-- clip_p_max_pu,p.u.,float,To avoid too small values in the renewables` per-unit availability time series values below this threshold are set to zero.
-- load_shedding,bool/float,"{'true','false', float}","Add generators with very high marginal cost to simulate load shedding and avoid problem infeasibilities. If load shedding is a float, it denotes the marginal cost in EUR/kWh."
-- noisy_costs,bool,"{'true','false'}","Add random noise to marginal cost of generators by :math:`\mathcal{U}(0.009,0,011)` and capital cost of lines and links by :math:`\mathcal{U}(0.09,0,11)`."
-- skip_iterations,bool,"{'true','false'}","Skip iterating, do not update impedances of branches. Defaults to true."
-- rolling_horizon,bool,"{'true','false'}","Whether to optimize the network in a rolling horizon manner, where the snapshot range is split into slices of size `horizon` which are solved consecutively."
-- seed,--,int,Random seed for increased deterministic behaviour.
-- track_iterations,bool,"{'true','false'}",Flag whether to store the intermediate branch capacities and objective function values are recorded for each iteration in ``network.lines['s_nom_opt_X']`` (where ``X`` labels the iteration)
-- min_iterations,--,int,Minimum number of solving iterations in between which resistance and reactence (``x/r``) are updated for branches according to ``s_nom_opt`` of the previous run.
-- max_iterations,--,int,Maximum number of solving iterations in between which resistance and reactence (``x/r``) are updated for branches according to ``s_nom_opt`` of the previous run.
-- transmission_losses,int,[0-9],"Add piecewise linear approximation of transmission losses based on n tangents. Defaults to 0, which means losses are ignored."
-- linearized_unit_commitment,bool,"{'true','false'}",Whether to optimise using the linearized unit commitment formulation.
-- horizon,--,int,Number of snapshots to consider in each iteration. Defaults to 100.
-- name,--,"One of {'gurobi', 'cplex', 'cbc', 'glpk', 'ipopt'}; potentially more possible",Solver to use for optimisation problems in the workflow; e.g. clustering and linear optimal power flow.
-- options,--,Key listed under ``solver_options``.,Link to specific parameter settings.
solver_options,,dict,Dictionaries with solver-specific parameter settings.
mem,MB,int,Estimated maximum memory requirement for solving networks.