// Begin by creating some global variables: var twist; var cmdVel; var publishImmidiately = true; var robot_IP; var manager; var teleop; var ros; // Write a function to send ROS messages with velocity for robot: function moveAction(linear, angular) { if (linear !== undefined && angular !== undefined) { twist.linear.x = linear; twist.angular.z = angular; } else { twist.linear.x = 0; twist.angular.z = 0; } cmdVel.publish(twist); } // Write a function to create velocity message publisher: function initVelocityPublisher() { // Init message with zero values. twist = new ROSLIB.Message({ linear: { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 }, angular: { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 } }); // Init topic object cmdVel = new ROSLIB.Topic({ ros: ros, name: '/cmd_vel', messageType: 'geometry_msgs/Twist' }); // Register publisher within ROS system cmdVel.advertise(); } // Write a function to create keyboard controller object: function initTeleopKeyboard() { // Use w, s, a, d keys to drive your robot // Check if keyboard controller was aready created if (teleop == null) { // Initialize the teleop. teleop = new KEYBOARDTELEOP.Teleop({ ros: ros, topic: '/cmd_vel' }); } // Add event listener for slider moves robotSpeedRange = document.getElementById("robot-speed"); robotSpeedRange.oninput = function () { teleop.scale = robotSpeedRange.value / 100 } } // Write a function to create joystick object: function createJoystick() { // Check if joystick was aready created if (manager == null) { joystickContainer = document.getElementById('joystick'); // joystck configuration, if you want to adjust joystick, refer to: // https://yoannmoinet.github.io/nipplejs/ var options = { zone: joystickContainer, position: { left: 50 + '%', top: 105 + 'px' }, mode: 'static', size: 200, color: '#0066ff', restJoystick: true }; manager = nipplejs.create(options); // event listener for joystick move manager.on('move', function (evt, nipple) { // nipplejs returns direction is screen coordiantes // we need to rotate it, that dragging towards screen top will move robot forward var direction = nipple.angle.degree - 90; if (direction > 180) { direction = -(450 - nipple.angle.degree); } // convert angles to radians and scale linear and angular speed // adjust if youwant robot to drvie faster or slower var lin = Math.cos(direction / 57.29) * nipple.distance * 0.005; var ang = Math.sin(direction / 57.29) * nipple.distance * 0.05; // nipplejs is triggering events when joystic moves each pixel // we need delay between consecutive messege publications to // prevent system from being flooded by messages // events triggered earlier than 50ms after last publication will be dropped if (publishImmidiately) { publishImmidiately = false; moveAction(lin, ang); setTimeout(function () { publishImmidiately = true; }, 50); } }); // event litener for joystick release, always send stop message manager.on('end', function () { moveAction(0, 0); }); } } // …and finally main app initialization: window.onload = function () { // determine robot address automatically // robot_IP = location.hostname; // set robot address statically robot_IP = ""; // // Init handle for rosbridge_websocket ros = new ROSLIB.Ros({ url: "ws://" + robot_IP + ":9090" }); initVelocityPublisher(); // get handle for video placeholder video = document.getElementById('video'); // Populate video source video.src = "http://" + robot_IP + ":8080/stream?topic=/camera/rgb/image_raw&type=mjpeg&quality=80"; video.onload = function () { // joystick and keyboard controls will be available only when video is correctly loaded createJoystick(); initTeleopKeyboard(); }; }