# my_ros2_docker_image This template repository should give a good overview on how to build your own ROS2 development instance and produce a new hosted docker image out of it. ## Install dependencies needed for working with docker images and tools to make your life easier Using the official Docker convenience installer script, we will install docker and docker compose: ``` curl -fsSL https://get.docker.com -o get-docker.sh sudo sh get-docker.sh ``` Then add yourself to the docker group so you must not always use sudo when tinkering with docker commands: ``` sudo groupadd docker sudo usermod -aG docker $USER ``` Update the group changes: ``` newgrp docker ``` Source: https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/ubuntu/#install-using-the-convenience-script ##### Only needed for multiplatform images - You may safely ignore this Following this guide you will also be able to do multiplatform builds with docker buildx. To build multiplatform images need binfmt dependencies for arm64 architecture as requirement (The resulting image works on PCs as well as Jetson Nano, Raspberry Pi, Apple Silicon Devices). The sections for multiplatform builds are commented out in the configuration files so you also need to uncomment these lines. ###### Install requirements ``` docker run --privileged --rm tonistiigi/binfmt --install all ``` ###### Uninstall ``` docker run --privileged --rm myuser/binfmt ``` ## Simple build First things first: Let's begin with a short and simple build. This is a short hello, world! example. ### Clone this repository to your local machine ``` git clone https://github.com/bjoernellens1/ros2_docker_template ``` ### Build the hello, world! image ``` docker buildx bake hello-world --load # to load into local container registry ``` or ``` docker buildx bake hello-world --push # to push into specified remote container registry ``` ### Run the hello, world! image ``` docker compose run hello-world ``` ## Advanced build: Custom ROS2 image that includes the Unitree GO1 package. ``` docker buildx bake my_example --load # to load into local container registry ``` or ``` docker buildx bake my_example --push # to push into specified remote container registry ``` ## To run my_example: ### Run my_example just once to see if everything's working: This will launch the Unitree udp high-level control node. ``` docker compose run my_example ``` ### Run my_example in background ``` docker compose up -d my_example ``` ### Run my_example in foreground ``` docker compose up my_example ``` ### Execute shell inside my_example #### If container is stopped ``` docker compose run my_example bash ``` #### If container is already running ``` docker compose exec my_example bash ``` ### Execute example_program inside my_example ``` docker compose run my_example example_program ``` ## Next steps ### Fork this repository and make it your own ### What you will want to change in your repository: #### my.repos and my_extended.repos: These are yaml files containing the repositories you may want to include into your final ros2 workspace. For a multi-stage build for instance, I define my base image repositories in "my.repos" and the extended image repositories in "my_extended.repos" ## Additional Resources For further references please visit my WIP repositories for mobile robotic platforms: - https://github.com/bjoernellens1/ros2_rmp - https://github.com/bjoernellens1/cps_bot_mini_ws