2023-11-13 15:48:59 +00:00
# Basic entrypoint for ROS / Colcon Docker containers
UNDERLAY_WS = /rmp_ws
# Source ROS 2
source /opt/ros/${ ROS_DISTRO } /setup.bash
echo " Sourced ROS 2 ${ ROS_DISTRO } "
# Source the base workspace, if built
if [ -f ${ UNDERLAY_WS } /install/setup.bash ]
source ${ UNDERLAY_WS } /install/setup.bash
vcs pull ${ UNDERLAY_WS } /src
echo "Sourced CPS RMP 220 base workspace"
# Source the overlay workspace, if built
if [ -f /overlay_ws/install/setup.bash ]
source /overlay_ws/install/setup.bash
vcs pull /overlay_ws/src
echo "Sourced CPS RMP 220 Overlay workspace"
# Source the bridge workspace, if built
if [ -f ~/ros2_humble/install/setup.bash ]
source ~/ros2_humbleinstall/setup.bash
#export GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH=$GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH:$(ros2 pkg prefix turtlebot3_gazebo)/share/turtlebot3_gazebo/models
echo "Sourced CPS RMP 220 base workspace"
# Implement updating all repositories at launch
if [ -f ${ UNDERLAY_WS } /]
vcs pull src
echo "Updated base workspace"
if [ -f /overlay_ws/]
cd /overlay_ws
vcs pull src
echo "Updated overlay workspace"
# configure container networking to use zerotier interface as standard gateway
# this might be for later
# if [ -f /zerotier-one/zerotier-cli ]
# then
# /zerotier-one/zerotier-cli join 8056c2e21c000001
# echo "Joined zerotier network"
# fi
2023-11-14 13:55:16 +00:00
# # set standard gateway to zerotier interface
# ip route del default
# ip route add default via $(ip addr show zt* | grep -Po 'inet \K[\d.]+')
# echo "Set zerotier interface as standard gateway"
2023-11-13 15:48:59 +00:00
# this should now route the ros2 traffic through zerotier?
2023-11-14 13:55:16 +00:00
# # Find the ZeroTier interface name dynamically
# zerotier_interface=$(ip addr show | awk '/^.*: zt/{print $2}' | cut -d ':' -f 1)
# if [ -z "$zerotier_interface" ]; then
# echo "ZeroTier interface not found."
# exit 1
# fi
# # Set the standard gateway to the ZeroTier interface
# ip route del default
# ip route add default via $(ip addr show "$zerotier_interface" | grep -Po 'inet \K[\d.]+')
# echo "Set ZeroTier interface '$zerotier_interface' as the standard gateway."
# Changing apporach to just configure the cyconedds to use the zerotier interface
# For now add respective ip apps to do the stuff below:
apt update && apt install -y iproute2
# Find the ZeroTier interface name dynamically
zerotier_interface = $( ip addr show | awk '/^.*: zt/{print $2}' | cut -d ':' -f 1)
if [ -z " $zerotier_interface " ] ; then
echo "ZeroTier interface not found."
exit 1
echo " Using ZeroTier interface: $zerotier_interface "
# Set the path to your CycloneDDS configuration file
config_file = "/cyclonedds.xml"
# Replace the content between <NetworkInterfaceAddress> tags
sed -i " s|<NetworkInterfaceAddress>.*</NetworkInterfaceAddress>|<NetworkInterfaceAddress> $zerotier_interface </NetworkInterfaceAddress>|g " " $config_file "
2023-11-13 15:48:59 +00:00
# Execute the command passed into this entrypoint
exec " $@ "