version: "3.9" services: # in docker compose, service are definitions of your docker containers my_example: # for this example I am using a very simple docker build for reference: hello-world image: hello-world # hello-world image. No prefix means it defaults the image registry to dockerhub build: context: . dockerfile: docker/my_example.Dockerfile # the Dockerfile speciefies the steps taken in the build process. target: hello-world # here you specify the build target in the Dockerfile x-bake: # Definitions needed for buildx bake. This enhanced docker build system makes things much easier. platforms: #- linux/arm64 uncomment if arm64 platform is needed (like jetson nano or raspberry pi) - linux/amd64 # Base image containing dependencies for example the robot controller base: image: # this will be the output image tag build: context: . dockerfile: docker/Dockerfile # the Dockerfilespeciefies the steps taken in the build process. args: # specify build arguments. May use them to alter the build process. ROS_DISTRO: humble # For instance you could change to foxy here. target: base # here you specify the build target in the Dockerfile x-bake: platforms: #- linux/arm64 uncomment if arm64 platform is needed (like jetson nano or raspberry pi) - linux/amd64 # Interactive shell enable stdin_open: true tty: true # Networking and IPC for ROS 2 network_mode: host # host networking makes life easier ipc: host # --> faster communications between containers # Needed to display graphical applications privileged: true # also needed for hardware access like joystick, cameras... environment: # Allows graphical programs in the container. - DISPLAY=${DISPLAY} - QT_X11_NO_MITSHM=1 - NVIDIA_DRIVER_CAPABILITIES=all volumes: # Allows graphical programs in the container. - /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix:rw - ${XAUTHORITY:-$HOME/.Xauthority}:/root/.Xauthority devices: # all devices you may need inside the docker container (for instance I needed a joystick here) - /dev/input/js0:/dev/input/js0 # mapping in docker is always host_path:container_path # Overlay image containing the extended project packages. For instance Mapping, Navigation which may run on a separate PC, so I divided that from the base image. overlay: extends: base # this means you take the base image as reference and run your service on top of that image: build: context: . dockerfile: docker/Dockerfile tags: - target: overlay x-bake: platforms: #- linux/arm64 uncomment if arm64 platform is needed (like jetson nano or raspberry pi) - linux/amd64 volumes: - .:/repo command: > /bin/bash # Additional dependencies for GUI applications: For my configuration, this last (biggest size) image will house the additional GUI tools like rviz2, gazebo, etc. This comes last as this extends the previous images. Won't be needed running on the robot. More suited for visualization, analysis or control on a separate PC. guis: extends: overlay image: build: context: . dockerfile: docker/Dockerfile tags: - target: guis x-bake: platforms: #- linux/arm64 uncomment if arm64 platform is needed (like jetson nano or raspberry pi) - linux/amd64 #entrypoint: /bin/bash command: > /bin/bash # The following service definitions do not include build instructions as they do not require additional content in the images. Meaning, if you already have the image locally, everything's fine. If you don't have the image locally, docker compose will download the image from the image registry for you. If docker compose does not have access to the image registry, it will build the corresponding image for you (so better make sur you have access). # You can see these service definitions as an easy way to spin up separate containers for launching separate tasks. I use this to control the current operational mode of the robot (mapping or navigation an localization). In the end it's just spinning up launch files in separate containers. # Note that service definitions will always inherit the preferences from their "parent" service. However, you can overwrite them. # Robot State Publisher rsp: extends: overlay command: > ros2 launch cps_rmp220_support environment: - ROS_DOMAIN_ID=5 # Controller controller: extends: base command: > ros2 run segwayrmp SmartCar --ros-args -r cmd_vel:=cmd_vel_out -p serial_full_name:=/dev/ttyUSB0 devices: - /dev/ttyUSB0:/dev/ttyUSB0 environment: - ROS_DOMAIN_ID=5 restart: unless-stopped # teleop teleop: extends: base command: > ros2 launch rmp220_teleop devices: - /dev/input/js0:/dev/input/js0 environment: - ROS_DOMAIN_ID=5 # lidar lidar: extends: overlay command: > ros2 launch cps_rmp220_support serial_port:=/dev/ttyUSB0 environment: - ROS_DOMAIN_ID=5 devices: - /dev/ttyUSB1:/dev/ttyUSB1 - /dev/ttyUSB0:/dev/ttyUSB0 # localiaztion by ekf node ekf: extends: overlay command: > ros2 launch cps_rmp220_support environment: - ROS_DOMAIN_ID=5 # mapping mapping: extends: overlay command: > ros2 launch cps_rmp220_support environment: - ROS_DOMAIN_ID=5 # slam_localization localization: extends: overlay command: > ros2 launch cps_rmp220_support map_file_name:=/repo/maps/map.yaml environment: - ROS_DOMAIN_ID=5 # amcl_localization amcl: extends: overlay command: > ros2 launch cps_rmp220_support map:=/repo/maps/map.yaml environment: - ROS_DOMAIN_ID=5 # navigation navigation: extends: overlay command: > ros2 launch cps_rmp220_support map_subscribe_transient_local:=true environment: - ROS_DOMAIN_ID=5 # bash bash: extends: overlay command: > /bin/bash environment: - ROS_DOMAIN_ID=5 # rviz2 rviz2: extends: guis command: > ros2 launch cps_rmp220_support environment: - ROS_DOMAIN_ID=5