte2 = data[i4+3]
elif feature_type == 4:
# Feature type is 'barcode'
data = self._i2c_read(feature_length)
barcode.x = data[0]
barcode.y = data[1]
barcode.flags = data[2]
barcode.code = data[3]
# Unknown feature type
mainfeatures.error = True
payload_read += feature_length + 2
# Return data
return mainfeatures
def set_next_turn(self, angle):
""" Set direction for turn at next intersection."""
if angle >= 0:
data = [174, 193, 58, 2, angle, 0]
if PLF == 'cp':
angle_bytes = angle.to_bytes(2, 'little', signed=True)
elif PLF == 'mp':
angle_bytes = angle.to_bytes(2, 'little', True)
data = [174, 193, 58, 2, angle_bytes[0], angle_bytes[1]]
response_type = 1
self.pixy2_request(data, response_type)
def set_default_turn(self, angle):
""" Set default direction for turn at an intersection."""
if angle >= 0:
data = [174, 193, 60, 2, angle, 0]
if PLF == 'cp':
angle_bytes = angle.to_bytes(2, 'little', signed=True)
elif PLF == 'mp':
angle_bytes = angle.to_bytes(2, 'little', True)
data = [174, 193, 60, 2, angle_bytes[0], angle_bytes[1]]
response_type = 1
self.pixy2_request(data, response_type)
# Pixy2 specific datatypes
class Pixy2PacketReference:
""" Packet reference for Pixy2 serial communication."""
def __init__(self, request_data, request_type, response_type):
self.request_data = request_data
self.request_type = request_type
self.response_type = response_type
class Pixy2Version:
""" Version information of Pixy2."""
def __init__(self):
self.hardware = None
self.firmware = None
self.firmware_type = None
def __str__(self):
str_version = 'Hardware version: {}\nFirmware version: {} {}\n'.format(
self.hardware, self.firmware, self.firmware_type)
return str_version
class Pixy2Mode:
""" Pixy2 modes for linetracking."""
def __init__(self):
def __str__(self):
return 'Line modes for Pixy2'
# General datatypes
class PixyResolution:
""" Frame resolution."""
def __init__(self):
self.width = None
self.height = None
def __str__(self):
return 'Resolution: widht={}, height={}\n'.format(
self.width, self.height)
class Block:
""" Datablock with detected signature."""
def __init__(self):
self.sig = None
self.x_center = None
self.y_center = None
self.width = None
self.height = None
self.angle = None
self.tracking_index = None
self.age = None
def __str__(self):
desc = 'sig: {}\nx: {}\ny: {}\nwidth: {}\nheight: {}'.format(
self.sig, self.x_center, self.y_center, self.width, self.height)
return desc
class Vector:
""" Vector data for linetracking."""
def __init__(self):
self.x0 = 0
self.y0 = 0
self.x1 = 0
self.y1 = 0
self.index = 0
self.flags = 0
class Intersection:
""" Intersection data for linetracking."""
def __init__(self):
self.x = 0
self.y = 0
self.nr_of_branches = 0
self.branches = []
def add_branch(self, branch):
""" Add branch to intersection."""
b = Branch()
b.index = branch.index
b.angle = branch.angle
class Branch:
""" Data for branch of intersection."""
def __init__(self):
self.index = 0
self.angle = 0
self.angle_byte1 = 0
self.angle_byte2 = 0
class Barcode:
""" Date of detected barcode."""
def __init__(self):
self.x = 0
self.y = 0
self.flags = 0
self.code = 0
class MainFeatures:
""" Data for linetracking."""
def __init__(self):
self.error = False
self.length_of_payload = 0
self.number_of_vectors = 0
self.number_of_intersections = 0
self.number_of_barcodes = 0
self.vectors = []
self.intersections = []
self.barcodes = []
def add_vector(self, vector):
v = Vector()
v.x0 = vector.x0
v.y0 = vector.y0
v.x1 = vector.x1
v.y1 = vector.y1
v.index = vector.index
v.flags = vector.flags
self.number_of_vectors += 1
def add_intersection(self, intersection):
ints = Intersection()
b = Branch()
ints.x = intersection.x
ints.y = intersection.y
ints.nr_of_branches = intersection.nr_of_branches
for branch in intersection.branches:
b.index = branch.index
b.angle = branch.angle
b.angle_byte1 = branch.angle_byte1
b.angle_byte2 = branch.angle_byte2
self.number_of_intersections += 1
def add_barcode(self, barcode):
b = Barcode()
b.x = barcode.x
b.y = barcode.y
b.flags = barcode.flags
b.code = barcode.code
self.number_of_barcodes += 1
def clear(self):
self.length_of_payload = 0
self.number_of_vectors = 0
self.number_of_intersections = 0
self.number_of_barcodes = 0

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