.. SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019-2023 The PyPSA-Eur Authors SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0 ############################ Techno-Economic Assumptions ############################ The database of cost assumptions is retrieved from the repository `PyPSA/technology-data <https://github.com/pypsa/technology-data>`_ and then saved to a file ``data/costs_{year}.csv``. The ``config/config.yaml`` provides options to choose a reference year and use a specific version of the repository. .. literalinclude:: ../config/config.default.yaml :language: yaml :start-at: costs: :end-at: version: The file includes cost assumptions for all included technologies for specific years compiled from various sources, namely for - discount rate, - lifetime, - investment (CAPEX), - fixed operation and maintenance (FOM), - variable operation and maintenance (VOM), - fuel costs, - efficiency, and - carbon-dioxide intensity. Many values are taken from a database published by the Danish Energy Agency (`DEA <https://ens.dk/en/our-services/projections-and-models/technology-data>`_). The given overnight capital costs are annualised to net present costs with a discount rate of :math:`r` over the economic lifetime :math:`n` using the annuity factor .. math:: a = \frac{1-(1+r)^{-n}}{r}. Based on the parameters above the ``marginal_cost`` and ``capital_cost`` of the system components are automatically calculated. Modifying Assumptions ===================== Some cost assumptions (e.g. marginal cost and capital cost) can be directly set in the ``config/config.yaml`` (cf. Section :ref:`costs_cf` in :ref:`config`). To change cost assumptions in more detail, make a copy of ``data/costs_{year}.csv`` and reference the new cost file in the ``Snakefile``: .. literalinclude:: ../Snakefile :start-at: COSTS :end-at: COSTS