# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: : 2017-2023 The PyPSA-Eur Authors # # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT from os.path import normpath, exists from shutil import copyfile, move, rmtree from snakemake.remote.HTTP import RemoteProvider as HTTPRemoteProvider HTTP = HTTPRemoteProvider() from snakemake.utils import min_version min_version("7.7") if not exists("config/config.yaml"): copyfile("config/config.default.yaml", "config/config.yaml") configfile: "config/config.yaml" COSTS = f"data/costs_{config['costs']['year']}.csv" ATLITE_NPROCESSES = config["atlite"].get("nprocesses", 4) run = config.get("run", {}) RDIR = run["name"] + "/" if run.get("name") else "" CDIR = RDIR if not run.get("shared_cutouts") else "" LOGS = "logs/" + RDIR BENCHMARKS = "benchmarks/" + RDIR RESOURCES = "resources/" + RDIR if not run.get("shared_resources") else "resources/" RESULTS = "results/" + RDIR localrules: purge, wildcard_constraints: weather_year="[0-9]{4}|", simpl="[a-zA-Z0-9]*", clusters="[0-9]+m?|all", ll="(v|c)([0-9\.]+|opt)", opts="[-+a-zA-Z0-9\.]*", sector_opts="[-+a-zA-Z0-9\.\s]*", include: "rules/common.smk" include: "rules/collect.smk" include: "rules/retrieve.smk" include: "rules/build_electricity.smk" include: "rules/build_sector.smk" include: "rules/solve_electricity.smk" include: "rules/postprocess.smk" if config["foresight"] == "overnight": include: "rules/solve_overnight.smk" if config["foresight"] == "myopic": include: "rules/solve_myopic.smk" rule purge: message: "Purging generated resources, results and docs. Downloads are kept." run: rmtree("resources/", ignore_errors=True) rmtree("results/", ignore_errors=True) rmtree("doc/_build", ignore_errors=True) rule dag: message: "Creating DAG of workflow." output: dot=RESOURCES + "dag.dot", pdf=RESOURCES + "dag.pdf", png=RESOURCES + "dag.png", conda: "envs/environment.yaml" shell: """ snakemake --rulegraph all | sed -n "/digraph/,\$p" > {output.dot} dot -Tpdf -o {output.pdf} {output.dot} dot -Tpng -o {output.png} {output.dot} """ rule doc: message: "Build documentation." output: directory("doc/_build"), shell: "make -C doc html"